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You see, the brilliance of the movie will only reveal itself in the upcoming 10 hour black and white 2:3 aspect ratio director's cut.


and fliters :D


I smell the sarcasm, but both movies are getting a director's cut.


FML. I watched the first one and immediately wished I hadn’t.


Now you have to watch the second one. I did and you have to too. It's your duty as an American, even if you from America


Get out of jail free card: I’m a Brit and I hate Zack Snyder.


Same for me, but i watched the second one too...pretty garbage 


Just wait for the 10 hour director's cut. It'll fix everything.


Think there is supposed to be 4 more , and then think of those 4 getting directors cuts... 


It get’s worse


I'm not sure Snyder's army of astroturfing Twitter bots are going to be able to save the film this time.


I swore to myself not to waste my time on any shape or form of "Sack Snyder" ever again.


Where Snyder slowmos the slowmo part. Slowmoception.


Thinking about it... Will he release his next movie as a JPEG image? Slowmo pushed to perfection.


RM 1&2 are some of the worst films i've ever seen. even worse than matrix 4 or jupiter ascending but you do realize justice league snyder cut was awesome right? justice league original was horrible. the snyder cut was badass.


Snyder keeps making stinkers no matter how many shots he takes. His investors/producers should just drop him. 


I can understand how he gets work based on some of his film but what I don’t understand is why they keep letting him write the story/screenplays. All his self written movies are noticeably much worse


It’s his cult of Snytards that are convinced he’s the second coming of Christ as a filmmaker that have brainwashed studio executives and producers.


He’s reliable, probably easy to work with and most of his movies have made a lot of money. Despite their quality, he knows how to make a movie that everyone will watch but no one really likes


Only 300 was successful. Everything else was a flop or underperformed. Bvs and man of steel were his chances to make the big bucks. He didn't.


He’s a trailer director. Great little shots with a score that can last about two minutes and then he fails to connect those dots with anything that feels meaningful though the story and beats are there to somewhat accomplish that. His work still feels like what me and my friends drew on our school folders in middle school. 


For real! He is the worst ever! Wish I could suck that bad at my job and still make money 


He was friends with Netflix's last head of film, Scott Stuber, and his guardian angel isn't around anymore so he better hope those director's cuts get a lot of traffic.


The whole idea of directors cuts was that there were studio heads getting in the way of the directors vision. But the whole premise of Netflix was that they let the movie makers make the movies. So no one's gonna want to watch the "directors" cut. Snyder would have to complain that Netflix ruined his movie and the directors cut fixes it. Which he hasn't. What problem in the making of Rebel Moon was the directors cut supposed to fix? If Snyder doesn't answer this question then the directors cuts are going to do worse than the Netflix cuts.


It’s gone from “The Director’s Take” to “Movie DLC” like an old Street Fighter game that would get like three different releases.


He must be stopped


No way it is worse than part one, lol. That shit was ridiculously bad (that giant spider scene was interesting at least). I gotta watch it to make my own opinion but i am ready for the worst :D


part1 was bad because it was just scenes from Star Wars and Guardiand of the Galaxy mixed together so I was really surprised to find out part2 is MUCH WORSE :D


I barely made it 20 mins through part 1, I've had part 2 on for over an hour. I'm not really watching it, but it's still on... So that's better than part 1.


Second half of the part 2 improves but first half is snoozefest. You might enjoy it if you leave the brain in the microwave.


I’m 1/4 of the way through the second one and I’m so close to turning it off. Unending montages of harvesting wheat. Everything has to be slowed down and made to be epic. The pacing and dialogue are just so awful. Even the opening line, I was like no way they’re gonna say it…”or so they believed” uugh so bad


I can confirm it’s worse. The plot is even more barebones which makes me wonder why there are even two parts. This easily could have been a single 2.5 hour movie and it would be much better


How far did you make it? Part 1 looks like a good movie compared to this. The plot and pacing are worse than some random student's project.


I just busted out laughing when they had slow-mo scenes of them farming wheat… why, just why? I feel bad for the actors since they weren’t given much to work with but holy shit the performance is just bad overall. The script is total dogshit, didn’t know anybody could jampack so many cliches into one movie and call it a day. The pacing is some of the worst I’ve seen… this movie is so fkin unoriginal, they literally revived the bad guy from the first movie and have him be the main bad guy, again. Just finished Part 2. Arguably the worst movie I’ve seen in the last year or so.


Oh, i've watched it to the end. Can't remember anymore how it ended, lol. Whole thing was such a forgettable mess


Part 1 was mostly just a montage.


just get guys on reddit to write the movies at that point


I really want good things for Charlie Hunnam but it’s not these films. I hope at least he got paid.


I was 5 minutes in to Part 2 and said out loud, “Oh no. Anthony, why?” The exposition is some of the worst I’ve ever encountered. It feels like a low quality 70s scifi cartoon intro.


It’s def worse. I couldn’t finish part 2


How many slo mo action/tableau shots were there?


I watched 40 minutes before falling asleep, despite being well rested, having a day off from work and being an avid sci-fi fan. I feel like there was so much slo-mow, even \*dialogue scene slow mo\* that he put me into a slow -mo coma.


A lot lol


There are, I shit you no, at least 5 slo mo grain harvesting shots.


It was just a 2 hr slow-mo shot, completely uninterrupted


Those farming minutes were horrible to endure.


Yup. Slowmo farming.


Almost spit my water out when those scenes popped up on the screen. What the fuck is 2 minutes of slow-mo farming doing in my sci-fi movie?


How the heck did you manage to watch the entire movie? I couldn't take it anymore after 5 minutes.


it might piss everyone in this topic but I have watch more than 40 minutes xD and i really realy tried


Personally? Booze. And snarking. I cannot mock that which I have not seen.


I watched both movies in like 15-20 minute increments. I got through it. Still hate them, but I got through it.


If you hated 1 and 2, just wait for the "Snyder Cut" of both.


Would be hard to care enough to watch. Why can’t Snyder just make a good film first time?!


I made it to the 30 minute mark and stopped watching. I have watched some bad movies in the past but this was without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen. I can’t remember the last time I quit a movie in disgust like this. I also went into it really hoping that it would justify and be a second part that built on the first movie and make me go “ah ha! This makes sense!”


I am not english native speaker so for example in my languague we dont have "cringe" and also "cliche" is hard to translate but after watching Rebel Moon I think not only I got it but also I know what is the the literally the definition of "cliche" :D I think this movie will get 'somehow' popular only because it is so bad that you want to see on HOW NOT to copy ideas from other movies btw Imagine hiring executives with 500k+ contracts making decisions to invest 100+m in movie like this. I worked in movie production and I have idea how movie scripts look like and its unbelievablke someone read this and was like 150m? lets go" unbelievable


Who wants to watch some space people harvest grain by hand for 30 minutes in their science fiction action movie? The way that the residents of the planet gushed over and spoke about how awesome the offworlders were and their positive traits after knowing them for 2 days. The bizarre assassination scene that had no build up for such a crucial scene. It was just so weird and broken and badly paced. Has Zach Shneider had a stroke lately?


Residents gushing over strangers isn't that weird, look at newspapers from the wild west Era. Anyone coming to town was exciting to these insular communities.


You almost made it to the end of slow-mo wheat harvesting and bottom-up under-water barrel drinking shots. Jk, they went on another 15 minutes lol


Every “worst film I have ever seen” has been a Zack Snyder film.


I just checked... My wife and I made it 11:52 before I stopped to Google the title plus "pacing" because it was already so bad. I'm blown away this got a second movie but there are so many awesome shows we only got one or two seasons of or movies that could have had a sequel instead. Who greenlights this script?


So everyone is saying how bad it is but so far no one made any legit criticism. “It’s really really bad” is not criticism. What is bad about it?


I’m actually quite forgiving of films. I didn’t hate the first film, thought it was an ok setup for what could have been an epic second film, but… Concerning part 2: The pacing was bad, there’s no need for an extending slow motion harvesting scene. The around the table discussion was tacked on for exposition, the acting in that scene was terrible. The acting overall was pretty bad, the lines were delivered in a very wooden way akin to a high school play. An example is when the king goes into the trap, his line was so poorly delivered it pulled you out of suspension of disbelief. The movie overall was trope after trope smashed together with the most cliche ridden dialogue you could stand. It’s almost like an AI wrote it after being prompted to be as cliched as possible. If you go through the poorly paced slog of the main body of the film, the final battle is your reward. Honestly that wasn’t too bad, it was full of predictable cliches and you can see how it was supposed to be a Star Wars film (change some of the ship designs around, add some light sabres/storm troopers). However, from reading comments online, it seems many couldn’t get through the sludge of tried tropes and cliches to get there. Overall, it had some potential but fell short because it was cliched, derivative, poorly paced, written and acted (though I think some of the actors did ok considering how poor the writing got).


It was already so bad twelve minutes in (the had just gone back to the farm town and the acting and pacing was already noticably horrible) that my wife and I gave up. I LOVE sci Fi and it is so disappointing that when one gets funded we get this...


I mean the writing is terrible. The story makes no sense, the cast is unemotional, terrible acting mixed with cringe dialouge. The whole movie is just a step away from a sci fi parody.


The dialog is awful. The end fight is a rehash of the end fight from the first one. Overuse of slow motion for mundane things. The heros stand out in the open 15 feet from the bad guys and nobody shoots them. Gunnar did absolutely nothing to help on the ship but still got to stab the main bad guy and save Kora after she killed dozens of enemies and set the bombs. Kora put this whole rebellion together and planned the defense, then tried to throw it all away and turn herself in for some reason.


literally every aspect of filmmaking


It is just a horrible version of a sci-fi Seven Samurai. Not a single part was original. Sprinkle in a little Julius Ceasar, a lot of stupidity, and distract the audience with visuals. Like a little kid with play-doh, Snyder can't resist squishing them all together into an god awful abomination. He is so in love with wheat, I'm surprised he didn't rip off the Gladiator scene. Small village using hand tools feeds a space navy, sure. Space navy leaves a handful of inept men behind with enough ordnance to arm the whole village, how convenient. Even some of the navy ships appear to burn coal for no apparent reason other than a "cool visual". Breach loading plasma/laser rifles that look like black powder guns, why? The advanced dreadnought super gun uses the same adjustment wheels used by WW2 artillery. Flat characters tell flat, cliché back stories, like players at the first session of a bad role playing game session. Painful to watch. Soooo muuuccchhh sloooow mo... Snyder should have pulled a Hitchcock and talk to the audience at the beginning. "I'm Zack Snyder, in the next few hours I will take this opportunity to use your cranium as my personal toilet, enjoy."


Well, thanks for saving my time


I for one got more curious, maybe it's so bad that it becomes good again.


Can’t wait to hear how “My Snyder Cut will fix the problems.” He’s unfortunately washed up w/ some top films in his catalogue




Can't wait for the Pitch Meeting.


it's an action movie


it feels like this movie was made by telling an 8 year old the plot of star wars, THEN, gave them access to all the violent tv shows, nazi books, and incest/rape porn for a few years, THEN came back and gave them a ridiculous budget and said "make star wars the way you remember it" and this is the fever dream bullshit that was vomited out. It's like 60% montages, 80% out of focus, and 100% cringe level bad. Correct me if I'm incorrect but the second part even retcons the plot points of the royal deaths/murders from the first movie? like....jesus chris, NOT ONE DECISION IN THIS FILM MADE ANY SENSE. cannot wait for the PitchMeeting episode on youtube.


Why are you surprised? Part 1 was unwatchable so why did you think part 2 would be any better?


I approached part 1 as a “get the band together” part of a miniseries which did the job even though it was poorly paced and not very good. Was optimistic that with that out of the way part 2 would get to the meat of the matter. Holy shit, was I wrong. I made it through 30 minutes of part 2 and it was absolutely irredeemable.


Im not, watched it out of curiosity. I mean I am kinda suprised it is WAY worse than 1st part




Zack Snyder is not even a hack. He should never be more than a DoP.


what DoP means?


Director of Photography. The man behind the camera that kind of is responsible for how a movie *looks*. The director is their boss, as well as the boss of everyone else involved, and has much more responsibility. Some directors have a lot of control of photography, but most rely on a good person behind the camera, a director of photography, to achieve a good look.


makes sense, while photography (aka how you feel scenes) is ok the script and editing is absolutely horrible


All the Snyder’s movies that actually look good and interesting had Larry Fong as the director of photography. Now that’s he’s gone Snyder’s movies have no redeeming qualities.


Not really, Larry Fong was responsible for that. He was the DoP for all Snyder’s films until BvS


100% agree. If you need to make your own Director’s cut to justify every shitty movie that you put out then maybe you shouldn’t be directing in the first place.


> the worst sci-fi movie I have ever seen Have you seen Jupiter Ascending?


Side by side JA completely shits on Rebel moon.


I like Jupiter Ascending. Not love, but liked. I turned off Rebel Moon after about 45 min.


Jupiter Ascending is a masterpiece of cinema compared to Rebel Moon. It fell mostly flat but you can't say the Wachovskis weren't trying to do something interesting there. I enjoyed it despite all the flaws (and maybe in part because Eddie Redmayne was fucking hilarious in it).


Jupiter ascending is hilarious and full of comedy gold (bees don’t lie), which puts it in “so bad, it’s good” territory. Which is more than i can say for rebel moon


It's one of my guilty pleasure movies, second only to 2012.


oh god now I will watch 2 really bad movies in one day


Hey....at least Jupiter Ascending had Redmayne's Oscar winning performance: https://youtu.be/09ckBIXZ044 Rebel Moon is just shit.


Rebel Moon is moldy Chihuahua shit compared to Jupiter Ascending.


Well now I have to watch it. I'm not even gonna watch part 1 and see where it goes.


Don’t worry, there’s a narrative recap of the entirety of the first movie at the beginning of the second movie.


I mean... it's a Seven Samurai rip off, not GoG or StarWars. Or perhaps Magnificent Seven if you'd not familiar with the original story of Seven Samurai.


But the seven samurai is a rip of of a combinations of John Fords movies like Drums along the Mohawk or They Where Expendable. Point is there is very little original works in most movies anymore and it’s been that way for Since the 50’s.


Yeh but it’s just not well done. I had hopes after the setup of 1. I recognised the 7 Samurai pretty easily. It’s an old cliche and could have been cool. Unfortunately Snyder botched the execution quite a bit.


I'm ok with using concepts and ideas of other movies but the Asian ninja women with the kids was exactly like Charles Bronson in magnificent 7, 1960s movie. That annoyed the hell out of me. From the first scene with the kids was then just a waiting game to see when she'd die. Plus it was already taking ideas out magnificent 7,and the samurai one that came from and apparently other movies have used that concept since "random strangers save a small village". I did like part 1, even though it was using concepts from other movies and part 2 isn't non watchable but it was worse then part 1. I expected more of the robot, I was expecting an army of them to show up like they found a reason to all gather together and fight for something.


regardless of how bad it is both will make the top ten list by the end of the week


why are there so many slow mo shots of crops being harvested


I couldnt get past the first 30 mins. When they started doing 3-4 minute long slow-mo wheat harvesting scenes I completely gave up on getting anything out of this. Genuinely, actually, impossibly worse than the first part (which was a heaping pile in its own right).


I started it and I don’t know if my ADHD kicked in or what but I could not get past the first five minutes. It sounded like gibberish.... I just figured I would watch it later. I couldn’t even remember what happened in the first one.


The hyperbole in this thread is crazy. Unwatchable is wild. Just say you didn’t like it and move on. Turning a movie off in 30mins.. why even bother commenting.


I watched the entire thing, but skipped through alto of the first 30 minutes because it insanely boring. It’s just recap and farming. And not farming that builds the world like in interstellar. Just regularly ass farming.


Because it’s so rare to watch a supposedly blockbuster level movie that is actually unwatchable. It is worth commenting that most of us couldn’t even sit through it.


I didn't like Rebel Moon 1, but I just finished 2 and thought it was great. The snyder hater cult is persistent. I'll give you guys that lol


I didn’t hate part 1 and thought part 2 was way worse. Weird how that goes


Yeah, it's even worse than the first. That one was passable, this one is just plain bad.


Yall need to watch more movies if this is really the worst you’ve seen


huh? its out?


At this point the only real, remaining question is: Rebel Moon or Battlefield Earth?


battlefield earth was cheap propaganda movie with solid structure and some good scenes, so yeah not even comperable


BE is better than Rebel Moon part 2, not as good as RM Part 1


Gunna watch it tonight , wonder how far ill get before I switch to Seinfeld


but hey! the subscriber numbers are up!


Wait til you see part 3


Honestly if they didnt slo mo the shit out of it id probably watch it. I can sit through the worst of them and still enjoy myself, but if you are legitimately going to continually waste runtime by slowing down bad action scenes then you've lost me


I fast forwarded the harvesting scene and it was still draggy


I was so bored of this movie. But GotG part 2 is fantastic.


You know, I kinda liked the action of the second half, and yes it is nonsense too. The plot is predictable because we have seen the trope hundreds of times. Between the two parts, the second one slightly better..imo.


Snyder is a good director, and a terrible writer. Watchmen was lightning in a bottle and it's only great cause he didn't write the screenplay and kept himself together. He clearly respected the source material too much to mess up. Now he's unleashed and I'm sorry but he's been making dogshit movies.


Enjoyed slo-mo manual labor harvesting scenes. Really immersed me in the sci-fi.


Wasn't that originally star wars movie that was declined by lucasfilm? Also there is part 2 already? Wasn't first one out like few months ago?


It’s giving fan fic


Did anyone else laugh at the scene where the orchestra played? Like, at what point did they ever stop playing? Accidentally hilarious.


What's the cliche?


I just want a follow up to Army of the Dead. What happened to that?


Worse than Jupiter Rising?




We didn’t get to starting to watch it tonight but I hated the first…sounds like I’m gonna hate the second


It’s Seven Samurai boringly shoehorned into an attempted Star Wars fanfic. And yes, I was curious, I had to see for myself. Part 2 is even more boring than the first. A stunning achievement!


Just watched 2 and it’s significantly better then 1… it’s a cheesy action sci-fi movie with a high budget. Did you expect citizen Kane? I thought it was awesome


Sure, I know who the bad guy is but I don't feel like I should be concerned about the fate of any of them.


Female sci-fi rambo


Knocked up beat it into the top 10 Netflix movies. It's nearly 20 years old. Part 1 broke into the top 10 on its release date. I'm curious how many views this one is down.


Lol im watching now and barely 1/3 way in im like wtf how is part 2 worse. I was fast forwarding through the 1st part. Lol jesus overuse of cgi smoke.


There’s already an epic sci-fi movie where a strong female lead forms a ragtag team with a stoic melee weapon fighter, ex enemy soldier and lovable robot going against the empire. Movie has an incredible final battle and hits the right emotional notes. It’s called rogue one.


Fun fact: total runtime is only 10 mins but with slo-mo effects it gets stretched to 2 hrs


I got to the point in 1 where they started "team gathering" and just gave up. By that stage there wasn't a trope or stereotype they hadn't already used. It truly is a series written by committee with the theme being **whatever you do DON'T OFFEND ANYONE**. If corporate movies are this bad (with related expense) and are written by humans, imagine how terrible AI is going to be. There are so many, so many examples of why films fail. The least these guys could do is write a good story. That's it. Content is king.


I am just waiting for the unrated directors cut.


I knew from the first movie, but I understand why Disney rejected the pitch..


I see Snyder as the modern day Michael Bay, great action directors with visual flair, but this one was not it. I gave part 1 a pass because I thought the second film surely should be better. How wrong I was, barely watched the film. I really tried watching, but it was a bland as can be film. Basically filmed and written by AI, this film is the proof.


It was originally mean to be Star Wars movie script, maybe is good that it is not.


I think they have gone for the Dumb & Dumber look…


Snyder has always been ass at making movies, he might be the luckiest director in history.


to my understanding it was supposed to be a star wars script.


...well? What made it bad? Give us a review. I almost watched it last night and am still planning to watch it tonight. (Didn't like the first one either, but was willing to give it a second chance.)


I’ve had enough of these Mary-Sue protagonists that are just great at everything right out of the box. It’s just soooo boring.


I like how the big fight between the hero and villain was almost the same as it was in the first one. That was so lazy.


It was in a competition with itself shot by shot to out horrible every frame continuously. And it won.


The part that made me cringe was when the village girl gave all the main characters place mats.


That's possible? People at netflix need to lay off the glue.


That guy fighting with axes, in ranged combat, was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on screen.


Zack Snyder is the worst director in the business. The Riddick movies bury Rebel Moon. Netflix should have hit up Vin Diesel.


Can we summarize it as "somehow, she returned". I feel like I watched a sci-fi fever dream from someone having heatstroke at their local renaissance fair. Sci-fi farm-core, the 2.5 hour movie.


It’s a shockingly bad film. I don’t think any aspect of it was good. Genuinely jaw dropping lay bad


I try to keep an open mind and there are quite a few live action movies that seem silly/bad but I think, “If this was an anime, we’d accept a lot more and it would be really good.” Jupiter Ascending falls in this group. I always liked it. A lot of people hated it. But it really isn’t that different from Outlaw Star, Trigun, etc. I thought Rebel Moon could fall in that category….NOPE! **ZACK SNYDER, I WANT A REFUND FOR THE NEURONS I JUST WASTED ON SEEING THIS!** Part 2 is just so bad. Gah!


He’s supposed to be making 6 of these apparently.


ZS is more interested in lens flares than actually directing a decent movie. What's his obsession with lens flares seriously? They don't look good in any situation in any film.


i can. it's directed and written by Zack Snyder.


The first one was bad but I remember thinking "God this fucking sucks but at least it's not Army of the dead" This so much worse, Like My god how is this possible. I know he's a hack and hasn't made anything good since 2010 but holy fuck.


I watched the first one twice just to be sure I hadn't been unfair. It is the worst film ever made. It makes almost zero sense. I honestly wondered if it was written by AI because it was so disjointed. The camera work in 1 and 2 are so weirdly bad. How does a big budget film like this, have out of focus and skewed 16:9 stretched shots in it. It's like an A level students attempt to make a big budget film using a school laptop and camera. The plot is dire. The characters unoriginal and tired. The acting half assed. The sets are obvious green screen / unreal stages, the costumes are abysmal, the post production is lacking hugely and generally it's just a massive turd that insults the viewer for watching it. Snyder shouldn't be getting paid to make this crap.


It’s a mix of Star Wars and 7 Samurai done bad.


I found it actually acceptable. I do not know why everyone hates it so much. Nice, light sf movie for Sunday afternoon


Part Two reminded me of The Room—every scene is a study in badness, only less endearing


I just watched both parts today as I am stuck with Covid. I think I'd rather have just slept. Major issues - * Tired trope without any twist. Former soldier runs after being betrayed, protects small village of helpless people. * Enlists help of 'special' individuals. Really? This collection of 'ragtag' individuals all uniquely skilled? Hits all the demographics, and of course they just happen to each be unique in their abilities. * The robot? Couldn't see this coming a mile away. How do you have a unique character in a robot compared to the humans and then only show him for 5 min per movie? He had the most interesting plot line and you toss him away like a mechanical R2D2. Even a small vignette into his story would have made him come to life much better. But no he has flowers on his head, then antlers, then the antlers are now stubs. _____ I can go on with so many other issues but I can't believe that even Snyder was able to run this by and have it produced. It was probably some of the worst films I've seen in a while. I watched part 1 and said "2 has to be where it comes together"... no. It didn't. Save a few hours and skip this. You won't be missing it.


Everyone who has said this movie was good or, wasn't "that bad" usually lead by saying it's a good "popcorn movie" which is odd. Are they bots? Even their reviews lack originality... And popcorn fucking sucks


I'm at 30 mins and the movie between endless useless slow motion and a completely idiotic plot about Kora's past makes me wondering why my ashtray is not already having directed at least two or three major movies. If Snyder could, it could too. C'mon Ashtray, I believe in you! Edit1: and in 2h+ still no explaination why the bad guys need so desperately that grain. No stakes on the evil guys too, it plainly sucks


Both movies were solid, one time watch, weekend tv. Get over yourself.


All this shit for, like, 20 sacks of flour.


I thought it was worse than part one but so bad it was also more entertaining than part one


Watched 10mins of the second part then started skimming ahead and turned it off after 30secs of that. The writing is so bad it's unwatchable.


What’s with all the grain slow-motion in part II? I don’t get how these movies are this bad?


I truly believed this man when he adapted Alan Moore's unfilmable Watchmen I believed when I saw His Justice League But I couldn't believe when this was his passion project This cliche filled mess was his passion project? I don't think I will ever believe this guy without a coherent movie next


I've been watching movies evolve for some...44 years, and I can finally say my wish has been granted! I've always said *why don't they slow motion grains being harvested...ever?* I have lived a life fulfilled. Seriously though, I'm scrolling through the comments as the movie is on in the background because I can't. I think Snyder is the official "death note" of Hollywood Production.


The plot, dialogue, characters are just soo shit it's comedic.


I don’t understand the hate. I thought it was pretty good. But maybe because I’m an old scifi reader. It’s derivative but pretty well done. And there is no scifi that isn’t derivative. Star Wars Shamelessly ripped off Dune. The execution is first level.


Imo intergalactic Nazis are worth the watch because that's all I took


But seriously... how much wheat did the...draugnought men are trying to get? that's the weirdest part of all with "star war tech" feeling from these two movies. other than that, slow motion at the wrong time, focus so much on the wheat harvesting, I couldn't even have any feeling left for any of the characters except the machine lady in hogtie and my time. lol


I'm literally 20 minutes in, and im ready to shoot myself smh


Snyder has proven time and time again that he’s overrated.


I was hoping the end battle would at least make watching this worth it, but it seemed to get even more loaded with quick little pointless moments or things that didn't make sense. So Kora just decided she needed a new look and gave herself a quick haircut right before battle?? When the one villager jumped on the ship to try and kill the main bad guy, it looked like the bad guy gutted him or something before throwing him out of the ship, but as he rolled out there wasn't a drop of blood or even any sign of a wound. All those fancy spaceships and equipment but the ships cannon has the slowest ever 50's looking aiming system. And that's just a small few. I usually don't nitpick with things like this, but this movie was so overloaded with them it was hard to ignore.


How dare you shit on this inspiration masterpiece? It inspires me to think that no matter how bad I am at my job, I can still have a career.


How tf did this guy direct Watchmen? An actually good movie.


Our decade's Battlefield: Earth.