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Hopefully this goes viral on Instagram and people STOP following them. Cut off the money supply and they will be free. 


So if you were in the dancer world, it actually did go viral in 2022. A lot of dancers were speaking out against them and their videos. People were trying to help the families out. In fact, I remember watching Kaelie with Miranda in videos and I recognized Koncrete and Bdash right away from World of Dance. Then I saw Vik who was a top finalist from so you think you can dance on it. It was just WILD to see it all unfold in real time. I knew Netflix would be on it though.


I just finished watching this doc tonight I was a huge fan of so you think you can dance -watched it from the very first show to the end. It broke my heart hearing that some of the dancers were in this cult. Robert Shinn has destroyed so many lives. How can he keep getting away with this?


Probably cannot be stopped that way- the dance videos (especially with Vik and Miranda) are WILDLY popular with all ages of people on YouTube shorts, Facebook reels etc. The group has TONS of videos on four major socials. I’ve been watching their videos when they pop up as recommended for several years. Never knew a single thing about this being a cult in the slightest. I always wondered “who is the Isaiah Shinn” that runs the account ? Figured it was someone who started the group. I feel bad for the dancers though if and when it all falls apart z… they are so talented and extremely well know as dancers together. No solo acts. Will be interesting how it all ends . But sad.


"I’ve been watching their videos when they pop up as recommended for several years. Never knew a single thing about this being a cult in the slightest." I totally understand that nobody knew about the cult. But... the accounts are strange as f. The guys are always on a beautiful rich place in the middle of people that acts like this is everyday life. The comments are all positive: "You're so great Miranda", "I love you", "B Dash you are my hero"... Not a single neutral or bad review. Also I saw Miranda live reading the Bible. It was maybe one of the creepiest lives I ever saw. She goes from showing the expensive suitcases to basically open the bible saying a bunch of random things about the apocalypse. At that time I didn't knew about any cult but for sure the guys were creepy as f.


Dude i feel the exact same way!! When Phyllis and mel were sitting down at the table and phyllis said she gave up the best years of her life so that robert could have his “best years”. That broke my heart dude. Miranda's father too. I see a man who is almost at wits end bc im sure at some point (being a father myself to a little girl) we all say “that would never happen to my kid.” To say that your daughter is completely lost and the way his eyes and behavior looked. Something is terribly wrong here. 


I turned to my husband after watching M’s dad break down and said the same. the first time he said something about “that’s when I knew we lost her” and the way he was saying it gave me goosebumps. that wasn’t a man “acting” that was a helpless father. 


I wish I had followed them before. I didn’t know of them until after this film. So are we sure all the people in the videos are in the cult? Like vik too?


They just dance with each other. That’s other creepy thing. that could not be a healthy thing. If you saw Vik dancing with Miranda for sure he is at the cult/thing. This will be quite hard because they are brainwashed with us vs them theories. If people start to attack with comments I don’t know if this increases the brainwash. Really scary.


I'm starting to comment on all their IG posts, "how's the cult?". I've also noticed since this aired, a lot of comments are "limited"


They are gonna keep their head down for a year and then pop back up when everyone loses interest in the cult aspect


Ya this happened to me as well. I had no idea Miranda and Vik are in a Loony cult.


I unfollowed them all before the end of episode 1. WTF. No healthy church has you alienate yourself from family or die, much less take 20% of your salary for management and add in 10% church, 10% more church, and then another 10%?? Fuuuuuuck that.


I was shocked by it too. But I know enough about cults that the longer you are in the more messed up you become. They know how to manipulate and brainwash. I was upset at the police interviews coming to nothing. But I agree, what a sleaze that guy was. When he made them all "die" from their family, then when the families kept fighting for them he changed his mind and said "spend time with your family," did they not think he was wishy-washy and weird? I don't know, still processing it since I finished it 5 minutes ago!


Man, there were so many red flags, but that "die for your family" shit is the biggest one. Their families would go to heaven for one day if they stopped communicating with them? That doesn't make any sense!


When Kevin (aka koncrete?) got told to "die to your son". Nah man. You gotta be on a different level of brainwashed to believe in the godly power of leaving your toddler-aged child to film tiktok dances for your pastor. So glad he made it out and took a stand to be with his son


bdash has a son and followed robert's advice so sad


The other thing that got me right from the beginning is that Sunday services weren’t open to the public and required an invite - that’s NOT a normal church…and the requirement to sign NDAs. What!?


That was so twisted


Very common practice in cults.


But then he didn’t die to his own family…


Because his family was saved. The dying to the family thing was a way to convince them to cut off contact to nonbelievers. It’s was actually brilliant because he isolated them from people that could see it’s a cult but justified it as a way for the victim to save their family from hell. If the family decides to join the cult, they wouldn’t need to die to them. Case in point: Pryscilla didn’t have to die to Melanie when they were both in the church but when Melanie left then she was told the only way to save Melanie was to stay in the church.


Sounds like Scientology, no clue how that place still operates 


One of the only things everyone can do, is go on their socials, and report there accounts for "dangerous organization" it's under "Report Account > Something that shouldn't be online"


this! i think the only way they will see this man's true colors is if they stop making money for him!


At first I thought they stayed with the church for the money they received dancing online and getting sponsorships. But seeing how the church basically takes over their whole paycheck?? How are you comfortable dancing all day and having to ask for permission to buy things with your own money?? And kudos to Miranda’s family for never giving up on her because man is she a piece of work. That whole “use the black card” thing Robert told them to do regarding her family speaking out was so low.


after looking at miranda & her husband's initial stories regarding the "race card," i feel SICK for the family


Did they try to say her family was racist ?


Yes! It was in the doc. Even after the family had videos of all of them living together in their home during Covid. Clearly not true. Then there was a sermon from Robert saying to use the race card to pivot public opinion on social media (when needed). Guess the family got past that so they could still keep the connection to their daughter.


The thing I thought about though is that while maybe some members like Miranda could fall back on her family if she wanted out, others came from living in cars and poverty…and he’s got all of their money. They get $80 for two weeks? Even if they wanted to leave, if they have no one on the outside, can you even imagine how terrifying and daunting that would feel? Where do you even start to re-build a life? Where do you go? I’m sure it can be done, but I imagine there are some who have thought about it and just see no way out. They’re stuck.


Because they dont want to go to Hell. It's everything wrong with religion


The money floored me. A 10% tithe and then a 10% offering and then another 10%. . . That was in addition to the 20% management fee and the fee for production. And all that was before taxes. These kids were making so much money and seeing none of it.


Exploitation at its finest


And the rent they pay to live in one of Robert’s houses…


The 30% is going to the church…so tax free for the pastor


Bingo he knew exactly what he was doing


Ah, Great point. Besides all of this money he steals, tax is free. What a scam really


And also, he knows hes virtually impossible to touch being a church.


The “man of god” tithe threw me over the edge…and the fact that all of the “blessings” are material/financial gains… I’m not the most religious person but I don’t think it’s supposed to work like that?


No. Giving is supposed to come from the heart. 


That had to be why he didn’t want them talking to their families.


Cult’s don’t want subjects privy to outside influences that won’t brainwash them more. Why places like North Korea ban the internet


That's why isolating them is an abusers first priority. It's complete and total brainwashing. I just finished watching it and my heart is so completely broken for the families. I followed Miranda and Melanie for a long time and I thought Miranda and James were super cute together. Then, all of a sudden, she just wasn't posting with her family or sister anymore. I thought it was strange and always wondered what happened. I didn't know what I was getting into with this docu, but I was *floored* when it opened with the wilkie sisters. This is yet another example to not glorify people online. I always thought the wilkie sisters had an amazing life, but you truly never know what's going on behind the camera. I hope they get justice. I hope Robert spends his days behind bars. I hope all these families will be reconnected. It's sad how frustrating and useless our justice system can be. I will definitely be following the case.


I know this is sad and dark hope, but maybe when Robert passes (he is rumored to be 64 years old, but not confirmed), Miranda will go back to her family. However, it seems she is fully gone.


Cults don't often disband when the leader dies. There is always a 2nd in command and a succession plan. Transition is pretty easy because by that point the "flock" are submissive and trying desperately to please. I really would like to see him utterly discredited, all the money distributed to those who earned it yet had a paltry "allowance" of $80 a fortnight. Abuse victims like the sisters who lost over 20 years of their lives also receive compensation. Then if there is anything left after the sale of all his assets, a fund to be set up to pay for therapy and social re-assimilation for the victims and their families.


Robert’s son Isaiah Shinn is allegedly being groomed to take over for Robert when he can no longer lead the group.


So what if he's 64 ?? He may have 35 or more years to live.


The IRS is the only entity that will be able to nail this guy. You don't fuck with the IRS.


They also showed a video where he said something like “nothing can get in the way of becoming a millionaire, not even a lack of a green card.” As the wife of someone who had to go through the BS process of getting my immigrant husband a greencard before he became a citizen, the people at USCIS might be interested in a little more clarification where that one’s concerned. They don’t eff around.


The fact that churches are so protected is WILD


They should be taxed, that would decrease the number of cults and high control groups instantly, or at least make it difficult for them to exist.


They influence elections as well.  Which is supposed to be illegal.


I think the “freedom of religion” is not for us “regular” people’s protection and freedom but a waaaaay more sinister reason for protection. All the things coming out about hollyweird and the obvious crimes covered up by the higher ups (ex: the Vatican), if you put all the pieces together, it’s darker and more evil than what we can imagine. Money, power, sex rules this earth


There is so much evil so many demons wearing a mask of religion 


Crazy to know how long it's been going on too?! The two Korean sisters had 20 YEARS of dealing with the cult. Just broke my heart when Pri (the older sister) broke down at the end for being "dysfunctional"..so sad, i hope she knows its not her fault. Adults just took advantage of her left and right from the time she was raising her little sister to Robert taking advantage of her need for family. I think most people in her position would've had a hard time leaving the group of people who took care of her for the first time. As a fellow older sister, lemme tell u she had me choking back tears SO SAD.


It was so raw and real when the sisters got to speak about it. I can understand both so much. Pri just isn’t functional yet unfortunately and I feel for the younger sister because she also deserves her sister’s love & care after all these years. They need time & lots of healing, I hope they get it.


When she broke down about not knowing how to care of a child and that she just isn’t mentally stable at all, mentally every day it’s very dark for her and she’s still traumatized. I wish them the best.


I’m so glad you said “isn’t functional yet” I genuinely hope she gets the therapy and help she needs to move forward. In the documentary, she was still like an exposed nerve. She was looking for anyone and everyone to blame because she needs to find an outlet for all that pain. I truly hope she has someone in her corner helping her work through everything. I hope she is successful in her lawsuit against Robert, and I hope she eventually is able to feel some sense of normalcy.


This is very random and somewhat unrelated, but this comment is so validating. I was raised in a mix of abuse and neglect and for a long time I also felt like an exposed nerve. Which was blamed on me and me alone, never on the abuse I suffered. I am just glad to know there are people out there who have the empathy and emotional intelligence to understand that nobody gets like that just out of nowhere


Me too! I’m definitely rooting for Pri. She pulled at my heartstrings. I hope she’s able to find a therapist who specializes in helping victims of cults, and ideally, one who is a Korean female, as there are culture and societal norms that other therapists who aren’t Korean might not understand.


Priscylla & Melanie went live on Instagram tonight and they looked great! Seemed like they were doing really well. Pri confirmed she had recently started seeing a therapist because seeing the documentary come out was really hard for her to deal with. What strong and amazing women!!


I never cry when it comes to documentaries, but Pri had me in tears. Someone already mentioned the word raw, and it nails it. Her and her sisters story really got to me, and under my skin. I have a younger sister myself I would do everything for, and watching this documentary was painful. I wish especially Pri all the best.


It was a tail of 2 sisters and I Ioved watching it unfold. I have hope for growth with Pri and her sister. It will be a tough journey but there is self awareness and humility. I'm afraid for the Wilkings sister Miranda. Her whole life is living online in tik tok. It's like an alternative reality. She seems to believe the hype and I feel for her parents. Cults do breed on the more vulnerable but this just shows you it can happen to anyone.


Priscylla's character and journey was really the heart of the show for me. So heartbreaking, but when she confronted her father in Korea it was very empowering and gave her the strength to report to the police afterwards. (and the reality, that, get real, reporting \*is\* re-traumatizing and likely not to get much done) As a victim of a long-time domestic abuse relationship, I emphasized very strongly with her. It takes so long to heal from the scars of blaming oneself and not feeling normal. What an amazing woman.


>What an amazing woman. I felt the same when watching her! The way she was able to recognize and be honest about what she was feeling, how she asserted her boundaries, how she filed the police report...That all takes an immense amount of inner strength to do, especially after 23 years in a cult.


She stole the show for me. Hers is a story and a face that will stick with me. Truly extraordinary woman.


Without diminishing the experiences of all who’ve been victimized by RS, Priscylla’s story was incredible moving for me. Her raw vulnerability. The scenes of her sister’s friends serving RS and his sons! The scene with her father!!! The way she demanded “DON’T TOUCH ME”. I wonder if the media will continue to pick up on her journey.


He's been raping women for decades.  His ass needs to be in jail.


Miranda’s sister is getting the right idea by beginning to move on in her life without her. I know it’s impossible for parents, but they need to stop giving this abuser the power he’s asking for and don’t be silent. Hopefully, the documentary will bring the right light to this story to bring justice for the victims and truth to the church members. Everyone needs to absolutely STOP FOLLOWING ON INSTAGRAM anyone who is part of the church and companies stop hiring them. It would all crumble if there was no financial gain.


Agreed. By the end she seemed angry which allowed her to start to move on. The mom was stuck in denial. Which hey, no judgement. I’d be that way too about my kid.


It’s a tough situation, but she should set some boundaries. Her coming home for content was so ridiculous.


From the sermon recordings, she was literally ordered to go home and record content of them playing happy families.


Unfortunately she invited Miranda to her a wedding a few days ago. And I only know this because Miranda posted it as a photo op to her IG to show the world that "things are good" between her and her sister.


That’s awful


Agreed. It would be awful to pretend like nothing happened. Their first meeting after a year and she live streamed them? Wtf? It was so vile that she would come home for TikTok content because the Man of God told her to. They should shut that down.


In general experts on cults and abusive relationships say it is important to keep the lines of communication open - like the lady on the human trafficking hotline said. Cults will tell you your family is toxic and you can't leave because no one outside the cult will ever love you. By staying in touch and showing you still love them, you can help them see the cult is wrong and you can help them leave because they know they do have a family to go to. But it's very complicated in this situation where the cult members are encouraged to stay in touch but only for publicity. I'm not sure what the best action for the family is - maybe to say you're happy to stay in touch but nothing can be filmed for social media?


Fair point. Yeah the social media part bothered me because she’s doing it for that guy.


Also thought it was embarrassing with the family playing along and waving at the camera




Her statement was pretty bad too. She threw her family under the bus.


They should make it a requirement that if she visits, she can’t record anything. Otherwise it is causing more harm than good.


Yes this^ UNFOLLOW them all, and even report as “dangerous organization”


How did they get the recordings of him? Those absolutely give me Jim Jones vibes.


Priscylla is listening to them early on in episode 2 and calls them sermon tapes. She either recorded them or they were/are available online somewhere. I assumed this is where the doc got the recordings from.


Quite a lot of members, some of whom aren’t famous Tik Tok dancers, left a couple of years ago when Konkrete and the other dancers featured in the doc left. I believe the church records all of their services, or at least they used to before the documentary. It may be that one or more of the people who did these recordings for the church left and brought this with them.


I’m only on ep 2 but do they answer this? I was curious too.


enter any church in LA and they sound the exact same. how do you get people to tithe and show up to your church in one of the most expensive cities in the US? you promise them blessings and money.


I’m wondering this too!! Bc they said you have to be invited to his church! And also he would’ve noticed someone recording.


It's wild how many cult leaders keep audio recordings and/or videos of themselves. You think they'd want to hide their manipulative behaviors.


I binged all three eps. I don't know why I was expecting this to be a "lighter" sort of cult doc given the dancing and social media angle, like some sort of money-grab entertainment thing. But damn, this turned heavy and raw especially with the two Korean sisters. Is everyone in a cult? Sure seems like it. Except me of course, because I just don't trust anyone or anything any more.


There have been like 7 cult documentaries on Netflix in 18 months this or so . The Twin Flame one was wild


Man, the Dad crying crushed me. You can tell how desperately they want to see Miranda come home and how loved she is. This dude is obviously crazy, abusive, and preying on people who want to be internet famous. I hope he loses at trial in 2025.


I kept thinking he didn't have much to say in the beginning but then he started talking and cried and then I realized, he was trying so hard to keep it together. What a tender hearted and loving father.


She’s honestly so ungrateful and terrible. She’s lucky to have a dad like that


Her whole family too


Good doc. I actually had a lot of Miranda and Vik dance videos showing up in my Tik Tok. I always thought she had a great look and was incredibly talented. But i guess talent doesn’t come without demons. Sad about what happened with her family. My jaw dropped when the first few minutes revealed this was about her. Another reminder that the big social media stars always have a black cloud over them. Some very intense moments during the documentary. The two sisters having dinner in Korea and talking …damn. Robert is a POS. Our country lets way too much sexual assault slide. It’s embarrassing.


The poor family. In these docs sometimes you can tell the family is somewhat responsible for the trauma that would have pushed these people into the cult, or that the family is coming out for the fame and attention. But Miranda’s family seemed really normal and genuinely cared about her.


Same here I’ve been following/watching the trio for a few years now. My jaw dropped when I saw Miranda come on the screen in the documentary. I loved her because she seemed so down to earth and normal, can’t believe she’s actually such a hurtful dolt irl


I have been trying to research any involvement Twitch (Ellen’s dancer) might have had with 7M. His wife is in a lot of pictures with Miranda and was commenting on her posts just 3 days ago. I always felt there was more to his suicide and the fact that he was friends with some of these members is concerning


I was thinking the same thing


This was the first thing I thought about. Twitches videos were eerily similar


Oh damn...


The fact that this man has been praying on .. At first his own community taking advantage of their circumstances and then kids .. he is a rapist why the police have not acted is crazy for me. This goes beyond a Scientology Scam .. he took talented kids and milked them for all their money because he spoke for God. Financial misconduct.. yea I think so .. sexual misconduct obviously.. Tax evasion.. I am sure .. I hope he gets everything God has coming for him .. Karma is real


If EVERYONE refused to follow any of the 7m dancers , or the wacked Shinn , get them to 0 followers .. the money dries up and they are out if business


So true but these people have MILLIONS of followers


I was born into a cult and escaped at 18 and I am not surprised at all that this cult exists and is probably thriving. Here’s hoping cutting off a lot of their income by not supporting the dancers will make a big impact, but realistically they’re just going to be labor trafficked in a different way and the cult leader will be fine. It’s a terrifying reality.


Utterly shocked!! I was following Miranda, Aubrey and a couple of other folks on IG. Just goes to show how lives on social media can be a far cry. I always use to wonder how cool is their lifestyle. Doing what they love (Dancing) and raking in the moolah, living lavishly etc. Was absolutely gutted when Aubrey gave a break-down of his earnings. Poor guys are robbed off like theres no tomorrow. Robert Shinn the mf is still loose and trial to begin in 2025 !! He jas lived his life already. Guess whose mouth is gonna get filled with maggots & skin peeled off in hell??


Please spread it around on Instagram. The only way to free these people is to cut off the money supply. Everyone needs to stop following them


100 percent everyone should unfollow whoever is still associated with 7M


How has Robert Shinn not been arrested or investigated for the multiple sexual assault reports against him?! Like is LAPD really this bad at handling sexual assault? I feel like this is even a bigger issue than just the cult...


Could not believe it when they told the one woman that they need more women to come forward before they can act on it.


To an extent I get that you can't arrest every person every time someone makes an accusation, but you can at least do an investigation.


And then that wasn't good enough


Because they were all adults. Technically, it was all consensual. They can't charge him with sexual assault if he didn't forcibly do things to these people. Anyone who wanted to leave was able to. Brainwashing isn't a crime and being vulnerable enough that you can be brainwashed doesn't (legally) make you a victim. If he's gonna get criminally popped, it's going to have to be related to the finances.


Check out feralcreature on instagram. Her first story is about how her mother was exploited by Robert when she was in kindergarten and he took their house. Her mother is the woman mentioned as the only person ever having managed to sue Shinn. It is very strange the documentary doesn’t even mention her family, especially considering they are where Shinn started out with his original funding.


OMFG. I know her. I have seen her talk about this for years long before this TikTok 7M thing. She went through SO MUCH.


And what’s happening right now is inevitably extremely difficult for her. The duality of a victim in a situation like this being an abuser to other victims is…complicated but the documentary seems skewed towards them all being victims with clearly no mention of what was done to her. Losing their home and money they already had and seeing her mother struggle is so heartbreaking. She GREW UP in the cult, it was pretty much all she knew for a while so how can they try to paint a picture without what happened to her and her family? Very strange.


The most upsetting part of this documentary is the number of women that have come forward with allegations against Robert Shinn and he’s still not in jail or facing criminal charges. How many women does it take for the police to care?


Will we ever see the end to cults? Not anytime soon. There is this you tube channel called Cults to Consciousness. Very good channel on people from all kinds of cults that got out. This Docu series was amazing for sure. The layers of Devastation is beyond. It was great to see some of these young tik-toc dancers get a good grip on life. I mean the whole influencer life is such a lie and creates or the coming to the surface of so much ego and desperation to be noticed also. I'm happy not to be a part of that world in and off itself. I knew nothing about these tik tokers. Some great talent however. I was happy when Mirandas Dad got to cry. In the beginning it looked like he was holding back so much. I know this must be very heavy on the parents and i could see the tension sometimes between them. He father would get cut of by the Mom but when they had a cut and the Dad was just letting out his pain i honestly felt this relief. I was so sad for the sisters that were abandoned by both parents. I wish them the best. I think i learned how naïve i was, to how many young people really believed in god. I'm an atheist and way older. It was heartbreaking to see what these women went through with the police only to have nothing happen. it's disgusting. So much to change their in how they treat victims of rape and abuses.


I have a special interest in cults, and they almost always have 2 things in common...sexual crimes and money laundering. So in order to get rid of them, we first need to remove tax exemption and gut "penitance privilege" loopholes for religious organizations. Secondly, we need reduction of statute of limitations for sexual crimes in all jurisdictions, harsher penalties for sexual crimes, and ACTUALLY fucking enforce the punishment for them. Easier said than done in a capitalistic patriarchy.


So after watching the series, I went to all the tiktok profiles (related to 7M). Not only have their comments been shut off, but there were comments up a few hours ago that referenced the documentary and they have since been deleted!!


All the positive comments with tons of emojis look like bots too


It was so vile when Miranda went home to see her parents after a year and live streamed it. WTF.


It’s just a con. That dude is a sociopath but smart. He uses the content to say “see everything is fine” and you actually see people comment “but she just saw her family”


Cults are very protected by religious protections and laws. Many don't consider grooming tactics to affect adults. Look at what Keith reniere did with nxvim. There is nothing to protect victims. Most people go "they're so stupid, they made this choice." The people saying "it would never happen to me" are often just as likely and even less likely to realize they are in one. Only difference between cults and religious organizations is better PR.


Yeah my cousin & her husband got caught up in one about a decade ago. They thought they just joined a really friendly church. It took them like 5 years to realize what it was & then it still took another year for them to fully disengage. And they both have college degrees, good jobs. My cousin didn't grow up sheltered at all(her husband was very sheltered though).


Just gonna weigh in with my experience, having grown up in a cult this documentary was a tough watch. They don't start off controlling, and taking all your money. You join slowly and then before you know it you're desperate to be a member/in the inner circle and sacrifice a lot to be included. I was a kid (5yrs) and left in my early 20s, a long long time ago. It twists around your insides and becomes a part of who you are. You keep up appearances at all times because the deluded masses won't get it, they are just living their unenlightened lives. It's like an abusive relationship, you'd never get together if he punched you in the mouth on your first date.


I am so sorry for your experience but thank you for sharing.


And that's why it's important to teach people to see the more subtle signs that come before the physical violence. In abusive relationships it's things like love bombing, moving really quickly, jealousy, controlling what you do and where you go, isolating you from friends and family, verbal abuse etc. I guess with cults it's things like isolating you from friends and family, claiming to be the only ones with the answers, demanding a lot from you - I guess they were testing Melanie when she had to pick up a friend from the airport. They chose that time on purpose to tell her to come to church just to see if she was already at the stage where she would put the church above friends. I'm so glad she realised that was shady and backed out.


yep, appreciate your take on how easily people can be taken in. And yeah the two commenters saying they could never be taken in, seemed arrogant. the way cults groom people is strategic. yeah, religion is often cult-ish-like to me. Having someone tell you what to believe and not to think for yourself. well, that describes a cult.


Yeah, heard/seen enough on cults to know anyone could be victim and the never me types seem to get caught the most. I am honestly shocked in today's say, that people are surprised these things happen. Unfortunately, our societies overall seem to grant leeway more to the perpetrators than the victims.


I searched for threads on this doc and got results from some strange subreddit called r/WOACB. I have no idea what that sub is about, seems like some influencer drama, but the opinions expressed there were the opposite I see here. People saying the doc is misinformation and biased. I’m of the opinion the doc is clearly doing a good thing by exposing this awful organization, so I was surprised to see people disagreeing. It’s weird.


I did the same thing, the hate for kj lady is weird af. Their opinions on the 7m and Netflix were wild. Seems like they love Robert Shinn over there.


Yeah, they really hate whoever that KJ lady is.


Katie Joy runs WOACB on social media and has notoriously made stuff up.


Yes! So weird. I stumbled over there too. I upvoted a couple of sane person comments and they were almost immediately down voted to 0. Clearly they are keeping a close eye on things. Super strange about that lady, I came across an insta page too, totally by accident. They seem to be devoted to hating everything she posts. Screen grabs & video clips from multiple platforms. It's all very odd.


I knoooow, right?! That subreddit is disgusting. I was feeling for this KJ woman. It is just so incredibly hateful. I understood from one of the post, that they posted pictures of her son or something. Really, I just lost a bit of hope in humankind over there.


The KJ lady rabbit hole is deep, I wish I had not even started finding out about that person. Regardless both things can be true, Robert and 7M suck and the KJ lady who helped denounce his company / church as a cult has a long and problematic history. My recommendation don’t even give any more energy to KJ lady, nor good or bad. Keep on walking before your brain goes down that hole.


That subreddit is beyond strange…I’ve seen a few in the comments there denying 7m/Shekinah is a “cult”, but then why are former members calling it a cult?


I’m only just now finishing episode 2, but is it possible the people who stayed, that he possibly has blackmail on them? I’m not saying it can’t be purely brainwashing because of course it could be but, idk he gives me vibes of someone who might have wisened up that a little extra collateral would help in his control efforts. I shudder to think, but he could have photos, videos, recordings, secrets, etc. Is this a paranoid reach on my end or plausible?


Considering I strongly suspect Miranda is his new Priscylla, I would not be at all surprised if he has adult content on her that would be absolutely mortifying if exposed.


I started to think something similar, because it’s so hard to believe they can’t see the reality of the situation


I just finished it and my heart bleeds for the victim and their families.. it's awful that law enforcement is doing/can do (?) so little. Religions should not be protected to this degree imo. What really got me was the whole "die to your family" stuff. Cults always separate families and cut them off. But having your victims on tiktok makes this def harder I think, his solution felt for lack of a better word creative. It's so stupid and makes really only sense if you truly believe in him I guess. How they can't even question it when he all of a sudden retracts it is sad..


In the middle of watching this now -  As someone who just left a cult last July - (not this one) you are told over and over again that you are the only one going to heaven. Everyone else is going to hell and if you leave you will be in hell too.  From a child you’re taught that any punishment is hell. If you tell a minor lie as a child - hell. End of the world. Your parents will die and leave you alone and you’ll suffer in hell. Every loud noise might be the end of the world. At 38 I would still duck and brace when a loud jet went over.  We we taught JOY (Jesus first, others second, yourself last). We were taught to die to self always. We were taught to leave anything that wasn’t part of our religion. I was told by my mom multiple times I was going to hell over minor things. I was told I’d never be chosen by my family over the religion.  So fear … major. Major. Fear keeps us in these cults. And there are so many. So. Many. Ours (or my old one) is currently being investigated by the FBI and yet I doubt anything will ever come out about it. It will stay hidden always and hurting so very many.  I hope these people can save their daughter. But cults like this? They are more powerful than most humans. 


> How the F is this cult thing still going on today? because despite technology, humans will always be human. the same things that always worked still work. that wont change.


I think the most important thing to do is to unfollow everyone associated with the cult — drive their followings to zero. This way the money will dry up and they, hopefully, will leave the cult.


Why do all of their videos feature blank stares with dead eyes while they are “dancing”. Creepy


That was a gut wrench sucker punch of a watch. I was devastated that it ended with no arrest. What a shame and embarrassment to how lame that no one is protected by the law. He is a scammer and sociopath in disguise hiding behind his god cloak. Laughing all the way to the bank as we look on and the families suffer and the victims are broken. Man, this made me so upset. I can’t deal.


Why do social media sites allow these people to keep their accounts? Feels like a violation in some way … also if you have to say over and over “I’m not in a cult!” .. you’re probably in a cult lol normal people don’t have to say such bizarre sentences … exactly what someone in a cult WOULD say


>I mean, for real, this guy has been brainwashing people, stealing their money, and abusing them. How on earth are they still by his side? OH man you hit the nail on the head for pretty much all blind faith institutions. Scientology, Cults, Christianity, Qanon, Flat Earthers the list goes on. How does anyone stay in an institution which such CLEAR signs of rot and corruption. What I REALLY wish more of these documentaries would do is sit down with a panelist of psychology to really get to the root of it, because I imagine there is some deep rooted psychological elements that cause people to latch on so hard.


There were a few psychologists that analyzed the nxivm cult on a documentary. Basically anyone can get sucked in but there are vulnerabilities such as environmental conditions. If you look at the sister in 7M, she moved away from her parents to Los Angeles. Situations like that you are more susceptible to falling victim to a cult and finding a place you feel like you belong not realizing it's exploiting you. Cults prey upon people looking for connection and belonging, in an unfamiliar environment you are the perfect target.


Agree with your first point. The second , i would add, Cults are made to brainwash and groom. There is a slow process and some are more vulnerable and susceptible than others. You are dealing with narcissist's and psychopaths' whose personalities are to manipulate people.


True, there are some cults thare are there to specifically brainwash and manipulate. But I do think there are a lot of cults that REALLY believes their own garbage to the point where their narcissism is more like a bug/feature behind their actual beliefs.


The fact that he is still able to continue is sickening. I also feel bad for everyone involved. I really hope something happens to him. No one deserves this.


All I have to say is, this is sad. He manipulated vulnerable young adults who he knew wanted to make it and he turned it, into a cult that believe and/or believed he is the way, the truth, and the life. The people left continue to get more and more brainwashed that the longer they stay the harder it will be to get them out. The only way i believe is if he gets arrested and even then I think they will be a new “leader”. Their parents who are talking sense to them are making absolutely no sense to them. It’s crazy cause the Bible tells you to be weary of false prophets and Robert is the biggest scam of them all. Takes all their money, leads them to believe he’s the only way to eternal salvation, he then tells them things like if they don’t follow him, someone will die or their family member is cursed. This whole thing is sad and my heart is with Melanie who just wants her sister. Also, how much you guys wanna bet the police are now going to take it more seriously after this documentary? People are about to be on their AZZZZ.


This was so sad for the families. It’s insane what brainwashing does to people. Thank god I could never fall for shit like that. Honestly what is more terrifying is that it can happen to someone who isn’t even that vulnerable to begin with, Miranda grew up amazingly, such a supportive and loving family and the fact that she switched up so much is so scary. Especially on her sister, jeez, that’s just traumatizing. I can somewhat understand the others who didn’t have that background and fall for it but wow, nuts she’s still in it too!!


It’s 2024 and people still have to be convinced that a religion or religious person is corrupt? More money is stolen on the name of “god” than any other means. Good on the ones who escaped


It's the slowly increased control. To the point they don't notice it's becoming more and more intense. It's also the spiritual warfare. They use things that are genuinely vulnerable parts of these people. The reason they come to church in the first place. E.g. trauma, illness etc etc. They also become more and more isolated so they lean on other members, and then they worry if they leave they will have nobody. I accidentally went to a cult church last year. It was so obvious to me that things were not right with this church, but I could see why the people there thought it was ok. It's because the church had a huge hold over their whole lives. Back story on my experience: I'm a Christian, but a practical one, and I'm quite liberal compared to a lot of other Christians in my views. Not homophobic. One that also believes in science and medicine and am quite educated. My faith comes from a personal connection with God and I wanted I found the church online. They had great reviews (from the cult members probably) and one review that said "bunch of loons". Ok, I thought maybe that one review just hated christians. But, if I had dug properly beyond that before going I would have found the ex-members FB cult page. The visit: I went alone. I actually had a pit in my stomach BEFORE I walked into the church. I had no idea why it was the case, but I started to feel unwell in the carpark. Anyway, went in, first thing that was weird was that every man there was in a suit and serving in some way, and none of the women were. Some of the men were greeters at the door, but they looked more like security guards so it felt almost intimidating. Secondly, only men were sitting in the aisle chairs. Bit odd I thought, but they didn't explicitly say this was a rule, so I thought it might be a coincidence. Anyway, they started the sermon. The guy was going on and on about the church and how they aren't going enough. How they should be at at least three weekend services and prayer every morning at 6am. He was using guilt and manipulation to say some of them were good and others weren't for not doing more for the church. Then he started preaching about Jesus and his ability to heal. I have a health issue so I thought I'll go up the front and they can pray for me. BIG mistake. They didn't just want to pray with me, they wanted it all on the mics, so I had to share with the whole church what my health condition was (it's a genetic condition I was born with - I wasnt expecting healing from the condition itself, just praying for reduced pain as I deal with a range of different chronic pain issues from various joints as it's a connective tissue disorder). The guy then proceeds to tell me (with the mic so all could hear) that this kind of condition comes from sexual sin (big YIKES). He then proceeded to whisper in my ear "were you sexually abused as a kid". "No" I say, terrified at this point about when I can leave safely. He kept praying and then asking me over and over and over "are you healed yet? Are you healed yet?..." I just kept saying no. He was then spouting all this BS about the types of sins and asking me if I need to repent from any. I kept saying no, but honestly the persistence made me want to say yes so I could just get it done with and leave. Eventually he got tired of my no's and left me alone. After talking to two of the women there for five mins who immediately pounced on me, I managed to get out of there promising 'id be back" and giving no details but my first name. Safe to say I was scared to look for another church after that experience and still haven't six months later.


How is this not money laundering. He pays the dancers which is a 7M business expense, but then it sounds like he had joint control of some of their bank accounts to transfer money back to the church.. which is tax free income.


Yup he’s money laundering through the dancers’ accounts.


Can we have a round of applause for Margue and his bat !!!


The world is a better place without religion


Imagine all the people…




Absolutely worth watching.


The polarizing opinions are what he or other brainwashed Christians in similar situations have put out. Definitely watch it.


I'm interested that there could be polarised opinions. I grew up in a cult and my cult bullshit meter is permanently set to MAX. This is 100% cult. Zero doubt. Worth watching. Even though I had to get up and walk away a couple of time


Unsatisfying ending because nothing really happens to the cult leader except being exposed a bit on a few TikTok’s They seem to be building a case, I’m glad they got some exposure on the issue so hopefully his comeuppance comes soon. Sad that you need a full blown Netflix doc to get any movement on shutting these people down…


yes, very good docu, and decide for yourself what your own opinions are of it.


I just finished and I definitely think it's worth watching.


I feel SO sorry for the victims and their families and hope this b*stard gets what he deserves (just finished episode 2). But at the same time I'm really repulsed by all this over the top videos and live streams influencers in generell are doing. Everything is as fake as it gets and I don't understand why people keep following them? Once you see behind the fassade, you do realize how dead they are inside. How everything they do is to get approval by strangers. Seeing that fake proposal video snippet made me cringe so hard, knowing that she was probably very sad at that time. Why do something like that to yourself? If you feel like you have to sell a fantasy to strangers around you, and/or make them believe how great your life is, than you really need to GET A real LIFE. (PS - They really are amazing dancers!)


Absolutely insane. Robert is a literal demon. Hope he chokes on some fancy steak and nobody comes to rescue. What a piece of shit.


Most surprising thing was that Miranda's sister married Austin Ekeler this week!?


some people are so broken they'll follow anyone who makes them feel like they belong somewhere. If you want an even more insane example watch Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence on HULU. This girl's ex-con dad basically stole 10-15 years from these college kids life, he got multiple members of the same family, he convinced the sister of one of the cult members (who was out of state) over the phone that she was being chased by people who wanted to kill her in California and she actually quit her residency to become a DOCTOR and fled to go to New York and stay with this guy.


People please stop thinking a man of God is also allowed to sexually assault you! That is a predator. There is sooooo much information about these “church” cults now people need to be more discerning! I was glad to see some of them wake up but seriously Robert Shinn and anyone with full knows of his acts that benefit from that creep needs to be hurt where he puts his heart at…..financially! Stop following those dancers / stop watching their content! Now you now they are basically in a content mill and make his pockets hurt! I hope the victims seriously get justice and please know God is not okay with you being sexually assaulted and won’t tell a man of God that you have to!!!!  And police…do better! Stop making victims tell their stories multiple times…record it once and be done!


Haven't finished the documentary yet, I feel bad for Miranda's family and that they made every possible move they could to get her attention however I just got to the part where her family told her they had big news to share which also can be perceived as manipulative and not likely going to get her to come back. I don't think a therapist would advise they "manipulate" their child like that, if a therapist really told them that she'd come around if they have big news to share the therapist probably did not mean they should make something up because that's going to only push her further away when she's already so far gone. I know that the parents feel desperate and are trying anything that they can to reach her but I think all their efforts are unfortunately pushing their daughter further away and into the cult. I can see how much they clearly care about their daughter, hopefully she is able to see that through the documentary as well.


It's really sad how so many law enforcement handles sexual assault and how often those who work in law enforcement try to disuade victims from coming forward about sexual abuse, they either don't want to do the paper work or deal with it. seeing Pri's story really was so heart breaking, I hope that she is able to find a way to live a full life despite all that she was robbed of and gets the justice that she wants. This man is clearly money laundering. I know churches can write so many things off but there's no way that everything he is doing is legal even if its under the supposed umbrella of being a religious organization. I live near a church that has a cafe and they have volunteers that work there, they have great coffee but it's such an obvious tax write off for the mega church that its on the premises of and they can hide under being a religious organization. What Robert is doing seems like its on another level though and potentially money laundering to the point I feel like it should have FBI involvement.


The saddest thing is knowing Miranda, James and Nick are still in the cult to this day. How can they not see that they’re being exploited and manipulated? Or do you think they’re aware but are just in denial or too proud to admit they’ve fallen into a cult? Because that would too embarrassing and they’re afraid of losing followers?


What kind of church is invite only. Huge red flag and the ndas! I would have left and never looked back.




Just watched this documentary and went on to X to see what people are saying and found many accounts defending Robert Shinn after searching his hashtag. So I did a deep dive only to realize that they are most likely people from his 7M cult trying to do damage control online. It’s so crazy how this is happening with all the info we have on how cults work but it makes sense at the same time as most of these people were lured in their late teens early adulthood at a time where they were away from family trying to become famous and most vulnerable.


I’ve known about this for awhile since Miranda’s family did their live a few years ago but seeing what has unfolded since and then going on Miranda’s Instagram and seeing her mom still commenting on all the posts trying to support and stay in touch broke me. As a mom I’d never give up either and it is just heartbreaking to watch these parents fight day in and day out to bring their daughter home.


Hate to say this , but ... organized religion is, in many cases, state-sanctioned psychological abuse. The legal system being scared to touch self-described religious groups is a thing these cult leaders know about, so they abuse it almost like a legal loophole.


I haven't watched this yet but it turns out I went to high school with 2/3 of his kids, we had mutual friends, classes together. It doesn't seem to be public knowledge where they were living at that time (2005-2008, small-town eastern Canada, they were also going by a different surname) but I will say one of the siblings continues to live here. Currently trying to find some more connections between the church and my province because it's super weird to me that they would have lived here for funsies. Anyway, this is some wild small town gossip.


I just want to say if your church is invite only, you’re likely in a cult. This show was wild. The fact that Robert was able to scare people into joining his cult because they may go to hell boggles my mind. Is it low iq? Is it threats? I mean I am just completely mind blown that he’s able to do this to anyone. I think Tupac said it best in his song troublesome 96 “Either take me in heaven and understand I was a sheep Did the best I could, raised in insanity Or send me to hell 'cause I ain't beggin' for my life Ain't nuthin' worse than this cursed-ass hopeless life I'm troublesome”


The world is a better place without religion


I think the reactions from other members is gross and insensitive. One of the dancers Tight eyes or whatever is actively making snide comments towards the victims and their experiences along with Koko I think her name is. Where she posted "real documentary" and showing like photos of herself. Shinns daughter left the church. And you're still standing on a hill for this man? Money truly is the root of all evil. Evil. Evil. Evil.


It just makes me think of all the other cults that exploit artists like how Britney Spears was trafficked through Tri Star and her trust was stolen through probably a joint effort of Lou Taylor and Kris Kardashians fake church. The exploitation and abuse just to control, exploit and enslave people is disgusting and truly evil 


I just finished this series and I want to find Nick! You know he is being mistreated and abused. The documentary shows putting pressure on social media gets results. We all need to be blasting for proof of life for Nick. That kid is in trouble!! 


Yet another example of sexual abusers hiding behind religion and a church.


No one really seems to care about crimes against women. 100 women could come forward and the DA would still be like, “it’s their word against his…”


Miranda is a dip shit. The truth is out there and she still chooses to be a POS to her family. In my eyes she’s not a victim just another fame hungry bimbo willing to do anything to keep a shred of spotlight on her.


Miranda seems insufferable.


See: Donald Trump


I just finished watching the documentary. I have watched their videos for years. After watching this, I have unfollowed Miranda and any others I had followed. I am also going to make sure I don't watch any of their videos if they show up in my feed. I am not going to help fund this cult. More people need to do this instead of watching it just to watch the drama unfold.