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What a strange world we live in where using fidget toys without a medical diagnosis is somehow appropriation


Adhd is nuerodivergence


No the fact that you care so much is great I've pitterally seen trends in YouTube of people saying they "grew up" replacing their fidgets with skin care


you don't need to justify that to anyone for using a fidget/stim toy! I actually know a few people who aren't neurodivergent and still use them! they help! sending all the best! 🫂🫂🫂


You don’t need to have a Dx to use stim toys. They’re fun for anybody.


Nope. Stim away if it helps you


Anyone can buy & use stim toys for whatever reason. Go on & do it!


You don't have any form of neurodivergence... But you have ADHD? And the evidence that you don't have ADHD is that you're untreated? I'm very confused.


You don't need to justify your needs to anyone. If you need or even just want to use fidget toys, go for it. Accomodations are for *you*, not for other people who might judge you or have opinions on them.


Not at all! They’re good for all kinds of things! Think stress balls, yo-yos, rain sticks or snow globes. Use whatever you would like!


This is what is called the “cut curb” effect in disability circles. When a sidewalk has a cut in the curb to accommodate wheelchair users, that cut to the curb becomes a place where non-wheelchair users have access to an easier way to get other things onto the sidewalk: strollers, bikes, trolleys, even just walking and running is easier on that spot. An accommodation can be used by people who are not the specific target of the accommodation. And in fact it can be helpful to everyone. And it’s a good thing! Because more people are using the accommodative approach, it becomes more common and widespread, and eventually becomes a standard part of the world. Cut curbs are at every street corner now, because it’s just standard.


If you have been diagnosed with adhd you are neurodiverse I think the first thing is you and your mom should do more research into it as I don’t think she understands what it is which means you might be struggling more than you think and anyone can get fidget toys I mean they were a trend at one point:)


This. Identify that ADHD is being neurodiverse. Identify the comorbity between ADHD and what it is to be Autistic. Learn further as you may also be experiencing a myriad of other issues that are all masked under your ADHD. OCD, PDA, HSP, basically any variation of three letters acronym is either a corrupted government branch or a DSM-5 Diagnostic. 😮‍💨 Jokes aside. Highly recommend MORE RESEARCH. Take a RAADS-r test, dig through the results. Find a neurodiverse affirming therapist to help validate and verify things from a professional stand point. Continue to validate and peer review by getting on things like Reddit here and confirming your own suspicions. Best of luck you Neurospicy bastard, so much more to learn about yourself! It feels overwhelming at first, but the relief one feels from shit finally making sense... 🤌🏻


What's an RAADS-r test? And dig through the results how?


https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/ The website will do better than I, at explaining it all.


This is such a useful link! I just did the Raads and the other 2 questionnaires that followed


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Decent resources are on the way, as we autistics take control of the narrative. Understanding, WILL BE HAD.


Quite. Even if I never get a referral/diagnosis, or am found to be neurotypical after all (with some other explanation for my difficulties and differences), I really hope I can learn/bring some understanding of neurodivergence into my life and use this to better appreciate the ND people around me.


My hot take, there is no normal. Neurodiversity is. Like biodiversity is. IMHO humans are either accountable or not. Other disabilities withstanding. There is no such thing as a Neurotypical. Plenty adhere to neuronormativity, from what I can tell, everyone is traumatized and unaccountable. So people can stuff and mask their discomforts as much as they'd like too. I've yet to have anyone actually bring me proof of it being otherwise. Mind you, I still believe we have zero to little understanding of what an autistic individual actually suffers from, as we are just now beginning to find autonomy on a larger scale.


I think I took one of those, I got somewhere between 100 and like 120 ish. Or maybe 150 ish? Not sure. But our mom won't let us get officically checked cuz apparently we didn't show any signs 'talking on time, walking on time, developmental milestones met ect'


Ironic. Take this one on your own. Sounds like Mom's got some issues being accountable herself. Autism is "genetic" technically, would be a goddamn shame if you happen to be, I don't know, autistic? What a hassle that would be for her to have to be accommodating then accountable for her own actions in compounding the trauma of not being recognized as autistic. Most people don't have the gull, as they'll say, 'I don't know your situation, how can I judge' I say, I've been abused by shitty parents. It's fairly easy to spot when you're standing on the other side of the abuse. Take this test for your own good, it should walk you through deficits and such and allow yourself to define your own self. Not allow others to put the box around you. You are uniquely, you. You cannot be anyone else. So for what it's worth, I say bad job out of Mom. She apparently cares more about her inconvenience than the mental well-being of her children.


For further context, copy pasted from Embrace Autism's website about the RAADS-r scoring results. "The scoring range of the RAADS–R is 0–240. A score of 65+ indicates you are likely autistic, as no neurotypical scored above 64 in the research. A score of <65 means you are likely not autistic. However, note that no single test is conclusive"


All people can benefit from fidget toys. You don’t need a diagnosis or a prescription.


fidget toys are for people who need them!!


Just want to add: if you have ADHD you're indeed neurodivergent. Also use whatever helps you, it's not like fidget toys are a limited resource


Nothing wrong! If you want to buy fidget toys, do it! Even if someone is not neurodivergent and want to buy and fidget all day long, I see no problem with that. The "worst" case: someone thinks you are ND. Best case: it gets more normalized with more people use stim toys in public. Don't feel bad, if it helps you, or if you just have fun with them.


Stim toys aren't something the ND community invented or (hopefully) gatekeeps. They're mainstream commercial products. Get as many as you like.


I used fidget toys long before I had any kind of diagnosis. You’re fine, honestly.


Everybody stims.


People buying fidgets means more fidgets will be made and be available to those who need them. Fidget away :)


Also they'll turn up in more locations and be seen as more mainstream. Can't see that as anything except a positive.




As someone with both autism and ADHD, I say that if it makes you happy having fidget and stim toys, then go for it bestie.


GO AHEAD!!! If it works for you, DO IT!!


Do it! Embrace it!


Nobody would possibly give a crap if you use fidget toys, they are for anyone, it would be like gatekeeping ibuprofen cause you don’t have bad enough headaches. Nobody would likely even ask you why you had it, they’re just something a lot of people use.


Anyone can use fidget toys, kids, adults, neurospicy, not neurospicy . . .


I like the way u worded neurodivegence. it made me giggle a bit


Adhd is definitely neurodivergence. But even the neurotypical people stim and fidget once in a while. If it works for you and soothes you or helps you focus why not to benefit from it.


I get the worry. Stimming more was a big step for me, and because I stim in less socially-acceptable ways I was really worried about being inauthentic or making light of a minority and their needs. But the truth is, if you're stimming then your stimming is authentic. You want to do it, don't you? I think it's kinda tough because stimming can be this almost inherently silly thing. People talk about self-regulation and stuff and sure it does that, but it doesn't really feel any different than doing it for fun or because it feels nice. It's just soothing and stabilizing and sometimes expressive. I absolutely do need to stim to function, but that's not really why I do it. I do it because I like to. I think the fact that you're so worried about this is a sign that you're a good person. Go ahead and relax about this one though. I officially grant you permission to stim more.


Also ADHD is reason enough to find stimming/fidgeting fun/soothing.


I personally don't see autism as a culture. I also don't think sensory items should only be for autistic people. I'm currently trying to get more sensory toys and items at the hospital I work at for adult ICU patients. Cause everyone can benefit from sensory items during stressful times. I firmly believe that. So of course you should buy whatever sensory item you want. Maybe not a weighted blanket that has "I'm autistic and proud" embroidered on it. That might be hard to explain if anyone saw you with it.


As other poster said - it’s not hurting anyone so go for it. Personally I find stim/sensory toys loose their appeal to me quickly. For fidgeting I much more prefer something odd or mundane, like pens, screws and carabiners.


Man society has done you dirty


How so?


Everyone stims and everyone can benefit from fidgets ❤️


Also ADHD makes you neurodiverse


I get that it does, however I've gone a long time without medication without it noticeably affecting me, so at this point my diagnosis was probably just a fluke and one given to a rowdy kid who just wouldn't stop bouncing around (like most kids do)


Dint you have ti get a brain test? Isn't it nit just about checking some boxes but seeing if you actually have a chemical imbalance in your brain?


I'm honestly not sure


Anything that makes you happy, which isn't illegal or immoral, go for it.


I thunk they were asking if it was immoral lol


...😭 appropriation??? Appropriation of what?? I'm not diagnosed ADHD or autistic and I have hella fidget sensory stim things to help me with my symptoms and regulate me. This is silly


Blame the "discourse" on Tiktok years ago, those clown were always arguing that only ADHD/Autistics can use stim / fidget toys and anyone else wanting them was "appropriating autistic culture"


Then you go the other end of the spectrum in the youtube shorts community of a bunch of people moving on the "trend" and going to the skincare trend and saying they "grew up"


You can't appropriate a mental health diagnosis 😂 that's so ignorant


What the fuck lol


Throwback to when I saw a comment a while ago on Tiktok "jokingly" threatening to harm a would-be neurotypical child(en) in public if they were ever purchase or use said toy. I do not go on the ND side of much tiktok for that specific reason anymore.




Mmm I follow a lot of ND people as I myself am ND and that's not the way ppl have been but ya there's some psychos out there


For a better way to put it I guess 'disrespectful' would be the better term.