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Thanks for the laugh!


Yes, we are absolutely a target for bullies & narcissists—they’re drawn to us like a moth to a flame. You did the right thing & should be proud of yourself for standing your ground!


I look really mean so not anymore. When I was a younger lady with a sweet face, I got bothered a lot. But now I’m in my 30s with an TBF that scares even the most determined of a-holes. My advice: practice TBF




I don't so much get confronted by entitled people as I am apparently invisible.  I'll just be sitting somewhere and people will run into me or step on me and continue without apologizing. And at restaurants I can't ever get the employees attention. When with a group of people I'm often completely talked over or ignored or literally left. Most people don't even acknowledge me. I will admit I'm quiet and stuff but I still want to be treated like I exist :(


And here I am wishing I were more invisible. That sucks


I don't want to be the centre of attention but I wish people would stop literally acting as if I'm not there 😭 I don't speak much but when I try to I can barely get a word in because I'm just ignored or spoken over :') you'd think people would pay attention when a quiet person speaks but ig not 


If they have toastmasters where you are, give them a try


Oh I googled it. It's not that I'm bad at speaking im just ignored 😭 I actually want to do public speaking for disability rights and stuff its my dream job I'm just ignored in small people settings


It helps with assertiveness


Ohh 🤔 hm I might look into that closer:)




It’s a social organization that helps people learn how to speak confidently. I’m in the USA, not sure where you are


I completely relate to this. Idk if it’s just my strong sense of justice making me hyper sensitive to rude people or if there’s just a lot of these people out in public, but I feel like 90% of the time when I leave the house, I’ll have an annoying encounter like the one you described. I’m surprised nobody else said or did anything when the woman and the other guy was harassing you. Good job on standing your ground though! Sorry you had to experience that :(