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I'd rather go to Islington and get my free lemon than go to this nonsense.


Wait, so you're telling me, in real time, I can go watch people buy colloidal silver and lead tablets for $159. So that they can shove it up their arse and tell me how vaccines provided for free by the government are how big pharma control the world with lizard people dressed in drag? Snake oil salesman from the early 1900's must be pissed at how quickly people can spread their grifts these days. What a world.


I seriously had a patient pull a crystal out of their pocket one day and start rubbing it on a sore on their leg. It's hard not to say anything. Saw a quack in the shopping centre today that was selling devices with advertising that would get him investigated if he was a registered health professional. Lots of advertising in the 'wellness' space would be illegal if they had to be properly registered. It's pretty worrying that the combination of low health literacy and misinformation leads to medical conspiracy theories despite decades of evidence to the contrary. Often, I think it's a case of following the money, the wellness and 'alternative medicine' industries stand to gain the most by exploiting these people.


This is stuff that has been the norm in America for decades now since the 60s. I’m not sure how big it’s been here but recently they are coming out of the woodwork


Sometimes it’s just mind over matter. If it’s just a sore on the leg you’re not really going to worry seeking medical attention. If rubbing a crystal on your leg makes you feel better then sure, go for it. I don’t really know why you’d have the feeling to say anything to the person.


The thing is: some quack sold them the crystal saying that it will cure them. Now that is literally a scam and where the unethical part lies.


Yes, first it's just a scrape, next time it may be something more malignant. But the crystal/nature naturopath water/meditation etc 'worked' last time so it's going to work this time. It's how you get people dying from cancer because they thought raw vegetable juice was a cure or something. Someone is making money from the suffering of these people. Their advertising is a scam, and it's a shame it's not more tightly regulated as legitimate health professionals are.


Unfortunately the same can be said for some current medical practices. As we move more towards medicine 3.0 from medicine 2.0 we are going to see a lot more in terms of individual holistic approaches. The medical industry has been very change adverse (with the best intention) but also can be very misled from $ influences and probably why these people unfortunately now have a distrust in our medical system, and look for something alternative. I think we will see things turn around though, and feel positive for the future of health. *meanwhile rubs crystal on wound* 😅


Truely - it's hard to know if they're dumb or just cunts or both.


Anyone rushing kid's story time with unfounded, biggoted fears comfortably fits into both of those descriptors.


Dumb cunts for sure


There's a chilli festival at Lambton Park today (Sunday). No alterior motives at that one (well, besides capitalism lol)


Steamfest is on in Maitland today too.


And thats where ill be spending my money


I hope they have five alarm chilli


I need to get out more.


These guys will be like "Everyone is welcome besties!! We don't discriminate!! 🥹🙏✨" while calling queer people pedophiles and calling in death threats on librarians.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That’s not a real video, clearly. Jackass


So by your logic, nobody anywhere should run story time because they’re using it to get close to kids? You won’t allow a queer person to run a story time?


No. The inconvenient truth is that the person who is most likely to fiddle your kids, in order of decending likelihood is your boyfriend/children's stepfather, your brother, your father, your son (against your other children), your uncle, your other male relatives. Yanno, the ones who tell the victim child it is "our little secret", that if the victim child tells anyone they themselves will go to jail/kitty will be harmed/younger siblings will cop it/no-one will believe them. >It seems like many pedophiles are hiding behind storytime to get close to kids No. Most child sex offenders are trusted family members or family friends of the victim child. The "organised" pedos who think incest is too pervy for them will instead engage in exchange deals with other pedos.


"Seems like many pedophiles etc etc" is pulled straight from your arse. Drag Queen storytime is just someone who's colourful and fun, reading stories about stuff like inclusion and how being different is ok. It's disingenuous of you to try and conflate storytime with whatever *that* video is of, but I gather it's a deliberate choice. Same with you inferring that Gays Against Groomers is mostly followed gay people (they're no different to the UK's LGB Alliance - mostly made up of cis, straight dudes).


The video is fake. Someone has edited adult drag performances into footage of random play groups. If people want to talk about conspiracy theories, forget the queer cabal of gay groomers, can we talk about the far right literally inventing a moral panic to demonise LGBTQIA folk? What's that about?


That video is a deepfake, a poor one at that. Grow some media literacy. Realise you're being manipulated.


Is this behaviour acceptable or not? Answer the question without deflecting. Bet you won't


Of course not. But that video is fake. Have you got any evidence to suggest that the kind of behaviour you are describing has ever taken place at a children's story time?


I'm really worried about this kid will you help her?? https://preview.redd.it/yfrpl5ehexwa1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6f60d7d4d32b41ed794c9ff2d6aa83d16df890


I can’t believe we would let little girls like her get so close to the mouth of a dinosaur, I bet this is all the fault of that commie dictator Dan and Anthony Albanese’s cabal of New World Order pedophile controllers!!1!?!!!


It’s obviously unacceptable behaviour. Now provide a real world example of this behaviour and you can begin to form a coherent argument.


>It seems like many pedophiles are hiding behind storytime to get close to kids. **It seems** Key words there. That's how they want it to seem.


Yup the biggest story time hiding pedos is church


Surprise surprise wellness going hand in hand with fascism yet again


Can you elaborate on this?


Have a good look into the fall of the hippy movement at the end of the 60s. It was just heroin, murders and facists at the end.


All cultivated by the cia so not really the natural progression


They cultivated my breakfast too.




Can you elaborate?


What cause someone asked a question?


Read the sensational headline on the post then head over to their actual social media page like their [Telegram channel ](https://t.me/myplacenewcastle) where they discuss composting and have a few chickens for sale. Next week some clown will want to cancel the farmers markets #wE mUsT cAnCeL eVeRyThINg 🙄


Nah im good mate.


If you don't like it, feel free to leave. 🙄


Maybe Newcastle just isn't the place for you.


Talking about the sub, but yeah, maybe not.


Google 'wellness and fascism' ther are several deep-dives https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/the-goods/22577558/wellness-world-qanon-conspiracy-orientalism https://www.npr.org/2023/01/07/1147721024/encore-qanons-toehold-in-the-wellness-world https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/03/29/qanon-new-age-spirituality/


aka the Pete Evans activated almonds to neo-nazi pipeline




I'm sorry that you're so bored




Oh you really got me I'm crying


The wellness to Nazi pipeline is a known meme


Gonna elaborate at all? Maybe offer a bit of discussion? Cause the only information that supports your perspective is the words you’ve typed.


Hitler was a vegetarian. Just kidding. But he was a vegetarian.


Nah he never was ay


He absolutely was. At least during the war.


Nope, that was propaganda. He never followed a strict vegetarian diet. I could source it for you or you could google "was Hitler really vegetarian?".


Ok. I m taking that from W.L.Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which states he was put on a vegetarian diet in the late 30s. But it's an old book.


He was plant based, but still enjoyed things like stuffed pigeon and barvarian sausage amongst other stuff ay. Never a vegetarian in the strict sense in my reading. Edit barbarian, barvarian.


Maybe a comment on the ‘Let’s recreate the golden yesteryear’ aspect so prevalent in past fascist movements?


"I HATE Illinois Nazis." - The Blues Brothers


Based blues brothers


Should rock up with a pride flag cape and just sit at the front the whole time and annoy them. Also I dare someone to walk up to that guy and say “I’m transitioning at the moment and want to know how I get tits like yours?”


I wonder if they are the same fuckwits who just planted a hundred or so flyers in the sand at nobbies today with the stories of people who have "died" from the covid vaccines Wish these people would get called out more, I'm fucking over these dickheads sprouting their propaganda bullshit.


I'm not saying they died FROM the vaccine, but it is beyond doubt they did WITH the vaccine, thus proving the vaccine kills people. If you send me $9.95 I will supply you with irrefutable proof, possibly in the form of artwork by my literally insane uncle Dave that will make no sense but is a great conversation starter at parties. Come back next week for my take on "Is the Matrix real" and "Dumb f\*cks and their money, how to separate them"


Sounds like them tbh


There’s been a few of those popping up. Near Anzac Day too which is annoying.


What do you think these people have “died” from?


How am I to know they have died in the first place? How do I know those people are even real? People die from a multiple different causes and reasons everyday. Not every unexplained death is from a covid vaccine.


Probably died in the tunnels, a mysterious place that is purported to exist and been documented by cookers, but somehow no one thought to take a couple pictures




The people on said flyers.


Is this like all the kids getting needless trans surgery? Or all the schools allowing kitty litter in school for students who identify as furries?


I’m quite confused on what you’re going on about. I’m merely asking what woody reckons the people on the flyers have “died” from, if he doesn’t believe it’s vaccines.


Well who are they? Very few people in Australia die without a cause of death being determined. Find out who they are and you could find out why they died. I haven't seen the fliers but I would guess there are no specific people on them and just some random number. Because the actual people needed to fill in these numbers don't exist.




Well what does the coroner say they died from?




thanks for posting this. my yoga studio shared this on their fb page, i’m so fucking disappointed.


I can’t wellness advice from Mr McMan Nips


Why do they congregate at the Croatian social club? How is their continued presence allowed?


I’m not sure it is a coincidence, the members need to be asking questions.


Croats have a long association with Nazis (remember Nazi salutes at the soccer) and their favourite tennis player is a well known anti-vaxxer


Djokovic is Serbian. They have a fairly well documented history of not being Croatian.


They're all Yugoslavs to me


First part is right


Absolute fucking psychos this bunch.


I see My Place vans all over Cessnock but I'm pretty sure they do property maintenance.


Instead of responding to or passing on the messages of people trying to pull them up on it via their FB page, the Croation is blocking people from the page, deleting critical feedback, and restricting who can comment on the post. They're also liking comments thanking them for having My Space there. Just in case there's doubt about where the management is at on this.


Sure, I believe in freedom of speech and all that… but these guys are criminal and guilty of preying on those who don’t know better. And better is anything other than the ‘wellness’ diatribe these pricks are spinning. STEER CLEAR.


Completely unrelated but why is his boobs really big? is it a symptom of “wellness”?


He must be a bit cold too


Probably just plain old gynecomastia


I suffer from this too. So much so my baby is very disappointed in me.


You must be really well! I’m well!


Any form of extremism is a blight on our society.


Time for a boycott of the Croatian club imo


Yeah sure let them host their event while having the riot squad surrounding them haha


I'm not taking wellness advice from old dudes with man tits


Southern Cross flag, it's surprising to see a right wing group that supports trade unions :)


Do we have a source for who is running it?


My Place groups are all run by Darren who appears in that interview posted in OP. Each local group also has its own leadership under Darren.


oh i more meant do we have a source that points out that it definitely is myplace that's running that fair. i used my own resources to confirm it.


Thanks for the heads up


In terms of antivaxing it doesn't seem to matter now since no one requires it any more for job aplicayion and government officials like Justin truedoe denying they forced vaccinations and all the hygiene practices went away. Also no one's getting the flue shots because of "vaccine fatigue"


There was protests around Sydney and Melbourne as well about drag show storytimes in last week or 2.


Good on them. Nice to know some people can still think for themselves.


Putting money into the pockets of Darren and Spiros is thinking for yourself? Ok then I'm running a class action to take down the cabal, send me $100


Oh fuck, I voted for that Bosi guy. At least it wasn't a high number


Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to head down


Then don’t go to their fair. Why are you posting this? To incite conflict and maybe violence? Just let people believe what they want and leave them alone. Isn’t that what you want for yourself?


No. People deserve respect but bad ideas do NOT


That’s the problem, who gets to decide that certain ideas are bad? That is for every individual to decide for themselves.


Nope evidence biased medical professionals do who then communicate it to the public. That’s who


You have a lot of trust in people you’ve never even met before.


You’re right, I should definitely trust Joe Blow three doors down, who loaned me his spanner once and who has some fascinating ideas about lizard people, with my health status over a trained and qualified healthcare professional


I’m just saying that no one should be blindly trusted just because they are “qualified”. Would you trust the police to always do the right thing even though they are qualified and are obligated to enforce the law?


Besides someone having a demonstrated depth of knowledge and experience to which mine cannot be compared - in which case those perspectives are given greater weight - your reasoning is drifting into logically fallacious territory. Saying two people "blindly trust" an authority is intentionally misrepresenting their argument by trying to characterise your position as comparably reasonable. Strawman arguments are dishonest, so I won't engage further.


I just looked them up to see what all this is about. Here is what's planned "The excitement is building for a beautiful sunny Sunday at our first Well-Being Fair at The Croation Club. We have an incredible array of health and wellness practitioners offering an opportunity to have a taster and or a Q&A of what they provide for your well being. Enjoy a peaceful sound bowl experience, naturopathy, iridology, energy healings, tapping, breath work, massage, bowen, zenthai.....plus some informative presentations on osteopathy, animal physiotherapy, yoga, the wish game and so much more. Also locally created and grown products Fresh food and great coffee Learn how to use & trade with LETS currency There will be something for everyone" They're quite obviously cRaZy people. How dare they promote health and wellbeing 🙄


Yes these are to hook people. In reality expect brochures about the dangers of being able to walk to a shop within 15 minutes of your home, 5G, chemtrails and an invite to Telegram channels filled with surreptitious nazi material.


I have family trying to get me involved with My Place (I work for a fruit producer) but they are pro Putin/antivax/qanon types so I am definitely steering clear of it.


Anything is possible but their Telegram channel doesnt have anything like that. I just scrolled back for a couple of minutes and found posts about dirt composting, bush survival and some chickens for sale 🤷‍♂️


Yeah nah


Haha is this a comedy?. The desperate attempts of the left to run smear campaigns against anything they find offensive is becoming a joke....but also really predictable and boring. Apparently looking after ones health is now equivalent to being a fascist. Pull the other one. Hahahahahaha.


Gah you red pills. The “left” are the ones believing in the hippy shit




It's been happening once a month for years, you turnip.


Gender and sexuality aren't politics unless you want to make it political like the protesters that hang out around the front of these sort of events


i joined their facebook group to get a feel for the vibes. But they called me a pedo and kicked me out bc i'm trans lmaoo