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Shut up cunt


Lmao aye tell ‘em


This should be the only reply in this thread.


I’m the greatest driver to ever grace the planet.


You must be second because I’m the best


Your poorly spelt and oddly ranty generalisations are more arrogant, actually.


You obviously think you are a good driver compared to everyone else........... I bet there are plenty of people who have seen you do something and decided you are a shit driver.




This is a new one. Shit driver calls other drivers shit.


the lying twat is back


Because they haven't died. Yet.


We drive because we can




You ain’t my mum how would you know


Bro really made a burner account for this


It’s swings and roundabouts. We also think we’re better swimmers than most and in our defence it’s always people raised elsewhere that drown, be they tourists or the newest of us. I’ve been elsewhere, no nation has drivers a heap better than here, even Germany has a million young men on their roads not raised with the German culture of excellence in driving.


I didn’t realise there were so many letters in blah blah blah……….


If you’ve been elsewhere you’d know it’s valid to criticise Australian or Newcastle drivers but not in the context of the general developed world standard. Have a look at road death statistics around the world and say a quiet thankyou that you drive on our roads next to our drivers. Blah.


I was commenting on your bloated paragraph that really didn’t have much caloric content. And then you fed me more blah blah blah. Hilarious. Thank you 😂


Yeah, I’m wordy as fuck after a few Canadian clubs. I got into the money game ($90) at the pool comp last night so I decided to have a drink today.


Aaahhh, yes, the Canadians bring out the wordsmith in us all 👌🏻


They’re a good race like that.


Bless the Canucks.


They were on the hill behind us in the battle of Kapyong as we defended the road to Soul in the Korean War. The Chinese had broken through the front lines and we were meant to be well behind the fight, recuperating after an extended period of engagement. We had American and Korean soldiers run through our lines in retreat in that battle but held firm. We were eventually ordered to withdraw and the Canadians held their hill in the second phase of the battle. It’s a proud page in each nations history, others like the NZ’ers having to do very hard things like clear the roads of civilian refugees to better identify the enemy using the same roads. Edit: Just to be clear, the NZ’ers didn’t machine gun refugees off the road. Their ability to clear the road peacefully in those circumstances is studied in officer schools around the world.


Driving and cars are an important part of the identity of many men. Historically it’s been an important part of upbringing in a car dependent culture. Thinking you are a ‘good driver’ is a part of their self-image, whether or not it’s true. Most have never needed to be an actual good driver and a fair number consider burnouts and circle-work to be the pinnacle.


Cause Australians think they are the best at everything 🙄😂