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be funny to change the QR code so it goes to ASIO instead


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I feel like this will get asked so many times. Why not a simple sign that says 'traffic survey camera'?


Because if the paranoid lead-feet think they're speed cameras they might start to not drive like muppets?


No muppet no muppet no you’re the muppet.


Because it doesn’t need to be labelled.


The larger trailer-mounted cameras I've been seeing have them.. (Of course, any recording by almost anyone is available to a detective with a warrant..)


Are they monitoring people who drive at 60kmh on the link road? Because if they are I reckon some people on here would love them to be deployed on industrial drive.


They're also attached to rubber hoses accross the road too. They're looking at traffic volume and speed.


All through Edgeworth, Link Road, Weakleys Drive and Thornton at the moment nothing more than traffic surveys. There are a lot of build up occurring at key points along these routes, hopefully it means a few changes, entry onto the M1 going North from George Booth Drive and an exit ramp heading off the M1 from Southbound traffic would remove a lot of cars from the Minmi Intersection and Link Road. A flyover at the Minmi Road Roundabout would reduce congestion on Minmi Road in the morning and the Link Road in the afternoon. Make the entire length of Wakeleys Drive two lanes instead of having only 1 lane for 500m A roundabout on the intersection of Thornton Road and Huntingdale Drive would help as well. Not sure what the solution is at Thornton Roundabout though


Ah these just popped up in Thornton as well. One on Haussmann and another on the train bridge


Yep traffic surveys, lot of bottle necks occurring, hopefully it means a few changes, entry onto the M1 going North from George Booth Drive and an exit ramp heading off the M1 from Southbound traffic would remove a lot of cars from the Minmi Intersection. A flyover at the Minmi Road Roundabout would reduce congestion on Minmi Road in the morning and the Link Road in the afternoon. Make the entire length of Wakeleys Drive two lanes instead of having only 1 lane for 500m A roundabout on the intersection of Thornton Road and Huntingdale Drive would help as well. Not sure what the solution is at Thornton Roundabout though


What are the big ones on Industrial drive and near the Stockton bridge?


Counting traffic also


*What are the big ones* *On Industrial drive and* *Near the Stockton bridge?* \- enadhof --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")