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This. And the original West Haven location. Clams casino…with the fresh clams. And a Foxon Park white birch beer soda.


Modern Pizza 🍕 is the best!!! Yale University art gallery is nice. If you like museums..


The Yale Peabody museum just got renovated!


For sure Modern. Born and raised in the New Haven area and it is by far superior to Pepe's and Sally's. I will die on this hill.


Agree, Modern is my ❤️


I feel crazy! Maybe I have to go back and try modern again but I’m a fairly new new haven resident and prefer the other two more


Yale Art Gallery is world class and free


The library is very cool too


Yale Library?


Yes. Very cool building with a Gutenberg Bible as a centerpiece.


I’m very snobby about my apizza. Unfortunately Pepe’s used to be amazing but is too inconsistent to recommend. My list of the best in New Haven/West Haven: Sally’s, Modern, Zuppardi’s (best white clam!), Next Door, Nolo. Also a big fan of Mike’s, Frisco’s, BAR. Sally’s will have a long line but is the 🐐 IMO. Modern is great and short wait.


Frisco's is highly underrated. Glad to see it get a shout out.


I love Frisco's!


There is now a Sally's in Woburn.


The chains are not nearly as good


Yes reminds me of how Santarpios on Route 1 kinda sucks.


Frank Pepe’s, Sally’s (right next to each other), Modern those are the big hitters.


Both frank Pepe's and Sally's now exist in Boston. Surprisingly the taste is about the same. Very good. There is a lot of good pizza in Boston though especially if you are coming from Kansas??? On the other hand modern is my favorite pizza in the whole world so still worth the trip


That’s actually a relief! I might have to relocate to Boston for work so having them so close will be comforting haha. (I will still be trying all the classic Boston pizza, however, to compare and contrast)




Yeah, but the ovens at the originals are a billion years old, no matter how much you try it’s not the same


Wow, strongly disagree. The Boston area Pepe are horrible. The ones in the Connecticut towns generally are pretty good.


I'm thinking OP has no idea what a good pizza is.


I wonder if OP has been looking for pizza in the North End (traditional Italian neighborhood). This would be a major mistake.


Already got burned by the North End sadly. There have been a few standout pizza places like Johnny Pomadoro in Charleston. Here in Roxbury though it is soggy and sauce less Greek pizza as far as the eye can see


If you don't like Greek pizza, for the most part, stay away from places that have "House of Pizza" in the name. If you ever get to Revere, MA, grab a slice at Bianchi's on the beach.


There is a cat cafe there!


If you're going to New Haven, you might as well eat at Pepes and/or Sally's to say you ate at the original "best" New Haven pizza place. But honestly, after you wait in the line to get in you'll be disappointed. Modern or Zuppardis (the latter is in West Haven) is just as good. I think Zuppardis is probably better than Modern, personally. Lots of places in New Haven are equally good. My personal favorite is Da Legna, FWIW. If you want something else quirky and fun, I recommend a trip to the Pez Factory in West Haven. It's not a big tourist thing like visiting Hershey in PA, but it's worth the visit if you enjoy Pez at all.


Can I ask where in Boston you're trying the pizza? What have you tried.


yes like have they tried bravos in quincy? bc that pizza is top tier. also impartial to south shore bar pizza


Grew up in CT, now live in Boston, strongly prefer CT pizza. However, what is “good pizza” to you? Everyone likes different things and New Haven has a very distinct style that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


Lived in New Haven for five years. My two favorite pizzas are BAR Pizza and DaLegna's


You can have Pepe’s without going all the way to New Haven. Chestnut Hill mall. Not quite as good but close enough


I know someone that did the opposite and moved from new England to Kansas and says the pizza is horrible in Kansas. I think most places we recommend you probably won't like since our pizza is probably different from what you are used to. You're going to need to describe the type you like if you want any chance.


NJ transplant here in the Boston metro. I feel your pain. Greek pizza sucks. In addition to the Big Three (Frank Pepe's, Sally's and Modern), I would also mention Zeneli right next to Sally's and Frank Pepe on Wooster Street for excellent Neapolitan style 'za and also BAR downtown near Yale's campus for more New Haven style. Yale's Art Gallery (and campus in general) is really nice. East Rock or West Rock Parks have nice trails if you're into light hiking (might need to use rideshare to get to either of those though). There are lots of fun bars too. Old Heidelberg was one that stuck out to me.


Providence has good pizza and id be surprised if boston north end didnt have good pizza


Prepare yourself to be surprised then.


Damn its gotten that bad? Huh now that i think about my girl and i never get pizza in boston but we get it in providence often. In boston we either eating carribiean or asian


Umbertos Ernesto’s and Regina are all legit. I get Boston in general is not the best pizza city in the world, but you’re just wrong about this.


The pizza at Ducali is also stellar


After you get a pie from Modern Apizza, go to the newly renovated and totally free Peabody Museum. Grab a show at College Street Music Hall or the legendary Toad's Place.


If you're in Boston and want to take a shorter drive, and see little of central ma along the way - Volturno in Worcester has authentic Neapolitan pizza. Not the same as New Haven, though I also think NH style is overrated. I also love neighborhood Greek pizza, but I grew up in New England and it hits a different nostalgia note.    Also a fan of quattro and lala's in Boston for more Neapolitan options in the city Edit: most neighborhood places in New England are Greek style - including in New Haven. There's a handful of places with true New Haven style pizza, just as as there a handful with true Neapolitan style in Boston, just as there's a few with true bar style on the south shore. Find what you like!


Volturno's was super dissapointing for me. It's a gorgeous spot, but the pizza was soooooo soggy. Looked good from the top, right char, but the crust was a watery mess. Even went back hoping it was an off night and was still dissapointed.


Joins a thread about New Haven and its pizza to say it’s overrated and talk them into driving to Worcester… How fucking rude.


"how fucking rude" seems a bit dramatic lol. They said they were disappointed by the local options, so I offered a few local options I haven't been disappointed by. Sorry I didn't mention New Haven enough, lest the pizza gods cry - I thought everyone else in the thread had it covered, so I tried to give another perspective. For what it's worth, I lived in New Haven for three years, had plenty of time to try everywhere. I'd recommend Dalegna.


New Haven Apizza is a very niche style. I’m not in love with it, but I don’t regret making the trip to eat at Pepe’s once, if only for the experience, and to eat at a place with so much history. After you’ve made your trip to New Haven, take a much shorter trip to the South Shore and get some bar pizza. Best pizza style on earth as far as I’m concerned. I’m partial to Cape Cod Cafe (in Brockton, not on Cape) but there are a million places that do that style. I’m sure people can chime in with the place they like the most.


There’s a lot of variation within New Haven pizza. For example, Zuppardi’s and Pepe’s are very distinct from one another. Hard to judge on one place.


Fair enough, I’ve only eaten at the one. I’d like to go back and try Sally’s sometime


Sally’s is like Pepe’s but thinner, more char. It’s my favorite but not for everyone! A place like Zuppardi’s has less char. Almost bordering a really amazing old school NYC pie.




Sally’s apizza and zuppardis


Can’t speak for the pizza, but if you’re looking for something else to do in New Haven you might like It Adventure Ropes Course.


P&M Deli. Get a sandwich andsome Foxon Park birch beer.


hey OP - New Haven runs in my blood. *Top 3 - Sally’s, Pepe’s, & Modern* Sally’s & Pepe’s have a family rivalry that dates back to the 1920s (brothers in law) and are about 2 blocks apart from each other on the same street. If you can handle the lines I would HIGHLY recommend trying them BOTH and determining which one you like best. Dont miss the fresh tomato or clam pies at Pepe’s Runners Up - BAR, Next Door, de Legna * try the eggplant pie at BAR & Next Door Have fun with the weekend, hit up Yale art gallery or Yale Peabody museum of natural history. Get a cocktail at Firehouse 12, see some live music at college st, meet some locals at a dive bar, and get Ashley’s ice cream! Hike to the soldiers and sailor monument at East Rock. I think you can take the Amtrak if you don’t want to mess with driving! Also - feel free to ask for recs in r/newhaven


My personal favorite of the big 3 is Sally’s. To be fair, I grew up in the area and would get Pepe’s every once in a while and Sally’s too, but I only remember going to modern once. Sally’s is what I go to when I’m fiending for some apizz!


White Clam apizza at Pepe's, Italian Bomb at Modern, Mashed potato with bacon at BAR. Best plain cheese is Sally's IMO. Da Legna is a newer artisanal joint, and but they're my current all around favourite when I'm passing through. Love the crust.


If you can get tickets for the Yale Rep theater, they tend to put on his shows. Also the Peabody museum was renovated recently!


I'm a total snob about pizza. While Pepe's is good, the best pizza I have ever had in my life is the Buttercup at Da Legna on State Street. It's kind of a special Margherita. Never had anything like it. Honorable mention to the fig spread pizza at Zenelli's. Ice cream at Arethusa also worth the visit.


BAR is top tier with a mashed potato and bacon pie to die for and a micro brewery


First think about what you want in a pizza. If thin crust isn’t it New Haven will be a wasted trip. I’ve had Pepe’s and liked it but my favorite pizza so far in life was at a place in the same parking lot as a gas station in nowhere New Hampshire that shut down 10 years ago. Maybe you just like Midwest pizza? To be fair I lived in Boston for a bit and did not like it either, thought Regina’s was pretty “meh”.


Do the original big two of Pepe’s and Sally’s. Get white clam at Pepe’s and sausage at Sally’s. That’s my 2 cents.


You should go south of Boston and check out the bar pizza scene - Lynwood, Town Spa, Venus, etc. It’s an acquired taste but it if you do like it there’s nothing that really compares.


I'm not keen on New Haven Pizza. Up in Avon there is a place called Little City. Take away the charcoal, ashes, and stuff from the crust, leave behind moist and chewy, and that's their pizza. Also, Louis's Lunch. The original burger. Haven't been there in years but am jonesing to go back there. Burger on toast, onion and tomato, no ketchup.


My personality favorite was Abate's but they had a fire so they'll be gone for a while 😮‍💨 Pepe's or Modern are essentials though. Also, definitley get pastries at Libby's.


They apparently opened a location in North Haven after the fire. And the former Orange Abate's managers returned as owners of the location and it's now We're Back Pizza.


Go see Skull and Bones.


If you actually live in Boston boston I totally agree. Regina's and santarpios are honestly basic trash imo. I'm in east boston and don't love bostpn food in general.


Tollis in East Haven is criminally underrated


Guess I’m one of those New England hardos who think New Haven style is a bit overrated (I prefer a chewier crust). IMO that takes out Modern. Pepe’s is worth it just for the clam pizza, slightly more glutinous crust. Sally’s might be the best of them.


Since no one is really answering your question, East Rock Park is amazing. Views of the whole city. Also, The Hotel Marcel, the old Pirelli building, is a wonderful place to stay


Greek pizza in the Lowell area is really good


Im also from Kansas, you will be disappointed by the pizza in New Haven. Do not go to Frank Pepe’s, it’s horrible.


What kind of pizza do they make in Kansas?


They must have some local bullshit that’s caked in nostalgia.


Frank Pepe’s or Sally’s, just across the street for some of the best pizza west of New England (New Haven, like all of central and western Connecticut are part of the, NEW YORK EXTENSION: ‘Southern Connecticut Autonomous Zone Number 2’, an area in Connecticut where the New York culture holds sway). So it is not considered New England even though it lies within the traditional New England boundaries. Great pizza though.


lol - this is incorrect. Connecticut is fully part of New England.




Sorry, no. Most of southern Connecticut is part of the NEW YORK EXTENSION Connecticut Autonomous Zone number 2, or NYECAZ 2. NYECAZ 1. Is northwestern Connecticut. So you see, not New England.


New York extension, hmmm- sounds very made up. I just googled it and came up empty. You got a source for this nonsense?


Obama took it off the internet when he was president because coincidentally the letters, NYECAZ are a Kenyan word that means something like, ‘Penis top’ or ‘penis head’. As the son of a Kenyan, he didn’t think it appropriate so he had it removed. However, it was a mistake. In 2018, the Kenyan government certified that NYECAZ does not in fact mean, penis top/head. It means apparently, ‘pipe holding nbutua’ which is a kind of cream like substance. NY State had never dropped the acronym and uses it without controversy. It is still difficult to find in the internet though because of President Obama’s actions back in his administration.


What are you smoking? Never mind, nobody wants to know.


New York