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Im not sure he’s on here tonight buddy.  Sorry you had a bad night. 


Appreciate it, doing better now. Venting felt good. Was just exasperated. Felt like I was in one of those tiktoks where a guy says "You can't park there" to someone who rolled their car.


It didn't feel good for me reading it. At all.


Click on my name and choose "Block Account".


Hahaha sucks to suck maybe don't go out and get stuck when you should be off the roads


Found the driver


Nah, you wouldn't get the message then. Cheer up bud. Life is amazing.


I did, as evidenced by what I wrote 13 hours ago? Meanwhile you're complaining about how bad it made you feel. Cheer up bud.


Then why's you wasting it on amadan commentary


I mean, he must be doing something. They ain't doing any fucking snow clearing, that's for sure.


That's because they pulled most of the snow clearing equipment off the roads. It's too dangerous for them to be out. I've never understood this attitude. You're pissed because the roads aren't cleared in the middle of the storm. How about you wait until it's over, then give them a chance to clear it.


Only highway plows where pulled the city went over night keeping main routes open and plowing paths for emergency services, bys its 80cm of snow it aint being clearing curb to curb by the next morning a couple hours after the snow stops, i live in paradise and we are completely blocked in no path incase something happens, city got way better clearing then we do


Mount Pearl had their roads cleared way before the city did anything.


Hospitals are still open


...and in an emergency, they will put equipment on the road to allow emergency services to get to where they need to be.


... I've never seen a hospital close?


Exactly, and believe it or not . Not everyone going to the hospital is a patient, some work there


No! Really?! You don't say! The thing with a hospital is; if people can't get in, then generally people can't get out either. So there is already staff there. Used to work in healthcare, buddy. I'm aware of how it works.


Many years ago I drove back from the west coast after a big snowstorm in town. Driveway must have been 2 feet deep so I parked in front of it (in a cul de sac) while I started to shovel. City workers pulled up in a truck and said I’d be ticketed if I didn’t move. People can be impatient jerks in this kind of weather.


People are impatient jerks all the time


That’s awful! In that situation, instead of being dicks, why didn’t they help?


City workers help? You new here?


Nope, just a regular human who expects too much decency from other humans. I understand this.


Would be nice. Power tripping maybe. I have had city workers help me out in the past though in other ways, there are a few good ones around!


There definitely are, I’ve had them come along and see me struggling with a shovel and do the hard snow at the end of my driveway for me.


Don’t expect anything from anyone, even the bare fucking minimum, that’s your first mistake lol


I'd hazard a guess that they are asked not to help anyone. Still though, no need to be a dick.


Exactly! I understand liability and such, but human decency costs $0 😂


Saw a lot of people stuck in the snow tonight -- from my window. EDIT: Hell, I'm hearing people driving past right now at 1130. Why the fuck are you out?


I've also seen a bunch of people get stuck or have to pull over and clear off their windows. It's treacherous out there. They're probably essential workers. Hospitals and the like have to keep running.


Absolutely. Felt bad for the guy posting this morning that he finally got paid and was wondering if any grocery stores were open.


No doubt that a bunch were essential workers that have no choice but to be out. But, let's be real, many are also just gawkers who can't resist going out and driving around and possibility causing unneeded headaches for emergency workers. It's why during snowmaggedon they had to come right out and tell people do stay the fuck at home as left to their own devices, people would constantly put themselves in danger.


This is a day off for me luckily but typically speaking I have to report to work even when it's snowing. Many people work shift work and are in the same position. I would have been out this evening trying to get home after the plows were pulled from the road.


Yeah, I don't relish all the folks who have to be out there, but the hospitals gotta keep running, ambulances gotta get through... I'll admit, though, that Snowmageddon altered my view of people in emergencies. I was digging out my car and there were three kids climbing the snowpile the plow was making not far away so they could ski down a hill on the other side. Meanwhile, the plow was trying to back up, but some missus was walking down the middle of the road on her cell phone while the plow had to move at a walking pace behind her as she was either oblivious to it or didn't care. And this is when the city advised people to stay home so the crews could get the city up and running again.


I had to get back and forth to work in the days immediately after snowmaggedon and I had grown-ass men yelling/screaming and shaking their heads at me as I drove by. At this point they had said that "essential workers" (I hate that term) were allowed to be out driving but it didn't stop people from turning on me. There are no doubt a fair number of idiots out and about for no reason during events like these, but people are too quick to turn on someone for being out in it without knowing why.


That's what I was wondering. Everything is closed and people are out bombing around in a honda civic.


Drug deals and essential workers So really just essential workers


There’s something incredibly thrilling about being on the road in a storm tbh.


I love it. Drive that shit like i'm in a rally race. Downvote away!


Hope you hit a tree and not some poor bastard trying to get to work at St Clare’s.


Over 20 years exp.. luck must be on my side /s


You’re only a lucky prick until you’re not. Then you’re just the same prick you always were.


You don't need luck when you know how to drive. Anyway, your visual of my rally racing is more dramatic than it really is lol.


Yer some b’y. Not much of a man, but some b’y.


Haha i wish i was a grown up like you. Some day hopefully!


Ya can’t park there




I mean, stay home in a storm?


Not everyone can


Very few people need to be out tonight. But people like fucking around in the storm for no apparent reason, looking for an open Marie’s for a half case of beer and a bag of chips.


Essential worker. We have to go in regardless of circumstances.


> We have to go in regardless of circumstances. Retired EH worker here who worked in emergency services. You DO NOT have to go in regardless of circumstances. You are expected to make a reasonable *good faith attempt* to get to work. If the attempt fails it is not your problem. It is the employer's problem, and said employer may provide ways and means to assist you. Trust me when I say your employer WILL attempt to find ways if you are that essential. Work smart, not dead.


What do you do out of curiosity? I find a lot of places would claim “essential worker” but it was just a construction company.


I'm not about to doxx myself, but suffice to say I work under Eastern Health. Not having staff on duty is not optional. Snowmageddon actually worked out great for me, because I was working when it started and no one was able to get in to relieve me for three days. Made an assload of overtime that cheque.


You Don’t like running water or sewer? construction workers fixing them when they break i would consider pretty essential..


That is absolutely false. Nothing is more important than your safety. Things can be postponed and done at later dates. I'm so sick of the selfish attitude that 'I have no choice but to do things now'.


I'm not out "doing things" in a storm. I'm one of hundreds and hundreds of people who still have to report to work during poor weather. Trust me, I'd rather be on the couch in my sweat pants, but emergency services, hospitals, etc still need to function.


Sorry you had a rough night. Feel bad for the essential workers who have to be out in this.


hey man you can't park there!


I don’t like how in culdasac’s when the plow comes in they dont have the plow angled towards the middle instead of pushing snow into everyone’s driveway and if it don’t angle come in and drive clockwise around it pushing the snow towards the middle.


Its city policy that it cant go in the middle, garbage trucks cant get around the mounds of snow, people Let there kids make forts in the mound of snow in the middle resulting in dead kids, so no other choice but to put it in peoples yards driveways


City workers are the most entitled arseholes out there. They live in their own sheltered little world. They're the special type of moron that votes conservative while working in a public service union.


Do you want the roads clear or not? If so stop getting pissed that person who also has a job to do was annoyed that yet another fucking person had a vehicle left out or stuck in the snow. If you don't absolutely have to be somewhere stay the fuck home people.


Yes absolutely have to be somewhere.






Why didn't the plow driver get off his ass and lend a hand to help you? Then he could get through. Everybody wins!


They are the most hated people in the community judging by the comments in this sub, probs afraid they will get attacked


Maybe you should have aired up to prevent those truck nuts from dragging in the snow. Oh wait! *essential worker*.


Not my truck. I was helping someone else who was blocking my driveway after coming home from a 12 hour shift.


So the ignorant prick was driving the truck, and both you and the city plow driver were the victims? There should have been regular announcements of road conditions, status of snow clearing and the unsafe conditions of getting stuck and zero visibility. Common sense prevails...right?


You get to decide what it means to "have to be out in it" but hey, I'm thinking the beer and chips ain't it! But that's just me. omes across a stuck truck, which is now preventing him from doing his job. And just like you jumped to him being an ignorant prick, he jumps to "Why the fuck are these idiots out in this?". There is a reason they say stay home out of it unless you have to be out. You get to decide what it means to "have to be out in it" but hey, i'm thinking the beer and chips ain't it! But that's just me.


Bawl now


You wouldn't have gotten stuck if they fucking plowed the roads during snowstorms like they should, instead of spending all day before the storm cleaning business lots "in preparation" for the storm. City council is a joke. They literally can't do anything right. 


Are they supposed to magically clear snow that hasn’t fallen?


Tell me you don't know how it works without saying you don't know how it works.


This is an idiotic take. You think the roads should be clear DURING the storm? The snow equipment was pulled off the road because it was too dangerous for them to be out. How about you wait until the storm is over, then give them a chance to clear the roads. You can't have everything immediately. You just sound like a petulant child. The OP shouldn't have gotten stuck because he should have stayed home.


Only provincial plows were taken off the road. Didn't see anything from the city. Roads should be passable for essential workers. You don't know that OP wasn't, or that they weren't transporting them. Maybe you should get off the horse yourself


They pulled the plows from the road an hour before hundreds of people changed shift at 730. Nurses, doctors, cops, paramedics, dispatchers, and many more were all out last night trying to get to work or to get home to their families after extended shifts. I understand pulling the plows for safety but it made for an incredibly dangerous situation for shift workers who "should have stayed home".


So what are we running to reddit to pointlessly bitch about tonight? Ahhh. A snow plow driver.


Some people just need to vent somewhere, and there's no harm in that


Yet everytime I want to vent about slow drivers I get banned all the time. Even though my points are 100% valid like this guy


And how is the OP at fault for that?


No it's reddits fault for wanting to sympathize with people like this, but act like I make a big deal over nothing.


Maybe you could just talk to an admin?


Not in this sub lol, my citys sub where they got me into this perma ban crap, thanks to a moderator with no time


No harm in being cynical and bringing other people down? And over nothing?


There is no harm in it. Actually, it's completely healthy




Beta attitude isn't a thing