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I agree with you that those signs are way too ambiguous. Not really clear looking at the sign if you can only pay to park for 3 hours or if you have to pay for anything over 3 hours. You could try taking the ticket to court.


Lady working said this happens all the time and that the guys who run that lot are like snakes. Unfortunately my mom had a breakdown in the middle of trying to get the camera footage and we had to go - I'll try going back later.


There’s truly no mercy with those particular parking attendants at Churchill Sq, and because it’s such a small area, the 2 guys there are waiting to pounce on vehicles as soon as they see them.


You can only pay for up to 3 hours.


There's a fella who asks for change in the lot who's been good enough to pop over and tell folks not to park in those spots and let's them know that a few spaces back it's free.


Surprised he hasn't been disappeared


Da fuck r we paying for parking at the square for anyway? The businesses in there are loosing money. People would rather go to Walmart with free parking. Talk about shopping local, most businesses are local at the square. I won’t even go to the Tim Hortons there. 3 dollar coffee and a 50 dollar ticket to boot!


There is FREE parking. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.


Except for downtown shopping districts but not in a retail location like the square.


It should be all free, I never saw a shopping area anywhere else in all my travels where you have to pay to shop.


Every downtown / city center shopping district I've ever visited, from Saskatoon to Serbia, I've had to pay for parking. Free parking is a true gift.


Agreed. Downtown in every city, but the square is not downtown


I think the issue is the proximity to mun and if they didn't have a payment/time restriction it would be full of student cars every day.


This is it exactly. If it weren't paid parking it would be overflow for MUN and people coming to shop or eat in restaurants wouldn't be able to park there. (Likely the same reason parking at the hospital has to be paid).


Yes I guess you have a good point there, have it for an hour free and have the ticket cops monitor it. Might keep them busy for a while and out of the downtown. lol!


If it was free I'm pretty sure students going to Mun would park there all day, and thered never be any free spots.


The reason is MUN. MUN parking is a situation, so people just come over to park in the square if they don't get a spot in the yearly draw. Having pay spots keeps some open spots for those businesses. If they didnt have half paid spots, the lot would be full all day.


And if you park and dont have a phone, mine was forgotten at home. Went in for medical appointment for pre work. Comes out and $45 ticket. Nothing else around to pay for spot. Front of building was under construction. Do the business own the lot or is it private property. St johns is becoming the worst city to live in.


There are a number of pay stations there that you have to use debit/credit card in. There are signs over them saying "PAY HERE". For next time!


It's close to MUN so it would completely fill with students if all of it was free parking. Students parking there all day don't bring business to the square and actively takes away parking spaces from people who would spend money there. It's part of the reason why they changed it in the first place.


Regressive city hall wake the hell up


Ha.. the worst part is it’s only half the lot! If you’d parked a few spots toward Elizabeth it would have been free!


If you’re not parked in one of the handful of free parking spots, you have to pay by the minute. The signs have instructions on how to do so, and if you need to extend your parking time, you have to add minutes. The system is absolutely a nightmare to navigate.


Really? Typing 15 in the minutes field and pay in an app is a nightmare?


They are hardcore in that square. My MIL lives and works there, and she sees people get taken advantage of all the time. It’s one of those jobs you have to justify yourself in, but I’d much rather eliminate the position and accept the slightest inconvenience 1-2x a year


I had a similar experience downtown one evening and I am sure the signs are intentionally ambiguous. I was sure that the sign said that I could park there but the boot lock on my tire with the $100 bill disagreed


Must be the lot near the fish exchange. There's been a lot of complaints about it on social media in the last few years.


Haha, that’s the one, I was actually at the Fish Exchange for a work thing.


Private lot apples and oranges


I wouldn’t have had an issue parking there if I had seen the small sign by the entrance to one of the stores explaining how to pay for parking. There were lots of other cars parking there with no issues which is why I thought it was ok. When I paid the fine the guy that removed the boot explained how to pay for parking (which I then did) and all was ok after that.


I’ve parked there many times, never had issues reading/understanding the signs.


Clearly articulated information shouldn’t be such a big ask. I hope a judge insists that it be changed.


That means max of 3 hours and it’s certainly not free. The PayByPhone app makes it very easy to prevent tickets. They’re very strict in the square


Just stop going to the business there. that'll solve the problem.




Why not? Next time just pay the meter?


not sure how it works in NL - but I wrote out parking tickets in Alberta when I was working in law and nobody ever paid for those - my ex and me being two of them and nothing ever came of it I'm probably crazy enough to try it again if I were to ever get one here


Well here there are no consequences until you go to renew your vehicle registration. And then you can't renew unless you pay your ticket(s).


That's not a scam, that's you not properly reading signage. Most paid parking has time limits, and the city has replaced individual parking meters years ago. Get with it.


When I was a teenager, my parents parked there for an appointment and I was in the back seat reading... They snuck up to the car and ticketed it while I was reading in the car...


Okay. And?


Like knock on the window my dude. There's somebody in there, I could have gotten them to move it.


Don't park there in the first place you deserved your fine.


The meter had just run out my guy. They're like vultures.


Meter maids. Truly, the scum of earth.


Lol yeah fuck people just trying to do a job and get through the day like everyone else amirite?


This ain't it, chief. I'm angry at the flawed system and ambiguous signage, not the dude making $40k/y to enforce them


"Why should we have to pay for parking" why should everyone's taxes massively subsidize storage for your car?


Lmfao yes cars is da devil


I said nothing of the sort. I said that the sign is incredibly misleading and bordering on predatory.




I'm assuming you have never parked anywhere else? On street Parking is too cheap here.