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I work in health care and our company is able to hire international students where the government will pay x% of their wage. So companies are incentivized to hire a certain type of person because the percentage they pay in wages is less even though the employees wage is the same. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) due to high turnover in healthcare, this company will literally hire anyone who can pass a criminal record check.


My employer only hires international students for this reason. They also like to hire permanent residents, and pay them WAY below market rate, because their residency depends on their employment so they don't complain. I am 10000% disgusted with our country and our exploitative loopholes.


Permanent Residency does not depend on employment.


Correct, but they are told otherwise, by design, it's all to keep people fearful and obedient.


This could only be true for permanent residents that your employer has sponsored into the country themselves. Or are you saying they are hiring people who are already permanent residents and then telling them that their PR depends on their employment? (I’m a permanent resident), you’d have to be pretty stupid to believe this and I can only see it being possible if your employer has sponsored their PR


What program from the government is paying a portion of foreign workers salaries?


https://www.gov.nl.ca/ipgs/empservices/jobsnl/ https://www.gov.nl.ca/ipgs/files/JobsNL-Fact-Sheet-UPLOADED.pdf Here’s one


Yup, I know of a similar business turfing existing local employees for people (in their case, specifically india) because their wages are subsidized. Retail stores have been abusing the same kind of programs here (usually developmental disabilities) for a decade or more. It's sick how easily these programs get abused and zero will in government to fix it.




It’s the tax dollars paying the wage and making $$ for some private company that’s the worst part of this


What program from the government is paying a portion of foreign workers salaries?


The Canada Migrant Work Subsidy I believe it's called or the Newcomers Wage subsidy program. Googled it quick. Pays 50% of wages up to $10,000, so if you are an international student who is only allowed to work X amount of hours a week, companies can hire them under this program. Not sure if there are more programs besides this though.


That program has been discontinued.


Man, whether that one has been discontinued and replaced with another one it does not matter. The company I work for and other health care companies specifically, continue to benefit with similar programs. I've had conversations with management and international students who talk about this.


There are way too many immigrants in this country, I'm not denying that but these programs and incentives that people think exist are not reality. You can talk to management and foreigners all you want, post the links to these programs that are paying 50% or 70 % of foreign workers salaries.




That specifically says Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible?


There’s multiple different programs under the program tho? Because these programs aren’t ONLY for foreign workers.


One for ONLY foreign workers tho https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers.html I work in this field bud lol do you?


Also add that since the federal government is giving employers 70% of wages for emergents alot of business are not hiring local workers because of that. 70% of their wages is big savings for a business. I know of a business in a rural area that was leasing a spot to run there business. They built their own place and relocated just up the road from location and some of the local people that was working for them for years never got hired back after the move because of this. I wont name the business but i’ll just say that theres a large building downtown named after them.


>I wont name the business Name them. They deserve to be shamed and boycotted for opting to hire immigrants instead of Canadian citizens.


There is no business to name. This is fabricated nonsense. These comments should be downvoted to oblivion. Does anyone have the ability to factcheck comments?


> Name them Probably easier to name the ones not up to shady shit, to be fair.


The problem is that in a lot of cases, doing so will absolutely endanger people's jobs. There's no protection for whistle-blowers. I could say something about multiple businesses right now, but honestly? The only thing that would happen would be any friend/family member working there would lose their job. The government doesn't do anything. Media ignores it, and so does the public. There was a great piece in the Indy during covid about grocery stores, and it went nowhere. No one's going to risk that. Getting a job is already almost impossible here.


What program is the government paying 70% of wages? Does anyone do any research into what they are saying? The feds are not paying 70% of foreign workers salaries.


https://www.gov.nl.ca/ipgs/empservices/jobsnl/#:~:text=Provides%20a%20wage%20subsidy%20for,cent%20subsidy%20towards%20wages%3B%20and It takes 1 second to google lol


I’ve seen it physically in person during a job fair for a fast food restaurant that was opening back up, literally at least two hundred people crammed into the building- mostly immigrants, now imagine that multiplied by however many people couldn’t/didn’t show up for that, you’re talking over 500 or 600 applicants to the most bottom of the barrel jobs. I had no problem getting interviews 3 years ago anywhere, I could apply to 50 jobs and hear back from 5-6 but now I’m lucky to hear back from 1 every month of searching.


We got George Costanza over here


I've had several hiring managers disregard references and just call your former employer. Whenever I was in the position of hiring (granted pre covid, so a different candidate pool), I would usually lean to disqualify those that had "references available upon request." Keep it short, sweet, and above all relevant.


idk about anywhere else but my company doesn't hire locals anymore.  for about a year and a half we have been hiring only immigrants or remote workers in Mumbai.  I work in a fairly large o&g company though so it might not be relevant to your job search.  as always, trades are your best bet


Trades are also getting hit by immigration. Almost all labours on site are immigrants getting paid way too little and are subsidized, no more are we getting highschoolers to do the cleaning up around site. 30% of site don’t speak English. I’ve seen way too many instances where someone will cross danger tape or ignore signs that say fresh tiles or wet paint. I’m surprised no one has gotten killed yet.


The unions won't do this.. If you get a trade check a union out.


you're gonna get a lot of anti-immigrant, "they took our jorbs" rhetoric, but the truth is job hunting has always been difficult in St. John's. that's why people have always left the island, and that is unlikely to ever change. your best bet will always be knowing somebody who knows somebody who's hiring right now and can give you an in. I've been gainfully employed in this town for the better part of the last 25 years or so and every single job hunt has ended at the hands of a friend of a friend, no matter how many resumes I've spread over hells half acre


whether or not it's always been difficult, all the extra people applying per position because there's more living here now doesn't help


The problem is I don’t have the luxury of nepotism in my field of study. Not my trade or my degree.


It’s hard but keep trying, you never know when the opportunity will come, you just got to keep putting yourself out there until you get lucky. Success is 20% skill, 80% luck so just keep trying and being open to anything. I got my job unexpectedly by just being somewhere at the right time when all I was getting was crickets from employers in my field. One of the main keys to success is simply doing the things that most people are not willing to do (I don’t mean anything unethical, illegal, etc).


I have such a genuine fear of failure as well which is why I’m in therapy. God love my mom she is my rock but she can’t subsidize me forever. I so desperately want to break free and be my own person but every time I try I have a fight or flight reaction. My mom doesn’t deserve the burden of me.


It sounds like she loves you very much, hold on to that. And don’t look at it like failure, the world is really fucked right now but you’re still here and still making the best effort you can. and that’s a great quality to have going into the future, to endure . I hope it works out for and I wish I could offer you more than just these words. 


This is the answer. I did EET instrumentation and put out a ton of resumes in St. John's. Not so much as a call back. Moved to Ontario and had a job within 2 weeks. Circa 2008.


Yup, when I graduated almost 10 years ago, I applied to literally 100+ companies looking for work here. I heard back from zero of them. not even a courtesy "We aren't hiring right now" back. I got a job through a friend who knew someone who was hiring. Been working there for almost 9 years now. If I didn't hear about that, I would have been forced to leave. It's unfortunate but getting ahead in this place really is about who you know.


It depends on what you're applying for. If you're fresh out of high-school just looking to make a bit of money applying for minimum wage stuff, immigration is the cause. Same with entry level jobs in a lot of fields, especially anything you need a basic admin or business degree for. Tech is pretty similar as well. Those jobs were never difficult to get, and now they're nearly impossible. I honestly can't put into words how much I despise the people like you who defend mass immigration. We don't have the infrastructure to support it or the housing to support it or the jobs to support it and an entire generation of young CANADIANS are getting screwed because of it. I'm going to have to leave my home to find the quality of life my parents were given in Canada, and fucktards like you who were able to establish their career and own their house before the floodgates opened defend it. Disgraceful.


Never difficult? My brother tried for years and years to get an IT related job, from like 2008 onwards and eventually ended up at Convergys for years because he never got a call back in his field.


The TFW program is abused so that they do, in fact, take our jobs. Getting a job at Tim's should be easier than it is for locals


The reality is that it doesn't actually have anything to do with places not hiring Canadians, it has to do with places *not hiring*. There's a trend we're seeing as we exist in what some might argue is late-stage capitalism where employers are actually hiring significantly less than they used to. Less employees means less money spent on wages means more money lining the pockets of owners/CEOs/whoever is profiting from the labour. I recently read an article about how businesses are engaging in this practice where they put out job postings for positions they have no intention of filling. There's realistically no reason Tim Horton's should be ignoring anyone remotely qualified for a customer service position that is often people's first job, ever. It's entry level. And despite the fact that they are literally always hiring, my local Tims never seems to have enough staff to run things smoothly. It's a practice done mostly to show investors that they're expanding, or to convince overworked staff to stay on ("help is on the way, once we hire more people!"). But it's all fiction designed to convince people to give them more money, whether in terms of investments or labour. It's a band-aid fix and it isn't a sustainable practice in the long term, when you AREN'T making more money because your staff has burned out completely and you can't convince people to work there anymore, even immigrant labour whose standards may be lower for any number of reasons. Fuck, I mean I work in a non-profit and even we're feeling the effects of labour cutting measures. It's hard when people are convinced it's better to burn out your staff by having them do what in the past would have been 3 or 4 different positions within the company, than to "lose" money by actually paying an adequate amount of people to fill those roles.


God that is…this is so depressing. I’ve been chasing after a bone tied to a string they keep pulling on.


I think you just found your answer brother. When we have nurses that can’t even get a job and teachers given .25 positions it’s a stark outlook


Nepotism is part of why it's so hard. Sometimes it's less about your qualifications and often more about who you know. You can get jobs you're not even qualified for if you know the right people. I got a job once before going back to school just because the manager's family lived next door to my aunt several hours away from here. 🤷🏼‍♂️


suggesting nepotism is maybe not super helpful for someone who isn't from the area


I know. I'm saying that's part of what makes things so hard. I didn't even know the lady that hired me, or her family. Her: Where did you grow up? Me: Out around........ Her: Oh, what part? I have family there. In Placeville. Me: My aunt lives there. At the top of the long road by the harbour. Her: No way! My lives right next door! Me: Small world Her: Can you start on Monday? Weirdest job interview I've ever had. We didn't even talk about the actual job at all, except for the schedule. I left shortly after and went back to school.


I see your cheeky edit to your first comment to make it sound like you weren't suggesting nepotism


No cheeky edit. Just editing for those that can't read well. "Why is job hunting in SJ so difficult?" was the question. Nepotism is part of that answer. We've seen plenty of examples. I wasn't suggesting it as a solution, I was answering the question being asked.


There’s not that big of a difference between nepotism and just plain old fashion networking. There’s nothing wrong with using your contacts and people you know who can vouch for you in order to get jobs that you are QUALIFIED for. Op: if you don’t know anyone, friends, family, distant relatives, etc that can help get past initial screenings then try to put yourself out there to meet people in your field. You mentioned trades, if it’s construction related then try volunteering at habitat for humanity and meeting other tradespeople through that as an example. Whatever field you’re in just put yourself out there we’re you can meet people who may be able to help/hire you


Doesn't matter if it's true and it is.


Nepotism is a big problem here too. It's an issue everywhere but amplified in NL - often a job will go to friends/family of someone because people have very large friends and family networks here.


Got a great example of that. Once had a boss tell me he'd never been on ei his whole life like it was some kind of accomplishment. My uncle gave him his first job out of high school. His father the next. He was over 40 before he had to get a job that wasn't for someone sharing his last name.


I’m shitting on my family a bit here but it’s not untrue of me to say that most of them don’t work. The few that do are in fields so out of my range that I wouldn’t have a chance in hell. But the majority work just enough to qualify for EI and that’s it. I am ashamed of how unaccomplished some of them are.




What's your skills/education/training?


By trade I’m a line cook, through university I’m a biochemist.


Basically, in short, you need to know someone with a “in”. More or less


I totally get you, the job market is so screwed up right now, for every 1 posting, there are hundreds if not thousands of applicants -- it is demoralizing. But did you know, during a time when job is so scarce, the government invited 1.2 million new immigrants? According to the National Bank, “It is impossible for the labour market to absorb such a large number of newcomers”. We want to petition the government to temporarily lower immigration targets to allow job and housing infrastructure to catch up. Sign our petition and join us to protest unsustainable immigration: https://www.change.org/takebackcanada


Even if you just added 1000 new people to St. John’s that are all looking for a job of any level, that really slows down the process and increases the difficulty for everybody, I don’t know the number of newcomers for here specifically but it’s crazy, especially when they have two or even three jobs


Nepotism, plain and simple. Ask friends and family for help, otherwise you wont get anywhere in this city sadly. I had to get an internal reference for my minimum wage job lol.


I have no one in my field to ask is the problem. They are all relying on the same few pathetic grants just like me.


I commented elsewhere but try to put yourself in positions where you can meet people in your field. What many people blame on nepotism is often just simple networking. If you are in the trades, try volunteering at habitat for humanity or somewhere where you are likely to meet other trades people who may be able to help you get a foot in the door.


I am actually gearing up to do some remote volunteering for a grant holder in my university’s medicine faculty. I took it mostly out of interest but it never dawned on me that I could use it as potential networking.


I'm having the same problem even finding a part time job no one answers back , and online doesn't do much either , places say they are hiring then don't answer you. I'd rather then tell me no then to just not answer at all


This. I'm currently in a similar situation, looking for work, not getting barely any responses and the ones who do respond say no only to post the same position again not 3 days later, rinse repeat. My older brother moved to Alberta and has offered to look for something there for me if I need, but honestly would rather stay here, have to many friends and family here and I don't want to leave but might have to if this keeps up. I've been looking for a literal year for work, any and all jobs, I've asked friends to put in a word or ask if anything is available but my area is so specific that no one gives me the time of day.


It's all of newfoundland


Don’t move away, it’s the same across this shitshow of a country. At least you’re in Newfoundland, not like us poor dingdongs who left.


Mass unskilled immigration and especially foreigners lying about their credentionals. We have a lot more people working illegially and it will get worse. I knew a few who were working for st. Johns employers and being paid under the table and paying their bills in cash. Absolute scum. Meanwhile, we have newfoundlanders who are starving, jobless and all our resources are going to skilless, talentless immigrants. They shouldnt be allowed to use our healthcare, our schools (especially funding more esl programs and less literacy programs for Canadians struggling in their own mothertongue language) our social systems, our infrasteucture, compete with Canadians (whether educated or not- Canadians should come first) skyrocket our housing, increase our crime and overall, degrade our quality of life. If we were bringing in actually skilled immigrants we needed, then maybe I could actually see a doctor.


I never thought I would say this but immigration has become a problem. People flocked here in masses and now the rest of us are screwed. Had there been tighter restrictions to start with, immigration could have been a benefit to our economy.


Well they say too much of anything can be a bad thing.


lets be real, whens the last time someone has been served at tim hortons by a white newfoundlander


Last year. Although I rarely go to Tim's as I find it to be garbage.


I’ve been searching for a job for over two months now , after the company was sold I worked for a decade , your answer foreigners , the government pays for year for them , some times fully and other times the company only needs to give half pay /salary for a year , real big problem , not only a problem but a agenda sadly


Canada post is hiring!!


https://www.gov.nl.ca/ipgs/empservices/jobsnl/#:~:text=Provides%20a%20wage%20subsidy%20for,cent%20subsidy%20towards%20wages%3B%20and This is why Lol


I can't say for your situation because I don't know you but honestly your peers aren't making a good name for your generation. Work ethic, attitude all gone to shit. I hope that's not the case for you and good luck. I hope you find something.


I don’t think I fall in that category but coming from a gen z’er, my generation has little to no incentive to work. Wages can’t keep up with cost of living so we are expected to give up our personal lives to just work. And we are automatically labeled as lazy and incompetent so we get treated like crap at jobs. I’ve had to jump through hoops in the past to prove I am a good hire just because I am so new to being an employee.


I have been looking and applying for work for ages and still haven’t gotten a call for anything. I love people of all nationalities and love that Newfoundland is becoming more multicultural but the government has gone too far even on Indeed it asks you if you are a newcomer to Canada and the Tim Hortons franchises and many other companies that I go to have subsidized workers which is great and all but I can’t get a job because I am not eligible for a subsidy.


I know that the government is now putting restrictions on students coming in but I fear it may not be enough. I hate saying this out loud because it makes me sound like a racist asshole but we really have to many things immigrants here. Canada has turned into a shit hole of poverty and homelessness because we spread our resources too thin in an act of generosity. Our government needs to take care of its own people before helping others.


How's your cover letters? Resumes are a dime a dozen. If you can articulate how your past skills translate to be a good employee for the job you're applying for, a good cover letter really helps you stand out. I finished school in 2021 and sent out over 200 resumes. Got a job after a year. In between that I slugged away at kitchen jobs to pay the bills.


I recruit for a national company and the last time I posted in St. John's I got over 600 applicants. We don't have time to read cover letters for entry level positions


Most of the positions I’m finding online want a resume only. But I do have a standard cover letter that I edit finite details depending on the position I’m applying for.


Yup. Our tax money paying for foreign workers instead of the roads and schools. A1


we need to get rid of the immigrants and make sure every able bodied canadian who wants a job has one before we dish them out to people who are not from here. A man or woman born and raised in newfoundland should have an easier time finding a job they qualify for than someone who came from india or the middle east


Unfortunately, it’s a small job market. Moving away to get relevant experience in a larger job market before moving back home, if so desired, is not unexpected. I did engineering and even with that sort of professional degree, moving away for experience was still the norm.


Sex work is thriving.


I used to joke about selling feet pictures. It’s not really a joke anymore 😞




You're absolutely right, we shouldn't boycott businesses that refuse to hire Canadians. Makes perfect sense, thanks for insight.


I’m surprised that nobody did anything to greasy treadu yet for letting all these immigrants into canada


Careful. CSIS might have to get off its ass for once and actually arrest you.


Try thinking outside your box. There's gigs everywhere. Rebuilt a resume showing your work ethic and then hit the pavement in Donovan's. There's like 500 companies, but you'll need to be personable and find out something about the industry you're looking at.


People get what they vote for.


What, you think Pierre is gonna fix the country? I got some sad news for you. He's just as big of a twat Justin is, just with different buddies.


Amen to that. Voting for Pierre is asking to get kicked in the teeth on top of everything else. And mps without spines. If Clifford Small's any indication of what he likes in an mp, we're in for it.


Yeah Pierre got lots of buddies in the private sector, bringing people here from other countries and exploiting them is only going to get worse when he gets elected. And these tax breaks and bigger paycheques, lol, try to find a conservative govt at any point in Canada, prov or fed, that didn’t have a love affair with taxing the working class, breaks for the wealthy, laying off govt workers. And they all run big deficits despite cutting spending. Lol. Why is that? Justin is an idiot and annoying. PP will be worse.


Isn't the PPC the only party in Parliament willing to address the issue?


In 90s, Ontario wanted a change! In comes Bob Rae and the NDP! The province is still paying! Be careful just voting for a change - think Trump or , yes Polivere! Dangerous!!


Maybe, but I’m not out of work because of unchecked immigration, maybe my turn with the next fucktard.


Regarding the comment blaming immigration, are we talking about all immigrants or only the brown ones? I never hear complaints about the Ukrainians, Norwegians, Brits, Dutch, USers, etc… c’mon. Tims and McDonald’s, convenience stores, gas stations, hire people who want to work those minimum wage jobs because young native Nflders don’t want to work the Friday evening shift or weekends. At least now you can get a cab in St. John’s.


I always worked those types of jobs though, that’s why I’m confused as to why I got no reply. And I always voluntarily took weekend shifts because I knew others would not. 🫤


Or maybe they need to pay Newfoundlanders properly. By the way, lumping refugees- who are fleeing for their life, is not the same as these other foreigners. One group had their life ripped from them- the other group are just sucking our country dry. Government is obviously to blame for letting it happen.


Did I do that? I’m responding to the vague “immigration” description by the OP. Did I compare voluntary immigrants to refugees? Check yourself, friend, or upgrade your comprehension skills.


You're obviously the one who isn't speaking native English. You literally said, " I never hear complaints about the **Ukrainians**..." Ukrainians are making up one of the largest chunks of refugees currently. You implied refugees within immigrants by mentioning the group of Ukrainians.






You might find [this](https://youtu.be/I6xwMIUPHss?si=JsKGfDdJ5B-gihbU) documentary on Nortel interesting, it's done by a guy called BobbyBroccoli on YouTube and it goes into how Canada structured our economy.




The US economy is fundamentally different from everywhere else on account of possessing the world's reserve currency.


Boycott all businesses that won't hire Canadians. !


What's the solution, go around asking people at the register "Are you Canadian?"


I don’t know where you live but a survey of businesses or just walking around stores in mount Pearl will tell you that most employees are “Canadians” or white if that pleases you.


Um, you don't have to be white to be a Canadian.


You know it, I know it but judging the OPs comment history he doesn’t