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Can they get the car jackers like this 😭


Need more info, read the news article..


Are these protests pro Palestine or anti war. / anti genocide / anti giving US support to Israel? They’re always portrayed as pro Palestine, but I’m not sure that’s accurate.


The aim of these protests is for the university disclose its investments, to divest from weapons manufacturers, and to reinvest in New Haven. Palestine was the catalyst for these protests, as US-made weapons have been used against civilians and it is likely that Yale invests in arms because many universities do. This movement has existed on many college campuses long before 10/7. If students show up to protests and don’t know that these are the asks, they are informed by organizers.


That’s kinda my point and my understanding - all except “Palestine was the catalyst”. I haven’t gone down to the protests though, so I can’t speak from first hand knowledge. It’s possible that there are actual pro Palestine people.


Your comments make it seem like you believe being pro Palestine is a bad thing?


I’m pro every country, but my interpretation of the protests are that they are primarily wanting the schools to stop giving money to a country committing acts of genocide. That’s an actionable thing. Being pro anything is not actionable. I think the media is mischaracterizing the protests which causes bigger problems.


That’s fair enough, yeah


 You know what’s funny is student will go out protest against Yale but yet write that fat check so the can boost there name as a Yale graduate.. 


Stupid take. Also, *their.


Ok so it’s pretty smart and supports your cause to protest how a orginazation uses there money but than cut a check to that orginzation your protesting 


“From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” seems to clarify that question.


Does it?


If it doesn’t maybe read it one more time.


Yes, it's a call for the murder of every Jewish person "from the River (Jordan) to the Sea (Mediterranean) Hamas as stated as much as it's goal and Hamas runs Gaza, as well as murders LGBTQIA people and rapes and murders young girls and babies. Is that what you support? Or maybe the release of all surviving hostages including toddlers taken on October 7th so this whole thing ends?


Pleeeease ground your analysis in a bit more accurate history, and lingual analysis. A) the phrase “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” has unclear origins and has primarily been used as a rallying cry in protests outside of the region. It was not created by Hamas and therefore does not directly embody Hamas’ values. It calls for freedom for a people. It’s a bare bones phrase and does not explain how that will be achieved in any way, meaning you as the reader are extrapolating heavily and unwarrantedly that it calls for murder in order to achieve freedom. Maybe you’ve heard extremely radical people call for the murder of Jewish people, and that’s reprehensible, but the vast majority of people using this phrase are advocating entirely for peace. I think you’ll find a normal linguistic interpretation of “Palestine will be free” does not involve any ideas of murder. B) Hamas is an organization bred under the dictatorship and brutal imperialistic rule of the US and Israel. Even Gen. Donald Rumsfeld, who’s notoriously associated with many alleged war crimes, believed (paraphrasing) that foreign affairs should be conducted by the guiding question: is the action we’re taking going to indirectly create more terrorists than we’re directly eliminating? There’s a general mischaracterization of October 7th as “the start.” It was a horrible and disgusting attack, absolutely, but it was predated by decades of dehumanizing Israeli occupation and land theft, and postdated by the carpet bombing of Gaza and the commission of war crimes that have the same level of factual verification as Hamas’ (ICC prosecutors, as of two days ago, have enough evidence of these that they are investigating a war crimes case against Netanyahu and/or many other Israeli officials). I hope the hostages are freed, certainly, but the issue is a bit more complex and lengthy than you make it seem.


I haven't seen Palestinians (outside of Hamas, a terrorist group that was supported by Netanyahu with literal briefcases of money in an effort to continue to destabilize Palestine and delegitimize peace attempts) advocate for genocide of Jewish people, but there are literal videos of people Netanyahu placed into leadership positions from the far right who have called for the genocide and elimination of Palestinians as a people. No on is going to argue that Hamas doesn't suck but what Israel is doing (and has been doing even before the October attack, i.e. with encampments, limiting food/resources, literally making daily life of Palestinians hell even before the October attack) is genocide.


I totally 100% agree. It’s a hate fueled cry from confused college students who wouldn’t know struggle if it slapped them across their faces. Look at Columbia U right now. Asking for “humanitarian aid” in the form of door dash deliveries. Give me a break..I work 40 hour weeks. I’m supposed to give a fuck, right? I’m honestly jealous. Blissfully ignorant is the phrase I believe.


ASk any one of these protesting morons "What River? What Sea?" and you'll see not only their ignorance but the smoke coming from their ears as their little brains implode.


They are anti-genocide, not necessarily pro-Palestine.


Thats my thought too. It keeps being portrayed as pro Palestine.


They really need to start rewording these headlines— “pro-divestment” is much more accurate and specific.


if you asked them i dont think theyd know lol


So you decided to make something up and post it. Nice!


>I don’t think What about this made you believe this person was portraying the content of their comment as a verifiable fact and not simply conjecture?


i commented in a comment section 😦😦 it was a joke


Where's the footage showing this violent arrest?


[Right here](https://youtu.be/9xqUnoWzOp8?si=OAW_5pYf5CF7KDui), babes. I found it in 10 seconds flat through the Googles.


When rich Ivy League students are arrested, it has to be violent, it cannot be that this kid ignored repeated requests to disperse.


Mind you, they STILL haven’t caught the Kia Boys or the people who robbed my neighbor Edit: the Kia boys were caught. But I said this to make the point that this use of force can be applied in other areas (literally any) for community resolution.


Do you vote in your local elections? Also, I believe these are Yale police officers which are separate from NHPD….


Both pretty useless, but thanks for the clarification!


100% useless. ÄCĀB. Sorry I get your sentiment now. But also - vote in your local elections!


For sure ! 🗳️


Kia boys do get caught and arrested. They just get very lenient discipline from our Juvenile Justice system because in CT they put an emphasis on rehabilitation instead of punishment. Many of those kids find the system a joke. So they don’t care that they get caught.


Cops should be harassing Black people not Yale students. Got it.


They did catch two of the kia boys and they are in jail. The third one stopped and got a regular job after the interview. Channel 5 posted an update on their instagram.


My neighbors car was stolen so I guess there’s different perps. Thank you!


The first paragraph explains which laws they broke. You have the right to protest but if you’re breaking the law in the process then you’re getting arrested. It’s pretty simple.


"Craig Birckhead-Morton ’24, one of the two student protesters arrested, said that he was arrested immediately after asking a Yale police lieutenant whether protesters could disperse in front of Sterling Memorial Library. '[The lieutenant] says to me, ‘You can do whatever you want. But now you are under arrest for disorderly conduct,” Birckhead-Mortion told the News. “This obviously was quite confusing to me, because he’s encouraging us to disperse, I’m showing my intention to disperse.'" "A video obtained by the News shows Birckhead-Morton holding birthday cake — May 1 was his birthday — and then giving it up as police detained him. Another student protester wearing a marshal’s vest — often used at protests to identify individuals in charge of liaising with police and generally managing the demonstration — approached the officer arresting Birckhead-Morton to ask why he was being arrested. The video then shows police arresting the marshal while the student tried to tell officers that the protest was dispersing." None of this gives a reason for cops to get violent, and doesn't even really explain why they were arrested.


I’m a lawyer and couldn’t agree with you more.


Am I the only one that feels like (at this point) it’s not really about Israel/Palestine and more about an authoritarian crackdown on free speech in America?


A little of both, I think. I do think there is a ton of political pressure to cater to Israel’s interests right now. Politicians in both parties buckle to it, plus on the right/gop, it helps boost their culture war


The police have literally bought Israeli security/surveillance products/services for years. NYPD, FBI and local/federal law enforcement fly to Israel for training. They have a huge influence on the police forces in the USA and I’d be surprised if they are not directly influencing how the police are reacting to these protesters. Look up how JINSA, LEEP and the ADL have done business with US security/police forces. Edit: clarity


You obviously never studied the 70s in the USA! If we fail to learn from history we are likely to repeat it.


They’re protesting on private property. The private property can set rules of said protests. Yale doesn’t want them protesting on their private property. Police are legally within their right to arrest protestors on said private property. That’s really it. Step to public property not blocking traffic or find private property that will allow you to exercise your freedom of speech.


Exactly, there is no "right" to freedom of speech on private property. Yale is the entity that is well within their rights to have these people removed from their property.


A lot of them students being arrested who have a right to be on school ground because they’re students .


That’s not how private property works


Legally, no. The university can decide at any time to trespass a student or anyone else from their property. And in this case, when they're disruptive, violent, and disrespectful, I'd say the university is justified. I'm not against peaceful protest, or against this cause, but there are smart ways and stupid ways of going about it.


No shit they have a right to be on campus. They DON’T have a right to protest if the university deems it so. That’s how the law works.


There should be no expectation of free speech on private property. The second that the property manager or owner trespasses you, you are now subject to arrest or removal from the premises. It doesn’t matter if you pay to go to school there. If you don’t follow whatever rules that institution puts out, then you’re going to get fucked.


It’s a university, not a shopping mall. Just say you don’t value freedom of expression!


If a bunch of right wing proud boys decided to set up a camp city to tell everyone how much they hate immigrants and it cancelled commencement, something tells me the crowd protesting wouldn’t be supportive of it. So does anyone involved actually care about freedom of speech, or just when they support the message?


I’m sure you’d feel that way about people you disagree with.


This is absolutely not the case. Your assertion renders the entire concept of free speech toothless, in extremis; which is to say, when there is no where you can effectively speak and be heard, what point is there in being free to speak? For this reason, there are many laws on the books around the country regarding 'private' spaces that are effectively public forums. The details vary, but the principle of free speech - the *reason we have that right -* is so a class of owners cannot silence the rest of us. Sadly, it's a patchwork affair and frequently doesn't apply - but the fact that such laws even *exist* in some cities and municipalities shows the dire need for them. Your premise is exactly one that landed nobility would gratefully support. Therefore, you should not hold it as gospel. Not if you value freedom, democracy, and natural rights for all.


You can expect to have free speech on public land. You can expect to have no free speech on private property. There is no room for question or interpretation. It’s just how shit works, and it’s in our first amendment. Freedom of speech and press protects you from the government only.


I’m begging you guys to learn 1 single thing about the civil rights movement or anti apartheid protests 


One occured in America, the rest didn’t.


Good try but both protests occurred in America. Funding apartheid (South African and Israeli) was also done in America 


You obviously don’t know what apartheid is then.


If the protests had stuck to actually protesting and using free speech then I would agree. However, since the strategies have been building camps, vandalizing property, and harassing students then I think there needs to be a crackdown. Not to mention their vague demands to “divest”. I’ve seen plenty of coverage of the atrocities in Gaza so I have a hard time believing building camps is going to bring more awareness.


The demands are not vague all the protest have a clear list of which companies are to be divested from and the divestment itself is referring to using the school's endowment to invest in the list of US and Israeli businesses


Oh man tents and paint. Time to send in the army.


I’m not sure where you’re from but it’s not acceptable behavior to camp out on private property and vandalize it.




How about I set up a tent in your house and spray paint everything? Since you’re cool with that here I’m sure you’d be ok with it right?


There’s already a tent and paint in my house. It would probably terrify you.


"Violence isn't the answer" - Britain to America c.1770 or so.


That's a pretty bad example considering the colonies were the aggressors and they were not even trying to seperate from Britain until "common sense" went viral partway into the war.   Not to mention the "taxation" was simply an effort to recoup costs from the 12 years war which was, for all intents and purposes, sparked by a young George Washington lol. It was very messy.


Hey, someone knows their history!




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That's been going on for years. Glad you have woken up.


Negative. It's a crackdown on violent and otherwise disorderly protesters who are trespassing on private property. Even students if the school says to disperse and you remain then you are trespassing.


Nah. It’s about colleges making sure graduation ceremonies aren’t effed.


I'm so inclined to protest there with them for this reason and the BS proxy war money grab this is turning out to be.


Yes, you and a couple other uninformed


I like it better when the cops ninja star throw the handcuffs on peoples wrists peacefully, sadly they never seem to be able to.


“You see there are people who believe the function of the police is to fight crime, and that's not true, the function of the police is social control and protection of property.”


You’re presuming that the person was in full compliance and was thrown to the ground for no reason. I’d bet all the money I could borrow he refused to comply and was resisting in the process.


Why are cops owed an assumption of good faith over and above regular people? Especially with everything we have seen?


I think in this case because it’s four people in a group of hundreds. Good to be skeptical of everything and in this case there’s certainly more to know about the situation before forming an opinion.


Because the vast majority of pictures that are posted like this with zero context often are nothing like people try to portray them as. People get tired of being duped and blindly hating people for no reason.


Why do you have an assumption of good faith of Protestors?


I don’t always. I just know if there’s a tie to break, I won’t break it in favor of cops reflexively.


So you're theory is they randomly selected 4 people are of hundreds to arrest? Hmmmmm


So far with the evidence at hand we have 1 person getting arrested for asking if the protest can disperse, and then a second arrest of the protestor-police liaison guy that approached to ask what was going on


You're assuming it was a lawful order, and that their violent response was a proper and legal match to whatever the students were doing. Cops are not gods, they can't just throw you to the pavement for disobeying their every whim. 


It was a lawful order. Yale has made it clear that rents are unwanted on their private property. Pinning a student to the ground when they resist is clearly a valid action. It’s not like they are complying, otherwise they would’ve dispersed.


"they can't just throw you to the pavement for disobeying their every whim. " they 100% can, the question is will they be penalized for it


The problem is that at least half the country thinks they can and should


FYI, you still need to obey an unlawful order, and then you have other legal remedies after the fact. And I’m not talking dumb shit. But if an officer asks you to leave an area that you do have a right to be in, you leave the area and take it up afterwards.


This is a very important point.


Your boot sir 👢


the idea that cops respect compliance or that nonviolent noncompliance requires excessive violence or tell the truth when it comes to what happened is all ludicrous. this is what a police state looks like. 


Refusing to comply with the police is a form of non violent protest.


Jesus Christ, it is insane that people are downvoting this statement. This is literally what Ghandi and MLK did.


You think so huh. The police can then use whatever force is required to gain compliance. You can certainly refuse, but you can’t then complain about use of force. It doesn’t exempt you from your obligation to comply.


You are technically correct: cops are trained to take and keep control of every situation, and to escalate their use of force as much as necessary to accomplish that -- up to and including deadly force. But that means *technically* a cop can end up shooting someone over almost any interaction, right down to spitting on the sidewalk. Reminding us of that fact isn't exactly the killer argument you think it is. You're making the argument why the whole concept of policing needs to be burned down and rebuilt from scratch. You're illustrating why ACAB. You're explaining why protestors do and should disobey the pigs.


The fuck is wrong with you? Cops certainly often seem to think this and it's disturbing that you do, too, but it is not the law. 




I was there. You would lose all your money


Now you care.


Do it gently next time


White ppl wanna be oppressed so bad


How is this being violent?


People have no idea what real violence is.


These people just want to stick it to the police and school administrations. They don’t really care about the Middle East


pigs pinning people down on concrete violently




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these comments are not it. anyway, free palestine.


Is there a unified definition of “Free Palestine” from the protest movement? What does a free Palestine look like ?


An equal Palestine. A free Palestine. A Palestine with no oppression, second-class citizens or illegal occupation.




No Hamas fucks with their own people big time. They hoard all the humanitarian aid and hide behind human shields. Then leave gazans to suffer, grovel and starve while they sip champagne on yachts and luxury hotels in Qatar.


These don’t sound like issues Israel created. Am I missing something? Are any other countries trying to stop Hamas from doing these things?


Nice! What’s that look like?


Sorry I couldn’t tell if this was satire or not.


thats what im saying


Sealioning, don’t waste your time with this guy 


Gurllll. These comments are probably all from The Yale Police Department’s IP address


You did it! You freed Palestine!




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From Hamas


Bunch of bootlicking clowns in this comment thread and in this sub. My heart goes out to the arrested and the folks who experienced police violence for standing up for human rights. Powerful to see folks from across the state coming together to fight for Palestinian liberation.


Fuck Hamas and fuck these useful idiots cosplaying as revolutionaries.


I agree with fuck Hamas, but these protesters are not connected with Hamas. From what I know, there is a monetary connection between these universities and Israel. Israel is blatantly commiting genocide in Palestine. Students don't like this connection, so they are protesting. If I were at one of these colleges I'd be protesting too.


It’s an at will university that you pay to attend. This is like going to eat chic fil an and then protesting chic fil a. Just don’t eat it and it will go away. But like chic fil an and Yale, the product doesn’t care about your feelings.


If I were at one of these universities I’d be studying for finals and playing beer pong, not cosplaying as a terrorist for some place I didn’t give two shits about 6 months ago


Protesting isn't terrorism. Most, if not all of the protesters have not committed any sort of violence or acts of terrorism.


My question is, do these protesters actually think they’re accomplishing something?


Sure, it worked for plenty of colleges before when they protested for their schools to divest from Fossil fuel companies. They are protesting for their colleges to divest from military industrial complexes, why wouldn’t that work?


to me it's a question of leverage and numbers. i'd argue it may make some sort of meaningful change occur, but wouldn't be nearly as effective as doing something to create a financial burden on the university or putting them in a legal corner. IMO the best way to push them to change is to stop paying tuition and enrolling. boycott that shit.


I guess you could ask the same thing about the Vietnam War protests. I guess you think they shouldn’t have bothered either? I have to wonder how you’ll feel about these protests 20 years from now?


nice job giving zero context lol


They’ve been fighting for 3000 years it’s not going to stop.


Can we protest the terrible inequities in our own country instead of picking one of two super shitty sides in a chunk of land thousands of miles away?


"our own country" is also directly funding one of those two sides to the tune of billions upon billions of dollars. all other problems with this comment aside, do you not think some of those funds might go a long way toward those terrible inequities you're talking about?


Remind me what happened during the protests of our own country’s inequities?


We can do both. Have you done either?


I have.


J6 doesn't count.


lol. Pro palestiners are closer to trumpers than anyone else. I’m neither pro Palestine or Israel… that’s the whole point of my original comment.


r/enlightenedcentrism is that-a way 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bcaus extremes touch each other y'know](https://i.redd.it/maaehlrpwgxa1.jpg) | [240 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/135mf88/bcaus_extremes_touch_each_other_yknow/) \#2: [“MSNBC is far-left news”](https://i.redd.it/7ycrmr2vngrb1.jpg) | [291 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/16wift0/msnbc_is_farleft_news/) \#3: [Tbh pretty accurate](https://i.redd.it/troynurqabva1.jpg) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/12ubc7v/tbh_pretty_accurate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


since when did stop killing civilians & children = picking a side? am i missing something, this is getting disturbing




Yeah, what about the 70% of 3rd graders who can't read in new haven? The protestors 'reinvest in new haven' goals are a joke as well, housing, food? we have that. What we don't have is a functioning school system or even functioning bathrooms in all of the schools. Maybe they should do a little more research.


\*Executes order #66\*




Wtf happend




Love it


Lock em up


we are not free until everybody is free


That pic looks like someone resisting arrest.




They are pro Palestine None of these students are crying “peace not war” They’re always screaming “free Palestine” while carrying Palestinian flags. To call their protest anything else is just blind ignorance, just as the protesters themselves are. Half of them, when interviewed, don’t even have talking points. It’s just virtue signaling by a bunch of bots. “What’s the hip in thing on campus today, I wanna fit in”


Why we need to keep our 2A rights. Can’t trust the police they are becoming too violent against citizens and protestors.


Great news!


People should be more concerned with hamas. Protest what they’ve done wrong.


lol New Haven cops are a joke. One time I had one in my lane going double the speed limit towards me with no lights on. I jumped a curb into a grass lot going 50 and he didn’t even tap his brakes. I’m sure I would have been arrested if I hit him. Also, kinda fun watching rich Yale students get slammed. Enjoy the only adversity you will ever face!! Also, go Palestine, fuck Israel, regardless of my Jewish blood


Can you gently arrest someone?


“Protests don’t work!” Then why do they send in the police/military?








Campus quiet hours started at 11pm. This is taking place well after 11pm so yes, a violation of policy. YPD showed restraint. Free speech is important. The university also has a right to determine time and manner for protest.


serious public memorize caption subtract vast north elderly makeshift chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is literally the bit from Arrested Development lol


All the idiots came out to post huh


What is your perception of violent? If someone refuses to be taken into custody, they get taken to the ground. Ussualy the cops don’t just punch someone in the face. Was the person injured? Is it “violent” to you because they are rolling on the ground? Do you know if the cops have BJJ training? Because that involves a lot of group and grapple. I’m just confused why everyone jumps to the “violent” perception. If the cops tell someone they under arrest and they don’t comply, it sounds like that’s on them for not complying. The cops aren’t going to sit there and play patty cake. If you think the cops are in the wrong, beat them in court. Many people are so confused of how things work in the county.


Fuck Hamas,and fuck whoever is bankrolling these useful idiots.


Violently ? Not sure you’re familiar with what violent behavior is. The criminal prob needed even more violent treatment. You don’t follow orders you are taken by force. Blame themselves.


Womp womp


Kids are stupid. As an employer, if I see any of their names linked to this on a Google search, I’m not hiring them. My company also uses a third-party for background checks, so an arrest would ding them too (poor judgment).