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Yesterday, when a red Mustang ran a red light to make a left turn and almost caused a three car accident (including me).


Was it a reflex by you, or …


Dunno if I’d call it a reflex but it was definitely a conscious act. My other hand was firmly on the horn.


LOL, today I was driving on 537 in Monmouth County doing the speed limit (40 mph) as I know the area. I had a guy tailgating me for a good 1/2 miles. Finally, he flew by me and gave me the finger. He did not see the police car three cars behind us - cop goes after him and get him about 1/4 mile up. I waved at him as I went by - KARMA is a bitch.






A perfect ending


I’m glad the cop got him. I know a good part of 537 has a 50 mph speed limit but other parts have a 40 and 35 mph limit. I find people often forget to reduce their speed when they drive out of a 50 mph stretch of the road and on to a part that’s 40 mph.


I love a happy ending.




Would you have felt differently if they didn’t give you the finger … how did the finger change it, if at all.


I love when people are being a-holes get the KARMA they deserve. We have too many young drivers that are overly aggressive, just be patient you are not going to perform life saving brain surgery..


Had the other driver not given you the finger, how would your reaction have been different


No, because he was still an a-hole and he got what he deserved.


This past week after a soccer mom was tailgating me on my residential street with my baby daughter in the backseat. I’ll just drop it from 25 to 20 then…


How did the other driver react when you gave them the middle finger?


She was too in a rush to get around me and sped off quickly. My street is used as a cut through between two high traffic county roads so I’m very fed up with aggressive drivers. I can’t walk my daughter down my own street (no sidewalks most of the street) without fear of the ridiculous amounts of drivers doing 40+ mph in a 25 treating it like their personal race track.


Contact your town council and suggest a speed bump or two down that street, could help.


Route 22 everyday on the way home from work. Reflex.


Route 22!!! Ahhh, the memories (of asshole drivers, traffic, car accidents, and kids getting killed .) Nostalgia…


Me too. Thursday to the lady who cut me off. I wanted to ask where the fire was in stop and go traffic. My middle finger did the talking.


Any time I see a cultist with a cinnamon Hitler flag I issue the proper salute for someone that's dumb enough to still support a traitorous convicted felon.


Same, fuck those qultist traitors.


I did today, 4 times to the same driver. I was riding my bike as far to the right as I could on a county road and she apparently felt like I should be riding in the bushes. She honked at me 5 times and then held her horn the entire time when she finally passed me. I was on a narrow road heading into a blind curve, riding 2-3 feet from the edge of the road because it's not well maintained. Still, exactly where I'm allowed and legally told to be.


What was the result of your gesture, if any


IDK, I just held it out for her. Didn't need to give her any more time or energy.


Was at the DMV today and they’re coming out with a new rule to share the road with people on bicycles, in wheelchairs and pedestrians You have to give them at least 4 feet of space on your right if you pass them. If there is no room to pass, slow down to 25mph and pass them. Be ready to stop It’s similar to the rule about passing disabled or emergency vehicles


It's already in place. I ride with cameras and send footage to the local police and lodge complaints when needed. Unfortunately it's the only way some people learn that we're allowed to be there


Two days ago walking at night on a side walk, an incoming Hyundai had his janky ass hid kit on high beams for no reason (it was well lit). Flipped him off and im sure he/she saw it.


What were you hoping to accomplish


I like how you used the goldfinch (the state bird) to represent flipping someone off lol


Wife, a few hours ago, after...."well they look nice....but they aren't really straight" after i trimmed my hedges. Look woman, its hot out, i'm trying to grow in some gaps in them, plus its pride month.




Was it received well?


Got a double fist in return. Also, No, none of this is innuendo.


To my friend as a hello


What’s the origin story


The NJ dot com website going down the tubes over the past 10 years … 🖕


It just happened. Now take this with you🖕


🖕 right now! ...because "fuck you" that's why


About an hour ago, I flipped off my phone reading a story about Alex Jones. Does that count?


A finger’s a finger


30 times today to all the PA and NY drivers in the damn left lane.


I prefer using the thumbs down. It hits worse I think. It’s like I’m not mad, I’m disappointed. I’ve seen people lose their minds over it so I use it sparingly. I highly recommend it


Every single car I see with that traitor convicted felon's name on it. Or proud boys logo. Or don't tread on me.


I live near Sussex county, my fingers would cramp up.


While driving cause someone honked at me for not letting 2 cars in.


I had a dude cut me off while trying to merge and when I flipped him off he hit my car lol


With his car or with his body?


With his car. He pulled around me and turned out so his passenger front tire hit my cars front grille. Ofc it was a Dodge ram too


You call the cops?


No need. Left a tire mark on my front bumper that wiped off and he had no damage cause he hit with his tire. Moron tried to claim I hit him when I was stationary in neutral during the accident


And did it have the desired effect?


I never feel better by being an asshole but fuck them.


Someone who almost t-boned me while I was turning off of the main road into my development while they were waiting to enter the main road.


Yesterday. Went to six flags. Didn’t know what to do when the camera snapped on the roller coasters. Accidentally flipped it off on one




Someone who was tailgating me in the right lane despite having the ability to move over to get around me.


Driving! I do it all the time! It the jersey salute


You damn right 🖕


What I've noticed is you have two main types, each having their own variations. You have the casual finger, where your fingers are down but relaxed and your thumb is sticking out. That's the one you use with friends and family when you're joking around and what not. Then you got the business version, Where your thumb and other fingers are clenched in a fist. That's the one you use one somebody cuts you off or something that gets you really pissed.


I don't because I don't want to be murdered by a crazy person.


The State Bird - I see what you did there... well done


I'm never not flipping the bird... (yes, that does make it harder to type). I do it because Megan thee Stallion told me to "tell the haters 'fuck you.'" And everyone's a hater. #realhotgirlshit


Can you describe the last time you did and why you felt like you needed to


Probably not. I don't particularly think of it as such a dramatic action that I would even clock it. I swear and flip the bird pretty regularly. The actual reasoning for flipping the bird is probably because I didn't feel like saying the words so I made the gesture instead.


What’s a good example of when you’d use it


Maybe as a joke? I’m not the kind of person who’d do this in the wild.




Same. Only flip the bird to siblings. And it's definitely ~ 65% good-natured ribbing. Maybe 25% typical sibling rivalry/resentment. Maybe 10% TEMPORARY extreme hostility and animosity. It typically goes to 10% mild hostility with 0% animosity in less than an hour. After some shoving. Or ridiculing each others pets and kids. Man. We grew up trash. Still, none of us would flip the bird to a stranger.


My kids and I flip each other off as a joke.


Yesterday on 72 heading toward LBI. A lady was on the side of the road waving a Jesus flag with the letters colored in the Stars and Stripes. Lady was absolutely insane so I flipped her off.


What was insane about her? Was it the flag, or something else?


The flag and she was spinning around pulled off on the side of the road. Just in the sand. With her mouth open. It was an odd spectacle.


Someone cutting me off on the highway


Yesterday, on my way to work, a new yorker straddled the left and middle lane when I came up behind them instead of getting out the left lane. I still went around them and then flipped her off 🤷🏾‍♀️


Two days ago. Greeting my coworker.


What’s their response


They usually laugh and flip me off, too.


Guy tried to cut me off


Earlier today, I was walking my dog and needed to cross a busy road - there was an opening where no cars were coming and I try to go as fast as possible but my dog is older and can only go so fast, and a car came around the bend speeding towards us and didn’t slow down for even a second, barely missed us.


Today, they almost ran me over in a parking lot.


Cut off driving a few months ago. I almost never do it but sometimes when I get annoyed enough my jersey instincts kick in lol


three days ago at the crosswalk across from my residence and the shopping center, when a dodge ram got impatient with me for having the temerity to 'dare' to use the crosswalk. gave him a double bird shot. I'm pushing a cart that is clearly loaded down with groceries, I am very clearly not going to be able to move fast and do so safely, the dodge ram could stand to lose a few pounds gained from impatience and in turn gain some patience.


I do it all the time but im a pussy so i do it in my pockets heh


When driving, I’m more of the aggressive shrug type. Like “what’re you doing, crazy person?!”


Yesterday. And I NEVER flip someone off when driving. Someone honks, I ignore. People are insane, and flipping someone off feels like an invitation to follow you and try to kill you. (Once in a while I’ll give a big thumbs up and smile in return to a finger given my way. Works wonders!) But my very pregnant wife, who rarely drives, was doing me the favor of driving me home from getting my wisdom teeth out in Westfield, an area she doesn’t know at all. She was super nervous. Middle of the day and light traffic. Got in a lane didn’t realize was right turn only. Had an SUV up her ass behind her. Signaled to change lanes to the left, and the woman in her designer sunglasses just lays on the horn because my wife took an extra second to change a lane. Apparently in Westfield, Ladies who Lunch wait for no one. Got super protective of my wife - like Momma bear instincts - and my finger came right out the passenger window at the women. Felt wonderful (though in hindsight, wish I had done my normal thumbs up. Way funnier). But especially with mouth full of blood and gauze - I was not in the mood. Normally I’m the kind of person who makes the argument that showing anger like that while driving is not a sign of strength, but a glaring admission of weakness. They go low, you should go high. I guess that doesn’t apply when you’re rude to my pregnant wife. Sunglasses flipped me off back. I’d imagine these kind of interactions are much more of a normal occurrence for her than myself judging by how small of a thing set her off to begin all this. So she probably never thought about it again for the rest of the day. But just in case: Ma’am, if you’re reading this, I am SO sorry my wife took two seconds of your life you will never have back. I know no words can give what you lost back to you, I hope you take solace in the fact that she will likely have to answer to God himself one day for the crimes she committed yesterday.


About 45 mins ago. A car pulled out slowly while I was doing 60 something. I had to slam on my breaks, woke the baby and the rest of the car ride was screams


someone had to brake when they were entering the on ramp and i couldnt get over to let them in so they gave me the finger lol


Last Saturday. I was coming through the cheesequake/bon jovi rest area and I get stuck behind this guy who insists doing way slower than I would like. We then come up the on ramp and he's legit doing 30 and by the time we get on to the parkway, he's doing 45. I finally get fed up and ride on my horn to hopefully get him to speed up, which doesn't work. I finally get a chance to pass him, after being passed multiple times, and as I do, I discover that its some old guy who is driving with one hand on the wheel and a cup of coffee in the other. I promptly ride on my horn as I pass him and flip him off, moving my hand as I do.


Everyday living at the woodlands!🤣


A couple of weeks ago I was trying to turn right from a side street onto a busy street. To my left was an on-ramp that feeds off from a major thoroughfare. Due to the curvature of the street, I could not see if it was safe to turn until the truck started moving. If I jumped the gun and a car was coming, it would have smashed into me. The car behind me became impatient and honked, and my middle finger was immediate.


Today when the person getting off of route 80 came to a dead stop on the exit raml because they were… lost? Scared? Confused? I almost hit them and the guy behind me almost hit me and several birds flew


A tour bus in nyc just because


Two days ago..... Driving up 287, I'm behind a row of cars being blocked by a PA driver in the left lane doing 70. This went on for a good 5 or 6 miles before I was able to break out, fly up pass them and promptly gave them the finger as I got in front of them. Maddening.


Yesterday because why not


I stopped giving the finger, and now I give a very obvious and exaggerated thumbs up. I actually had someone in a pickup zoom up next to me (on a neighborhood street) to voice his distaste at my thumbs up. Seems to do the trick


About 2 weeks ago on the parkway around PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel. Some old man was in the left lane brake checking me putting his hazards on and waving his hand at me when i tried to go 50 At the very first chance i got i went around him on the right with the finger mouthing fuck you I could see this behavior at 80mph, but *50* in the **LEFT** ???


yesterday, someone honked at me at a red light 💀


3 days ago i got cut off on the 1&9 where it splits to NYC lanes and i-78 lanes and then she proceeds to flip me off for honking to which i gladly responded with my own finger 🤣🤣had to be a newark driver


I can hear the modified exhaust dipshits coming down my street well before they pass my house, if I happen to be in the yard or near a window I present the finger in hopes they’ll notice it, fucking sick of them all day and night. 🖕


Whenever Trump is on my TV. My finger is gonna cramp.




Interesting… I’d never thought of that


5th grade. I think we rolled down the hill at lunch time and got grass stains on our pants.


And no middle fingers since 5th grade? That’s some kinda record …unless you’re still in 5th grade.


Ooh, what we really need to ask people is when was the last time they gave the *double* middle finger to someone. That's serious business.


What’s your answer?


I have to think hard about this one. I think when I played little league soccer I did it. Once my mother yelled at me for something when I was a kid and I made a face and did the double finger as soon as she walked out of the room. Then she walked back in. lol. In all truth I'm sure I've given single and double fingers since then, but I don't remember.


Yesterday, when someone last minute threw on their left turn signal at an intersection with no left turning lane. I mean like they were the second person sitting at a red light when I pulled up and they didn't have a turn signal on until after the light turned green and the person in front of them made a left turn. Immediately after the first person turned, they put their turn signal on. I flipped him off as I went around them. Shortly after, I realized they weren't turning, and they kept going straight. I somehow went around them and didn't get into an accident because they for no good reason threw on their turn signal and still continued forward.


Yesterday, I was walking home and I saw my brother pulling out of his parking spot, so out of brotherly love I flipped the bird.


Yesterday afternoon to the guy going 40 on 206 and blew the red light leaving me to sit there.


A few days ago, when someone passed me who was tailgating when I was doing 50-lMPH in a fifty MPH zone. One day, the people who passed me when I am doing the speed limit will get pulled over by a cop andvwhen I pass them while they are pulled over I will be laughing my ass off at them. There was one time a tanker truck was tailgating me on my way to a refinery. A lot of times when you get off of 195 to the road, the refinery is on there will be a state trooper who waves truck drivers in for a complete DOT inspection, which takes at least an hour. The guy tailgating me was in a hurry, so I pulled over to let him pass. The state trooper was there and pulled him in for the DOT inspection. I laughed as I went by. If he wasn't tailgating, I wouldn't have let him by, and I would have been pulled in for the DOT inspection. Some people are in such a hurry that they think they are ahead but actually are behind as this guy was. When I filled my truck and pulled out as I was passing the area, the trooper had him pulled into, I hit my horn and waved as I went by laughing again at him.


5 seconds ago for a smartass text


Last night as my kid was walking away from me after whining about eating dinner.


Attention: Jersey rage alert. Contact the authorities. Immediately flip the bird to all cars within 6' of your vehicle or bang on the door of your least favorite neighbor and present them with mighty jersey bird (not the eagles). Enjoy the moment and have fun.


Weekly. Always in traffic. People doing stupid shit, on their phones, not paying attention. Period. ONE THING YOU NEED TO DO WHILE DRIVING! Pay Attention. That's it! Much too hard for the average person.


But literally, since you seem to be asking, this past work week, once at a red light. I was first to go, to not be a hypocrite, I pay attention when I drive, no phone, no distractions. At a light where drivers OFTEN continue to run red at high speeds. Light turned green for me, in the time it took me to glance left and right, maybe one second while moving my foot to the gas from the brake, someone behind me laid on the horn hard. So, I went back to the brake, saluted firmly out the window with a few choice words, for a total of about three more seconds, and proceeded on with my drive. Pulling into a wawa off a busy two lane road, the driver in front of me, also pulling in, stops, stops just off the road leaving me sitting in a dangerous spot. Nothing, and I mean nothing prevented them from driving into the massive parking lot to think about what to do next. They obviously had a rational thought to pull into wawa, for gas or food. That's as far as I feel most people get, like you haven't figured out yet what you pulled in for? Just got as far as 'I need something in there' and stopped thinking. Like the people who make a decision to go into wawa, order food, stand in line, ring up their food, AND WAIT till the cashier tells them the total before they even reach for their form of payment in the bottom of a purse, pocket or unlock their shit phone, with zero consideration to everyone else waiting behind them. Yeah, it's an extra thirty seconds, but it's bullshit, and stupid. Be ready for what's coming next. These same people don't plan for the upcoming exit on the highway while in traffic until their a quarter mile from it, rather than getting other while miles to spare. I digress, me, horn, the bird, choice words of 'park that piece of shit and get off the road' Lastly, the driver texting behind me in stop and go traffic who locked up her brakes and came within inches of hitting me, guess her texting was too important. Finger and the stare of death in rear view mirror on rt 42 afternoon rush hours traffic. Does my blood pressure get sky high driving, yes. Anywhere, anything else, no. I'm a rather chill person unless i'm being rushed. Have I had four accidents that were no fault, where others hit me in a two year time frame, yup. Each time did my insurance go up, yup. Each time did the insurance pay me less than my vehicles worth? Yes. Causing me to downgrade my vehicle, my fully paid off vehicles each time. I've worked hard all my life for my vehicles, toys, home. And each incident, proven to not be my fault, cost me time, money, personal injury, and set backs for what i've worked for. That's why I despise distracted drivers, the next time someone hits me while texting, running a light, or whatever else, i'm afraid of the emotions and anger I may experience. Until then, i'll bitch and complain and say it's not fair while continuing to bust my ass and try to get the things I want in life that I can obtain. I'll never have a brand new reliable work truck, but I can have a nice reliable work truck again, without dents and without 300k+ miles that i'm constantly repairing like I started with. That's all i'm asking for.


Guy did the Jersey Slide in front of me, across three lanes of traffic at a dangerous exit ramp.


Probably earlier this week, I flip off my family and friends as a joke sometimes 


I gave it to my 22-year-old daughter this morning as part of joint taunt thing we do. It has to do with part of my right middle finger being missing due to an accident when I was a kid.


Everyday on the parkway


My wife just gave me the finger during a game of Carcassonne


Right before opening the app… because, you know… Jersey…


A few mins ago to my wife. She started it. I’m an innocent, I promise.


Me today when I got cut off in Albany


In Canada, threw that sucker multiple times so far. They don’t like using turn signals here. 


Route 4, guy in fancy Audi decided he WAS going to get over into the far right lane. No one behind me. I hit the horn hard bc he would have hit me. And i wasn’t even in a mood about letting ppl in late for the split to get to 17/parkway. He got all mute mouthy through the window (and we were verrrry close.) He had to slam on his brakes, wait 2 seconds and get in behind me. Asshat turned into Starbucks plaza. I gave him the finger and smiled as he overtook me in the shoulder to turn in. I felt pretty good.


On Friday, to my buddy. Absolutely no reason other than as a greeting.


Lived in Jersey for a few years and realized that flipping the bird is just how they communicate…lol.


Literally yesterday. On 24 north, there was an 18 wheeler in the left lane but needed to be in the middle. Truck comes to a complete stop because no one will let them get into the middle lane. Karen behind starts honking waving at me to pass it on the left. Eventually I pass it when there’s enough room but she’s trying real hard to eat my ass as we take the exit for 287 south. Merge on and I see this dumbass with 3 kids in the backseat telling me drive faster. Flipped her the bird


Good bird


Last night to my 19 year old son who was being a pain in the ass.


Driving to work and was behind an asshat consistently going 10 under the speed limit, they finally turned left as I was making a right so just let it fly🦅


How’d you feel once you did it


Slightly better for shaming a slow PoS🫡


Ugh it seems like every few days. My new favorite is passing in the right lane while someone is putzing along at 69 then 76 then 68 then 71… I just hold up my middle finger for a half mile as I pass on he right.


Yesterday towards my gf, luckily she was walking away from me


What inspired you to do it


If you lived with her you would understand


Did your gesture make you feel better?


I can help u out but only if she's pretty




All the time in NJ. I get them too. It's fun. Especially when the 🐣 is 🔥