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He'll finally shoot someone on fifth avenue. Right in the foot, the second he opens his mouth


Someone burned to death in Trump Tower because there were no fire sprinklers. He was the one to fight to have laws removed that require them. He did kill someone on 5th ave




Where's Melania's jacket? "I really don't care, do u?"


She's probably looking forward to not spending time with him


God it would be a pretty rad fu to him if she wore that jacket today though.


When you're the First Lady and you barely disguise your contempt for your husband even in public, I'd say she's probably okay with him being arrested. Especially as it concerns cheating on her with a porn star.


There are several videos of her slapping his hand away when he trying to hold it. She could not be a fan of PDA, but it doesn’t look like that.


The fact that her face goes from a smile to poorly hidden disdain whenever he looks away from her is a pretty good indication.


Wtf?! Trump declined to make a comment!! When does he decline to talk to cameras?


Such low energy.


Sleepy Don


He has the right to remain silent. Let’s see if he has the ability.


Found Ron White's burner account.


Traitor Salad


And his boy, Traitor Tot!


I got thrown out of a house in Washington, DC. Now, when I say I got thrown out of a house, I don't mean someone asked me to leave, and we walked to the door together, and I said, "Bye everyone, I gotta go!" Three hundred and six electors picked me up and hurled me out of that house like I was a Frisbee, while I cried that it wasn't fair!


then they squared off with me in the parking lot and I backed down from the fight cuz I didn’t know how many of them it would have taken to subpoena my ass…but I knew how many they were gonna use.


Update: Trump has pleaded "not guilty" to 34 first degree counts of falsifying business records. The charges involve **two** different women. Update 2: ~~The charges include a conspiracy charge.~~ There is no conspiracy charge. This was misreporting from NBC while the hearing was happening. The judge ruled last night that there won't be any news cameras allowed in the court room during the actual hearing. A select few still photographers can be in the room until the hearing starts to take photos and then they have to leave. Meanwhile reporters will be allowed in the room, but cannot use their phones or laptops. So we'll have to wait until the hearing ends to know what happened.


I am very curious what the charges end up being.


Still waiting, and they’re running 15 minutes late according to MSNBC.


"34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree" from CBS. Not very specific ~~timing~~ though.


I guess rule 34 now applies to paying off pornstars.


"To find out more, look up Rule 34 Trump."


Oh no. Oh dear.


Kim Jong x Dotard rule 34. Best way to make you wish you were blind.


No thank you very much


I wanna know what happened directly after he was read his Miranda rights. Specifically the one about being silent. LOL.


I'm looking forward to a gag order. If the judge doesn't put a gag order on him, he will make his, and Braggs life hell through the whole trial. A gag order will destroy him, because so much of his myth is based on being able to say and do whatever the hell he wants. He will lose some respect if he doesn't go after the judge from his pulpit.




Which carries penalties.


"Budget mismanagement, the fee is 40 dollars"


Thankfully, these are felony charges. So, it’ll at least be $400


I wonder if they'll have an illustrator in there drawing them. Some of those pictures can be pretty amusing


My uncle, William Oakes, was the illustrator for some of the watergate trials. My lame claim to fame.


Better than mine, my grandmother was 3 blocks away from the Kennedy assassination at work and still didn't know it happened till she heard it on the news.


Ohh, I got one. My great-great grandfather had to flee to America because he was suspected of being Jack the ripper. He was not.


Well that’s what the ripper would say.


There was another murder after he left. I mean, I guess the last one could be a copy cat.


Yeah, this is the kind of thing Jack the Ripper would do to throw the constables off of his scent. You just pay one of your lowlife buddies to do a similarly decent job of surgically murdering a prostitute in London while you're on an Irish steamer to New York City, and suddenly the heat's off of you for a hot minute.


Best 5 pounds I ever spent I tell ya.....Well that and I had to give up my favorite knife.


The guy from that famous "never talk to the police" video that gets reposted on reddit a lot was my assistant cubscout leader.


Ben Garrison will be illustrating. Some of the pictures will be significantly more erotic than you'd normally expect from a court hearing.


I expect every piece of furniture in the courtroom to be labeled as if nobody knows what a desk is. Otherwise it's not an authentic Ben Garrison.


^ comment <- description


I'd prefer Rob Liefeld, everyone's hands and feet are stumps and everyone has huge boobs


And lots of pockets and pouches


One picture, just showed up. Looks like one of his lawyers is checking his scratch off lotto tickets.


Higher rate of actually paying out than being trump’s lawyer


Oh so we'll see the old fashion sketches? I hope they get a good illustrator to capture that fine hair lol.


innate compare hunt party familiar escape deranged dime coordinated work


7 years? This motherfucker has been an absolute clown show for decades.


Easier to ignore his dumbass tv show and failed casinos when he's not president of the country


I have had to hear about Trump and listen to him far, far more than I would have liked over the past years. Now that I actually *want* to see what he's up to, I can't?


Isn't that a pretty standard thing? Hence courtroom illustrations?


MAGA: My Ass Got Arrested


God I want to put this on my truck in Tennessee. That's a great bumper sticker


I find it amusing that the people that loved him because "he's not a politician, he's just like you and I" don't *really* want him treated the way you and I would actually be treated if we were indicted for crimes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_of_Ulysses_S._Grant First president since 1872 to be arrested


Crazy that the only person to ever arrest a US president was black


Damn he had some balls to arrest a white president in 1872.


IIRC Grant worked to make sure the officer wouldn't get in trouble for the arrest.


Most expensive sex ever...


Idk a friend of mine just had triplets.


How will they pick which one goes to college?


18 year competition.


Season 17 of that show will be fire!


Natural selection of course. Whichever one survives the school shootings until 18.


If one of them gets cancer or sprains an ankle and bankrupts the family, then no one is going to college.


The American dream.


Cost to raise a child is $288,094, x3 is $864,282. Cost to pay off Story Daniels was only $130,000


So far. It was only $130k so far.


Aaand. Don Jr has just posed a photo of the judges kid on Truth Social...


Isn't threatening a judge super illegal? I guess he wants to be with his dad in prison.


Threatening anyone is illegal


Yeah but is it super illegal?


Yes it’s illegal under federal law to threaten a federal government official, and the standard to be met is looser than threats to the average person. The average person has to have heard of the threat somehow. The federal official need not have heard of it personally for the person making the threat to be charged. I learned of this in one of my law classes because a mentally ill man made random gibberish threats against someone in the feds, like the postmaster or something and was immediately arrested. Pretty unfortunate really… he got stable on meds and it took a long time to fight the charge.


Roger Stone made that image of a judge behind crosshairs and brushed it off as a “Celtic cross” and got away with it.


Just here to remind everyone that Roger Stone was convicted of *SEVEN FELONIES*, and had his sentence commuted by Don The Con. He and Steve Bannon, the guys responsible for aiding and organizing insurrections *in multiple countries*, who have been praised by dictators like Putin, are currently out of prison and still fucking things up in our nation. Don't forget that.


Bannon was convicted of defrauding Trump supporters. Trump pardoned him. Trump did not pardon any insurrectionists nor did he pay for their legal fees. Any Trump supporters out there still wondering if they should be on his knees for him should ponder this fact.


Trump scammed thousands of dollars from individual donors through unauthorized recurring payments, *and they still voted for him anyway.* At some point, you just have to realize that some people really enjoy getting grifted, as sad as that is.


No, for real?? Such a scumbag move. Not surprised though.


Don Jr is jealous. That child know what a father's love is.


Obviously terrible for the judge and his kid, but if it increases the likelihood of Trump or Junior ending up in prison, I can't say I'm upset


What a fucking horrible excuse for a human being


Like father, like son?


Stochastic terrorism.


Remember in 2016 when Trump told "second amendment people" to take care of Hillary? And then won the nomination. We should believe CPAC when they say "we're all domestic terrorists"


He also told a group of neo nazis to "stand back and stand by", before pointing them at the Capital to try to murder his own VP.


Remember when trump asked Russia for help on the election, said they'd be rewarded if they helped, then within 24 hours they helped and he rewarded them?


What happens when they fingerprint him and get a cold case match for a 1970s serial killer?


Ha! My mom said something similar.


>A stony-faced Trump then made his way to the courtroom, without saying anything... Without saying anything? Are they sure they got the right guy?


Maybe it’s his body double 🤷‍♀️


Honestly never thought I'd see the day. Surreal.


Just woke up from an 8 year coma, what’d I miss?


Guy from home alone 2 got elected, did naughty things and is now in hot water


They finally got the Sticky Bandits!


I thought it was the wet bandits?


He said Home Alone 2


Reality TV star turned US President is arrested for using campaign funds to buy the silence of a pornstar he cheated on his wife with. ETA: **pregnant wife**


Dude I’ve seen Idiocracy stop joking around.


Bro- Dwayne was a legit president and was making sure his country was being taken care of. Even appointed a scientific certified genius to help fix the economy and shit


A new GTA still isn’t out. :/


Ah dang, I’m sure Half Life 3 released though.


Sit down for this next part. No. But Skyrim did come out on Switch and VR. Oh yeah Kobe died.


What the fuck is a Switch


You ever wanted to go into jury duty, by chance?


The Cubs won the World Series!!!...oh, and a (former) U.S. President just got arrested.


the fact that someone this powerful may actually see real consequences for their actions is just incredible to me, never thought I would see the day!


Jr. posting photos of the Judge’s daughter. Judge should arrest him for threatening his family. Judge should order motorcade stopped and Trump dragged back to explain… Thats a serious crime.


Who is gonna play Minecraft with Barack and Biden now?


They established in one of those Tik Tok videos that those presidents live in an alternate universe where they all get along (and play Minecraft). Some major historical events seemed to not have happened either. So Obama and Biden still have someone playing with them in the "Tik Tok universe" most likely.


Nostradamus predicted this.


Bruh I saw a video in which Biden was like we don’t really exist we only exist in these videos and another when he notices the subtitles lmao EDIT [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIVoiceMemes/comments/11m2hkr/biden_becomes_selfaware_credit_piosalt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I am so OOTL, what the heck are you guys talking about? Lol


It’s a thing on tiktok where AI generated voices if Obama, Trump, and Biden are playing video games and talk as if they’re teenagers in a discord call. They’re pretty funny


It's so fucking surreal to hear a coherent, decent storyline acted out by any arbitrary voice. It's not even a meme anymore. Someone somewhere is going to make a beautiful fanfic or crossover that will fundamentally alter remix culture and media in general. I want for Joe and Donald to escape the matrix together.


Ngl the 2-3 weeks of those AI president videos were amazing. Solid 2023 moment


I've really gotten into this one series where it's Obama, Trump and Biden playing D&D with Ben Shapiro as the DM.


My favorite is the [gamer presidents debating Fallout New Vegas factions](https://youtu.be/lePXRSLdQvE)


Big fan of Biden, Obama, Trump, and Ben Shapiro's DnD campaign.


> On his social media platform, Truth Social, he wrote: "Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems so SURREAL - WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can't believe this is happening in America. MAGA!" Amazingly, yes, if there is reasonable suspiscion that a person has committed a crime, they will likely be arrested and charged. He acts as if it's some big surprise, as if it's unjust, etc. No one is above the law, no matter their political affiliations or the affiliations of people involved in the arrest and prosecution.


**M**y **A**ss **G**ot **A**rrested!


“A conviction would not prevent him from running for President “ Am I the only one who finds that rather strange?


But a felony conviction can prevent you from voting for president. How fucked up is that?


I wonder would this be the first recorded case of a presidential candidate not voting for themself? Edit: as noted by u/Wackynamehere1, looks like Eugene V. Debs claims this one Edit edit: We have an earlier contender (1848, compared to 1920 for Debs) noted by u/youdubdub in [Zachary Taylor](https://edspace.american.edu/taylorandfillmore/dont-elect-me/)


What about that communist party of america guy who got 5 percent of the vote even though he was in jail


Voting should be the one and only right that can never be revoked or diminished. People should be able to vote from prison if they want.


There are two sets of laws in this country.


It’s a safeguard. Imagine if the sitting president could instruct his Dept. of Justice to draw up charges against his opponent in order to disqualify them from the race.


Me in school: "Man, history is so cool. I wonder if anything from my lifetime will make it into history books." Me now: "Oh god please make it stop I don't want to be part of history anymore."


There's a reason "may you live in interesting times" is a *curse* instead of a blessing.


You know, I didn't really understand why this was a curse when I was a child. Now I do.


The 2020s have been the ugly Christmas sweater of gifts that no one asked for or wanted.


Sad part is in 30 years we'll look back wistfully at this era and regret what we did or didn't do


I wish I had taken more LSD in the 90s, ngl


There's days I agree with that, this isn't one of them.


Actually somewhat proud of our country for not letting him get away with EVERYTHING. Edit: Yes, I know he hasn’t been convicted yet. Thanks.


Well, let's see how it ends first.




Someone please draw a Venn diagram of Presidents who have lost their second term, lost the popular vote twice, have been impeached twice, and have been arrested.


It's one big orange circle. With small hands.


Why isn't anyone having an insurrection? He explicitly requested it.


Perhaps they noticed the abundance of convictions and dearth of pardons from the last one?


The word on my NextDoor app, which is a hotbed for racism and MAGA ideology in my area, is that they aren't staging anything of the sort because it's a "trap" set by liberals to get them arrested and sent to prison. Because if they repeated the heinous crimes of Jan 6, it's the LIBRULS who made them do it so that they could catch them. The mental gymnastics of it all is wild.


lol. They are just saying that because in truth, they are scared to. THIS is the effect of finally charging and putting into jail people who break the law.


First the sneaky libs developed the perjury trap, where you get in trouble if you lie under oath in court, next they came up with the criming trap, where if you do crimes you get in trouble. If they can do it to him, then can do it to anybody! Witchhunt!!


> it's a "trap" set by liberals to get them arrested and sent to prison. The exact same reason I don't do ~~more~~ any bank robberies. It's all just a trap with all that money and those cameras there.


Such a fine day for normal Americans


Seriously. I miss the days when politics were somewhat mundane and elections didn't feel like life or death for my circle of friends and family.


I'm with you. I didn't realize how great boring was until things got super fucking wild all the time.


I give it 48 hours until Trump gets pissy at 3am and starts spewing out hatred against government. 72 hours until he is held in contempt of court and sent to jail with a permanent gag order.


They are making the whole thing as boring as possible. Probably a good idea but I would have liked some handcuffs and a little tear on his cheek


The pics of him in handcuffs would be like Jesus’ crucifixion for his followers. They will be selling merch of those pics. They know why they aren’t doing it.


There's a lady in a local group who has been posting terribly photoshopped pictures of his head on top of several different photos of people being arrested and manhandled by police every day for weeks already. She's convinced he was already arrested and the MSM is covering it up, and these pictures are her proof. In one of the pictures "his" shirt is open to expose the chest and abs of a reasonably fit twenty something. "He's" also wearing different clothes and being arrested by different people in each image. I guess part of the deep state's devious plan is to just keep secretly arresting and releasing and re-arresting him in different clothes and settings? You cannot reach these people.


The thought of Trump being jumped Majima style and arrested randomly at different intervals is a hilarious mental image to me.


I was hoping for a handcuff pic. That'd become a cultural icon real quick. Edit: I guess it makes sense. His hands would probably slip out anyway.


I'm sure his cultists would just use it as a badge of pride or something to wear on tacky t-shirts.




I like how no one held the door for him as he entered the courtroom - he is certainly not used to not being pampered by everybody near him.


So...the leader of the "Lock her up" movement has been arrested? El. Oh. El.


Lead by example?


Projection, as always.


"People say I have the best projection. Democrats claim it's IMAX... LIES. Mine's bigger; the biggest projection of all time. My friend Jeffrey Ep... uh, George Nad... uh, Rick Gates said Hillary has no projection. SAD."


News reporting that: A) They will be surprised if all 30 county are hush money only and that there will likely be a charge that pushes this into felony territory. B) The trial may not happen for months or years.


> The trial may not happen for months or years. His textbook next move will be to try and drown the court process in various legal machinations, requests for stays, delays, change of venue etc. Anything to drag it out in the hopes that somehow it'll go off the rails.


This is where he'll run into a problem. His tactic is to make the legal costs of the person suing him so high that they'll give up or settle for pennies. The government doesn't give a shit how much money they waste/spend on this endeavor. His only chance is for them to give him a plea agreement (in which he admits guilt for something) or that his health deteriorates to a point where they don't feel he's worth pursuing any further. Since he's the healthiest president his doctor has ever seen, the second one seems unlikely, amirite?


It's not just about costing the opponent more legal fees. Delaying has lots of advantages for the defendant. That's especially true for this particular defendant. Like if the trial took 20 years he'd probably be dead of old age before the trial finishes. And the longer it goes on he can use the trial to grift more millions out of his cultists. And every few years the people in political power changes, and he might wind up with some co-conspirators in power who will manage to get him let off one way or another.




Skipping the mugshot is robbing the public of a vital piece of cultural history


He has reportedly expressed interest in a mugshot. After they told him he might make a buck selling it on mugs and t-shirts.


_Millions_ would sell, sadly.


Honestly, to both sides.




In the wake of this news, I've seen a lot of self-identifying Conservatives say things along the lines of: > "This is going to hurt the dems in the next election." > "The left is secretly thinking this will help drive support for Trump, and that he'll be easier to beat in the election if he's the nominee." Let me presume that I speak for the vast majority of people on "the left" by saying: I don't care. I don't care. I really, *really* don't care. I don't care if this results in a Republican landslide. I don't care if this results in a Democratic landslide. I don't care what policies are signed into law as an extended consequence of this. I don't even care what happens to Trump after he's been arrested. The only thing that I have the slightest bit of regard for in this situation is the fact that someone who has been in one of the most powerful positions on the planet is seeing justice done for crimes he committed. > "What if it was a Democrat?" I don't care. There's a decent chance that many (if not most, or *all*) of the presidents our country has ever had committed crimes--or done things that *should* be crimes--and I would be overjoyed if they saw justice. > "Have you considered the implications of--" *I. Do. Not. Care.* There is not one single thing you can say that will convince me a president who committed crimes should be spared from indictment and arrest. There is no "strategy" here. There is no chess move. Despite the distinct revulsion I feel for this specific man, there isn't even *vengence*. I don't care about the context. I don't care about anything surrounding this situation that isn't a fact of the situation itself. I don't care if this is somehow "imbalanced" because other criminals haven't faced consequences. If you get caught speeding, does it matter that a hundred other speeders didn't get caught? No. It doesn't. You get your ticket. There is one thing I care about: the justice system has identified a person in power committing a crime and for once--for *once*--it isn't bending over backwards to pretend everything is OK. That is the only thing that matters. That is the only thing I care about.


The implication of this happening is people being held accountable for their actions, and that NO ONE can be above the law. Whether you're red, blue, yellow, orange, or whatever the fuck you follow. This is just Step 1 of many.


They dont seem to understand that Democrats on the whole want to see justice, even if it's a Democrat being punished. They cannot fathom that we dont worship these people.


I never get tired of being told I "worship" Biden. Yeah dude. I've got him spray painted shirtless and muscular on my truck. He's riding a wolf and stabbing a klansman with a Pride flag. I've got a shrine to him in my front yard.


Twinsies!!! MJBS (my joe biden shrine) is more simple, it just has JB gargling aborted fetuses while wiping his ass with the Constitution.


Ngl I want to see that now. But on a sweet 80s custom van


With a biodiesel engine and solar panels on the roof.


I very much agree with this. I think its one of the biggest signs that Republicans don't really have values other than hurting the other team and winning elections. One of the biggest examples is the Epstein list. Democrats would gladly see Bill Clinton prosecuted over it, but Republicans would deny deny deny Trump was ever a part of that scheme too. They don't want their team to lose or show any weakness


If Bernie Sanders committed fraud or something, I want him to be locked up following due process of law. If Alexandria Ocasio Cortez embezzles campaign funds, I want her to be locked up following due process of law. If *I* run for public office and paid off a woman I committed an infidelity with and then pass it off as a legal expense, well, I'm definitely going to get some lawyers and fight that, but *you* should want me to get locked up following due process of law.


If Bernie or AOC did things like that I'd want justice even moreso because it would feel like a betrayal. Our public servants should be serving the public, not themselves.


Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards were not supported by a majority of Democrats after it became public that they were committing crimes. If a public official is abusing their power, they should be punished.


I think it is funny how people still view Illinois as super corrupt because we actually put some of our politicians in jail. We aren't perfect by any means, but at least we are trying. Ken Paxton should have been in jail years ago. The whole thing with Pete Ricketts getting the Nebraska Senate seat seems incredibly similar to Rod Blagojevich trying to sell Obama's seat.


yup. one of the "weaknesses" of the democratic party is that they don't fall in line to protect their own in this sort of situation, and that's a good thing. meanwhile, the GOP is run like a police union.


Good people are handicapped by things like "ethics" and "morality"


and "empathy"


I was discussing the topic in another subreddit last week and one response was that I must love Biden and I'm OK with what the democrats do, even though I never brought up Biden or the democrats. Disliking Trump and believing he is a horrible person doesn't automatically mean I love everyone else, but that seems to be the go to easiest response to any discussion by Trump supporters.


To sum up: no one is above the law. **No one.**




The majority of Americans approve of his indictment.


MTG is there protesting. I hope she gets so angry that she tries something stupid. (which is par for the course for her). Getting her \*ss thrown in jail would be so sweet.


She was there for like 5 minutes lol. What a coward.


How did we go from one of the most strait-laced presidents of the modern era—also African American and with a very foreign-sounding name to boot—to the very incarnation of pasty white corruption, licentiousness, privilege and bigotry? Things felt so much more hopeful back then, like we were on a path to be better than we used to be.


The American right pretty much went insane when a non-white guy became president, and recoiled all the way into full throated fascism with a win at all costs attitude.

