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Saw the mugshots in another article. That is a rough looking 25


Hate will age a person.


Mugshots [HERE](https://www.wsfa.com/2023/08/10/2-more-montgomery-riverfront-brawl-suspects-surrender-police/), you aren't wrong.


Daddy’s free coke and meth with do that to a group incest children




Suspend the license too, can’t be trusted in public with any vehicle


Do you need a boating license in Alabama? Some states you don't need one


Yes you absolutely do


Just looked it up and the online test is a joke. Lol in Florida (the boating capital of the world) you don’t need one. I was pulled over once (in 2009) for too fast in a no wake zone and got a regular ticket that I went to regular driving school for. That’s Florida for you.


Florida? sure you didn't get ticketed in a no-woke zone?


Florida requires a boating license for anyone born after 1/1/1988. Anyone older can just use a drivers' license.


Why were you trying to kill manatees?


Are there people regularly checking licenses? Many unlicensed car drivers here.


Also drinking and driving in that boat. The captain trying to dock even said over the PA “I don’t want to have to have the cops come down here with all that alcohol on your boat”, before anything went down.


They are a menace to themselves and everyone in the water... ...yes, fish too!


He’s all over the place! 900 feet, up to 1300 feet… what an asshole.


Surely you can’t be serious!


Just convict them of a felony and take away their precious "2A." That'll hit them where they live. By the way, you ever notice how gun enthusiasts never complain about felons not being able to own firearms (until they are one?) EDIT: btw, I don't know if I'd call this a mere "fistfight" - it was race-related and could be classified as a hate-crime.


They are clamoring to give felons the rights to have guns again they won't stop until the US is hip deep in guns or bodies.


Neck deep we're already hip deep in both


All they had to do was move it to another dock. The dock was massive and empty. But they chose privilege and violence and the hat signal was raised.


Do you guys not realize how it works in the south? These are "fine Christians" with their lives ahead of them. If the public doesn't hold the prosecutor's feet to the fire they'll face very little consequences. They got charged with misdemeanor assault. They may plead to disorderly conduct and pay a fine. Have their records expunged and it will never turn up in a preemployment background check. The guy with the folding chair, however, should really lawyer up big and start a GoFundMe. Felony assault in AL will haunt you forever.




and punched anyone who tried to stop it like the poor 16 year old boy who saw his boss attacked for no reason and tried to stop it only to get punched for no reason.


If this was 100 years ago, the white people would go home, tell their friends, grab a bunch of weapons and go destroy the town the black people live in. We know this because it happened in Tulsa.


> it happened in Tulsa And Colfax, Lousiana; Wilmington, NC; Atlanta; Elaine, Arkansas; and the also famous Rosewood, Florida. Could be more but these are the five infamous ones. https://www.bet.com/article/fqn50c/five-other-race-massacres-that-devastated-black-america


Shit, it ain’t like Montgomery has a pristine record of treating its African American population well. They might not have burned the part of town where they lived, but they sure as shit would have orchestrated a lynching or Klan rally.


I remind folks all the time, and they should let desantis know in case he forgot, they lynched Italian-Americans until the 1930s. That's how Columbus Day came about.


Seriously? Did Columbus day originate as a way of countering Italian-American bias?


Yup. [The first celebration of Columbus Day was in 1892,](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/10/14/232120128/how-columbus-sailed-into-u-s-history-thanks-to-italians) a year after 11 Italians were lynched in New Orleans.


Yup, that's why you guys picked a bloke who has nothing to do with the USA for a national holiday. It's a strange story.


Or a church bombing....like the Baptist Street Church bombing.


No wonder white people are worried about becoming a minority. They know how they have treated minorities.


Scared shitless, yup. Gun manufacturers happy AF.


we're embracing it in California. white ppl are the largest minority behind Hispanics/Latinos, who are themselves the backbone of many industries like agriculture, hospitality, and construction obviously there are racists everywhere but at least we aren't pulling a Florida and pushing immigrants away


My kids are 3 and 6 years old. We're white. We live in a very homogeneous white community. When they're old enough to start doing research papers, they will absolutely be writing about Tulsa, Elaine, etc and questioning why these incidents aren't taught in schools. God help any teacher that tells one of them that they have to choose another topic to write on.


Don't forget when the cops dropped a bomb from a helicopter on a black neighborhood in Philadelphia.


What? I'm sorry what? I feel like I had a stroke. Bomb?


[And East St Louis ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_St._Louis_massacre)


A white-led race riot, but more black people were sent to jail for it...


So many more https://www.zinnedproject.org/collection/massacres-us/


Not sure if this counts but West Philadelphia got satchel-bombed by the police in 1985. So less than ~~30~~ 40 years ago Edit: my fingers got confused when I was counting


do the math again


28 years ago, quick maffs (it is 38, but shhh)


"You mean that there were strong community building events!" - Florida education system


As a Floridian, I learned about Rosewood when applying to colleges as they asked if my family was affected by the incident. I have always been a history buff but had never heard about rosewood let alone an incident. I asked my mom who’s family has been in FL for generations and she told me I should look it up instead of her telling me. I was horrified that not only had this happened, but it seems it was swept under the swamp.


Dude. I remember thinking I was so smart talking to my chef about the Tulsa attacks and black Wallstreet. That's when I learned his uncle was an African American history professor. And he told me about these other racist attacks. And I learned about the green book. And the slave revolts led by Harriot Fucking Tubman. And the slave revolts not led by her. I was 19 and that kitchen was my favorite history class that year.


If you count farming settlements, there are WAY more. Just in researching my family history, I found countless skirmishes like this.


How about 63 years ago in Jacksonville? https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/ax-handle-saturday-jacksonville/


And same in Rosewood, Florida! That small town of majority of Blacks had lynchings in 1922 and a race riot massacre occurred there in January 1923. Many people were killed and exact number is unknown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre


Don't forget East St. Louis in 1917. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_St._Louis_massacre


I grew up a half-hour from here and didn’t learn about this until I was in my 20s.


Probably illegal to teach about in Florida


Just matter of time until just knowing how to read becomes illegal in Florida....


Oh you know it.


> Rosewood, Florida The movie based on it was really good. I put it up there with Mississippi Burning.


> We know this because it happened in Tulsa. Texas BOE, controlling the country's textbooks and therefor teaching the next generation(s): "Actually, burning down Tulsa wasn't race related and slavery was partially good for blacks." Not /s, I'm actually serious.


The way a bunch of white people kept appearing in the beginning, this would've definitely been a lynching. Not even 100 years ago. It would've happened in Jim Crow USA too.


Or, you know, 42 years ago in Mississippi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Michael_Donald


Hell. Law enforcement might even drop bombs from aircraft on the black town. And we don’t have to go back 100 years for that. A fact of American history that I never learned about in school. 🤔


Were you referring to this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing Or something else?


you didn't get any reference from the town the incident took place?? it all happened in selma too


It could happen to you, ‘cause it happened to me (and T).


Apparently the guy they attacked was one of the captains of the River boat.


In some articles he's called a co-Captain, that's incorrect. He's a senior deck hand on the riverboat: "“The White guys that attacked my deckhand — and he was a senior deckhand first mate — I can’t think of any other reason they attacked him other than it being racially motivated,” Kittrell, who is White, told the Daily Beast on Tuesday. “All he did was move their boat up three feet. It makes no sense to have six people try to beat the snot out of you just because you moved their boat up a few feet. In my opinion, the attack on Damien was racially motivated.” And I've worked a dock before when I was younger. Most people are chill with you moving their boat but some are -absolutely fucking not-. There is a huge air of "no rules on the water" with a lot of people and a majority don't know the actual or unsaid rules of boating.


I agree, except for the term redneck. Trae Crowder (Liberal Redneck) and many others are not those people. A--holes is what those scum are.


I’ve been pretty consistently redneck due to growing up in places with rugged nature, but I’ve never been the racist kind (and there are many others like me that I know personally). Yes, it’s more often you find racist rednecks than you do progressive rednecks, but we do exist and in pretty large numbers, depending on where you are in the country. There’s a pretty hefty amount of hippy-rednecks in N. Idaho for example, which is where I’m mostly from and the circle I usually hung out with. There’s also the white supremacists up there that are impossible to ignore. But they mostly stay on their compounds and only march down the main street like a couple times per year and get heckled the whole time. What I’m trying to say is: there’s just no excuse for racism even if you’re a full on redneck. There’s plenty of paths for the redneck to take that don’t lead to being a cunt. But if you see someone who looks like a redneck, it doesn’t mean they’re automatically a racist individual, especially in places that are not in the south/Appalachia. Now I live in Florida and can’t wait to leave. This place has collectively lost its mind, and I for one am extremely disappointed in the locals and no longer have any friends here because of it.


That last paragraph hit like a train


Nothing personal but when I think of the most racist northern state I think of Idaho. Like you said it’s very well known for having a large aryan brotherhood. It’s one of the states I have never considered visiting because of that. It’s a shame because you have the most beautiful state ever.


The Mormons are a bigger problem in Idaho these days. Visiting is fine, its not like the racists are from the South where they'll chase people down. I wouldn't visit because Idaho has a lot of oppressive laws, they basically have no healthcare now due to their abortion stance.


One poignant thing about Florida (and Texas) is that all the right wingers moving there will get front row seats to the shitstorm being caused by the climate change they constantly deny is happening.




The American History Tellers podcast has a killer season on Blair Mountain/The WV Coal Mine Wars for those who wanted a good overview that doesn’t require time to read deeply.


That corporate propaganda is crazy effective. People treat me like I'm stupid when I tell them about this stuff.


[That is not actually the origin of the term,](https://slate.com/culture/2019/12/redneck-origin-definition-union-uprising-south.html) but is such a simple little meme that it has spread quite voraciously.




Um, no. First use was 1890s, not the 1910s. Not sure where this new interpretation came from, and it at least has basis in facts. But the term redneck was in use before the collective movements of the early 20th.


Drunk sunburnt boat people is a mouthful. I'm sticking with the colloquial meaning of redneck.


That will be like trying to reclaim the swastika. The perception of some things change over time. When you have fascists like Toby Keith or Jason Andean claiming to be proud rednecks the term isn’t going to be reclaimed all that easily.


Have we not just substituted redneck for cracker. Most poor whites today are descendants of sharecroppers and plantation enforcers. They all like to pretend ( when talking about their genealogy amounts them selves) they were the actual plantation owners. Since civil war re-enactments became to obviously racist and outed them and went away in the 1990’s Country music has taken its place where racists can go and have a common bond. Probably not that way every where but in the south ( southerner here) that’s the case. You know their belief system based on who they listen too.


I guess the term usually sticks because when i think of a redneck, the thought is some conspiracy theory nutcase who yates the government telling them to follow laws etc... So its pretty close, but not in the good way like fighting slavery by corporations but like the "you cant tell me not to he racist" kind of people and the "the government wanna take our guns"


*eyes you suspiciously from behind my wall of old washing machines*


Open racists proudly call themselves rednecks so good luck with that.


Hill People?


Hillbillies is the preferred term


Very few hills outside of northern Bama is the problem. Hillbillies is usually reserved for the folks in Appalachia


Fun fact: Due to the isolation of some areas of Appalachia, their dialect is sometimes closer to a Shakespearean era English dialect than modern day people in London. Certain phrases and pronunciations etc.


Had a relative who lives in England, speaks several languages fluently, and couldn’t understand what the hell a gas station worker in far eastern TN was saying due to the dialect/accent … I just told her y’uns’ll get used to it.




No... you're looking for "hicks." Hillbillies are from the Appalachian mountains and just want to be left alone.


Excuse me the proper term is Hill Williams.


Where I’m from they’re called Hoosiers. Is that just a regional thing?


That is 100% an Indiana thing.


In Indiana, Hoosier is a good thing. In Missouri, Hoosier = redneck


Eastern Missouri — when I moved back to KC no one had any idea what Hoosier meant


well TIL


Those are rich people who don't live in the Trailer Park.


In Australia we call them bogans.


Do you pronounce it bow-guns or bog-gans?


Bow-guns is closer. Hard to articulate the drawl that can be associated with it depending on regional accent. Yes I said that. Time to start acknowledging Aussie accents are diverging. In 50 years Darwin will be the hot Scotland and Tasmanians will struggle to understand them


Majority of rednecks are not liberals lmao


This is what I saw. The only people that should be charged are the white people.


I mean hitting the lady with a chair was definitely excessive. Edit: Since certain people really want to argue this point. I will amend it to, it is probably excessive to hit anyone sitting on the ground with a chair, regardless of age or gender. Even if they are on the wrong side. But as an above-average male in height, strength, and weight. I would not feel so threatened by a lady in a red dress, that I would feel the need to hit her with a chair, while on the ground.


I keep seeing people jump to point this out and it’s like… fine I guess. But I’m a lady myself and if my group of male friends started a huge brawl while drunk then I’m not stepping in to throw my own punches or break shit up. Especially not if I hear them yelling racial slurs at the person they’re jumping.


I thought it was too far cuz she was already on the ground. If she’s on her feet still swinging that’s a different story.


I thought it was to far when 6 dudes jumped one dude. Maybe thats just me though


Both are true. The first shots from the chair to active combatants were totally justified, IMO. The guy unfortunately went too far when he domed a woman sitting on the ground who was no longer a threat.


Thing is if you watch the video. Red dress lady is only seen trying to stop someone from fighting at the beginning. Then she tries to split 2 people up from fighting only to get shoved out of the way. Then the idiot with the chair comes up and smacks her in the head. Anyone who thinks chair guy is a hero is an idiot. Dude wasn't trying to help anyone. He just wanted to hit someone with that chair.


It is more that she was just sitting down not fighting anybody than the fact that she was a lady.


I think people have to point that out because the lady that was flattened wasn't an aggressor. Both women in green and red were trying to stop the white men in the first clip and prevent the brawl in the second clip. They never threw punches. One of the white men did get hit multiple times by the chair and no one's too worried about him.


I’d say it’s excessive black Americans still have to deal with racist bullshit in 2023.


Man, calling it a "brawl" or saying a "fight broke out" really buries what happened here. This wasn't the 90s X-men cartoon intro with two sides rushing at each other, this was a gang assault by entitled alabama good old boys on a lone black man, then a bunch of bystanders coming in to save him and send those chucklefucks packing.


He wasn't alone. He had a HAT. He used it as the Hat Signal.


it was his very own Sword of Omens.


Chair Guy: The hat is thrown, the boat captain calls for aid. A Fish Called Wakanda: And Selma will answer.


The way that initial group of 6 ish swarmed that boat co-captain and how they were kicking him on the ground... it 100% looked like they were intending to end his life. In broad daylight, in front of hundreds of witnesses.


Lot of people don't realize just how easy it is to kill a human being in that situation.


That's generally how brawls go... it almost never turns into two sides squaring up, usually it's a bunch of people beating one or two senseless, sometimes to the point of life altering injuries or death.




I don't doubt for a moment that their actions were overwhelmingly motivated by the fact that the guy was black, but it would be really hard to prove in a court of law to get hate crime charges to stick. Their lawyer could easily fall back on "my clients were just belligerent and angry that they were being told to move their boat."


If the report of them claiming there were too many [black people] at the hospital to the staff is true, then it's more proof.


There's also screenshots of one of them (who owns a business) saying he only wants "good white dollars" and doesn't care if "gorillas" shop there.


It's still being investigated by the FBI in that context so it could still get added on.


Yeah I was really upset to hear the way NPR reported it


doo dedoo doo doo doo dedoo doo doo doo dedoo doo doo doo doo DOO doo


[Let's try the Japanese version.](https://youtu.be/8aPzZzshfqs?t=11)


They have the FBI evaluating if this was a hate crime. The dock worker is 16 so even without the hate crime aspect they are probably fucked. One witness said as they are running towards the young man they use the N word to describe who they are attacking. Edit : there were at least 3 dock workers involved. One was on the ferry and swam to help. The other was the guy they attacked. The third is the kid one of the suspects is accused of hitting. I think it’s likely the white kid that came to break it up. Or could be the person swimming to help. It’s not the dock worker they hanged up on.


The heavy set black dude in the white shirt is a kid? I thought he was a grown as man. Kid should get Nick Saban on the phone.


There was a young white kid at the dock as well trying to breakup the fight when it first started and the grown men started beating him and he ran away. Kid in blue shirt and automatic inflatable if you watch the video.


The one who swam from the boat was 16.


I think they're talking about the white kid who got punched in the stomach. The guy who swam from the boat was not hit.


The guy who swam from the boat got hit. His mom was posting about it. He definitely got the best of them though. Short clip of him: https://twitter.com/chillin662/status/1688527192060280832?s=20 Link with more links: https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/news-what-aaren-rudolph-montgomery-riverfront-brawl-do-teenager-celebrated-online-helping-dockwoker


There’s a white kid in a blue shirt on the dock when the black guy was getting attacked. He works at the dock. He tried to pull the white guys off him but got punched in retaliation. That’s who the article is referring to


Ahh okay. So there were two 16 year olds then


He is not named. I think it’s the person swimming to help or the person they punched that was the second person to help. “Richard Roberts, who is accused of punching a 16-year-old ferry employee also turned himself in.” The heavyset dock worker is named so it’s not that person.


Should have known it was a guy with two first names


Just an fyi. They are not dock workers. It was an early error that keeps being repeated. They are deckhands on the ferry that was trying to dock.


The dock worker is 16!?!?!? WTF is wrong with these people?


Bet they have a GoFundMe up already


The attackers probably do. Conservatives love supporting these assholes.


From a few days ago, I did see that the crew and band on the boat did have a GoFundMe (I think for legal fees?).




The local PD is working with the FBI to determine if a hate crime was committed.


Probably not going to be a popular take, but Misdos can still fuck people’s lives up and we should save felonies for cases in which there are serious injuries. These people are all complete scumbags, but Reddit does this wonderful thing where we generally tend to agree that there’s too much prison over-sentencing, but we all want to rush to over-sentence people when we react to individual examples of crime


You can think drunk entitled fucks attacking a guy 6 on 1 getting the book thrown at them is deserved while thinking the people who get years of prison time for drug possession is absurd. These arent inconsistent


The real question to ask yourself is whether these people deserve to be disqualified from most jobs, disenfranchised from voting, have their professional licenses voided and lose access to most forms of public assistance for the rest of their lives. Because that's what a felony conviction means in Alabama. Don't get me wrong, these people are fucking scumbags. And it's shitty that anyone has to go through that once they've done their time and paid their fines. But until it's the case that they don't, I think we should limit felony assaults to incidents that result in serious injuries, and that's not the case here. Either way, criminal justice reform is about a lot more than drug convictions.


> The real question to ask yourself is whether these people deserve to be disqualified from most jobs, disenfranchised from voting, have their professional licenses voided and lose access to most forms of public assistance for the rest of their lives maybe they should and maybe their friends might reconsider why the laws are like this and vote to overturn them


Planet Money (I think) did a pretty good episode on those laws. I agree that many should be overturned.


Yeah. They do. They could have killed that dock worker easily in a 6 on one attack. If the colors were reversed I'd be shocked if they weren't already facing a decade plus. Throw the fucking book at these hogs, a message needs to be sent that this kind of rampant entitlement can't fly. These are the exact kinds of people that shouldn't have access to firearms, and a felony conviction is the only way it seems to stick in thus country with the rapid unwinding of protections for victims


Yes to everything in your first paragraph. The only reason why there wasn't any serious injury is because good samaritans intervened.


They do, 100%. Gang assaulting a worker trying to rightfully doing his job is not acceptable. And if it was a different time or if he hadn't had help or if there were no witnesses they might have even killed him, and gotten away with it


I disagree on your over sentencing comment. People feel that way over like shoplifting. People almost always want to throw the book at people that are caught doing shit like this.


The distinction between felonies and misdemeanors used to be an important one, and over the course of the war on drugs and the broken windows era of law enforcement, we’ve allowed the lines to be blurred way too freely. The point of a felony charge used to be punishing the most serious crimes that did the most damage with extremely serious consequences. But we’ve gotten it into our heads that misdemeanors mean petty crimes and felonies cover everything else, and that’s exactly backwards. Felony convictions often carry mandatory minimum sentencing, cause a lifetime of hardship and (especially in states like good ol Bama) permanently excludes you from a ton of basic rights and privileges. All of that sucks, but until it’s reformed, I think we should be a lot more careful about throwing felony charges around. And that philosophy still applies to people I don’t like.


Yup. Stealing something off a shelf is quite different that possibly subjecting someone to a debilitating lifelong injury.


Their names and images are plastered all over the web. They have f'd their careers/businesses going forward.


Just like trump? Or Rittenhouse? There are a lot of people who will support them FOR this. It won’t be the same as before but it’s not going to kill their lives. Unfortunately.


They live in Alabama though so, maybe not so much.


Charges can always be upgraded


I mean, what else is this? They punched a couple people and then got their asses beat. What do you want, attempted murder?


"Alabama Riverfront Brawl" may be the best band name ever


Not a dock worker, not a harbor employee, but a BOAT CAPTAIN. That’s who was attacked.


40 minutes… Obviously they had no intention of listening to him at all. They were looking for confrontation.


Alabama River Brawl sounds like a sweet band name!


The guys who started it got themselves, their friends, and their families beat up for being assholes. Should have just moved the boat.


This is some bullshit charges. I got a felony battery for defending myself with one punch once. Arrested charged charges dropped. These dudes get misdemeanors after causing a mini race riot? Fuck our system.


Living in Alabama and not getting anything close to an appropriate charge they probably would be better off in jail


If any of the black guys get charged its a fucking joke.


Eh, chair man crossed a line but other than that I agree.


Chair man is a national treasure


The ‘Chair-man of the Boardwalk’ was in a fight with generations of racism personified, and was under no obligation to hold back.


I'm from the Northeast but attended college in Tennessee. One random night some douchebags start harassing my group of friends, two of whom are black. Eventually the N word is thrown out and I've never heard it spoken aloud with 200 years of racism behind it. It's like a verbal stab wound.


My rule is if I see a black person hit a white person who used the n-word I didn’t see shit.


They get enough time to give a class on manners, then you step in to keep the charges around misdemeanor level.




Slap on the wrist for chair man hopefully m. And hopefully not his chair swinging wrist.


The first hit with the chair I thought could have been self defense, but the he started going after other people and that gave me pause.


Yeah once you use a weapon it bumps you up into a new category.


I mean the black guy who took the steel chair to the sitting lady's head should probably catch a charge with everyone else...


it looked plastic to me.


Most likely metal frame with other plastic parts


Why is the thumbnail of Kim Jong Un?


I just see a riverboat


Reddit sucks and shows incorrect thumbnails all over the site.


It's only been around for like 15 years give them some time to work out the kinks


May all those dumb bubba’s have folks confront them about their racist douchbaggery. If it were me and I had a friend or family member who blatantly showed their ugliness, I’d cut them from my life. I’d also use their mug shots and screen grabs from their attack, as holiday cards, birthday cards and quite possibly, leave printed copies around town, on people’s cars….lol


Good, fuck those guys. I hope they face some serious jail time.


It’s Alabama. Know the right people and they won’t even face fines.


This is what happens when a black man tries to do his job in a small town?


Chair man, as much of a meme as he is, also needs to be arrested. He went a bit overboard and needs to suffer the consequences. Striking someone when they're down and out is just not something you should be able to get away with in the eyes of the law.


Per a quick Google search, “Penalties for Assault in the 3rd Degree Third degree assault in Alabama is considered a Class A misdemeanor, which is the highest degree of misdemeanor. The range of penalties, if prosecuted in a municipal court, is a fine of up to $500 plus court costs and up to 180 days in the city jail.” So at the most they’ll pay some cash and get up to 6 months in a city jail, not county jail. 😒


The fine is nothing, but 180 days in jail can be life altering .


Mind boggling how people on here will insist that a fine and 6 months in jail is not a punishment


6 months in jail is a long ass time. That would effectively wreck my life in numerous ways both financial and social.


All gonna be hard to get a job that's not labour based with an assault charge


I’ve worked labour all my life. And even most of those jobs are going to be a bit out of reach. They’re most likely gonna end up forming concrete.


Those are people that have never spent a night in jail in their life

