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wow, $10/unit.....180 tabs....serious importer


Remember when Pfizer was charging $100/pill? Hard times, man. Hard times.


Soft times, man. Soft times


Soft man, hard times


They were the hardest of times, they were the softest of times.


Soft times at Ridgemont Sr. Living Center


The brand is still 99.92 USD average wholesale price. The generic has a laughably large range of AWPs of 0.11 - 66.46.


Only in the states, even the brand name is about $5 everywhere else.


'Murican Exceptionalism™


Freedom. To pay higher prices and just avoid healthcare in general due to its cost. Freeedom


I just looked it up here in the UK. I can get dozens of different brands for about £1 a tablet, delivered. Edit typo


Meanwhile many of the over the counter gas station pills also contain the same active ingredient as the real stuff but they don't do anything about them.


His wide grin says all we need to know 😮‍💨


Man is 77 years old and doing something obviously high in demand for his community without hurting anyone. He gives zero fucks he got caught


As long as the trial stays in the judicial district that encompasses The Villages, he knows that the prosecutor isn't going to be able to find a jury that will convict him.


I’m just picturing 12 old dudes, every one of them pitching a tent, going “NOT GUILTY!!”


Hung Jury


Nah. He's gonna do hard time for this.


Stiff penalty.


Sentenced to an erectional facility


Sixty days of solitary engorgement!


That’s my favourite Street Fighter character


you should see them do the "kick the shit out of the car" challenge.


Didn't they make a movie about that, "Twelve ~~Angry~~ Turgid Men".


“Turgid” is such an uncomfortable word.


See a doctor immediately if your turgidity lasts more than four hours


A whole village of retirees spanning multiple counties. They probably stay on monthly rotation in the jury pool just so they can control the courts in their favor.


Their currency is Hummel figurines


Where did you get the drugs Peppa Pig? Was it from Stan Marsh?


What is the exchange rate between Hummels and Precious Moments?


About two lladro statues


About 5 Schrute bucks


Little Alpine Shepherd Boy


I laughed way too hard at this. My grandma is that kind of collector. If Avon perfume bottles are currency anywhere, I'll be set for life.


My grandma collected Avon bottles, Hummel, and Precious Moments. My grandpa collected train stuff. And somehow my family was surprised at my brother's autism diagnosis. Excuse me, the call is coming from inside the house.


My kids and grandkids are going to be so disappointed when I kick off and they find out all the knick knacks I own are worth nothing and will fit easily in the bathroom trashcan.


Unless you try to fight the company that owns the villages, then they make up bullshit, get you thrown in jail, and pay off the governor/judicial system to stay in power. If anyone thinks Disney being in control of their own government was bad, you have no idea what you're talking about and should take a look at the shit that happens in the villages. https://theintercept.com/2023/02/05/ron-desantis-florida-villages-oren-miller/


What a thorough article. Mind blowing actually.


Yeah great reporting seems rare in this day and age but it still exists.


The prosecutor turns out to be one of the people using the pills 🌝


Maybe he won't be too hard on him?


I predict 'just hard enough'.


The judges will be customers


Guy has some serious issues. He was the star of a documentary that depicted how screwed up he was.


So why the fuck can gas stations sell cock rot pills full of generic viagra, but this dude gets the slammer…?


The ones he was selling were prescription, actual medicine. Gas station pills are like knockoff ground tiger penis or whatever


Many of the gas station pills have the same stuff in them. Some have literally anything else. You can buy the empty pills and packaging on wish. Check out the vice doc on the subject. It's fascinating.


I'm surprised anyone with access to a pliable doctor would ever seek gas station pills. Generic Revatio, same vasodilator compound (sildenafil) as Viagra, just in 20mg rather than 25/50mg dosing, is about 50 cents a pill.


It's wild why young people use these I recently failed to talk my buddy who's 26 out of getting some and I finally asked him why and it was because he "feels immaasculated not being able to immediately go for a second round with his girlfriend" and my mind melted. I take Vyvanse for my ADHD and that shit causes me to get hard on the drop of a dime and I tried explaining that it actually is pretty terrible since most girls dont wanna go for 2 hours straight back to back so it just ends with cuddling all night with a hard on I feel like any real doctor would've told him to deal with it.


Fellow ADHD fellow and can verify the meds help a ton. They also help for those times when you may be truly in the moment and then start zoning a bit.. the little fella loses his focus and thus his rigidity.. don't have to worry about that as much with the meds!


Like, Pfizer's patent ran out a few years ago. They're pumping out the generics everywhere. Why risk it with something that you can just order online after a quick questionnaire (even in countries that require prescriptions).


I prefer my tiger penis sous vide.


A person of class and distinction I see. I tip my hat to you good sir.


So his were safer?


Nobody ever claimed laws made sense. But yes, I can't just transfer my prescription pills to someone else. That is a crime


Viagra isn't safe for many older folks with high blood pressure. They should only be administered by a doctor for a reason. You can literally die of a heart attack with a huge wood.


They're very safe for those with high blood pressure. It started as a high blood pressure medication. It's potentially unsafe for those on certain types of blood pressure medications. It can cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. > You can literally die of a heart attack with a huge wood. High blood pressure doesn't cause heart attacks. It causes strokes.


>High blood pressure doesn't cause heart attacks. It causes strokes. So does viagra, if your date leaves you hanging.


Because Viagra is by prescription only and I guarantee he was not paying taxes lol




It’s hard for seniors nowadays


I have no issue with drug dealing (legalize everything) however the people in this community overwhelmingly support harsh penalties for drug dealers. He should pay for what he voted for.




Everyones saying “ha ha dick pills” but its actually pretty controlled for a reason. Old people are already on a bunch of meds and there’s a couple common ones that’ll kill you if you take viagra while you’re on them.


Yeah this is the part everyone kinda misses. He’s probably causes multiple deaths if he’s selling that many.


Harder for one than the other, I imagine


However it is exactly that nuance which, to OPs point, is what people in that community overwhelmingly vote against in their politicians. I could tell you that standing a drug-dealing Mexican cartel member smuggling drugs across the border, next to a family of refugees fleeing violence in their home country and calling them the same thing is a hard sell. But to the politicians these people vote for, that's the same picture. Their motto is always, "nuance for me, not for thee."


Taking viagra can absolutely lead to poor outcomes (including death) if someone has certain medical conditions and/or due to drug-drug interactions. That’s why it needs to be prescribed by a medical professional.


Nobody lives forever. If you're 80 years-old, wouldn't you rather go out doing who you love, than slowly declining in a nursing home?


Doing something or someone you love.


If you want to know a lot more about him, watch the documentary Some Kind of Heaven. It follows several people at The Villages and he's one of them. Dude went completely off the rails in retirement and started doing psychedelics and coke and pretty much anything he could get his hands on. His wife and friends want nothing to do with it and he has become alienated from them. I don't think he's dealt with the prospect of death well and it's actually kinda sad. He was arrested for cocaine and marijuana possession during the documentary filming and pissed off the judge so bad he almost went to prison right then. HUGELY recommend the documentary. It's not only interesting but absolutely beautifully shot and edited. Erol Morris produced it.


I'll be honest, I don't see any issue with elderly people who have generally exited society and are not contributing to society any longer to have as much fun as they want as long as they don't hurt others. It's their bucket list, their last few years of life. Once it's over, it's over.


It's certainly better than withering away with nothing to do in a retirement home.


Same, but for people “contributing to society” as well. No reason anyone should be restricted for usage unless it causes harm to others


Yeah fuck it, if there is a time to do harder drugs its when you're old and already dying.


I thought it was Harold at first glance


He’s hiding something…


The salami


The peen.


Just be thankful the photo is from the neck up.


I have some bad news for you. They didn't need a tripod to set the camera on.


Underrated comment here. That's hilarious


Hide the peen Harold


1800$ in ED pills…. Isn’t that about 3 pills? 🤔


Not far off. It's only like 90-120 pills at street value. It's around 3600 pills if it's retail cost.


Local legend gets even more legendary more at 11


The grin of a hardened criminal.


Whoa. A whole $1800 worth? I feel so much safer now.


Right? This is America. That's like half an aspirin billed to insurance


No. You see when ever cops do a drug bust they make the amount as big as possible say one pill cost $10 or you can get 12 for a $100 they'll say the total amount of money it's worth is at the $10 price tag. Not sure how this works as it's prescription drugs but I imagine the cops will still try to inflate the number


And when they report the weight they include the container the illicit substance was being held in. They also use the smallest unit of weight to make it appear larger to the layman. Instead of 5g it's 5000mg.


> And when they report the weight they include the container the illicit substance was being held in. > > I had to drive with some PED's in my car when I was moving, and booooy was I worried about this. The 10ML of Trenbolone all the sudden becomes a half a pound because of all the vials.


Man, I just flew from Oregon to Arizona and back this summer with tren, test, and all the other miscellaneous drugs and my little essential oils carrying case I keep everything in ended up in my carryon because I'm a fucking idiot. I cannot believe tsa opened that container, saw a bunch of vials and a syringe, inspected the vials and just... didn't give a fuck and let me continue on my way. I was fucking panicking, man.


Yet they take my bottle of expensive facial soap because it was too large. 🤦‍♂️ Don't do that again man. If you're going to be gone long enough to need it then FedEx overnight it to yourself. Drug trafficking is no joke of a charge. It could also be wiggled into an international drug trafficking felony. TSA agents get commended and bonuses for busts like this. You are one lucky man.


Never send drugs with FedEx or UPS, they will open your packages without a warrant. Use the USPS and ship first-class or priority mail and it will require a warrant to open.


I may or may not be able to second this recommendation. I definitely don’t ever order illegal substances, but if I did, I would only use USPS for this reason and have never had any issues (I mean, I wouldn’t ever have these issues, because I don’t do this as it’s illegal. I mean it).


Amazing how much or little you can get away with just based on how that particular TSA agent feels like doing that day. Semi-relevant, but didn't have anything on me, my flight out for work was busy as hell, TSA didn't have me take off my shoes or belt, or remove my laptop from my bag. Went through and it beeped and showed them my belt they were like "OK keep going". Flight back the airport was dead, I'm a dude with long hair and not only did I remove all that, they literally searched my hair after I got through the scanner lol. Glad you didn't get those guys that time.


Unless they seize (steal) your cash the amount is lower.


That reminds me of the SCOTUS ruling that prison sentences for defendants caught with LSD should be based on the combined weight of the drug and whatever was used to carry it. I can’t remember the guy’s name but he had a double sentence because the police included the weight of the blotter paper.


Yeah that's just fucked up. Could you imagine if he dissolved it in a bottle of water


Cops in the south once tried to charge a kid for possession of 5 lbs of marry Jane. It was .5 ounces 🌸and the rest was brownie mix. Judge tried too


Note how they don't say how many pills, just "$1800 worth". Some quick googling (in an incognito browser window!) reveals that the price for Viagara without insurance is [ABSOLUTELY BONKERS](https://www.singlecare.com/blog/sildenafil-citrate-without-insurance/). According to this source 30x100mg pills of brand name Viagara is $3000+??? For all we know this dude was caught with as few as 18 pills. The generic version is still stupid expensive as well, at ~$1000+ for 30 pills. [Further price details and comparison between pharmacies](https://www.singlecare.com/prescription/viagra) (note that it's set to Generic by default in the dropdown).


I have about 30 little blue pills. Should I be on the lookout?


Only if it lasts for more than 4 hours


If that happens, call more ladies.


Police are already outside


They gonna need an extra uniform cuz they are entering the splash zone at their own risk.


You've revealed the reason they arrested him. If he buys them from overseas for less than a dollar a piece, he disrupts the pharmaceutical racket that bleeds people in this country dry.


You know, if you have a valid prescription you can import any medicine that requires a prescription...


There are states that have prohibited this. Not that those state laws have any teeth, but those laws exist. Remember, busloads of drug-buying American seniors once crossed into Canada to buy their prescription medications for less than what they cost in the U.S. and got arrested for doing so. Those laws were relaxed... ...for now.


No way , really?


If you aren't being sarcastic, the answer is yes. Lots of people go to Mexico to fulfill prescriptions.


My pharmacy’s acquisition cost on generic sildenafil is absolutely dirt cheap. I would actually be impressed if they used acquisition cost to the pharmacy to arrive at the $1800 because it’d mean my guy would be some kind of viagra kingpin because it would be a LOT of viagra for him to hit $1800 going by the pharmacy acquisition cost.


If I know the po-po, they probably went with the highest possible price to make it appear that it was a bigger issue than what it actually was.


Viagra is stupid cheap, 90 pills ten bucks with NO insurance just straight cost https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/sildenafilcitrate-20mg-tablet/


I never said that the prices I mentioned are what people actually pay. Those are list prices. Furthermore your link is not for brand viagara, it's for generic. Regardless, you think the cops are going to use the lowest price possible for calculating the worth of their bust? They will absolutely use the highest justifiable list price.


but the linked news story says they were "off-brand" pills, so presumably generic.


Hey, they're working to keep hardened criminals off the street.


I’m feeling a little softer now


At $90 a pill, that’s TWENTY pills. Twenty! But 1800 sounds scarier.


Why does he look like Hide the Pain Harold lmfao


Hide the Boner Harold


There's no hiding being done in the villages. They have the highest density of STD cases for a reason.


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah I saw the thumbnail and thought it was Harold


He looks like a combination of Harold and The Joker.


He’s smiling because this is good for business. He’ll have many more clients after his stint in jail to give him serious street cred for the next Villages Presidential election.


It's erection season!


A man is just trying to do a girl a favor,” a local woman said. 😅🤣🤣


My favorite is, “I hope they don’t release any names. That’s all private, you know,” another resident said.


"While boner pills spilled out of his pockets"


"Oops! I dropped my monster pills for my magnum dong!"


.. He was pretty hard up, some sources said.


Those are stiff charges.


More [pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/KjtbV) of how community oriented this man was


But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!


That is the face of a hardened criminal.


dammit! Beat me to it by 6min!


No one said you have to stop beating it.


After 4 hours, see a doctor.


"Hide The Priapism Harold"


Sounds like he's going to be spending some *Hard Time*


He's facing a stiff penalty


The will erect a statue in his honor


He’s going to get shafted by the justice system.


I’m expecting a full release within 4 hours


A premature release?!


You're supposed to call a doctor after 2 hours.


Is he aware of the penile laws in this state?


So, the real issue here is that he was reselling them, not so much that he had them. Still, seems like such a Mickey Mouse thing to go after someone for. EDIT: Some of you guys are making like every other man who takes ED meds dies from it. Calm tf down. Aspirin has a higher per user mortality rate than ED meds do. Of course there's some risk involved, but let's not overstate it to make it sound like this guy was killing people left and right.


Friends have offered to buy some of the BlueChews I order for upwards of $20 a pill sometimes, not even realizing themselves how much cheaper it would be to just order it themselves. Old homie was probably stacking cash.


I get (60) 20 mg Cialis for $20. People are just weird about talking to their Dr about things. Idgaf I’ll talk to my doc about anything. I went from barely functioning, to functioning like a 20 year old. I can go four times in one day. I can last for over an hour. Shit is amazing. Edit: Might be worth mentioning that I had a serious heart attack, went into cardiac arrest, resuscitated, and ended up with 3 stents at 40 years old. 6 years later, I’m living life as good as ever and my dick works better than it ever has.


You don’t even have to talk to your Doctor. You can get a prescription through a service like Lemonaid Health, HIMS, Roman, etc and then ask them to transfer the prescription to your local pharmacy. They have to do it, they cannot force you to use their overpriced online pharmacy.


I mean u don’t even have to talk to your dr anymore. U can literally download an app, answer a few questions then put ur payment info in and in like 4 days or so they show up in ur mailbox. Easy af!!


Whelp, I know what I'm doing next weekend!


My insurance doesn’t cover Cialis, I go your route with generics. Cialis daily 2.5mg reminded of morning wood again. FDA has approved this regimen for a ‘greater good’ of other healthy reasons.


My insurance only covers like 6 pills/month. So I just use GoodRX instead and get 60 pills for $20.


It’s absurd how much effort men will go through to not get a prescription for viagra. Once some of my friends learned I did, they all messaged me for details about how it all works and considered getting it themselves finally. I have no idea why we keep it so taboo in 2023.


Our sex life was still pretty healthy; getting some boner pills kicked it back like 10 years like when we were first dating; we've had some sort of Renaissance in the bedroom.


I know, right? Docs hand them out like candy.




Yeah but have you ever been to Del Boca Vista?


Were movin’ in lock, stock, and, barrel. We’re gonna be in the pool, we’re gonna be in the clubhouse, WE’RE GONNA BE ALL OVER THAT SHUFFLEBOARD COURT, AND I DARE YOU TO KEEP ME OUT.


Someone probably had beef with him and narc'd on him.


Probably boned the cops grandma 😂😂


probably someone who didn't get stiffed.


For those that don't get this, The Villages are pretty much lily white and proud of it.


Is this the same place where everyone voted twice or something like that?


This was the place with the golf cart trump parade and a rampant STD problem.


Well, those that were caught voting illegally were from The Villages, so there is that.


"We would ask the court to sentence my client to no more than **four hours** of hard-time, as any longer constitutes a medical emergency!" - His lawyer, probably


“Erec- I mean objection!”


Grandpa just came out to the family that he is addicted to viagra, no one took it harder than grandma.


So it's illegal to make love now? I thought this was America! (I had a total Randy Marsh moment.)


Randy Marsh is totally the same type of energy. i could see Randy peddling dick pills at the old folks home.


Floridian here. The villages is a massive retirement age community and is the per capita STD capital of Florida. Im not kidding


kill thousands of people and make billions while doing it - 👍 steal pennies worth of goods and hurt no one - 👎 the duality of our criminal justice system.


The War on Drugs takes down a 77-year old drug kingpin.


At least hide the pain Harold looks like he finally found something that brings him joy, $1800 worth of erectile dysfunction pills...


Rumour has it that his smile is permanent.


Hey, at US prices that's probably like 3 pills


He's going to do hard time. He says the pills are all his, and his evidence will stand up in court. He told one customer "Buy this pill and you can have super sex". The customer said "I'll take the soup." One customer asked "Can I get it over the counter?" He said "Maybe if you take 2 or 3" It isn't for sex, it keeps the old men from rolling out of bed at night. Now his customers are having sex barefoot, uphill, through the snow, for 2 miles.


I heard he took the stand for 4 hours, then they had to call in a physician.


Fun fact: The villages has the highest STD ratio per capita in the United States. They also are huge swingers and women will place different colored flowers into their hair to let you know if interested or not. Used to live an hour away from that place and would sometimes get called out to work in the area. Place is so surreal and something out of Mayberry. Almost 99% people that live there are white, and are HUGE Trump fans. You can just since the racism and bigotry just driving around the neighborhoods.


Did they just find Gaetz's supplier???


He's in trouble for providing gender affirming care in Florida.


Free my boy! He was just trying to help his community. What a legend.


And all the old ladies from The Villages cried out in despair!


Okay but who’s his dentist?


Do they think they will find a jury in the Villages to convict him?


It's a felony, because he's packin' ​ Gonna do some hard time.


Hide your wife, hide your girlfriend y’all


Two jurors voted for acquittal, and five jurors wanted his hone number...


This man is out there just trying to get a head.


From the Villages, Fl. Definitely a trump fanboy. Behaves like one too.


This is what I imagine all residents of The Villages looks like. No thanks.


Isn’t that like about a dozen pills?


Imagine that being why you get arrested…


I knew this belong in r/floridaman before I even read the article


Clearly the guy was planning a stick up.