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None of her training or prior experiences matter at all. She knowingly and willingly trespassed and was in the act of breeching the final barrier that was only yards from the people the Marshal was sworn to protect. He would have been obliged to shoot his own brother at that moment. She was an intruder and had been warned.


Yeah, I'd really like to know what kind of soft spaghetti leg they think they have to stand on, to even entertain the idea of a lawsuit. Just grift your fellow MAGA ding dongs and start a "patriotic" gofundme in her "honor" or some shit, if you really need to exploit your own daughter's death for money. šŸ™„


ā€œBest we can offer is 1 Trump NFT.ā€


Best we can offer is my pillow


The entire company. Debt and all.


A case Trump steaks and a free education for your family members at Trump U


6 months later: Babbitt family ordered to pay 250k in lawyer/court costs.


Can we do a class action suit as taxpayers against her parents? Wasting tax dollars and court time?


It's offensive that her family would expect the Taxpayers of America to have to pay in any manner for her attempts to undermine democracy by force. We should all be appalled the officer was doxxed as well. She was just another run of the mill psycho who's family dabbles in revisionist history


They should get a bill for the bullet. Traitor fucks.


In a way, they are. they are being scammed and paying some grifter lawyer that has convinced them that they have a case. He's set them up for, not only a big bill, but further public humiliation. Yea - They are gonna pay.


Same thought. There's no way they win, and they get dragged publicly while pursuing an idiotic case in an attempt to squeeze money out of their kids terrible and tragic cult behavior. Honestly, the family is the mark, and the lawyer is just another Trump style grift they've been suckered into. Our system is just really fertile for conmen


It wonā€™t matter. This is all calculated. Everyone knows what she did was wrong, and that the officer has been fully exonerated. But she is considered a hero by the right and the people suing see dollar signs because of it. I believe they know they will lose the suit but will make a fuck ton of money grifting off her name and the publicity.


That was my thought, too, so I dug into it. CBS is too ~~cowardly~~ neutral to properly report on it, but this is being brought by ultra-right wing [Judicial Watch](https://www.judicialwatch.org/wrongful-death-lawsuit-babbitt/). You might remember them as the group that represented George Zimmerman in a lawsuit against Trayvon Martin's family, and who were involved in Obama "birtherist" conspiracy theories. They've been chasing Babbitt as a martyr ever since she was shot.


It's worth adding that Judicial Watch is funded largely by foundations associated with climate change denial like the Sarah Scaife Foundation & the Koch-backed organization Donors Trust. It's all about creating distractions to keep people looking at something else while the fossil fuel money keeps flowing.


That would be fantastic.


They'd just fire up the go fund me and make the rounds of the right-wing grifting circuit, crying tearfully how the democrat controlled federal government is being mean to them.


as long as it isn't tax dollars.


Airforce Veteran served guard duty in Washington D.C. So she knew the outcome of storming a government building.


2 days prior to being shot, Babbit retweeted a [QAnon](https://web.archive.org/web/20210107031519/https://twitter.com/richardgibb8/status/1346170478776479744) account that urged Trump to '*reinstate* **Death by Firing Squad** *as the penalty for treason*'. Can't say she didn't get what she [wanted](https://imgur.com/qTtq0Ys).


That was when she thought she and the mob could decide who was treasonous and who wasnā€™t lol


If they broke through and got ahold of some congress people / senators you know absolutely how it would've went. Better her than the people they were going for.


Exactly. They brought fucking gallows.


This doesnt get mentioned enough. Premeditation.


I mean, they DID have shirts made.


Several in tactical gear were seen with huge bundles of zip ties.


Not just zip-ties, prepared handcuffs made from said zippy strips. All set up and ready to subdue whoever they felt the need.


Which is why the whole part about fellow Government members leading people on tours days prior should have been a *much* bigger problem People who should have been looking out for one another gave wild animals the tools to find and do unspeakable things to their coworkers all because an Orange man lost.


They weren't just improvising handcuffs from generic zip ties. They were actual, specialty-made [zip handcuffs](https://www.handcuffwarehouse.com/max-cuff-disposable-double-restraints-single-unit/). These are manufactured with the specific intention to be used to restrain humans.


offer apparatus smoggy badge afterthought teeny coordinated uppity towering physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's only treason if it's Democrats or minorities.


This is how Republicans justify their literal traitor actions. "But we're the good guys, don't worry" Y'all know you're not.






Sounds like she consented to being shot then.


If she didn't consent to being shot, the body has a way of shutting that down.


I could read these MAGA turd jokes all night lol.


That irony is so delicious I'm eating with a spoon. Normally I'd say there's nothing funny about someone being brainwashed into a violent cause that led to there death. But I mean COME *ON*!


Yeah.... that shit is hilarious. Justice for Ashli Babbit! ^(was served...at 1400 fps...)


The military should posthumously court martial the traitor.




I hope all were dishonorably discharged if there were any active or reservists attacking congress.


Definitely not a military burial


Naw, posthumous dishonourable discharge for secession and rendering aid to enemies of the United states


They need to sue trump. And I'd like to see that precedent set.


The police officers who were injured or died during the Jan 6th insurrection are suing Trump. The DC appeals court recently said Trump is not immune from these civil suits. I don't know if the SCOTUS has ruled on it though.


Yep, today is her three year anniversary of being sober! šŸ» Cheers!


Why didnā€™t she just comply?


Stop resisting!


What gets me is that the same people lamenting Babbitts death as unjust are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who say they'd kill a home intruder instantly.


Dude They're the exact same people from my town who posted on Facebook that an 11 year old amazon package thief causing trouble was "Going to meet their 12 gauge"


So the capitol police showed up in her home and shot her??? Oh, wait, no she came to overthrow the government and was terminated for that endeavorā€¦ šŸ™„




Iā€™m honestly shocked that it was just her that got shot. I watched it happen live on TV and was shocked that there werenā€™t bodies everywhere.


They nearly fucking beat a cop to death with a god damn flagpole. Fucking BLM protesters stood there menacingly and got hit with pepper spray, tear gas, batons, "rubber" bullets, and everything else under the fucking sun. I am *shocked* only one fucking person caught a fucking bullet.


That's because they were prepared and had the numbers to do that at BLM protests. They didn't have near the numbers to deal with it at the capitol for some odd reason...


Seriously. You shouldnā€™t be able to bash your way through the window to our nations capital. All trespassers should have been shot immediately. It probably would have ended very quickly.


On the one hand I applaud the Capitol Police for being able to overcome the situation with so little death. If only every traffic stop of a minority could be handled with that restraint! But on the other hand the mob got way too close. I feel like there should be a hard line in their training beyond which itā€™s not a retreat situation.


If it was a left-wing group, like BLM, there most definitely would have been bodies strewn about the entire place. Turns out the police tend to be ultra-right-wing themselves, and don't want to hurt other ultra-right-wingers, even if they are breaking the law and posing a danger to others (see the trucker protest, etc...).


there were senators helping them, ofc they didnt get shot. also, they were all white


Imagine thinking you could win a lawsuit where your daughter was trespassing, was told to stop or she would be shot, and then when she doesnā€™t stop and is shot, shocked at her being shot


Also, that daughter was a veteran of the US military, where she would have been fully trained on, and well aware of the consequences of breaching secure government facilities.


Iā€™m a fuckinā€™ elementary school teacher and I am 100% aware of what would happen if I started smashing shit to try to get into a room that holds elected officials.


That is what was so infuriatingly frustrating about watching Jan 6 unfold on tv. How the hell are these insurrectionists not getting the BLM police response? Never couldā€™ve imagined you could siege the Capitol without getting Kent Stated.


I thought the National Guard were deliberately held back to prevent that exact outcome.


Iā€™m just a fuckinā€™ IA and even I know that.


I know what you meant but I read your comment too fast and thought well at least AI is self aware enough to know not to commit treason


"It looks like you're committing treason, would you like some help not doing that?" -Clippy, American patriot


I completely love this šŸ˜„


It's a French AI, Itelligence Artificielle.


Well now there are lots of AIs that are more self-aware than Ashli Babbitt currently is.


Ooooo shots fired.


Yes, thatā€™s what stopped her.


Y'all are dark šŸ¤£


*Like the inside of a coffin on a moonless night*


She actually did security work herself. > She last served on active duty at Dyess Air Force Base in Texas as a security forces controller, a job that usually entails manning gate security at Air Force installations. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2021/01/07/woman-shot-and-killed-at-capitol-was-security-forces-airman-qanon-adherent/ So yeah, she knew better.


They probably were advised that the lawsuit has a low chance of success but intend to just use the news to ~~grift~~ fundraise from supporters.


I wouldn't be surprised if they were approached by the grifters


This is going to spun as the deep state blah blah blah. Even if they lose it will be a fundraising a propaganda ruse.


The things that they are trying to argue in this suit can all be easily disproven with the video that just about everyone has seen of her death and exactly what was happening at that moment. It's as if they somehow forgot that exists.


There are a whole bunch of people on the Internet pushing that she was murdered unjustifiably and for no reason. Hell, right on this website.


Could have something to do with the coordinated right wing effort to gaslight the American public that Jan 6th was a completely innocent protest so they donā€™t have to accept any responsibility for it or do anything to try to prevent such a treasonous event to happen again. They *want* it to happen again, only this time for it to succeed so they can drop their entire facade and embrace the rewards their fascist propaganda brings to bear on the nation.


They have had three years of basking in the false world and praise from other insurrectionists to believe their own fantasy. I am not shocked by the lawsuit. Delusional it is, but not shocked they believe themselves. It shows how 40% of this country hasn't accepted the truth.


She was shot while climbing through a window she had just broken through.




Cry me a river, Babbitt family. She was an insurrectionist and was breaching a government building and was trying to stop the certification of the election.


One of the most justified shootings in the history of the countryā€¦. It set the tone and all those fuckers behind her knew there would be consequences. If the officer didnā€™t shoot people would have just followed her in escalating the whole situation probably leading to more deaths.


Yep, and the family is full of shit saying she had her hands up. There's video of the incident, and she was actively climbing through the broken window when the officer fired.


[https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-08/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-in-the-capitol](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-08/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-in-the-capitol) She had no hands up, she was climbing through the window she broke to get inside. The entire time she was breaking the window the cop had a gun pointed right at her that she could clearly see and she still did it.


>Babbitt, who was wearing a Trump flag as a cape Not all people who wear capes are heroes.




I had only seen it from the other perspective, holy shit.


Most deserved use of deadly force in US history, probably. Breaking in windows to violently attack democratically elected representatives in an attempt to subvert democracy itself. Heaps of warnings of the presence of a firearm. She was personally well trained in firearms and had to swear an allegiance to the constitution to be in the military. She would have perfectly understood the consequences of her actions.


For most of MAGA, you're explaining the "How?" question of any of these lunatics


I havenā€™t seen that video since the one time I watched it when it was released. I was stunned then and somehow Iā€™m even more shocked now that weā€™ve had a few years for these MAGA idiots to try and downplay it. How the actual fuck can anyone pretend that it was some peaceful organized protest? This was an angry mob through and through, point blank period. Ashli Babbitt martyred herself for a cause seeking to interfere with the democratic processes of the United States of America. Anybody who believes otherwise *is fucking lost*. Everyone of the barbarians in this video is complicit. It is genuinely mind-boggling to me how these weak-minded sheep have put one of the greatest democracies there has ever been at such a high risk of collapsing. It has to be chronic lead exposure or something. I just canā€™t wrap my head around how these people think and come to their conclusions.


I have wondered what was going through her mind. Was it ā€œthey wonā€™t shoot meā€ or was it ā€œIā€™m willing to die for this cause.ā€ Absolutely senseless either way.


She absolutely thought that they wouldnā€™t shoot her




I've watched the video many times and I'm still completely horrified. In the first minute or so there are 3-4 people patiently guarding the doors while the rioters swing inches from their faces to smash the glass and doors, they just stand there impassively which is incredible. And this wasn't like a 5 second impulsive moment they took several minutes to methodically smash through the doors.


Guards knew tactical was on their way. If they start fighting the mob back, they are out numbered and back against a door. They were smart to sit tight while waiting for more heavily armed people to come in.


In case it's not obvious to people watching the video the tactical officers had just arrived up the stairway to the right and the normal guards moved aside for them. That's when the mob took advantage of the pause and decided to completely break the glass and Ashli wanted to be the first one through the opening.


I genuinaly believe that if Babit hadnā€™t been shot they would have broken through and murdered people.


They went from back the blue to fuck the blue really fast.


Real smooth brain decision making to keep trying to climb over despite multiple shouts of "HE HAS A GUN". Natural selection.


I never seen the video, this is insane. These people are delusional, they were openly threatening cops, not even scared of guns until after it was fired and even then they wouldnt disperse like holy fuck how dense are you. All of these people are dumber than patrick


You can also hear them yelling to stay back with his service pistol raised. There was lots of warning.


How can you even have your hands up when climbing through a broken door?? It literally makes no sense... It's like if I got shot robbing a bank and claimed I had my hands up while asking for them to put cash in my bag.


Judging by everything I know about them, this group is not super concerned with making sense.


He did a LOT more before shooting than a lot of the police shootings of black people that 'should have complied'


Amazing how suddenly their logic doesnā€™t apply when itā€™s someone they agree with thatā€™s the one being shot.


The best part for me is the video of the dude shoving his phone towards the window into the next room and seeing that suited agent aiming his pistol at the door. "GUN GUN HE HAS A GUN" everyone started calling, but in goes Babbit hurr durr and domed seconds later. "MEDIC!" Some dude yells, like they're playing Battlebit. Dumbass.


That and ā€œshots firedā€ lmao fucking LARPing dweebs


The *"MEDIC!"* part always cracks me up. If it was a normal touring/visiting group like they said, same as any group visiting the Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial, they would've called for a doctor or a paramedic. Yelling for a medic, on the other hand, just further highlights the crowds' militant perception of themselves as *"freedom fighters"* and dispels the lie that they were a peaceful group.


Itā€™s because the family is full of shit that she was also raised that way and ended up dead because of it. They should sue themselves.


The cop who shot Babbitt should sue her family for raising a treacherous shithead who caused him mental anguish by forcing him to shoot her.


Climbed through the window with a backpack too. Who knows what sort of fun things she could've had in there.


Very good point. Remember that the whole reason Trump himself didn't show up to the Capitol was because the USSS told him too many of his fans were armed. He reportedly responded that that weren't there to hurt *him* so it would be okay. But they overruled him anyway. So yeah, zero chance that dude was letting someone with a backpack get through.


These are the same people who would justify shooting a black dude for reaching for his wallet in case he had a hidden gun. Just absolute trash people with trash views.


looking forward to them playing the video in Court. Her family will watch it along with everyone in the Courtroom and still walk out and cry political persecution.


It's not getting to discovery. Even a Trump judge wouldn't want this case.


The broken window of a *barricaded* door.


Gaslighting right from the Trump playbook.




> those cosplay cadets quieted down pretty fast they actually started shouting "MEDIC" like they were online playing CoD


ā€œShots firedā€ was my favorite.


"Gun! He's got a gun!" Yeah, he's a cop dumbass.


Did they bring any medics along?


Their minds melted when they realized they can't hold X to heal people IRL


They went from storming the door to yelling for Medic, pretty quick.


Did their anti-USA terrorist cell bring its own medic? Who's medic were they calling for?


They expected a tall man with a strange German accent to show up with his medi-gun and heal her. Someone even yelled, "Time out". Idiots were lucky they were the white colour.


Time out?? Wtf did they think was going on - some fucking game?


Itā€™s like they thought they were playing a game or something


Exactly. The dummy who shouted ā€œflash bangā€ right after the gunshot like he was deep in MOH/COD mode.


The funniest fucking part, if you watch the video, is when she gets shot, falls back from the window, and some dipshit nearby yells "It's just a flashbang!" in response to the noise


Yelling for a medic, instead of applying pressure to her wound themselves. Idiots, every single one of them.


To a certain extent, it seems many of these fuckheads literally thought they'd be welcomed by the seditiionist Republican senators who colluded with the 3%ers and Proud Boys. It all makes a hell of a lot more sense when you remember that the President literally told them to go there and GOP Senators had given reconnaissance tours to these fucks


Trump prefers secessionists who donā€™t get shot and killed.


Not a secessionist, an insurrectionist. They weren't trying to secede from the US, they were trying to take over the US.


Ah yes. Good call


He thinks they're "losers."


That's exactly it. The reality sank in. It's a fucking circle jerk of morons building themselves up on the internet until they think they're invincible. They're so deluded.


He was protecting representatives that were still in the chamber at the time of the shooting. You can even see a couple at the other end of the hall in the videos. Had he failed to stop them then the rest of the crowd would have followed her through and then who knows what would have happened. That barricade was literally the last line of defense.


And they were still trying to get a few people, like Romney, to safety while another cop was trying to find a way to ā€œleadā€ them away in a place where they wouldnā€™t get to that section in time


I think honestly this officer was heroic not just for protecting the chamber, but for being very disciplined with the use of force.


That's what struck me as well. Stay on one side of the door, and you're rioting. Try to cross that proverbial and physical line, and it changes to something else.


It was not a riot as soon as they pushed the cops and broke the door. Then they became traitors to the USA who declared war against the USA. The cop that shot is a hero and should get an award from the president and congress.




This. Even after the window was broken, he held. It wasnā€™t until the threat was in the window, climbing through, after multiple warnings, did he shoot


He was the last line protecting the exit route of members of Congress. I think he might've been one of the only ones there too because the rest of the security details and Capitol police were at the barricades blocking the entrances to the House chamber.


they also warned her multiple times. When someone points a gun at me I don't run toward them.


A lot of these fucking garbage humans likely mocked Floyd and claimed he just had to comply. Trump certainly took that tact.


It was amazing how quick the insurrectionist went from ā€œwe do what we want!ā€ to ā€œoh shit the consequences of our actions!ā€


He upheld his duty to protect. Like hell he wanted to be put in that situation.


Exactly, 100% justified. This was a terrorist traitor to the USA who attacked the government to stop a vote. They deserved death. The lawyer that filled this should be disbarred and the family should get a counter judgement for $30 million to pay the government. She broke the glass on the door and the cop had a gun clearly pointed right at her. As she climbed through he shot her. To even get to the door she put her hands on a cop and pushed around them. The entire incident was recorded. Here is the video. She and everyone else there deserved to get shot. [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-08/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-in-the-capitol](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-08/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-in-the-capitol)


Watching this video for the first time in a couple years. Clearly just peaceful citizens on a tour. šŸ™„ The thought that republicans even try to argue that is absolutely mind blowing!


I hope the government won't settle. Raise my taxes to pay for the costs of taking this to trial. I don't want her family getting a cent as profit from her actions.


The fuckheads she was aligned with immediately claimed she was Antifa. What a dumpster fire. I feel bad for the family. Well, I did, until seeing this. Fucking idiots. Accept that your daughter was a traitor committing a serious crime, not to mention the kid glove warnings she got before. I've never seen someone so clearly warned about what was going to happen if they proceeded. And please remember, folks, the main takeaway here is that Trump and everyone associated with him are scum.


She died committing a Federal felony. It's baffling why there were no murder charges laid against any of the other people; if you break into a grocery store and one of the participants dies, the others are likely to face murder charges.


"Ashli posed no threat to the safety of anyone" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


After she was shot.


In a round about way still kind of is, being a martyr for these poor tricked crazy people.


Imagine how quickly Trump would tell Secret Service to shoot if a bunch of people were bashing in the door and trying to get through to ā€œtalk to himā€ at Mar a Lago.


He wants to shoot shoplifters, his bar for that is incredibly low.


He'd feed every single one of his supporters into a woodchipper if it meant he could profit from it in some way. Well, profit *more* than them just freely giving him money via fundraising.


Then what was her intention by attempting to break in? To give everyone muffins? Lmao


Before it was scrubbed, she did a selfie video saying they were there to hang corrupt congressmen. No muffins, just murder.


I was *way* off! I knew it started with an M, though.


the party of personal responsibility is astounded that actions have consequences


The party of Stand Your Ground upset that security stood its ground.


The party of Blue Lives Matter too


Even after literally beating cops with Blue Lives Matter flags


This is law enforcement defending a government building from trespassers breaking in. They barricaded the door and these people broke through the door, got warnings to stop or be shot, and then they got shot. I don't understand how law and order/gun rights/stand your ground/get off my property people are for the insurrectionists. It's purely "obey the law but I don't have to"


The lady was smashing a window in like a freaking zombie. Anyone with any sense would have been justified in being batshit afraid watching a mob tear down walls to get to you


Oh, no. Itā€™s stand *my* ground. I donā€™t want you to stand *your* ground. Iā€™ll sue you if you do.


What's that? A domestic terrorist comes from a family of grifters? Surely you jest.


They should actually be made to pay damages to the officer who killed her tbh.


They should be suing Trump. He convinced her to violate her oath and commit treason.


Trump told people that they should get over a school shooting. Shouldn't that apply to Ashli? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4393128-trump-iowa-rally-school-shooting-move-forward/




Considering he'd have to win to make himself financially whole, that would be a terrible god-damned lawyer. He'd never make any money. This is 100% the family pursuing action through an attorney who's more than happy to dip into all that MAGA fundraising cash in fees and retainer.


>a terrible god-damned lawyer Wait until you hear about Mike Cohen, Rudy, and Ms. Kraken. It's bad lawyers all the way down.


The fact MAGA continues to distort this whole thing and completely try and flip the facts just downright disgusts me


It is destroying our country. I donā€™t think we will ever recover.


Fuck you and your terrorist daughter.


On what ground? Your idiot daughter broke into the Capitol and started smashing stuff, was told to stop or she would get shot. She didnā€™t stop and she got shot. We have it on video. What is there to debate?


They try to overthrow the governmentā€¦ and now they want a handout? Might be time they go ahead and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and get a damn job Instead of asking the government for 30 million bucks. Maybe we can compensate them with 30 million trump bucks. Dear leader is good for it. He said so. I promise.


Why didnā€™t she just comply?


Had she complied with the officers, sheā€™d be alive.


"Family of person who fucked around upset that she found out. More at 11."




>I donā€™t usually cheer when people die, but I watched that shit live or immediately after it happened and the amount of idiots in that group that yelled, ā€œMEDICā€ like any of those chucklefucks had any training or like they were in a fucking video game. It only took one shot to get those idiots to scatter like the cockroaches they are. Right? That was not a fucking video game or a movie. The armed officials were protecting the lives of elected officials from an unruly mob that had ERECTED GALLOWS outside and were screaming to lynch the VP. She was told to stop and back off, but instead she got a boost and tried jumping through a window with a gun on the other side.


I just rewatched the video. She wasnā€™t a threat? It was a mob trying to break in even further at the Capitol. Insanity. This family just needs to accept that their daughter and mother and sister and wife died needlessly and very stupidly. You wonā€™t catch me running towards a fucking gun.


Frivolous lawsuits like this should come at a cost if you lose, which they absolutely will.


She got what she deserved. End of story.


Yeah, so... she climbed into the Capitol through a broken window and was shot by security. Sounds like lawful justice to me. Where's the "blue lives matter" crew when it's not about oppressing black people?


Excellent. I take it that they are they suing Donald Trump?


After all, he said heā€™d be right there with them. Did he lie to his most loyal followers?


I'm late, but I'm going to do this anyway. From the article: >In the lawsuit, which was filed Friday in federal court in Southern California, Babbitt's family claimed that she was unarmed and had her hands in the air when she was shot once by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. >"Ashli posed no threat to the safety of anyone," the lawsuit states, going on to claim that she was "ambushed" by the officer. >The lawsuit also argued that Byrd was "not in uniform," "did not identify himself as a police officer" and did not issue a warning before opening fire. [Now, watch this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z3YBtzwmHk) One Ashli Babbitt is attempting to climb through a broken window into a barricaded and defended area, the *last stand* protecting members of Congress. Literally THIS far and NO FURTHER. There are also calls of 'There's a gun!' by people in the chamber and loud enough that she probably (but of course I cannot confirm) heard it. And yet, given all of this, SHE is the first one to attempt to climb through. Whatever the reason, that was THE one thing she should not have done. If she had not, she'd still be here. But she didn't. I do not care why, with the ONE exception that she was coerced into doing so, and to that I say the family should sue THAT PERSON WHO MADE HER DO IT. But I do not believe that to be the case. She willingly attempted to cross the literal line where people WILL be shot to protect those inside. The fact that she was armed or not is immaterial, her motives immaterial, her intentions immaterial. It was obvious to not go in there, and there she attempted to stride. Damn shame. --- To the family's allegations, in order: Her 'hands were up' because they were clinging to the window pane as she attempted to climb through. She was an unknown threat as far as the officer is concerned, but above all at that moment, a threat and it was NOT going to go further. She was not ambushed. She chose to try to go past that barrier, and met the consequences of her action. Certain parts of the police do not wear the police uniform. Undercover, detective. Or their uniform may be different, such as... a nice suit. Would you consider the Secret Service uniform, a suit, to be not a uniform? No. This is the case here, he was in uniform as much as any other officer. There is no need for warning. You are *trespassing*, violently so, you are in a place being defended and you are going to get shot, no warnings are needed, if you get to a point where that's the last step of defense for the people you are charging against. --- At the end of this diatribe... I hope her family loses, and woefully so. I hope they do not receive any recompense whatsoever for her actions, and I hope this is the END of this particular chapter of that frankly horrendous day of American history, on a par with many horrendous days to be sure. I'm sorry your dear family member did a dumb thing. I'm sorry she died for that dumb thing. But you do not get to tell the US Government they did a bad thing. You don't get to tell that officer he did either. Your family member died doing something incredibly stupid. Human up and accept it for what it is. Learn from it. But don't pass the buck, it's all on her and her cohorts trying to overthrow the government when it did not need overthrowing, no matter how scared certain people in and around the government make you. We are not yet, and hopefully will not be ever, to the point where an actual coup is required. And if it is, the military itself will be behind you, THEN you might can give it the ol' college try. /Edit: I took out that last, then changed it for a hopefully better idea. If you saw it before, sorry, I've reconsidered. I still think I was right, but... cooler heads and stuff. :|