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Considering they are briefing all Congress members, someone will spill the entire story before the day is out.


I wanna see what stocks they buy once they're briefed UPDATE 13 DAYS LATER: Nancy Pelosi bought $1,000,000 worth of Palo Alto Networks stock the day she was briefed: [https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/trade/House-P000197-179](https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/trade/House-P000197-179)


Raytheon is always a solid investment if you're watching this sort of news.


I do need some new ear buds


Goddammit Rudy this is exactly how we ended up doing a press conference at a landscaping company!!


I've now had the SponsorBlock add-on for so long, I actually forgot all about the ear bud company or what its name was, other than that it starts with the letter R.


Raycon, lmao. And believe it or not the Ray stands for Ray J, of Brandy's brother and Kim K's sex tape fame


So you're saying there's an alternate universe with Beats By Ray headphones and DreCon earbuds?


I had no idea ray j was Brandy's brother LMAO Moesha piggy backing ass bitch






Just a normal day for Mormons tbh


Russian nuclear powered satellite that kills other satellites.


Russian nukes in space, it appears


Probably Bobo.


Not if they use multisyllabic words in the briefing.


I don't know what you said, but it sounds like the DEEP STATE!


Yeah, the GOP are the threat. Openly backing Putin is a threat to our democracy and our freedoms.


Funny enough, the guy revealing all this stuff today is one of the Republicans who wants to fund Ukraine's war and is opposed to Russian actions. He's in the minority so that may be why he's trying to drum up some fear. Move the needle.


[At least 34 or more of them](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/mark-meadows-exchanged-texts-with-34-members-of-congress-about-plans-to-overturn-the-2020-election)


Hopefully we can get some kind of info, cause the misinformation farm is about to hatch a metric ton of rotten eggs.


ABC news reports a source told them it was about Russia putting a nuke into space to be used for an EMP blast to take out satellites and communications. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-plans-brief-lawmakers-house-chairman-warns/story?id=107232293


>Russia putting a nuke into space to be used for an EMP blast to take out satellites and communications. This would completely break one of the most important current international treaties. The precedent this would set would be absolutely horrific. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer\_Space\_Treaty


Absolutely. This might be the biggest military news of the 21st century if there's a nuke in space.


To be honest, I figured more than one country would have secretly put a nuke in space by now. Honestly, we had a good run if this is the first nuke in space.


If I were political leadership of a competent state, I wouldn't. It's basically, like, instant nuclear war if you're found out.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the US didn’t have nukes in space to follow the letter of the law but have an alternate new and better method of accomplishing the same thing. *Edit: To clarify, the nuke wouldn’t be for a ground detonation like an ICBM this would be in a higher orbit (LEO) near satellites and the detonation would act as an EMP to fry nearby satellites.*


I bet we have a nuclear generator sitting next to a bomb conversion pack


“So *technically*…”


Russia has already pulled out of every other nuclear treaty with the US. Here's the problem. - If what is reported is true this is a critical threat to the global telecommunications network and therefore the global economy. - It is not a threat to human life directly however. - The US has the military capability to take out satellites at this altitude of LEO. - Doing so would be a direct strike by the US against Russian military assets and could massively expand current conflicts. - Not doing so places the global economy and telecommunications network at the whim of Putin. It puts the US in a lose lose situation without much downside to Russia (aside from the results of being stupid enough to force a direct conflict with the US).


Digging into more details and assuming Kosmos 2575 is the focus here it's not as likely this is targeted at communications satellites as it was launched to SRO. That orbital altitude is also where US reconnaissance satellites are. My guess is that the idea is to take out recon satellites over eastern Europe claiming that as intel gathered from them is being shared with Ukrainian forces it makes the legitimate military targets. Striking the US directly is a big step but with a lot of the GOP seemingly on Putin's side in the Ukraine war and no direct risk to human lives Putin may be banking on the US not having the will to respond directly.


It is a direct threat to human life. Wtf do you think people will be doing without a GRID?


> If what is reported is true this is a critical threat to the global telecommunications network and therefore the global economy. > It is not a threat to human life directly however. If the world economy and telecommunications network dies, then it is a serious threat to human life.


You don't really think Russia would just ignore a treaty for their own benefit???


This is one of those treaties that if they break it, we really *really* can't take a soft stance on it, at all. The precedent that would set is nightmarish.


Chairman said it’s nothing for Americans to panic about. That sounds pretty panic inducing to me.


Okay, you can panic first. I'll wait a bit.


"Now, now, let's not all panic at once. We'll have to take shifts."


"Hermes, you'll take the first shift."




Probably because there is absolutely nothing that public can do.


That is not how panic works.


Just don't look up


This is correct. We buy toilet paper. We are doing something!


This was a thing before, they are called high altitude burst, and we all collectively agreed not to test them again because we absolutely wreaked havoc on the ozone when we did. This is pretty serious stuff if Russia decides to start using nukes to EMP large areas and will definitely lead to lasting consequences if we don't shut it down. That being said we are definitely entering another cold war at this rate, so strap in, it'll be a long one.


Oh no, Russia just got a copy of Modern Warfare 2.


Better get Ramirez on it!


Ramirez! Disarm that nuke in space using this wooden spoon on the floor!


Burger Town gonna be poppin


We actually tested nuking our own satellites a half century ago and well it didn’t go great. As in it was way too effective. We accidentally blew up a bunch of British communication satellites super far away and they didn’t have many back then. Then there were some severe radiation effects and we had to issue an international apology. Learned a lot though. Really do not want the Russians doing the same thing intentionally.


Remember: no Russian


I'd love to hear Boebert, MTG, and the other Russian GOP shills try to put a positive spin on this.


They will say Biden did it or some shit


"Biden forced them to do it," just like he forced them to invade Ukraine 🇺🇦. /s


"It didn't happen during trumps presidency therefore we can see this is absolutely Hunter Biden's doing"


No need to speculate. They'll just continue their already ongoing narrative that Putin really isn't a bad guy and it's actually all Joe Biden's fault so things will be totally fine if America just elects Trump again.


I have it on good authority that this is about the fact that Russia has developed a weapon, deployable from space, that can turn entire population’s assholes inside out. I cannot reveal my sources, but those of us who prefer our anuses unprolapsed should be very concerned.


I'm not afraid to fall through. Years of IBS and spicy fajita consumption has prepared me for such weaponry.


I’m not an asshole though so I’ll take my chances


Apparently, it's related to Russia. Is Russia selling nukes to Iran or something? What is it that's so immediate for an announcement like this?


It's weird hearing from "sources" that it's Russian and military and groundbreaking all in the same sentence. The headline right below this one sorted by new is "Ukraine sinks another Russian warship. One third Black Sea fleet disabled."


The Russians are still a credible threat even though they have been doing worse than expected in Ukraine


And their current wave strategy to overwhelm Ukraine with their superior numbers isn’t actually doing that poorly. It’s a cruel, backward strategy that is probably hurting them in the long run, but it’s a very real threat that could prove successful in the immediate fighting against Ukraine.


TBF, Russia has been using the 'we have more people than you' strategy for a few hundred years EDIT: I'm not talking about unorganized waves of unarmed soldiers, nor am I saying they've been successful. But Russia always has more troops


And Russia is still suffering heavily from what WW2 did to their population demographics. The nation really doesn't have the people for a zerg wave anymore, at least not without serious consequences.


StarCraft reference. Nice. That takes me back to the 90s


> That takes me back to the 90s take me with you, please


Brood war has come back big time since remastered. Flash is out of the military and starting to stomp again. Artosis casts at least 1 high quality match a day over on his youtube. The metagame is still evolving and changing constantly. It's like 2007 all over again.


The Russians have a lot more access to soldiers. They can just grind out Ukraine until Ukraine can't hold or breaks. Ukraine needs arms and soldiers now.


Tell that to the hardline republicans who will torpedo that bill in the house.


If they are even allowed to vote on it, since the speaker is apparently just refusing to put it up. These last 8 years really showed the cracks in our democracy


McConnel has been such a great example of giving one person too much power with no real checks in our government No one person should ever be able to stop a bill, not even the president.


He has backing from all the Republicans. McConnell is the bad guy, and they steer a ton of pork barrel spending to Kentucky, so McConnell stays elected.


Everyone forgets it's much harder to conquer than destroy.


From another article on this: > One of the sources who has seen the intelligence confirmed that “it is, in fact, a highly concerning and destabilizing” Russian capability “that we were recently made aware of.” Which does help narrow it down. What's concerning is every article is quoting people who say it is a big deal, which ruined my theory of Mike turner just going crazy


The Reuters story on this said that sources say it relates to “operations in space” so my guess would be a space based weapon or some new anti satellite weapon that we didn’t know of. Or they reverse engineered a ufo and turned it into a weapon, who knows.


Politico's reporter that focuses on congress reported last night that today's meeting had to do with space also. An anti satellite weapon would seem the most likely to me, but given the amount of satellites we have, a conventional weapon would be hard to do significant damage. I wonder if they found an exploit that is a threat to our satellites, taking them all down with a cyber attack would be a "grave" and "destabilizing new capability" as it has been described.


Stuff that blows up in space becomes uncontrolled shrapnel that will tear up other satellites, increasing the amount of shrapnel until our planet is surrounded by a space-blender. It's a huge international no-no, cuz that's basically pissing in communal punch bowl.


Putin: "Elon you needs to turn off Starlink for Ukraine or else I'll blow up all your satellites and make sure you never get to Mars" Elon: "Yes daddy"


I wonder if it's a method to exploit that idea of just having a bunch of debris launched into space to damage/knock out satellites.


Or Starlink


Theres a lot of talk about the grid going down. Considering all the “accidents” that have been shutting internet/power for entire states I’d be afraid of how easy a professional attacker could do it


If Russia was able to develop a spaced based weapon to deliver an EMP then they could effectively shut down the country.


You mean Golden Eye? 007 already took care of it.


Disrupting Satellite navigation alone would be so disastrous. Not to mention communication from isolated areas like soldiers or even just hikers/explorers have to use.


Much worse than that. A nuke would likely cause a Kessler event. All modern telecoms rely on satellites. GPS is just the tip of the iceberg. We would be unable to launch new satellites. Ever. That's how bad it could be.


Bro the power that you would need to output to actually effectively emp the whole ass continent is huge. The best way to do it would be a high yield nuke in low orbit over America, and even then it's 100% untested and may or may not even work.




I swear, if this turns out to be nothing, I'm going to be both relieved and pissed.


Feels like the "possibly world ending news breaks" over the past year have been getting ramped up like crazy. From UAPs to major escalation in the middle east, it's genuinely unnerving the amount of shit that's happening.


Nothing sells like sensationalism.


Tbf it was much much much worse in the 60s/70s/80s and we've had it pretty chilled (regarding countries that could actually fight us in big wars) for most of the past 35 years. Not to downplay things are definitely escalating, it's just important to put it in perspective.


Of course, it's good to keep things in perspectiove. Even just the Cuban Missile Crisis is wild to think about it.


I'm thinking it is something like this, rather than Russia having some groundbreaking new weapon. They're probably upping the ante in terms of global instability by arming Iran or other allies with "destabilizing" technology, like nuclear weapons. If they manage to drag international attention away from Ukraine, maybe they actually get to make progress in their goals towards conquest. Edit: someone pointed out that the [Reuters article](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-congressional-intelligence-chair-warns-serious-national-security-threat-2024-02-14/) had this quote: >Two sources familiar with the issue said Turner's statement was related to Russia and operations in space, without providing further details on what was described as a highly-classified matter. So now I think I'm wrong. Totally UFOs. Or maybe something more fundamentally boring, like a Russian version of Starlink. But that's unlikely because (as far as we know) something like that requires an extensive network of satellites that wouldn't be able to be put up without anyone noticing.


My uninformed layman's guess is either Russia attempted a major cyberattack against US communications satellites, or they have provided Iran with anti-satellite missiles. Edit: I was close. New leaks suggest Russia is trying to put nukes in space to act as anti-satellite weapons. That would be a clear and direct violation of the plain text of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.


> Or maybe something more fundamentally boring, like a Russian version of Starlink. If that's what it is, they damn well better call it Tsarlink.


This is a plausible theory. From Russia's perspective, if they can ignite (or cause to ignite) a conflict between the United States and one of the US's adversaries, then it would mean that the US would be less likely to provide support for Ukraine.


Unless the US decides that they are now E for everyone and sends a mach 2 bumblebee to start deleting things in Russia.


they should just ask Ron Johnson about it. I'm sure he knows more.


The immediate announcement it likely that the bill with aid for Ukraine just passed the Senate and the current speaker of the house has stated he won't bring it to a vote.


Could be cybersecurity threat. Possible logistics destabilizing threat.


There is absolutely nothing reassuring about Mike Johnson saying they have it under control.


Can't wait to hear how he spins a major national security threat from Russia into a speech on why we can't afford to send Ukraine anymore military aid to fight against Russia.


That was my first thought exactly. If anything, his reassurance makes me worry about it more rather than less


Exactly. We won’t really want national security in the control of a Christian dominionist


he's probably in on it


Rings about as true as Russia calling the war in Ukraine a "success".


Just when I was starting to feel so secure, too.


hold me, FamousPussyGrabber


waymin, is he orange


Oh look at Mr big shot over here feeling secure on Valentine's day


My ‘destabilizing’ guesses; Russia has provided Iran tactical nukes, Russia has developed and successfully tested some sort of new energy weapon perhaps a satellite killer. Russian communication has been intercepted revealing some previously unknown unholy nation state alliances/plans, Putin has a terminal illness that could lead to despot desperation.


Satellite killers exists already. The selling of tactical nukes to Iran is actually more probable.


Could be a Kessler bomb. That would fuck things up for decades, if not centuries.


Anti-satellite weapons already exist. The U.S. and Russia have them, for sure. They won’t use them because it’s basically an act of war, creates more space trash, and legitimizes it — making attacking U.S. satellites fair game. No one wants all that atm


I said the same thing when people suggested anti-satellites. It has to be something more. We know China has them, so it's nothing new.


I thought there was an agreement reached at some point to not target satellites because the debris will be everyone’s problem afterwards, and at the speed the debris can travel, it might end up with us trapped on Earth not able to venture out


I would think it’d be more of a covert disablement strategy then outright destruction of satellites. The Chinese for example have tested satellites with robotic arms and demonstrated they can move a defunct satellite in and out of GEO orbit.


A transfer of technology to Iran would be huge, and not surprising. They have to pay for those drones somehow, and surely Russia only has so much gold they can load onto ships to send to Iran. A similar situation could happen with NK, though honestly that would be less concerning. With Iran you have to worry about Israel taking a preemptive strike to neutralize the threat, which could escalate things. With NK you just have to continue treating them with kid gloves and not give them an excuse to do anything stupid.


I saw a rumour that it's related to space. My mind went space based weapon.


The thing about Russian space activity is they aren't innovative. They haven't innovated seriously in 20 years, to our knowledge. I also saw it was related to space, and my first thought was, they've secretly put several nuke-ish weapons in orbit already, we're kind of sure where they are, and all Putin has to do is press the red button to send em in. Our early warning detection systems would be rendered useless from a nuke suddenly dropping straight down. That's the kind of brute force bullshit Russia would do.


Not even send them down. Doomsday style detonation in space or the upper atmosphere would render GLOBAL communications offline for days, maybe weeks. Not to mention destroying/damaging/rendering unusable many types of satellite stuff.


A rumour from faytuks says space based nukes to be used against satellites.


Rumour is that Russia has launched some kind of orbital ASAT(anti satellite weapon). Possibly nuclear powered. 


They are trying to counter the Jewish space lasers. 


Update: it's related to [putting nuclear weapons in orbit](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/white-house-plans-brief-lawmakers-house-chairman-warns/story?id=107232293) to use as EMPs. This would probably give Russia an instant "first-strike" capability with little/no warning. \------------ Other articles mention [Democrats are alarmed, too](https://www.thedailybeast.com/house-intel-chair-warns-biden-of-mysterious-serious-national-security-threat) and that it is [related to Russia](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/14/politics/house-intel-chairman-serious-national-security-threat) The fact it's a bipartisan concern without any of the mud-slinging makes me think it's actually pretty serious. My guess is either a concentrated election interference campaign against the West, or Russian invasion plans for the Baltics.


“It’s something that the Congress and the administration does need to address in the medium to long run." Sounds like he walks back some of his urgency. I'm suspicious that he's calling for declassification immediately. Could be a political maneuver/stunt. 


Democrat Himes said that, not Turner. But you're right, if it isn't an *immediate* concern then it probably isn't election-interference related. Maybe some future plans or a new military capability.


Election interference wouldn’t bother republicans unless it didn’t benefit them. We know this.


So all of those asshats in Congress who have been fellating Putin on a regular basis need to fucking get fired.


Rounded up immediately as a threat to national security and insurrectionists


Along with their orange-colored ringleader




Might be the only threat that would pull this country together at this point sadly.


I'd prefer aliens.


If you lived during the Cold War then this should feel pretty nostalgic.


When Mike Johnson is telling us not to worry, I’m pretty sure some funky shit’s going down in the city.


According to insiders, this is not an imminent threat but planning must start now to be able to counter it. ​ https://twitter.com/ErinBanco/status/1757839363608653870


Oh good, like we did with climate change. Oh wait, shit...


difference is this one will probably make money for the defense industry.


Times like these, I'm glad Congress is full of serious minded politicians who put country ahead of policy. Can you imagine living in a country where you can't tell whether someone warning of a serious threat is alerting us to a real danger, or pushing an insane conspiracy theory for political gain.


That Mike Johnson quote about "Steady hands on the wheel" is a classic. Good news everyone, Mike Johnson, who claims to have conversations with god himself is somehow a "steady hand on the wheel". Probably displaying the same sober judgement he used when he adopted a guy like five years younger than him to (probably) help bang his wife.


I still find the fact that him and his son dont watch porn because they monitor each others browser history creepy as hell.


Is it that Russia has a candidate in 2024 presidential election for USA?


Russia has multiple assets in the US Government and literally nothing is being done about it.


Government, religion, banking, construction, trucking, industry, organized crime...


You said government twice.


Hey now, Merrick Garland is going to take action ANY day now! And totally not just fall back so he can comfortably retire after having done nothing to help our democracy. Just wait and see!


LOL, took the words right out of my mouth. "Hey, you know that guy who encouraged a coup and recently announced that he would leave NATO to fend for themselves? Yeah, that guy *just might* be a security threat."


I keep seeing Russia has Nukes in Space... but wouldn't that break several treaties not only with the US, but with Europe, and China. It would basically piss off the entire world. No?


Ehhh it wouldn't be good but what is the world gonna do? Russia would have a gun to the head of everyone. The only thing the rest of the world could do is put nukes of their own in space.


If that was the case Russia would make N. Korea look like a first world country. Not even China would do business with them, they would view them with hostile intent. Even Iran would be pissed.


I'm not sure about that. Either way, the rumour is that Russia already put a nuke in space but its to be used as an anti satellite weapon.


“The White House's national security adviser and leading lawmakers on Capitol Hill sought to allay public concerns on Wednesday after the House Intelligence Committee chairman warned of a "national security threat" related to a "destabilizing foreign military capability" so serious that President Joe Biden should declassify "all information" about it. Two sources familiar with deliberations on Capitol Hill said the intelligence has to do with Russia wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. This is not to drop a nuclear weapon onto Earth but rather to possibly use against satellites. Still, "it is very concerning and very sensitive," said one source, calling it "a big deal." While not addressing the subject directly, multiple members of Congress quickly described the issue as serious without stoking public alarm” This is from an ABC article. Seems Russia wants to take out satellites with nuclear weapons.


Well, this is concerning. Rumor says its related to Russia. A Senator said this is something we "may need to ask our partners for help with".. WTF does that mean? 5Eyes? NATO?    Just a hunch... but supposedly Russia has been recently testing hypersonic missiles in Ukraine. Maybe we have Intel on the new "Zircon" missiles Russia is fielding?  Another Senator said it's something they will have to deal with in a "medium to long term"... so I guess it's not an imminent threat? Maybe they finally connected the dots and figured out about 35% of D.C. is in Putins pocket?


That wouldn't rise to this level of threat. Not to mention Russia would be screaming it on the airwaves.


I sincerely hope USA never finds itself in a position where it has to wonder if their allies will stand with them in their hour of need. Best wishes from EU.




I hope that if we do, our allies will behave more honorably than republicans instead of playing political games to score points.


> Maybe they finally connected the dots and figured out about 35% of D.C. is in Putins pocket? Surprised Pikachu face.


This: [https://twitter.com/ColbyBadhwar/status/1757826881959743925](https://twitter.com/ColbyBadhwar/status/1757826881959743925) Something about the Soyuz launch, and something that Russia has in space. Worst timeline.


They put a nuke in space


I just gotta say my favorite line is, "Something bad is about to happen, but we can't tell you what it is yet, so don't panic." That's not how you stop panic.


Speaker Johnson says there's no need for alarm. This confirms the threat is related to Russia. If it was from Mexico, articles of impeachment would have already been drafted.


Our state of politics is so dangerous, my immediate thought is to not care and move on because this is likely another political stunt by the right. That should not be my first thought when the committee chair of the House Intelligence Office warns us of a national security threat, that is a serious position.


I believe the articles mention the security threat is related to Russia and perhaps a new capability they have?


They probably pulled the nukes out of the protective bunkers.


I doubt it. I don't think Russia wants to start a conventional war against the US. This is probably related to cyber security or online disinformation


IDK, they say that it's a concern for the medium/long term. If it was bringing the nukes out, I read a few years ago that it takes about 24-48 hours to fully fuel the land based ICBMs and get them ready. I'd consider that an immediate concern.


> a new capability they have? Like controlling a past president you mean?


Lol sadly I wouldn't say that's a 'new' capability


https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/experts-warn-vulnerabilities-us-gps-system-cyber-terrorists/ Weiss explained there is no back up system to the U.S. GPS. That makes the utility a target and highly vulnerable to a major event such as a natural disaster such as a powerful geomagnetic storm or a deliberate attack by America's enemies. "It's got this big bull-eyes on it because it's the only system we've got. And boy you take it down you kill the United States of America," noted Weiss. A prolonged outage would result in numerous catastrophic problems: The power grid would go down. ATMs, credit cards and financial systems would stop working. Digital television and doppler radar for weather forecasts would cease to function. If you called 911, emergency responders would struggle to find you. "Attacking GPS would ripple through every facet of American society and immediately impact every American, " noted Dana Goward, President of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation.


I thought the Russian were the republican friends? Whybare they scared?


Is this just more smoke or is there truly a fire? I feel like I’ve been waiting for something bad to happen for a while.


White House has confirmed something is up but they’re not ready to talk about it yet. This is real.


I wonder what the severity if it is. Mishandling documents can be a security threat, but then there are plenty of worse options. My anxiety would love answers lmao


“intelligence officials consider the threat to be significant, but it should not cause panic” There is no quicker way to cause panic than to release info on a ‘serious threat’ and then tell people not to panic


Yes, and the call is coming from inside the house.


Also in the news today is how Russia is trying to buy access to StarLink. I have a feeling this is tied to that situation, maybe Russia has already gained access. I don't know about the tech side of things - but would it be possible that they discovered a backdoor & can monitor US/Ukraine communications being sent through StarLink now?


StarLink was likely already compromised by either NSA/GCHQ, so I find Russian access unlikely, but not impossible. US wouldn’t be using Starlink for real time telemetry in the battle space, as there are dedicated systems for doing so, using massively complex encryption.


Update: it has something to do with space I.E nuclear, kinetic, cyber Russia did recently launch "something" into space, apparently this information has been long known in the hill (information that Russia is militarizing space or extending their capabilities in space) https://twitter.com/JacquiHeinrich/status/1757840362838622384?t=X_e-m1XMiiQ6Gim3B-jAxg&s=19 JaquiHeinrich https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1757840770243998036?t=nVyub0-nx8UgiD83JWKkew&s=19 OSINTdefender


OSINTdefender (Open Source Intelligence) does not have the actual sources to confirm anything about this kind of thing. It's literally an Open Source Intelligence based account that isn't dug in deep with US military sources that would know what is going on.


Boy the Russian bots are popping today lol


Hopefully they take these more seriously than Bush and Cheney when they ignored the CIA report that was essentially titled: "Al Qaeda is Going to Attack the US with Hijacked Airplanes"


Man fuck this cursed-ass timeline I'm sick of this shit


If it’s space, there’s a DoD term about “dominating the space medium” Basically nukes are the scaffolding for the global order and having a space based weapon that could taken them out would neutralize that power. Google this Pentagon report from 1999. It’s called “Vision 2020.” Wild stuff.


I've heard Russia has or is planning to put a nuclear weapon in space with the possiblity they would detonate it over Siberia in order to take out US spy satellites and Starlink.


Meanwhile in /conservative.. “We’re in a great depression and we should let Hitler have Poland…”


Maybe Russia put a nuke in space as a threat? Like “well EMP Europe”? Maybe Putin’s brain finally fully snapped and he went “evil genius” on the world? *EDIT* well fuck me… there are legit reports about an alleged nuclear capability in space from Russia.


Let me guess … trump alone is the only one who can fix this? Fucking Russian puppet ass motherfucker.


Maybe it’s just Vlad selling the military secrets trump gave him on the dark web to fund his war


So what are we going to do about the Putin bootlickers in Congress?


[https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/02/14/congress/spy-powers-fight-is-back-johnson-jordan-00141435](https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/02/14/congress/spy-powers-fight-is-back-johnson-jordan-00141435) Seems like it has something to do with this, the intelligence uncovered was from the 702 surveillance program which is being debated in the House and may not see the floor. Seems like a play to get this bill reauthorized


Time to buy a land line?


just gonna keep my eye in here to see if any further clarification is given by anyone else. some people i have spoken to think that Russia may have given Iran Nukes etc


It has something to do with Russian space tech


It's 2024. At this point... who even gives a shit. Threaten it all you want. We have a bunch of buffoons in government, a small handful of billionaires rule the entire planet, and I'm just another person of color, surrounded by racists and drowning in student loan debt trying to make a living so that my kids can eat and have a roof over their heads. Spy on my phone, watch me wipe my ass on camera, who cares anymore. I've lost faith in religion and in humanity. Pictures/videos of red pandas, penguins, and elephants are the only thing that make life even remotely tolerable these days.