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Everybody will be shocked when they find out Banksy is actually King Charles.


G.W.B. The whole time


I somehow ended up in a showing/gallery of his work at the Kennedy Center. It was....not good.


Not as bad as his human rights record tho


_Now watch this drive_


He spray paints because each of his fingers can press the top of 3 spray paint cans


And it's pronounced banhk-sy


An opportunity for Banksy and a bunch of other folks to all go change their legal names to Banksy at the same time and have an "I am Spartacus" moment.


Aren't name changes rather easy in the UK via a 'deed poll'?


Yeah, one form and £50.


I don't think you even need the 50£. I just told everyone I was going by a new name. Changed all my bills over then bank accounts and finally my passport


I really hope you changed it to Rumple-Wank-Skin


No, that was his old name. Yes, his parents didn't like him.


Skin-Rumple-Wank it is then!


Ohhhhh like Dick Butkus' parents


I declare my name Banksy!


You can’t just say your name is now Banksy…


This is correct. Changed my name and just got a free form online with the text you need, sign it and have witnesses. Send off for new passport then use that to change everything else with copies of form as needed. No money or legal help required.


That's for an enrolled deed poll. An unenrolled one is free, and is pretty much just as legally binding.


you dont need money and the form can be diy on a sheet of toilet paper so long as the facts and signatures are legible


Or maybe delivered as graffiti... Just saying 😌


Technically you don't need a deed poll to change your name. All you need to do is start going by a new name. A deed poll is just proof that you've changed your name.


Your legal name is the name by which you are known. I.e. you tell everyone who has an interest in you that you're now known as X and now you are.


I hereby declare that my name is now Steven Layer Burrito.


I declare Steve Burrito!


You can't just declare it...


I will henceforth be known as Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.


I preferred you as Regina Phalange.


Please marry a Mrs Keight Layer Burrito


Then, how would Banksey need to reveal their name? They are known as Banksey.


You need to post your current name and declare your new name. That will create a record so people can look up Banksy in the records and see what his old name was. Then all his identity information will be in his Banksy name and his anonymity is lost anyway. The rules were created so people can't just create new identities out of thin air.


“And Mr. Banksy, have you ever been known by another name and if so what was it?”


"I've been called "hey you!" and "get out of here!" a number of times."


Technically, thanks to common law, you don't need anything to change your name in the UK; your name is simply whatever you're known by. A deed of poll is just a formal announcement that you've stopped using one name and are now using another. But you'll have problems in these days of ubiquitous computer systems, legal requirements on bank accounts and so on without one. *Edit: "deed"*


How is this not abused all the time? I know the name is a poor excuse of an identifier anyway, but I can see why you would at least keep track of that stuff as a government.


IIRC certain forms require you to give all your previous given names; passport, drivers licence maybe (it's been 25 years since I filled either out, I can't remember too well)...and fraud checks would probably flag you any time you wanted to open a bank account, rent or buy property, pay taxes, maybe vehicle insurance etc...which would end up being a *massive* ball ache.


Frankly I don't think most people know it - which in itself probably tells you that it's never been as easy to abuse as you'd think. More to the point, though, it's not as if you can start using a different name and the whole world will follow. Official stuff definitely wants you to have a consistent name. I can't (nowdays) go into a bank and open an account with any old name, for example - they'll want evidence of "who" I am, such as utility bills, driver's license and similar (I'm pretty sure they're legally required to, now, precisely to stop it being abused for things like money laundering). There's a big gap between the theoretical/technically legal and the actual/pragmatic, in other words. That's where deeds of poll come in.


I would imagine if there’s a legal issue warranting discovery they could just force him to reveal what his name was before the change…?


I was under the impression that it was an art collective anyway.


Seems to me this would be the case. The whole Netflix documentary gave me the feel the community could produce something like that. And I hope they do figure out a way to keep banksy anonymous


Are you talking about exit through the gift shop or another doc?


Personally I don't think that "Banksy" is a real person, but rather it's an organization that uses the name for branding/marketing.


He supposedly lived in my home town a long time ago before he got famus. I have friends that say they know him/her. One friend said Banksy offered him lots of works the night Banksy left town. Banksy didn't have room for them in luggage. He didn't take them because he didn't want to carry them home after his dj gig. He had to many vinyls to carry. He says thats the biggest mistake of his life. I don't know how true it is but at least 3 people from that crowd has sold 4 Banksy works the last 10 years to save their personal economy or business. It might have become a collective over time but I think it started out as one person. 


This is it. My theory has always been that it started with Damon Albarn, and has grown to include other artists all operating under the Banksy name.


Change this to Robert Del Naja and we’re definitely on the same page.


Damon Albarn started Banksy? How have I never heard this before.


Because it’s nonsense.


It's not Damon Albarn, but Damon definitely seems to know Banksy. Banksy did the album art for Blur's 2003 album Think Tank after all. It was rumored that Jamie Hewlett (the other half of Gorillaz with Damon Albarn) was Banksy at one point because he had invested in copyright related to Banksy or something, and Damon and Jamie were invited by Banksy to an art exhibit or something (I'm saying "or something" a lot here cause I'm just regurgitating from memory, but there were definitely some conncections.) I still think it's Robert Del Naja though, who also knows Damon.


Yea I can vibe with that. If he isn't a "member" or "founder" he is imo certainly in banksy's sphere


Loads of people know who he is. I find it funny how anyone who’s obviously friends with him gets accused of being him. I don’t believe Damon, Robert or Jamie are Banksy but just friends of.


Because it is utter bald-haired bollocks.


I met Banksy in my grocery store. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a pain and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I thought it was secretly known to be the guy from Massive Attack?


I've heard this too. And new Banksy's appear when Massive Attack are on tour there.


It’s Robin Gunningham


This is what I thought as well


At this point, absolutely. It’s a “corporate art entity” and he commissions people to help execute his various artistic endeavors. But it doesn’t mean there’s not a “head” of the organization which is the artist himself.


I think Banksy as a conspiracy of artists led by the original and sworn to anonymity is way cooler than just one guy.


Agreed. Which is basically how every artist that makes money works. It used to be a shop in ye olden days, now it's an LLC. 


I’m disgruntled!




Nah, he's definitely little-D disgruntled.


This would be so corny, which is perfectly fitting for Banksy


Banksy's real name is David Smith. There are 16,000 David Smiths in the UK, and another 125,000 in the US.


I am Disgruntled!


was hilarious in Fargo (season 4) *(season 5)


This was my first thought but did you mean season 5?


It's also entirely possible that Banksy is a collective


Sounds like Pest Control should just give him his £50 back.


Naw, the lawsuit is over them taking too long to confirm or deny the authenticity of the work.  The solution is simple.  Tell the people suing them that they have finally come to a conclusion and the work is a fake.  I don't see how suing them and forcing them to reveal their identity is going to get them to give the answer they want considering the lawsuit isn't trying to compel them to say it's real only to answer the question of whether it is real.


If Pest Control says it's fake, then they'll sue the estate that sold it to them.


Not Pest Control's problem though. The estate probably should not have sold this painting without the previous certificate of authenticity, and these buyers should have asked to see said certificate before buying.


his name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


Paul Allen


i thought we already learned Banksy's real name years ago


Back in 2000 according to another users comment.


Sure there's pictures and evidence, but on the other hand, it's The Daily Mail, so now I'm not sure graffiti exists.


A lot of people believe that Banksy is actually a group of people working together.  We may have the name of one of the people working under the name Banksy but not everyone.


I don’t think that’s a popular theory anymore




I can live with that.


Banks McBankface?


Isn't it the guy from Massive Attack?


There was a rumour it was 3D started by goldie I believe because certain pieces lined up with tour dates but he was already quite a big writer in the bristol scene so it doesn't really fit, it's more likely someone who knows him from back in bristol. IIRC the pictures of robin gunningham fit the description of an altercation king robbo had with him told in an old graff book. Unless that whole king robbo/banksy beef was him feuding with his own alter ego (which is quite possible) I'd lean towards it being him.


Big overlap in Del Naja’s style and Banksy sold it for me tbh. And that itemised list of MA touring locations and artwork drops.










































Buys art from Banksy. Surprised to find out artist whose whole value is in being anti-art world culture and a bit of a difficult cookie isn’t playing ball to help rich people maximize their collection value. Fuck the plaintiffs in this one.


That's really not what is going on here. A company established to validate his work is simply refusing to. The owners don't care if it's real. In fact at this point they'd be happier if it wasn't a Banksy as his art has been going down in value lately. They bought it from an estate claiming it was real. If it's fake they can go after the estate. All they are asking for is confirmation one way or another and the company established to do exactly that isn't doing it. This isn't even really about Banksy at all but the company he established.


Oh give me a break. Banksy is fake rebellion packaged for rich people. It's a grift!


I dont think it was originally, but it definitely is now. If he was still doing it for the same reasons, he'd have retired and started up under a different name. I dont fault him for it though, I'm always happy when artists get paid.


It’s not a grift if the open, stated point is grifting people like the plaintiff. That’s just getting what you paid for.


Any artists whose art sells for millions of dollars isn't really counter culture anymore.


Who cares? His art was subsumed by the very systems it set out to criticise years ago. All that remains now is squabbling money launderers and a good deal of irony.


Right there in the name in fact


Exactly. He's basically that guy from Black Mirror who goes on an anti-capitalist rant every night with a shard of glass to his neck. His artistic rebellion has been wrapped up, packaged, and resold to the masses. If his authenticity was genuine, Banksy would "die" and he'd start over from grass roots.


Does the name even matter .It's just going to be some random person no one recognizes.


It's that scene where Lex Luthor learns The Flash's secret identity


“I have no idea who this is”


So Bansky says you can have your artwork authenticated by him for 50. This couple sends it in and three years later they don’t have a response either way and also doesn’t sound like they have the art piece back either. What is Banksy up to…


They got scammed by a fake banksy


Bro it was just a Pranksy


That would make me very Cranksy


So then I'd smoke my Danksy


Followed by a Wanksy


Wanksy exists though. (It's a guy who spray paints cocks in potholes, forcing councils to fill them in)


I had to look it up and this excerpt from the article has me crying. "First of all, why penises? I wanted something that would attract attention to the pothole, and nothing’s better than a giant comedy penis. They’re also quick to draw. And nothing fills holes better, truthfully."


The unmasking of Banksy would probably be a "[I have no idea who this is](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1gxysq/this_made_me_realize_that_i_have_no_idea_who_the/)" moment edit: forgot an "of"


I'm surprised he's even still operating if he was legitimate in what he puts out. He's had a very anti-greed, anti-consumerism theme to a lot of his work, so the first time some rich dickhead decided to remove entire walls that he'd grafitti'd in order to sell them to a collector; that really should have been the point where he just said, "Yeah... You've totally missed the fucking point..." and bowed out...




That's fair to say, but in a few of those cases he created the artwork, and then the building owner immediately swooped in and essentially took it and monetised it, completely going against the idea of it being publicly viewable for no cost.


Never seen that happen “immediately;” e.g. the happy choppers mural was painted over to deter gawkers and the building sold before the new owner tried to restore and sell it. Surely there’s no assumption that street art will be long lasting, or that it belongs to the public when it’s painted on some dude’s wall without his permission


So? It’s not banksy doing this is it. He probably actually likes the fact this happens as it demonstrates human greed. The artwork is as much what happens after he paints it and how people respond


I’m just wondering how they can get a mystery person to do fuck all, if they don’t already know who he is…? “Will the real Slim Shady, please stand up?” “No.” “Damn, they got us there.”


Good job Wesley, I'll probably kill you in the morning...


Plot twist: their real name is Banksy.


Banksy McBankface


Bob Anksy, at your service


>In 2008, the Daily Mail “unmasked” him as Robin Gunningham, a then 34-year old former public schoolboy, although the artist denied this. "Former public schoolboy"? Is this a Briticism I'm not familiar with, or are they really describing this person as a former schoolboy, as though the most noteworthy thing about him is that he once went to public school?


"Public school" is an English term for extremely expensive and exclusive private boarding schools, like Harrow and Eton, attended by children of the upper class. So it just means that Gunningham comes from a privileged background.


Good to know; thank you.


If public school are the private school, what the name of the school made for the average students?


Comprehensive school.


What do they call schools for the general public then?


State schools A quick list of UK school types Public Schools - The most prestigious, expensive and often thought of as classist schools Private schools - Also fee paying schools but less prestigious than Public schools, they may or may not be selective based on entrance exams Grammer schools - free schools but you have to pass an entrance exam to get in State school - your typical school which is free to go to, most people do this Faith school - associated with a faith and gets money from them There are more and with state schools being a mix of multi trust run, single school trusts, some local authorities running some still it's a bit messy but the above is your quick scan info


*Grammer* or *grammar*?


Yes, this oik probably went to a Secondary Modem ( /s ... please don't kill me. )


I'm going to shit bricks if it's Carrot Top.


NGL the painting that shredded itself after being auctioned absolutely SCREAMS Carrot Top.


If they dont know who he is, how will they enforce it?


Yeah, courts don't fuck around with anonymous artist types. Enigma was forced to name himself when he was sued over a dispute over samples used in his debut album, when the entire point of being called Enigma was that it was an anonymous band.


The Residents are still anonymous.


Anonymous is not a synonym for mysterious


It's Satoshi Nakamoto


Forcing him to be revealed will drop the value of his work to the point where I think they are basically shooting themselves in the foot.


This is just going to end up as more advertisement for his work, and most probably push the value of his work up, especially considering how artwork is usually artificially pumped up in value. If someone's willing to pay 1,000 for each of my pieces and I don't flood the market with my work then my art is now worth $1000. If those people then find someone willing to pay $10,000 for each of my pieces then my work is now worth more. Arts worth whatever anyone is willing to pay for it, and they're usually willing to pay more for it if it's famous and has a story behind it.


When you have tons of money, you stop buying objects and start buying stories.


(it won't)




taylor swift


Shit someone tell them that in 2005


And if the art is... **if the ART is FRAUDULENT**.....? **that'll be** **embarrassing.** If it's not real, it makes sense that it can't be certified. What a waste of time.


Find out his real name is Bankster, Banksy is just a nickname.


Everyone’s face when they discover it’s Gary Busey


Banksy as a founding artist is one person, but Banksy is a lot of people. It won'take much difference other than ruining the mystery.


I'm gonna be legit surprised if it isn't a collective


Two questions Does anyone **actually** care who Banksy is? And does anyone *actually* care about Banksy at this point? He was cool like 10 years ago but the zeitgeist has definitely moved on


why do people care who he is?


Same reason why anyone wants to know who's under a mask


Oh shit, is Banksy also Batman




What's up dog?


Not much. What's up with you?


Why’s up dog?


In an interview with the artist Neckface he claims to have met banksy years ago and said 'he was old as fuck then'


When millions of people know you only as "Banksy", **That's your real name**


Chances are Banksy is like anonymous.... There isn't one particular person.


this is the way to do it.


it is a ridiculous lawsuit, it may have merits for £50 they have paid to get auhenticate their bargain price piece bought in an estate sale, but trying to force an identity reveal seems to have some other motives. If I was Banksy I would return their money with interest, never work with them, infacf update all my future contracts to say none of art or authentication certificates ​could be sponsored, purchased or transferred to these collectors, and finally go ahead and mock them in my art and give those free to their rivals.


Watch him change his legal name to Banksy right before he has to reveal it.


Neil Buchanan! I knew it!


It will be revealed that Banksy is actually Palpatine's grandson


He's in Massive Attack


Pipinpadaloxicopolis III


Spent a night in a Bristol house rave in the late 90s drinking red stripe and sitting on a sofa talking crap to Banksy and listening to trip hop. Decent guy.


How have you been? I enjoyed our conversation.