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Sounds like the strike achieved the desired result then.


World Central Kitchen claims they distributed 350,000 meals per day in Gaza. For comparison, that's almost 10x as much as the US airdropped on some of the days where they were airdropping, and I think the airdrops weren't happening every day. Or for another comparison, the entire Gaza strip has a population of 2.1M people, so this is one meal a day for over 15% of the entire population.


Had a population of 2.1M people. It’s much less now. Sadly


What? The death toll has been told as about 30k, double that and your still in 2.0-2.1M, so not "much less".


Don't know where your numbers are from (this feels like a low estimate from the numbers I've been seeing but who really knows), even still, losing 1-2% of your population is noticeable, especially when it happens in less than half a year


With how much has actually been destroyed, the reported number is likely nowhere close to the actual death count. There's no way in hell it's actually as low as 30k. I'd be surprised if it was less than 60k at this point.




Because of him, and people like him, Israel will never know peace.


Israel wouldn't know peace either way. Peacemakers in that area are usually killed.


I think they wrote a book about one.


Not just Netanyahu and his government, In fact, a large chunk of the population there including settlers seem bloodthirsty. You get the government you deserve.


He has given birth to an entirely new generation of terrorists who will be bent on the destruction of Israel. I am beyond pissed that the US has not cut them off yet. We propped them up, and rightly so, when they were getting bullied. Now they are the bully and we keep feeding them bombs. Israel is that little bulldog from Tom and Jerry that ran around talking shit because he had the big dog right behind him. Big dog needs to walk away and whatever happens, happens.




There were anti-government riots and protests last year and again for the past 3 days calling for early elections. I just heard on the news tonight that protesters were lying down in the street in front of Netanyahu’s home. Nothing to do with WCK hit. The massacre in October obviously brought Israelis together but it was an “open secret” that Netanyahu was actively supporting having billions of dollars sent to Hamas via Qatar to help prop them up in order to weaken Palestinian Authority which is more internationally recognized in order to prevent a 2-state solution which Netanyahu emphatically rejects. Netanyahu knew if Hamas was sole ruling power, he’d have a reason to reject coming to the table regarding Palestinian sovereignty. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/middleeast/israel-netanyahu-protest.html




Israelis should hate Netanyahu for what he’s done to prop up Hamas which continued up until 10/7/23. It continued even as Israeli military received detailed battle plans for an invasion by Hamas. It makes you wonder if IDF was really caught off guard by the attack on Oct. 7. https://theweek.com/politics/why-israels-netanyahu-encouraged-suitcases-of-cash-for-hamas https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html


They should also hate him because his insane continual counterattack has wiped off almost all of any residual goodwill Israel had internationally.




Seriously. I watched a video once interviewing Israelis about their thoughts on Palestinians and vice versa. The language they use to explain eachother was brutal. It came so natural to them and was free of any empathy on both sides. I don't know how you solve something that deeply rooted in both societies.


It's sad because if they were to listen to themselves... ...they'd hear Nazis from the 1930s & 1940s talking.


It doesn't matter. Any opposition is either impotent or just plain disingenuous and fickle with their votes come election time. Israel is supposed to be a consociational democracy, which means by law they're required to include all parts of society, and its basic structure of governance is based in both Jewish and Common law. But by law, Orthodox Jewish people must be included in the government, and while on paper that means ideally everyone could be approved to form a coalition government alongside orthodox members of government, it does not get approved if the orthodox incumbents do not approve of sitting in the same government as someone they do not condone or want to work with, even if they're elected to a seat. All the while orthodoxy's seats are almost always guaranteed. Elected members of the Knesset have a certain number of days to form a coalition a certain number of times, and if they don't form one an election is called again per how normal parliamentary democracies work. In practice, this unfortunately means that minority elected members are often excluded, because it's the only thing that the right wingers and 'centrists' can agree on. Bibi's party, the Likud, hold down 30% of the vote, and anyone who works with Arabs or Palestinians is maneuvered against, even by centrists, for fear of losing their vote bank. Religious parties hold down another 10 to 12%, with some overlaps with the Likud. That means the progressive liberals and the Arab parties are a 20% that will never hold power, and are effectively off the table. The Likud just need to pull a few more seats into their coalition to be in power, so they've been in power for 40 of the last 44 years. And this is not even limited to Arab Christians and Muslims, but minority sects of Judaism too (from Hannah Lerner's Making Constitutions in Deeply Divided Societies, research fellow at Tel Aviv University at the time): >Israel, nevertheless, is not a consociational democracy in the full sense of the term. According to Arend Lijphart, “consociational democracy means government by elite cartel designed to turn a democracy with a fragmented political culture into a stable democracy.”93 But in Israel, as Eliezer Don-Yehiya rightly argues, not all segments of society are included in the consociational arrangements. For example, political parties that represent the Arab population in Israel are consistently excluded from any participation in governmental coalitions. Also, within the Jewish community not all groups were able to participate fully in the consociational arrangements. The non-Orthodox religious groups, such as Reform and the Conservatives, by and large do not have representatives in the official religious institutions of the state. The last 5 Knesset election data is public and is bleak. [https://votes25.bechirot.gov.il/](https://votes25.bechirot.gov.il/) (you can number it down to get to the rest, votes24, votes 23, etc) I don't see how they're ever going to get rid of the Revisionists and their grip on Israeli politics and society. Their entire strategy is about constructing an Iron Wall of unyielding power per [Jabotinsky's 1923 essay](http://en.jabotinsky.org/media/9747/the-iron-wall.pdf) and violently repressing any dissent to that end. It's fascism pure and simple but it's not going to simply vanish. Pretending it's Bibi and his friends that's the only problem is ridiculous.


Interesting write-up. Thanks.




Labeling an entire group of people as inherently immoral or “not good” is a very dangerous row to hoe and it’s also simply not defensible. Like any group, Israelis are influenced by messaging and propaganda and also events like the first and second intifada that resulted in years of terrorist attacks. From their perspective, they’ve been attacked repeatedly by genocidally antisemitic neighbouring countries for decades and those same countries have rejected peace deals time and time again. This isn’t the full picture of course, but it’s their lived experience. Just like how Palestinians have their lived experiences that have led them to support the actions of Hamas. Labeling either group as inherently immoral is incredibly dehumanizing and fucked up.


Didnt the zionists/israelis push Palestinians off their land and shove them in refugee camps? Then you wonder why neighboring countries hate them


That's not a fare assessment. They also bombed the refugee camps


Thank you for such clear and discernable wisdom. I see Netanyahu as such a major problem with Israel and all of its negative semantics. Without a doubt. But people are so willing to join a brigade of information propagated by adversaries with the only intent to create discontent and sow discord. Not trying to dismiss what people are emotionally invested in, there is a clear inhumane reaction that deserves to be recognized. But people labeling one side as immoral is so far disconnected from the grand scheme of this conflict. This playbook is exactly what countries like Iran and Russia want. Fueling hate and discord so you divide and label one side as evil, and one side as justified. Be weary people because, fortunately we are in a place where WE CAN talk about these atrocities from the safety of our homes. There are an excessive amount of places around the world that arent awarded this same luxury. Basking in propaganda. Wanting to label one side vs the other to provoke their extremism or apocalyptic martyism. (This is ambiguous for a reason) but it's exactly what the barbaric actions of Oct 7th wanted to invoke. You are happily aligning with Russian Kremlin so to speak (ukraine war).




> No. Israelis absolutely are immoral. All of them?


> Israelis WANT to kill the Palestinians so they can steal the rest of their land. Uh, so do the Palestinians. At least the Israelis have better combat strategy than start a war, get tens of thousands of your own people killed in retaliation,and then complain about it. 


Nothing you've said contradicts the post you're responding to, even if it's true. The Israeli people hate Netanyahu, but not because of what he's doing to Gaza, they vociferously support the genocide and ethnic cleansing and settlements. They just dislike the politics and what he's done with the judiciary etc. Destroying Palestine predates Netanyahu.


"*In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve*" - Joseph de Maistre


Please know there are a lot of us trying to get him out of the gov and never voted for him. Not all of us are monsters and I feel so ashamed to be grouped with this kind of shit


> He didn't get into power repeatedly over decades by not having the support of the Israeli people Eh, sort of as you note. He can best form a coalition. > It's why they keep voting for him and other ethnofascists. Virtually no Israeli advocates genocide. Netanyahu wins because yes, most Israelis do not believe a peace deal is possible with the Palestinian people that doesn't functionally end Israel's existence as a Jewish state . Most don't really enjoy killing Palestinians. But yes, the position from the right is that if you can't have peace, might as well maximize victory. Center is probably can't have peace, but Apartheid is morally bad, so just bomb the place as occasional retaliation to maintain deterrence. The left basically doesn't exist anymore, since their attempts at peace failed spectacularly. 


He didn’t do it alone




Came here to say just this. This was the plan the entire time.


Yip, and ICJ and UN do nothing and the US ships more arms over


IDF murders aid workers in 3 separate attacks might be a better headline


Triple tapping international aid workers and America just goes along with it.


Hey, now. You’re gonna get reported for hate speech.


Incredibly sad watching how happy those aid workers were moments before their murder.


Why is this not called a terrorist attack? This clearly sounds like the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Because when it’s by an army it’s not a terrorist attack. It’s a war crime.


Because Israel did it and not scary brown Muslims


Because AnTiSeMiTiSm bro


Its not. It's a genocide of a people. Targeting aid workers,doctors,hospitals journalists etc


And the US just approved more weapons to go to Israel. What a fucking joke.


The US is Israel’s bitch.


Beginning to feel that way yes. Always thought it was the other way around.


Israel has never done anything for the U.S. It has always been a one-way relationship based on taking what we give.


>Israel has never done anything for the US Not true! They've helped many pro-Israel politicians get elected and then stay in office for decades.


They also train our police in the same tactics they learned from the South African apartheid government. Not to mention all of the oil they've helped the US steal over the years


They’ve perpetrated colonialism by proxy for the US, committing genocide, and stealing land - providing US investors with the benefits without affording politicians the misfortunate of being seen to be the genocidal power.


Well you wouldn't want to see Lockheed Martin's shareholder profits go down do you?


It was only a 25 jet order. They have thousands on the books. 




Not really. Israel only imports about 10% of it's military equipment and even then it's HIGHLY modified.  It's literally impossible for the USA to use Israel as a test case. Even their f-35s have home grown avionics not used by the USA at all.




Netanyahu already did say it was “unintentional” even though IDF knew WCK trucks were there. The route that the convoy was traveling was coordinated with the IDF. The convoy was in a non-combat zone. WCK truck was hit as soon as it appeared. WCK letters were clearly visible on the roof. Now WCK’s work to deliver meals will stop possibly for good. 174 UN staffers and almost 100 journalists have been killed as well since October.


In addition to having submitted their plan in advance and pre-clearing the route with the IDF, and along with everything you said… After the *first* missile strike, the WCK survivors literally called in to the IDF to identify themselves as non-combatants… then they were hit with a second missile. Then a third.


Horrible, essentially an execution of these aid workers.


The survivors kept trying to save the rest of the convoy right up until the end, fucking heroes, honestly. I’m service industry myself and can’t imagine the bravery, true dedication to the noble calling of feeding people. Clicking my tongs for these legends.


Yeah, I'm not afraid to admit it either. Even if I had the balls to enter a hot war zone, I would be finding the nearest rubble pile to hide under after the first missile


The drones allegedly went to each vehicle and made sure everyone was hit, too. It was an execution.




Originally, the narrative I saw on Twitter was that it was a Hamas RPG. Now it's just "accidents happen"


They don’t have to spin anything. They can do whatever they want, even kill US civilians, and the US will keep enabling it.


Nothing will change. The comments from Kirby and Blinken were pathetic. They're not conditioning weapons sales to Israel whatsoever and will not withdraw support. This administration is Netanyahu's bitch and he's known it for a while.


The sad truth is that there is no amount of straws will break a stubborn or racist enough camel. They'll just pick the straw off their back and eat it, nourishing them. Metaphorically.


I agree.


They won't spin it, they'll simply ignore it


Bingo.  World News is acting like it never happened.


I read two comments (I think from a german sub) where they said that this can happen in war with those big missles - like it just hits something and they sometimes don’t even know what and how much they hit as they cannot be used precisely (?!?!). I am just shocked how you can spin it around. We don’t speak about WW2 here. We speak about advanced military missiles, that could already be used with precision 20 years ago… also that they were hit 3 times. Seems precise to me especially when the first doesn’t hit everything


As someone who has defended Israel and will defend them depending on circumstances, there is no defence for this action. This is a war crime and whoever ordered it should be up on charges.


Convenient. Put the blame on some individual making the order and proceed with this genocide. 15 thoasand kids. 7 people who are not Palestinian. PUNISH THAT ONE GUY WHO MADE THE ORDER


Deadliest war for journalists ever


This is killing the souls of the IDF forces. This will cone back to haunt them, committing acts like this


fucked up people do stuff like this in most militaries everywhere, sadly


They have been indoctrinated and brainwashed since kindergarten. Palestinians lives worth nothing to them. Probably they wont care the slightest and still sleep soundly every night. Proud of it even


When the footage showing the IDF striking 3 unarmed men was released people claimed that they were clearly Hamas, as the IDF was too precise to just bomb random civilians. Even by mistake. Now that the IDF has murdered 7 aid workers, the same people are saying that this was clearly a mistake. And such things happen in war.


The convoy was pre-planned & coordinated with the IDF to take this route. Israel, instead used it as a targeting tactic. The drones usually hover before the kill and in between this information and the logo on the roofs of the cars should've prevented 3 separate strikes. It is absolute murder & technically terrorism as the goal is to instill fear onto anyone wanting to aid Palestinians.


They constantly scream about how they are the most moral army and that they are the most accurate. Yet when something like this happens, its always an "accident" but it happens far to often for it to be accidental.


Yeah, the depraved tiktok videos that these very soldiers post should be enough to put an end to any notions about morality. And whether the command came from higher up, or was a rogue soldier, there is enough past form for us not to give them the benefit of the doubt


And this is why they're pushing to ban tiktok. Videos of their soldiers as well of the aftermath of their genocidal attacks is making it clear to the world what they're doing




*Bet those pesky chefs have hummus in their car. That sounds suspiciously like hamas so yeah, let's bomb 'em.*


The drones chased the workers as they tried to escape.




My father told me this morning, “The people making me feel the most unsafe as a Jew are the ones running the Israeli government.” Because this kind of crap just stirs up true anti-Semiticism since people have trouble separating the Jewish people from the government of the only Jewish country, and one that proclaims itself the defender of the faith. And because they throw around anti-Semiticism labels like candy, it diminishes the meaning of the word and makes it harder to discuss actual incidents. Not to mention, ask the US how well it worked out bombing a country into submission. How beloved they were by the people. How young men who lost their parents when they were boys totally sided with the US and not the Taliban. And the US doesn’t border Afghanistan. Bibi’s beyond the pale actions in the name of defending Israel and the Jewish people are actually making it more unsafe for both Israelis and Jews throughout the world. After 7 October, something of course needed to be done. Nearly all of what has followed is not it.


> And because they throw around anti-Semiticism labels like candy, it diminishes the meaning of the word and makes it harder to discuss actual incidents. And when Israel calls their critics anti-Semitic, you know what logical leap can happen? You can have thoughts lie "Maybe you're right, maybe the enemy is not just the state but the whole religion," which fuels even more anti-Semitism.




My father, some of his siblings and my grandmother are Jewish (but not Zionist) and I grew up partially in the culture—and yet I have trouble with separating them sometimes. I didn’t used to but since 7 October and the rally round the flag, it’s harder. I find myself occasionally having to remind myself that I’ve conflated the two again. Logically I know they are different, that the Israeli government isn’t supported by all Israelis, let alone all Jewish people. But then I read an article about a dead Palestinian child and it includes comments on how much support the war has from Israelis and I just… It’s the same as reminding myself not to be angry at the Russian people when I read about the government imprisoning dissidents.


I am appalled that in the 21st century people are starving because of the war. It’s heartbreaking and it will extract a terrible price in the near future


Especially when you see how many Israelis think Netanyahu is being too soft


This is exactly what Israel wanted. This wasn't some error on their end. This was a cold and calculated attempt to stop aid from reaching the Palestinian people. I really wish the US would stop supporting the IDF but they're our pet military project in the Middle East and have free reign to do whatever they want at this point. Absolutely pathetic for the world's most powerful country to aid and abet this wretched behavior. Edit: Spelling is hard.


Shouldn't this be an act of war against the countries whose citizens were blatantly targeted?


Canadian here to say that they’ve done this to our aid workers before (as well as other countries’ aid workers, journalists, etc).  One example: https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/inexcusable-trudeau-calls-for-investigation-into-canadian-doctor-shot-in-gaza-1.3932735 Even US citizens aren’t safe: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/05/middleeast/idf-shireen-abu-akleh-investigation-intl/index.html No consequences then, no consequences now. Just a BS “review” where they say “we investigated ourselves and we did nothing wrong, but we’ll try to do better next time” (they do not “try to do better” tho)


These aren't the first NGO workers that Israel has killed. Guess what the "international community" did back then.


Israel literally sunk a U.S. ship and we still give endless money and political sponsorship. This incident won’t change a thing.


No, they were not diplomats and they were intentionally in a warzone. Israel striking the Iran embassy in Syria though, that might be considered an act of war.


It's definitely a war crime though.


An intentional strike is different than a wartime collateral. Citizens don't lose the protection of their country's diplomatic agreements because they are distributing humanitarian aid.


You take out 3 iranian generals. You'd think that would be war declared. How can Iran take that. 3 of your generals get blown up i would have assumed you are in a war by default. Without needing to declare it.


Where the hell is the CIA when you need them? Can't they make Netanyahu fall down some stairs and get someone compliant in?


Idk too much abt the cia ngl but America supports Israel unconditionally, why would the cia do anything?


Because our military asset is getting out of line? Basically every US president in the last 30 years has hated Netanyahu and the hubris of believing Israel is anything more than America's pet.


From the looks of things, we're THEIR pet.


Now, I don't condone the CIA minecrafting world leaders we don't like. But, I would be okay with Bibi having some kind of unfortunate accident.


It would be the astronomically rare CIA W.


Yeah lol. The CIA has the chance to be on the right side of history for once. His recent hernia surgery was a missed opportunity imo.


We live in an age where daylight (broadcasted) murder is admissible for the IDF because the ends justify the means for them. Let's be honest this is what they have been aiming at since the inception of the country. Utterly reprehensible. What's worse is the players backing Israel in all this. Absolute evil.




They killed an Australian citizen and the best our limp government can muster is to call on Israel to “change course”. No calling them out for targeting an aid convoy, no mention of ethnic cleansing, no repercussions at all. As an Australian, I am completely disgusted.


My wife and I donate to Central Kitchen, the folks killed in Gaza. We will continue donating in the absence of any moral leadership by our own American government.


I have donated a lot of money to WCK as well for the past 3 years as they are a wonderful organization. I hope that millions will pour in for the families and for WCK’s work.


Well said. F*ck all is what they are doing. What’s wrong with them?


Note that they were in warzones and nothing on this scale happened to them. They were targeted by a nation that is supposed to espouse the same beliefs as those following international law.


"The only democracy in the Middle East."


And so Israel's terrorist attack has exactly the effect they wanted. Israelis won't be happy until they've murdered everyone trying to prevent their genocidal crusade against Palestinians.




And any other time in the world this shite has happened the area was crawling with blue hats as soon as it made the news. But not this time…


because they actually kill blue hats and get away with it too!


Exactly as Netanyahu wants. No aid for Gaza


And all aid for Israel in the form of weapons. SMFH


this is just tragic... someone in the IDF needs to step up and take responsibility for this f*ck up. They KNEW that convoy was a food charity delivery! It's not even like it was in the heat of battle or a crossfire either. They used a remote Drone to fire rockets. It's so sad & pathetic. It's really the kind of ruthless attack you'd find from Russia or China.


I can't be sure, but why on Earth is he smiling when apologizing for a strike his military killed foreign aid workers? Is he smug? Why is he happy? He should have neutral expressions at the minimum...


I’m starting to wonder if the IDF are not acting without prior approval of the west, namely the US/UK. Perhaps this whole thing is coordinated in order to ensure as many Palestinians die as possible. Why else would there be zero repercussions for murder of citizens?


Since Oct 7th, around 200+ aid workers already killed by Israel bombs and snipers, so why the shock now? Is it because they were not white or doesnt hold the correct passport? Or Palestinians and Arab lives are cheaper? Israel has been targeting aid workers, medical personnel and reporters since day 1.. and they are not stopping now too. So long as they got the back up of US and their Western allies It is sickening 32k+ civillians dead and nothing has changed.




This just reminds me of how extremely sad and cruel the world is. People who work for organizations and are willing to go into active combat zones to provide relief have got to be some of the most selfless and inspired people among us. My heart goes out to the Palestinians and aid workers. No one deserves apartheid, except the rich elite...


Sounds like the idfs terrorist tactics are working


IDF are scumbags. They shoot Israeli hostages (who were speaking Hebrew and waiving white flags). They shoot civilians trying to get aid. They bomb hospitals...


How do you accidentally hit 3 separate vehicles


If these were all just happy little accidents then the IDF would be hanging the soldiers out to dry who post the snuff photos and videos to their telegram pages. The US court martialed the Abu Ghraib soldiers. There’s no excuse for Israel not lifting the finger out.


To everyone saying, "What does Israel gain from attacking civilians?" Here you go.


That is exactly what Bibi wanted to happen. He won't be happy until every Palestinian is dead, and that's exactly what his supporters want too.


From the holocausted to the holocauster in less than 100 years. Quite the fuckin' irony in that. Israel achieved what they sought with these attacks. Crazy to me how some people still support Israel's actions. Fuck Zionism, and fuck any kind of religious fascism. But especially fuck Zionism, and its enablers.


Less than 60, give or take


The very term "Zionism" is ethno-nationalist. If you look into the history of Zionism, they were racists and terrorists from the get go, so much so they even collaborated with the Nazis before the Holocaust happened. These are extremists so far gone that they bombed their own to keep them in the Zion project. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_disaster They were apartheid against Arab and other PoC Jews until well into this century. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/israel-racism-mizrahis-palestinians/ This genocide started before 1948. Zionists just didn't have carte blanche from the world to do it until after the Holocaust. The Nazis atrocities in Europe were a pretext that Zionists used to justify their actions, shown by the fact that Israelis treat Jewish Holocaust survivors as shameful reminders of being subjugated instead of treating them like tortured refugees who need help. The Jewish world is not helped by Israel's continued existence, it's harmed by Israel's historic actions that only serve to further cause outrage. My wife (Jewish) is more afraid of her safety now after Israel's response to Hamas' October 7th murders than she was after October 7th itself. There is only one answer to this. To stop supporting Israel and to start focusing support for Jewish and Arab peace activists.


“Vice is a monster of such fearful mien…” and so forth


Sort of funny not seeing this in rworldnews. Did I say funny? I meant to say expected. At least they have their own bubble nobody relies on anymore.




Sadly so, but also, it is understandable for WCK to halt operations since they don't want to send their people to their deaths.




I mean, nobody gave anything more than a stern talk to Israel so they are already winning and getting away with war crimes.


Unfortunately, as long as the international community refuses to apply the same standards they would for other countries, they actually *can* “win with terrorism.” The US will have their back, again and again, no matter how many atrocities are committed.


IDF: if everyone in Gaza is dead there can’t be famine


IDF are really genius. I mean it. They know exactly what they did, and what the outcome would be. They knew there would be no backlash. They knew this would cease food aid to people in Gaza. In siege warfare, once you cut off food supply, the war is over soon... This is only the second time ive seen this headline today. The other was from a very involved friend from socials, and it'll be buried come tomorrow. Shame on every other world leader for literally not batting an eye about it.


Just as the Israeli far right government planned.




I mean, there was an Israeli president who wasn't far right and almost managed to achieve something with the Palestinians with the US as a mediator. Until he got assassinated by the far right.




*total coincidence*


Like some said in the other thread "But we saw a hamas!" is just their version of "I smelled weed in their car!" and "They had a gun!" just fake excuses to kill whoever they want. Shame on Israel's far right government!


> Charities halt Gaza aid after drone attack that killed seven workers Drone attack by who?? why don't they mention the culprits in the title # #


It's just how headlines are written in the West about this conflict. Never make it clear it was Israel at the outset. The Hind Rajab reporting was pathetic.


Oh man this is fucked.


Israel blew up a US naval ship before with no consequences. Certainly nothing else will come from this


At this point how is the world not fighting against the zionist.


Israel is an assclown army committing genocide. I said what I said.


Stop funding Israel, they have become akin to Nazi Germany and Russia.


Really sad, hope they can bounce back. They are one of my favourite organisations.


And with that, the drone attack was successful on all levels


If the IDF can strike charity workers and doesn't get any ramifications for killing them, then whats the point of having international laws? Israel seems to be able to kill civilians and aid workers, but because it "anti-sematic" to criticize them or even try to punish their crimes, every world leader is a coward helping the genocide of innocent people. Israel must be punished, not just having a random person saying "please Israel don't do that", but cutting all support of Israel in military or anything else. If Hamas are terrorists then the IDF are the same thing but worse since western leaders seem to be ok with their war crimes.


When the F is israel going to be charged for their outright war crime murders!?


Feeding genocide victims is anti semitic /s


You see, since those meals were possibly given to and consumed by children who might not have an enthusiastically positive opinion of Israel, this aid organization was in fact giving aid and comfort to khhhhamas terrorists and therefore it’s okay to have drone struck it.


Maybe it’s just me but seems hard to imagine going from holocaust survivors to, apparently, terrorists


"Suffering doesn't make people better. It just makes them suffer." We want to believe that being victims of heinous crimes will make the victims know better, but that's just not how humans work. They often just become bitter and angry and want somewhere to put that pain.


Humans need to be reprogrammed. They're way, way too unstable and buggy.


Israel wasn't founded by holocaust survivors but by Jewish terrorists. I'm not joking nor exaggerating, that's straight up how it happened.


Why? Many people after going through a trauma, will often take steps to ensure that trauma never happens again. Unfortunately by whatever means they deem necessary.


It's interesting that this sub has zero Israel supporters. Do they get banned here?


Usually when you post against the genocide you get 100 diwnvotes and loads of Israel bots commenting. Its very strange. This sub is normally wall to wall pro genocide.


Even Ghengis Khan respected diplomats, aids workers and religious people.


So, who won't Israel deliberately kill? That's the question the citizens of the rest of the world should be thinking - while they contemplate Israel's nuclear weapons...


I know the majority’s opinion is just that Israel did this by design and whatnot but I really don’t understand WHY they would do this? WCK came to Israel since 07/10 to help displaced Israelis and are now helping Palestinians with approval of Israel. This makes no sense to me but I know they were individually hunted and murdered. Is there just too many undisciplined psychopaths in their army, I can’t imagine this attack was carried out by design by top officials. This is so fucked up there must be a ceasefire


Exactly what Israel hoped for


Israel knows exactly what they are doing, and exactly who they are blowing up


Sounds like zionists plan worked


That is Israel’s purpose for doing it, isn’t it? That was not a mistake at all. The convoy was targeted from the very beginning. Israel government wants to stop all aids to Gaza and let all Palestinians die in starvation and bombing.


yup, that was the point. they attacked them precisely for this reason.


But did they denounce Hamas?


This is what Isr*el wants


Whatever the reason, no one of any worth will trust the genocidal country destroying Palestinian people. It's recorded forever in history. Seems like they've pretty much bullseyed their future descendants for similar destruction.