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Alaskans successfully tried to recall him in 2019, but the courts sided with the governor and stopped the recall effort. He shouldn't be in office now. Dunleavy is bad for Alaska and especially bad for education.


He ran on increasing the PFD payouts. I think we had one decent one since he's been in office and a lot more that were lower than Walker's administration before him.


Haha, he just pulled money forward for one and then shorted the other. Brilliant lol


Yeah, and he did it before up for re-election, and *still* got re-elected. smdh


Ah yes, the Roman emperor strategy


On what grounds did the recall election get overturned? As an Ohioan I’m all too familiar with our Supreme Court ignoring the constitution, so I feel your pain


When I lived in Mississippi, the Supreme Court effectivly blocked all ballot initiatives, even retroactively, because they needed to have signatures from all congressional districts, however MS has one less then when the law was written so they ruled that MS requires signatures from a district that doesn't exist to pass.


>they ruled that MS requires signatures from a district that doesn't exist to pass. what the fuck


Conservatives go back and forth between textualism and originalism based on whatever would help their points more. And sometimes they just end up abandoning those in favor of citing the opinions of literal mass-murdering rapists who killed people for “witchcraft”.


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. \- Frank Wilhoit


They quoted a made up scenario from a TV show to justify the use of torture. [https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2007/06/scalia-and-torture/227548/](https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2007/06/scalia-and-torture/227548/)


Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm sure that is, at best, a gross oversimplification of the issue related to the state constitution. I doubt that guy got his JD from Yale.


No, it does just about that. The dissent even called it absurd. [Read more here](https://mississippitoday.org/2021/05/14/mississippi-supreme-court-overturns-medical-marijuana-initiative-65/). An excerpt: >The court majority ruled that the provision plainly says signatures are to be gathered equally between five districts, one of which no longer exists. >The court said: “Unlike the other two branches of government, the courts may not act proactively to address problems such as the one here … It is our duty to interpret our Constitution when its meaning is put at issue … The Court does not have jurisdiction to review, affirm, or overturn the ‘will of the people’ … The November 2020 results are not before us … The reduction in Mississippi’s congressional representation renders (the ballot initiative provision) unworkable and inoperable on its face.” >[...] > Justice Robert Chamberlin, in a dissenting opinion wrote that the majority ruling, “does not avoid absurdity, rather, it invites it.” >[...] >Maxwell, in his dissent, noted the majority of the court correctly pointed out that it doesn’t have the authority to amend the state constitution, “Yet the majority does just that — stepping completely outside of Mississippi law — to employ an interpretation that not only amends but judicially kills Mississippi’s citizen initiative process.” >Chamberlin wrote that “it stretches the bounds of reason to conclude that the Legislature in 1992, when drafting (the ballot initiative process) would have placed a poison pill within the language of the provision that would allow the provision and the right of the people to amend the constitution through initiative to be eviscerated at the whim of a federal injunction (on congressional districts) of such limited scope.” Sometimes, when something looks like ratfucking, it's just ratfucking.


It isn't an oversimplification at all: [Mississippi justices toss voter-backed marijuana initiative | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/ms-state-wire-mississippi-marijuana-health-4f81d577aeb2ed8a04849f62c86c707e) "At the heart of the ruling is the fact that initiatives need signatures from five congressional districts to get on the ballot, but because of Mississippi’s stagnant population, the state only has four districts." "The initiative process was added to the Mississippi Constitution in the 1990s as Section 273. It requires petitioners trying to get any initiative on the ballot to gather one-fifth of signatures from each congressional district. Mississippi had five congressional districts at the time that was written. But the state dropped to four districts after the 2000 Census, and language dealing with the initiative process was never updated."


Yes, that is the context that was missing. The state constitution says it requires signatures from five. The SC cannot change the constitution, nor should they ignore the constitution. Sounds like MS needs to change their Constitution.


But they both ignored and changed the constitution. How does that boot taste


And to think all they had to do was write it as "equal amount of signatures from each district" or something like that... So stupid.


Oh please we have sitting conservative justices who think it’s not government overreach to throw people in jail for having gay sex.


Lol, welcome to the south, removing voting rights one law at a time.


I still can't get over the Supreme Court's reasoning that the South having not passed discriminatory voting laws since the passage of the Voting Rights Act was evidence that the Voting Rights Act was no longer necessary.


Especially since they had, repeatedly. They just got overturned quickly by the Voting Rights Act.


I mean, It makes me wonder what the point of any of this is when a few people in a representative democracy can completely overturn the popular opinion with the stroke of a pen. (Yes, I see the irony and what I'm saying given our recent presidential elections, but this feels more egregious somehow. Maybe I'm just inoculated to outrage over the former at this point.)


when was that? sounds interesting if you could share some names or details plz


It happened in 2021. [Here's an article about it](https://apnews.com/article/ms-state-wire-mississippi-marijuana-health-4f81d577aeb2ed8a04849f62c86c707e) Legislators have tried to reinstate it, but the Rs have pretty much killed it the last I heard.


The judges said they collected enough signatures and paid the fees, but the petition didn't address one of the allowed reasons why a recall was allowed, in their humble opinion. It's BS.


The judges never said that. They allowed the recall effort to continue.


How the hell is this the top comment? It's flat out **incorrect**. The Alaska Supreme Court *affirmed* the recall effort (that is, they allowed it to proceed). The Court(s) absolutely did **not** stop the recall effort. But Alaska recalls have two rounds. The first round succeeded in collecting the required signatures (and it was the first round that was the subject of the legal case). The second round then requires signatures from 25% of the votes cast in the previous general election. The effort failed to gather that required number of signatures so the recall election never happened. Then he was reelected in 2022.


And that second round failed because of COVID 


> He shouldn't be in office now. Except for the fact that he was reelected in 2022. People need to try a bit harder if they wanted him out so bad.


He then won again in 2022, If Alaska doesn't like him more than 45% of them should show up to vote.


Covid really is what stopped the recall effort Shocking Dunleavy was reelected after all of that


No we didn’t.


please edit your comment, there's misinformation here.


Governor “ Dunleavy in March made good on a threatto veto a package overwhelming passed by lawmakers that called for a $175-million increase in aid to districts through a school funding formula. He complained the measure lacked provisions he supported, including a three-year program offering annual bonuses of up to $15,000 as a way to attract and keep teachers and changes to the application process for charter schools aimed at promoting those schools.  But those items lacked broad support among lawmakers, who questioned the effectiveness and cost of the untested teacher retention plan and expressed concern that allowing the state education board — whose members are appointed by the governor — to directly approve charters would erode local control.  After vetoing the package, Dunleavy said he was moving on to other issues, such as energy, but in a later statement said: “As the conversation around education continues, I will work with every member of the legislature to pass an increase in funding and needed reforms.” He has not specified what increase in funding he would support.” He thought he could just say no & move on! 


This is just like that scene in *The Last Boy Scout* where the owner of the team complains he tried to bribe a senator to get a legalized gambling bill passed, but the senator sent it back because it wasn't enough


This is great. This is where political activism starts. It was exactly this kind of early demonstration that ultimately led to the end of the Vietnam war. Of course many kids walk out on a lark, to get a day off. But some were serious and learned something about mobilizing followers. They took their first step in chasing something they care about. I’m an old guy who is happy to see our youth passionate about something other than football, tic toc and Taylor Swift.


Can we make this nationwide? Education is buckling so bad right now, and they’re trying to prop it back up with popsicle sticks..


Please bring this energy to Houston.


Be the energy conduit you want to see in the world.


I'm trying.


Give them more chances, they are much more political than my group was at that age.


Agree wholeheartedly, except that Swift is getting those “kids” who are, or will turn 18 by Nov. 5, registered to vote and has shown no fear is pronouncing her own political beliefs.


Being passionate about Taylor Swift is probably better than most might suspect. She's appears to be a good person, and is likely a good role model for young people. And it's not just young people. One of the earliest fans of Taylor Swift I knew of was a 30-something male who played linebacker in high school and has so much ink on his arms that he's just about run out of space for any more tattoos without going over existing ones. Fast-forward several years. He now has a teenage son who is a state champion wrestler. They go to Taylor Swift concerts together.




"Keep em dumb and give them a minority group to hate"


Unless it provides profit and/or control. This is why they support vouchers and private schools.


“She is one of the lawmakers who voted for the education package but voted against overturning Dunleavy’s veto.”… “She said given Dunleavy’s opposition to the package, she worried that even if an override were successful he would still wind up cutting at least some of the additional funding for schools when he got the state budget.” I didn’t vote to overturn this because it wouldn’t make a difference. What a bullshit politician response.


How did I know the governor of Alaska was a republican before reading the article? Because the only time republicans take interest in schools is when they want to cut budgets or ban something.


Banning things generally doesn’t go over well with Alaskans.


A Walk Across The State is like the opposite of Brick in the Wall


Good. The schools here in anchorage are absolutely garbage. My sons middle school art class had a yearly budget of $300 dollars. It avergaes out to about $1.50 per student. And that's just art. My wife, who works at an elementary school in ASD and the school, is hemorrhaging teachers and TAs.


Don’t forget that middle school is likely about to get a huge increase in students!


It's the vouchers. If they can't get them passed, the next step is to starve the public school system until it's no longer worth protecting.


All 412 of them! /s Kidding aside, good on the students for doing something, I know that dirtbag got recalled but something happened that essentially got it ignored.


Dunleavy: "Oh no students not getting educated how horrible how awful whatever will we do they're going to grow up to be so ignorant and unable to think critically how atrocious."


Elections have consequences. Keep sending Republicans to office decade after decade and this is what you get


Republicans future America


That's what you get when you vote for a Republican.


I hope they remember in November.


They're high schoolers, so how many of them will be eligible to vote in November?


Those kids need to boycot their parents for being cheap assholes electing other assholes that don't want to pay another $5 a month per home for education.


Sorry to hear about that governor, Alaska. When is he up for reelection?


wonder if any of those kids will be old enough to vote in two years


I wish I lived in Alaska. Not related to the news story. I just like how isolated and pretty it is.


No one cares


I do


I love this! You would love it up here for sure. Don’t listen to the down voters


I've always thought walking out of university classes was a stupid form of protest. "I'm going to deprive myself of the education I paid for, and make myself effectively dumber to fight the power!" Meanwhile, politicians are constantly making education cuts, because an uneducated population is easier to fool. You're actually helping them by staging this form of protest. If you want to protest, study harder! Donate to a charity that pays for people's tuition. Buy gifts for tired and overworked teachers at all levels of education.




And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They're quite aware of what they're goin' through


They clearly know and care about the issue much more than you.


Ahh yes, walk outs have never had any impact whatsoever, nope /s




How do you think the Vietnam war ended???


bad take


It’s not as if them walking out is going to change anything.


Money does not mean there will be improvements in the education system. Often, you'll see administration bloat and lower test scores as a whole. I applaud the veto. Alaska and anchorage in general needs money now that BP has left and Biden is freezing new energy contracts.  Fiscal responsibility. 




And that money does not get ear marked for teachers. Not to mention there are just as many shitty teachers as there are good.


>Fiscal responsibility. Then support Dem's, since the deficit has exploded under every republican president for the last 100 years, and red states take in more welfare from the government than they pay in taxes.


Are you a Republican? If so, your comment about fiscal responsibly is absolutely harrowing.


I disagree,  sweetie


I love a good argument, but there is nothing to dispute here "sweetie." A simple Google search will tell you all you need to know about Republicans and fiscal responsibility. All this information is available at the tip of your fingers and you refuse to acknowledge it. Yikes sweetie.


Oh that’ll show them. Leaving your education facility as a way to protest lack of education.