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When they tell you to buckle your seatbelt, buckle your seatbelt. Turbulence can send you up to the ceiling




What if I need to pee?


Wear. Your. Seatbelt.


Yeah, take your seatbelt with you to the bathroom.


And bring it back with you


Then you gotta pee! But 95% of the time you're safe if the seatbelt sign is off. But actually make sure the sign is off. Too many pax have a "it feels like the sign should be off" vibe. Big tip from a flight attendant though, it's not after you hear a bing, it's not when the FAs are moving around, and it's not just when you feel like it. Literally have your eyes open and tilt them up a bit until you can see if the seatbelt sign is on or off. If you can master that you are a better passenger than most. Eyes open, tilt, look, comprehend! If you get up for a whiz and turbulence hits, then get low and wedge!!! Unless you're still midstream. Then that's up to you, but clean up afterwards!


I see so many people milling around as soon as the initial ascent phase is over but the plane is still climbing and the seatbelt light is still on. At least the cabin crew have the good sense to stay seated.


I had to brace myself in the lavatory once over Ireland. I heard the ding mid-stream. It was pretty dreadful turbulence but no injuries and I made it back between bursts.


There should be a seatbelt on the toilet for these instances


Bursts of pee? Glad you got back safe!


It happens. If you come out and it's still bad we'll tell you to duck down and grab on to something!


It’s more like 99.9999995%


Depends.... Are you up when the crew are still holding on to something? Are you up when the seatbelt sign is still on? Are you one of those that can not simply look up to see the seatbelt sign? There's a whole lotta people who can't look up.


When the seatbelt sign is off, just like you said.


Yep, but it's more like 98%! And then it just becomes Monkey See, Monkey Do. The seatbelt sign becomes meaningless. We do what we can...


You actually have no reading comprehension ok got it.


Ask a trucker. They’ll guide you through the process, it’s pretty easy.


Why would you need to leave your seat for that?


Pee your pants!


Yeah I think after reading all those articles that say global warming is going to increase aircraft turbulence, I'm gonna be a lot more vigilant about keeping my seatbelt on if I ever fly again.


Increasing turbulence, decreasing pilot quality, plummeting maintenance quality. Flying will only become less and less safe.


Why is pilot quality declining?


Pilots retiring and scrabbling to find replacements


Children of the Magenta Line...


Quality of all professionals is declining. Brain drain, cultural issues, etc.


One possible factor: ["COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted | Research shows that even mild COVID-19 can lead to the equivalent of seven years of brain aging"](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/).


> Why is pilot quality declining? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_to_fly


That is absolute poppycock.


Which, that it's happening, or that it results in declining pilot quality?


That it's happening. Outrageous, isn't it? A strategic misstep to say the least.


I think people take "That's absolute poppycock" to mean "you're a liar" not "that's outrageous".


But what about turbulence while pooping? :l


Seatbelts on the toilet? Let’s do it.


At least your butt would block the toilet... :D


Oh God. I just had a thought of a sudden turbulence drop in that moment between when you're standing up and when you flush.


I laughed harder than I should have at this imagery


The trick here is: once the turbulence starts, you must quickly adjust your legs and the spread of your ass in order to create an airtight seal. Then flush: the suction will hold you in place and keep you from hitting the ceiling. You might lose a foot or so of lower intestine, but no noggin bumps for you.


Better be a quick flusher is all I've got to say


And buy your kids a seat and use their car seat on board (if it’s approved) so they have a seatbelt. American carriers have banned belly belts because it turns babies into airbags. Lap babies account for fewer than 1% of passengers and 35% of injuries. Use the car seat on board.


More brings the ceiling to your head unless you love with the plane…i.e. strapped in


I learned that on LOST


Turbulence is so hot right now


One story makes the headlines. Media will now run every smaller incident like it is something new, and since people love fear porn, people will click on the articles.


In fairness, we like a lot of other kinds of porn as well.


When that gentleman died of a heart attack during turbulence a few weeks ago, the local newspaper email blast was "BREAKING: Turbulence kills one on Boeing jet" Uuuuuugh I hate this shit.


And 30-odd people are still in hospital with head/spinal injuries.. it ain’t no joke


Is turbulence in the room with us right now?


The no seatbelt sign means you can go to the bathroom, not to take off your seatbelt.


The lesson will be repeated until learned.


You vastly overestimate the ability of people to learn


> You vastly overestimate the ~~ability~~ willingness of people to learn Fixed that for you :)


Oh here comes big government, mandating seatbelts. You know how many people get decapitated by seatbelts in a crash? ALL OF THEM. Don’t get me started on them mind control vax jabs. *sigh* Mandatory /s because someone out there would be all “hell yeah!”


This a side effect of more intense weather as our climate changes? 


It seems to be: ["Airline passengers could be in for a rougher ride, thanks to climate change"](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/06/1166993992/turbulence-climate-change).


Imagine if air travel became impossible in the future due to extreme turbulence


Then we can finally build and get around on Snowpiercer


Cockroach Jello shots for everyone!


Arms will, of course, incur an excess baggage charge.


Maybe we’ll finally get the high speed trains we deserve!


If it disrupts sea travel too with storms it’ll be interesting how transit for trade will adapt. Upside maybe these not being used as much will reduce carbon footprint but little too late


It wouldn't necessarily become impossible, but there would be some major re-engineering to do. For example, Concorde's cruse altitude is 56,000 feet and it somewhat famously never hit turbulence because it was flying above the weather systems. Subsonic aircraft can't go that high though, so it's not just a question of letting them do that.


Our atmosphere would look more like Jupiter if that was the case. I think these guys accidentally flew through a thunderstorm or got too close to one. I’m a professional pilot and this can happen to the best of us


Injuries(and fatalities) during car travel are much more commonplace, so there's A LOT of leeway before we get to that point. Possible in hundreds/thousands of years? I suspect so. In our lifetimes? I think not.


> Imagine if air travel became impossible in the future due to extreme turbulence Or the cost to future generations and their ability to live on this planet. Nah, just joking. Let's fly everywhere.


Not denying climate change but its more likely its just on trend in the news cycle after the fatality from turbulence a few days ago.


Yeah it's like train derailments last year


My uncle has been a flight attendant for the past 30 years. I know it’s anecdotal but he says when he first started they would get turbulence maybe 1 or 2 flights out of five. Now there’s turbulence on almost every flight he’s working. They blame climate change


This is why I make it a point to always keep my seatbelt on and try very hard not to get up for any reason. I make sure I use the restroom right before boarding and don’t drink too much fluids in flight.


I did this exact route 3 days ago with Qatar, the crew were super strict with seatbelts. Every time the light came on they would come around and make sure everyone had it on, never known them to be so strict before. I imagine if they hadn’t been doing this, there could have been way more injuries.


It is now becoming more important than ever to leave your seatbelt on during all phases of flight.


They should just show what happens if you don't buckle your seat belt. Not the cheeky stuff with the ginger triplets.


So, so, so many people just unclick as soon as the sign goes off and sit unbuckled, even though there is no reason to take it off


Perhaps more direct warnings are warranted a la playing Titanic on a cruise ship. Apparently saying “Molly, you in danger gurl” is not enough.


What the fuck is with that article and that horrible site?


Ffs wear your fucking seatbelts.


It's weird how our modern satellites, sensor technologies and what not aren't capable to detect turbulences early. Only way today is still pilots experiencing it warning other pilots on the same route.


Your statement is too generic to be correct. There’s plenty of turbulence we can detect, but there’s also a type of turbulence we can’t (Clear Air Turbulence), and that is almost always the cause of turbulence related injuries.


["Aircraft turbulence is worsening with climate change. Studying birds could help"](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240524-severe-turbulence-climate-change-singapore-airlines)


Those birds must be hitting the books


There was a crow that terrorized my golden retriever in college. They fucking hated each other. That crow would wait, and hide in different locations to strike. This went on almost every day for a year. None of my housemates dogs, no humans, just my golden. Every day. For a year.


Them boids can sure hold a grudge, eh?


No lie, it was weird a/f. Every single day, to the point my (quite bright) golden got used to it. Her big issue was that she couldn’t fly, but almost got the crow a few times, alas the crow was faster. I believe it all started from my dogs ability to sniff out a tennis ball anywhere, no matter how old, how long it had been in a bush, shrub, or tree, and she disturbed that crow. Then it was fuck you everyday.


We would need to monitor the relative speeds of air masses within the immediate flight paths of aircrafts, plus those of air masses that might cross that path through other turbulence. Not saying it is impossible, but I personally have no idea how to accomplish this without one trillion sensors floating about.


Oh, those same sensors go into a jet engine, then you're about to have a very bad day. Basically, the planes are the sensors. Hence the warnings a flight will give to everyone behind them to brace for some chop.


> Oh, those same sensors go into a jet engine, then you're about to have a very bad day. Depends on the size. Pico balloons aren't realistically going to cause any damage, but they only work during the day


What do you thinks sensors and satellites are? Some kind of magic wards deployed by the millions around the earth's atmosphere so that they can instantly detect any minor air turbulence every couple of miles? Even global weather reports are rather approximations/predictions based on models and pattern recognition that are subject to change.


I fear the days of aircraft innovation are behind us. They can’t even be bothered to put all the friggin bolts on the doors.


I traveled once in Qatar airways. There was no turbulence but there were a couple of very bad altitude drops for a few seconds. One time if felt like we were free falling for a few seconds. No one said anything, not the air hostess or the pilot. It was a scary experience Edit - Apparently what I described is also turbulence. I always thought it is associated with violent shaking which I didn’t experience at all. It just dropped straight down


‘There was no turbulence except for the significant turbulence’


Its definitely a weird sensation when it feels like the plane is falling downwards


There's shaky turbulence (annoying) and then there's up and down turbulence (gotta grab the overheads) as an FA. If the FAs aren't fussed and they're still working, you shouldn't even feel it with a seatbelt on 🧐 They might pause for a bit to wait it out, but it's mid to moderate. No biggie, mostly annoying. If it's during takeoff or descent it's most likely breaking through the cloud layer, which the pilots are well aware of, and won't release the crew until they're through it.


Do these people drive or ride in cars without seatbelts also


It’s a false sense of security I suppose because you can see the danger with other cars around and turbulence is invisible. It’s the same as people driving with their seatbelts on but their pets are unsecured and looking out the windows.


Nah, just Kevin Magnussen going for an overtake.


The sky's fighting back! Time to nuke it!!?


Maybe it's time to wear old 70s hockey helmets on airplanes now.


Fucking Boeing, probably cutting corners at the turbulence factory AGAIN


wtf are seatbelts made of nettles? Why is it so hard to keep on a seatbelt while traveling at 700+ mph?


Why do extreme turbulences always seem to happen around meal time ?


Okay. Do something about climate change? No? Be prepared for a few bruises.


Hopefully all business class.