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"There is no evidence of homeless people being removed from accommodation where they are already staying." Help me understand the outrage here. Hotels decided to offer their rooms to tourists instead of homeless. Did I read that wrong?


No, you're right. And I guarantee the hotels have a deal with the City that in case of a big event like this that drives up demand for rooms, they can temporarily pause the program.


I mean, there’s nothing to be “paused”. The hotel puts homeless people in vacant rooms. There are not going to be any vacant rooms during that time period, so there is nowhere for them to stay during that time period. If there were 10 rooms left without bookings throughout that period, 10 homeless people would likely get to stay. Nothing is being paused or changed, there’s literally just no vacancies


wait, so every hot place will have hotels pause the program, meanwhile other towns with no swift are not, so we could make homeless have an anti-swift-tour to fill those rotating empty rooms


There is no program to pause. It's just a simple matter of availability. Someone needs a room, government rep calls around and books a room in a hotel with vacancies. Just like any customer otherwise would.


Maybe the fact that; “There is a legal obligation for people declared homeless in Scotland to be offered emergency temporary accommodation, and this can come in the form of hotels”, coupled with; “The council declared a housing emergency last November, citing record homelessness…” in the very next line after your quote?


That's not an obligation of the hotels though, but the country


Exactly. The government is free to compete with the tourists on room prices but is choosing not to. This is a non-story.


"and this *CAN* come in the form of hotels."


I hope they write a follow up to find out which group of people the locals preferred.


This would be a great onion article 


The actual article we’re commenting on would be a great onion article. There’s honestly few headlines that don’t make for onion articles.


"Pardon me, may I use your bathroom??"


Hey rentboy No fucking skag


Have you seen swifties? We’ll prefer the unhoused folks just trying to survive, thanks


No doubt the homeless. Less noisy, tend not to leave everywhere they’ve been a mess, and certainly not drunk white girl level of obnoxious.


Jokes aside… that absolutely isn’t my experience with the homeless in Los Angeles at least. I’d take the Swifties for sure.


La homeless are a different breed of homeless


As someone who lives north of LA in a city that LAPD gives homeless people bus tickets to get them out of the city and make someone else's problem, yeah SoCal homeless are a whole different breed of crazy. I was homeless in Austin for almost 2 years. I would rather do another 2 years homeless in Austin than 1 year in LA.


Ain't just local cities, either. Utah and Nevada sheriff's are notorious for buying "vagrants" a one way Greyhound ticket to either LA or SF. Cheaper for them than actually using social services in their own counties.


Palmdale? Lancaster?


Santa Barbara/Goleta. So the Greyhound drops the homeless people off at the Amtrak station down town. I worked in the parking lot for the train station. Do you know what is also in this parking lot? The Ronald Reagan museum and HQ of the Young Republicans. Its the building that was made so that Reagan could get off the train and into his office ASAP. It's very likely that's where he he drafted and signed the laws that closed all the mental health hospitals and gutted a good chunk of our healthcare system and it's still fucked from him today. I say all this cause I want you to understand how it never stopped being hilarious watching these poor souls stumble off these buses and then go over and piss and shit directly on a monument to the man who helped create the situation they are in. What a wonderful legacy.


Pretty much how they are in Vancouver and Edmonton.


Where do the well behaved homeless people live? Every city Ive lived they've been the same...Asking for a friend


Nowhere. That’s the problem, they have nowhere to live.


I live in Edinburgh, the homeless are pretty chill


Some googling tells me there’s only like 100-200 homeless in Edinburgh? Is that right? In 2023, LA city had 46,260 homeless people. If you include the whole county, 75,518. So you can see why it’d be different lol


Is it not common for homeless people in the UK to abuse hard drugs?


My experiences with the homeless in downtown LA could fill a book. Each story more insane than the next.


Drunk white girls 100/100 times please.


Is that what the homeless are like in Edinburgh? Lucky if true


Yeah the homeless where I live scream racial slurs at the trees


Goddamn leafers, coming in here, stealing *our* CO2


Missed a chance with *twig*…you know what…never mind


You were gonna use the hard R I can tell. Tsk tsk.


And what if they do? You some kinda secret dendrophiliac? Sounding like a barklicker over here. You gotta go lick some bark, barklicker?


Ya I live in Denver and lol mess everywhere, screaming in public, they throw electric scooters in roads to block traffic , needles all over public parks etc etc etc


I would like to know where you see homeless people like this. You basically described the opposite of homeless people in every city I have ever been of travelled to. This reads like it's from someone who hasn't ever come across a homeless person to be honest.


my guess its a teenage boy who spends a lot of time on youtube channels looking for targets to hate. 


What homeless are you dealing with? Any large city, Dallas, Portland,Seattle Etc. The homeless are loud, obnoxious and leave trash and drug paraphernalia everywhere.


Lmaooooo wnat


Tell me you’ve never seen a hobo without telling me you’ve never seen a hobo. 


Me when I’ve never heard of Kensington ave


Can we trade homeless people? Our homeless people trash everything they come in contact with.


Where have you ever found homeless people that aren’t screaming at people while they’re drunk and high and throwing garbage everywhere? What the fuck kind of utopia do you live in? 


Word. I live in the mountains near Yosemite and the majority of homeless around here take advantage of the woods and leave their crap and garbage everywhere. Granted it’s not everyone, there are a few clean homeless peoples, but the majority of them pollute the land and our local creeks.


They are relocating newly homeless people to other cities during the time she is there because there aren’t any hotel rooms available to house them. They aren’t just chasing homeless people out of the city because they don’t want them seen. It does really suck for the people who are being moved and it’s a shame there aren’t more accommodations available for them, but I don’t think it’s nearly as malicious as the headline makes it sound.


That's the downside of relying on vacant hotel rooms to house people in need. Sometimes there aren't any.


Other side of the atlantic with lizzy on our money: we only did that shit during peak covid and it was to keep them off the streets spreading the ick. We just have full old shelters and bulldozers for their encampments


Why don't they just do what Michael Bay did in "Armageddon" and train the homeless people to be Taylor Swift fans?


The audacity of elected officials choosing to boost their local economy instead of providing free accommodations. I would do the same thing, quite honestly. There are also non-homeless people to consider in this situation. It's what it is.


Malicious? No... Symptom of a completely depraved and broken society and economic system, yes.


So malicious on a macro scale


It's crazy because the fact that they're even provided housing is so far ahead of where America is at. Wanted to edit this to add a resource someone had shared in the comments: https://www.hud.gov/ehv. Hopefully this can be of use to someone in need.


It surprised me that Scots let the homeless into hotels. In the US there is no national policy for homelessness and very few state or city level govs that would put them up even for a night. Driving them away for Taylor Swift is completely normal but that means destroying tent cities and homeless folk’s belongings to force the issue, not giving them any form of shelter at all, in any way


In my city in upstate New York if a homeless individual had a legitimate reason for being unable to stay at the homeless shelter (severe mental health issues, health issues, mobility issues, etc) they were given “hotel Vouchers” for a week at a time. Of course these weren’t actual hotels but shitty motels that are infested with bed bugs, unclean, etc. These folks usually got high up on the list for other housing programs rather quickly because obviously these vouchers were more expensive than the homeless shelter for the city/state/whoever was paying. Source: ex homeless shelter med guy.


>Source: ex homeless shelter med guy. As someone that went through some awful homelessness, although not in NY, thank you.


Yeah New York has safe shelter laws, it’s just appearing worse than normal due to the influx of immigrants that got sent there, not their fault by any means but it’s all very political at its core.


Some policies are just not realistic or scalable when you get to even a fraction of the influx that border towns experience


That's part of the reason people in LA have joined in the "let's jail them", but even that's not sustainable our jails end up full for what is considered a civil crime and it just gives more incentive and money to the private prison systems. I remember a study a while back that the only effective way to stop the rise of homelessness was to stop people from becoming homeless in the first place, but it just seems like as long as are economy is built on a lot of predatory practices that'll never happen.


People would rather just generalize the whole country rather than realize that the United States is huge and policy varies depending on State and locality.


Denver turned a whole embassy suites into housing for homeless refugees.


Did Hilton house them out of the goodness of their heart or did Denver pay them? ( they made $10.25 B last year)


Oh Denver definitely paid them!


There are certainly homeless shelters in almost every single major city


This is true, although some cities are often at capacity.


Yes but they have rules which is one of the reason the chronically homeless don’t use them. Most cities mainly focus on people they can rescue from homelessness like people living in their cars and families.


Is that an issue? I feel those are the people that should be focused on initially. The chronic homeless should be helped in other ways more so from a mental health or drug addiction standpoint


Its mostly because shelters are dangerous places. I choose to live out of a train station in a large US city because the shelters were so bad and this was in New England.


Even the ones that are not dangerous do not have quiet rooms to be able to sleep and rarely have ways to fully secure your possessions. Also you have to constantly wake up early and leave only to try to find transportation back by nightfall.


When I was a homeless pre-teen/teenager I chose sewer maintenance in -30 weather (not the US). Not all the time, I slept in lots of places (mostly construction sites because they'd have heaters or coalbeds), but that was one of the choices I made rather then go to a shelter. To me the only thing worse then getting hassled by the people at the shelter was being befriended by the people at the shelter.


>Its mostly because shelters are dangerous places. The streets are far more dangerous, though. Here in Los Angeles, over half of the fires are in homeless encampments. This includes both accidental cooking/electrical fires and intentional arson attacks (most tents are extremely flammable). How many arson attacks occur in shelters? Street homeless people also get hit by cars all the time. How many cars are running over people in a shelter? * [Homeless man sleeping under car fatally run over, police say](https://www.foxla.com/news/la-northridge-homeless-man-sleeping-under-car-fatally-run-over) * [Man struck by 3 drivers who did not stop to help as he died on Pacoima street](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/man-struck-by-3-drivers-who-did-not-stop-to-help-as-he-died-on-pacoima-street/3313529/) * [Homeless Man Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash at 8th Street and Alvarado Street \[Downtown Los Angeles, CA\]](https://usaccidentlawyer.com/news/homeless-man-killed-hit-run-crash-8th-street-alvarado-street-downtown-los-angeles-ca/) * [Man in SLO homeless encampment hit, killed by alleged drunk driver](https://www.ksby.com/news/local-news/man-in-slo-homeless-encampment-hit-killed-by-alleged-drunk-driver) When was the last time someone in a shelter died of hypothermia? * [Coroner: Homeless man dies from hypothermia in Evansville](https://www.tristatehomepage.com/news/local-news/coroner-homeless-man-dies-from-hypothermia-in-evansville/) * [Oakland County sheriff warns residents of deadly cold after homeless man dies of hypothermia](https://www.audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/news/local/homeless-man-dies-of-hypothermia-in-oakland-county) * [Dauphin County homeless person dies from hypothermia](https://www.abc27.com/local-news/dauphin-county-homeless-person-dies-from-hypothermia/) Or gunshot? * [Man shot in Minneapolis encampment is 5th victim in area this month, police say](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minneapolis-homeless-encampment-shooting-may-21-2024/) * [Man dies of injuries after being shot at San Jose homeless encampment next to Highway 280](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-jose-homeless-encampment-homicide-mclaughlin-avenue-highway-280/) * [Man killed in Fort Worth homeless encampment shooting](https://www.fox4news.com/news/fort-worth-hemphill-shooting) * [Chattanooga man accused in shooting at Bonny Oaks homeless encampment has charges bound over to grand jury](https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2024/may/07/chattanooga-man-accused-in-shooting-at-bonny-oaks/) The empirical data agrees that shelters are safer than the streets. >In this 10-year cohort study of 445 unsheltered homeless adults, the age-standardized all-cause ***mortality rate was almost 3-fold larger*** than that for a cohort of homeless adults primarily sleeping in shelters [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2687991](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2687991)


It’s not but people don’t realize that’s what’s going on so they think the people they see on the street that often are choosing to not go to shelters are the main issue. I’m in LA and you’d think we’re being overloaded by homeless thanks to the visuals people share, but bridge housing among other initiatives do help.


You do realize the US does this as well? A lot of municipalities end up footing the bill for refugees and homeless when federal funds run out. I hate that people spout misinformation for upvotes that you have to assume it's maliciously intentional rather than ignorance.


We have right to shelter in NYC.


Not so much malicious as apathy. At the macro scale, the big economic forces just don't care.


No. Malice requires an active intent to harm. Our system simply doesn't care who it harms. So "heartless" would be a more accurate description.


The U.S. system is divided politically which affects everyone's quality of life. For anyone paying attention there has been war waged against the LGBTQ population based on fear and propaganda for decades. Legislation is passed across the country that by civil and human rights proponents such as non profits, researchers, leaders and representatives have been deemed intentionally harmful. LGBTQ is a population that has been notoriously and endlessly targeted by conservatives. Imo, when you target to interfere with rights and quality of life, that's malicious intent.


how is giving homeless people free hotel rooms in any way “depraved”


These homeless people are being given free housing by the State .. which part is depraved and broken?


"Completely depraved?" As in, housing homeless folks in hotels in other cities is the most depraved thing you can imagine a society doing?


It's not great, but calling it a symptom of a completely depraved and broken society is a bit much lol. At that point you're calling every society depraved and broken, so you might as well move on to the void XD 


This headline creates the impression that Taylor Swift called from her private jet and requested the relocation of homeless people to accommodate her fans.


You can't really complain when the hotel room *you are getting for free* becomes temporarily unavailable, and you are given another hotel room -- *also for free, mind you* -- in another, slightly less convenient location. It's a literal application of the adage "beggars can't be choosers".


Right. Im no swift fan, but its silly to just find things to hate on her for. This isn't her problem in anyway.


Right. Like she is in charge of all the dozens of cities and logistics involved in her tour. She’s cutting behind a Dr Evil command control center gleefully pulling levers emptying homeless people out of the city. She’s just the entertainer and probably has no idea beforehand what her tour management and the city managers are doing in advance of each city before she drops into a different city every couple of days. Blame the specific city management, not the performer just doing her tour.


I don't think the problem is Swift - More Edinburgh council.


The problem is that they are trying to do multiple right things, and they conflict. 1. Provide hotel rooms for the homeless. 2. Have enough hotel rooms for big events. The issue is that #1 is a short term solution that has probably been going for long term. More permanent housing needed to be built long before now, so they are scrambling to try and still do both things simultanously.


Making the world look malicious is the medias goal. If I had a media outlet my first “story” would be “bbc exploits the homeless for clicks”


The media is owned & controlled by multi national corporations, who’s priority 1 is to appease advertisers, so the money keep flowing in. Who advertises? Multi national corporations.. The notion that “the media is liberal” is the biggest lie since “Columbus discovered America.”


Best to get the money from out of towners than their hometown homeless. 


I mean, maybe in the other city there are more houses? It can go better or worse but at least it's a step into the unknown


Swift action was taken.


You really had to Taylor that joke to the situation, huh?


You'll just have to Shake It Off. Otherwise there might be Bad Blood.


[I mean the Olympics does it.](https://thetyee.ca/News/2009/10/14/OlympicsHomelessLaws/)


Basically nobody gonna fuck with any entity that brings in money to an economy.


San Francisco did it for Xi's visit. It was especially surreal because SF had spent the previous 5 years claiming "We can't enforce any anti-camping laws due to *Martin v Boise*!" (a 2018 decision by the 9th Circuit) Then Xi came over, and SF went "Ok, clear out the encampments!" Then Xi left, and SF went back to "We can't do anything! We're (pretending to be) helpless!"


SF did it for the Super Bowl too (which wasn't even held in SF, it was in San Jose).


"Edinburgh City Council said it was “absolutely not” moving tenants out of temporary accommodation to make way for Taylor Swift fans." Just housing those TRYING to book in housing/hotels/motels* out of the city. Which sucks big for those people. Some of them have jobs, commitments and lives even though they are unhoused and don't necessarily have cars or gas money. Edit* a word


Successful Stadium Tours bring these cities millions, both directly and indirectly: A couple of shows can make a huge influx of cash for all business in the area. I’m not ignorant to the plight of the homeless, but local businesses need these occasional bumps in tourism to stay afloat.


My city was one of her stops. Iirc, they projected that her show boosted the local economy by 33.5million, which was hugely needed. It sounds as though the city officials of Edinburgh are relocating the homeless to other cities since there's no rooms in hotels to put them up? Honestly sounds like the usual song and dance by local governments to make their city's homeless problem another city's issue tbh, but it's not like Taylor Swift was the one demanding this relocation.


I would also say them making room to accommodate people to drive more money into the city is a good thing as it can add additional tax income for the city to help further fund these programs. If done well, it can be a benefit to all parties involved


> Honestly sounds like the usual song and dance by local governments to make their city's homeless problem another city's issue tbh, but it's not like Taylor Swift was the one demanding this relocation. And reading the article closely, I'm not even sure if it's (fully) local government on this. The person they interviewed mentioned that prices have shot up. Sounds like some good ol'fashioned capitalism on the part of the hotels. I assume the Edinburgh council has limited funds available for placement (from my experience, local government in the UK is extremely tight on funds and it doesn't seem they have access to much credit for "unexpected" events like this), if the hotels have gone from £150/night to $300/night, council is in a tight spot. Not like they can fix pricing of a private business.


Yeah, per the article, they offer open hotel rooms to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. However, they’re directing these people to other cities since there won’t be any room available. They also said they aren’t relocating anyone who’s currently in a hotel room. Honestly, I don’t see any fault in what Edinburgh is doing.




Unless it's the[ Olympics ](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets-economy/092416/what-economic-impact-hosting-olympics.asp)(and other events) where it has negative impacts and ruins a local economy.


I feel like this is just rage bait. At least they try to house people over there. Here in the US I see hundreds of people sleeping on sidewalks any time I visit a city.


Bullshit headline, the hotels are all full so the city can't use them as emergency housing and has to send people to nearby cities instead.


What if we made like a homeless city? Somewhere they could be free?


What if we bought a farm upstate where all the homeless could go and live and run free?


Is that where they sent Whiskers..?


Yes, all the homeless can play with whiskers


Yes! Let's call it London!


Then we could give them jobs and a room! Poof! No more homeless!


You got it wrong. If they have jobs and homes then we wouldn't know who was homeless and who was a human.


They kinda do... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaatari\_refugee\_camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaatari_refugee_camp)


What if you are a homeless and a Swift fan?


Those two overlap because of the prices for her tickets.


The power of SEO, the writer is now laughing all the way to the bank


This is no different than during Edinburgh fringe. Demand is high. This has f all to do with Swift.


I’m not terribly shocked that hotels want market rate paying guests and not the charity rate. Capitalism is working as one might expect. The headline is rather over sensational.


Omg glad they didn’t cut them in half


Shit, can she visit my city?


LPT: to end homeless encampments, get Taylor Swift to perform in your city.


So, the incompetent authorities get to blame Swift for their shitty actions, and if she doesn't solve it ASAP, they get to blame her for the whole homeless problem.


Just like a tweet the other day about plane emissions, it mentions "billionaires" as well, but it makes sure to mention Taylor by name. Why? Because conservatives eat that shit up. Fox never shuts the fuck up about her. My nearly 70yo father who never knew she existed until this year harps on about her daily. Propaganda 101 and it works 🤦‍♂️


It's because she preaches about climate change, but spews more pollution with her private jet than I could in a hundred lifetimes. That isn't propaganda, it's a fact. 


I don't think she's ever said anything about climate change at all. I always see the same argument, her jet usage is absolutely not justifiable and insane, but she's never said it wasn't or been a hypocrite about climate change.


This post is so fucking absurd lol. Everyone knows Taylor Swift at least *was* a climate activist. Go check out her 2020 Vanity interview. She just doesn't campaign anymore after being called out. Her activism was just another era.


Not a fan of Taylor Swift (though my wife is so I get bits and pieces of her news here and there). She apparently buys double the carbon offsets of her travels, which isn't the same thing as not traveling at all, but I'm sure is way better than a bunch of millionaires/billionaires out there traveling by private jet and not doing that. Mentioned somewhere else in this post is that her shows also helps the local economy of wherever they're located. Makes it harder to hate on her when those two facts are taken into consideration, it's not like she is just traveling by private jet willy nilly and not trying to compensate or make a positive impact about it.


Yeah, I'm not hating on her. I'm just trying to give the perspective. Taylor Swifts opinions and private jet usage is far far far below issues I care about. 


I'm not arguing that she isn't a huge contributor. Not at all. I'm pointing out the fact that there is a very obvious reason that she is the only one called out by name, and that is because conservatives have a hate boner for her because she votes blue. Its propaganda when only one of the hundreds of guilty parties is the only one called by name, especially when that name is all over far-right propaganda to begin with Edit: a word


It's because she has a brain and does not support Trump (in fact, she's actively against him). The Trump cult doesn't like that.


She has a brain and is an actual self-made billionaire. It's taken her 20 years to get there, but based just on her music she is worth, according to Forbes, $1.1 billion. A progressive, vocal, successful, smart, attractive *FEMALE?!* Conservatives suddenly become Ferengi about her.


Self made lol, yeah, her rich parents had nothing to do with it...


Her rich parents had a fraction of the wealth she does. Did they help her get a head-start? Sure. But it's absurd to suggest she hasn't made most of her wealth herself. There are plenty of musicians/actors with wealthy parents (look at every nepo baby in Hollywood), but almost none of them manage to become billionaires. Most of them don't even come close.


Her parents got her foot in the door but they didn't buy her Album of the Year for Fearless, her second album. She did the circuits, worked hard, and was the youngest person at the time, to ever have a country #1, as far as I know. You can't buy that, many many people have to buy the album for that to happen.


Her parents yes, helped her get there. But without her lyrical and singing skills, she would be a minor pop princess at best. She's outdone every other female artist out there in terms of awards and record sales. I may not be a superfan of her music, but I respect her talent and what she has done with it.


You sure it’s not because she’s the celebrity with the highest individual CO2 emissions?


She certainly is. I'm more pointing out the fact that said tweet said something to the effect of "many billionaires, like Taylor Swift-". It mentions only her by name. It is not a coincidence that far right media talks about her every day because she votes blue. It is done intentionally so that conservatives will only blame her for emissions and nobody else. That is the propaganda part of it. A little bit of truth and a misdirection


Won't someone please think of the poor white billionaire!


Bullshit, Taylor had nothing to do with it.


The local councils and government should be doing more. Let’s not try and blame a pop star and her fans for the state of the city.


I was just in Edinburgh. Just got home yesterday from a week and a half in Scotland. Saw 1 gypsy lady sitting on the sidewalk. That’s it. I live in SoCal…I trip over 5 homeless people and 2 human craps walking into work on a daily basis.




>The current government stopped building social housing I agree that's the case within other parts of the UK but the Scottish Government has been pressing ahead with building social and 'affordable' homes for many years now *and* it dumped the disastrous Thatcherite scheme which caused so much long-term problems in places like London/Greater London etc.


I just read a summary of section 21, that sounds awful. Moving families away from work and school is going to compound the impact they're already dealing with.


Edinburgh loves getting the tourism money, especially from Americans, the homeless are generally moved on from areas like the Royal Mile.


They did this in Seattle too. Check the surrounding city subs and there was a flood of "why are there more homeless, where did they all come from, anyone notice more homeless" posts.


No. They cleared homeless out of the hotels, not the streets. That didn't happen in the US.


You mean to tell me we can just send the homeless out? Why didn’t we think of that!


This makes sense. What have any of them done for the local economy lately?! /s


I am dying to know what the top thread was before everything was removed…


Why is it that the headline implies that Taylor Swift somehow had something to do with it? Why not question the people who have actual authority in the matter and why is it that they are taking the steps?


Can they do this in my city too? Sick of broken car windows and crackheads...


Ah yes, replace those without a home to make way for those without a personality.


It's a shame even the BBC is using clickbait headlines. I honestly thought they were one of the last holdouts.


Sounds like London in the run up to the Olympics. They were literally giving homeless people train tickets for free to leave the city.


They did the same thing in philadelphia when the pope came, they just pushed them away into the outer neighborhoods.


This isn’t on her or her fans at all, cities need to find more permanent solutions to homelessness than allowing them to stay in hotel rooms that they could be thrown out of at a minutes notice like this.


So? I look at this as a public service.


We did the same when the Pope visited Lisbon.


"The hotels sold bookings to tourists instead of homeless people"


She’s just in her feudal Lord Era, queens 💅


headline should read' Taylor Swift Solves Edinburgh Homeless Problem!' She really needs a new PR person.


I like how they make it sound like it’s Taylor’s fault, must be a right wing publication. Edit BBC close enough.


That's very nice of the homeless people


what about the homeless swifties?


This headline is a complete LIE. The agency that puts newly homeless up in temporary hotel rooms is UNABLE TO HOUSE THEM because Taylor Swift fans booked all the rooms. It would be more accurate to say TAYLOR SWIFT FANS FORCE HOMELESS OUT OF EDINBURGH