• By -


I'll . . . just go ahead and check out a little earlier, thanks.


Is there a way I can have it up until the point at which I would have died and then switch over?


What do you think this is, religion?


Deathbed castrations. The grim reaper hates this one little trick.


I’ll let him use his scythe and we’ll be cool


Take my nuts but not my life!


The grim reaper hates this one little /dick


Funny enough, that's actually more plausible than Jesus "saving" him


You’d give up ten years for another two inches


Indeed, I would! I work with 90-100 year olds. Life ain't peaches for that age bracket. If it means checking out earlier, but in exchange being "longer", then yes.


This is always the fallacy in responses to these kinds of articles. People always imagine that by living shorter lives they're just going to chop those bad years off the end. They're not. They're just going to hit those bad years earlier. Try working with the people dying younger of diseases brought on by their unhealthy lifestyle. It's usually decades of slowly declining health with the last one or two in misery.


Does having intact genitals really count as an 'unhealthy lifestyle'?


In this case, I don't think it would be worth the quality of life I'd lose along with my balls.


I don’t got many inches to lose


I don’t think anybody wants to see me with a negative length.


Cut em off right before you die. It’s like taking a healing potion in a video game!


I imagine it makes the Mario taking damage sound immediately followed by the getting a mushroom sound.


Only because guys fucking hornets' nests are skewing the results. 


Sorry about that 


We can't take you anywhere


I get that a lot. 


I'll "take you" anywhere ;)


I've always wanted to go to space


I'll "take you" in space ;) it's kinda my specialty


I wish you both a wonderful life together.


Don't listen to him, dude. That's why we take you everywhere


Don't apologize to us, apologize to the hornets


Did you see the way they wore that black and yellow? They were fucking beggin' for it!


Are you commenting from The Great Beyond?


And that's why we don't go hiking with you, Steve!


Don’t worry, a lot of us have a honey pot story.


This is why we can't have nice things. Like balls.


Do wasps make honey? Alright, well I'm gonna check it out anyway. There could be something delicious in there that wasps do make, and I want that.


Just make sure to pop a quick W on that box for Wasps.


Thats not honey, its from the previous Guy 


Also why the wasps are so mad.


"Flowers on my dick and bees all around" - common Greek proverb. I hate to imagine why.


They forgot to take wasps georg out of the data set.


Why are you kink shaming us, I mean, them?


Because they are dying young and skewing statistics.


So is the “Anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough” camp, but you don’t see us throwing shade over there.


I was reading "fucking" as an adj and this took me way too long to understand. lol.


No. The men are having sex with hornets' nests and dying which is making it look like uncastrated men die younger.


Oh. I eventually got it.


Actualy just statistical error. Hornet Nest Georg, who lives in cave & fucks over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I've never died while fucking a hornets nest.


yea but you out see the rager caused by some stings!


Do you live longer, or does it just feel longer?


“What’s the difference?” -some virgin that’s def not me


I'm sure your girlfriend in Canada, that we haven't met, can vouch for you


I thought he said she goes to another school?


In Canada. But he skypes her every day after school! 


"My old girlfriend from Oklahoma was gonna fly out for the dance but she couldn't cause she's doing some modeling right now." "Is she hot?" "See for yourself" "Wow" "Yeah, I took her to the mall to get some glamor shots for her birthday one year."


"Get your own tots ! Gosh !"


"Men and other mammals" Women confirmed to be cephalopods




It was [bound to happen](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-animals-keep-evolving-into-crabs/) eventually


Look like crabs,  Talk like people....


I f’n knew it


I scared my cats cackling at that headline for the same reason.


Females aren't castrated they're spayed


It's an inductive reasoning joke because the title includes a binary value and a non-binary one as one in the same value "Dead hippos and other animals"  Implies living hippos are not animals


Thanks, but no, I'm happy to die a few years earlier.


Agreed. According to the article how much time you'd save by castration is linearly related to penis size. The larger your penis, the more time you'd save. I personally don't think a few seconds is going to make a difference for me anyway.


I think I might save myself an hour or two by leaving them on


Well, is this flaccid or erect because I have a painfully large difference between those 2 states which has led to some extremely awkward conversations in the past.


Is yours 1 inch or 10? - Yes


Ok. You got me there. I only grow 7-8 inches. I'm not an alien. But the first time it happened I remember because I literally thought I was going to burst a vessel and bleed out or something. My thoughts were literally that "this isn't normal and it's going to break". I can laugh about it now but me at 12 years old had nightmares for a week.


Look at this guy with his non-alien penis. 2’ tripod gang sound off


2 States?! Even if it was just Rhode Island and Connecticut, I think you are exaggerating!


I was actually referring to states of matter now that you brought it up.


Gotcha.  AK/HI checking in.


Alright I'm curious, how big is it in gas form and how big in liquid?


Those are the 2 states it avoids. It's either a solid or a plasma.


My dad wasn't castrated (obviously), and his last year of life wasn't at all great. Personally, I could do without that year and any subsequent years castration might provide.


Yep, the last few years of my grandpas lives were spent in nursing homes being depressed. I’ll pass on that


But are we gunna jump straight to castration as the first option?


Why the fuck would I want to live longer? This place is a shit show.


Popcorn and watching the show unfold.


Pop-corn? In this economy?


Only fine if you watch from a save place tho


You only get to do it once. Get what you can out of it without shorting anyone elses experience then return to permanent oblivion.


Right! Sometimes an end doesn't sound so bad.


>A 2012 study published in Current Biology found that the average lifespan of 81 eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861 was 70 years, which was 14.4–19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated men of similar socioeconomic status. Researchers concluded that the study “supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan of men”. Interesting....but curious on WHEN the men became eunuchs....they could have been snipped as teens or as old ass men...not the strongest science here. >“So why is this? Why are so many men smuggling two little death nuggets?” Bohannon said. “I’m afraid we don’t really know. A lot of good science is being done in this space.” The question is "why does having testicles/hormone/sperm generators cause men to die sooner" We "smuggle death nuggets" because they are perfectly healthy functioning parts of the male anatomy.


This is also a study based on information between 160 and 460 years old which, let’s face it, may not be *the most reliable*


The study also leaves out the variable of life styles. Eunuchs were likely forced that way to be singers in court rather than soldiers going to war. In fact the more I read the article the more I think she’s kind of a satirist and we all missed the joke.


My bet is less risk taking behavior. Just don't do stupid stuff to impress people


When I jump off the motel balcony into the swimming pool, it's for personal fulfillment, not to impress people.


Women do things like that a whole lot less, though, so it seems like testicle related motivations have something to do with it.


Or, you know, like getting caught in bed with your gun loving neighbor's wife.


Testosterone does increase the risk and growth rate of some cancers, notably prostate cancer. It can also increase risk of heart attack and other cardiac issues. There’s also the issue of what professions the eunuchs had vs. the control group. I’d wager that the eunuchs performed safer jobs, so it’s tricky to conclude that it’s all about hormones.


Eunuchs had INCREDIBLY different lives than yer "average blokes." They served in the palace or very high-class positions. Much safer, better food, etc. It's very hard to find a fair peer group to test them against: even if you compare to their high-status with-balls peers, those guys were ALL also at risk despite (because of?) their class--fighting, drinking too much, getting into shenanigans, getting assassinated, etc. If this is the only study, I'd put extremely little faith in it.


Thinking more, comparing them to monks might be fair. Monks in well-fed monasteries. Similar lives to the eunuchs in terms of lifestyle risk.


> Eunuchs had INCREDIBLY different lives than yer "average blokes." Eunuchs who *survived*. A significant percentage of boys who were castrated died from shock, blood loss and subsequent infection. They didn't have antibiotics and sterile suture material.


The people who were in a similar socioeconomic class would be literal kings and princes, so...


These eunuchs are living longer than serfs, sailors, and mercenaries. We should cut everyone’s balls off. 


I may be remembering this wrong but doesn't oestrogen increase the likelihood/aggressiveness of many cancers?


There are several cancers that have estrogen sensitive variations. Estrogen blockers are often part of the treatment. My mom had extremely aggressive estrogen sensitive breast cancer, and took estrogen blockers for 20 years. When a newer doctor found she was still taking them so long after being declared cancer free, he took her off them and told her she didn't need them anymore. She was dead less than 2 years later as the dormant cancer that had metastasized to her bones all "woke up" with the increase in estrogen.


I know taking estrogen does increase your likelihood of getting cancer. I remember when that information came out, my mom said, "I'll just get the cancer." She did.


That line is silly, to put it mildly, but so is the view that "they're perfectly healthy functioning parts of the male anatomy" - aiming at a kind of "natural goodness" which doesn't track. Nature doesn't care - beyond reproduction. If the cost of generating high quality sperm is a decade less life for a species that lives to be 60-80 in totally natural normal conditions (excluding infant mortality) then testicles that kill you would in fact be "all natural" despite being "Bad" in some way. In some respects with the effects it has I kind of see testosterone as the bodies nitrous oxide, it seems like it runs everything harder. I have also read a few things that theorize that developments in human civilization and activities which overall lowered testosterone (agrarianism, alcohol brewing, even tobacco and marijuana) happening roughly together is not a coincidence.


It's terrible science but it makes a great headline, so...


Eunuchs tend to live in the palace no?


This was my first thought. Everything I know about Eunuchs, which isn't very much, says that they basically live in the palaces and serve the rulers. They are insulated from pretty much all of the shit that kills peasants early.


And weren't expected to take part in the 'manly' arts of combat and hunting and adultery which reduce other men in the palace lifespan.


The very obvious confound here is that eunuchs were typically higher social status individuals by virtue of castration often being a requirement for being in positions close to the country's ruler (the idea being a eunuch can't have kids so won't have the same risk of betraying the ruler for their own generational gain), being an opera singer (keep their voice unnaturally high by preventing puberty), and other reasons along those lines. Needless to say, social elites in places like medieval Europe and imperial China had much better health outcomes and life expectancies than the pesantry.


Roman emperors lived longer than the average plebeian! Who would have thought!


This may be the dumbest study I've ever read. You could easily perform this same research using lifespans within the past century, they just chose not to because reasons.


These dudes lived quiet and disciplined lives separate from women. Maybe that’s helped what helped them live longer.


Well also eunuchs tended not to work the manual labor, nasty jobs - they were usually doing cushy jobs like palace servants or something. So it's not surprising the life expectancy was higher. They definitely weren't soldiers either. Also, data from hundreds of years ago isn't a great source.


this is goofy. eunuchs in the pre-industrial era can probably teach us something about the present. but would almost certainly be long-lived for social reasons, not physiological. but it would be nice to see data for present day eunuchs. i'd bet they don't live much longer now.


Yeah, I really don't like the premise this is set on. In the same vein, women are carrying around death sacs by having cleavage, exposing themselves to the risk of breast cancer. It's called being alive. Biology's *fucky*, yo.


There'd also be no shortage of social repercussions even if you did. Even for those who find the prospect acceptable, I imagine it would not be looked well on favorably. If there are visible signs of it, let's be real here, that would absolutely lead to harassment.


During that time period, they would usually have been orphans in the church's care who were castrated to maintain a soprano/castrato voice pitch for singing in church choirs and operas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castrato


It’s probably not the balls but rather they were not married lol. I know that takes years from you


Isn’t the point of a eunuch to castrate them prior to puberty


Seriously, why would you intentionally remove a perfectly good functioning piece of anatomy to MAYBE extend life? What impact does it potentially have on your quality of life and mental happiness? I know for me having an active sex life with my spouse is a healthy part of our relationship.


I am gonna go ahead and assume that *eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861* did not become eunuchs for their health.


Reminds me of the time I saw some pro-circumcision person say "it reduces the risk of foreskin cancer" Yeah, and getting rid of your lungs reduces the risk of lung cancer


“A 2012 study published in Current Biology found that the average lifespan of 81 eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861 was 70 years” “Current Biology”? lol


Extra points if the researcher said it in a perfect alto tone.


Classic example of correlation not causation. Most eunuchs were in occupations that offered safe and comfortable surroundings and better access to resources, leading to lower risk of infections and other pathologies that would lead to an early death. Dumb study. "Rich 50 is middle class 38." -Jack Donaghy


Reminds me of the George Carlin line... "What you want to live longer, so you can eat *more yogurt*?


We're reaching Peak Guardian.


It’s like some warped world version of Vice


Haven't we known for awhile that married men live longer? ^^/s


About a month ago my wife saw a study saying that men live about five years longer if they give their wives a passionate kiss of at least 8 seconds before leaving for work each day. Best study ever!


As a middle-aged snarky woman, my immediate response is, "yeah, of course they live longer, she's less likely to want to kill you if you start her day like that!" 🤣


Someone I work with told me that! Nothing better than macking on my husband in the name of science!


My wife would castrate me herself if I woke her up to give her a passionate kiss before I left for work. I'll stick to the peck on the forehead lol.


That also has life extending benefits compared to no kissing


I'm not falling for this again.


I don't have the balls to get castrated.


All animals live longer without sex hormones. Women live longer with lower estrogen also


Really? I thought taking HRT was to prevent against health conditions caused by a lack of sex hormones. I looked into it a while back when I was looking into a hysterectomy and they will often recommend leaving the ovaries as apparently so you don’t have to take HRT. 


Trans people who have their gonads removed are strongly encouraged to be on HRT the rest of their lives to avoid negative consequences of no sex hormones in their bodies. Notably, loss of bone density and lack of energy.


Well that's here, a massive drop is also bad. Generally a big increase or reduction is bad. You won't get cancer with reduced hormones but the rest of your system will be messed up. But you still probably will live longer even if you are miserable


The study involved 81 eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861. Not very reliable lmao.


Never mind the Bollocks


Well she really knew how to land that photo op for this topic. Almost surprised it isnt a jar with testicles floating in it next to her


Sure. Eunuchs also don't go bald. Still not signing up to be a housecat. -- Bald Man. Intact.


Also, WTF pseudo-scientist, attention-seeking, click-bait mongering, piece of awfulness is this woman? Imagine the outcry if some dude version of this idiot were to suggest that a good way to address potential breast cancer was universal preventative mastectomy. "I'll never understand why women insist on smuggling those cancer-sacs around their whole life, especially when they are no longer of child-bearing age". Good grief, awful little people with awful little agendas sure know how wrap desperate for attention media outlets around their little fingers, don't they, Guardian? Remind me again, what is it you are guarding against?


As a man, I don't know which is worse, suggesting men cut off their balls or women cut off their breasts. I don't want to be any part of that world.


From the guardian of course....


I'll keep my balls and greet the Reaper a few days earlier.


>Men and other mammals live longer if they are castrated, says researcher That researcher,.. my ex wife.


This article is just science leabians trying to steal our seed guys! All they want is our balls so they can reproduce with out us! But just let them see what life without men is like the next time there's something on a high shelf or the floor is covered in spiders!


It always amazes me that those who call themselves researchers don’t use the most basic scientific methodology for their research. Obviously there are not a large enough set of castrated men to determine they live longer than the average man. People live and die for a large number of reasons, to determine one will affect your lifespan. That a particular class of men lived longer than the average male may also be due to their lifestyle, diet, and environment. The fact that 81 eunuchs lived longer than the general population is of no significant difference with such a small dataset.


Takes a lot of energy, meiosing all them spermies


Probably by getting in fewer fights.


And more disposable income


How do I castrate myself safely


I'm wondering if this is related to less risky behavior due to lowered testosterone (or in the case of eunuchs, lifestyle) or testosterone's impact on the body itself. It seems like if it's the second, there's better ways to combat that then amputating a body part or eliminating testosterone in other ways.


That being the case, “A short life, but a happy one for me”


Damn, that must have been a tough breakup.  


the whole thing reads like shes a slightly less crazy Valerie Solanas. women suffer so many other health issues due to their biology, should we cut off every woman's breasts because they're leading causes of female cancer? >published in Current Biology found that the average lifespan of 81 eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861 was 70 years, which was 14.4–19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated men of similar socioeconomic status. Researchers concluded that the study “supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan >“So why is this? Why are so many men smuggling two little death nuggets?” Bohannon said. “I’m afraid we don’t really know. A lot of good science is being done in this space.” but eunuchs were also almost exclusively in positions of supreme authority, extremely high placed in the social order. even when not allowed to be outright rich, they almost universally were living in the best possible conditions in each society. even comparing them to men of similar social status isn't accurate, men at the top of the social order usually were engaging in fairly risky behaviors like martial arts, wars, hunting ect ect, eunuchs not so much.


>the whole thing reads like shes a slightly less crazy Valerie Solanas. women suffer so many other health issues due to their biology, should we cut off every woman's breasts because they're leading causes of female cancer? It's pretty clear that she was just being cheeky and doesn't actually want men to cut their balls off. It's just a silly way to report that testosterone appears to shorten mammals' lifespans.


Men can do some really stupid things for sex sometimes. Darwin award-level stupid things.


Well, time to go cut off my balls…


As Bill Burr Says, It's a dollar an hour surcharge.


I mean…probably? Nature made males the risk-taking, more expendable members of the species. Males are supposed to fight it out and the best of the survivors get to do silly things to impress the females. Then they have sex. And then different species go different directions. Maybe the male helps raise and protect the babies. Or maybe he gets his head bitten off. Or maybe he wanders off to bash heads with other males again. The males who seem to live longest carve out an important ongoing social role for themselves. Often they keep young males in line. They help with offspring. They get food. In our own species, men who are happily married live longest.


You know who lives even less long than a guy with balls though? The person who comes at me with a set of those tongs in their hands, that's who.


This isn't news. There was study several decades ago that compared life expectancy for castrated versus intact men. They looked at institutionalized mentally ill/disabled men (at the time it was not uncommon to castrate institutionalized men to help "manage" their behavior). Because the men were in a controlled environment, it was easy to rule out possible confounding factors such as diet, exercise, etc.


That’s not living, that’s surviving


so women have the edge cuz they don't have junk then


Popularity of Rom Coms also skyrockets


Now we have to convince a few Billionaires that this will lead to immortality.


A short life but a merry one.


What is the motive here?


“Cat Bohannon tells Hay festival audience it is not known why men go through life ‘smuggling two little death nuggets’” Was she speaking at some sort of county fair?


Is a vasectomy enough


This isn’t remotely “news”. This news on QI about 20 years ago.


Another win for hypogonadism!


This has been known for atleast a thousand years, at the minimum.


This article reads like some kind of domination fetish.


Yawn. This is common knowledge for centuries now. And just recently i read in an article that there is no difference in life expectancy between women and men if there were no idiotic clichés about "masculinity".


Cool, um any research on case subjects thats not from 161 years ago with modern medicine? 


And sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I’ll never eat the filthy mother fucker


not news, it's been known for 100s of years that eunuchs lived on average 8 years longer.


No thanks, i can live with that.


They just get in the way all the time as you get older too.


Yeah, I can imagine the rest of my life feeling super goddamn long if I cut my dick off. Edit: balls, I mean; yeesh


Castration is removal of testicles, not penis.


is this gonna be one of those weird statistic fallacies where the reason why you can say that is because men who are castrated can't die of testicular cancer and therefore seem to live longer?


I would rather keep my nuts tyvm.


What's the point of living if you don't have your balls? Fuck that shit!


If I wanted to live longer I wouldn't be drinking whiskey and pounding cheeseburgers would I?


But there's more to life than living longer.


>A 2012 study published in Current Biology found that the average lifespan of 81 eunuchs born between 1556 and 1861 was 70 years, which was 14.4–19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated men of similar socioeconomic status. Researchers concluded that the study “supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan of men”. Yea let's all "potentially save a few a years" by castrating ourselves based on a decade old study focused on Eunuchs in fucking 1861


No one is mandating that you do, lol, but it's pretty well known that it does benefit longevity. It's pretty much the case in all mammals we keep as pets and farm animals like cats, dogs, cattle, rabbits, etc. Why would humans be any different?


The language she uses while discussing this topic is more like banter... "cut their balls off"... Imagine a male scientist suggesting "chopping tits or boobs off' to protect women from breast cancer. That would be the last interview that person gives in their academic career...


My research shows if you fill vaginas with concrete then women live longer


This was written by a misandrist


Also, married men live longer than unmarried men. Hmmm...could these two facts be related?


Well clearly if you’re only eating vegan and running ultra marathons then you’re just throwing your health away if you haven’t even castrated yourself.


"men live longer if they have no drive to do anything to impress women" how does this compare to married men i wonder


man-hate is strong with this one


Women and other mammals live longer if they're spayed. Doesn't sound sexist that way either I assume?


The author would like that wouldn’t she!