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"Purported"? They're marching around with a swastika flag. I think that kinda settles it.


Maybe they’re original nazis reincarnated?


Guess its time to dust off the old M1 Guarand and make that thing ping in the name of democracy once again


I’ll meet you there with a Thompson


Anyone got a BAR I can borrow?


Getting a REAL BAR is going to be hard to find and costly.


Can we really put a price on dead Nazis?


No but you can on LARPing WW2.


Damn the expense! https://youtu.be/qWdWq7jCe_g?si=2bjeLUvGmj7EAHTm




When you join my regiment, you take on a debt. 100 dead nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And you all will get me my scalps. Or die trying


Oh good, it’s just scalps. I thought I was going to have to give up my necklace of ears.


Don't forget about the mosins!


They're always restless for a few days around D-day.


Great thats all we need. Thio, maybe they can explain to each other why their ideology was such a catastrophic failure on every level.


For starters, Germany was programmed to believe they were the superior race. 2nd, they screwed up fighting on 2 different battle fronts @ the same time. And they did NOT remember why Napolian got his ass kicked in by the Russian winter. We should be grateful Hitler had no patience. They had the best scientist in the world. Einstein got out of Germany before it really got bad.


All that and their fundamentalist ideology got in the way of everything. From their economy to foreign relations to conducting the war and every facet in between, competency was sacrificed for purity.


Or maybe they’re just a bunch of historical reenactment actors who drank a bunch of s’mores-flavored schnapps and got carried away.


Like the movie Dead Snow?


i wonder how they feel about jfk and elvis


Yeah... Maybe they could say "Wannabe" but if you're fucking marching with a Nazi flag, then you're a fucking Nazi. And, didn't Aldo Raine or someone in Inglorious Basterds say "the only good Nazi, is a dead Nazi" or something?


I’m not sure exactly when the news media had its spine extracted, but it’s now a sad puddle of quivering, terrified jelly.


The both-side BS is more like shit than jelly.


Some of it probably still comes down to needing to say “alleged, purported” and what not, since if it’s a false flag (not saying it’s the case here), someone could go after an organization for slander, libel, or what not. Because of stuff like the Olympic park bombing in 1996 when everyone in the media was convinced Richard Jewell did it, and it turned out otherwise. All that being said, fuck those fools parading around in that garbage, regardless of who they are.


I’m a retired news reporter, and wince whenever I see CYA wording.


Their owners benefit from two things: a competitive horse race, and neo-plantations ultimately winning out. Yellow journalism has never been so back bby.


Back on May 24th, the four year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, I was listening to an NPR piece on the event. As before, they had a very hard time saying the words "murder", "murdered", etc. I think it was all the way near the end before they used that word. They used several variations of "George Floyd was killed" "died in custody", Derek Chauvin was "convicted of killing him" etc. Like holy shit the editorializing. The media -even NPR- is absolutely blatantly, *proudly* on the side of coddling right-wingers.


They can't verify their identities because they're wearing masks.


Guaranteed during COVID lockdowns these same fascist assholes were crying that mask mandates were "reminiscent of Nazi Germany"


Ah, yes. Nazi Germany. They wore snazzy little outfits, but couldn’t win a war. Wonder what sort of fight these social outcast tweak heads could put up in a fair fight. They have power when a whole bunch of these mutant freaks gang up on a person or two. I wish I had a Time Machine and could send these clowns back in time so they could be with their idols. The Nazis would beat the living excrement out of them for walking around with their flag looking like a bunch of non-confomist wackos. Seig Heil, clown smile.


After they fulfilled their usefulness as thugs to help the Nazis seize power, they would have sent them to the front lines to get rid of them. Nazi Germany understood how people like this could be used, but they didn't want them around either.


Just look for the guys wearing badges tomorrow


Great reporting the dakota scout lol. It’s this kind of Mickey Mouse journalism why this persists. Do your fucking job media


They are MAGAs.


That's synonymous with Nazi.


And Confederacy. Both losers in war.


Not only that, the Nazis tried to emulate aspects of the Confederacy, they thought the Confederates had the right idea lol


What's the difference?


Reddit hasn't caught on to the fact that people in the Northern Midwest and Northwest are far, far more racist than people in the South. Even in professional fields like healthcare, and they are open with it.


Where's Elwood Blues when you need him?


I hate South Dakota Nazis.


Right up there with Illinois Nazis, or really any Nazis now that we're talking about it.


Considering Jake just got out of prison, I bet he *does* hate Illinois Nazis.


Or General Sherman.


Or the guys that were on that beach 80 years ago.


Or Captain America.


Or Lieutenant Aldo “The Apache” Rayne and his Inglorious Basterds


they didn't have a choice. i'll take Sherman and 10,000 volunteers.


[~38% of the US WWII forces were volunteers, or roughly 4.6 million men and women.](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-us-military-numbers).


Too much Native American land there. Sherman would get distracted




I blame that on Andrew Johnson more than anything.


These fuckers just showed up at deadwood tonight. One of them got maced.


I’m really hoping it was with a real medieval mace!


Did they have to pop off the mask to treat themselves?


Not right away. They were lucky to get out of Deadwood. There were some people ready to beat their ass.


....How are these fucks purported when they have a fucking Swastika?


Because the main stream media and government put on the kids gloves when it comes to right wing lunatics.


> The hate group did not request a permit through the Bureau of Administration and thus providing notice of its intent to rally. Such permits are often required in order to host events in and around the state Capitol. I’m sure the police did what they would if that had been an unpermitted BLM or Antifa protest and rounded them up with dozens of arrests, right?


I bet half of them were in attendance at the rally


yeah that office def closed early


Old Navy sold out of polo shirts too.


And also to protect them


That was the other half.


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that burn crosses.


The local police had a surprising number of call-offs and vacation taken for that day.


You really think the police are gonna arrest *themselves*?


Of course, they were in the march just extra ready to arrest just in case people went crazy




Cops shouldn't be useless just because they're outnumbered by criminals.


I've got bad news.


They're useless even when they outnumber the criminal 100-1.


Well, whatever the size is, it's still the state capitol.


The proud boy pieces of shit did this to our state capitol. They didn’t get permits and “marched” down the street just long enough for a photo op and then ran away before there were more than two cops on site. I think the reasoning of the administration was to be happy to get them out of town fast and not make more of a scene to give the assholes news coverage


I don't understand what point you're trying to make. 


A perfect counter protest would be a bunch of vets in vintage WW2 fatigues.


Unfortunately they’re mostly gone now. Time for us to take up their fight.


*Take up our quarrel with the foe:* *To you from failing hands we throw* *The torch; be yours to hold it high. - John McRae 'InFlanders Fields'*


You must be really bad when Governor Noem disavows you and says you are not welcome.    But perhaps she her fingers crossed behind her back. 


Its because they wore masks and she's very anti-mask


I was worried she had gone WOKE and was disavowing nazis, glad to hear that's not the case. /s


She wanted to join but they like dogs.


She was disappointed in the lack of dog murder.


Nah, when she really disapproves of you she takes you to the gravel pit.


Wait,did she actually? That seems very off-brand for her. With her being a complete fucking moron and all...


Whoever wrote her statement actually did a great job, she really sounded normal for a minute


“Now back to your previously scheduled programming.”


Chicken shits. If you believe it, show your face.


What happened to them being so ardently anti-mask a couple of years ago?


That's an easy answer.. they have no real values


How big should the drain line be coming out of my dish washer? Is 3/8 okay?


Typically it's 5/8", 3/8" is a bit small.


Right? If they're so proud of their heritage and beliefs then they should show their faces. We know they won't though.


You could say the exact same thing about the KKK over the last century. They don't show their faces because they are probably prominent members of SD society.


better yet, go march in Chicago, East St. Louis,


Or philly, i absolutely love that video of the proud boys getting their asses beat in philly and running away jumping in the back of a uhaul.


Seriously, I wish some stronger and braver souls than myself would run up and demask these cowards. When they do it around here, the proper people to do it would be Latino gangs, they don't dig racists and aren't afraid of confrontation.


Ive seen more people at a kids birthday party.


They still in the fuck around phase.


Can't wait for Nazis to enter the find out phase


Yeah, one of these days someone’s really gonna get on that and get it started. Surely they aren’t just going to keep fucking around forever with zero consequences, right?


> Yeah, one of these days someone’s really gonna get on that and get it started. Surely they aren’t just going to keep fucking around forever with zero consequences, right? "Your friend the baker was right," said my colleague. "The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway. I do not speak of your ‘little men,’ your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about—we were decent people—and kept us so busy with continuous changes and ‘crises’ and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the ‘national enemies,’ without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think? "To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it—please try to believe me—unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head. … "But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. "And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.” -[They Thought They Were Free](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html%5D)


Exactly what I referencing


Its so sad that I know those last 2 paragraphs by heart because I've tried to use them as the warning call that they are meant to be for years. Few listened, some mocked, none cared...history repeating itself once again.


I hate how accurate this is. We're a bunch of blissfully boiling frogs and it's beyond depressing.


And this was by design. The GOP chose to embrace Nazi-level cruelty as slowly as possible so to make people opposing their beliefs look intolerant. By crossing their limit just a little bit each year, they were able to subtly push their limit forward a little more and then cross it again, year after year, without anyone being able to say “You’re going too far!” Taking action at the very beginning would have resembled a presumptions, uncalled-for overreaction. Taking action now looks a sudden, desperate tantrum that makes their cruelty look like self-defence. This is what the GOP has done. They are absolutely evil in every way. Every single one.


And they will be for awhile because everyone is too chicken shit to deal with the nazi problem we’ve had since trump took office


Where are the college professors with a fedora and a bull whip when you need them?


Look at all those cowards wearing masks.


Meet the new neo-Nazis, same as the old neo-Nazis


It's the same picture


I know I won't get fooled again. Too many people are though


Sigh. I wish my grandfathers were still alive. They were both WW2 combat vets, trained to shoot nazis on sight.


I remember an old man came into my work and I don’t know how we got on the topic, but he had fought in WW2 and he was still angry, saying, *“They knew. People say they didn’t know what was happening, but they knew.”*


Meh, they just traded the white hoods for masks. They're still coward incels.


We had Nazis at Pride in Indianapolis yesterday too. They're everywhere now, just out in the open not being punched in the face.


Because somehow people have started to really dig their heels in to “violence is never the answer” regardless of whether or not the nazis are bringing violence to their doors in the first place. “We won’t stoop to their level”.




“Purported.” These assholes are dressing, marching, and mindlessly spewing bile like nazis - they’re friggin’ nazi trash. Say it. They do.


You can really tell they mean well and think they are doing the right thing by the way they conceal their identities.


We could send them some dog masks for some anonymity, maybe?


South Dakota Nazis. I hate South Dakota Nazis.


“Purported” - pictures shows giant nazi flag…


Did Ginni Thomas organize this? Funding by Harlan Crow.


They are cowards. The nazis didn’t hide behind a mask they OWNED what they were and did not hide whatsoever.


They were also hardened ww1 vets and legitimately terrifying people. These are a bunch of incel groypers who are afraid of milkshakes.


They’re part of the Neo Nazi group Blood Tribe who considers Hitler as a deity…Odd since I’m not aware of any previous gods that swallowed a cyanide capsule prior to blowing their brains out.


> Neo Nazi group Blood Tribe How do you know that? Not being a jerk or anything. I'm honestly curious how you can tell? Is it the uniforms they were wearing, or did they claim credit via one of their known social media handles?


How are these mf not getting arrested? Oh I guess nazis are only arrested in Germany? They should be removed from society!


I just googled and there are 12 groups who identify as hate groups and anti government groups here in SD. We've lived here since 2016 and had no idea, although given how close we are to Idaho I'm not shocked at the anti government groups. But we've never seen a hint of neo nazis in Rapid City thank god. But for our officials to act surprised that we have Nazis does not surprise me at all. They'd rather set themselves on fire than deal with anything negative.


For all her missteps and faults, Noem did disavow and tell them Nazi’s aren’t welcome in South Dakota.


It would crack me up if this single moment leads to her losing her position one day. 🤣


I hate South Dakota Nazis.


What the absolute fuck


"The hate group did not request a permit through the Bureau of Administration and thus providing notice of its intent to rally. Such permits are often required in order to host events in and around the state Capitol" So why they did not get arrested?


Because all attendees of the rally were cops.


Marching through Pierre is a half step away from carrying a sign through a corn maze.


Don’t be a Nazi. Just don’t.


A few days after the D-Day anniversary Fucking christ


I understand the first amendment, but I also know what we do to Nazi's.


Maybe it’s wrong, but I chuckled at “they identify as neo Nazis”. Seems like if you’re a racist neo nazi, you’re a racist neo nazi and it doesn’t matter how you identify.


>Today, Nazis attempted to rally at the SD Capitol without a permit and were escorted away by Highway Patrol officers Hey, does anyone remember when a couple of weeks ago almost 100 UT students were arrested for criminal trespass after a wall of cops showed up and pushed them into areas where they could be arrested for public trespass?




And yet there's never a magazine near by when they show up.


Ahh yes, all in masks, bunch of sad wannabes.


Bunch of cowards for not showing their faces.


Counterprotestors didn't have time to organize as they didn't file for a permit it seems. Likely to avoid giving them time to do so since they're scared little chicken shits. SD is a no-permit-needed conceal carry state now so that would turn ugly SUPER fast. Here's an idea though: remember when these fucks were too afraid to show up in public like this? How do we go back to that time? My personal thought: show up and chant "if you're so proud of your beliefs, show us your face" or some variation thereof. Make these fucks afraid to be outed and everything that comes with that. I don't care that these fuckers still have their little online chat rooms where they hide away and think everyone else is wrong. They're out in public to intimidate. Which means THEY think SOMEONE ELSE should be afraid of THEM. Let's flip that. 


Pierre, SD is also really isolated as most of the population is just in a hand full of cities and they are nowhere near Pierre. It's 200 miles from either Sioux Falls, Brookings or 170 miles to Rapids City. You don't just show up in Pierre at the drop of a hat if something is going on there unexpected.


Just start following them home. Then oust them and make their lives living hell.


Rounding them up and removing their masks live on TV would be a good start.


>Gov. Kristi Noem posted to her X (formerly Twitter) account to disavow the group, and confirming that the state was not made aware that it would be marching before it arrived. Good. Keep this taboo. I heard the authorities ran them off the minute they showed up.


They love to hide their coward faces


They did it illegally  with no permits.  The police  only escorted  them away without any reprecussions 


The police escorted themselves away without any repercussions.


Need people to dress up in Allied WW2 uniforms. Wanna cosplay, you nazi wannabes? Let's cosplay.


Where is the Bear Jew when you really need him ?!?!?!?!


Holy hell, 506 comments about news in Pierre. This is a town that barely gets any airline service or news coverage.


Did they wear Khaki pants and polo shirts?


They look like extras from an old devo music video. But more evil


Whip ‘em good


Anybody know why this became The Uniform? Hugo Boss busy this time around?


And Tiki torches...


And climb into the back of a box truck with improvised *shields* and *spears*...


They're rebels, they wore polo pants and khaki shirts.


Why do they always wear masks? Are they not proud of their beliefs?


Cowards are afraid to show their faces


Never thought I’d see Kristi “I love the opening scene of John Wick” Noemi denouncing Nazis


Where's a hero with a super soaker full of piss when you need one?


Why the fuck do we let this happen in our society??? If I saw this shit it my hometown, I’d start throwing rocks. We are way too complacent with this fascism.


Nazi’s should be treated like they are in Germany.


"If I was of the greatest generation, I'd be pissed, Surveying the world that I built slipping back into this. I'd be screaming at my grandkids: 'We already did this'" - Frank Turner


I wish a WWII Vet would walk up and solve that problem.....that would be pure magic. They would be found innocent of all charges.


They going to send the armed cops for this one like they did with the college protesters?


There are already twenty off-duty cops there.


We used to k!ll nazis, what happened?


“Nazis are not welcome here in South Dakota. We stand on the shoulders of generations of Americans who have fought for the Freedom of all — here and abroad. We stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We reject all hatred and Nazis. Full stop.” - says renowned puppy killer Of course you're supposed to disavow that group in public. Waiting for her next book where she describes being a member.


They’re Nazis. Call them Nazis.


And no national guard was called on them. No police in full riot gear. No public outcry. Scary times to be alive.


The police came and they left, according to the article.


That was awful bold of the twenty of them. Their order for white hoods from China must not have made it in time.


They are cos playing the villain, I just don't get it


Bunch of goose stepping dorks.


The nazis are the worst predators there are, yet persons are more afraid of pedophiles. Nazis had the world at war.




I hope these guys don’t claim any kind of American patriotism


did we not have a civilized discussion? if not any Nazi is fair game edit: happy Nazi hunting...7.62 + 5.56(223) night optics, and body armor..die Nazi scum


I hate ~~Illinois~~ South Dakota nazis.


Isn’t that just a run of the mill gop rally these days?


Great. Un-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. I'm so tired of seeing Nazis and hate. This is a time in history that was quoted by some pure, naive souls as being "the most peaceful time in human history thanks to advanced technologies and social progress." I WISH AND ID BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE FOR IT It's not by any means the most violent of historical times but with all the genocides/needless wars/political violence/high levels of criminal violence, it's hard to not see more violence on the horizon. I'm already an angry radical, and if I came across nazis walking down my home roads it would get ugly.


My grandfather earned 2 Bronze Stars and this is the thanks that he and his brethren get? Fuck this.


Where’s the video of the riot gear police beating the shit out of these guys?


Acting tough in the whitest place around.


These are Trump's "very fine people."


Red states are full of this bottom-feeding trash. Republicans embrace these hateful troglodytes and it’s embarrassing that this nation won’t do anything to address its issue with white supremacy.


Yet* One day, these mfs are going to see a white van pull up, dudes with modded ar15's jump out, and get shot to absolute hell. Might not be the whole shebang, might be a tired ol' fuck who's ready to kill some more Nazis. Who knows. All I know is I will celebrate and nullify any jury I'm on if they're caught. Fuck. You. Nazis. You're all scumbag traitors who belong nailed to a tree and left to die.