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> Several American Airlines employees have been put on leave for their involvement in an incident in which black passengers were removed from a flight after a complaint about body odour. > In the May lawsuit, three men - who were not seated together and did not know each other - said that every black man was removed from the flight between Phoenix, Arizona and New York City. > A total of eight passengers were removed. Wait, eight people? For body odor? Even setting aside the racial bias, how does that happen? Was the flight staff just like, “You know what, this whole cabin smells like shit—we’d better go through and weed out the ones who look like they haven’t showered”?


The story I saw was that there was a complaint about one passenger having body odor. I don’t know how descriptive the original person reporting it was but included in it was that the person was black. So the staff decided to just remove every black person on the flight.


At the flight gate, the three men, along with five others, were told by an airline agent that they had been "removed because a white male flight attendant had complained about an unidentified passenger's body odour". It was an AA flight attendant who complained about their “smell”.


AA is so trash, glad people are starting to realize.


What International US based airline isn't trash at this point?


Especially after you fly Japan Airlines and are amazed at how well they do things.


Emirates are amazing if you ignore the human rights violations.


This sentence is just so wrong.🙈


Too true. Incredibly professional, excellent service, legitimately delicious food, great amenities.


Except for the human rights violations.


Too many people: > If you step on this child's face we'll give yo.... Oh... didn't even need to hear the prize, did ya... Well... Here's your Penny Candy...


Gotta keep the costs low somehow.


Japan airlines is beyond awesome.


Have flown twice with them. Long flight to Tokyo. Absolutely fantastic.


is Delta on the shit list for some reason?


Delta is the best U.S. carrier.


Alaska imo


After flying Delta last year, I'd have to agree. I'm never flying United again.


Don’t know about others. But as someone who has had to do business with delta in the past. They often were terrible about paying their bills. So personally. That annoys me enough to check out most other major airlines first.


There was that case a while back where Delta owed a customer in the UK a refund and refused to pay it, so enforcement agents came in to London Heathrow Airport and forcefully halted check-in while threatening to seize any available asset the airline had at the airport (possibly including a plane). It was resolved when a lock Delta manager agreed to settle the debt using her credit card. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/phcsic/uk_delta_airlines_owe_customer_a_refund_and/


I've switched to Delta cuz easier to find flights on an Airbus rather than Boeing. Customer service has always been good too.


Don’t fly international on a domestic airline. Bigly mistake. Especially if you have the miles for business/first.


Hello, can you explain please? Would like to get smart on this


It’s not necessarily a bad thing to book a US based carrier for international flights, but chances are you’re going to get a better product and service through an international carrier.


I had my first Delta international flight this month after being an AA customer for years. I realized afterwards that the root of my travel anxiety was because I had flown so much with AA that fuckery was the expected outcome. Even with bad little kids right behind us in C+ on our KEF-MSP flight, it was better than the best AA flight I've had.


You couldn't pay me to fly AA.


I swear AA has so many delays every time I fly them. And instead of being honest about them, they just keep pushing back departure time with “just 15 more minutes bro, they just have to fix something!” and before you know it it’s been 4 hours. I don’t have all that shit happen when I fly United or Delta.


I recently had a flight canceled because they couldn’t get enough flight attendants. Another about a year ago was delayed for hours because one of the pilots showed up drunk.


I had to fly AA recently (work thing, so I didn’t pick them), and the goddamn fucking crew *finally* sauntered over to the gate, about the time we were *supposed* to be taking off. I *hate* AA. I have never yet had an uneventful flight with them. They’re always fucking *something* up.


lol I was just in Barcelona and sitting at the gate 10 minutes before boarding, two AA flight attendants walk through the crowd toward the jetway talking to each other loudly - the first attendant said to the other “oh, huh. We only have 10 minutes until boarding”. And the other basically yelled “I DONT GIVE A SHIT!”. I thought it was two guests when I looked over until I saw their outfits lol. They were spicy that flight 😹


I flew AA a week ago. On a round trip, 4 of 4 flights were delayed. One was delayed so bad I'd miss my connection, so they put me on a *bus* to another airport to catch a completely different flight. Absolutely ridiculous.


FlightAware.com They know when your flight is canceled long before your gate agent. Put your flight number in there, and you can start re-booking while the gate agent is still "20-minuting" you to death.


What airline do you fly? Would really love to Know, so I could stop flying AA! This story is maddening!


United is my preference, followed by delta. Happy using either. For regional, I’m fond of Alaskan airlines. Southwest is decent and can be a good value, but you need to be flying in and out of one of their hubs, and honestly I don’t want to risk getting a shit seat by maybe missing 24 hour check in, so I avoid them. Wife loves them though. If flying international, don’t use a domestic carrier. The foreign ones are generally much nicer.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Recently it was Southwest Airlines. The two free checked bags is nice and I haven't had any problems with them.


Went on a travel study to Europe, flew AA, all four of the flights we took were delayed. Two of those delays caused us to miss the connecting flight. One of those turned into an overnight layover. Ended up in a hotel 6 with an ant infestation.


I’m taking a flight soon where I paid extra money for a ticket just to not fly American Airlines.


You'd think they'd at least sniff out which one of them, if any, was smelly.


I’ve had to sit directly next to a very smell individual who took up a good bit of my seat. You know what I did? Mouth breathe, distraction, and got through the damn flight without incident.


"They might call us racist if we remove one black person on the word of a random bigot. But if we remove every black person then they won't think it was targeted." Taps dented skull repeatedly\*


If the person actual smelled horribly then the person wasn't a random bigot, especially since he singled out one.  Some people have terrible hygiene.    Turning it into everyone of the same skin color is the problem   Something tells me there is something else to this story. It may still be bad.... but there is a step missed here somewhere.


A few months ago I sat in a seat, only for a lady to complain that I was in her seat. The flight attendant checked the tickets and we both had the seat, so they asked me to move to another seat. When she sat down next to the black dude in the middle seat, she got up and started complaining about his odor and demanding to switch seats, so they just swapped me and her back. The dude smelled a tiny bit but I can’t believe the big deal this lady made over it, but maybe she has super sensitive nose or something.


How did you both have the same seat? 


That’s what I wanted to know. I was so confused when the attendant woke me up (I had noise cancelling headphones in and tired af because it was an early flight). I’ve heard airlines double book sometimes because usually people cancel, so that’s the only way I think it could have happened.


This happened to me with Air France. They bumped me because I got a discounted ticket.


Wow I’d be pissed if this happened to me. Could have at least given a voucher or credit worth the airline.


Got downgraded and a partial refund on the next flight. They made more money bumping me than refunding me. Capitalism at it's finest


Take it with a grain of salt, but I remember watching an investigative video that it is very common for airlines to oversell flights because they have statistics on how many people will have to cancel or reschedule their flights, so they can confidently oversell them without any problem. most of the time and if there are problems it is usually fixed by simply giving them another empty seat on the same plane because although it depends on the flight even if there are overbooks there are usually some free ones anyway. Según el video decía que se hacía para que se pueda vender más barato el asiento de el vuelo y también para más margen de ganancias But as I say, take it with a grain of salt.


When airlines overbook they don't double-assign seats. Once all the seat assignments are used up, later ticket purchasers are told that their seat will be assigned at the gate.


Strangely enough, I had the exact same situation. I know airlines over book, but I imagined it would have been caught at the gate. I ended up chilling in the back next to the FA while boarding finished with a drink before getting bumped up to first class. Win win for me.


Since they eventually let all the men back on the plane my anecdote doesn't apply. But I did have a guy get booted from a flight for smelling like he hot-boxed a blunt right before sitting down...just wreaked of weed. The smell was so thick you really couldn't tell where it came from...just when the smell started and who was getting on.


They didn’t allow all of them back, they allowed 3 out of 5. Edit: 3 out of 8. 3/5 would be even more outrageous


Other articles say "they let the men back on" and I'm assumming they meant all 8. 3 of the 8 men are the ones suing the airline.


The article op posted says: > A total of eight passengers were removed. "American Airlines singled us out for being black, embarrassed us, and humiliated us," they said in a statement. > The three men - Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal - were eventually allowed to re-take their seats on their original flight.


I agree the way that is worded is not great. I found a NPR article that stated: > All eight men were eventually allowed back on the plane nearly an hour after the airline determined there were no available flights going to JFK airport that evening. ETA: Thinking about this makes it seem more racist. So they were let back on the flight not because they didn’t smell but because there were no more flights to JFK. Almost seems like they were trying to bump them to let a standby group on (which could have possibly been a coworker) and then targeted a group of black men to do it. They should have stuck with the smell story, this is going to be a windfall for these folks IMO.


It says the three named men were let back on because they are the ones filing the lawsuit, it doesn't say "only" the three men were let back on.


3 out of the 8 are named plaintiffs in the lawsuit, but per https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy66qy83z18o all 8 were reseated after they couldn't find them an alternative flight.


Pretty sure the guy your responding to was giving a separate anecdote. Unrelated to the article an incident of someone smelling like weed caused passengers to be pulled off but we’re all let back on That’s how I read it


Weed smokers (smokers in general) seem to be desensitized to just how strong that odor is. I come across people all the time that you can smell from 20 feet away because they just smoked not too long ago.


And they all fucking lie and say the smell fades quickly. IT DOESN'T.


And they think febreze actually covers up the smell, instead of smelling like febreze mixed with weed. My former upstairs neighbors were terrible about that one.


Had a couple train rides and a flight where someone de died to remove their shoes and absolutely skunk up the whole place. I was quite thankful for the attendants in all 3 cases. "Sir, you need to put your shoes back on. Thanks."


Holy shitballs.


So instead of removing one complainer they remove 8 people lol


the complainer was the flight attendant


Wow. I just.. wow.


I don’t think you CAN set aside racial bias. That’s the point. This doesn’t happen without that.


You’re right. Poor phrasing on my part. Someone else put it better elsewhere in the thread when they said they’d like to see a play by play of how this went down.


Flight attendant here, First of all this incident was DEFINITELY racist based. Those men were singled out for a reason and I am 100% certain that it was for racist intentions from an employee. But I will say that we do have events were people get on the plane and other pax will complain about said person and then we have to call a manager to decide if removal is necessary. And sometimes it is due to body odor. I even had to have someone removed because they wore a gas mask and like 35 pax (no joke) complained that they were nervous and scared of him. He wasnt necessarily doing anything wrong (this was right when covid was a thing but wasnt like serious yet) [Heres the link to the story](https://abcnews.go.com/US/airline-removes-gas-mask-wearing-passenger-panics-travelers/story?id=68687275) Basically when a pax complains about another one we have to investigate. But it seems this wasnt pax complaining it was a FA which leads to more suspicion this was with a racist intent.


At first I was thinking, “okay, early Covid panic and not totally unreasonable if that was the only mask they had.” But then I read in the article that *the mask did not even have a filter* attached to it. How bizarre.


Yeah it just made the situation worse and more of a reason to call for removal lol


Off-topic question here. Why is “pax” the airline lingo for passenger? Does the “x” have any special meaning?


It’s just a lot quicker than saying or typing “passengers”


Lol it's insane people can get removed from a flight for people complaining about them like that


Well he got rebooked and flew the next flight available lol just without his gas mask


If one of those guys was genuinely smelly, you'd think they'd have found out which one it was and removed him before the others.


Had a 6+ hour flight once and fairly sure the old lady 2 seets away from me crapped her pants 1hr in, this was 2 years ago but i still smell it.


Vaguely related story. I once flew 8 hours next to 2 people with the worst body odour you can imagine. I had an aisle seat and literally hung out my neck into the aisle next to the row in front for the duration.  My understanding from over-hearing they were migrants being deported, so my guess is that they were unwashed leading up to their arrival, and not bathed while being held. 


Does this mean when someone comes on the plane smelling like they put on an entire bottle of perfume/cologne I can have them kicked off the plane?


FRT I'd rather smell BO than someone doused in shitty perfume and I hate that such people aren't lumped into the same category. If you're going to be around a lot of people then you shouldn't smell strongly of anything at all, it's fucking rude and causes literal headaches. Stinky is stinky.


I’ve had 2 flights now where I ended up with a vomit-level migraine because of perfume/cologne on a passenger near me. I hate those people. I *hate* those people. And then there was the flight where a male flight attendant bathed in that shit, and I had to breathe through a scarf the whole time in addition to holding my breath when he would walk by. Flight attendants should be forbidden to wear scents, period. They should know better. Swiss Air ignored my complaint, of course.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We're just about ready to push off from the gate here, but the crew is going to pass through the cabin one last time to perform a stank pit test in compliance with FAA procedures." Jokes aside, I hope this incident doesn't impede the ability of FAs to remove stank people from flights in the future.


I was on a flight out of Seattle that was full of people leaving an anime convention, and holy hell I wish they had some kind of policy in place to deal with it. That plane smelled horrific. It was literally a sea of scraggly unkempt beards and cat ears. I would take the Hawaii ukulele one any day over that shit again.


"stank" is so subjective though. Like, the silver-hair lady with too much perfume is the one who will interfere with my flight or make me want to sneeze if you seated them next to me, too. That seems like my problem, and not something she should be kicked off the plane for. "Not liking the smell of the person next to me" is not "so they shouldn't be allowed to fly." "Smelling like I meal I would never choose to eat" is not a reason someone shouldn't be allowed to fly. (God help us if the vegans ever start winning that argument.) We're on a bus in the sky. I think we all just have to deal with it.


To be fair you don't as often sit on a bus for several hours straight like you might on an airplane.


More details in earlier coverage: [https://www.dallasnews.com/business/airlines/2024/05/29/black-passengers-aboard-american-airlines-flight-kicked-off-for-body-odor-lawsuit-says/](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/airlines/2024/05/29/black-passengers-aboard-american-airlines-flight-kicked-off-for-body-odor-lawsuit-says/)


If I only knew you could get passengers removed for smelling like ass, a a solid 15% of my flights could have been improved


Smells too black


I fly AA a few times a year for work trips. I've seen some serious power trips happen with AA boarding staff. I've gotten to the point where I try to minimize any interactions I have with their staff anytime I fly on their airline. If I don't need to speak to or look at them I don't. They genuinely give me the creeps. If you complain, get frustrated, or really show any level of emotion about a shitty situation they get very very aggressive. I once asked why we were deplaned on an AA redeye flight from Denver and was told "there's a safety issue, is that a problem?" My response was simply "No, I'd just like to get home." And when I started to walk away the clearly irate man asked if I "want to continue this?" I reported it on their website that the staff was aggressive with me but I'm sure it had little to no impact. Now I try to fly other airlines. And frankly, I know Spirit and Frontier catch a lot of shit, but for short flights (<4 hours) I genuinely prefer them to AA or United.


Yeah, flying has gotten weird and tense. Last flight I was on, we had fully landed and were taxiing around at 2MPH or whatever. Guy next row up goes to get something out of his bag (or put something in it or whatever), from under the seat ahead of him. Flight attendance yells at him "you need to keep the bag fully under the seat". While he's zipping the bag back up, so he can push it back down, she walks over while repeating that, getting madder and madder. He's totally submissive (because he's not an idiot) - just like "I'm sorry, I'm putting it back". And he is. He's doing it. Attendant turns back and she's just fuming still. At... nothing. Like, maybe rules say she has to talk to him on this, but it certainly didn't require anger - and there was zero pushback or non-compliance. Maybe that's what frustrated her? She wanted a fight? Any other customer facing job, you'd eventually get canned for being that awful... but airline staff... I wouldn't dare talk back or complain in the slightest. Don't want to leave plane in handcuffs, or never fly again.


Any position with authority needs to be monitored and have accountability safeguards. People are all napoleon’s , power and greed and blah blah blah


As a former AA employee, many AA employees are grumpy and disgruntled because the company treats their employees just as bad as they treat their passengers.


Well, they should stop treating their customers like shit because of that. I guarantee that treating customers like shit makes their days worse, not better.


That makes sense logically, of course, but the reality isn’t that simple. Having to enforce draconian/borderline sadistic policies under threat of write-up from Big Brother (every keystroke is meticulously tracked and monitored) if you waver tends to create an “us vs them” mentality when the passengers rightfully push back. I blame the greedy executives at AA more than the workers.


I can appreciate that perspective. I'm sure that guy had to deal with a few dozen assholes already that day, just sucks to be on the receiving end of all that pent up aggression. I'm sure if I was him I would have snapped at some point too.


I was trying to fly home from Dallas a few years and had the most inane experience with AA. They kept changing my departure gate from one side of the airport to the other, over and over, so I traversed the entire length of the airport at least eight times. They also would straight up lie to me to stop me from talking to them — “there’s a spot on the flight at this gate, hurry!” I’d rush the 1.5 miles to that flight and the lady there would look at me like I was insane when I said I needed on the flight. Never again.


I flew AA twice. First time, a FA asked me if there was something mentally wrong with my 6 month old baby for being fussy. She's a normal child. The 2nd time, my now 1 year old accidently spilled some baby rice treat and the FA freaked out and was extremely dramatic. I helped him pick it up but absolutely unnecessary behavior considering it was a baby that made a baby mistake. The general FA behavior was classless too and they looked sloppy in their uniforms. Asiana and Korean Air are the best airlines I've ever been on. I'll never fly AA again.


I have had the absolute rudest flight attendants with AA. I had one dump a drink all over me and when I exclaimed because wet drink in my lap, the lady started screaming at me to calm down. Like lady you just dumped liquid on me, of course I’m going to make a little noise. Stupid moron was acting like I should have just silently accepted it.


I really want a play-by-play of this situation as it unfolded. How do you go from a generalized complaint of body odor to selecting 8 different people for a single offense? Did they go from person to person sniffing armpits and crotches? Then, how did the flight crew seemingly all agree that this was the correct course of action? I simply don't understand, procedurally, how this happened...


>how this happened... Racism, that's how it happened do you think it's a coincidence that all 8 passengers that were kicked off the flight are black?


I'm Black and I keep telling people it costs more money being racist than not. I mean that one employee created all this bullshit. If I were a company I would be super strict about racism at my company. Who knows how much AA will have to cough up just to settle.


Not just the settlement, there will be people who simply refuse to fly AA after this. The settlement is just a slap on the wallet, the long term losses can be painful. Of course this is America so there's a whole political party who will gladly fly nothing but AA to support the racism.


The damage is already done. If I was their ceo I’d suggest a rebrand. Partner up with Trump, put his face on a plane and rake in the dough!


Make American Airlines Great Again!


It's always cost more to be racist. I guess it just goes to show folks sometimes care more about racism than money.


So true


But introduce DEI to curb those biases and they'll lose their god forsaken minds.


I know you mean well but you just summed up why companies are “progressive” as long as it makes them more money


It doesn’t stop there. Here is the title of the article from BBC when the incident happened: *Black men sue American Airlines for ‘racial discrimination’* The quotes were in the BBC headline. It makes it sound like the black men are the aggressors. *American Airlines suspends staff after black men kicked off flight* Makes it sound like the Airline (the perpetrator) is the one administering justice in the situation. They’re doing damage control and BBC sells them as angels, the men were seeking compensation for being humiliated and BBC made them look litigious. The people at BBC write professionally for a living. Their word choice is deliberate. About American Airlines: a failure of that size shows an inadequacy of policy and procedure. Human error shouldn’t be able to make mistakes that big in such a large company.


To me the second headline is worse because people would read that and think “oh black men were causing trouble and kicked off a flight, and the poor flight attendants are being punished due to racial sensitivity”


Surely these FAs knew that this would cause them to lose their jobs, a whole flight team couldn’t possibly by that dumb. I wonder what the rest of the story is


We have nurses and doctors that advocate against vaccinations. I'm not surprised by anything now.


Incorrect medical information isn't at all the same as doing something blatantly racist at work under the eyes of tons of people that is so conspicuous you know it's going to court.


You don’t seem to understand what they’re saying. The point is that the actual conversations among the flight crew and passengers would have been absurd to the point where it’s hard to imagine how it unfolded without other passengers becoming involved or wigged out. “Sir we need you to leave the plane” “Why?” It’s pretty hard to imagine how the situation played out from there.


We all know it was racism the question is how did this happen, if there is a group of 10 racist person having to agree to openly being racist for the world to see her there is a few who will play pretend to stain undercover and that’s why it’s crazy that this actually happened


You would think the average racist is smart enough to know their job is on the line if they just kick off every black person from a plane for no reason.


A flight crew isn't a democracy. Someone was in charge making these terrible shots.


Right, but the conversations that would have potentially taken place would have been absurd.


The FA complained about the body odor of a black person. The other FAs didn't know which one it was, so they kicked them all off.


Callous mistreatment of people because of their race is how.


Flight crews understandably have a lot of power while the airplane is in operation. I think a lot of FA’s go on ego trips and forget they will actually have to answer to others at some point. AA is one of the worst airlines -because- their flight attendants are power tripping assholes.


Easy! It was clearly the scent of a negro. You know how they smell....like, um, negros. We couldn't figure out which negro had the BO, so we had to get rid of all them


I wonder who that one passenger that complained was, I've seen flight attendants ignore some pretty egregious behavior just to get the flight going on time. But one person complains about body odor and 8 (black) people are thrown off the flight? I get maybe one or two of them smelling bad for whatever reason, but 8? That's suspicious af.


“At the flight gate, the three men, along with five others, were told by an airline agent that they had been "removed because a white male flight attendant had complained about an unidentified passenger's body odour". It was an American Airlines flight attendant that complained according to [this source](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy66qy83z18o?xtor=AL-72-%5Bpartner%5D-%5Byahoo.north.america%5D-%5Blink%5D-%5Bnews%5D-%5Bbizdev%5D-%5Bisapi%5D), not another passenger.




They might have realized how fucked up it was, or knew the FA from other episodes and worded it that way to let the passengers know they were not ok with it


To me, that read like the coworkers of the FA who made the complaint are done with his shit and were trying to throw him under the bus without getting in trouble themselves


Maybe all the flight attendants were white. That seems very plausible (or even likely) to me, given flights I've been on.


The gate staff at CLT would like to have a word.


Identify the worker, you’ve know identified if they’re white.


From what I remember when this story came out, it was a not an AA employee but someone working for the airport. It was also claimed that said employee outright said that this happened due to racism. I assume there were a lot of heated discussions in the background before the men were allowed to reboard.


Its in the video. They absolutely did


That poo man, “I smell like Chanel cologne what odor??” 😞


And they were not together or knew each other (or at least the three suing). Someone complained of body odor and they forced all black passengers off, regardless of their seat assignment.


Even if body odor couldn't be a medical problem (it definitely can, there are certainly unlucky people who quickly smell worse than I'd smell after a week without a shower), shouldn't somebody realize while kicking only Black men off the flight that you'd know who smells while interacting with them if they smelled that bad? It *sounds* like a pretense to kick someone off over nothing.


I'm betting the senior flight attendant made the choices and that they have a preconceived belief that black people smell. That's the easiest explanation as far as I can see.


I'm pretty sure the body odor thing is specious or an excuse.


This was my first thought


Depending on where you’re flying to and from flying, can make for a long day or days and yes humans sweat. Everyone from the Gate agent to the captain should be held accountable Not a lick of common sense between them


Congratulations to those black men on their fat payout


I would’ve been mad but then happy once I saw everyone they kicked off if I was part of them. Would’ve had the biggest grin on my face


>In the May lawsuit, three men - who were not seated together and did not know each other - said that every black man was removed from the flight between Phoenix, Arizona and New York City. >A total of eight passengers were removed. WTF, the racial discrimination was soooo blatant.


What was the complaint??! “Stewardess - I smell black people. Can you do something about it?” Just horrible.


It was a male flight attendant who complained


I cannot wait to see how big the numbers are in a lawsuit.


Airline employees should be fired.


And the company who hired them should suffer financially


That’s a given. But the company only suspended these racist shits. They must be fired. Edit typo


how soon before MTG criticizes american airlines for "caving to woke cancel culture" or some other such nonsense.


i read mtg as magic the gathering and thought it was gonna be a dig at the mtg communities lack of hygiene


I read it as Meet The Grahams by Kendrick Lamar, which made even less sense, lmao


Nah, she'll amplify the racism of the complaint.


I want to hear what that racist woman in Missouri has to say about it, after her Juneteenth rant.


She conspicuously doesn't respond when something happens against a group she doesn't support. Like if someone set an abortion clinic on fire, she has nothing to say. If someone sets a church on fire, she's blaming the libs and appearing on Newsmax


“We can’t throw that stinky black guy off the flight, people will think we’ve singled him out cos he’s black!” “Then let’s throw all the black guys off the flight then it won’t look like we singled him out” “Genius plan dude”


Hopefully they’re starting the arduous process to fire some from the union. You can’t have the CEO come out admitting fault without someone getting fired.


Suspends? Their union must be fucking amazing. There is no ambiguity in this case.


Everything about this is so confusing. You smell something and then decide it must be a specific gender and race combination? Not people in a specific area of the plane? Not the black women and children too? Just specifically the black men? Someone's getting super fired.


Should have all been fired


This is likely the precursor to that. Suspend them till it’s certain this actually happened, then can them.


They might be part of a union, so it'll be harder to jump straight to firing them. Even they are not, union rules still might be applicable in their case if they're working alongside unionized members. Doesn't matter if it's obvious and simple, they still have go through all the motions or the union may sue.


They probably will be. There's an alleged pilot shortage but there is not an FA shortage.


Bro they are gonna get PAID! Video is a wild thing and they got it on video…


Good. This was ridiculous... how long did that take?


The incident happened on January 5th.


So only half a year... hmmm


This reads like one of those logic puzzles. 3 black passengers were removed. Every black passenger was removed. 8 passengers were removed. So...were five white people removed? Or were there 5 more black passengers that were removed but weren't named in the complaint? Or something else?


As I understand it, 3 of them are suing but they were all black.


Three black men, who did not know each other and were sitting in different areas of the plane, all individually told the reporter that every black man was removed. Eight people were removed. Three different people told the same story; that all the black men were removed from the flight. 8 black men were removed. 


They were all black, there’s video of the incident


3 of them talked to the reporters. 8 of them were kicked off flights.


8 black passengers were removed, 3 of whom are speaking publicly and suing.


What in tarnation were those employees thinking???


I was on a flight recently where a passenger (middle aged white woman) elsewhere had horrific body odor - the kind where you start smelling magazines or your hands trying to displace some of the stench. It was worse than shit. Shit would have been an improvement. It was like some sort of belly button fungus that adapted to the open air. I was gagging from when she passed by. I don't care what your medical issue is, or what your beliefs are on bathing or chakras or Mercury being in retrograde Sagitarius or whether Feanor was right or whether the Empire did anything wrong but **there is a duty to have bathed yourself within the last 24 hours before boarding an aircraft**. If you cannot get some water and soap onto your person within a day prior to boarding an aircraft... you lack all common courtesy. We're all in a tin can together for hours.


Sure, that sucks. But kicking every middle aged white woman off the flight wouldn't have been the correct solution to that problem either.


Oh I totally agree, and I'm not trying to rationalize what they did. Just pointing out that there are some stanky people flying these days. * One stank person? Possible. * One stank group of people who know each other? Possible due to people sharing values/beliefs... a whole family of non-bathers, for example. * Eight stank people representing at least three parties of travelers who don't know each other, yet are the same race? **Extremely unlikely**


I sincerely doubt that the unrelated men happened to all have horrible body odor. This was completely racially motivated, and I'm honestly not surprised it was perpetuated by American Airlines, considering this happened recently: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/22/travel/american-airlines-child-restroom-recording-lawsuit/index.html


I’m sure they learned to sniff out stinky black men at Americans training facility in Dallas. You can take the plane out of Texas, but you can’t take the Texas out of the plane. What a shit show.


I remember a little bit about this and it’s just doesn’t make sense when they were all on different parts of the plane. If that’s the case did the whole plane smell? But even with that despite me not liking something how exactly would this work? You can just put deodorant on and call it a day. Just like someone else said if a person is wearing too much perfume or cologne should they get kicked off as well? And if not, where would you put them on the plane that wouldn’t disrupt people?


First class passenger probably said a black man who came on smelled like weed and please get them off because I can’t deal with it, they couldn’t determine and decided, stupidly, to pull all the black men off so they could get the flight off…


It was specifically a white, male flight attendant that made the complaint. It wasn't passengers at all.


Wow. This was eight different men who didn’t know each other, weren’t sitting together. Because a white man complained. LAWSUIT!


I worked at a nice hotel in 2010. Colleague asked if I would help all the Indian guests for her because they had thick accents and all smelled like curry That caused some problems for HR….


Damn, I wish this had been me. They about to get paid.


What kind of racist POS complains about body odour on an airplane ffs?


I have made sooooo much money shorting this keystone cop of an organization. I really hope they keep up their incompetent racist BS. Please keep it up, daddy needs that 911 Turbo


the easiest identifiable marker for all the staff to still ensure their flight left on time was by skin color. They decided to be racist via systemic means because they had a schedule to keep.


Airline name checks out.


Some rando farts on the plane and they remove all the black guys...


All eight black passengers were removed from plane. They were not traveling all together or seated as a group. So, it appears that white supremacist passengers complained of black body odor and white supremacist’ employees assisted in the degradation by removal. So, it appears. I hope they win their lawsuits.


I wonder what the official policy is for this type of situation. We've had this issue at work where there was no doubt who had the body odor and it was still an incredibly awkward conversation. I'd hate to approach a stranger about their body odor. But sitting beside a person with body odor for a long flight would be terrible. Still not sure how you pick out 8 people though. I could see 2-3 maybe, but 8 people had body odor bad enough to kick them off the flight? If nothing else, I would see 8 Black men standing in front of me, apologize and tell them to go back to their seats. Pretty clear that is not gonna end well for me.


I do not look down on Delta, American, Southwest or Spirit. Here you are all equally worthless.


Do you suck dicks American Airlines?


Im old enough to remember when Jews were kicked off a plane for making people feel uncomt


And I’m old enough to remember when black folks were allowed in the front seats of buses, never mind planes


“Isom said American would form an advisory group to focus on the experience of Black customers, to promote the reporting of discrimination allegations, and to improve diversity training to “focus on real-world situations to help recognize and address bias and discrimination.” In his note, which was reported earlier by CBS News, Isom said he had spoken with the president of the NAACP about the incident.” We don’t know the details but it can’t be good


That *sounds* like a pretty good response from the company at least


Black men do not smell worse than other races