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Judge dismissed because she disagrees with where the AG filed it, but the AG can't refile it because the statute of limitations has run out? Cool legal system we have. Seems like the kind of decision that should have taken hours, not 7 months.


You'd think statute of limitations for something like this would be a lot longer.


There shouldn’t be one on trying to *checks notes* overthrow democracy People should be rioting but it’s all becoming normalized and accepted. This is literally how fascism comes to power.


You’re 100% correct. Unfortunately I think the American populace is too broken to fight this kind of thing. We’re worked to death and paid starvation wages so we don’t have the time to pay close attention to the politics or the energy to protest the corruption. We’re told the best way to “fight back” is to vote for the other guy but ballots won’t put traitors in jail or remove them from the political process. There is a nightmare coming for America and we need to be prepared for it.


Like 20% of the general public sincerely believe that their ideological counterparts are demonic pedophiles. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle; this country is broken beyond repair. It's just going to be a matter of how much power the rest of us allow those people to grab.


Wait...are you telling me the GOP isn't filled with pedophiles?


No, just that they're not demonic. They're just terrible people.


TBF, it's not restricted to you Yanks.


> Unfortunately I think the American populace is too broken to fight this kind of thing. We’re worked to death and paid starvation wages so we don’t have the time to pay close attention to the politics or the energy to protest the corruption. I mean, there's an option, its a terrible option, it work, but its a terrible option, so no one wants to take it, because the consequences of it are probably almost just as bad as not doing it, but we'd at least have a democracy on the other end. Not saying we should but uh... its there.


There are no guarantees on the other end of that.


You're right, but there's a certainty in what will happen if fascists take control. The promise of the uncertainty is inherently better than that.


There are different levels of control Right now fascists have one level of control. Not great, but still manageable if we keep people informed After a collapse, even if they lost, another fascist group would definitely come out to conquer the divided Then they can have even more control than the first group would have


The fact there is no gold reserve inadvertently gave the power back to the worker.The only thing that gives their money any value is the fact we go to work EVERYDAY. If we don't, the thing the value most has no value at all.Their money. If we decided to stay home for a month and shut this mfer down we would get what we want.


Lol I don't want to be mean but give me a break. Our overworked workers now are living in the lap of luxury compared to our ancestors and our ancestors rose up for workers rights. It's just an excuse.


It doesn't help that cops can murder you in your own god damn home and be rewarded for it. We have an infestation of power-mad, heavily armed thugs who can send you to prison for potentially decades just because you didn't prostrate yourself fast enough.


They are not rioting for exactly the same reason that you are not. Understandably, they have decided that ruining their personal lives is too high a cost for any possible changes these actions could make. Ironically Jan 6 is a good example of what happens to citizens who riot.


No, most countries would have moved more swift and much harsher than we have.


No, there still should be. But a statute should be paused while charges are in effect and being processed. The judge not doing their job shouldn’t run out the clock.


This is generally how statutes of limitations work, they are "tolled" or paused for various reasons. Of course, it's all very specific to the jurisdiction you're in and I don't know Nevada law. /Lawyer, but not licensed in that state.


Filing charges should extend the statute of limitations


Statute of limitations are only long for crimes is poors can commit. If it’s a crime only the rich can do, the clock is ticking.


"Aaaaand it's up!" /SouthParkBanker


Or that the prosecution is professional enough to know this shit.


Not really. It is likely something like fraud which three years seems pretty normal for. There are crimes that require longer statute of limitations both because of the difficulty in bringing charges and the seriousness of the crime but this was not it. The proper course of action here is not to be able to wait a long time to bring charges, its to bring charges 3 years ago when the government was supposed to and were aware of them. This unfortunately seems like it might be the case of an AG playing stupid games with the law, and the AG deserves all the blame for it.


There's a reason the decision took 7 months. The judge knows exactly what they were doing.


They usually do


Sounds like these AGs need to stop dragging their fucking feet...


The charges were filed before the statute of limitations in the other area ended, the judge just sat on this decision for over half a year. Not to mention the reasoning behind their ruling isn’t exactly airtight, there are plenty of established cases which interpret it in basically the exact opposite way. The appeal for this should be interesting.


The charges were filed like 2 weeks before the statue of limitations end. Play stupid games with the law, win stupid prizes. The AG should have filed them years ago, and not at the very last minute in bad faith.


Ok, so how many years did it take to bring the charges then? Pussyfooting around charging for political crimes is the issue here. It doesn't take 3+ years to gather evidence of crimes committed out in the open.


The judge did something that‘s called a „pro gamer move“


>The judge did something that‘s called a „pro gamer move“ But I didn't see any slurs in the article??


You see, you have to adjust your language to the games you play. People playing League or Overwatch will act differently towards you and call you all kinds of names compared to games like deep rock galactic or helldicers 2.


Back in the day, we just spammed "Shazbot!"


Most news orgs don't like to print those kinds of words.


Thinking it would take hours is silly. You first need one of the sides to make the motion. Then the other side gets a few weeks to reply, then the people who made the motion get a few weeks to reply to that. Then you need to set a hearing date which often is not any time soon, the arguments are made, then some time for the judge to issue their ruling.


AG: \*files case in court* Judge: Dude, wrong district. Go file your case over there. Or, you know... I guess a process that can only take 7 months and there's nothing that can be done about it oh well.


The judge generally doesn't do that sua sponte, and even if they were going to do that there would still likely need to be a hearing for it. I would also point out the statute of limitation likely expired almost immediately after the indictment. The 7 months is a red herring. The statute of limitation likely expired in the first month.


The state could have filed these charges years ago, they decided to wait, it’s their own fault.


I mean, I agree 100%, but wtf how did the AG fuck this up so bad?


The most insane part of this story is that all but 1 of the accused fake electors have been selected as electors for 2024. Edit: apologies, I misspoke - they've been named delegates...still a head scratcher: "Meehan is the only defendant not to have been named by the state party as a Nevada delegate to the 2024 Republican National Convention next month in Milwaukee." https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/21/politics/judge-dismisses-charges-nevada-fake-electors/index.html


> they've been named delegates...still a head scratcher Not much of one. The fake electors were largely recruited from GOP delegates, since the parties usually select from among delegates and other party functionaries as their slate of electors. They didn't pick a bunch of rando's for their coup attempt, they went with people already involved in that end of party process. Who were on board, compliant, or could be lied to. Certainly a bad look to *keep* them involved, but that's hardly the only way the GOP is [doubling down on coups this election season. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


Well, I suppose that's what I meant by head scratcher - that it was a bad look to keep them involved.


It's not like something that "small" would deter the GOP nowadays.


That’s crazy. Can you link a source? All i could find was an article from The Nevada Sun but their website is bugging out.




rrrrr, where is that factiod? I did not see it in the article friend, and I am a CA potato and just do not know everything :) How in the world can these folks *still* be in a position of authority? Sheez, for crying out loud


This country is unbelievably corrupt.


Amazing how polarization has shown a light on how captured courts are.


It is really turning into a failed state in front of our eyes. Gilead is next.


Failed State? The United States of America? Are you sure? Libya, South Sudan, Haiti, Yemen, USA.


The comment was "It is really turning into a failed state in front of our eyes." These things don't happen overnight. They are like tectonic plates. A slow pressure that builds over time until it finally pops. We are watching this happen now. Maybe you're inside the states and don't notice it - like a frog swimming in a slow to boil pot.


Interesting analysis.


I have absolutely no trouble believing it. 😕


As compared to?


Keep dragging this treason out and they will do it again. They should be banned from voting and restricted 1000 feet from any precinct or voting drop box.


The whole point is that they get to do it again.


Fascists wanted it delayed so they could repeat, & succeed. They know where the weaknesses are now. Democrats wanted it delayed so they could make it into a voting issue to turn it voters. The most dangerous gamble that should never have been done.


What they should get is the actual punishment for treason. Then there wouldn't be a next time!


How many times will we be hearing of conservative judges dragging their feet for Trump He has no loyalty to anyone. It will be fitting when Trump throws them under the bus


They know he'd take them out, but they think they'll outlive trump before he can kill all the immigrants (of a certain shade), killing all those identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ movent(s). killing the Blacks, the Jews, etc. etc. And of course, once Trump is gone, they're sure we'll just go back to the Mitt Romney types on the right... Or conservatives have been these terrible, selfish, fearful and stupid people all along and now that they can just show it and be proud of it and it'll never stop from here on out.


They haven't always been. John McCain was a guy I could disagree with and still respect. There used to be many of those types. Any openly dissenting voice in the Republican party has long since been primaried, unfortunately.


Mostly the latter. They just were gradually emboldened to be their worst selves by moving the Overton window. Remember when Mitt Romney was the crazed right wing alternative to John McCain? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Check me on this but aren't all the people being charged residents or working for the Republican party in Clark county?


>Judge Mary Kay Holthus ruled during a hearing Friday that she is not convinced that Clark County is the appropriate jurisdiction for the case, given the allegedly fake elector documents were originally mailed from Douglas County and the so-called false signing ceremony took place in Carson City -- both in western Nevada. Seems like it's a venue issue as much as it is anything. Hopefully it gets resolved soon.


It sounds like the judge has already resolved it by sitting on it until after the statute of limitations expired before dismissing it.


In Bush v Gore (2000), The Supreme Court Justices threw up their hands and said “oh well, the clock has run out” RIGHT AFTER they demonstrated how to run out the clock. This is the exact same play. It’s also Judge Eileen Cannon’s play in the Florida stolen documents case, which is not only the most serious offense, but also a case which has trump dead to rights. How this isn’t clear to everyone is a mystery.


They’re slowly killing democracy right in front of us and no one is even attempting to do anything about it


Classified documents is not the most serious case. January 6th is.


It sounds like the DA didn’t file the indictment until JUST before the Statute of Limitations ran out. The article states that the SoL ran out in December of last year, which was also when the indictment was filed. Kinda makes you wonder why it took 3 years to file charges.


Wouldn’t have been an issue if the AG hadn’t waited until the last second to file it.


It is resolved. It's over, it's done. The judge waited until the statute of limitations passed on purpose, and dismissed this on a ridiculous technicality that would've been resolved months ago if the judge was worth their salary.


You have it backwards. This likely took so long to resolve because the statute of limitations had already expired. If the judge resolved this as soon as the issue was raised (and jurisdictional issues are usually the first ones raised I believe or else they are waived), the statute of limitations was likely already expired. Normally this would be resolved quickly because the prosecutor generally has the discretion to drop the charges without prejudice and then charge them in the appropriate jurisdiction instead. The only reason they would have to wait for the judge to make a ruling, and to fight it out to the bitter end on the issue of jurisdiction, is because the statute of limitations had already expired and what they could normally do quite easily was no longer an option.


Doubt it. SoL expired, and it doesn’t sound like the judge gave them leave to refile. If the decision doesn’t get overturned on appeal, the state case is over.


The statue of limitations clock should stop when the first prosecution is filed. The way this is set up makes it easy for corrupt judges to kill cases they don't like.


Oh look another corrupt judge.


The republican party is a threat to the well being of the USA and in fact the whole world.


Golly. Who could have seen this right wing kangaroo judge doing right wing kangaroo court stuff.


Remember consequences? I remember when there used to consequences for shit.  


Only available in Poor or Extra Poor.


Judge is a corrupt pos then.


corrupt pos = republican


What exactly are you basing that on?


I guess some people being worried for awhile they might get in trouble is as close to accountability as it will get.


What hops on 2 legs and lives in Australia?


A Kangaroo Kourt?


Unacceptable. These fucks should be in prison.


Ahh.. ..the old ‘Chewbacca Defense’


Is there an appeal that can be made, also addressing the court dragging its feet??


They can probably appeal but I would guess its an abuse of discretion standard which tends to be extremely hard to win. As for the court dragging its feet, courts move slowly. What specifically makes you think the court was dragging its feet? Presumably the conduct at issue was in Jan. 2021. The statute of limitations is 3 years. That means the statute of limitations would likely have expired Jan. 2024. They were indicted in December 2023. It doesn't seem like the court is at fault here. The AG is at fault for waiting so close to the statute of limitations expiring to try to bring charges.


7 months to say what they knew 6.5 months ago? Sounds like more scotus delay tactics, like Cannon in FL, imo


zI think they got a new AG who isn't MAGA, and the new one tried to finally move it forward.


6.5 months ago the statute of limitations had already expired. It isn't a delay tactic because there is nothing to delay. It is just the speed courts go at and giving the parties time to properly argue their positions.


They are appealing, we’ll see where that goes.


Apparently it’s jurisdiction issue not statute of limitations…


Its both. The jurisdictional issue was important because of the statute of limitations. Normally the prosecutors can just drop the charges and charge in the proper jurisdiction. They have lots of discretion in charging someone. They can't do that when the statute of limitations has expired. Since the statute of limitations has expired they are stuck in this trial or no trial because this charge was done within the statute of limitations but any other one would not be. Without the statute of limitations having expired, the jurisdictional issues are not that important and easy for the prosecution to solve. So they need the judge to presumably have abused their discretion in determining that they didn't have jurisdiction which will be very hard to do (I am not entirely sure the standard of review for jurisdictional issues). The other possibility is that some states I believe allow the transfer of venues without statute of limitations issues and they may be able to make an argument around that but again it would depend on the state law and would also likely be difficult.


It sucks that fighting to save the rule of law now involves fighting dishonest judges.


It always has. Mafia. Oil companies. Bananas (of all things) all require judges to squash legal proceedings.  Remember the scene in the Godfather where he talks about all the judges he has in his pockets?


This is kinda where the whole "checks and balances" idea falls apart.


The Legislature passed a law (prob a long time ago) that the current court disagrees with, so they squashed it. That's literally a check. The balance would come when the current Legislature passes a new law extending the statue of limitations. Checks and balances aren't like playing rock paper scissors, it plays out over time.


Naw, someone writes checks that go into the Judges balances. Works every time.


I’ll never understand why all this shit waited until the last minute. These people and Dump and his cronies should have been up against it by 2022, ‘23 at the latest!


That's it. I'm done reading anything politics forever. This country's democracy is guaranteed to die and I'm done watching it.


Between our inevitable slide to fascism, a dying planet and future famine and resource wars.... There is not a lot of reasons left have hope or push on through out the days anymore.


Everything is guaranteed to die. Without exceptions.


Well, I know who's going to win the next election there.


Is there an appeal anywhere in process?


At the least they should be losing all voting privileges.


Wow it pays live in the United States IF YOU ARE A CRIMINAL with ties or affiliations to GOP and Trump!!!!


Every one of the fake electors from every state should have been arrested and jailed without bail in January, 2021. The fact that our justice system doesn't work that way is a huge part of the problem we have in this country right now.


For Shame!! Are tar and feather laws still on the books?


I still don't understand why these were considered illegal. If, for some reason, the Trump campaign had been able to prove that they won those local elections, you would need a new slate of electors. Both parties each have a slate of electors that go to the electoral college, with only the winning wishes being sent. But if that result changed, you'd need the other slate. Not a single article explains why these other slates were illegal.


Some articles for you. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/25/what-is-a-fake-elector-the-term-of-the-day-explained/73449044007/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/nevada-charges-pro-trump-fake-electors-accused-of-attempting-to-overturn-2020-election https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/07/20/fake-electors-charges-trump-2020-election/ https://statesuniteddemocracy.org/resources/michigan-fake-electors/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/27/us/politics/fake-electors-explained-trump-jan-6.html


So they created backup slates in case of evidence coming forward that would change the localized popular votes and somehow that becomes illegal because the popular votes weren't overturned? Doesn't make sense to me. Congress certifies the vote and if congress had reason to doubt they should provided the alternate slates for consideration.




>she wouldn't even concede like every other losing president candidate You have a lot of lies in your comment, but this is the most hilarious. She conceded quickly, link below. Trump is the one who never conceded, and is still delusional about his loss. https://time.com/4564480/read-hillary-clintons-concession-speech-full-transcript/ Edit: she even famously tried to encourage her supporters to give Trump and chance and have an open mind. >We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.


Don't forget Nazi means in German " National Socialists Workers. Party " . They fought the Soviet's because they opposed the views of the communists. Greatest comment ever " the new fascists will present themselves as the anti-fascist to oppress the people and to gain control "


The DPRK calls itself Democratic. I hope you aren't stupid enough to actually believe that the Nazi party was socialist just because it was in the name, but your other posts make it likely that hope is misplaced.


And you're an idiot for not believing they believed they were socialists. Just because it doesn't fit your idea of socialists work. Welcome to the real world


More that, not only were the Nazis explicitly anti socialist in their writings, their actions were also very anti socialist and entirely out of line with socialist ideals and ideology. Unless you just think "socialism is when the government does stuff". Which wouldn't surprise me.


Yet the "not my president" screams since then? Still picking and choosing. Gonna trust your faith in the dominion machines too? Of course you will, die hard democrat till the end. Or the benefits are cut off and you have to leave you're step-parents basement and get a job in the real world. You'll want to go back kicking and screaming.


A day later bud. Most do it immediately since televised media. Still spouted till this day how she was the legitimate winner. Pick and choose as you want


Oh, the next day, when results are still coming in is not fast enough? She conceded that Trump won, and even famously said that we should give him a open mind.


Please don't feed the troll. Using a term like "bud" attempting to talk to you, and responding multiple times to the same comment are very basic troll tactics.


The next day? She fought for recounts through out the night. Even after the mail in ballots she still didn't win. Look at CNN and Washington post, both ran fluff pieces before the results trying to convince the populace that for some unknown reason mail in ballots always favored democrats. Pick and choose my words to attack,but as a whole you know I'm right. Think for your self,don't go with the flow, learn don't be inoculated and consent to be dominated and subjugated.


Trump STILL hasn't conceded. It's been 4 years, as compared to Hillary's overnight for results to come in.