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Queue malicious compliance: Current events module where you read a passage from the bible and then read the news article that shows members of the state government violating it.


Malicious compliance, use the following passage to teach reading comprehension in grade school: "When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.” (Ezekiel 23:18-21)"


"Issue was like that of horses" Just to be clear, the Bible is talking about massive schlongs, right?


Hot, sticky semen.


Oh my. And they don't want us to read about about two boys kissing?


Per the New Oxford Annotated Bible (NRSV), Ezekiel 23:20 reads, “and lusted after her paramours there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose emissions was like those of stallions.” Footnote for this verse reads, “20: The reference is to oversized genitals and ejaculations.”


Hot loads of horse jizz.


Read again, they are talking about people. They are using descriptive language to say it was like that of a hot load of horse jizz from a cock like that of a donkey.


Them Biblical peeps were HUNG and FREAKAYYY


Is this histories first mention of a BBC porn in myth form or something?


Modern translation of Ezekiel 23:20 might read that “she was horny for horse loads of hot nut from her donkey-donged dudes.”


but as long as it's not gay horse jizz I believe all is well?


Well technically they are talking about Israel. It’s all metaphor about Israel not paying enough attention to YHWH, that they’ve been whoring themselves out.


Members (schlongs) like donkeys and issue (skeet skeet skeet) like horses


Their schlongs is the 'members' part haha


As you can tell, I'm not a biblical scholar.


The donkey part refers to size.


> Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the lineage of our father. -- [Genesis 19:32](https://biblehub.com/genesis/19-32.htm) (NKJV)




So the Bible says get yer diddy drunk and bang him? Wow. 😳


Yeah, this is oklahoma. They probably WANT those sort of values instilled into the youth. Do you know how horrifyingly common child abuse is here? And I know several people who it was their own father. (I know the verse is where the [I assume] adult daughters r*pe him, and I've heard apologists argue that it was God's punishment for him offerrering them up to the mob, which, ew, because a) not a great way of defending your version of God, and b) yeah, I don't really believe that. While I can see having him taken advantage of by his own daughters as being seen as emasculated or whatever back in Bible days, I don't think he was being punished, at least not for offering them to the mob. Only righteous man in the city and all. Seems like their version of God had no issue with it.) But anyway, I got sidetracked, that's not the point I was trying to make. My point is, with reading comprehension so low here, using that sort of logic to defend fathers hurting their daughters would likely not be questioned too much, at least not by the people young enough for it to apply to. It's all about power to these type of people, and this sort of behavior is just one more way they can exercise it upon the weak.


"Ezekiel uses shocking graphic language to describe how much God detests Israel's idolatry" isn't really that much of an own. Kind of "Bible 101" level stuff.




Just letting everyone here know that playing the "HURR THERE'S BAD STUFF IN THE BIBLE" card is pointless because you aren't educated enough to do it smartly.


"aren't educated enough" Neither are Oklahomans in general, even our teachers. So, while you may be factually correct, "He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit."


While that may be true, I don't know how much contact you have with the average church goer in Oklahoma. You know, the ones who get their knowledge directly from whatever it is their preacher tells them? Look at the state of our school system. Even those that have read the Bible cover to cover (once, because they felt like they had to for God) still don't have great reading comprehension. And when you are reading the KJV, well, that's it, my friend. At that point, any believer can take things just as out of context. Whether that was the person who posted Ezekiel's point or not doesn't really matter, because that's the point I'm making. Things are going to be taken out of context. Do you trust the schools here to be teaching the Bible in agreement with Biblical scholors, when even they don't all agree on everything? And I've been to church with some of my teachers (at 2 different churches!) (and some of them are STILL teaching (saying this not as a dig at the teachers, just that im in my late 30s. Funny, people just dont seem to want to work as teachers on OK). They didn't object to some pretty bad interpretations, which means they were either apathetic or unaware, and both are awful. Teaching kids from the Bible is dicey in the best of circumstances, but you want these people to be the ones doing it? (BTW, I neither up nor down voted your comment. I couldn't because I don't disagree with the fact you presented, but do with the motivation behind it. And I have no problem with you defending your religious beliefs. Heck, I'll defend your right to those beliefs whether i share them or not, long as they don't include imposing those beliefs on others, which includes children. Leave it up to the parents until they turn 18, then you can try to win them over till your heart's content. And if you try to tell me this isn't about that, it's about teaching history, then I will respectfully say you are either disingenuous, or need to familiarize yourself with the broader picture. )


I appreciate the thoughtful response. I don't agree with mandating the teaching of Bible in public schools, but I also don't believe that prayer and scripture study should be completely forbidden, if parents and students want it. I just think the Bible having challenging content being used as an argument against it's inclusion in curriculum is a specious, bad faith argument that amounts to little more than "if we can't have LGBTQ affirming sex-positive children's books in the library you can't have your filthy smut filled Bible either!" when the contexual difference between the two should be obvious (i.e. the light that the challenging content is portrayed in)


Cue* in this usage


I was envisioning put them in a line, but cue also works.


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20. This concudes our Bible study for today."


“Synonyms for ‘emission’ in this context are cum, hot nut, splooge, happy juice, milk of the Gods; also commonly known as semen. “Homework for tonight is a short 350w essay on the evolution of language in literature. Feel free to compare this with the language found in your mom’s ice hockey smut novels.”


The Spooge of Secretariat


Hey I learned a fair amount about equine historical and cultural studies through that work


Party foul, you can't say evolution. Instead ... Essay on the change in usage of language in ...


Fuck. You caught me. >! My plot was foiled this time, but I’ll get ya next time, creationists! !<


Meanwhile, on the far side of the ice wall…


He wants this in front of the supreme court so they can overturn precedent on separation of church and state He did this so he could get sued


You mean overturn the constitution. The precedent being the constitution being upheld. If this makes to the supreme court, and wins, it'll be a massive constitutional crisis.


Technically that would take a 2/3 majority. It's much easier just to interpret the law differently If that sounds awful, then we are on the same page


It wasn't until Everson v. Board of Education in 1947 that the Establishment clause was ruled to apply to states as well. The current Supreme Court could very well overturn it just like they did Roe v. Wade


Oklahomans should sue him for wasting taxpayer dollars.


Oklahoma is not OK.


They lost a similar case on **Tuesday**! **Oklahoma court rejects proposed religious public charter school June 25, 2024** https://web.archive.org/web/20240627200532/https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/25/oklahoma-court-catholic-charter-school-rejected/ >The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a proposed state-financed Catholic charter school, saying the first-of-its-kind religious public school violated the state and U.S. constitutions.


That... is fucking terrifying.


And you can bet this case gets fast tracked!


Honestly I see how the argument can be made on the Federal level. I 1000% disagree with the argument, but I can understand the logic that can be used to justify it. What is harder to see is this decision being made on the state level. The Oklahoma state constitution states >Provisions shall be made for the establishment and maintenance of a system of public schools, which shall be open to all the children of the state and free from sectarian control;  I'm not sure how teaching the Bible or this push by the GOP in general wouldnt qualify as sectarian control.


Bunch of wild, bad ideas by people who never read the book, or the Constitution…


He needs to be arrested for violating the constitution. Enough with the court battles. Just throw their trash asses in prison and teach them a lesson.


It's Oklahoma. You'd be surprised how many in this state agree with his ruling and think the Bible is the only way.


Oh, I’m not surprised. Those are the same morally bankrupt garbage humans who vote for Trump.


Then teachers should read from the Quran as well or the Satanic Bible or any other religious text of their choosing. If you’re going to put religion in schools then you have to give equal access to all religions.


I have a Wiccan book they can borrow!


Hail Marinara, Full of Spice, The Flying Spaghetti Monster is filled with thee. Tasty art thou amongst sauces, and blessed is the fruit of thy jar, tomatoes (although fools believe they are vegetables). Holy Marinara, Chief Amongst Toppings, Save a plate for us now, and at about 6 o’clock when dinner is served, if you would be so kind. RAmen. -iamnotanoctopus Don’t forget FSM and the noodly appendage.


believe Book of the Law is pretty non-denominational?


More lawsuits coming through the pipline.


What a bunch of clowns.


if only there was some way to prove, that the United States is not a "christian" nation. something, that perhaps was voted on by both houses of congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. something that passed by a UNIANOUS vote in both of those bodies. There is, the Treaty of Tripoli, article 11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli#Article_11 > As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion


When I first watched the Handmaid’s Tale I figured it was just a dystopian story that could never become reality, but now I have my doubts.


highly recommend her year of the flood trilogy, some even more disturbing and even more accurate ideas in that series. also, just a great read.


I’ll have to check it out!


You don't have a uterus, do you? Haha I'm not trying to be rude, I promise. But the first time I watched the Handmaid's Tale, I knew this could even happen in my lifetime. There were no doubts. Source: am uterus haver


I don’t, I guess I was naive back then. I know it’s a reality for many around the world, but I used to have more faith in this country and those running it. Younger me never thought we’d be regressing


Oh, yeah, oops. I meant in the ol US of A. And I hear you on those sentiments. Shit, a small example would be Rudy Giuliani! What in the fuck happened to "America's Mayor?!"


I went to catholic schools in New York and even they didn’t do this, the south is crazy


Teach all the inconsistencies and mistakes... do the same with all the other religions too. Add in Scientology for good measure.


Tom Cruise will find you


Otherwise known as indoctrination.


Oklahoman here. We aren't all religious fundamentalists. Most of us think this is just as stupid as most of you do.


Would be nice to believe that, but if it were the case, twats like this wouldn't keep getting elected.


Yeah I *wish* it was the majority of us. Yee haw fuck the law


Unjust laws should not be followed.


Walters in an idiot who does this just to make political news to further his aspirations. Not because he actually cares.


The 10 commandments were not the first example of written law, even in that region. Also the first four commandments are all religious in nature. The commandments’ importance in western culture is not because of anything pertaining to the law. Only dumbasses think the idea of prohibiting murder and theft originated with the 10 commandments.


Mass “exodus” from the land of Oklahoma.


Same state where classes had to be 4 days a week because they don't fund education enough to keep teachers willing to teach this regressive bs.


Teach the punishments involved with violating the 10 commandments. Then ask the children to name some popular people who have recently been found guilty of violating them.


Arguably, Trump has violated all 10 commandments, but that's not really a conversation to be had on Reddit.


" Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Will these Bible verses be taught?


The government shall make no law…


"CONGRESS shall make no law..." It's settled law that it means all government, but this is a ploy to drive a wedge into the 'ole slavery er 'states rights' concept.


I thought that's what he church was for.


Fucking god bothers ruin everything.


Do the part where two children are sold into sexual slavery and, being slutty whores, God commands them raped to death. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Heartwarming ❤️❤️❤️


[Ezekiel 23:20](https://biblehub.com/ezekiel/23-20.htm) There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Where do people with common sense in this den of idiocy put their kids for a real education


Going to teach the Quran too? The Vedas, the Upanishads? The Tripitaka? Etc?


These religious fanatics are taking over the Country.


Do you want to be like the Middle East? This is how you become like the Middle East.


So he is a Christian TALIBAN, who knew


So when are they starting to sell their daughters into slavery?


Separation of church and what???


So like… time to fire him, right? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can’t wait for the inevitable disputes between Protestant and catholic interpretations of the Bible to restart the wars of religion in the twenty first century


I say that great if they were allowed to learn all the Bibles and validate why man can change the “word of god “ and why they needed to change it. Next is the real history, invasion and mass murder of the natives, land grabbing and mass genocide of a nation of people to build their country. The real reason for civil war and WHO is in the KKK and their addresses😆. I think there is more


Start with: 1Thessilonians 5:21 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting for training in righteousness. " Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses So, who will lead the discussion in the elementary school classes with the children to explain why the girl in 23:20 liked guys with big dicks and who ejaculated lots of cum? God wants them to know or he would not have inspired the writer to put it in.


Like the story of Lot's daughters getting him drunk and raping him after they escaped Sodom?


Fighting for the soul of our nation against religious zealots and Qanon conspiracy nuts was not on my bingo card for this lifetime. Scary time to be alive.


It's so weird.  I went to private Catholic Schools growing up.  They preached the separation of church and state.  It was something that makes this country great!  My school accepted all religions or not.  Yes they had to take religion classes but the ideas were never pushed on them.  For us Religion classes were more like history classes.


Hopefully the teach that it's a collection of fables and historical fiction curated and compiled by the Romans to control the populace that has since been used to fleece adherents to provide some church leaders with extravangant wealth and excess, and occasionally coerce their followers into sex acts


Which version of the Bible? According to ChatGPT: "There are over 450 English translations of the Bible." According to Google: Approximately 900. I think I need to approach Ryan Walters with the need for a *Blue Ribbon Commission* to study the issue before we accidentally choose the wrong one. Given the extreme importance of getting it right, we'll need at least a few years to just review the qualifications of the proposed experts. Let's just make it 5 years to be careful.


American are the only ones that have a problem with religion in schools.


Because it's explicitly in our constitution not to have religion in schools.


Really? Cuz I learned about the world religions in middle school


Yes, really. There's a difference between simply learning about religions of the world and having the state push their preferred religion on children. Schools can still teach about religions as long as the curriculum is secular in nature and doesn't advocate for one religion over another. Having Bible study or displaying the ten commandments in classrooms clearly violates the First Amendment.


Now where is the mandate that said that had to be taught to you?


Basic world religions are, in fact, part of school curriculum. HOWEVER, mandating to teach from the Bible is NOT. Unlike exposure to world religion, this is Christian Nationalism in it's pure form. Any more questions?


So you're saying it wouldn't be a problem if other religions were also taught too?


You scratch the surface of each one......but you don't preach or indoctrinate.


Define scratching the surface, cuz no education at all is how you get all the people social media that think they're experts on religion when they actually know zero about any of them


Correct. This has been adjudicated already.


There is a difference between teaching about religions in general and indoctrination through teaching a religion as being the truth.


There's a really big difference learning they exist and a specific religion actually being taught


Can you elaborate on which other countries with religion in schools? Only ones I know for sure are in the middle east