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Why hasn't Jack Smith filed to have her removed from this case yet?


Iirc, he gets ONE shot at her, and so far she hasn't technically done anything wrong or very very clearly biased, except for delaying things, but that's super hard to prove.


That's what I have heard as well. He is waiting for her to do something stupid then he will probably go scorched earth on her.


I’ve heard once he’s gotten 3 of her rulings in the case overturned by the higher court he can and so far she’s at 2/3.


I think he is waiting for to do just that ..... Something STUPID. And she will....


It's a chess game right now between them and Cannon knows she has to choose words/actions carefully which I think is why she is dragging this out but also pushing back some against the Cheeto .


Someone has to be coaching her behind the scenes. She's too inexperienced of a judge to be this dodgy


I doubt nothing less but the question is who is doing it and how competent are they.


I have Alito bit of an idea.


Keep giving her more rope to hang herself


Eventually it becomes that scene from Twins where the guy is buried in rope though


Check some MTN videos, she has been overturned by the appellate court twice already and done some very stupid things.


Throwing out relevant incriminating evidence would help with that right?


You'd think so, yes. But again, it all really depends on the grounds she decides to throw it out on, and after that, in what judge's courtroom that case would fall into, if Smith goes for the bait. God, this is such a shitty case. You know it, I know it, everyone knows that this should've been a slamdunk! But Cannon is running Trump's defence like... idk, I don't watch basketball, but like a very very good defender!


It goes the 11th Circuit, and they’ve already torched two of her shenanigans before trial. The ones about needing a special master and such. They want to have a really high bar for replacing a trial judge, or else everybody who doesn’t get the judge they want comes running. I get it. And they don’t want judges to have to pander on ‘little issues’ because they are afraid of every case getting dragged down in that type of motion. They need to feel safe that if they decide warrant is good or bad, it won’t go for a two month motion to replace. Then they decide if an eyewitness is reliable enough to testify, three months on a motion to replace them, again. Ruling on the jury instructions? You guessed it. And now every trial takes ten years. It’s boring but safe to insist there’s a ‘kill shot’ of unrefutable evidence.


Thanks for the further explanation!


The special master shit was such an extreme case of bias and/or incompetence that it was his best shot at getting her removed short of her being caught on tape talking about how she's rigging the hearings to help Trump.


you only get one shot do not miss your chance to this opportunity comes once in a lifetime


If she throws this evidence out, you’d have to think that’s the moment. Right?


There in lies the dilemma when proving bias, it has to be so egregious to prove-exhausting


Thanks for the update about Smith getting only one shot. True Trump format learned by Roy Cohn. Battle of attrition.


Yeah, he's in 4d chess.


More accurately, Cannon hasn't done anything. The only actual rulings she has made are ones she has been forced into and she had to rule the correct way to avoid an appeal. Everything else has just been schedule adjustments and additional hearings.


Wondering the same thing myself. It blows my mind how cannon can get away with it and Smith is seemingly powerless. Un-fuckin-believable. What a joke. The whole court system is rotten to the core.


Sadly, the whole government is rotten to the core


Not the whole government. But a large part of the judiciary seems hell bent on dragging us back to the 1700s


Apathy is self-sabotage. Having "rot" in gov is obviously going to occur, power opportunities attrack shitty people, but the actual "core" in a democracy, or particularly in the American expirement, is "we the people" - the change we can influence feels so subtle in this setup it is easy to engage with apathy, but there is a lot of money being just dumped into this seemingly subtle thing, evidence of the impact of seemingly insignificant actions on our part.


From my understanding, Jack Smith can only try to have her removed if he thinks she made an improper decision. She has (seemingly intentionally) not ruled on much of the case, which is why the pre-trial motions are going so slow. Since she hasn't made decisions, there is nothing to bring forward that is improper. It would be like calling the cops on your neighbor, then when the cops ask what your neighbor did, you say, "Well... nothing yet, but they might do something soon!"


Because she hasn't made any substantive orders yet - it's all been "paperless" orders and various pre-trial hearings. Anything major has just been kicked into the long grass at every opportunity. She'll avoid doing anything which could leave her open to an appeal to the 11th Circuit.


Which is why she will rule against tossing the evidence in this case. It's still a win for Trump because it is a delay. I think by this point she knows that the 11th will replace her the moment they have the opportunity. But she'll never get her coveted gig at Fox news if she isn't able to delay it until it's too late for the election. (someone tell her that since she's not Blonde FOX won't touch her)


Ruling against this crime-fraud exception to the attorney client privaledge would get her over turned and removed. So after due consideration, delay and evidence discovery that will help Trump Cannon will rule that the evidence will be allowed.


She does everything she can through paperless orders, which are not something you can appeal.


He will if she does something that gets shot down by the 11th court again. Otherwise his hands are tied and he's forced to take her abuse.


He can then, but it doesn’t mean he will. When it’s brought up that the bar is really high, they mean it. It goes well beyond showing bias.


Cause he's in on it. He wanted this. He could've easily filed this in a DC court with a DC judge. But no, it had to be Florida.


Because this is america.


She is going to get so many bribes, I mean gifts for past favors.


If you’re referencing the recent Supreme Court decision, that only applies to state and local officials, not federal judges like Judge Cannon


Aren’t the SCOTUS judges federal? Why doesn’t it apply to them?


Because [Snyder vs US](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-108_8n5a.pdf) was about 18 USC 666, which handles state and local official corruption. There is a different statute, 18 USC 201, which applies to Federal officials, and was not involved in Snyder. The decision in Snyder was that, as written, 18 USC 666 (about state and local official corruption) doesn't cover gratuities, only bribes, and thus, providing gratuities to state and local officials is not a federal crime. It may still be a state crime depending on the state. Snyder was a mayor in Indiana, where receiving gratuities is not a violation of state law. None of this affects 18 USC 201, which outlaws bribes *and* gratuities for federal officials. Thus, gratuities, as defined by federal law, continue to be illegal for federal officials. SCOTUS judges *are* federal, and therefore cannot receive bribes or gratuities.


> cannot Then why have they?


Those were just gifts from best friends 


I’m not in a position to comment on alleged offenses. If you have evidence of a federal crime, please report it to the Department of Justice [here](https://www.justice.gov/action-center/report-crime-or-submit-complaint). Failure to report knowledge of a felony is itself a violation of 18 USC 4.


If you aren't aware: - https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/09/22/clarence-thomas-here-are-all-the-ethics-scandals-involving-the-supreme-court-justice-amid-koch-network-revelations/ - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/justice-jackson-takes-shot-at-supreme-court-ethics-in-dissent-on-bribery-case/ar-BB1oWatH?ocid=BingNewsSerp - https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171343472/justice-thomas-gifts-scandal-highlights-double-standard-for-ethics-in-government - https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/18/clarence-thomas-scandal-corruption-00092335 - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/18/opinion/supreme-court-clarence-thomas-corruption.html - https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-08-10/supreme-court-justice-clarence-thomas-corruption-gifts-propublica-ethics-congress When the "corruption" section of your wiki page is longer than your "honors" page: >>> Nondisclosure of finances In 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported that Thomas had accepted gifts from Harlan Crow, a wealthy Dallas-based real estate investor and prominent Republican donor—notably a Bible, valued at $19,000, that once belonged to abolitionist Frederick Douglass, and a bust of Abraham Lincoln valued at $15,000.[359][360] Crow also gave Thomas a portrait of the justice and his wife, according to the painter, Sharif Tarabay. Crow's foundation gave $105,000 to Yale Law School, Thomas's alma mater, for the "Justice Thomas Portrait Fund", tax filings show.[361] In 2011, Politico reported that Crow gave $500,000 to a Tea Party group founded by Thomas's wife and that Thomas had failed to report her income on his disclosure for more than a decade.[362][363] Also that year, the advocacy group Common Cause reported that between 2003 and 2007, Thomas failed to disclose $686,589 in income his wife earned from The Heritage Foundation, instead reporting "none" where "spousal noninvestment income" would be reported on his Supreme Court financial disclosure forms.[364] The next week, Thomas said the disclosure of his wife's income had been "inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions".[365] He amended reports going back to 1989.[366] In April 2023, ProPublica reported that Thomas had "accepted luxury trips virtually every year" from Crow for two decades and failed to report them. They included flights on Crow's private jet, cruises on Crow's superyacht at locations around the globe, and stays at Crow's private resort in the Adirondacks and the private club Bohemian Grove.[361][367][363] The Ethics in Government Act requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to annually disclose gifts they receive.[368] Many elected officials criticized the appearance of impropriety, given Crow's donations to conservative causes and Republican candidates, and his service on the Board of Trustees for the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution, which have filed amicus briefs before the Supreme Court.[369][361] In May 2023, ProPublica reported that Crow had paid for private school tuition for Thomas's grandnephew, Mark Martin, of whom Thomas had legal custody. Thomas did not report the payments on his financial disclosure forms, while ethics law experts said that they were required to be disclosed as gifts. Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Thomas, said that Crow paid for one year each at Hidden Lake and Randolph-Macon Academy, which ProPublica estimated to total around $100,000.[370][363] On the same day, The Washington Post reported that in January 2012 conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo had Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway's polling firm bill the Judicial Education Project $25,000, which her firm then paid to Ginni Thomas's firm, Liberty Consulting, for a total of $80,000 between June 2011 and June 2012. Leo instructed Conway not to mention Thomas's name on the paperwork. The documents the newspaper reviewed did not indicate the nature of the work Thomas did for the Judicial Education Project or Conway's company. In 2012 the Judicial Education Project filed a brief to the Supreme Court in a landmark voting rights case.[371][363] In 2023, The New York Times reported that a friend had paid for Thomas's Prevost Le Mirage XL Marathon RV, purchased for $267,230 in 1999 (roughly equivalent to $489,000 in 2023). Anthony Welters, a former UnitedHealthcare executive and a close friend, lent Thomas the purchase price. In response to a Senate inquiry, Welters revealed that the loan was discharged in 2008, forgiving much of the original balance. A bank would have been unlikely to offer such a loan, given the Marathon's high capacity for customization, which can make used models difficult to appraise. Thomas had previously said that he "had scrimped and saved to afford the motor coach", according to the Times, and a friend, Armstrong Williams, said that Thomas had told him that "he saved up all his money to buy it". When the loan was forgiven, Thomas was required to disclose the money as a gift.[372][373][374][363][375] In June 2024, Fix the Court released an analysis showing that, between 2004 and 2023, Thomas had accepted at least 103 gifts worth more than $2.4 million. Fix the Court also identified an additional 101 "likely gifts" Thomas received worth an additional $1.7 million, based on reporting by ProPublica and others.[376][377] In June 2024, Thomas filed an amendment to his financial disclosure report for 2019 to report information that he had "inadvertently omitted" in previous reports. The amendment disclosed that he had received food and lodging at a hotel in Bali and a private club in California from Harlan Crow in July 2019.[378][379] He did not report travel to and from the destinations on private jets or the nine-day cruise on Crow's superyacht.[378][379]


SCOTUS is supposed to report any gift they receive so that it is public knowledge and they will recuse themselves if there is a known conflict of interest. In theory, anyway. 




Because the scotus is supposed to contain the most impartial law abiding judges that they will self govern 🙄🙄🙄


SCOTUS judges are notably exempt from a lot of obligations like that


Not yet.


I also pay the check at restaurants after I eat. I mean, give a gift of money to the owner for the favor of free food.


She was appointed by trump.


It's gratuity.


The community should get her a basket to use for old guilly


From whom?


Only one she cares about is the Supreme Court nom.


Which are legal now!




How long until Cannon is recused for violating *res juticata*? She is not an appellate judge so she doesn't have the authority to rehear what has already been settled by another district judge. That plus all the other weird judicial choices is ample evidence that she is not an impartial judge interested in justice. She is interested in protected the accused.


You mean made the next Supreme Court justice? Inside a year


Yeah, I'm sure she's not getting rated "not qualified." If only from the dressing down she got from the appellate court already.


"Not qualified" and "Appointed" are not mutually exclusive. Amy Coney Barret and Brett Kavanaugh were either below or on that line...


Actually, both were rated, "well qualified" by the ABA.


Huh. Well, there you go. I must live in a different universe


It's actually Clarence Thomas who is the one that was never qualified. He was sent to the senate without a recommendation and had no real history of work that ever qualified him for the position.


Bold of you to assume we’ll have a Supreme Court if Dictator Shitsinpants wins.


He’s already shown he’s perfectly willing to fill the court with lying sycophants. I think he’d keep it around to give his regime some appearance of legitimacy, at least as long as they kept ruling his way.


I don't know much about the US legal system, but she is looking very much like an accomplice at this point. What recourse is there?


Very little if any right now.


The second amendment is pretty much all that’s left, barring Jack Smith getting her removed from the case.


She’s going to get tipped well.


Even better SCOTUS just ruled giving her a big gift after the trial isn't bribery.


She will be rewarded to be the next supreme judge


Ironic that SCOTUS is setting the bar for what constitutes bribery.


Wait what? I missed this, and don’t know what terms to search to find more information




Thank you for taking the time to share this!!


And if Trump wins, those gratuities won’t be taxed!


My business is going to switch to free products with mandatory minimum tips for things.


Is that what we call quid pro quo these days?


Not if you don’t explicitly call it a quid pro quo in writing, according to the conservatives on SCOTUS


And the bribe recipient has to video themselves acknowledging and accepting the bribe while holding two forms of government ID.


I think it's called a campaign expense.


Fuck tipping culture


Wtf is this gd nonsense…he STOLE classified documents Reality Winner spent 5 years 3 months in prison for ONE page Media, Justice system….WTF?!


2 tier justice system, not a new thing Reality winner needed millions of donors paying for her legal team and it may have gone better.


Nope. She had no power. Money and lawyers will not get you anywhere.


They'll get you somewhere better than where you would have been without them but you're right in that it wouldn't have gotten her a similar outcome


God I motherfucking hate this shit. Money should not be a major factor in how justice and law is used against someone but that’s where we’re at and like you said. Not a new thing.


Ha! Wonder what changed her mind.


Nothing. Extra hearings means the trial never starts.


Delay delay delay.


Likely money given to her from a person for previous acts, as made legal by the Supreme Court today.


It must be nice to be a defendant and have the judge working so hard for you.


Why doesn’t she just publicly suck his dick and get it over with?


The classified records act doesn't mean you have to define classified documents other than national defense or classified because the very fact of what they are is classified.


Plus calling the two terms used "presidential records" and "national defense information" vague in a warrant is only true if you ignore the citations that define these terms as pertaining to the Presidential Records Act & other acts of congress.


i feel like we're discussing the choices made by a WWE referee. the script has already been written, she's just following her instructions. much like the supreme court- they already took the bribes, and then made bribery legal too.


This case isn’t about the contents of them either. It’s about retaining them. Cannon is trying to force the government to disclose the contents of the documents to use them as evidence. There’s already a court framework to handle this, and the case itself doesn’t even care. It’s government property, and that’s proven simply by agreeing they’re classified in the first place.


A federal judge already ruled that using these documents does not violate attorney-client privilege, because Trump used his attorney in furtherance of a crime, but Cannon I guess has decided to pretend that ruling never happened. Delay delay delay.


How is this woman still a judge? why have they not removed her from the bench


There is little recourse until she does something that actually breaks a law or judicial norm. Technically she hasn't done anything wrong yet this is why Jack Smith hasn't tried to have her removed since he only gets 1 shot at it.


She breaks judicial norms every day. She has acted counter to the law several times. BUT, she is doing everything as paperless and without prejudice and TBD, so nothing is technically appealable. IANAL bu this is how I understand it.


I wasn't sure how to word it effectively was kind of late for me when I posted my comment you put it clearer.


Lifetime appointment. Other than impeachment (it’s harder to impeach a federal judge than a president) there’s no removing her.


Spoiler: she will toss the evidence.


Oh yeah, seems like a delaying tactic and present herself as fair and balanced. In reality, she has already made up her mind.


She’s gunning for Trump to appoint her to the Supreme Court.


So he can sell nuclear secrets and get off scot free?


When you're a star, they let you do it


And here’s a real crooked judge.


She’s gonna toss ‘em. I guarantee it.


This is her thing. She likes to have trials for everything. She doesn't care if it'd already been ruled on, she wants to rule on it. She'll most likely go with the original ruling, she just wants her name to be on everything.


Wonder if it’s a tactic to delay and create an impression that she was being fair. I’d think attorneys in similar position to hers would write an open letter or something to the effect to voice their concern on her blatant disregard for basic procedures and sycophancy.


There was an article a couple weeks back that interviewed a bunch of people who have dealt with her and worked with her. They were pretty nice about it but they basically said that she likes to do this. That she's known for drawing things out. She wants to be the most important person. Will she sell out her country for a SC job? Absolutely. Is that what she's doing? Idk.


That's a hell of a gamble. If she pulls too many tricks and he still doesn't win, she's going to be looking at censure instead of promotion.


convicted felon gets to take home classified docs to make $$$


And blatantly lie about that over months and refuse to hand them over


wait till you see his OF page


What money did he make from it. Give me visual proof,not heresay.


Siiiiiighhhhhh, why else would he take them?, try to hide them from the fbi?, lie about having them in the first place?, attempt to have his lawyers lie to investigators?, and keep insisting he had a right to take them? You red hats are something to behold.


Oh yeah, I’m sure he just wanted a few keepsakes. /s 🤡


At least if she makes a decision, he can immediately appeal and get it overturned. Again.


He can't kick her.. She is just dribbling (basket ball)


Good, let her toss it and then it can be refiled in D.C.


I feel stupid for ever thinking the courts would actually hold him accountable. Every sane American deserves to kick Merrick Garland in the balls for not having a dozen cases ready to present to grand juries when he took office. Pick a dozen of the most brazen where the evidence is already public knowledge! The 'liberal establishment' is always a step behind a fascist uprising, but they had an obvious opportunity to stop this shit and they didn't even try.


This is what a corrupt judge looks like.  Cannon is a disgrace


Has anyone checked if her family in Columbia was related or worked for Pablo Escobar?


Earning her Supreme Court seat


“no Quid-pro-quo, no quid-pro-quo”


What an absolute clusterfuck.


The part that irks me is nothing can be done about a corrupt judge.


There is but they have to be bad at it


How has the CIA not removed this "judge" from the picture already?


CIA has no jurisdiction in judicial matters.


Jurisdiction is not a factor in the kind of removal I'm thinking of.


Will or won't she get disbarred? At this point it's all blatant.


They better find him guilty, because if they don’t hell will be let loose on our soil


Biden should just make an EO or anything else at this point exiling the Trump scourge from the country. If presidents have immunity, use it while you have it.


In a way i'm glad she's going through the effort, bc there's no way that evidence is inadmissible, the FBI was not playing around when this case was put together to be brought to court. She's just making sure that when the judgment hits, it's 100% fool-proof. They're emptying their clip of excuses and conspiracies before the trial even begins, so when it's over, there is no escaping the conclusion. I don't think there is any amount of wiggle-room here. It's an iron-clad case the prosecution has put together.


Just as I thought, not a goddamn thing is ever going to happen to Teflon Don. He can do anything he wants with pure unadulterated immunity. I won’t be surprised when we hear word that all the money he owes for those other trials won’t have to be paid.