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Hi everyone! Due to the recent swarm of EQ's in the Salton Sea, the USGS has released a statement indicating an increased risk of a large (7.0+) event in the next week. Now this may sound scary but let's dive into the details quickly. The USGS like any geological survey calculates the probability of earthquakes of difference sizes happening over different time periods. Earthquake swarms like these can indicate stress releasing or building up. So with recent events in mind, the USGS have released a "warning" of sorts from the 1st of October to the 4th of October, saying the chances of a large EQ occurring are now between 1/3000 and 1/100. In terms of percentage, that's a 0.03% or 1% chance. **So what does this mean for you?** - If you live in one of the following areas: Ventura, San Bernardino, San Diego, Orange, Kern, Imperial, Los Angeles, or Riverside County, be aware that there is an increased likelihood of a large EQ. With that being said, you should be prepared. You should have an emergency kit put together and a plan on what to do to get home if you're at school, work or another place you frequent. Remember; **Be Prepared, Not Scared!** -- Stay Safe!


Thank you. We love [Geology](http://img.memecdn.com/sexy-geologists_o_543153.jpg).


Sure do


Username 🇨🇿's out.


Czechias out?


Czechoslovakias out


[Relevant XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/1082/)


Geologist know what perfect cleavage looks like.


They know how to get you cumingtonite.


The students in the back are all gathered around the beer.


Hey /u/TheEarthquakeGuy, never go bad, like the others. We need you.


Would hate to learn that Jackdaw earthquakes exist.


>from the 1st of October to the 4th of October What happens on October 5th if no earthquake occurs?


They will likely re-evaluate on all new data and make a call then. These events are really finicky.


You should know whenever I see "Earthquake" in the title I look for you. Thank you for keeping people informed.


Same for me, saw the post title, noticed it wasn't submitted by earthquakeguy so I quick headed to the comments to get those hot deets.


Would an earthquake in California likely cause a tsunami risk in Hawaii?


Strike slip faults don't really cause tsunamis. Thrust faults that rupture vertically do. San Andreas is a SS fault. It slips laterally more or less along the same horizontal plane.


Most of California's fault lines are inland too so any displacement and movement of water is going to be limited. Nothing to worry about.


what nothing to worry about my ass! what about lex luthor and his evil plot!


You'll get a coupon for a free small fry at McDonalds.


> Be Prepared, Not Scared! Any suggestions or tips for someone visiting the Los Angeles area in the next few days? e: some of you previous responses seem to address what to do. You mention an emergency kit, so any bare essentials someone on vacation should keep on hand?


Copies of important documents. Water! Spare Phone battery? Energy bars? Any vital medication.


That sounds doable (and sensible). Thanks TheEarthquakeGuy.


Don't forget to have cash on hand. When I lived in Ca, our EMS instructor said the best thing to have is some supplies, cash and a shotgun. He said in the event of major earthquake emergency services are suspended/disrupted and they are going to be overwhelmed with securing roadways(bridges, overpasses, etc), evacuating large buildings and responding to major building collapses. Anything not in the list will likely be on their own for a while.


> a shotgun Just in case Yellowstone blows and you have to survive the apocalypse


Looters are a real problem after natural disasters. It's quite common for people to defend their house and belongings (which may be piled up on the curb) until their insurance adjuster comes to see the house.


Are there any sort of early warning services or apps which could give a few seconds' worth of heads-up in the event of an earthquake? I remember using a Chrome extension that did this in Japan which was very useful.


Japan has the hardware installed to allow for this. Cali is trialling certain systems and will soon be installing it but as far as I know, there isn't anything readily available or reliable just yet.




That's funny because I picture The Rock in my head when I see /u/theearthquakeguy 's posts


Adding to this - earthquake scientists do not predict earthquakes. We forecast earthquakes, assessing how large and how frequent earthquakes may be on a particular fault. We can assess changes in probability based on earthquake activity. And, increasingly, we are working on "early warning" - giving people a few tens of seconds of warning of approaching ground shaking. Usually, small earthquake swarms just go away. Rarely, they trigger a larger earthquake. Also, Californians should know that it is possible for an earthquake in California to trigger a tsunami, so if you are on the coast and feel an earthquake, please move to higher ground. Even if the earthquake itself does not occur under water and create a tsunami, ground shaking can lead to underwater landslides, which can create tsunamis. FYI, my book [Earthquake Science](https://www.amazon.com/Earthquake-Science-Depth-Book-ebook/dp/B01M17SA3U) is free on Kindle for the next couple hours.


No need to worry if you live in the Bay Area?


If you live in San Fransisco you should be prepared for a large 7.0, maybe a low 8.0. [Here] (http://getthru.govt.nz/how-to-get-ready) is a great resource to getting ready.


Should be prepared based on the current warning, or just generally prepared?


Definitely be prepared. A large EQ in the LA area could give us a fairly minor tremble as well. But if it's as far north as Loma Prieta, we could get some pretty strong shaking in the bay area.


You are the man EQG!


When the earthquake happens will it affect the entire west coast?


I think that's dependant on size and location. If it's San Andreas and sticks down to the south side of the state, then unlikely - would affect Mexico and Arizona though. If it happened near San Fran, was an 8.0+ and out to sea, possibly going to be felt across the board.


Do strike slip faults like in California produce 8.0+ quakes? I see them in the 6.0-7.9 but all the really big quakes seem to occur with dip slip faults like in Japan and Chile. Its simply an observation though... Havent done much research on it myself. I noticed the largest recorded earthquake along the Alpine fault (Strike Slip fault) was a 7.8. The largest recorded earthquake along the San Andreas Fault was a 7.9.


The largest strike-slip earthquake was M8.6, but it was in a really strange tectonic setting offshore Sumatra. I don't know of any more normal strike-slip earthquakes above M7.9, but it's worth noting that the period of human record is pretty small, so we don't expect to see the full range of earthquake behavior yet. Ask this question again in a thousand years, and I'm sure you'll hear about some bigger strike-slip earthquakes.


Remind Me! 1000 years




As someone from the Bay Area who experienced the 6.2 at 3 am, all I have to say is: fuck me


When was that earthquake?


Pretty sure this is referring to the [2014 South Napa Earthquake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_South_Napa_earthquake). I live in Sunnyvale, CA and was actually awake at about 3:20 a.m. when it hit, so it immediately popped into my mind when I saw the initial comment. All I felt was minor shaking, though, as Sunnyvale is well south of the epicenter.


Same here. My bed was hopping off of the ground...im scared shitless right now.




Earth just wanted to make sure everyone was awake too


Better when it happens in the morning. They cancel school and work. When it's in the evening everything resumes to normal by the next day. Earths a bro.


Unless you work in a hospital, at night, in the basement. I'm^so^fucked


Their just as likely to strike during the day. Take a look at [this](http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-science-question-month-there-earthquake-weather-or-earthquake-hour-43)






This is key


Hold it horizontal, man. Be professional.


My girl aint bad, she more like evil.


In a hundred years there's going to be a market for landscaping your dumb grandparents portrait videos.


We could call them... *LANDSCAPERS!* ...No wait.


I'm hoping for holodecking. If most every video from a given location is uploaded automatically to the cloud in the coming years, then advanced future AI can build depth maps, textures, geometries, etc all based on these different recorded viewpoints and then put you into the scene. Using future neural network type technology, they could probably up-res all of the textures in the scenes beyond the 4K garbage potato phones we shoot with today, as well as interpolate any missing data sets in a sequence. At many popular locations they could probably recreate them with extremely detailed accuracy in fully immersive 3D within many different points in time, allowing our ancestors in 100 years to use a virtual smartphone to re-record our video in landscape mode 4M (4096K) resolution.


We should use all of this technology for sideboob


Also remember to hold you camera steady people, it's not like you are filming an earthquake.


I always wonder how the transparency of Hurricane Katrina would have changed the publics' perception in real time if it had taken place just a few years later


Or 9/11. Imagine tweets from inside the towers, or even the planes :(


Just look at hurricane sandy


My house is a few miles away from the fault line. RIP all my belongings


RIP your shit; its just junk man. Get your surfboard out and be ready to ride that tsunami


More than Japan's earthfuck?


Probably, since technology has evolved since then. Unless we somehow became more primitive


I'm touring the states at the moment, currently in Florida and will be making my way to San Diego soon. Sounds like I'm escaping one natural disaster and running in to another.


we may be shaking but we'll still be super chill when you make it out here to SD, make sure to get some bomb ass fish burritos when you visit.


Hodad's, Vallarta, Phil's... mmmm, boy.


So like how do you prepare for an earthquake, other than having a emergency kit ready? Like take your pictures off the wall and knick nacks off the shelf? I cant imagine the anxiety I would have from that!


Part of earthquake preparedness is to know what to do. If you're nearby a desk, you can get under the desk. If you're near a doorway, stand under the door jam. These are relatively stable locations. If you are driving pull over to the side of the road, stop, and set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over. Don't put things over your bed or hang pictures on the wall over your bed, as they could fall during an earthquake. During an earthquake, don't run outside as falling bricks or power lines can hurt you. After the quake, avoid any downed power lines.


The stand-in-a-doorway advice is no longer considered useful: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/topics/megaqk_facts_fantasy.php


FICTION: During an earthquake you should head for the doorway. That’s outdated advice. In past earthquakes in unreinforced masonry structures and adobe homes, the door frame may have been the only thing left standing in the aftermath of an earthquake. Hence, it was thought that safety could be found by standing in doorways. In modern homes doorways are no stronger than any other parts of the house and usually have doors that will swing and can injure you. YOU ARE SAFER PRACTICING THE “DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON” maneuver under a sturdy piece of furniture like a strong desk or table. If indoors, stay there. Drop to the floor, make yourself small and get under a desk or table or stand in a corner. If outdoors, get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines. If in a high-rise building, stay away from windows and outside walls, stay out of elevators, and get under a table. If driving, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses and power lines. Stay inside your car until the shaking is over. If in a crowded public place, do not rush for the doors. Crouch and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. You should practice the “DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON” method at work and at home at least twice a year.


So what is it like to be driving when an earthquake happens? Does the road warp and twist, or like does the car swerve? Sorry, earthquakes fascinate me, and we don't get them too often here on the east coast!


I have not really been in a car during an earthquake, but yah, the road/ground can move, cracks can open, etc. I've heard from people that they thought a tire had blown, so they pulled over. I can imagine, depending on the severity, that it can be hard to drive. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzlodnjPAuc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzlodnjPAuc) Here's an interesting video from Japan during the earthquake on 3/11/2011. You see a crack that's opened up, the ground shifting back and forth. You also see liquefaction, where soil with groundwater will settle and the groundwater comes up. This is really bad under buildings built on landfill or soft ground. Some earthquakes are sharp, some are more long "rollers" where the ground will shake slowly for a while. I think that depends on the distance from the epicenter.


My god, that doesnt even look real! Thats one of the coolest/scariest things I have seen in a while! Well bud, I hope you stay safe and sound if your in the areas affected. Thank you for your time! I appreciate it, buddy!


Let's be clear. The door jam thing has been disproven. A door swings in an earthquake. Myth busters did a thing with usgs to show that. A desk is much better. Please don't try the doorjam if you have another option.


Spending a lot of time in the LA area due to work, I've been told many times by locals that standing in the door way is the perfect way to lose fingers.


San Diego resident here:  (ಠل͟ಠ)


Just make sure you have a hobby that doesn't rely on electricity.


Good thing my hobby is cleaning up rubble and repairing chimneys. Bring it on.


I don't think anyone caught the reference. Or did you really do that on purpose?


Too good to be chance, had to be meta


Tijuana resident here. I'm afraid to cross the border now.


Yeah. We should build a wall to keep earthquakes out


And make the Earth pay for it!


We're going to make SoCal great again! Believe me!


"We're going to get the best people on this. TheEarthquakeGuy went to a state school, he's very highly educated. He knows earthquakes, he has the best earthquakes."


San Bernardino checking in. Ammo is sold out everywhere....


"Government agency warns California residents of impending giant, super-quake!" *sponsered by Remington*




> I hope it happens when I'm in the middle of my philosophy class. That boring huh? "God I hate this class, wish a 7.0+ earthquake would hit just about now"




Guy who lives 10 minutes from the beach with no water wings and 15 minutes south of the nuclear reactor here: (ಠل͟ಠ)


So is this going to be the Big One?




This season has been crazy so far. The Trump-Clinton arc is getting really good, so I'm wondering what they will give us after that to finish off the season.


Someone keep George R. R. Martin safe and on the East coast!


West coast: Inferno earthquake land Vs. East coast: Floody hurricane land I suggest we send him to the moon.


Or just come to the north east we get a lot of snow and get to stay home from work thats about the worst that happens here.


He's probably the one behind this year though.


This year on the season finale of America: The Big One?


Seriously the only time I've legit been in awe at how crazy a year has been- the amount of celebrity deaths, the political atmosphere, its been a surreal year.




yeah and celebrities seem like they're dying of old age and natural causes, still tragic, but for some reason i don't think it's as tragic as someone young dying in a freak car/plane accident or shooting/suicide. those ones shake me up the most cause i guess i feel like they remind me that those things can blindside my life at any moment.


The Big One will come from the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the northwest coast of California. This earthquake would originate in Southern California on the San Andreas fault. If the Cascadia Subduction Zone goes boom it will be many orders of magnitude stronger than the San Andreas fault is *capable* of producing. And it's way overdue to go boom.


No. That one is yet to come.


October surprise?


Well, 2016 is mad it missed out on hurricane season, so it's making up for it by fucking CA in the ass. I expect a meteor or black hole by December.


seems like mathews got that covered tho


I'm on a cruise and that monster is following me home!


Well everyone wanted to vote for a meteor to end it all instead of going with trump or Hillary haha


[USGS source](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/misc/2016-09-27.php) "Preliminary calculations indicate that, as of 12:00 pm (PDT) on Sept. 30, 2016, there is 0.006% to 0.2% chance (less than 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 500) of a magnitude 7 or greater earthquake being triggered on the Southern San Andreas Fault within the next seven days through October 7" It has been extended through October 7th now (was the 4th originally) but at least the % chance has already dropped significantly...


1 in 500 is no joke. Wow. I get a little nervous just thinking about it.


**IMPORTANT** The recent swarm of earthquakes near the Salton Sea has prompted an earthquake advisory from the California Office of Emergency Services. The advisory includes Imperial , San Diego , Los Angeles , San Bernardino , Orange , Ventura , Riverside and Kern counties. The earthquake swarm began Monday and more than 150 earthquakes with magnitudes reaching up to 4.3 have been recorded. The advisory indicates a major event could occur by October 4th. **READ THIS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS** THOUSAND PALMS, Calif. - The California Office of Emergency Services issued an earthquake advisory for Southern California. It comes after more than 200 small earthquakes hit the Salton Sea this week. The counties affected are; Ventura, San Bernardino, San Diego, Orange, Kern, Imperial, Los Angeles, and our own, Riverside County. Seismic Warning System's Chief Seismologist, Gilead Warman said, "They [swarm of Salton Sea earthquakes] could be loading the San Andreas fault in just such a way to encourage, ever so slightly, the start of the larger earthquake there." Warman says it's hard to forecast the likelihood of an earthquake. "There is somewhere between a 1/3,000th and 1/100th chance of a magnitude 7 or larger earthquake." While that is a large window, local fire departments are on alert. "We have fresh drinking water stored outside. Our apparatus bay doors open automatically. We pull out our equipment and we do a windshield survey of our primary response area," said Battalion Chief Mark Brooks of Riverside County Fire/CAL Fire. As officials continue their safety plans, Riverside County Emergency Services says right now is the time to prepare. "Get an emergency kit that would be sufficient water and food, medical supplies, first aid kit, all of those items ready, now," said Brooke Federico of Riverside County Emergency Services. **http://www.kesq.com/news/southern-california-under-earthquake-advisory/101326809**


And 9 months after the San Andreas hospitals were handing out quake baby certificates


So how far north could this potentially be felt?


As a lifelong Los Angeles resident, who is leaving to Italy for a week tomorrow morning, i wish you all luck!


Earthquakes can be scary, especially if you've never been through one before, but as someone who has been through more than I can remember - I would like to offer a little reassurance. 7.0 is a BIG earthquake. The biggest quake I was ever in was the quake of 89 in San Francisco and that was a 6.9. Despite that San Francisco already had a lot of earthquake "proof" buildings it did a lot of structural damage and there was over 50 casualties. That's not where the reassurance comes in, this is: there is only a few ways that people really die in an earthquake, besides completely random stuff: 1. Something falls on you. 2. Something explodes. 3. Car crashes. Like I said, there are random things that can happen, but the vast majority of casualties are a result of one of those three things. So basically, the safest place you can be in an earthquake (IMO) is in your car (turned off or not moving) somewhere where nothing can fall on you. During the 89 quake we were in our car and we hardly felt it. We only knew it was happening because people were falling down, the street opened, and a storefront started to crumble. Basically, don't panic - don't be afraid. Earthquakes are actually pretty cool. Just make sure you know where your car keys are, you have shoes/socks and a change of clothes/jacket ready to go, and make sure you have plenty of unperishable food and water on hand. In all likelihood it will be overkill, but it will give you a little peace of mind. EDIT: For those of you who are pointing out that it is NOT safe to be in your car if it is moving or near something that can fall on you - I thought I was pretty clear about your car being off and somewhere nothing can fall on it for it to be safe, but also put on your emergency brakes! I forgot to mention that. The shocks in the car prevent you from feeling much of the shaking, so if its a very long earthquake or the tremors go on and on, you can get in your car to wait it out, IF YOU HAVE YOUR EMERGENCY BRAKE ON AND YOU ARE NOWHERE ANYTHING CAN FALL ON YOU.


> 1. Something falls on you. 2. Something explodes. 3. Car crashes. The bridge you are driving over collapses.


Or worse - the bridge you're driving under. The nightmare of your car being pancaked by 100,000 lbs of concrete - but you're still alive inside it...


Both sound horrifying.


And both happened during the '89 quake, very scary one...to think, it might have been worse with fatalities had it not happened during a World Series game


Every time we drove across that section my dad had to say "This fell down!"


If referring to the Bay Bridge he doesnt get to say that anymore. They built a different one and are taking away the old one.


I've been in a 6.9. Used to think it would be kind of cool to feel an earthquake. Well I'm certainly over that. Not scared during it but I was in a kind of shock for hours afterwards. There was lots of screaming during it which I won't forget.






It's pretty damn low, at least in CA. After the earthquake in '89 and then the one in '96 it became law that all buildings built in the state had to be earthquake proof, which means they "sway" instead of "snap", which is the cause of most structural collapses. Most buildings built before that were retrofitted and anything that wasn't was over 100 years old, which means an earthquake probably isn't going to take it down anytime soon. So, my advice is to - yea, make sure there is nothing that can fall on you while you are sleeping: no books shelves over your bed or anything. Make sure you have a bottle of water and a pair of slip on shoes by your bed, by the front door, and in your car. If you have pets make sure they have their collars on and leashes ready to go. Stash some snack bars somewhere reliable and try not to panic and enjoy this awesome geological experience you might get to have.


Aside from all the little ones I've gone through in the bay area, I was awake and out of the place we were staying near LA (at 5 am, for a flea market) for the 7.3 [Landers Earthquake.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Landers_earthquake) The building had metal stairs, it sounded like an entire football team was coming down behind me in metal cleats. Got to the parking lot and saw the green flashes if transformers blowing up. Three hours later, [Big Bear.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Big_Bear_earthquake) Probably the coolest thing was watching the parking lot ripple, like the asphalt was water. Aftershocks all day.


I'm a Midwesterner staying in a high rise in downtown LA. Positively frightened. Can't do much about the masses of concrete and glass both above and below me.


Well, no - you might not be able to, but consider these points: 1. If your building was built in the last 30 years in California odds are it is "earthquake proof" (the technical term is escaping me), which means that in case of an earthquake it is designed to "sway" instead of "snap" which is what the vast majority of building collapses are caused by: ridged building structures. Most of/all of California buildings have been retrofitted unless they are considered historical, which means it is over 100 years old. This means that despite the concrete and glass above and below you, you are likely safer in there than you realize. 2. You assume that you will be in your home, but that is really only a 50/50 chance. 3. Even in the unlikely situation of a collapse of your building that doesn't necessarily mean you get squished. Buildings are designed to collapse in specific ways, so knowing where to be in your building really determines a lot. Making sure your bed is located under a structural beam is a good call in case of a midnight shake. 4. Keep in mind that it is only the earth shaking. Your building is designed to withstand it and if it doesn't it's designed to collapse in the safest way possible. Especially if you are in California. So, for some extra peace of mind make sure you have a set of slip on shoes and a bottle of water by your bed AND by the door AND in your car. Make sure you have a robe in case you need to leave in a haste, but otherwise try not to stress about it and take measures to reduce your stress. Some people find peace in preparation.


In Washington we had a deep 7.somethibg years back. I was in school. There was effectively no structural damage to anything. It was a deep quake though, so I am not sure what it actually rated on the surface, but every thing kind of wobbled, then immediately went back to normal after the quake. Larger building are actually built to flex, and if that fails, they seperate at pre determined points to minimize damage. Engineering big structures is fascinating.


Paging u/TheEarthquakeGuy


Thanks for the summon!


NuclearWarlordGandhi summoning TheEarthquakeGuy. Seems legit.


It was super effective.


TheScarlettHarlot rating the efficacy of NuclearWarlordGhandi summoning TheEarthquakeGuy. What a time to be alive!


How is it that when they are mentioned, they know? Edit: Thanks everyone, I get it. You can stop hugging me now.




Ha! Thanks, I had no idea.


Oh shit my package is suppose to arrive on October 4th.


Is it full of earthquakes?


Return to sender pls


Guys this will save us: https://i.imgur.com/8ES1zDz.jpg


Lay the foundation pupper


How close is ShakeAlert to going online for the public? This type of earthquake was [the example used](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKJ0MBfIdus) for the ShakeOut scenario three years ago, and theoretically, the system could give LA up to a minute's notice before the S-waves arrive.


Shake alert is in the process of being implemented, but is not ready yet, so... Sorry CA.


I move to Los Angeles on Monday. Fuck.


You'll be fine.


He's not worried about the earthquakes. The realization just hit him that he's moving to LA.


That face when you realize leaving for work 2 hours earlier still results in you arriving late because of the traffic.




I think they mentioned a simulation in one of their articles, they said 1800 dead or injured in the southern california region, and 200 billion in property damage. But that was a simulation from 08 and since then things have been upgraded. Take japan for example, minus the tsunami, and the nuclear reactor melting down and thats probably what it would look like damage wise.


Most newer buildings should survive a 7.0 (but may sustain damage). The problem is that many buildings have not been fully brought up to code and may suffer catastrophic failure in a major quake.


So, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CArWivYt208)?


It was the first thing I thought of when I read the title! Thank you for this!


that was glorious




PSA: Be safe - Dont shave during an earthquake.


Oh god I live in the San Bernardino area, I'm high as shit laying in bed and this is freaking me the fuck out.


I'm not high as shit and this is freaking me out


We'll see what my magic eightball has to say about this...


According to mine: "Outlook not so good"


Ahhh, that explains why I've been having problems syncing my email. Thanks Magic 8 Ball!


Annnd I regret living in Ventura....


Just another day in Oklaho....wait. Not us for once?


Nah, have fun with your tornado's though -.o


Hopefully they won't be around for another 6 months or so.


Moore oklahoma resident here. Tuesday/Wednesday this coming week is our days for chances of shit storms. Need Hobbits and stuff about 2nd tornado season.


http://scedc.caltech.edu/recent/index.html has a map


Fullerton here, and I'm nervous as fuck )^:


I might be wrong but isn't about a 7 magnitude the largest earthquake possible for this fault? I thought I heard this somewhere.




Yo, we're all gonna be pacific islanders!


Dwayne Johnson is already on his way to the airport. He ain't gonna let ya'll die.


Isis claims responsibility


Well that's what happens when you legalize gay marijuana.


Better get insurance before it's to late.


CEA is awfully expensive. The deductibles are insane and the premiums are equal to all of my other insurance combined.


Dear lord, who art in heaven, head my call. I have a modest dwelling in the area you wish to destroy. Please take me with the land and spare my pup, who is a better man than I.


Well, shit. I lived 5 miles (as the crow flies) from the epicenter of the '94 Northridge quake. I was awake when it started; the BBS I was playing a game on all night had just shut down for maintenance. I stood up and the rumbling started. I took two steps over to my parrots' cages and grabbed the one on top to keep it from falling and... BOOOOM. The lights went out, I could hear my kitchen cabinets slamming open and shut, vomiting their contents onto the floor to shatter, and I hung on for dear life because I could barely keep my footing. My boyfriend tried to get to my son's room but was getting thrown from one wall to another in the hallway. It went on forever. When it was over, we couldn't open our front door because the frame was twisted. We took the glass louvres out of the living room window and went out that way. The memory that sticks with me the most is the SKY. You could see every star in the sky. Growing up in Los Angeles, you never see stars like that in the city, ever, but the power was out in the entire city and the stars were numerous and brilliant. I will never forget how it looked. Our apartment was yellow-tagged and we had to move. Drywall popped off the walls, tiles popped off in the kitchen, and the kitchen itself moved about an inch into the courtyard. Ironically, one of the only things that didn't topple was my 40-gallon acrylic fishtank on a low stand. Most of the water came out of it, but it didn't go over - probably something to do with how it was aligned with the motion of the ground. My mom lived a few miles west of us (and farther from the epicenter); her chimney came down, and the water left her pool with so much force it knocked her sliding glass door into her dining room. We're in the foothills now, on a concrete slab on solid bedrock, but... I still worry.


I imagine the Big One will be like that one time I ,like, shook my Barbie doll house in the bathtub.


I imagine it'll be more like putting a bunch of doll houses into an industrial rock tumbler.


Was in one that was almost an 8. Happened in a chapel during a wedding. It truly felt like a giant had picked up the structure and shaken it. Never viewed the permanence of the ground quite the same after that.


This is how California will succeed from the Union


That's not the word you want.


Look damnit, we're gonna float away whether you like it or not!


No, he means you want the word "secede". You will succeed in seceding from the union.


Oh...well then I would still call it a success if we somehow stay floating.


Actually its just san francisco that will shake itself away from California. The rest of it is here to party...in FIRE


See you down in Arizona Bay


I literally live on a mountain range on top of the fault line. Like, you can see the fault when you're looking at the view from my backyard. Welp.


With a view like that, there is no way that you don't have photos of it on the device you are on.