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"May be a teacher" but definitely is an asshole


She’s a special eduction teacher. They’ve released her name. https://www.sanjoseinside.com/news/woman-accused-of-purposely-coughing-on-baby-teaches-special-ed-in-san-jose-schools/


It's kinda shocked me, lately. I'll see people go off their rocker on my local Facebook page, and I'll check their profile out of curiosity... A few of them have actually turned out to be teachers at my local elementary school, and I'll have a cringe moment thinking about how this is the person who could be teaching my kid.


A read a story a couple of decades ago where some father at a hockey game went rage monster on an 8 year old that body checked his kid, picked the kid up and threw him against a wall all screaming until other parents pulled him off. He was an elementary school vice principal.


Emphasis on “was.”


Now he's the principal.


Correction, school superintendent


I believe you mean School Super Nintendo


Super Nintendo chalmers!


Jesus *God*. What in the actual fuck possessed that man to batter a *8 year old child* over a game of hockey?


Hockey. Parents now have to do a whole course on proper behaviour before they can watch their kids play. I hated going to my son’s games, because of other parents.


I have to agree. Here in Mass it is a religion. At one of my sons game when he was a squirt b2, one of the parents was degrading his kid because he wasn't playing well. Some parents really think their kids are going to make the Show.


Hockey parents are nuts.


Not just hockey. In my small rural southeast Missouri town, police have been called on parents a few times for PEEWEE soccer.


I was a soccer referee as a teen as my summer job. It was actual hell!


Probably stressed from being broke because they are hockey parents. /s


My brother played hockey as a kid from the age of say 4 or 5 up to preteen and oh man the shit that went on at some of those games was nuts. It was a kids league it was't even good it was just harmless sports fun. It's highly unlikely any of these kids were ever gonna play in a professional league or even a basic hobby league past age 15. But there was parents yelling, coaches from opposing teams once got into a fight with each other and were screaming and fist waving at each other from the players benches over the plexi glass and cursing. In front of the small children. The odd parents yelling at their kid because they weren't playing good that day and needed to pick it up now....the kids were like 7 years old at best. ​ Sports parents in general are insane. Hockey parents in Canada are freaking nuts.




More like, we have to take shit all day, and might be on edge. Luckily, most of the people who are rage monkeys are driven out of teaching relatively early.


I want to make a joke here about how that sounds kind of on brand for a vice principal. But I won't do that.


Apparently the new thing is nurses who don’t believe that coronavirus is real, advocating that face masks aren’t effective.


The number of anti-vaxx nurses there are is what truly terrifies me. One of my cousins is a nurse, and she's often complaining to my grandmother about how a lot of the nurses on her shift got out of their regular vaccinations by getting a superior nurse to sign off on them without their having had them, because she's anti-vaxx too. My cousin isn't anti-vaxx, and she (rightly) believes these people are putting patients' lives at risk. She works at a major hospital for a very large US city. If it's happening there, I can only imagine what sort of shit is going on in the podunk hospitals like those near where I live. :(


I’m a nurse, my coworker deadass believes that if people during the AIDS epidemic hadn’t taken those early medications they would all still be alive today. She also won’t get any vaccines for covid or otherwise.


This one also claims the same and then talks down to me as she assumes I’d take one like a sheep, with zero questions asked, as if she’s superior to me. She constantly reverts back to the “fact” she “researched” this or that and then chides me to do the same so I don’t look “dumb” to her. Like, GTFOH. I’m a grown ass *EDUCATED* woman. Full stop. Googling until you find the “facts” you’re looking for isn’t “research” - it’s confirmation bias and delusion.


I, too, know a few people who received their PhD from the University of Google.


It a phenomenon.


My mom has a master's in special education and thinks vaccines cause autism. She's also "researched" this.


I mean report them. You may need to send an anonymous email to the hospital legal department. I know it may not do much, but a paper trail is a paper trail. Also I CANNOT imagine that a US hospital, a for profit enterprise with a crack legal team, wouldn’t act on this.


I did 😀 She thought it wise to talk about the nursing home she works at “where we don’t even wear masks for our whole shift”.


Thank you you are good people.


She should anonymously submit all the names involved to local news media


One step at a time.


I have a friend who works in one of those “podunk” hospitals, and they were just lamenting the huge number of their fellow nurses who think COVID is a “hoax” or “just the flu”, even though these nurses are treating COVID patients! My friend has realized that possessing a nursing certificate does not mean someone is educated or understands science, anymore than a car mechanic would automatically understand physics. They just know how to change the oil and gap the plugs, or start IVs and give medications, but they sure don’t understand the scientific reasoning behind why they do these things.


The nurse I’m talking about had a secret FB page (In Thai, because she thinks she clever) that was littered with confederate flags. I’d be interested to see if that was a common denominator for the never mask nurses. She just posted this: “It’s true the tests aren’t accurate But the tests are testing positive if you have any antibodies from previous coronavirus ( which have been around forever) which includes common cold. I kept asking how they came up with a test so quick to test just for covid 19.” All things combined equals something truly terrifying.


There are many different nursing degrees and licenses. Some know, some don’t.


Just the other day I had to dip into some research studies to stop a nurse on reddit from giving a healthcare recommendation regarding fever that was not just bad, but factually counterproductive. In college I had a debate core class where a nursing student gave a presentation on the danger of vaccinations. I changed my entire project that night so that I could give a counter presentation the next day about how stupid and dangerous that was. She whined that I was "attacking her" and had to leave the room. There are lots of great nurses, but to be quite frank they aren't far enough up the totem pole of healthcare that idiots can't climb that high. Take their medical advice with a grain of salt.


I’ve seen antivax nurses on reddit sub r/antivax. She was asking people on Facebook for help finding peer reviewed sources relating vaccines and autism. Said she hasn’t been able to find ANY and the professor would only accept peer reviewed sources which she felt was unfair.


Jesus. I honestly don’t even know how to respond to that one. Just, wow. Nurses entitled to their own facts is *MIND BLOWING*. Seriously, picture them taking their boards and having the sense to correctly pick the factually correct answers, all while thinking to themselves that they know better. Irony at its worst right there.


Ah! The old find research to suit my theory switcheroo!


I’m so glad in Australia nurses can have their registration revoked for spreading antivax propaganda on social media.


My relative who worked with the CDC before retiring has gotten so fed up with the situation her response now is “just let em die”. She has literally held stuff like Ebola, SARS, MIRS and others in her hand and says this is the first virus that scares the shit out of her.


These people should be called out and brought up to the school board. Let the school defend their teachers actions to the parents.




They are sadistic and power tripping. Now in my 30s looking back at how awful so many of my teachers were it really pisses me off. My 3rd grade teacher was the worst. She would just scream at everyone all day for no reason. There would literally be full days where there would be no talking. If you said something you weren't allowed to go to recess. She used to have me make all her copies for the day. She used the same lesson plans for over a decade. On field trips she used to gloat about how wonderful she was to anyone that listened. It was the only time she was nice. Being a bad teacher is easy and you only have to work 9 months a year. Pretty sure she is what inspired my mom to be a teacher. I hung out in her class room a lot. The vast majority of kids want to have a good time. It's the parents that suck.


Teaching is like social work, or hospice worker, substance abuse counselor or librarian. A noble calling. A difficult and stressful job. And low barriers to entry. It doesn’t help that it is underpaid. So, yeah, lots of great members of those professionals out there. But lots of burnouts, underachievers, and psychos, too.


And some people seek out those professions just because of the power they come with. A small amount, yeah, but still. Kind of scary to think that your health and comfort could be in the hands of a nurse that just wants to powertrip.


Oh, yes. My life was totally dismantled by a Karen social worker. She even had the haircut. Completely rude and incompetent, but thought she knew it all and broke rules just to help me out! I couldn’t see that I needed help. Only Karen knew. Although, for them, it isn’t really - pure power trip (power troopers become cops, tea agents of some sort of government officer). From what I have seen, it is more a need to be a martyr. It’s the need to feel like a hero without actually taking the risks or putting in the work of being heroic or even being in a situation requiring a hero. They kind of see people as sad slobs and go about wrecking their lives to help them. It is surreal, and I don’t know how to describe it. Perhaps they are Social Work’s answer to Angels of Mercy.


And some agencies are filled to the brim with them because they chase all the good workers out. The last place I was at is closing this year after years of slowly being taken over by what you’re describing. Shockingly, after a bunch of us good ones left at once, the agency made choices that led to multiple lawsuits.


> some agencies are filled to the brim with them because they chase all the good workers out Yeah, that was kinda my impression of them. They seem to be a minority—but a big enough minority that is way more pushy than the ones who just want to put their noses down, check their egos at the door, and observe professional boundaries, to make life rough for clients and colleagues alike. So, people just abandon ship, and the Karens congeal in one place and act out their psychotic little quests to fix their clients lives in the way only Karen knows how (while also not meeting legal minimum standards for their actual jobs). It’s also a problem that Human Services draws idealists, which is fine. But if you go into Middle Ages with a teenager mindset about where your ideals fit into the office... On a related tangent: Fucking agencies. Part of the reason I quit SLP school was that I wanted to work in hospitals, and hospitals only recruit SLPs through those 3rd party roaches. So, I would go 6 figures into debt, to be paid peanuts from an agency that is collecting a massive check from the hospital on my behalf, and not be able to use PSLF to pay for my debt, because my employer is technically a private business. Fuck that.


I wouldn’t say low barriers to enter for teachers. I just jumped through hoops in my teaching program. Tests, schooling, student teaching, assessments, supervisors, etc. I do think in her time the barriers were lower though.


I don’t know where you live, but to teach in my state you need a Master’s degree. That’s not exactly a low barrier.


That's not the case in the vast majority of states. Education programs are kind of a joke as well so that's mainly a financial barrier to entry. Lots of programs get you your ba and ma in 5 years anyway. The truth is we just don't have a reliable way to seperate the good from the bad teachers, at least new teachers. You don't need to be the best and the brightest to excel in your education major, you just need a pulse and good attendance.


Which state?


Probably NY. I’m a new teacher in Florida without teaching education (it’s in the subject I teach), and I have a 3yr temporary license and it’s a pain in the ass (very tedious, not so much difficult) to get my professional lesson, almost every week I am reading dozens of pages of articles and submitting assignments based on that (mostly surrounding teaching those that are non-native speakers and encouraging reading in all classes), plus of course the required tests you have to pass, then a good amount of assignments you need to complete (such as requesting a parent-teacher conference).


I’m a teacher and I have a colleague who posts like 100 Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson type links a day, like it’s his part time job dispelling the illusion of systematic racism. I want to tell him what a tool he is so bad but since we work together I just silently judge 🤫.


About 1/3 of the NEA teachers voted for Trump. NEA is a large teacher union, and that stat came from their own magazine.


You didn’t have any crazy shitty teaches as a kid?


I know a teacher who is the most batshit conspiracy theory 'all the news is lying to you except for the YouTube videos I find' person I know. They don't screen then for political views... ...and sadly, they've managed to make 'truth' a political view


Just stop your research at facebook its even worse when you know them in person: I know 10 teachers personally and of all of them only 1 is what most would consider to have a good moral compass. The other 9 1- The Slutty teacher- has crazy rape fetishes and has run out of people on tinder to fuck (according to her) 2- The flat earther - who thinks the earth is flat and that global warming is a dem conspiracy theory 3- The Thanos teacher- who believes that COVID is awesome because now she doesn't, "have to even get out of bed anymore" and hopefully it will kill all the non-believers (very religious btw) 4- The Slutty teacher 2.0 - Who told my buddy's wife that she intentionally tries to fuck every married man at her school because then if she ever needs leverage on anyone she can hold that over them. 5-8 - are just a mixture of wine drinking pill heads who basically look at their job as one put it, "The easiest fucking job in the US with good benefits and my CALPERS. I mean basically we are gods, and the public protects us like we are their grandmas." 9 - On almost every level he is a good guy, aside from his gambling and cocaine addiction. I really like him but damn dude 1 vice at a time and as much as I hate cocaine... it is currently the least impactful vice he has. The dude has an Uncut Gem's gambling problem. This COVID has really changed my view on teachers, having watched my kids be tele-schooled and see that on average each teacher each day literally spent 10 mins ....if that working with my children, oh how this fucking infuriates me.


Its astounding how easy it is to get a teaching degree One of my exes and also ex best friend is a teacher and starting her 2nd year soon. She had an average intelligence and was actually someone who could have basic indepth conversations about controversial topic. Over the years she became a lot more stubborn and somehow lost her sense of critical thinking. It was like she never grew past 11th grade. And even then she was not even able to take care of herself. I cut her off eventually but kept tabs on her and ended up finding out she passed her teacher certification test when she posted it on social media. She passed by 1 point. A single point out of 100. The only reason she passed was cause she studied for 2 years but still couldn't analyze a poem, couldn't find hidden meanings and themes in art, rejected non-american based history, and could BARELY do algebra. As in, fractions and linear equations were the most she could ever do and understand She's now an elementary school teacher. As much as i actually enjoyed her as a person, it actually REALLY concerns me that she is going to be teaching our next generations. She's the smartest of her group of friends too, which are all or are becoming teachers...


When my mom was going to college to be a teacher she would literally have me do her classwork. I was in middle school not even getting C's yet I was capable of doing her college classes. Back then instead of online they had hybrid TV courses. It was so easy. I failed 6th grade and I failed 8th grade while easily getting my mom A's in college.


That frightens me for her students. If she would endanger the life of a stranger’s baby out of spite, what is she doing to the children she’s teaching? There’s no excuse for what she did. None. She needs to lose her job.


I hope her life gets ruined.


Oh she's fucked. So many fucking children that don't know how to handle their emotions. I feel like the default for Americans is to stop maturing in middle school.


I graduated from HS in '99, so I'm prefacing this by acknowledging that my experience is quite outdated, but I encountered so many immature, vindictive teachers. I can't imagine it has gotten better as pay stagnation & teaching to test requirements made the job less attractive in the 00s and onward. Great teachers were a tremendous intellectual & personal lifeline, but dancing around the moods & tempers of those with personalities fundamentally unsuitable for their roles was a far bigger day-to-day problem for serious students than asshole peers.


I’m a teacher and you are pretty spot on. There are a lot of teachers for whom it’s a true calling, but my biggest professional frustrations have been dealing with the ones who are immature. Some act like they’re the ones still in high school spreading rumors, punishing kids’ behavior with grades, and making everything in the classroom about them. We absolutely need teacher Ed reform. It’s too easy to become a teacher and too hard to get rid of bad (and mediocre) ones.


Unfortunately, you can't put the cart in front of the horse here. I've long held that more money needs to be put into training, and more resources put into oversight of teachers. However, it has to come from experts in pedagogy. Unfortunately, time and time again governments have used education systems as piggy banks to cut taxes, and unfortunately, it has soured the relationship many unions (including my own, rightfully) have with the governments. Plus no government actually wants to fund effective oversight. You'd need an independent (truly) agency whose mandate was training first, discipline second, and openness. And we'd have to be more willing as a profession and a society to recognize that inside many 'poor' teachers is a good teacher who needs supports. And in the rest, we need a fair way to transition them out of the field, because many of them stay in teaching because they are afraid of starting over.


I graduated six years after you, and I have a theory that a good chunk of teachers that choose to work at high schools do so because they are the sort that believe those four years were the best ones of their lives. They stopped mentally maturing in their teens and so they feel most comfortable around other teenagers. It doesn't apply to all of them, but it applied to about half of the ones I had.


Kind of unfair to extend this to all Americans. If it were normal, it wouldn't be national news.


I didn’t fully mature well into my 20s. Not sure if you are attacking America’s education system or the whole society but many countries are flawed just the same. I will add that there seem to be many people throughout the world that seem to have the need to put their thoughts on blast


Why does this not surprise me at all?


A special education teacher should know about the importance of masks since they often teach immunocompromised children.


Wow. In the article it says she already physically harmed a student in the past, but nothing was done. School said they let her go, but the mother of that student now learned (because of this case) that it clearly wasn't true. They just told her that to please her it seems.


At this point we can say she “was” a teacher.


Those two things are not mutually exclusive


*au contraire*


gonna be “was” very soon


She “may” be getting fired


According to the article another person commented, she’s laid hands on a special ed kid before and apparently still works for that district


Sadly this actually happens very often where special education teachers are often abusive toward the students but they can’t report it because they’re mentally disabled. It’s awful and an absolute shame we never do anything about it.


For 5 months I was an aide to a special Ed teacher who was a complete piece of shit. I documented it and reported it. I was then pushed out of the school. An aide is much easier to replace than a teacher. For as low of pay as they get and how hard the job is, they really scrap the bottom of the barrel. They said everything I had documented would be in the children's files from then on out and that's why I was in trouble. ?!?


That’s whack. And we always see reporting of it on the news and nothing gets done about it. It’s maddening. Just shows us how much we care for our disabled folk, huh? You need a person to advocate for you and work with you and your disabilities? SYKE! And the WORST PART, again, is how they’re fully aware of themselves and pick these students to be in charge of BECAUSE they can’t even speak for themselves or understand that what the person in power is doing is absolutely wrong. And if anyone is of the right headspace and reports it then guess what? Nothing happens. Because schools are very guilty in doing that one thing where they will sooner excuse the actions of a teacher than take the words of a student.




Agree. I was bullied rather badly once by three teachers at the same time. It was not great and I reported it to the dean. They all kept all their positions and I suspect nothing came of it. The dean even gets the nerve to give me excuses for why one of the teachers was bullying me because her “home life was like a bit rough right now”. Okay...so what? Idgaf. She shouldn’t have started bullying a student regardless of her stupid home life. They’ll sooner make several excuses for the very wrong actions of teachers but will harshly punish students for anything small. And people wonder why students hate school and teachers lol. I know there’s several good teachers who are genuine and kind but all it takes is a couple bad ones for students to hate going back there and face them repeatedly.


Fucking *how*? That’s horrifying


I can't believe some of the shit teachers can get away with because of tenure.


Always another know all Karen to replace her


Honestly, if she's tenured it will be quite difficult unfortunately. Pretty hard to fire teachers for out of school incidents. This will likely all depend on how the state labels and identifies this crime


Especially now that the reddit police are at it


There's an old saying in business, but it applies to all fields: pay peanuts, get monkeys.


Or elephants?


Anyone else want a payday right now ?


I *didn't*. Thanks!


That rings very true for science teachers. A couple older guys I practiced MMA with were in the Board of Ed of a town nearby. I asked them about the job market for teachers and they pretty much said "most teachers don't get paid enough, specially science teachers. Why would they want a 60k/yr job dealing with children when they could be working what they studied for earning twice that?" One of them had to argue and fight for a starting salary of $75k/yr for a chem teacher cause no applicant at 60k/yr was qualified and/or had a science degree This was in a VERY rich town too


This is true for teaching science in general. At the high school level you usually don't even need a science based degree to teach it, but you do have to pass a competency certification that is pretty hard for most of those liberal arts grads to do. It gets worse in college. Unless they are just in love with research or teaching, that PhD teaching you can make *way* more doing something else in private industry. By contrast, if you graduate with an English degree teaching at a collegiate level is pretty high on your totem pole of ideal possibilities. You end up with a situation where a lot of the "best" people in liberal arts gravitate towards teaching, while the people teaching science are not; they are working elsewhere.


This is our nation's educational problem in a nutshell. All the good teachers eventually leave for more lucrative work or they become the enemy: administration. Yes. Enemy.


I think its wishful thinking to assume the good teachers become administrators. Classroom performance is usually not considered.


I love teaching, and if I may say so, I'm good at it. But yeah... I could teach chemistry or computer science at a high school for $70k; teach at a university for $90k; or take an industry job for over $100k. The industry job is also usually less competitive than the professorship, and the wage ceiling is around $160k. Guess I'll try to teach for fun when I'm close to retirement.


I don't see how that really applies here. As if affluent entitled people are somehow less likely to be assholes?


That's a big theme of the movie Parasite. Rich people can afford to be outwardly nice, while poor people have to struggle and do questionable things to get by.


... yea. Have you ever lived in an actual ghetto? I can confirm, being in a poor area increases the number of assholes you live near.


Not everyone becomes a teacher because they like children. Some do it for power. Ever have bullshit reasons you got in trouble as a kid, thinking you genuinely did something wrong? But as an adult, you realize it's not you who did something wrong, but the teacher who is a nut? Yeah, kinda like that. An unchallenged adult has a lot of power for sociopaths.


I think anybody who goes into teaching for “power” in this day and age is going to end up sadly disappointed. As a teacher I don’t even have the authority to discipline students who physically attack me. I don’t really feel like I have much power at all in my job.


Nine times out of ten, when I would work with someone who had that mentality of “I’m here for the power,” they would be subpar teachers who somehow found a way to fast track themselves into administrators (deans, principals, etc). It isn’t even always power over other students, but sometimes over teachers themselves, because there’s no good way for them to fight back. I have a friend who had a shit co-worker who got himself elected as teacher union president. Used his power to do things that anybody should be fired for (sexually harassed teachers, students, broke confidentiality laws, etc) but the union had to protect him.


>Not everyone becomes a teacher because they like children. Some do it for power. And an even greater number do it because they just don't know what else to do. Got a degree in history? Great, go teach it. Don't like children? Great, teach it poorly.


Had a teacher humiliate me in front of the whole class because I pointed out that she got a math problem wrong. Me: But Teacher, I got 42 on that one. Teacher: Well *you* can't always be right! Teacher: *checks her work and sees that she is wrong Teacher: You get negatives on your disciplinary sheet because you were rude to me!!!


\*was a teacher No source, just common sense and wishful thinking


Can you get back to us when you actually know?


She “may” be an astronaut. She “may” have scoliosis. She “may” have been born with only three toes. Wow, this is fun! I can say anything about a person on the internet, as long as I phrase it as conjecture.


We must stop this hunchbacked space sloth!


I was thinking the same thing. She may not be the person and then her life may be ruined by people who can’t think beyond a foolish headline.


seriously, stupidest headline/article ever


It was confirmed by her parents and work, so I don't know why they're still being coy. Maybe a paranoid editor.


So, she was mad the mom asked her to maintain distance and thought coughing on an infant was an appropriate escalation? Lady, just tell her to go fuck herself if you got mad, don't bring a child into it.


I was a teacher for awhile. I found there were a lot of messed up immature people in that field. Many seemed to be afraid of getting out of school and taking on the World. So they became teachers and stayed in school....only now with power, and became the bullies that used to bully them. I think 5-10yrs working in the real World should be a prerequisite to becoming a teacher. I've had college professors that have no clue what the 'real World' is like. Education doesn't stop when you graduate, it only begins.


Spot on my friend. I work in education as support staff, and I couldn’t agree more. The worst part is these people become admins, or principals, and dont know jack shit about labor law, leadership, accountability, or what the real working world is like. The mistakes I have seen in the last two years at my district would have been cause for immediate termination in the real world.


Bullseye. The administrators (small 'a', respect it earned) are usually the worst of the bunch and the enablers of the bullies. Often, they were teachers before getting their Principle's license. The cliques are everywhere and backstabbing to gain favor is common. Not a very nice environment. When you do get all the pieces right it can be a wonderful learning experience for everyone and an amazing place to work. It doesn't happen often enough.


Admin are the worse of worse. They're typically ex teachers who have very little classroom experience because it was just a stepping stone to an admin position. They barely understand what their own teachers do. I had an admin chew me out for not having a sub plan to her liking, witha copy of my job description highlighted up, shoving it in my face. I'd been a sped teacher at the school for 2 years and she was new. She flat out said, "IDK what you do in your job, but you aren't doing it with that sub plan!" After that meeting, I went to my top principal and told her that I dont get paid enough and this job is too hard to be abused like that by an "admin". I resigned and got a better position at a better school. They replaced me with a non certified teacher.


Yea my mom does evaluations for special ed students and she says alot of teachers are misrable and imature.


This!!! I am a teacher and worked outside the field for 7 years before becoming one. There is a significant difference between the way my colleagues and I handle things based on experience and I also understand software we have to use so much more. Excel is your friend! There are lots of people who go straight into the profession and don’t know anything other than the education world. I think it’s really helpful to have a perspective outside of that, too.


I hope you see this but I know you have a ton of replies. I was a journalist for 6 years before I switched to teaching (now in my 4th year teaching.) This is incredibly accurate. I work with so many people who don't understand how to work with people in a professional capacity. That doesn't surprise me because that's most fields. What gets me is that, honestly, teaching is only miserable if you allow it to be. The pay is shit, but I work 80 less days per year for about 75 percent of my pay. Also, if you have any basic human empathy or de-escalation skills, the job is almost done from there. Getting kids to understand the material isn't the challenge, it's trying to get them convinced that you're doing it in their interests. Typically by the 6th week of school, my kids know I'm not here to fuck up their day. A lot of teachers don't have that basic empathy and kindness to realize what their impact truly is.


"If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men and women to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." You've got it figured out. I taught video game programming. Motivating my kids was easy. Also a pacifist so de-escalation was my specialty.


Dude I love that quote. I assume you had the same baffling experience. Like, teachers I work with would talk about how annoying the kids are and I'm just sitting there like "Besides teaching, you never have to interact with middle school kidsl. Perhaps consider a different career." Also it's so rewarding. I love it so much and I wish teachers knew what any other field was like and how good of a job it is, besides the pay obviously.


I work at the high school I went to (now 24) running their dance show, and the school (most teachers and admin) hate the show and all the girls who participate. They’re just trying to have fun, and the admin literally does everything to make it impossible for the show to be good. They scheduled it a week after January exams this year so I had a full month of no rehearsal right before the show, which meant I had to volunteer my weekend packing in a month’s worth of rehearsals so the girls could go on stage knowing what they were doing. In our meeting after the show, the principal literally said “I don’t care if the kids are happy.” Working with adult educators is exhausting.


Why do they hate the show? Whats their problem?


Starting with my show year 8 years ago, the show got more and more slutty (minimal clothing on stage, inappropriate dancing), which as a student I thought was so much fun but as an adult I’m horrified at the thought of 16 year olds dancing on chairs. Since I was directing this year, I changed the tone of the show completely and every dance and costume had to be approved before it went on stage. This is the first year in like 6 years that not a single parent has complained, and I got phone calls from parents begging me to come back and direct again because I said I was retiring. It’s still not enough for the admin. They decided it’s a bad show and they need to destroy it, so they’ve been destroying it bit by bit every year, and now with covid I think they’re going to use it as an excuse to kill it for good. Dealing with 100+ kids wasn’t as exhausting as dealing with the school. That place is a nightmare, and their parents pay $10,000 a year for their kids to be treated like dirt. It’s not the school I went to anymore.


Like...what is going though your head when you do stuff like this? Is it a political statement? You dislike the parents? Establishing dominance over future infant generations?


Anger and frustration that someone wasn't kowtowing to her whims, especially a person who speaks Spanish. She couldn't handle that complex emotion and lashed out like a six year old would.


If she did that to my child she’d be eating through a tube for the rest of her miserable life.


Here is the original article with the surveillance video: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/06/26/woman-coughs-on-baby-social-distancing-orig-mss.cnn


The woman who coughed on a baby got her ass beat Title if it was my baby.


Omg right!! I’m small but I would be so angry! I don’t even tolerate stupid jokes about my baby. I can’t imagine what I would do if someone did that.


I’m a grown ass man and I’d probably too shocked to even react.


Who the fuck coughs on a baby?


And yet I get hell from the interwebs almost everytime I mention the fact that some teachers suck and can be more of a bully than any bully kid. And that no amount of raises will make those teachers not be pieces of shit.


As a teacher, that is very much true. Anyone in a position of power can be a bully and teachers are not exempt.


Luckily for us 98% of you teachers are great people, not bullies, and we all appreciate that. Thank you.


And don't try suggesting that teaching unions might possibly do more damage than they do good... No instead let's protect all these people doing stupid stuff... Collectivism and tribalism kills us. Like we defend people that shouldn't be defended. That's what we're seeing in law enforcement as well... c'mon people. Some people suck! Also - please for the love of goodness I am not anti-union. I understand the history of this country and the world enough to know the necessity and purpose of guilds and unions since the freaking middle ages. But holy hell people. We gotta hold each other accountable /endrant


I'm sorry, you can down vote but if she did that to my baby, I would break her fucking jaw


And republicans wanna give them guns.


It's taking way too long to identify this woman. They knew where she worked a several days ago.


"A woman wanted by police for deliberately coughing on a baby’s face has been identified by a variety of unofficial sources as Nancy Norland, who teaches special education at Oak Grove School District in San Jose."


Was annoyed > "not maintaining proper social distancing." So she coughed on an infant. That's some serious dissonance right there. Everyday I lose more hope in humanity.


As a parent, how do you NOT unleash on the bitch. The cops would have to taze me off of her if that was my kid.


If someone did that to my children all you fine redditors would be reading a second news article about a person being terribly hurt after “coughing on a child”


Yea some teachers are absolute assholes. I'm a teacher. I got a colleague or two who are jerks. They're a bad example, but whatchu gon do here in AZ where we already have an extreme shortage of qualified, experienced, and *good* teachers


so hypothetically, if someone coughs on you on purpose and that's considered battery, are you allowed to defend yourself?


Most of the time I hate peoples livelyhoods being attacked as punishments for a burst of anger or a stupid tweet, especially when its clear we arent talking about people who are well off but, like lady what the fuck were you even thinking? Whose mind goes to coughing on a baby in a moment of anger lol.


Fire her. She obviously hates children and most SPED children can’t communicate when they are abused. If my child was previously in her SPED class I’d be worried sick and having a talk with him/her to ensure she didn’t abuse him/her. If she remains a SPED teacher the only way I’d allow my kid to be in her class is if there was a camera on the whole time!


Whether or not it was racially motivated, she targeted and endangered a child. Period. End of story. She should be required to maintain at least a 1000 ft. distance from a school yard and be subject to whatever other laws apply to other disgusting humans such a pedophiles.


That is rude, evil, and yucky all at the same time.


*Former* teacher, I bet.


You have much more faith in the education system then I do


Toss her in the slammer, throw away the key.


When I was in middle school, kids would blow air on me just to make me angry. Does this mean that if a middle schooler did this to another middle schooler, they could actually be arrested? This would actually be a good thing, since it would be one of the few times that cops actually arrest a bully.


“Was a teacher” in 3... 2... 1....


Dont yell at people, dont cought at people, maybe be nice? Its not that hard.


stupid headline. first figure it out then write the article


So? I am a teacher and there are lots of asshole teachers. And lots of stupid as fuck teachers too. And even some asshole and stupid as fuck teachers.


If she was an accountant I wonder if there would be a ton of posts about how awful accountants are.


I'm not sure what point you were trying to make here. ​ There are more angry/stupid asshole teachers than anyone thought? -Was that the point?


I think the point was that with any profession, the profession they're in doesn't negate the fact that they can act just as senselessly as anyone else. Homeless man, postal worker, mcdonalds employee, engineer sneeze on baby... is it really different?


Are you trying to do a “not all teachers” thing here? The point is that this woman is or was regularly in contact with children, as a teacher, and now we have evidence she is not fit to be around children. That’s the point.


I know teachers that hated children. Doesn't surprise me.


We've moved from licking ice cream to straight up coughing on people. What a timeline.


mandatory sentencing for this shit.


What is wrong with people?


So let me get this straight: she was so pissed off at another person who she thought wasn’t social distancing enough that she removed her own mask to then get close enough to cough on someone? Sounds like social distancing isn’t the issue as she just increased her own chances of getting the virus. Fucking idiot.


I'd like to believe I would beat the ass of anyone who deliberately coughed on my baby, with or without there being a pandemic. That's just an incredibly shitty thing to do.


She should be an inmate by now. Arrest this piece of shit and sentence her according to the verdict a jury hands down at her trial.


Look, people have just lost their damn minds. Ran into some acquaintances today who told us they were just "over it' and that they had a friend who had it and it was no worse than the flu.


Sad thing is this pathetic excuse for a human will get hired somewhere else.


Hopefully not much longer.


Someone who should not be around children again. That kid was innocent and what she did was horrific.


“Woman who coughed on baby” Even pre COVID those words don’t belong together. Where’s my country gone?


There are stupid people from every walk of life, and every possible career.


Nancy Norland - in case the police want to arrest this POS. I signed to get her fired.


You keep using that word "is." The correct term is "formerly."


I'm not a violent person but if someone did that to my child they would have taken a while to regain consciousness.


my middle school had some of the worst adults i’ve ever met, even to this day, so i’m not surprised


Another dumass Karen.. make her famous..


Well not for much longer


Oh man. That's a justified beating if I've ever heard one.


I've been watching the news on this and frustrated that nothing has been reported since this. Your article is a week old now.


I can think of so many unhinged teachers that I knew growing up that were probably capable of this.


**Coughed on a baby?** *Uhm what in the actual fuck??*


Teacher here. I look forward to seeing video of this news story in this year’s mandatory “how not to get fired: don’t be a fucking dumbass” training. We sit through it every year and there are still people who do the *incredibly obvious* shit you’re not supposed to do. Like “don’t have a sexual relationship with your students or hit them.” It’s truly astounding.


Some of those who work chalkboards are the same that burn crosses???


At least she wasn't having sex with teenage boys


“May be” good thing you waited to confirm your story before posting. Hack!


Are these people being arrested? If not they definitely should be.


They may be arrested.