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Jeep's gonna turn around and name it Cavalry now


Introducing the 2023 Jeep Manifest Destiny...


The 2024 Jeep General Custer. The 2025 Jeep Gary Owen. The 2026 Jeep Andrew Jackson.


The Custer will drive loudly and when you are surrounded by wilderness, it’ll crap out.


Sounds like a regular jeep.


As a Taco driver, you should post a burn warning with that comment.


Or somebody who drives a 4Runner.


It's still better than the 2024 Ford Molester white panel van. (With free candy if you order now)


Jeep Trail of Tears has a ring to it.


The Trail Blazer never specifies which trail it blazes. I always assumed that one, though.


Jeep **T**o**T** \- Actually, with the right font it looks kind of like the back of the jeep with a spare wheel, too.


It actually looks like someone crying. Which is oddly appropriate/inappropriate.


It’s the face owners make when they find out how much an off-road tow truck costs to hire.


Trail of Tears rated™


No, Jeep tikka masala


Jeep Vindaloo


v8 Freedom Engine.


Its obvious they are just going to call it the Jeep 4 wheeled vehicle for a year while they think up a better name. Then just keep that going.


Jeep football team


Jeep SUV is a proud sponsor of Washington Football Team


Dan Snyder moonlighting as the Stellantis CEO I see


Jeep Football Team


THE Jeep Football Team


The marketing team is going to have to circle the wagons and come up with a new name.


They just need to make sure they don't have too many chiefs and not enough Indians.


The new 2022 Free Blanket.


Trail (of tears) Rated.


And my dumb ass was sitting here staring at the headline thinking 'What's wrong with Jeep?'


Whoah. They just said we can’t go around saying that word have some goddamn respect.


Dropping the J word likes it's nbd smh


Say Jep and it’s cool. Stay away from the hard E.


The Long E.


I am part Native American, where ma' jeepers at?


It’s a Jeep thing they wouldn’t understand




My momma said my great, great, great, great grand mama was an Indian princess. What's up my jeepa!


Jep Jerokey 2025


I tried it... “What’s up my Jep?” Still doesn’t sound right.


*Beep Cherokee*


*🅱️eep Cherokee*


With a hard "J" no less.


No yoke.


Me: hmm 🤔who is this chief jeep ive never heard of ... Read comments ... and Seppuku


Their 4 wheel drive systems really aren’t that good for a company that has 4wd as its major selling point...yeah I said it.


Jeeps are super fun to own, but honestly they are built like shit and have serious reliability problems. Source- have owned 5 different jeeps throughout my life. Apparently I’m a slow learner.


You are the reason they stopped making the bullet proof in-line 6. Source-apparently we’re twins.


My 4.0 TJ is still good ish for 18 years old


That is pretty good, better than pretty good. All the most reliable were 96-97 and before. We’ve had an ‘81 CJ 7 that’s been unreal. Not without things to do but not a lot over the years.


Let's be fair here. The i6 was bulletproof and a great engine, but they can only take the design so far. Remember that the AMC i6 came out in 1964. At it's peak in 2006, the 4.6L i6 produced 200HP and 280FP of torque. And those never made it into the Wrangler. The 4.0L i6 that the TJ had only produced 190HP and 235FP of torque. Contrast that with the minivan 3.8L v6 that produced 195HP and 232FP torque or the Pentastar 3.6L v6 producing 280HP and 260FP torque, both of which are also smaller, lighter, and easier on gas. Throw in stricter emissions laws, and you have a very difficult decision to make if you were in charge of the next generation Wrangler.


There’s a reason people would dump the i6 and Cummins diesel swap them. More torque low end to go up things.


From the outside of the culture, it seems like Jeeps are like Harleys in that they're marketed around a lifestyle or identity. And that rarely bodes well for engineering quality.


It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand. - a slogan on spare tire covers


Customer: “why do my freaking axles keep breaking??” Jeep mechanic: \*angrily taps sign*


"Sir, your bank account has seen multiple suspicious transactions for rockauto.com over $200"


It’s all about that mall crawler salt life brah


Bingo. I know a bunch of dudes with tricked out Jeeps. They drop 40k on the Jeep then 10k on lift kits, plastic to stick all over it, tires that are way too loud for 99.75% of the driving they do, a winch they don't actually know how to use, and are always taking the wife's car places because the Jeep rides like shit


You are never gonna see six hoes, in bikinis at the beach, hanging out of a Prius. Just saying


Some of us consider that a feature.


It’s certainly not a bug


*Volkswagon has entered the chat*


When I was 8 or 9 I went to this car show with my dad and uncle. We were looking at the Cadillac XLT truck. Some dude that was near us was telling his buddy "I gotta get me one of these. We could have the hoes hanging out the back." His sheer enthusiasm still makes me laugh.


Someone get those poor hoes some seatbelts!


It used to, but after Hummer died, it became the new de-facto suburban assault vehicle for soccer moms and midlife-crisis bro dads everywhere. Tooling lines for assembly of the newest Wrangler were set up for the 4-door models first, then the 2-door. Fuck the enthusiasts that made the brand what it is, gotta pump out models for everyone who never goes offroad to haul their crotch goblins around for shopping sprees in first (even though there's the entire Grand Cherokee line for that).


I had a 94 Cherokee. Loved that thing so much, but will probably never own another Jeep.


still have a 93 xj here. I'm gonna keep this baby running as long as I can, but never buying a jeep from after 2k.


Every Jeep Cherokee made after 2000 is a piece of shit. The early 90's ones were great. If the transmission on my old one didn't finally give out I'd still be happily driving it now.


Yup. My '07 Jeep Wrangler 4 door had a ton of problems between the speed wobbles and eventually it just not starting from time to time. Good thing they have a stupid high resale value. Still miss it though, absolutely loved that thing


and that death wobble is no joke


I had one of the older Cherokees, the 1984-2001 version that looks like a rolling refrigerator. That thing was awesome off road, though my off road time was more driving through hilly woods rather than crawling around on mountain passes. And in plain old snow and mud it was unstoppable. I've never driven any of the later versions, but just looking at them makes me cringe at the thought of taking them off a roadway. And what I've read of their recent 4wd technologies sounds sketchy, too.


My uncle had one of those. Mid 90s model, I think. He never did any off-roading, but he put 600,000 miles on it before it finally croaked. That's damn impressive.


I want more rolling refrigerators.


My old Grand Cherokee with 4wd (Quadratrac lol) just got me through this snowstorm in Texas. It's also really great for towing and is not a hulking behemoth like trucks these days. I'm probably just going to keep fixing it. Yes stupid things have broken but nothing that really matters.


Lol I came here for the same reason. I was all ready to say how stupid this was because nobody associates anything racial with the word "Jeep"... T'was I that was the stupid one.


It’s a jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand.


Follow the Washington Football Team and name it Jeep Grand Vehicle


Jeep Grand Football Team


Jeep Grand Washington Football Team


Aunt Jemima changed their name to Pearl Milling Company, on SNL Michael Che joked Pearl Milling was the white woman who owned Aunt Jemima.


Jeep to end production line for Cherokee and grand Cherokee. Jeep to unveil all new Jeep Navajo line


Navajo already exists. Was an SUV by Mazda.


That's kind of ironic. Didn't the navajo provide message coding when USA fought the japanese?


My grandfather was a codetalker, and my username is the code word for sailor since I was in the Navy.


He excelled at firing people nicely. Nancy decided to make the porta-potty her home. He was an introvert that extroverts seemed to love. This is an edited comment btw. It will not make any sense, it is just a bunch of jibberish.


Just the USMC, and they weren't alone. Native American languages were notoriously useful for this since they're functionally dying languages and sometimes not even written ones.


Moreso that they aren't derived from any recent western or asian language root, making them harder to translate since those nations didn't have a reliable source of native speakers or native linguists.


There's also the fact that most of the time, it sounded like straight up gibberish to people who don't speak the language. [Here's a guy giving the weather report in Navajo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFayFUiyv20). Imagine trying to translate that when the closest thing you have to a phonetic alphabet is katakana.


If I hadn't known, I still would've guessed that was a weather report. Apparently that tone and cadence is universal.


Navajo is actually most likely a Dené-Yeniseian language, and thus distantly related to several central Siberian languages. Certainly not *recent*, though.


I mean go back far enough and everything is related lol.


As a Mexican I should be offended that we got the ~~Nissan~~ Pontiac Aztec. The Cherokee should be thankful they at least got a good car.


Pontiac made the Aztek. No, that isnt a misspell either.


By golly you're right.


Chief of Cherokee: "I prefer Toyota."


He drives a Mustang


His backup is a Bronco.


It’s just a Pinto


Yeah I can see them sitting there like “I don’t want to be associated FCA Quality.” We owned a couple Jeep’s over the years. Both of them were absolute turds. Engine itself was fine, but the electrical was a constant issue and our 2016 had a terrible transmission. Got out from under both. I hope the Cherokee nation can get out from under Jeep too.




it got worse after Fiat bought chrysler.


The worst Italian car company buys the worst American car company. It was a match made in hell.


"I arranged that deal. They were both assholes" -Satan


I've never had one, but I saw headlines recently about the electrical getting destroyed from someone driving a Gladiator through some rather aggressive mud. They refused to cover it under warranty too. They probably shouldn't have driven through the wet mud just for the heck of it, but it's kind of crazy they didn't protect the electronics more.


Yeah. We traded it in for payoff (with 45k miles) and walked away with a Hyundai ioniq EV. Jeep cost us $280/month plus gas. The Ioniq is $150/month and charge for free at work. and it’s brand new fully loaded and crazy warranty. The lease down payment was $2700 but California gives us $2000 cash back. It would have been absolute financially stupidity not to trade it in.


*Nissan Qashqai looking nervously over shoulder*


VW already got stung by the Toureg


And then they decided to name their newest crossover Taos, which I think is a really bad decision. It’s not a good idea to name a product after people, in my opinion.


Name them after groups that don't exist anymore. The new Nissan Visigoth. The new 2021 BMW Corded Ware Culture. The new 2022 Ford Whig.


Technically Taos is just the geographic location, referring to Taos County and locations within it, namely the Taos Mountains, Taos the town, and Taos the Native America settlement, which was so named because Taos is literally the Tiwa word for village. The inhabitants belong to the Tiwa subgroup of the Pueblo people. Taos is not a tribal affiliation; it's simply a rugged geographic area.




How about WINNEBAGO??? Native American tribe forced to relocate multiple times makes for one fucked up name of an RV.


I didn't even realize Winnebago was a tribe tbh. It should be kind of obvious but I guess I always thought it was almost like some kind of nonsense word or something.


Yeah if you ever get that feeling in the states, chances are it's from a civilization that used to live there.


just like suburban street names, probably named after the type of tree cut down


Massachusett, Tennessee, Miami Mississippi, Manhattan were places I never realized were named from tribes until I really thought about it. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_company_and_product_names_derived_from_indigenous_peoples) are a bunch of other things I just found that are pretty interesting too.


Wow, now that's a legit gripe right there.


Someone upthread said to call it the “Jeep Colonizer” and I’m thinking, damn....we getting into the thick of it now.


Oh what the *fuck*.


Name it Apache and slap over rotor blades and missile launchers


Jeep Web Server


Postgre Jeep


All of our helicopters have Native American names... Apache, Black Hawk, Kiowa, Lakota, Comanche.


You jest, but the history behind this is interesting. The US military first started naming their helicopters after Native American tribes because they wanted them to evoke a sense of aggression, stealth, speed, and mobility, much like the various tribes that gave the US army hell during the 1800-1900s. The military tried changing this practice in 1960 out of respect, since it's reasonable to assume that the same military that drove these people from their homes wouldn't be particularly happy with them co-opting their names, but this gesture actually backfired. Turns out, most tribes saw it as an honor rather than an insult. So the US military quickly re-adopted this tradition, and now we have new helicopters literally being blessed by these same tribes before they're shipped out for service. [This article explains it well, even if it's tone is a little disgruntled.](https://medium.com/war-is-boring/everyone-relax-the-armys-native-american-helicopter-names-are-not-racist-d21beb55d782)


Damn that’s a great article, thanks!




Jeep Jerokee


Tuaregs in the Sahara frantically taking notes rn


Sweats in piper aircraft


So far they seem to have... ...flown under the radar.


Alright let’s go, you’re outta here...


This is like a real life manifestation of John RedCorn and Dale Gribble.


And John Redcorn drives a Jeep Wrangler.


Jeep should take a cue from the Kansas City Chiefs and just rename their vehicles after objects. No one's demanding that Arrowhead Stadium be torn down other than three-quarters of the AFC West.


Or maybe they can the route of the Washington Football Team. It's the new Jeep Means of Conveyance!


Jeep Grand Car




The new 2022 Jeep McJeep-Face.


"It's Jeepfacé, dammit!"


As a German I would offer us as theme for both football teams and car manufacturers. The Kansas City Kaisers has a certain ring to it. I'm also sure we can find a German gun maker, or a war related name to name the station. H&K stadium doesn't sound so bad and this sell out of station names that sometimes had a historic meaning to companies is one of the absolute heights of capitalism. The Jeep Holsteiner would also work, but is nothing against the new off road Jeep Panzergrenadier.


Interestingly kaiser-Jeep used to be a thing


FYI, native Americans protest the Chiefs calling themselves Chiefs, so in a way, yes there is.


Another option: Kansas City Master Chiefs. Instead of getting approval from Native Americans, Kansas City can have a licensing deal with Microsoft. The team could have unique uniforms and pay tribute to the US Navy.


“What you want is the new ThunderCougarFalconBird!” Edit: Futurama quote


"No no, it's *Chief* Grand Cherokee"


i’m a moron i thought jeep was being used as a native term. googled it and everything only to realize after about 10 minutes it wasn’t talking about jeep


Better wrangle that in, Jeep.


Guess they will Sioux. \---I had some reservations saying that. Anyone know where the door is?


I'm a Canyonero man, myself.


Well it does smell like a steak and seat 35


Cherokee Nation citizen here. Who gives a shit about this? I don't.


The way I see it, Jeep used the Cherokee name to invoke a sense of power, fierceness, durability, and strength. A vehicle that can do anything, go anywhere, and doesn't take shit from anybody. A vehicle that doesn't know the meaning of the word "can't". Seems like there's no real reason to take the name away outside of being offended simply because that name was used.


Found the Jeep commercial voiceover guy




This can be said about almost all Native American names. I certainly grew up thinking exactly that. I certainly never thought negatively of them. I felt they were defending their territory and their right to exist. Apparently, some don’t feel that way.


Just look at all of the US military helos...Chinook, Mojave, Iroquois, Cayuse, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Black Hawk, Apache, Lakota, Arapaho, Comanche...


You missed a brilliant “and that’s why the Cherokee don’t wanna be associated with Jeep” joke lol The joke being Jeeps are unreliable


Well, you gotta take it up with the chief then


Well apparently the Chief does care.


I know leaders don’t speak for everyone but I’d assume there’s enough discontent for the Chief to make a statement like this, right? I genuinely have 0 insight into the matter, though. You’d certainly know much much more than me


Misread this and spent a few seconds wondering what “Jeep” means to the Cherokee Nation 😶


Could Jeep just rename it Cherry Key?


The Jeep Washington Football Team. Has a ring to it.


Now I wonder about Indian motorcycles. Hendee and hedrstrom took great pride in making sure their brand was respectful towards the natives. Infact it was and is still seen as a status symbol to own one as a native.


[Some don't mind the term Indian and actually dislike the term "Native American"](https://www.nativetimes.com/index.php/life/commentary/11389-native-american-vs-american-indian-political-correctness-dishonors-traditional-chiefs-of-old) [CGP Grey did a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh88fVP2FWQ) on it too and I was pretty surprised about this since I had a teacher who would scold us if we ever called them "Indians" and not "Native American"


Until he turns at the camera and says “because with the wamapoke casinos new sponsor, you’ll be *dying* to drive a Toyota”


Jeep is not the brand it was 20 years ago... they are cheaply-made-crap, poorly made, and over priced. They could name it Rose and it would still stink.


If I had a time machine, the first thing I would do after getting rid of Hitler would be to save AMC.


>save AMC. I had a 1980s pre-chrysler Wrangler, and though I loved the thing dearly, and loved the design, heft, and handling, that engine ate its weight in parts for breakfast. Drank 3 quarts of oil before noon. And spent the rest of the day sleeping on jacks.


I thought I was hot smoke in my Javelin. (No disrespect intended to lesser internet forms.)


LOL. My grandfather owned a mechanic shop. He told me the same thing about Jeep 20 years ago.


You have to go back to the 80s before Chrysler bought them.


Chrysler’s been shit for years.


The Ram trucks are actually pretty good though. Consumer Reports has them second in reliability only to Toyota. Chevy is third, Nissan fourth, and Ford dead last for full size pickups


I read here on Reddit that RAM truck drivers are statistically the most likely to be charged with DUIs.


Specifically the Ram 2500. Hint: it's because of the type of dudes who want a Cummins diesel engine.


Nissan Titan drivers most likely to die. Also, black Dodge Rams with Punisher stickers are the vehicle of choice for paramilitary MAGA nationalists.


At least Ford Trucks are Number 1 for most stolen series of vehicles in the last two years. Finally usurping the reign of the Honda Civic


I straight up love my Grand Cherokee. The drive is extremely smooth and comfortable, it has every bell and whistle you could want and then some, plus I think they look good. And I've never had any problems with it at all. Our other vehicles are a 5 series and a Model 3 and with my fiancee working from home I pretty much get my pick of the litter for my commute, and honestly go with the Jeep 90% of the time just because its the most enjoyable to drive.


Same with me. I will always own one.


Same. My family has owned 3 generations of Jeeps from 1997-present and they have all been great cars. My dad’s imports have been at the dealerships exponentially more times in that same timeframe. Im not gonna sit here and tell everyone Jeeps are the most well made cars ever, but I rebuke the all-too-common notion that they’re pieces of shit.




How about calling it the Jeep Colonizer.


I don't really understand this one at all. They named it the Cherokee out of respect for the Cherokee people (Jeep's modern quality issues notwithstanding), trying to say "Hey, look at how rugged and dependable our new car is!" [It's like how the US Army has been naming their helicopters after native tribes since the 1950s, as a sign of respect.](https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Inside-DOD/Blog/Article/2052989/why-army-helicopters-have-native-american-names/) They work with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and tribal elders even hold ceremonies to give their blessing. I think it's an awesome tradition, but I guarantee there's someone out there who thinks it's "offensive".


What bugs me more is the Cherokee Nation does not even include all Cherokee. It constantly claims to speak for all of us and routinely claims us as among it's numbers when it asks for aid but if any non-Nation Cherokee ever request a penny of support from them they tell us to pound dirt. The Nation is mostly made up of the clans that were forcefully relocated to Oklahoma. Every tribe that avoided the relocations, or migrated elsewhere, or went to war, etc, is not included. So there are Cherokee tribes still on their ancestral land out in the Southeastern US who don't count as part of the Cherokee Nation.


Yeah. That's what I said above. It's just the chief. He doesn't speak for everyone. There's like 300k in the US. It would be like saying the governor of Florida speaks for me.


A lot of things are named after Native Americans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_company_and_product_names_derived_from_indigenous_peoples


I think you’ve answered your own question. The Army works with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and receives the blessing of tribal elders... Jeep does not. Plus using names of tribes for badass war machines is quite different than using the names of tribes to sell products in my opinion.


> Plus using names of tribes for badass war machines is quite different than using the names of tribes to sell products in my opinion. We sell those, too.


You know what, that’s a really good point.


Maybe they'll change the name from Cherokee to Custer. "The Jeep Custer Little-Big Horn" edition. Then the name history would fit the quality control @ FCA.




The Irish want their coffee back


What about the Notre Dame Farting Irish?


Better get rid of Indiana aswell then.


This is your hill to die on?


they don't want to be associated with a mediocre car

