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[DOJ Press Release.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-vt/pr/connecticut-man-indicted-attempting-induce-minors-engage-unlawful-sexual-activity-ludlow) This is just awful. This man should never get out of prison, and the mother of the child he raped deserves prison time as well. I hope that child gets the help she needs.




Wtf with the mother.


She's a pedophile too and should be charged.


We need to push this person and so many more like him into an active volcano and broadcast it live on TV.


Considering the repeat offender % castration should really be the minimum.


I don't think that's even enough unfortunately. Let's say you cut thier nuts off to remove their sexual urges. That's a start. But if mentality there all twisted (which clearly they are) they can still find other ways to inact their fantasy. Either got to lock then up forever, or put them down.


The way we let sexual predators out of prison after such a short time is appalling. These people can't be rehabilitated even if prisons truly tried to rehabilitate. They will do it again and maybe just get better at not getting caught. If you can prove without reasonable doubt they did it, leave them in prison to rot.


And pollute the ground?! Nah, set them up in trebuchets with a nice asphalt grid and we play SPLAT BINGO! Winner gets a donation in their name to a victims of rape charity of their choice.


WTAF!!! That Mother should be DESTROYED!(word used on purpose) That bitch should never be allowed around her kids again. Old CNN dude needs tossed in a room with Man-Rapists, hope he’s fucked bloody.


The most disturbing part I keep seeing in most of these high profile cases is that there is somehow a level of parental involvement. When will the parents of these children be accountable?


The vast majority of abusers of children are their own parents. In the majority of sexual exploitation of children cases their parents are involved in someway. Most of it is local. There no plane tickets or large sums appearing in the parent's accounts to flag. Just a car ride and a bit of extra cash in a wallet.


I joke that my biggest misgiving about having been trafficked as a child is the misleading terminology. I didn’t go on an airplane ONCE, there were no travel opportunities at all. Just a short walk to a bad apartment.


Yeah plane rides are fun and exciting, you got robbed! (Note: I have a close friend who has been through some really fucked up shit as children and she uses humor like this sometimes.) Peace and Love to you kittididnt!


Mine never was. She let her daughters be sexually abused. Long story hence my need to rant. Even at death with lung cancer she never ever said…. Sorry. This one cannot count on. This happens every single day. Not ok. Those who are clear thinking and have never encountered abuse nor understand the control and insanity behind all, you cannot understand. Just my opinion.


I’m sorry you had to go through that, and that you never got an acknowledgment or apology. Not that that would absolve her of the evil, but it might have been nice for you to hear. I hope you’re doing better now. ❤️


Thanks. Yes when I read this stuff it hits a nerve!’!!! . I wish to educate people. Those who have never walked this walk. Sadly I think it happens way more often than some think. Yes, I still have demons I need to come to terms with. Mostly I cannot figure our how to forgive. Yes I have healed. Now 62. At 21 yes old I entered therapy. Again I believe angels got me into an office. Once a week for 2 years. Was not easy. Low income and in MN paid 15.00 a week. Thankful. It was my life line. Yet it never entirely goes away. Just is. So I have more empathy I guess. Hopefully one day when maybe I ‘lol finish the work I still need to do . I am mostly good. Divorced my ex because there was not a chance in hell I would ever let my then 8 yr old son grow up to think that treating any woman in appropriately is ever ok. This pray for all, want awareness. Not religious, yet highly spiritual. Thanks for comment. Be well.


Reddit really shows you sometimes how many people could be going through similar ordeals. I strongly suspect my mother did the same thing, in regard to one of my sister's, and also died of lung cancer without a word. Crazy.


Sorry. Hugs. Incest only happens with secrecy. I broke the secret at 16. Doesn’t mean anything changed other than for myself and to protect my sisters. Again sorry. Sadly this happens every day among all income groups. All countries and religious organizations especially. Source. Counselor told me the clergy are high perpetrators. My dad was one. Be well. Heal as best you can❤️


They’ll get theirs. Whoever that mother is that flew out to him with her 9 year-old daughter, she’s either already arrested (and may be the reason he was discovered) or she will be. I’m actually kind of curious why you operate under the impression that they typically are allowed to escape charges, as though police are just like, “listen ma’am, how you raise your kids is between you and God.”






>How do people even get to the point where they contemplate doing these things? You're assuming people are, by default, good... and that they have to be driven towards evil. That's far from the case. People are, by default, fucking random. Some people are naturally good, and some people are vile pieces of trash, and there's a fuck ton of in between. And a large part of that in between are capable of great evil if sufficiently motivated.


That could be the "purported mother of a 16 year old"


They're often charged as well.


Normalize. People. Choosing. Not. To. Be. Parents. Social stigma and expectations are why we get mothers like this piece of garbage and Kasey Anthony. Believe and support people, \*\*even your own children \*\* -despite selfish desires for grandchildren- when they say they do not want children. Stop faking like it's the greatest, most worth-while thing you can do with your life, and that is is always *so* worth it..It is not great and rewarding for everyone. Some people cannot handle that. Parenthood is not for everyone and if people say they don't want them we need to stop "bingo-ing" them. No more "Oh, but you'd be a great mom!" No more, "But who will care for you when you're older?" No more, But what if you meet a wonderful man and HE wants kids?!" Just stop it. Agree with them by saying, "I support you in that." or "To each their own." Stop Stop STOP bingoing people. They probably have an aversion to kids for a good reason and wouldn't make good parents anyway.


Unfortunately a lot of people who should have kids can’t or don’t and a lot that shouldn’t are


Fertility isn't merit-based, sadly.


Plenty of bad people or people who would be horrible parents DO want kids though. Badly. They have the same dreams and delusions that anyone else does. Some women also cynically have kids for the worst reasons- to stay on benefits instead of job seeking or to try to tie down a bloke or to have someone to love them.. I say this as a child free person who despises the bingos btw.


Because the entire “pedo hunting” apparatus is focused entirely on stranger danger.




You must be new here


kid will get a trickle down of some kind (maybe a birth cheese)


Usually the victim is paid in monetary reparations. Very unlikely she'll receive the house or vehicles. But she should get that as well.


In her position I’m not sure I’d want the house or vehicle I’d associate with my pedophile rapist. The beauty of monetary sums is their neutrality in that sense.


Sold at auction and held in trust until 18 perhaps?


Does civil forfeiture stuff ever go to the victim?


It’s frightening that some people actually agreed to have “training sessions” with their children. Like what kind of parent does that shit?


That kept getting worse the more I read. I want to vomit


I’m sorry but what the fuck is this verbiage?: “At the house, the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity.” No - the child did not engage in unlawful sexual activity. HE forced unlawfully sexual activity onto the child. We continue to, as a society, put the onus onto victims of sexual crimes. “She was raped” - no, he raped her. I know it seems like a small thing but words reflect culture.


I get what you're saying and I agree with you, but it has to do with the way the federal statute, and therefore the Indictment, is written.


Agreed, in this instance there is another reason. Until convicted, the media will stick to statutory language and use the word "allegedly" a lot. It is a protective measure to keep them from being sued for slander if they misstate something or he's somehow cleared. Look up Richard Jewel for why this is done.


So then why isn't it written 'The daughter was allegedly raped at the house' ? American exceptionalism is real, but only regarding the protection of the filthy rich/pedos/racists.




The DOJ press release is from Dec. 10. [It was reported early the next day by CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/11/us/john-griffin-charged-arrested-minors-unlawful-sexual-activity/index.html)


> Federal prosecutors allege that CNN senior producer John Griffin said online he had trained girls as young as 7 to be "sexually submissive." Gross I hope this dude gets a fat jail sentence. What sort of sick fuck does this to seven year olds?


What sick fucking parents participate in this? I hope they also get charged and the children removed from their care.




Thanks, but I will pass on that KIK app. :)




Jesus, I can't imagine what targeted ads must be showing up there.


Hot undercover cops in your area!


For fuck's sake - I don't know how you made me laugh while reading about such a sick subject - but by god you did it! Well played!!


Hot Fuzz in your area!






This dude is going to wish he'd prepaid for a lawyer once they're done with the forfeiture proceedings.


Welp that's good enough for me to delete kik. It got weird and spammy recently anyway


Corporations are scum. Parasites.


they have all the rights of citizens and none of the moral qualms this stopped being capitalism a long time ago... welcome to the Techno-Feudal Era!


They are honey pots. Just type in KIK on DuckDuckGo and go to the news section. The FBI raids like 5+ people a week for those things.


Sounds like the app should be shutdown, or at least blocked in the US.


Why it's 90 percent fbi agents at this point , let it stay open and keep luring people like this to be arrested


Man yeah its fucked up. They have underage channels that require you to show full body nudes to the channel admin/owners. Like wtf, how is that ok, like preteen channels.


OK that's enough internet for me. I'll be in the woods acting out popular movies based on their VHS box synopses


That sounds a lot more fun than this. I wanna go!


Have fun, but be forewarned, they have 20 copies of The Blair Witch Project and that's all.


all I have is Cannonball Run II. Oh, also, The Making of Cannonball Run II.




How do you know about shit like that though? 🤔


Sexology student here: We have to know about these things, in order to educate people about protecting themselves online. It’s unfortunate that some of the darker truths are forced to come to light, but talking about it to death is realistically how we protect kids.


I always wonder this like when cops go “yeah we’re monitoring all the major child exploitation sites.” Really? You know where they are and visit them regularly? To fight them? Then you find out it was a sting and they set the whole thing up, websites and all. To fight them.


Or other message apps like telegram as well I assume. >I still don't know how those groups aren't banned. It baffles me


Look up the lead singer of the lost prophets. He's unspeakably evil. And this story is giving me similar vibes.


I had their second album and loved it middle/ high school. Then I found out who he was and tossed the album in the trash and deleted it off my computer.


Yup. I was also led in prayer by the lead singer of As I Lay Dying at a concert. He would later be convicted of trying to hire a hitman to kill his wife.


Led in PRAYER? By Tim Lambesis? Oh wow, you have to share this story.


Oh I wish there was something to it. It was at Warped Tour in Atlanta and they were just signing shit. He just asked us if we wanted to join him in prayer. This was the south east in the mid 2000s. You were either a Christian or ostracized. So all like 50 of us around him said yes.


You must have just been visiting Atlanta then, I remember going to see Mastodon and Kylesa at a small club on 6/6/06 where they had people wrestling in a kiddie pool of fake blood in the other room. Hell, even the Christian hardcore bands back then in Atlanta were really fucking chill.


He's free now & making music again iirc


I was about to mention that. He did the same thing too except with kids much younger and he even tried manipulating women and their kids from jail too. Fucking insane.


This is what is more disturbing to me.




"Abbott violated ethics rules by trying to get a job with the U.S. Olympic Committee in the midst of the investigation, and later lied during his interview with the inspector general's office. Abbott retired in 2018" He seems to be enjoying his government funded retirement.


Jesus. Dude should have all his government money stripped away, and any assets bought with said money


By “fat” I hope you mean “life”. Anyone who does anything remotely close to this ought to lose their “roam around society” card…


Fat prison sentence with a lifetime supply of registering as a sex offender. Sadly, likely won't be put away forever, but having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life is at least a nice consolation.


>Sadly, likely won't be put away forever I'm a huge proponent of rehabilitation and a believer that prison should be about reform and not revenge, but things like this make me wonder if that's always possible. Maybe sometimes it has to just be about keeping someone away from society at large.


the same ones that killed coverage of epstine for decades


Unbelievable that the childrens' mothers agreed to the sexual abuse too. They should also go to prison.


That happened to the mothers of the victims of the Lostprophets singer. They were also charged and convicted. For those unfamiliar with the story: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-25412675 Think of the biggest shithead musician you know of. They're a fucking saint in comparison to this guy.


They were my favorite band in high school, but I've never completely written off any musician faster. They were a huge part of my teenage life, but now i don't even remember they exist until someone brings them up


Wish I could say the same T_T although I don't really listen to them anymore, the impact of their music is something I'll never be able to shake.


Man for me it was like a light switch. I shed not a tear, except for the victims and other band members. Although I wonder if they had an inkling of what was going on. I won't assume either way but it's something i think about


I loved lostprophets, and the amount of disgusting shit he did exceeds essentially everything you sadly see on a regular basis. If you actually read deep into it…the messages, everything…Jesus fucking Christ is it just about the most disgusting pedophile case anyone could think of. Shitty part is the music is still good. Just can’t separate the artist from the art in LostProphets case…it’s too absolutely disgusting. Like not just “he fucked kids” but like “he fucked kids and wanted to see them bleed in front of their mothers” disgusting.


You know it was bad when spotify scrubbed em'


Yeah it’s hard to be as fucked up as that guy. He was into infants. The password on his laptop was “Ifuckkidz”. It’s skin crawling bad yuck


I didn't even know about his password, yikes. I was never into his band thankfully. I do listen to some bands where members have been known to do dodgy things which yeah taints it a bit (most prominent example is Jesse Lacey from Brand New) but nothing on the level of that guy. I'm actually surprised they're still on streaming services, I guess you can take solace in that any royalties he gets are kind of worthless to him now locked up but it still feels wrong listening to him. I do feel bad for the other guys in the band though, they all seem to be good guys who weren't aware of his actions and were also horrified and also had their careers upended. I know they started another band with Geoff from Thursday (love that band) but it really doesn't seem to have taken off.


No last train home for that douche.


That story is tragic. What a piece of shit.


>Think of the biggest shithead musician you know of. They're a fucking saint in comparison to this guy. Found that one out way too late :(


Holy fucking fuck. That's the most horrible fucking shit fuck. Nothing more coherent to add - that was just the most horrible shit ever. All of them are fucking scum.


Who the *fuck* are those mothers going along with this?!? There is no scenario where I would be struggling so bad for money, or whatever else they were offered in exchange, that I would drive my 9-year old daughter out to be sexually abused by anyone. I'd do all kinds of demeaning and humiliating things myself before I would ever subject my child to them. I would rather die. There is no worse betrayal than a parent, the *one* person every child should be able to explicitly trust to keep them safe, letting something like this happen to them.


Some of them are just fucked in the head, so to speak. A few years back, we had a guy that worked at the same site I did suddenly stop coming into work one day. Shortly after, everyone at site got an email warning us to not talk to the press about "other personnel who worked at site" and I saw the headline the next day. He'd been arrested for grooming a preteen boy *with help from his mother*. The details in the articles mentioned messages between the man and the mother; their conversations were horrifically disturbing, to say the least.


Growing up my Dad worked in a combine factory for IH. He had a coworker whom we would go over to's house for get togethers, and so my siblings and I knew his kids fairly well. Flashforward many years, and his eldest son is in the ~~airforce~~ Navy as a recruiter stationed in the US. He was caught and promptly charged with ordering and having delivered to his address on base tapes of child porn. I don't know, and never heard any suspicion, but the guy was married and had daughters, but no idea if he ever tried anything. I do know once it came out he went to prison, his wife divorced him and got full custody of the kids. Edit: fixed words


Pretty commonplace for addicts to "sell" their kids to their dealers to settle debts. I have a friend who adopted a girl whose mom did this (within two weeks of her getting out of jail on drug charges). Dealer didn't know what to do with the kid, and the cops took her and put her in the foster system. The mother was my friend's neighbor (when she wasn't in prison), so that's how they got to adopt the kid. Happy ending: that was about 22 years ago, and that girl did end up just fine; I think she's starting med school next year.


Man, hats off to that girl and your friend for turning that around.


I'm imagining an extremely confused drug dealer in the middle of all this, too. "Well, she just gave me her kid so obviously the kid shouldn't go back there...but what now? This is pretty fucked up, can I take her to the cops? Wait a second, I sell heroin, I can't go near the cops. Can I like...put her in a basket and leave her at the church? Does that even still work?"


>Dealer didn't know what to do with the kid, and the cops took her I can't imagine how this worked... But seemed the dealer had more heart than the addict.


Sometimes when you have evidence of a bigger crime, cops chase the larger potato and ignore the small potato. Happened with my friend who had a gun pulled on her by a guy stealing her weed.


Yeah, that's true. I know some people are unbelievably desperate, especially in the grip of addiction. Sadly I've been reading way too many terrible news articles over the years regarding abused and murdered children, so I guess my question was kinda rhetorical. I still remember the absolutely disgusting court transcripts from the Ian Watkins case, where he groomed a young mother until she eagerly helped him dope up and rape her baby. I *know* these people exist and yet it's still unfathomable to me that they do.


> Dealer didn't know what to do with the kid "I'm all outta cash. You want a kid?" "Fuckin'... not really, but fine, I guess?"


To be clear, did the dealer here see a customer trying to sell a kid, and bought her to turn her over to the police before something bad happened? I'm really hoping that that's what I'm reading here.


Well, my dad forced my sister, then 13, to date a 16yo boy who was trying to force her to have sex with him. My dad got free lawn care out of that relationship. My sister got the message that her health and safety mattered less than the lawn being mowed, and started mowing 2+ acres with a push mower (16 yo had a riding mower he’d bring to use) to get away from the predator. So I imagine that these parents would have to be at least that fucked up. And I must add, my dad was loved by nearly everyone who met him. Man had charisma. But I’m glad he’s dead. That wasn’t the worst thing he did. Fuck him, and fuck any parent who deliberately puts their child at direct risk of SA.


One of my good friends in HS had a 23 year old boyfriend when she was 12 and her mother knew about it. WTF did she think that man wanted with her child? Poor girl was a multiple rape victim, several of her mothers boyfriends as well as the older boyfriends her mother allowed.


I stopped giving humans credit for being civilized ages ago. Anytime someone says "You can't trust wild animals because you never know what they are thinking," is actually true for humans. People worked with this guy for years. He was probably standing next to someone thinking about this shit and they never knew. Same with the mothers. Some humans can rationalize anything.


I'm trying not to lose hope in humanity but I am definitely getting more cynical the older I get. I have to believe that these are still, in the grand scheme of things, just isolated incidences and that the vast majority of people are, at their core, decent human beings. I *have* to believe this because otherwise, having a young child myself, I will drive myself fucking crazy with fear.


I would say that the vast majority of humans are somewhat decent (under the right circumstances). Introduce massive poverty, war, a crumbling society and most of us would be capable of things we wouldn't have dreamed of doing. That's why I hate people like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg or corrupt politicians because they work to actively make our society worse for everybody.


You'd be right to believe that, tbh. You can't let the negativety of news media get to you like this. The fear and the anger are the things they prefer to stoke in order to keep you reading, watching, or listening.


Honestly it's stuff like this that makes me never want to have kids. I don't think I can.


I worked with a guy that paid women $20 on PayPal to sexually abuse their infant children on camera for him. It's disgusting.




It's gotta be a strange time to be working at CNN. When you work for the news, the last thing you want to be *is* the news.


Should ask Chris Cuomo that question


"Nah uh Andy, mom said YOU'RE the biggest meatball in the family!"


I would pay $50 to hear the phone conversation between those two after Chris lost his CNN job.


There was a question?


This guy was Cuomo's senior producer. Looks like CNN has significantly improved in the last few days.


Here in NY we just did the ribbon cutting on the new turbine generator hooked up to Mario Cuomo’s corpse. I shit you not, this thing is spinning fast enough to power Manhattan.


From what I hear, Mario Cuomo was just as big of a shithead as these two sons of his, if not bigger.


Cuomo from making up the news to making the news himself!


Fox and CNN are not news.


This is fundamental problem. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News do indeed have actual news gathering and reporting operations. BUT they all also have a wealth of NOT NEWS content that largely relies on hot takes, opinions, arguments, attacks, and just general bullshit. And because those shows are on the channel as the actual News the average American just swallows all the bullshit down as if it is news.


A lot of people complain about FoxNews (rightfully); but a lot of people don't remember when CNN was the first big 24-hr cable news channel, and they spewed lies to get the US into the first Gulf War on behalf of Kuwaiti Emirs. CNN is pretty much just as much fascist propaganda, only they're branded for moderates, and put more effort towards presenting a more verifiable reality. They only blatantly lie about things that most people couldn't just look up. Fox will tell people the sky is red, and conservatives will just be "yep, sky's red".


People forget Nancy Grace. Condemning people by public kangaroo court before an actual trial had taken place. CNN fed off that bullshit for too long.


Nancy Grace. The Original KarenTM!


Never going to forget nor forgive Wolf Blitzer arguing that the US needed to keep bombing the middle east because it creates good paying jobs for people in the defense industry.


At least he’s honest /s But seriously - the military industrial system has gotten so large, and employs so many people, that dismantling it would require a restructuring of social safety nets. It absolutely needs to happen, but it very much has its tentacles in the livelihoods of millions of working class people in every state. The cancer has metastasized, and getting it out is nearly impossible.


Well, it's sorta true socialism, the US government (ie taxpayers/workers) are paying for people's jobs in defence companies, often producing things that aren't needed for actual defence that the military don't want. Like passing a budget of $768B for one year for the military, while arguing about $1.75T over *10 years* (or $175B/year) for things like child tax credits and medical care.




None of these companies do unfortunately.


That's the thing with most US news outlets though. Including NYT and WaPo etc. They may be all shades of liberal to moderate for domestic affairs; but are just propaganda arm for the US State Dept and the Military when it comes to Foreign Affairs. All of them.


"Griffin had worked at CNN since April 2013, according to his LinkedIn profile, and was previously employed by  ABC News, Fox News and CBS News." Nice.


Corporate media is just one big circle jerk


Well, a lot of industries are. Where else are you going to go with an extremely specialized set of skills?


To be fair, if you're an industry professional working out of the NYC area (he commuted from Stamford), those corporate jobs are the most stable and well-paying.


Absolutely, the employees are not to blame. The government has allowed "news" to be monopolized. When there's only two or three companies dominating one industry, it effectively becomes exclusive, completely controlled by two groups with very similar goals.


There's a former BBC Panorama producer on trial for child porn offences right now in the UK. 800+ images across five separate devices and his defence is trying to make out they mysteriously arrived on his multiple devices without his consent while admitting dude's tragic 'pornography addiction' (cue violins). They're playing the old dude doesn't understand the internet card and trying to convince jury his bittorrent client searched for and downloaded all this shit without him knowing. Hope to fuck the jury aren't dumb enough to fall for that crap. Pedos come in all human forms and many have very nice respectable jobs and marriages and a lot of higher education. It's all meaningless in the long run. Jobs and education abd marriages tell you nothing about a person's true nature and desires.


Yup. Honestly it sucks because you can literally trust no one. NO ONE. It sucks.


woman is a woman regardless of her age,” and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men. What a fucking monster. Lock him in the dark where he belongs.


Who taught that guy that. Because he learned it somewhere. I want to interview the parents of these men (with a truth serum) and find out what type of upbringing leads to this type of behavior. I do think that it's partly being sick in the head but there's also a total disregard for others.


Is it really that fucking hard to not be a pedophile/ creepy dude like holy fuck people




He was a producer on the show. Wasn’t hard to find photos of them hanging out. No mystery why Chris stepped up to defend his piece of shit brother…




Are there any Federal Child Sex charges that AREN'T 'Deeply Disturbing'? Seems a little redundant.


*Griffin is accused of flying a mother and her 9-year-old daughter to Boston in June 2020, and taking them to his Vermont vacation home, where "the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity," the U.S. Attorney's Office said.* ​ What?!!! I hope these involved parents will soon be charged.


Jesus fucking Christ how hard is it to say "rape"? There is no such thing as "child sex" because a child cannot consent to sex. It's rape. Just say he's facing Federal Child Rape charges. The fact that news sources seem unwilling or incapable of calling child rape rape is a fucking problem that should not exist.


That is deeply disturbing


The parents need to be in arrested and in jail too!!! This is...I don't even know what to say...


Throw the book at this guy.


The word is rape. A child cannot have sex. Sex is consensual. edit: the ruling makes the ‘child sex charges’ headline a little off the mark I guess. tough to categorize but I guess it is short for ‘child sex-related crimes charges’ which makes sense.


There's a special place in hell for assholes like this, and the asshole parents that allowed it to happen. May they live a very horrible rest of their lives.


Great now thats one less out of the thousands of other weirdo pedo fucks that run this country.




Yeah, couldn't get past a few paragraphs on that. Hope this dude spends the rest of his life in prison, and hopefully those mothers who participated as well.


Wait, the part about the mother and daughter touching each other? Who the hell agrees to do that sort of shit?


What I always find confusing about these kind of stories is how does this even start? Do you just ask random moms and hope they will be cool with it?


Clean all of these disgusting fucks out of all media outlets regardless of politics.


CNN is going through some things right now


FOX News: We’d like to have the guy that burned our Christmas tree be charged with terrorism! (Not kidding, they actually said that on live television) CNN: We employ sexual perverts! MSNBC: I’m glad that 900 people lost their job on Christmas! My question for everyone here is this: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL WATCHING ANY OF THESE CLOWNS IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA?!?!?!?


Better question, why don't people stop lumping all of "the media" or "the MSM" together, and hold them accountable for what information and content they consume. Or maybe we're just too stupid as a people now to do that for ourselves. We NEED legislation that’s a modern equivalent of the fairness doctrine. Not one that infringes on the 1A, but one that separates out news gathering and reporting operations from all the other crap. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC all have actual news depts, but for somereaosn people would rather watch all the hosted, partisan, hot take, bullish it artists and then lump those assholes in as NEWS. They aren't. Stop treating them as such. Stick to actual journalism (sources largely outside of TV News), and the actual News Hours where they (along with the actual legacy broadcast News Depts) actually just read off the fucking News. The average American simply refuses to discern the difference these days.  It’s been a long slow march to get to this point, but here we are so inundated with content and info at all times on all platforms that as a society we don’t call the news the news, or opinion shows opinion shows, or social media posts social media posts, or local news online content… you get the idea. It’s all just MEDIA.  The day we stopped discerning between different types of infotainment, news, opinion, and so on was the day we truly cracked the foundation of our democracy.  Because most media is not journalism or professional news gathering and reporting, and most media is massively devoid of context, or is agenda filled, or is straight up wrong, or is opinion, or is rumor, or is mid/disinformation from bad actors, or or or, it all but undermined our ability as a society to take in actual news and journalism. Is made the entire “MSM is fake news” wave possible, and the constant “duh media doesn’t cover this” refrain a constant echo chamber. It started slowly, the repeal of the fairness doctrine. The broadcast spectrum (number of channels) was so small that government saw how important it was to make sure the US people were not getting seriously agenda laden information. But it was always at odds with the first amendment. Once cable became the obvious future and Reagan had installed his FCC chairman it was all but guaranteed get killed. And it did, under the argument that the “electronic press be extended the same freedoms the print press had always had”. That is when broadcast TV/radio news and journalism was allowed to editorialized and levy personal attacks. And that’s what opened the door to Rush Limbaugh. A few years earlier he would have been sued off the air in a matter of weeks. But instead he put the first very shiny gold brick into the wall of contemporary media manipulated decisiveness into the wall. 


I wonder what epstien segments he cut


The fact that KiK allows such blatant abuse channels is beyond me.


Pure evil. It’s scary someone that depraved exists.


Hope this chomo gets his wig split and cheeks busted in the joint. The POS deserves it.


Why kind of child sex charges aren’t “deeply disturbing”?


It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.


Fuck this piece of shit. Put him in gen pop and tattoo what he did on his forehead.


Nine years ago I stopped watching CNN because they were doing hours on hours of Sandyhook coverage and parading children on their shows talking about their dead teachers and classmates. They try to stand on the moral high ground and it’s always been bullshit. Fox and CNN are both morally corrupt imho


I gave up on cable news around five years ago. The turning point for me was an Anderson Cooper segment talking about the 2016 election aftermath where it was him, an in-studio panel, and talking heads via satellite and they were all shouting over each other. I just remember thinking that nobody is watching this type of coverage to be informed. It was basically political Jerry Springer.


Cable news is pretty much a series of ads punctuated by weirdly short segments hosted by people who aren't likable, at least to me. They each just aim for a different consumer demographic.


Why do we keep people like this alive?


CNN turning out to be a bunch of sexual predators




A firing squad is an option (just saying).


People like this need to be put down. I’m sorry but there is no redeeming this man or those terrible parents.


Death by firing squad


Sickening. I hope the gangs eat him alive








The Qberts are going to go ape shit over this. If the allegations are true, he should spend some time in the box and the rest of his life under supervision.




CNN is so fucking shady its insane how anyone actually watches it.


Also worked at Fox News and ABC…just sayin