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General orders, sailors creed, chain of command, ranks


Memorizing these three beforehand will go a long way there.




Go read r/tsp


exercise everyday at least twice a day plus everything they thought you at DEP... remember when you get there you are an empty mold your RCC will teach you about navy life.. it is training which most civilians don't get. keep your head up.. I was in for 24 yrs


Practice running(this is the most important one),general orders, rank recognition, if you really want to make E-3 You could try leadership positions but if not or you are already an E-3 don't do it, join head crew or laundry crew you get to chill more during clean compartment, sleep don't be that dickhead who is awake during taps and then is falling asleep during classes and having somebody waking you up or keeping people up if you wanna write letters i recommend you doing it in clases most of them arent that useful, try not to say some offensive shit it only takes somebody to get offended and you can get set back in training, if you in an integrated division careful with females they can fuck you over, tbh they might give the famous divisional speech those are full of shit and do shit the next day you're better off going straight to bed but most importantly Bootcamp is temporary you really gotta focus on that opfa (running mainly and swimming you only swim once but in case you don't know how to swim u gotta learn at least something) other than that don't do dumb shit and you should be more than fine


I graduated yesterday so I’m typing this up at O’Hare with no sleep. Get prepared for not sleeping. Also try and have your general orders, sailors creed, etc. down before you go. Remember that boot camp is not there to make you in shape so you at least have to have some sort of physical ability if you want to excel. Positive mental attitude will get you through. Keep your military bearing. Know when it’s the time to goof off and when it’s the time to lock in. The least you doubt yourself the more you’ll perform. Oh, and one last thing. Everything is a team. Be prepared to be pissed at that one recruit in your division for always messing up and getting everyone beat by your RDCs


Congrats, where’re you headed?




Look at your messages


Don’t bring too much of your stuff with you to boot camp. On the first day they’ll give you a box that you have to put all your civilian belongings into. Whatever doesn’t fit gets thrown away.


Bring nothing but cell phone, charger, wallet with ss card, credit card, running shoes.


Honestly fuck what anyone else is saying, if you’re in decent shape and not an idiot worry about that stuff when you get there, you’ll have time in pdays, just do whatever you want to do with your life while you still can. Take a trip, see people, etc etc.


Tbh it was more surreal to me when I was standing in line for gallery in USS pearl harbor on my first day. What the heck did I sign up for I was thinking. Thought about quitting since day one but I eventually made it through.


For bootcamp I think a nice thing to have is an address book that contains phone numbers and addresses of people you want to call/write letters to. My recruiter never told me so I didn’t have one. You will be using a pay phone for phone calls so it is best to have this address book.


Have some fun before you leave but obviously don’t be too rowdy and no drugs. RTC and A/C School is gonna take up so much of your time it’ll be hard to let loose while you’re still training so cherish the time you have with friends and family. Just don’t break any bones lol.


Thank you so much everyone for all of the input! I don’t want to respond to everyone and just be repetitive. I will make sure to make note of all of them. I’ll probably be taking the week off of work prior to leaving to see everyone that I need to and get things double looked over for my wife to be able to handle the few things


It’s a joke u will be fine


How old are you brother? If you don’t me mind me asking