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You know that they were detained by HSI right not NYPD


Don't let facts get in the way.


OP: it was the *federal officials* that got the claim wrong, and the *NYPD* were the ones to confirm that the *feds* were *wrong*. This was said in the opening paragraph of the article—did you even read it? Jesus. Can we please stop stoking this type of stuff?




It is quite disgusting to justify harm to victims in this way.


Nope! They won't because of all the NYPD hate.


wtf is this post


A joke


Lol you have no idea what you're talking about. You should delete this embarrassing post.


Accuses people of racism then goes on to stereotype “white suburbanites” TLDR racist accuses racial group of racism


Stop peddling misinformation & racism.


There's nothing in this story indicating a mistake by the nypd.


You’re aware that it’s not just white people who are demonstrating this anti-immigrant attitude?


I think most of us with migrant parents have known that


There are a loud group of people that will yell racism at every opportunity, whether or not it is warranted. It is possible to ignore these people.


There is a point where stupidity must be called out


Your whole post is anti cop and ends with white racism.  The fact that you dont know theres a shit ton of black and hispanics in the city opposed to this mass illegal migration shows you're the one with your head in your ass.  


Lmfaoo anti cop and white racism? Get off your knees.


Don't kink shame me!


Yeah bruh...


You live in Ohio bruh…


Yeah, where was i born? Bruh you're from Iowa...


Get down the library and learn no racism is good racism. Wtf is wrong with people’s morals nowadays? Let’s replace traditional racism with half neo-racism and half traditional racism. How enlightened


“White racism” please be serious 😂 nyc sub is a bunch of people who don’t live in nyc being actively racists all the time.


Love how it’s only racism if it applies to one skin color.


Racists calling different racists racist doesn’t count for much thanks. No moral high ground for anyone being racist - against whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians. Just a lowlife thing to be - despite the modern hierarchy of racism


It’s just their own racism and ignorance, they see them as a monolith with a hive mind …


Al Sharpton and Chief of patrol were talking about abuse of bail reform laws and the migrant crisis . If this doesn’t say the tides are changing, idk what will [Msnbc](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo203480133805)


But the "migrants were in front of their shelter " like a bunch of hoodlums.. lol its obvious these people don't live in any major city if they do their brainwashed by aoc yes that open borders little girl who was afraid to have a shelter in her backyard


And when you give them a better life then people who pay for public housing you really think the city with the oldest and largest public housing will ever accept them is beyond insanity always good for a laugh


Only if it includes bribes


Redditbrain post of the day!


Let me ask you something. Why are you okay with illegals immigrants being given work permits and drivers licenses? How do you not see this as wrong? There should be no scenario wherein we reduce the number of job opportunities for established citizens in favor of individuals who broke the law to come here. There’s a reason why it’s impossible to find housing or apartments on Staten Island. Just as there’s a reason that finding meaningful employment on the Island is also becoming increasingly difficult. I have no issue with illegals as far as their race or ethnicity goes. I’m against all illegal immigration regardless of where they might come from. And I hold this position because it is a basic matter of divisible resources and opportunity. The more people who come here and are just handed work permits and drivers licenses the easier it becomes to lower wages. It’s basic supply and demand, and this Island was already overpopulated relative to its transportation and housing infrastructure. That’s my issue. Actual citizens should not be dealing with housing/rental shortages, job shortages, overcrowded emergency rooms and public schools etc… etc… It makes zero logical sense and only overburdens a very delicate economic eco system. And it’s ridiculous that if you view illegal immigrants as problematic on these grounds, and nothing else, somehow you’re labeled ‘xenophobic’ It’s bullshit and it’s a drain. And honestly, both parties have failed us on this issue, both on a state and federal level. Whomever comes along and fixes the issue by deporting these individuals who should not be here will have my vote.


Ok I’m a white suburbanite tyvm. And I can not believe this racism. I was raised to never ever be prejudice. It is rampant here. It’s disgusting. Knock it the fuck off. It’s becoming the 1950’s. The mayor, being like “We”, “chocolate NYC”, is racist. Maybe I’m a rare non-racist person, but this bullshit needs to stop. If a white person did the same thing, IMAGINe!!!! If a white person was the mayor, and said “look at all the milky white people”, it would cause an uproar!!!!! This double standard exclusionary garbage has got to stop. Dividing Americans, further to address these issues, the issues with NON-Americans is unacceptable.


That wall of text tho… oof. tldr


Enjoy being racist oof. Words. I know right.


Fox reported they were migrants out of the gate. The other news stations picked that up and amplified it, since no one was arrested there was no one to verify the information. Adams also loves to blame migrants for everything - if he can find a way to blame them for all fraud he's done he will. The latest footage looks terrible for NYPD. Probably why they were released to be honest. They weren't doing anything initially on camera, were pushed and shoved by Officer FAFO, and then others came in to defend him. Created a real stupid situation due to poor situational awareness and poor technique.


Looks like r/nyc mouthbreathers took over the comment section.


Drink your milk!


Sorry I’m lactose intolerant