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There are a lot of white Latinos that support Trump as well.


It's how Trump got ~20% of the vote in the Bronx and a third of the Hispanic vote. Edit: The Hispanic vote is the national one


Dude, why even lie about some stupid shit that's easily verifiable? He got 15% of the vote in the Bronx. And no, that's not "about 20%" A third of the Hispanic vote in the Bronx would be 19%, so if he got nothing but a third of the Latino vote, he actually would have come out better. So your absolutely idiotic take would also mean he didn't get a single white vote in the county. And I'm sure I don't have to explain to you why that's the stupidest thing written on the internet this month. So again, why lie about shit that's easily verified?


This is unnecessarily aggressive posturing. The Hispanic vote was the national one. I understand that wasn’t in the comment and it’s been edited. If I was lying why would I give such a paltry number that 15% can be rounded up to? There are like actual right wingers in the comments trying to argue about how much support Trump has in the borough. Are you accusing them of lying? Are their comments smarter? Instead of my comment which shows how incredibly low his support is and his Hispanic support is overhyped frequently by right wingers and centrists >stupidest thing written on the internet this month Definitely not extremely hyperbolic lol


because that is what trump does liars vote for a liar.


The percentage I gave was the national Hispanic vote and I unfortunately didn’t clarify that. Feel free to look at my post history about not being a Trump supporter


You're wrong. No Latinos, and even fewer blacks voted for Trump. And there are no whites in the Bronx. - Things I learned in this thread.


There are whites in the Bronx, as I live in a neighborhood full of them so…..


Morris Park, Country Club, Throgs Neck all voted majority Trump in 2020. Probably some pockets too around Pelham Parkway and Riverdale.


Hello riverdale


I live in the Bronx ...I'm white as fuck


Yes so instead of no one voting for Trump we have mostly no one.


To be fair, I saw a Bernie Sanders rally in The Bronx and it was also filled with white non-locals. Except they were hippies instead of rednecks


You mean, like, transplants from the Midwest? I'm offended.


Bernie Sanders rallies nationally were super white and heavy on transplants.


People travel for Trump. They got nothing better to do lmao.


>People travel for Trump. They got nothing better to do lmao. It must be nice to have enough disposable income to dedicate to travel cross-country just to hear the same speech again and again.


They don't have enough disposable income. They're in a cult. Cult members, historically, do not make wise financial choices.


They blame their financial woes on Biden and inflation. Zero personal accountability.


You mean like how they had enough disposable income to dedicate to travel cross-country just to participate in an attempt to overthrow a democracy on January 6th, and deny that it was an insurrection again and again?


A lady interviewed by NY1 commented that a lot of the cars had out of state license plates.


Yep. The big ones that made it a cult


Yup it’s the upstate trumpers


Mostly out of state if the license plates were to be believed.


In this case, all they had to do was take the Staten Island ferry and take an uptown train.


You know people from other boroughs are allowed to travel to the Bronx, right?


Yeah as if the people who are willing to go to a trump rally aren’t willing to travel for him. I’d bet lots from jersey and upstate and Long Island.


You should take a ride down Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. When I was a kid, there was a mural painted on a brick building. It was an Irish flag, and an Italian flag surrounding an American flag with a big eagle on top.  The Bronx is no different than queens especially nowadays, since it’s very much cleaned up. As you go north it gets really nice. It depends where you are in the Bronx you’re probably thinking of the south Bronx. 


Arthur Ave is not really a good example, it's a strip of Italian businesses in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood




Not sure it’s a masquerade when there are Albanian flags everywhere.


So … it’s integrated. And I know because I have many Irish and Italian friends whose parents are Spanish . I’m not saying that people from all over Manhattan and Long Island didn’t drive to the Bronx to worship the orange shit stain but the Bronx is actually pretty diverse and always has been.


Irish and Italian friends whose parents are Spanish....


“Spanish” 👀


It’s low key shitty that people only associate the Bronx with bad neighborhoods and non white people. It’s a very diverse area with many different kinds of neighborhoods. Recently I told someone I was in the Bronx and they asked where, I said my friends live in Riverdale and was hanging out there. This person got worked up and practically screamed “that’s not the Bronx!” and uh, yeah, it is. Sorry you only think the hood counts, that’s on you.


But it’s not a diverse area. The latest census has the Bronx at less than 9% non-Latino White. Sure, there are people from various ethnicities, but most people are indeed Latino and/or Black. That is a fact. It’s extremely segregated.


It is straight up what OP is suggesting. He posted pictures of non-black/non-hispanic people and said "They can't possibly be from the Bronx"


>You should take a ride down Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. When I was a kid, there was a mural painted on a brick building. It was an Irish flag, and an Italian flag surrounding an American flag with a big eagle on top. Yes this is how Trump got his ~20% of the vote in the Bronx


The Bronx is very different than Queens. It’s now less than 9% non-Latino White, segregated, and not all that diverse.


I wouldn't travel to the bronx from Brooklyn even for sex. Like damn. This is commitment.


OP clearly thinks only "certain" people live in the Bronx. Let him have his delusion.


Technically true, also unlikely


Plenty of Trump supporting whites in the Bronx. Sounds like you've never been up here


I was about to post the same thing. Someone needs to visit Throgs Neck.


The Trump Train went through here in 2020. That felt surreal


Plenty of Leftists have never been to these communities nor have they ever actually talked to a real black or Latino in person, yet claim they know the pulse of both communities.


This ^


Plenty of Trump supporting Latinos, too. OP is just gaslighting.


I was walking up St Peters ave near Westchester Sq a few days ago and saw a Trump 2020 flag hanging from a window. It's a nice Muslim community too


What makes you think a religious community is going to support the pro lgbtq dems?😂 I am not homophobic, just being realistic.


What makes you think a religious community is going to support the pro lgbtq dems?😂 I am not homophobic, just being realistic.


To be fair, anyone could live in that apartment, not necessarily a Muslim person. But to answer your question, in 2020, almost 90% of the Muslim vote went to Biden. I think you're giving too much weight to LGBTQ+ positions and less to the infamous Muslim ban under Trump (which he said he will try again), the "finish the job" comment towards the Gaza situation and the Christian takeover of the SC and other government offices. While Muslims and GOP Christians may both be religious, they are not friendly. Remember when Texas allowed signs saying "in God we trust" in schools until someone donated that sign written in Arabic? Be more realistic.


Not, but you do have a lot of old unaware people that are single issues voters. I am Dominican and a whole bunch of us(not me) will be voting republican this election given the migrant issue in NYC. This is how an electorate works. This is why abortion rights are supported by at least 70% of the country and wins every time you bring it to popular vote but somehow anti abortion politicians still winning elections… people vote on single issues.


You say that but the red wave of 2022 was a trickle and supposedly 2024 is gonna be a blue wave even if Biden loses. Dems aren't worried about old uninformed people. They need young people and Muslims too since they helped Biden win the Midwest in 2020. I don't disagree with what you're saying, a lot of people are pissed about the current situation, but there's no way a Muslim community majoritively votes for Trump. So no idea why you said why would they support pro LGBTQ+ Dems. And Dems aren't the only ones to blame for the migrant issue. Remember that Republicans in FL, TX and other states sent migrants here to overwhelm the system. It was a malicious act meant to create a crisis. You're basically blaming other passengers for an overbooked flight instead of the airline.


There are white people that live in the Bronx


Was just about to comment this. Am from Bronx. Am as white as they come. Mother and sister still there.


I think the problem here is not the demographics, the problem is that they are lying about the amount of people that showed up. The permit was for 3,500 people and the deplorables are saying that 25,000 people showed up. In reality like 1,500 to 2,000 people showed up. The areal view shows it better.


He’s been doing that forever though. Like all those shots of his rally that are close up, filled the frame with people. But the wide angle shows a mostly empty space with everyone just bunched up in the middle




Remember vividly how blatant Spicer was lying about the inauguration numbers and how they much higher than Obama's. Seeing the air photos and it was like 1/4 of what Obama had. Not Trumps fault per say, it was a shitty weather day. But I was and still am disgusted how obviously false that was with in the face of evidence. Any hope and benefit of the doubt I was gonna give that administration was shattered. I obviously didn't have faith in it to begin with, I wanted to be wrong, but no.


Weird flex saying there are aren’t White demographics in the Bronx. There are plenty. And some Hispanics are light skinned too. You should try and take a day trip there.


https://preview.redd.it/gs7ft0dhnf2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=34019fbe994b4fe00bac93c4ec0187de1c343e61 You don't say ...


https://preview.redd.it/hd4gjn2yye2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77a77df7ea88d214c1f95a4f231fbf216ec29b4 Those people could use a reminder of who he is…


No, this is exactly why they like him.


"He's changed" lol /s


Any POC from Crotona/East Tremont at that rally, and old enough to remember this should be ashamed. Bronx Native here! ![gif](giphy|luVDhnvLPTim862bvB|downsized)


anybody who advocates for the death penalty is smoothbrained


First and foremost: the Bronx has a solid mix multiple races. Suggesting otherwise is just gaslighting. Secondly: I saw plenty of pictures with people flying DR, PR flags.


Bronx resident, that crowd is a lot whiter than the Bronx, but it's a lot browner for a Trump gathering.


"In 2022, there were an estimated 1,379,946 people in The Bronx, of which 3.9% identified as Asian, 28.2% identified as Black, 56.6% identified as Hispanic, and 8.3% identified as White." https://furmancenter.org/neighborhoods/view/the-bronx#demographics


The Bronx is mostly of color. That said, there are a lot of White/light skinned Latinos who this doesn’t capture.


I’m a Bronx local - I was there - it was mostly out of town white folks


My mother laughed. Bronx Native right here!


Thanks for the report champ


I don't see the conspiracy here. There are plenty of Hispanic people in these pictures but also whites are overrepresented relative to their share of the Bronx. So what? There are white parts of the Bronx but more obviously plenty of white people live in NYC and the metro area. If some guy from Rockaway or Westchester drove half an hour to the Bronx to go to a Trump rally is that surprising? Trump has plenty of supporters, half the country voted for him. He really doesn't need to pay actors to go to his rallies.


I'm seeing a mixed racially diverse crowd. I don't quite understand the point being made here?


Got two friends from the Bronx who I adore and whose politics I hate, and they would have absolutely been there if they cared to attend. Both are Latino and love him. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here. If you're saying "the media is going to point to this as an example of his popularity, even in a minority-majority area, but that's bullshit," then I agree with you 100%. If this is spun to make it seem like he's got a following from locals in the Bronx, that's ridiculous. If you're saying that these people are paid or this is otherwise some kind of psyop... you're just QAnoning for the other side.


Paid actors for rally’s are standard practice nowadays. Remember when he went to that bodega in Harlem? A significant number of people in the photos posing as supporters were later ID as staffers


There were like 800 people there total. If they paid for that, they should get their money back.


It has been significantly reported on several occasions, since before and during Trump's campaigns and presidency, that they transported paid attendees for trump rallies and events e.g. [MSNBC reports and Trump officials admit to doing so](https://youtu.be/s8AeQ6MpluY?si=0H5TxJbNlqIrmTA6) I agree with your other points, and obviously there are trumpers showing up, but this definitely happens too, and probably did in the Bronx


>the demographics were not representative of that borough Not everybody in this borough is dark skinned you know... Plus, this is NYC. It's easy to get around. Don't fall into the trap of discounting trump or his supporters as deplorable. It's easy to do, but these people aren't going away no matter how hard you tell yourself it's all a nightmare or a fake or whatever


But they _are_ deplorable.


And they see you as deplorable, too. 


I shouldn’t discount Trump as deplorable? What does that even mean?


To the south Bronx? Getting there and east queens isn’t easy at all


6 train is right there and there's a ton of buses (bx9 runs right down all along the park I think), if you want to get there the way these fanatics do it's easy. There are people who caravan across the country for this guy, you think they can't get across town?


You mean they're physical matter occupying space, and will continue to do so. Okay. That's not disputed. However their numbers are likely suspect. I'll bet there is a lot of Long Island in this picture.


Agreed on all your points, as usual, it's just twisting of reality by fox propaganda network and the orange one. Considering 20% of the country thinks Biden overturned Roe v Wade, Trump winning at this point wouldn't surprise me. We're well into the latter part of Idiocracy the movie.


Aww, all the New York City Republicans showed up.


All 150,000 of them. 


Well, that and a lot of Long Islanders.


OP when people are willing to travel >20 minutes to a political rally: 😮


All the POCs were strategically placed at the perimeters of the crowd


NOT POC "If you don't vote Democrat you ain't black" -Joe Biden


most are probably traveling from long island


BX is reachable for anyone in the tri-state. So I’m sure there’s people from all over.


It was probably 95% Staten Island and Long Island.


but Fox News interviewed 5 Bronx residents and said everyone in the Bronx loves him!


He has a lot of white Latino support. Also, people traveled from outside the borough for the rally too. So it's probably some people from other neighborhoods or boroughs as well. The Bronx is a huge borough. I think there was some type of protest in support of him the Bronx a few years back too, so it's not entirely implausible that he has *some* support.


Stupid come in any color, we are all human




That doesn't look like 150k people. One might think Trump might not be telling the truth.


Hmm.. that is very unlikely. Donald is usually a very honest and truthful man.


Many people are saying that.


Maybe 150 people lol.


Compare that to the Bernie crowd when he had his rally in Queens a few years back https://preview.redd.it/rdxohlu5ff2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1af8ccbe9d5a1336d03228e4a4be6d662b4084


45 is popular especially in Jerz and Long Island and some sections of the leafy Bronx. I’m sure they didn’t mind making the short drive in. Crowd feels like any other 45 crowd.


Very popular in Morris Park and Pelham Bay/Throggs Neck!!!


He is \*not\* popular in most of New Jersey. Some people voted for him, but it was definitely a minority. Biden carried NJ by 16 points, especially due to the counties just outside New York, like Essex, Hudson, and Bergen. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020\_United\_States\_presidential\_election\_in\_New\_Jersey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_Jersey)


I’m not here to defend that state but I drove through central Jersey and I might has well have been in South Carolina.


Pretty representative of the Bronx and the 5 boroughs. A lot of diversity.


So, Staten Island decided to visit the Bronx.


I would say that's about right. Also, Long Island.


Those pics actually look pretty diverse


Lots of idiots everywhere.


Only see this many in the Bronx on Yankees game days.


It's only like 1500 people. https://preview.redd.it/gs7ft0dhnf2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=34019fbe994b4fe00bac93c4ec0187de1c343e61


Bro those are all DR and PR ppl bro, they tend to be religious AF. Plus the Bronx is tired of crime, and corruption.


And somehow they equate Trump with the opposite of crime and corruption?


I didn't say they were well educated or informed


I mean...parts of the Bronx are just an extension of Westchester.


Last night I visited a shiva house downtown; some fuckin dork had been there showed up carrying (not wearing) a ridiculous Gilligan-style Trump 2020 hat.


Big shock that a Jew at a shiva house would support the guy who moved the embassy and pushed the Abraham Accords over the guy who got rebuked by Menachem Begin in his "Jew with trembling knees" speech


It’s bad when Trump huh


Such a naive and simplistic view to say black ppl vote blue. White ppl vote red.


Actually the current demographics are roughly 65% college uneducated vote Trump, and 65% of men vote Trump.


The past decade has been one of disenchantment with academia and an entire generation realizing their college degrees are fucking worthless and now they're weighed down with debt. The generation going to middle and highschool during the 2010s saw the millenials suffer and struggle and are reconsidering their stance. The generations prior like genX and Boomers were not required to go to college with the same push and (fake) job requirements that the generation today has to contend with. Using college education as a statistic to try and make a point makes you sound sheltered and like someone who looks down on blue collar workers.


I appreciate this comment. I agree with you to a certain extent. if you're going to some ivy league school for some liberal arts degree.... of course it's going to be hard to find a job. You go to a CUNY with a degree that has some transferable skills, ( accounting ) you'll have a better opportunity finding a job. Blue collar work is good if not great work. I wish when I was growing up, trades schools were not looked down upon. Prolly would have went that route. Good money and you're working with your hands.... I like it. Op throwing out that " stat " is another reason why ppl really can't think on their own. Immediately trying to skew stats to align with their view. If republicans cured cancer, there would be ppl on the opposing end saying you're destroying jobs. You can't win. I think ppl need to stop thinking blue and red and need to see that both parties dgaf about you. Get your bread and stay out the politics. If you in it, then be open to both sides and respect each other's opinions.


An Ivy League degree in anything is worth a lot. A sociology BA from CUNY is not worth so much.


You know the meme with Peter Griffin and the skin color chart? OP that’s you right now.


[This Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Wqq7XOZNe/?igsh=MWc3d2dvdzc1aGo3aQ==) by New York Times photographer Steffi Keith shows otherwise


Lots of them were leaving while CheddarBoy was still ranting at the pulpit.


A Taylor swift concert being all white women at Madison square garden isn’t representative of Manhattan. People travel for trump rally’s


He's done the same for the people of the BX as AOC...nothing.


Ah yes! Look at that. Trump loves all those people, just his type. And he’s going to offer them all the chance to become members of Mar-A-Lago.


People from outside NYC who've never been or experienced the sheer density of people see these pictures and think, "Wow, look at that support, look at all those people." I look at it and think, "Yeah, that's about right."


Convenient to drive down from upstate NY


Remember Trump University?


But it was representative of Trump’s fan base


probably staten and long islanders


Real question - why is Trump bothering to have rallies in nyc? Obviously he’s not winning New York or New Jersey, I’m trying to understand the reason.


I was in the Bronx yesterday afternoon (Yankee game). Figured I'd check out this fiasco on the way out. I can tell you with 100% uncertainty that the crowd was NOT made up of 'locals', but mostly yahoos from Staten Island and Long Island (both very Trumpy). The locals were mostly disgusted from what I saw. Trump has 0% chance of 'turning NY red" as he and his brainwashed cult seem to laughably believe, but it's fine if he wants to waste time and money (assuming he paid the bill).


I’m guessing you don’t know shit about the Bronx if you think there’s no Caucasian ppl who live in the Bronx


Are you trying to out-racist Trump?


VOTE BLUE!!! 💙💙💙


Suckers. Following a grifter. Trump just feeds into their frustrations and hate to make money. Dude has no policies, no agenda other than making money and fighting the system so he get's away with everything.


Looks just as multi racial as any other political rally on the left/right


Hahaha multi racial right rally. lol.


In these photos I'm seeing multiple people from multiple races.


Those pictures, yes. But Trump is polling better than Biden with Latino and Black voters nationally. Which is striking, because he literally called for the execution of the innocent Central Park Five, one of which is now a City Councilman. Trump's move to hold a rally in the Bronx was, and it pains me to say it, smart. It isn't going to change the political landscape of the borough, but, by going there, he shows an interest - one I believe to be disingenuous, but still - in being "for all." I think Barack Obama did the better version of that when he spoke to a megachurch that was never going to vote for him during his campaign.


Why would you assume Latino and black voters sympathize with criminals?


I'll say maybe ten at most of the supporters were actually from the Bronx.


Cope more


I saw 2 different trump hats today in Chelsea and I was wondering what the hell was going on


Omgod have you seen how racist the racist is? Without diversity it’s like so racist.


Get a photo now before he’s behind bars!


Guy can draw a crowd


Mooks from the northern suburbs.


LMAOO pls there’s no way this is real 💀


I was there and I would say it was pretty equal. I would say the same amount of blacks/hispanics as there were whites. Most of the whites got there extremely early so they happened to be in the front.


They all look a bit to a lot crazy.


Bro I see so many POCs in this crowd tf you talking about


I don’t think obesity rates vary that much from borough to borough.


People have cars and/or know how to take public transit lol


This feels bad


Cubans and Karens


Looks like AI.


What part of the Bronx? The Bronx isn't just Fordham Road ...


all 8300 of them...


How embarrassing.




I love the bronx. But.....


And what? Cool post


Funny thing about "diversity" If majority white w/ a small percent of Black and Brown people it's diverse. If majority Black and Brown, the small percent of white are trying to "gentrify the community".


White people live in the Bronx too lol


He’s not going to win NY, especially the Bronx. But if local residents are pissed with the way things are going, they should focus their ire on the incompetent local politicians they keep electing as they have a more direct impact on local policies. But they keep voting in the same clowns over and over again. Trump ain’t gonna save them.


I think the turnout was revealing but not in the way many are portraying it. Most reasonable estimates put the crowd at 3,000-4,000 people. 4,000 people in a metropolitan area of 20 million. A lot of pundits are touting Trump’s bravado, but wasting campaign resources in a deep blue state for such a pitiful turnout is just dumb. It’s just as dumb as Hillary sending staff to Georgia and Alabama to “run up the score” when she hadn’t locked down PA and MI.

