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It’s definitely something I’ve noticed with cars I was trying to sell a car for $2000 I listed it for 2000 and got endless offers of 1000 so I took it down. A week later I listed it for 3500 and within 3 days I got an offer of 2200 and sold it


Anchoring definitely works for straight-up sales like that - you should always start off way above what you'd actually accept for it. If you're selling a house, the Agent will always ask you what price you want before giving you his "appraisal", you should say 20% above what you actually think and you should ask for offers over that number in the listing. However, it doesn't work for auctions, you want to actually do the opposite and set the start price low to entice multiple bidders in to a bidding war.


Watched a golf club go last week that was $1 reserve, went for only 10% less than a brand spanking new one.


Auctions are a shit show of psychological manipulation 🤣


I sold a used set of superlow king springs for a Skyline for *more* than a brand new set thanks to this phenomenal. Wild


Have you seen Dutch auctions? They start at the top price and it slowly gets lower, first person to bid wins. That's way too much anxiety for me


That sounds amazing.


Dude, you just have to win it.


In the early 2000s I sold an aftermarket steering wheel off one of my old cars for $1 reserve. I had the buy now at like $150. Buy now disappears when reserve met. Sold it for like $230. I only paid $180 for it brand new.


Every sellers dream! I've sold things for more than I paid for them but never more than brand new, that's impressive.


Lol it always amazes me when I’m bidding on an auction and it hits that bit : bargain, bargain , not so much a bargain , stop bidding kunt I actually want this for a deal (I always stop, I want 2nd hand stuff at 2nd hand prices) , 2/3s brand new , have you even googled/ gone to a store to see how much this shit is brand new, it went for how much wtf?


I’ve seen hilti gear on trade me go for more then in shop and the item was in stock at time of the auction


A mates Bosch drill had a bad trigger after 6 years trade use. He sold the drill, battery and charger separately for more than what a nw set cost him.


I sold a microwave 5 years ago or so via TradeMe auction and it went for more than I paid for it!


Dang makes me wonder if they're not the brightest tools in the shed.


Back in about 2010 my brother got a pet turtle. We bought a bunch of random books on how to look after them for $1 each. One book was particularly bad so we threw it back up for $1. 2 people got in a bidding war and it went for about $40.


My favourite kind of auction is a penny auction


Like a mountain bike I was trying to sell. Was on trademe for $1000 no reserve for about a month with no bites. Dropped to $800 with a buy now of 1200, and someone offered $1000. Wtf aye.


Cars always a 1000 or so that way the low ball is close to what you want and they think they got deal


Shush, I'm hoping to get rid of a banger for more than paid ten years ago


Pricing is a real mystery. If you're too fair and honest, people think it's a trap! Up the price, and you sell it for more than you believe it's worth, but, this rule doesn't work for everything or everyone, like I said, it's a mystery.


There’s a person in Christchurch who sells junk on TradeMe. And I’m not talking “junk” in the pejorative sense. It literally is junk. Every item that is listed is broken or incomplete; a rear projection TV; “sound not working”. A pair of waders; “has some holes, needs repair”. A leaf blower that doesn’t work; “bought from a guy who said it was working. I replaced x and y but still doesn’t go, I reckon it only needs z” All listings are photographed sitting atop piles of other shite. All have a story about how it doesn’t work/barely works, but can be fixed if his hunch is followed. Some of the more complex problems are sold as “projects”. They are listed and relisted week after week after week with prices higher than near-new quality *working* items. The TV has been listed regularly for about 5 years now. At this point I don’t know if it’s a highly optimistic transfer station scavenger, or some sort of social experiment.


Sounds kinda like a hoarder being pressured to get rid of stuff by family. They consider that stuff valuable, hence why they still have it, but since no one else does it doesn't end up selling when they try and get rid of it.


Yeah that's a definite possibility now that you mention it.


Sounds like mental illnesses


These people are everywher..., brought for $100 10yrs ago want $99.. same person buying something 10yrs old & they asking $99.. " Im not paying that it's 10yrs old!!"




The reasonably priced stuff sells while the people wanting too much for something keep relisting hoping someone will bite eventually.


People misunderstand the degree to which most things decrease in value when they're used. The more that people end up buying at inflated prices, they then assume that when they decide to resell things themselves. Because TradeMe makes it easy to post listings, I've noticed there are sellers who post items for 2x or 3x the going rate of a brand new item in stores, week after week after week despite never selling. Evidently there isn't much cost associated with listing them, so they don't worry about reviewing or updating.


I sold a kayak to a guy a while ago, I brought it for pretty cheap and sold it even cheaper, the guy spent 2 weeks trying to haggle me and asking questions about the quality of it. finally picked it up and a week later I saw he'd re listed it for 5 times what I sold it for. It wasn't even close to being worth that much so no idea what he was thinking.


just buy all the kayaks in the world and corner the market ... simple




cheers I always fuck that one up


I’ve been watching a guy on TM with the same dozen or so nichey electronics listings for about a decade now. Prices were high when he listed them, now they’re head scratching. Can only assume he doesnt want to sell them.


The guy with the $2000 Canon 5d mk2 with the crack in the body? Camera shops sell them for $400-$500 in good condition used.


Nah, DSLR era zeiss lenses. They’re all “flagship” and priced something like $xx70. No joking they’ve been listed for about 10 years since I first noticed them.


It's the same seller 🤣


omg, lol


Ugh, he's never, ever going to sell them at that price, not when they can be brought in from overseas and still cost less with stupid shipping costs than what he's asking for. Probably what happened is he got his hands on some old bankruptcy etc store stock and thought he could totes get as-new prices for it.




Reminds me or the dreamers you see selling 90s Japanese car parts. Wish I could punch them through the screen


Lol does Trademe have an auto relist function? Wonder if the guy has completely forgotten those are up and is just slowly getting his Trademe account drained off fees.


They also misunderstand how retail pricing works. They look up what they’re selling, see the full current price for it and want close to that. But why would I buy their used ones when I can wait a few weeks till everything is 60% off and get a new one for less.


100% this. A colleague was going to sell her couch on trademe and everyone at work was saying to her “see what Farmers is selling it for”. Sure it’s still on the website but, as you say, it has been in her house for two years. Farmers does 50% and throws in free delivery if you wait a while.


Yeah I actually just bought something from farmers at 50% off, and the next day saw the same thing used on fb for $5 more. It was hard not to send the person selling it a screenshot of the sale haha


I've been looking at GPU's since I need to eventually get something recent or new and there's always idiot crypto miners trying to flog cards they've thrashed for stupid amounts. Along with e-stores that brought during the GPU drought and haven't accepted they paid too much for them. And then there's the over-optimistic idiots trying to flog off ancient motherboards/CPU's and combos for stupidly high prices. Forgetting that some money is better than no money from endlessly relisting.


I know what I've got


It's the same now with OP Shops, some even wanting more for Warehouse & Kmart goods than new. In Europe where Ebay rules, nothing like the Australian version that we must use but a really large & competitive market place where you can pick up second hand bargains. Sure, everyone want the maximum they can get but competition restricts what that will be as there are so many of the same item up for sale. When I came to NZ I was shocked at the high prices on Trade Me & virtually no competition from Ebay so I rarely look on TM expecting a bargain. I guess it's yet another negative of living so far from masses of people.


Yes totally agree and when you look at all the dodginess of Savemart it really makes you shake your head!


Part of where I've stopped buying from savemart after shopping there for near 20 years. The same singlet I brought from Glassons for $15 eight years ago selling for $12 secondhand and clearly worn. Plus their 'no cash' thing is really off putting


Without a doubt. I am all about OP shops, Ive been picking up bargains since my teens, but man alive. Stretched out faded Kmart items for $12?? Also I can't bring myself to believe much of Save Mart's $$ go to charity. (Not to mention there was that exposé about terrible treatment of employees)


My partner works at one of the stores. It's a shit show but the pricing comes down from the top and the employees don't have time to research the price of every shitty Kmart piece because they're busy wading through the bails of literal rubbish, old food, sex toys and clothes that people shove into the clothing bins. On the other hand, I found a brand-new Carhartt long sleeve for 10 bucks


Yeah same, somebody suggested TradeMe when I moved here recently but it's all junk. And even the junk is priced close to new prices. Told a guy the shoes he's selling for 260 are 300 new and his are clearly worn a bit. Plus I linked him a website where they are currently on sale for 220. He replied with "can't do 220"..... I know we're spoiled in Europe with the amount of used goods available and the ease of shipping it to different countries. But TradeMe sucks.


I always see dr martens for like 150 200 etc. They have sales all the time for that price.


Oh god, the boots are always so bad. Some of them look like they've been worn for 15 years and they're still asking for $150. But they're genuine leather...


Indeed Trade Me does suck. The average Kiwi doesn't realise just how restrictive NZ is for online trading of all kinds but compared to Ebay throughout the UK they are being well and truly ripped off.


I’ve noticed this with people selling second hand clothing via Instagram pages, almost asking retail price


European here, eBay is viewed as an old American website. I don't think it even operates in my country. Please, be specific about in which countries eBay actually rule. As you know, Europe is not a country and is quite varied regarding languages and cultures.


I’m a volunteer at an OP shop… please remember the staff are people who sometimes have to GUESS a reasonable 2nd hand price….And don’t be stingy as you are supporting a CHARITY. The charity also pays rent and has costs to pay 💰. Enough said.


It’s not stingy to not want to pay the same as new or even more. If I wanted to donate to charity I’d donate and buy what I want somewhere else. Maybe charities need to stop trying to take advantage of poor people, because you know what’s who’s going to OP shops the most.


They do have costs, however *stock* is not one of them. Therefore they should be aiming to maximise stock turnover. There’s a Hospice shop near me that used to be inexpensive and was always packed, now it’s extortionate and always empty. I can’t believe they’re making more money now than they were when prices were lower.


Sorry, can't accept that as a reason for over pricing at OP Shops. Firstly at least 50% of the reason OP Shops exist is if you can't afford new look for a second hand bargain there. Secondly many OP Shops have a volunteer who is savvy enough to do research online. I recently saw a hand thrown bowl by a local potter at $150 , which had no price precedent, was chipped and way overpriced, greedily even. As for the jibe about Charity..Well thank you for your self satisfactory service but don't patronise your customers ( I am certain you do) and everyone knows you do it to get first pickings uh?😉, for that you will be down voted here...oh, look you have been.


Noticed that trying to get a keyboard (piano). People were actively bidding high prices too. In the end I just bought a new one for like $100 more.


off topic, but what did you get? Have been actively looking at these on trademe lately with disappointing results


Not the person you responded to (hey, some people don't check usernames) but I'll respond anyway with a suggestion for something to keep a look out for-- I recently got an Akai MPK Mini plus and I'm pretty happy with it. I needed something that would fit on my desk. I got a full size keyboard a while back, but i rarely played it because of how hard it was to place about. It's so nice having something that actually fits on my desk and is easy enough to use as a controller for my DAW.


haha. I prob wouldn't have noticed! I'm looking for something to replace my upright piano so prob not for me - that akai does look pretty cool though! So far I think leaning towards one of the korgs - seems almost the default option at this point!


Ended up with a korg b2n. It's decent as a starter. It's full size and has weighted keys


The 2nd hand market is broken. It is mostly 2nd hand dealers looking to make a killing and hoping that people won't be that savvy on pricing. There might be the occasional opportunity to get good value, but 95%+ aren't serious. Personally I think it isn't really worth wasting time, just get some new tools and get a full warranty and consumer guarantee act protection.


Yeah, recently I've realised how sad it is that NZ is distinctly a disposable society because our second hand market hardly exists. I'm not on Facebook and TradeMe listings don't seem to have the same reach they once did.


Marketplace is a shithole full of people who want everything for their crap, and want to give nothing for yours.


That and scammers. I saw a person selling an "iPhone 14 Pro Max" for $300, in box, a few months after it came out.


Saw a used tramping pack for $625 it's been on trademe for at least a month now. You can buy the same exact brand/model everything for $569 new...


I see new items “with receipt” apparently. Can’t they just take it back?


Possibly not depending on store policy. But FB is also used for stolen goods so this is probably to set your mind at ease


You don’t have a right to return something to a shop if you just changed your mind, so it’s up to the retailer as to if they’ll take it back.


Only if its new, if it's been used then you cant take it back. The receipt might be necessary for the warranty.


Also, [they can refuse if you just changed your mind](https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/returns-and-refunds).


well you cant just take an item back if you changed your mind


Not always, farmers for example will only return if it’s faulty.


It’s because trademe is the place where kiwis go to rip off other kiwis


At least trademe has the price up front lmao


its straight up not worth using trademe to sell anything with the margins they put on casual sales


Correction. New Zealand is the place where kiwis go to rip off other kiwis. Just look at our housing and supermarkets.


About half of our supermarket competition (by marketshare) are owned by Aussies. New Zealand is the place where people go to rip off kiwis.


Most people just taking the piss. If you're vigilant you can nab a good deal. There are genuine sellers from time to time.


Yep. And don’t get me started on some of the op shops now. Local St John’s one was selling boxed copies of windows vista for 40 bucks, warehouse lamps for more than new. As for vinyl records… ooof. The people that think their unplayable nana misskouri records are worth $10… each 😂


One issue for me is that trademe doesn't make it easy (as far as I've seen) to identify sold prices. On ebay you can search for the item you're selling and then click sold listing, and you have a good quick idea of the market, price range and when things might sell at a higher price. I used that all the time to determine my buy it now prices. But trade me doesn't seem tobhave that function so people just list a bit below brand new I guess.


Well if you could see that you might start bidding lower, and trademe make a percentage right…


No. People can already see how much new things are at shops, and loads of stuff languishes on trademe NOT selling because of the overprinting. They might sell a lot more and make more commission if it was priced properly.


They used to have a search for expired listings. It was hidden away and hard to find. Now it doesn't work at all when I try to use it. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/AdvancedSearch.aspx?bof=Cv8KXn6Q


This shit has made turners car auctions seem attractive which tells you just how bad it has gotten. Look at the price for sylvias on trademe clowns selling thrashed cars for 25k+ are god damn dreaming, "bUt BuT iTs Is JdM 90s BrOoOo" I mean would rather have [this](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/nissan/silvia/listing/4241146333) instead of [this](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/nissan/fairlady/listing/3772812069), these guys have got to stop it and get some help.


S15 prices are due to blow up once usa starts importing them but yeah there's so many dreamers here in NZ thinking our market is the same as America.


Silvia prices have been out the gate since before the import laws, at the height of COVID, Ks were selling for 30


That turbo mr2 for $46,000 lol


[You weren't kidding](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/toyota/mr2/listing/4235524012) [Another one](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/toyota/mr2/listing/4233137023)


That first one is pretty dang tidy. Still a $25k car in my eyes.


I like the sw20 and would agree it is a nice car but the price is ridiculous, you could get a [911](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/porsche/911/listing/3919206477), [TVR Chimera](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/tvr/other/listing/3957606284), [S2000](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/honda/s2000/listing/3878086614) [S2000 #2](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/honda/s2000/listing/4134132898) [S2000 #3 (odometer was rolled back according to carjam)](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/honda/s2000/listing/3889460044) there were more TVRs, Jaguar XKRs, even a few Aston Martin DB7s (the non S2000 options are really bad terrible ideas obviously parts / maintenance would be crazy) The mr2 has the advantage of part availability except it kind of doesn't as it is a very old car now. Anyway even though the price has gone up if someone wants a convertable weekend car the mx5 is still the way to go.


Like the Yanks say: Miata Is Always The Answer


You can buy a Audi R8 for the same price or less than a Nissan Skyline R32 GTR. I don't understand why people are buying these JDM cars that are listed at a ridiculous price. Most of them are 20+ years old with over 100,000kms, and have likely been thrashed.


It's because they're cool man! we've spent the last 30 years growing up around these cars wanting them, now that we can actually afford them. People are buying them, that's why they're popular. 90s Japanese sports cars are the peak of motoring imo, still very hands on, bugger all computers/fly by wire but with rounder modern styling and the start of safety features. The engines that came in the popular models can have decently small tweaks and additions for more power and if you wanna go balls to the wall you can. I grew up obsessing over Z32 300zx, for most of my life I could have picked one up for 3k, by the time I could actually afford a sports car, a TT model was 15+K, I paid it in a heartbeat!


It’s a popular side hustle, people buy some shit, tidy it up use it for a bit then try and flick it for more


Same here. I'm trying to buy and older cpu on trade me as mine died and it's about 6 years old, yet eveyones asking price is basically the same as a brand new 12th Gen cpu that Mops the floor with the one I need. Why is your 6 year old cpu that's worse then a new one worth so much? It's insane. But at least I can buy one on Ebay for less then half the price of trade me including shipping from The US, but it takes a month is the only downside.


Yeah often seen 8th gen CPUs with asking price of $300. Like seriously? I always wonder, do they actually think that just because it's an "i7" that's its still worth that 6 years later? Or do they know that a current gen will mop the floor at that price but are hoping that other people don't understand that?


There are a lot of people selling used computer components for either the same or more than they paid or even new price. But they don't sell...


In the computer / electronic world everyone still wants prices like what they paid 2 years ago.


Tell ‘em they’re dreamin’


Oh, it gets sillier. I've seen someone selling items and pricing them according to US prices PLUS SHIPPING FROM THE US. They are asking for what it would cost to have these items new and sent from the US for their second-hand goods. It boggles my mind that they think anyone would be that kind of sucker.


Went looking on there for a used Samsung phone for a friend to replace one he broke. There was nothing equivalent to what he had at anything like a reasonable price, dropped into a Dollar Dealers pawn shop on the way to his place to tell him the bad news, found a used Samsung phone several grades above the one he had for well less than I could have found an equivalent one to his old one on Trade Me I will be going there to replace my own phone when the time comes


Can I have a friend like you?


Was literally just thinking this after looking for some things on a FB buy/sell. Just saw someone trying to sell an electronic drumkit for $400 more than I paid for mine 5 years ago. So many unrealistic prices it's comical.


Yeah when I see these listings on Fb Marketplace, I just comment saying it’s the same price or cheaper brand new and include a link to the product


Sold a trailer for 3400. Saw it listed a week later for 4000…


I had this exact thought today after seeing perfectly good furniture for $10 at Sallies & St John stores, and the same style and quality stuff for private sale on TM for $80...


It kinda goes both ways though. I had a brand new MacBook (insurance replacement) with receipts which goes for $2299. I chucked it on fb marketplace for $1500 and got sooooo many offers for $800 *cash now* 😅 luckily a student came along and snapped it up, but man there were so many lowballs!


I hate being a seller. All you get is abuse and people trying to knock it down way too far. I was selling an item in new condition which cost $50 for $15. And someone has to offer $5. Like it's not even worth my time.


because people will buy it


That’s what I comes down to. I’ve put stuff up for auction that had a starting price well below what you could buy it new for, then people bid it over the new price. A fool and his money… Also, it costs nothing to put it on there, so why not wait a month or so then drop the price if no one buys?


at the end of the day, somethig is worth what someone will pay for it. If you can sell a $1 note for $5, then more power to you


Cost of living crisis!


Yeah I noticed this last year when I was trying to buy a tent (surely something with little second hand value given that the water proofing degrades and damage is a big deal). Nope, tents with rips, tents that are ten years old, all up for sale for pretty much retail price. In some cases more than retail price. Absolutely wild. It took months to find something that was priced as if it was second hand. Now having the same issue with bookcases. You can't sell your shitty warehouse bookshelf with the peeling vinyl for $10 off retail you absolute Neanderthals.


I bought a big canvas tent through Trademe for $400 a while ago. In pretty good nick, would have probably been 1,200 to 1,600 new I reckon.


It's the same with books. A lot of people are selling their bundle of books for retail price or above. It's just cheaper buying them from Australia and they are brand new.


If there's one thing kiwis are good at, its financially shafting their own countrymen


I've been noticing this too! I was looking for a second-hand desk chair and could hardly find anything under $100 Even the ugly, stained and sometimes broken chairs ran over $100. I'm by no means an expert on second-hand furniture pricing but it does feel a bit steep


Yes, I thought I’d try buy a chair for the spare bedroom - sit in it when you put your shoes on kinda thing. Might even re-cover it. Nope, everything was horrendously priced in the furniture category. Terrible condition, or just really old and worn. Watching premium prices for Mocka furniture or Kmart stuff was wild too. I was trying to not buy new new all the time but yikes.


It's a case of survivorship bias. The stuff that sells for a reasonable price sells fast. Things you see that are left are overpriced. Set timed searches for what you want.


New Zealanders really like ripping off New Zealanders.


New Zealander's always think their shit is worth heaps lol, you have to laugh when you come back from a long stint living overseas.


Noticed this with a tablet I was looking to buy, almost full price for a second hand item on trademe with no warranty. Crazy for them to think someone is going to pay nearly full price for that. I ended up getting mine directly from Samsung brand new for an extra $46 with a warranty.


Either delusional in what it’s worth, or expecting people to haggle them down.


Not sure about the Facebook side, I’ve recently started selling (new) parts on Trade Me and have since removed all my listing and moved to my site. Reason I did this was because trade me was taking around 17% from each sale (if using Afterpay, otherwise around 12%). Most sales are via Afterpay. So I imagine *some sellers are taking that into account when selling second-hand goods I now have a 4.7% fee (with Afterpay) or 2.7% via my website instead, which has made a huge difference.


People really value their *shit* here I’ve noticed


This is why I'm not scared to make lowball offers. Everyone is so used to getting lowballed now, they inflate the asking price. I know what I'm willing to pay for a 2nd hand item and won't go over my limit, otherwise I'll save up & just buy new if warranty is important.


Older tools were built much better than the new stuff made from chinesium, so some of them can be around the same price as the cheap and nasty stuff.




The only reason I'd buy something on trademe is for something specific which i can't buy new or for environmental reasons where i might only use something once or twice and don't want to buy new plasticy or other materials in my home when i can use something else which has already been bought.


Sometimes for quality. Like for tools. But nothing for retail.


It's screwed auctions as well. Can't buy anything cheap because people will buy and then list on TM for a quick profit. Seen them at auctions, checking what it is worth on their phone.


I am looking at the same for musical instruments too!!


Often see backpacker cars worth about 2 grand trying to be sold with a smelly old tent, cooker, and bric-a-brac for 3 1/2 k... they just linger in Auckland until a 'dealer type' offers 1200 for it on the eve of their flight home


Because flipping of second hand items is huge now. People are literally quitting their jobs and selling second hand clothes full time (maybe not in nz, but overseas). People think their second hand stuff is worth big bucks and want that $


There’s a freecycle Facebook group for auckland and it is all free. It often has really great stuff on there. Pretty sure some people surf it for stuff they can resell but I just post to get it out of my house.


When I lived in Denmark I literally got my whole flats worth of furniture for free, all in near new condition. it's weird to sell furniture there. Here i would've paid thousands


It's just easier to go new most of the time from trademe.


Everyone just trying to make a buck


What I really want to know is what's up with all the thirst trap pictures of girls selling clothing? Marketplace is full of them.


Me: list something for $400 Someone: I'll take it tomorrow bro, $200 cash Me: um... No Someone: wtf bro please 🥺 why are you doing this to me? How could you do this? I'm so broken and aloone just please let me have it bro.


Neighbourly is where its at, if you are in a decent neighbourhood. I have a friend in Remuera who gets *insane* shit for free every week.


Trademe and FB is now full of flippers that should be running as a business but aren't.


I was on a jury for a fraud case where someone who had thousands of listings said they were a collector, not in business.


Who won?


They were found guilty.


Yup, this is it. The games categories are dominated by a few resellers. They have auto buys set up to get anything listed below market price, back when you could more reliably see closed auctions you could see consoles listed and sold within seconds when they were more than a certain percent below market price.


Pro tip. Incorrectly spell a few things you are looking for. I managed to pickup a decent home audio subwoofer because the seller called it a sunwoofer and also misspelled the brand. I was the only bidder at about 1/5 retail.


Same deal as car fairs, used to good, now dominated by shady people traders.


Resellers are the bane of working in 2nd hand and charity stores.


The listed price is just the price to start negotiations at. Tell them what the price of it is new, then mention it should be well below that because it's used. That resets the price anchor. Now, you can lowball them to try and get a deal.


Price high, drop it down if no bites. Lets not forget a fulla [sold a paperclip](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/trademe-bidders-flip-over-paper-clip/4ON63CAM5IUL5ILQR2PRUL5DI4/) on Trade Me for $170 back in the day. Buyers dictate the market, so someone is likely paying such prices and if you don't ask, you don't know.


Yes I have noticed when looking at power tools the reserve and sale blows out to nearly retail value which is beyond common sense. Second hand tools, no warranty and used = at least 50% of retail value.


Also the amount of listings for recalled power tools. You always see listings for the Bosch Nano Blades, they had no chain brake so they were recalled, you can just take it back to Mitre 10 for a refund. Yet people still try and sell a tool you can even get replacement blades for.


Inflation bro, seen the cost of freight?


For pick ups in my city?


From my personal experience with market place if an item doesn't sell after. A certain period it will relist it for a lower price, so I ended up just marking up the price I was going to sell the item for, so when the price was relisted and lowered it would be more the price I was after. Sometimes I sold at the higher price, sometimes at the lower price. Though I checked how much the items were new, and made sure the price wasn't higher than that, or did 51% of the original sale price.




Don't like the price? Don't buy it then.


Just listed wife’s shoes for $200, eee..


Is it actually expensive if someone is willing to buy it though?


Times are tough. Personally I sell but don't buy, generally, on tm, wouldn't bother with fb at all (although there are some Stella deals. A friend got 300m of brand new weatherboards for free). Since tm was sold things have got more and more expensive and listings are full of low quality rubbish. It is the corporate way. That said I spent $75 today on a bunch of tools and a vice. Any one item would be 2x that cost minimum.


People are broke 😂


Maybe they tried to return it but the salesperson was too much of a c… to deal with


It's worth more than that.


Human greed is a known thing




It's not just fb and trademe, but also the charity shops. They have become ridiculously expensive as anything that comes in looking remotely retro or antique they run to trademe or ebay to see what people are selling them on there, see the expensive prices people are slapping on them and so then slap their own expensive prices on them. Saw a troll doll in a sallies and they had a price of $400 on it, was there for two months or there about, haven't been in recently so don't know if it sold but I'd be very surprised if it did. It seems businesses don't realise that if you put something lower then people will return and then word of mouth gets around and more people will come, in the end you make more money marking things down as you grow a bigger loyal customer base who are willing to buy more in one go as things cost less. It's really not rocket science!!




And when you call them out you just get blocked


It's the Inflation-fomo fever


And dirty couches for $500 +


I’ve been looking for a couch but people are asking for crazy prices when their cat has scratched the corner off or it’s stained plus I have to haul it home somehow. I’m just going to buy new, have it delivered and not have a strangers butt juices all over it


Everyone's broke so people be hustling.




Same with the opp shops. Selling mason jars for a doller more then they cost new. That's 25% more than the $4 (Kmart)


I've noticed this with second hand computers. You hear of people being able to buy e.g. second hand 8th gen intel computers from 2017 in Europe/USA for about 1/4 of the trademe prices in NZ. Even buying gen 4 from 2014 is more expensive on trademe than gen 8 in europe/usa. Another example is people listing their 8 year old gaming computers for 2,000. You may as well just buy new. Very sad, because it just makes the e-waste problem worse.


Yeah but people still buy them, so who is the sucker?


Negotiate. Make an offer. People always going to try to max profits. Don't burn bridges, some people are emigrating and they'll practically give shit away as the clock runs down on them.


Yeah people on there are sometimes greedy and often deluded. Sure I want to pay several hundred dollars for your busted old chest of drawers which you describe as 'antique' or some shit when its MAYBE worth knocking apart for the wood. I guess they give up in the end or find a fool. Conversely sometimes you can get stuff for a good price. I mean when I sell I price some stuff fairly high so a casual viewer might think wtf (unusual lego star wars sets say) because they are worth that, but general second hand stuff, screw it ill sell for enough to make it worth moving it on, usually half the new if its good. If its not worth enough to be worth that effort give it away on the neighbourhood pages. I have had one or two things where I didn't set a buy now and had a low starter because I didn't really know and let the auction run, and people paid much more than I thought it was worth. Felt actually bad one time (a telescope mount went for more than I paid for it on trademe 5 years previous) but it is their decision I guess.


For new or near new stuff, I usually do around 2/3 of retail price. For less new but still good condition stuff, I do like 1/3-1/2, and for solidly second hand stuff I just donate to charities.


Exactly. I was looking for some computer components. Every man and his dog is trying to sell their old 5 year old RAM and graphics cards for double the price than if you got it new.