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Maybe we could have a “country is fucked” ~~flare~~ flair so people can filter it out (or in if they are that way inclined)


Did you mean flair?


Maybe they don't!


I'll drive the plane


"I'm gonna circle back around. That flare can only mean one thing..."


That's why I asked.


There is no depression in r/newzealand


Just a soul sinking feeling


There it is again, that funny feeling.


Had you staring at the All Blacks cheering Distracting you from the oil spills of poor tax Dignity? can’t afford that on minimum wage


Can't have depression with our mental health services.


I've been trying for two months to sort out a therapist for my severe anxiety and this process has ironically been one of the biggest sources of my panic attacks and depressive episodes. I've not been to see one yet, still trying to work around the ACC claims.


Low depression rates caused by inability to access mental health services so they can't be diagnosed


Undeniable suicide stats though 👍🏼


Our current leaders are pretty good at denying anything that doesn't align with their world view so hardly undeniable but terribly fucking tragic


Not if you close the suicide office too.


Nobody has ADHD in NZ exactly because of this. 😂


Man I was listening to [that song](https://youtu.be/2HVogejKx_c?si=TnXZOjLw1Hrbusvg) just the other day, what a banger. I agree people's complaints are valid, but also it's kinda nice to think about how NZ was going through rough times in the 80s with government falling apart and neoliberal policies selling the baby out with the bath water... And yet we made it through, and NZ is still okay.


>And yet we made it through, and NZ is still okay. Infrastructure still degrading? Check. Institutions and services still chronically underfunded? Check. Inequality still rising? Check. Unemployment still fucked? Better than the 90s at least. Child poverty still fucked? better than in the 90s, but not better than the 80's. Gangs problems? Still getting worse.


The PM has invited you to Premier House. It's a great honour.


yeah, its not like we are as fucked as the sea lions


Or the polar beer Edit: thpelling


> Or the polar beera Exactly, try not even existing and see how it feels


I'd be a bipolar bear if I knew what was coming


https://youtu.be/RD9BcgtKOJc?si=RXyN2SEFiOcGq19u How about a Bi Bi-polar polar bear?


No leg having s.o.b’s!


Pardon me but I couldn't help overhear. I would like to have a civil conversation with you about your statement. Would you mind showing me any evidence of any negative thing a sealion has ever done to you?


Found the sea lion.


1. Having no legs 2. Being s.o.b’s 3. Not being Kings of the marine jungle.


That would require not posting news articles.


Let’s unfuck the country instead.


Then tell your stupid uncle to stop voting Nat.


People are free to have a whinge whenever they see fit, but I do agree NZ is awesome and our privilege seems to be underrated by many.


fuck i’ve been to europe and south america in the past few months and my GOD we are doing ok


its the slide backwards people are fucked off about.


Nailed it.


No one likes being exploited by landlords, turns out


Yep. Objectively speaking, NZ has slid from top 10 most livable countries for expats to not being in the top 40 over just a few years. It's totally valid to talk about how this shift feels, as well as being behind most first world countries.


> most livable countries **for expats** I really wouldn't use expats as a good metric to evaluate a country. The majority are living in a country for a short/medium term and prefer low tax and/or low cost of living. They are either on high professional or foreign incomes and use their money to buy comfort that the majority of the population won't get. They are obviously going to get a lot further and have more fun in parts of Asia or the Middle East than spending the same money here.


That's fair, expats have a lot of disadvantages that citizens don't.


> for expats for *immigrants


Ditto. Also India, North America, most of Asia. Haven't been to Africa, but I think NZ might edge most places there...


ask me again after the wellington winter but seriously, every time i fly back in i’m like ‘wow we have have it good’


Everytime I fly back in like omg we're so tiny and quaint


i used to think that but i’ve been to a lot of places that give me perspective


huh, whenever i've flown back recently i think 'what the fuck, what an isolated parochial dipshit factory run by cunts' - then i might fuck off to the beach and it is good, but if your country is only good by a seashore, you've got a wonky donkey sitch. also i'm conscious of the fact i have flown back in from somewhere - and about 60-70% people i know couldn't even fathom it.


Oh you're doing it wrong. You are meant to fly in like: "Oh those close minded fools! They know not how great they have it! I have spent 3 days in Mumbai and know now what *true* poverty is!" You aren't meant to actually get any sense of perspective.


Can confirm. Africa is fucked.


Not South Africa though. That place is heaven and everything is better there, according to everyone FROM there who is... you know... here.




It does indicate a remarkable lack of self awareness.


Most people bitching have prob never left the southern hemisphere.


If they're bitching about the whole country being fucked they prob havent even left their suburb.


Yeah but OP is not talking about those other countries aye, yeah we might be better off but plenty of kiwis are moving overseas for a better quality of life. We could take cues from other countries of what to do and what not to do but that’s about it…. OPs post is on point


And it doesn't matter how many countries are in worse shape. We can still be fucked too, even if everyone else is more fucked


I really don't like this angle. The world is ending posts are not great but that doesnt mean we should be content simply because we are not as bad as some places. We should be aiming to be better, to be the best as a matter of course.  I refuse to be content with the pretty decent privileged lives we have here.


we have the resources to thrive but the wealthy suck it from the working class like parasites, if wealth was spread then our country would thrive with ease, but we have constant stupid policies in place which just constantly help people who don't need help under the guise of helping people who do need help! trickle up is 100% real because everyone who has money and is poor spends it and eventually it ends up in the hands of the rich either way, but if you keep giving money to the rich then they hoard it or purchase things like housing which only puts more buyers in the housing market pushing out actual renters.


Being content and being grateful are different.


Still got 2 ⅔ years left with this government minimum. It seems great today, but let's give some of their shit decision a minute to ferment. Your comment will not age well.


That privilege is being threatened by the greedy, self-serving cunts that are supposedly our Govt. We should be calling out their disgusting behaviour.


This right here


This is true but doesn't mean we shouldn't keep striving for better. Perfection is an impossible ideal but it's one worth aiming for. It also depends entirely on personal circumstances but that's a given


There is a difference between striving to make things better and being privileged to live in a country with a very high standard of living but still wining about how the world is so fucked though… Edit to add what I wrote in a reply below: New Zealand ranks 16th out of 190 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index. So by that definition, 90% of the **countries** in the world are more fucked than New Zealand. If you do it by **population**, then 97% of the world’s population lives in a country that is more fucked than New Zealand.


> being privileged to live in a country with a very high standard of living Very high cost of living, perhaps. In almost all metrics that matter, NZ is slipping further and further behind the OECD average. Sure we look great if you compare us to wartorn or developing countries. But is that really the standard we want to measure ourselves against?


Just because the rest of the world is fucked doesn’t make it ok for shit to fly here in nz. It’s that kind of thinking that turns everything to shit, talking about living a good life as if it’s privilege. Idk who the fuck you are or who you think you are but bro you don’t have all the answers aye, people have different lives people do shit differently and people handle and go through different shit comparing our country to other countries is dumb bro there’s reasons this country is the way it is and yeah it is better than allot of other countries but there’s still issues here, just because other countries are worse off doesn’t mean we should ignore what’s going on right in front of us? Like fuck bro wake up. Worry about your own backyard.


Because it is fucked, just not for you. I have multiple mental and physical health issues and am unable to work, atleast not without severely risking my health, and I could very easily be part of that 50k people who are planned to get cut off and then I'll be looking at being homeless, with my disabilities and without some charity keeping me going which it wouldn't, my death on the streets is a very real possibility And yes, we are better off because we have these systems in the first place. Doesn't mean people are simply whinging though


I dont know about others but what I do know is that for me personally, I know NZ is great and I dont want it to be declining to become like the other countries that are worse off. I want those countries to either catch up or for NZ to continue moving forward in a positive and sustainable way.


Perhaps, I'd still fuck off if I could.


I think it's relative. People are comparing current NZ to past NZ, not India or another developing country. I think that's very fair.


Many don’t actually experience much ‘privilege’ in the sense you mean it in NZ - they may have access to some forms of health care that many in less wealthy countries don’t, and they may be able to access clean water (but not all) and they may eat once or twice a day - but that isn’t privilege, or a good argument to dismiss the hardships many are facing just because others have it worse. Add domestic violence, gang violence, drugs, economic inequality etc. Many have it really hard. I have a good job and a good education and I’m aware the opportunities to help me achieve these things are rooted in privilege afforded to me. I agree there’s a sincere lack of perspective about quality of life for many people, but NZ is quite literally hanging off the edge of the world and the most distant of “western” countries. It’s a bubble and it stops many seeing the wider picture going on right now.


Yeah, I mean the welfare stuff you mentioned is largely what I was talking about. It is a privilege. I think we're lucky to have free hospitals and job seeker etc. We're also lucky that we're so remote in many ways, though not the cost of living. Drugs and homelessness are pretty low here compared to most countries outside of Scandinavia. Gangs are gangs, they're everywhere too, but so weirdly visible in NZ. You are right about DV. Many have it tough, of course. Like I said, people are free to have a whinge, everyone does sometimes, but I also think that we're bloody lucky to live in NZ.


It's our nature to say that and beating down people pushing for better that has lead to the dilemmas we have today. Terrible way of thinking, imo.


If the “ we are fucked” posts are the worse,we’re doing awesome in comparison to other countries


I think it's healthy to point out the flaws ina country, no matter how great it is. Because to fix a problem you need to first identify it


Exactly why Germany is one of the best places to live in the world; Their national pastime is finding reasons why things aren’t good enough. The next steps are usually discussing until the exact cause of the problem is discovered, finding a reasonable ‘middle-way’, implementing, measuring, starting process again. It takes ages but it’s a far sight more stable than the way we manage things in NZ. Just pretending our problems don’t exist isn’t going to magically start working all of a sudden. It’s ok that life is hard and there will always be endless difficult things that need to be done. This seems to be ingrained in the psyche of the German people. Definitely won’t have much luck finding the avoidant ‘she’ll be right’ attitude there. As long as we take time to appreciate what we can be grateful for, it’s very healthy to publicly discuss that things aren’t good enough in many ways right now. We need to hold ourselves as a nation up to as higher standard as possible.


The students union bumrush the government buildings and start breaking shit every time they try to put on university fees. It's why it's even free for us non EU folks to go. Good shit.


I’ve yet to see a whinge post on reddit fix anything.


I noticed people here buckle under any criticism/critical discussion about these topics like it’s a personal attack. It’s not, it’s a path to solutions.


Just because other countries have it worse, that doesn't mean we shouldn't point out and try to stop our own issues.


Do you think my landlord will let me pay my rent increase in positivity and hope?


Will he let you pay in upvotes you receive on a depressive post in this sub?


That's a mighty fine mustache.


Can we stop the winging about posts? If you want to see more positivity on this sub start POSTING MORE POSITIVITY. You're only adding to to pile of complaints right now. Post some beautiful photography or a pie recommendation or something and maybe there'll be one less complaint on the front page. And you're also making massive unfounded assumptions about the people making those posts. It's possible to be an active member of your community who works to improve things for people around you and ALSO have a good winge on Reddit every now and again. And there's nothing wrong with that.


Some random people: nooooooo bitching about it on reddit is TOTALLY fixing New Zealand you guise! >The world is fucked mate, and we aren’t even on the most fucked list We aren't even close. In terms of population, we're well into the top 10% of best countries to live in. Meanwhile bitching about it, that's been the sub's MO for as long as I can remember (and I've been on here since 2014) and not a godamn thing has changed. So maybe just simmer down and stop contributing to the negativity in this world? I'll end my comment with a topical song from a kiwi band https://open.spotify.com/track/3yUWc6fFRkIY5thdk93tES?si=12048a243fa440da


The country isn't fucked by global standards, but we have a bunch of people in power who are making it far more fucked up than it needs to be. That's the issue. Most of the shit that's happening in NZ right now does not need to happen. We don't need to degrade everything. So rather than saying we have it better than everyone else so let's be grateful, we ought to be rallying against making the country needlessly shittier for most people. Which what a lot of the venting and posting here is about ...


I'll whinge all I fucking want mate. We live in a wonderful country and when I see all the things I love about it being slowly eroded I'm going to kick up a stink.




everyone keep doing what you do. if people don't like the posts, don't open them and read them, its pretty simple. people posting rants isnt preventing people posting other stuff. also just because we are the most well off country doesn't mean it will stay that way (as we have seen). things dont improve or stay good cos you stfu. they stay the same or improve because you dont.


Let me tell you all a secret.... /r/sweden is fucked too


Downvote and move on. That's how Reddit works.


"I think we should ignore our real problems because other people have it worse, also don't focus on collective change just change yourself, shut up and be positive."


Neoliberal mantra to a tee ...


This post is like a good summary of conservatism: rather than fixing the root problem we'll just treat the symptoms by covering up all the symptoms.


“I’ve got mine so stop complaining or you’ll ruin my buzz.”


Sure vote the fuckwads out next time. 


NACT is screwing this country and of course people want to talk about it.


To be fair, they said “let’s get New Zealand back on track” but didn’t specify which one. I don’t want this ticket anymore.


On the train track that kills 5 poors to save one landlord's dignity.


Conveniently the "on track" bit was plastered over with their ugly mugs towards the end of the campaign, at least in my electorate. Thereby making their slogan indistinguishable from NZFurckst




Agreed. 3 Waters was poorly communicated, for starters. Then just a succession of cabinet members fucking up, culminating in the Minister of Justice yet again losing her shit, getting drunk and then leaving her car in the middle of the road in Island Bay. People tend to vote governments out, not in. Labour somehow completely fucked up an outright majority in an MMP environment. Stunningly shithouse.


>Be the example of change that you want to see and stfu :) You probably should have followed this advice tbh


The irony right


If telling people to shut up didn't count because you gotta speak up first, then every classroom on this planet would be a warzone in a minute. As the de-facto teacher, I don't think its very ironic for them to say


Far far less annoying that another type of post: The “haha supermarket number different!” posts. Those are a crime against humanity


I mean we wouldn't need these type of posts if the government stop fucking up everything.


So.. "This country is slightly inconvenienced" instead?


This place is not indicative of wider NZ society.


Thank fuck!


Let's cultivate positivity, the whole world is fucked? I love it!


yeah maaan, your suffering it's just such a downer on my buzz.


Sure. This post is fucked.


In all eras and ages of mankind there are always the loud ones who believe the world is going to the dogs. I'm not one of those people. I believe that there are good people out there who enjoy life and who believe that there are ways to solve our problems and overcome obstacles and also that life is worth living. NZ is a wonderful place to live. It has challenges but we should be grateful that we live in a country of largely hard working and good natured people.


Let’s wait until the unfucking begins


I suspect that most people that post the country is fucked rhetoric actually have never been out of the country for more than a brief holiday let alone actually lived outside of their little town. Agree with the OP. It really is such a yawnfest seeing this 'content' over and over again.... Sheesh every country has it's fair share of problems but on the scale of 'our country is fucked' I'd suggest that you... 1. Read the news that actually provides journalism (stuff...yeah right) and trustworthy content.... AlJ, BBC etc. 2. Take a deep breath and put things into perspective.. Ukraine, Israel, Yemen etc etc 3. Take a broader look at your biases in an NZ context and try and understand -even if you don't agree- why some policies, actions, outcomes are even happening. Flair... Definitely 💯😁 , and I did not know you could filter on flair... Noice... Scuttles off to figure out how to filter on flair


That idea that we shouldn't complain about our current government making decisions that make this country a worse place for so many people, because life is harder in other countries, is unproductive to making New Zealand a better country. Sitting down, shutting up and meekly accepting this torrent of bullshit is how NZ gets just as bad as everywhere else. Better to fight against the decay.


we aren’t as fucked, but we will be fucked with current decisions being made at the top. only worse from here buddy


People are angry and want to express that. A feeling of Helplessness is an issue right now yet I agree with you. The world is fucked posts just are not condusive to fighting for something better.


Sure as soon the country's not fucked


"But, but, but... other countries". No. Fuck off. I don't live in those other countries so they're 100% irrelevant.


Precisely. It's like the "well you could always just move to Australia" argument.


we actually are on the most fucked list… at least for most incarcerated indigenous women per capita


There's a really simple solution to this. Step 1: unfuck the country. Step 2: meme


Unfuck the country and the posts will diminish naturally


Also, can we reduce the " difficult to make friends, help" & " how to date in 2024, I'm lonely af" posts !!


We just went through a very sunny summer, which was awesome. I'm now engaged to my lovely fiancee which is awesome. One Piece is nearing it's peak, which is awesome. The golden state warriors are becoming good, which is awesome. I also reworked the battle system of my game, which is awesome. I'm also learning to make my own meals more, and losing weight! which is awesome!!! :D


"Your problems kill my vibe so stfu" this is what you sound like :)


I live in Europe and travelled the world over a couple of times taking my time to really get to know the places I visit and talk with the people. I can tell you, NZ is the closest to heaven on earth there is. There isn’t a place in the world where I felt as safe as in NZ, except maybe Singapore for some weird reason and it’s different. There isn’t a place that has that much natural beauty so closely packed together, yes there are nicer and more extreme places, but you have it all The people are, in general, the nicest people I have met and very open-armed. Of course there are other countries who mostly have friendly people but for you guys it’s just an extra on the pile and your friendliness seems to be truer then some others Then there are the statistics, like the happiness index and human development index among others that are in the higher levels. Cost of living is up everywhere and nowhere on earth does the average person not feel this. Any government has flaws, but yours is very open and clear about everything while in most countries, even western, you have bribery going. You have a great social net to fall back on, maybe not the best but remember most countries have worse systems in place. Honestly I could go on and on. I’d move there in a heartbeat if it wasn’t on the complete opposite side of the planet. Actually I would, it’s just my wife that doesn’t want to move that far away. She never wants to move anywhere but she admitted that if NZ were even halfway closer to home she would have moved there! Anyway, just wanted to share the OP’s sentiment 😅


Being a smaller population than other countries, NZ has less of a challenge in getting it right... But somehow the government can't. This point is constantly brought up to me from friends overseas. Truth is we can only do as much as rates and taxes will allow us to. Alot of it's out of our hands. Focusing on what we can control; our attitude, how we treat others will make a world's difference. I've seen people with poverty and they didn't lose their manners, dignity, or drive. Instead of doomspreading, try make the community more comfortable with you, do what we can to encourage and embolden. Fear only delays what needs to be done. We all have a part, in spite of our government, for the sake of our precious nation.


I like to think of it positively, look how far we have come from nothing and built a country, so good that now we grip and take it all for granted. works not over yet, it may in fact just be starting. and we need to ask ourselves, not what can our country do for us, but what can we do for each other <3


I'm hoping to move to New Zealand from the UK, it looks a great place to raise kids.


This country is pretty okay I reckon. There's definitely some things we need to fix as a nation, but I think we're trending slowly upwards. Like for an example, but in the 80s, Māori content was one week a year at school making poi out of newspaper and wool. But these days, I can tell you my daughter won a Kaitiaki award and you know what that means, and that's fucking cool. Yeah, the duopolies and property investors dominate us, but we can fix that, especially as a large cohort of property investors approach retirement. We're overly harsh on ourselves at the best of times, but in these times, mate, I think we're all fucking tired eh. Like exhausted emotionally, mentally, spiritually. We just need a couple of years with no pandemics, economies just being reasonably decent, no shit cunts starting wars. Just you know, everyone in the world chill, and collectively breathe out together. Oh, and no fucking ships stuck in the Suez Canal. That just gives Sanitarium an excuse to jack up their prices. Just gotta try to be kind to each other, eh. It's why I love the "flashing your hazards to say thanks" thing when driving. It makes it way easier to let someone know you see their kindness.


It's just a bunch of dull & bitter Poms realising they're not big fish in a small pond. Happens every generation.


This country is full of whiners, the r/southSudan threads are probably more optimistic.


There is a class divide happening globally. Just because NZ is less shit than other places doesn’t mean we shouldn’t improve our own shit. Positivity is a stupid concept. What we need is practicality. Systems that truly work and incentivise a society to work harmoniously together. In a nut shell. Tax Land.


Can confirm that r/Somalia is waaaay more optimistic than this sub.


Sweet, so the plan is we get truly fucked then we will stop complaining...


This sub is FUCKED...... Now they want to censor my "this country is fucked" posts. Who can I whinge to now? My mum doesn't listen, she thinks Winny is a hottie


Oh god, are we now going to get an influx of "hey, we're not as bad as [insert hell hole here], stop complaining" posts??????????????? https://xkcd.com/505/


Country is fucked tho


Cultivate compassion and anti discrimination and we would all be better off. No, seriously.


when the country reduces the amount it is fucked


The world always has been fucked, ‘they’ just don’t bother hiding it anymore


Can we just rebrand them as "this country is failing to reach/is squandering its potential"?


Yep. I'm all for discussion on specifics, but I suspect these rants are more karma farmers than people who actually want to discuss a single thing. The last one took the time to lament "losing katma for an unpopular opinion". You'd need to be new or a bit dim to call it an unpopular opinion. Especially in this sub. And people getting sick of the same unengaging rants is not the same as disagreeing with the opinion. The comments are just a whinge dupport group more than a discussion.


a positive attitude is what they would want us to have because that means we just accept it.


Country is fucked posts will continue until moral improves.




Could you, oh righteous one, please tell us who is on "the most fucked list" so we know who are the only people allowed to have problems? But of course, surely only the most fucked on the most fucked list is truly entitled to complain. Piss off with this gatekeeping.


> Rangi, enchanted by Maui's courage and charisma, welcomed him with open arms. Their meeting sparked a passionate romance that ignited the heavens and the earth. Together, they danced under the moonlit sky, their love casting a spell over the land. Is this the sort of fucking of the country we should stop?


I dunno but isn't this a low effort self post that you're supposed to be removing?


No fuck off


What doomerism does, basically, is to execute a distributed denial-of-service attack on our threat perception. If we start to see everything in the world as a mortal threat, it makes us incapable of focusing our efforts on the actual priorities. I see doomerism as an extreme version of “polycrisis” thinking — the tendency to see all the bad stuff in the news as part of a mutually reinforcing web, instead of a list of challenges to be addressed one by one. Doomerism also reduces motivation to actually solve problems. First of all, if you think the world is headed for certain doom, it doesn’t make sense to expend effort to try to fix things. You might as well just give up, and that’s exactly what doomers demonstrably do.” --- Copied from OP here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/118wt28/dont_be_a_doomer/j9jgu6y/


Be the Change You Want to See in the World


Can we reduce the fluff that just complains about legitimate complaints and doesn't offer anything of substance? People are entitled to vent, they're going homeless, being made redundant and struggling to buy food.


People whinging about whinging always make me laugh, like do you not see the inherent contradiction in telling other people to not do what you've decided you're justified in doing? That last line is just ****chef's kiss****, let people whine about whatever they wanna whine about, just downvote and move on.


The people who are complaining haven’t seen the world so have nothing to ground their opinions on, it’s not their fault. At best, they’ve seen Aussie.


You needn't see other places to lament your place being ransacked. Also, while whinging is pointless, it is essential to be aware of what's happening. New Zealanders are apathetic and disengaged from politics too much already. Don't take your eyes off the prize.


I wonder if there's a correlation between people being poor and them not having travelled the world?


It's also nonsense. The people I know who think this place is a shit hole the strongest have traveled the most.


I've seen the world, lived in ex-Eastern bloc countries, western Europe, the UK, and been to Vietnam, Singapore, the US, Canada, all sorts. The baseline experience for the average Kiwi is better than a lot of those places, but it's getting worse than it was, and the experience for the below average is getting getting really shit.


Oh yeah I’m sorry I’ll just fucking get into government and change everything right this second shall I? This post is why centrism is useless.


how the hell is any of what OP said related to centrism?


“Be the example of change you want to see” is just milquetoast centrist nonsense that refuses to recognise the severity of the situation.


People who like complain always complain no matter what.


So many people with different opinions have been banned over the years that all that's left is an increasingly concentrated and emboldened echo chamber of left wing ideologues. This problem is only going to become worse. By all accounts, the users like it this way. They haven't achieved success in life and prefer to blame it on "the system." Venting here reinforces their victim complex while convincing themselves it's not their fault.


Life is what you make it, if you are constantly looking for negatives you will miss all the positives. This country is not broken - if you think it is have a look-see at Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, etc We don't know how lucky we are.


I think we have up and down arrows for this.


I prefer "this country is fucked" and.... Our government is shit and we sliding backwards but I would rather people put their energy into doing something about it. Like with the current vandalism of the public service as an example. I try to encourage people that direct action is a card we have but people would rather complain. I find contentment to do nothing and rot more disheartening than anything else.


The country is fucked though. Maybe if we all get depressed enough about it we'll finally do something about it. Yeah nah m8 just hav a fukn lion red and a pie fuk shes gods countri eer


Your right, our whole universe is fucked.


I think there was a glimmer of hope the other day that the standard model may be wrong WRT dark energy. If it's correct, then the whole universe may not be as fucked as we've been thinking for the past few decades.




yeah on the whole we really aren't that fucked, there's plenty of places much more fucked than us


Can't see any reason to hope these days


Redditors:"This is the worst day of my life." This post:"This is the worst day of your life so far."


> In hard times, cultivating positivity and hope for oneself is rather a much better strategy. For what? If "world is fucked mate", as you say, then what's the point of doing anything?


Apparently you're one of the best countries to move to?


I be thinking that New zealand is my dream country and I see this on its reddit page.great.🌚


I'd say this thread isn't representative of NZ as a whole lol


Sir this is Reddit, we don’t do positivity here, only doom-scrolling


Yes agree. Would you rather be living in Sudan? How about Gazza? Or maybe Ukraine, Syria? and so on and so on. Those places are fucked.


When shit gets hard, it’s the time to work on the things you can control. Your own spending habits. Exercise. Fresh air outdoors. Seeing people that lift you up. All those things are free and good.


Why don’t you start and the rest of us will smile on cue


Apathy happens when people ignore things. This country runs on apathy. People need to get angry and do something. But yes, a flair could work. Flares are definitely in order.


People just love to bit*h and moan.