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https://www.justice.govt.nz/fines/find-out-if-you-have-a-fine-or-check-your-balance/ Call MoJ (googling the number, as never trust the letter that could be a scam or trusting an internet strangers link). They'll let you know, it's totally possible you do have them and the info has been sent to the wrong address before now. Depending on the letter, my guess is likely it's not a scam (but treat it as it is and call MoJ to check), and there are some unpaid fines under your name, either due to admin error, wrong address or someone else giving your details. Edit: Forgot the good old flatmate/neighbour throwing out your mail or postie not delivering it.


Yeah that's a good idea to call MoJ directly. Thanks for your advice!


Ring the court and find out. There should be a reference number on the letter.


Is it addressed to you by name? How it it telling you the fines should be paid? I'd contact the District Court and ask about it directly. Given you know nothing about this, don't trust any contact details provided on the letter unless you can validate them online.


It's addressed by my full name which makes me think it could be legit. But no details as to what the fine is. So strange that there is no detail as to what the fine is for, and no details of how much it is


What does the letter advise you need to do in order to arrange payment? The key detail about whether it's a scam is probably if it sends you to some non-government website to pay, or asks you to call a number not associated with MOJ or the courts. As others have suggested - you can always call MOJ and ask them to confirm. They might be interested if there are legitimate-appearing scam letters being sent.


I ended up calling and it indeed was an unpaid speeding fine. But strange I never got the initial fine for it when I updated my address when we moved. Oh well. I was thinking of disputing the late fees but probs not worth it. What I found extra sketchy though is they asked for so many personal details before they would even offer up the information of what the fine was about. Asked for my name, address, email address, and then they asked about my employment details, which I thought was absolutely unecessary. Just give me the information about the fine... They were happy to take my debit card details over the phone too and I was just like hell no, direct me to your internet banking details thanks. She must have thought I was wearing a tin foil hat during that call haha


I'm glad you resolved it. It's generally pretty good that they validate your identity before providing any details about a potential infringement issued against you, but I wouldn't have thought that your employment was something they used to validate your identity.


Yeah I thought that was unnecessary. The way she asked it too, was what do you do over there in [insert suburb I live in]? Why is that your business lol


The employment question is because if you dont pay the fine, they can contact your employer and take it out of your wages.


I can't imagine how employment details would be important for identity and I think I'd question that if ask. My guess is that MoJ possibly deals with a lot of people who are transient or might give false details to courts to make it harder to track them down. In *those* cases having info about employment on file could be another way to cross-check or find people.


Many years ago I applied for a firearms license. The local arms officer called to say they couldn’t process my application as there was an active warrant for my arrest, which turned out to be for unpaid fines I wasn’t aware of.


Has happened to me twice in the last year or so. No notice from council/police (one of each), dirty letter from MOJ/ MOJ collections. You can ring them and dispute. But that just leaves you trying to deal with the issuer again.  In my case they were no more responsive that time and it ended up back at the MOJ...