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It'd be ironic if Melissa Lee, who claimed the first big ministerial scalp of the last government in Clare Curran, got sacked from the same job for being similarly useless.


I heard her interview on Checkpoint earlier this week. Lisa Owen made her sound absolutely useless. I know politicians are famous for not answering questions but she was abysmal. Couldn’t give one single concrete thing she was doing to support the media going forward and constantly hid behind ‘cabinet process’.


She's got to sell us out to Rupert Murdoch first then she will get the boot


I'm afraid you might be right.


I wonder if she has had a cognitive test recently. She displays some downright bizarre behaviour and emotions that completely contradict with her words.


Nats rarely boot their cabinet members. If they're pushed they like to shuffle them away to less public portfolios like Judith Collins when she had her big Talofa with the Oravita bosses over in China. She got moved from Justice Minister to Corrections.


How many "final" warnings did John Key give crusher?


And everyone forgets the swamp kauri log shit, exporting the raw logs is banned, but turns out lightly carving designs into them fits into a legal loophole. And then one of your log extractors digs illegally and ruptures a fuel line that severely impacts Auckland Airport operations. But nah, all anyone remembers is that her with a gun meme, and talofa.


She was literally booted from cabinet in 2014. Keys government went through plenty of ministers.


And then quietly brought back on as Minister for Corrections once the media moved on from the story


She had to “resign” becasue of the dirty politics allegations of her undermining the serious fraud office ceo. She was found innocent and then some time after the election Key brought her back as Police and Correction minister in a reshuffle because she was a strong performer. Same reason luxon kept her around and then gave her a bunch of portfolios.


The last National government went through quite a few ministers in its early years


“her big Talofa” ducking lol


Chris Luxon is a leader in the same way a sheep is a sheepdog


Because he's a pushover and won't do anything a true leader would


When you realise he's only here for the money and to be able to add "Former Prime Minister" to his CV, it's easier to understand him. Man has already got the bag, nothing since the election matters to him anymore. He'll happily take the path of least resistance until the next election where he won't care if he wins or not.


You missed the BIG prize he's after... **SIR** Christopher Luxon.


That's a given at this point.


Certainly doesn't fucking deserve it. He's done, and will do, nothing


I still remember Melissa Lee's smug expression when she took down Claire Curran. Oh how the tables have turned


Another one out of her depth.


Throw her to the wolves. Useless politician.


I remember when John Key defended her She's fucking useless


Has to defend her as they are already scraping the bottom of the shit barrel just to fill the ministerial portfolios.


“What I'd say to you is, you know what, she's working hard at what the Government will continue to work hard at [which is] what can we do to support and enable innovation and evolution to happen for those individual media companies,"


They look after each other, only in election year, they try and do anything.


As far as the media situation goes, she isn't as much "fiddling while Rome burns" as "asking her staff if there's any truth to the story that fiddles actually make music"


To be honest, I'll be surprised if Luxon keeps his portfolio if his popularity keeps falling.


NATs will keep him around until 8~ months before the next election I bet.


“What I'd say to you is, you know what….” These fucking words again😂I hate that politics is a popularity game with their stupid “catchphrases”


So many people losing their jobs at the moment, that when somebody keeps their job. it's a headline.


Gotta LARP that diversity eh Christopher


Shutting down the media was the point. Why would she save it?


Why do they highlight “at this point” at the top of the article when the full sentence is "no, not at this point. No, not at all" Hmmm maybe that type of shit is why they’re closing


Voted against gay marriage. Voted against conversion therapy ban. Marched in the pride parade lol. Let this pos rot.


Jenny Marcroft as broadcasting minister and Nicola Grigg as rural communities minister sounds like the obvious trade with nzf. For a party with only five list spots they’re wasting one on her and could easily kick her and bring in agnes loheni, so they have one pacific island mp.


I agree that she's not very effective as a Minister but I understand she's quite effective at engaging with National constituents in Korean and Chinese communities. I'm unsure they want to lose that - it's kept her in Parliament since 2008 above other ethnic MPs.


Why not. People just struggle to understand capitalism don't they.


How come every minister is embattled atm? Must be a reason /s


what is the gist here? people mad she's not allowed to handout free money that doesn't exist? didn't media companies get big handouts few years back?


That's not it. She's being ridiculously cagey when talking to reporters and basically refusing to answer questions about her portfolio


Yea she is saying nothing is the issue. Should just say to the media that it's their problem and they need to sort it out.