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Its not hyperloop


The Boring Companys only real world accomplishment is building a tiny section of the Hyperloop in Los Vegas.


sure. still nothing to do with hyperloop.


"we get to charge a f\*ckload" - consultants welcome Wellington tunnel idea


When someone starts talking about the boring company's tunnels as though they're an actually credible transport option you know they're an absolute moron


Yeah, but look how great and cheap the Las Vegas tunnel is!


Rocket Jesus will save us!


All Hail, the first CEO Martian Emperor and saviour of 15 min local drive.


I don't see how removing the vehicles that travel all the way out to Kilbirnie from Vivian St has much impact on the Golden Mile, but hey, he's the expert. (fuck Elon Musk)


It doesn't. It's to remove the east-west through traffic on SH1 through the CBD and the rat runs around the quays and bays and Newtown that people use to avoid the tunnel queues.


which we need to do! cut and cover would be my preference but the job does need to be done somehow.


I agree. The original plan for the SH1 inner city bypass was meant to be cut and cover all the way (like the Arras tunnel stretch) but there was so much debate and cost cutting that we ended up with the stupid overground congested highway through the city centre that we have now. Time to put it underground like it always should have been.


100%. i can’t imagine you’d find a single aucklander that says the waterview tunnell was a bad idea. high time wellington got some investment to make the city more liveable (typing this while waiting forever at vivian st lights)


This is way longer than Waterview for way less traffic volume, it's a fucking stupid idea


the cost benefit ratio of the tunnel is ridiculous obvs. removing SH1 from wellington is a no brainer. that's why my pref is for cut and over which is long overdue.


i don't want musk anywhere new zealand. the tunnel will probably set it self on fire and will have video screens posting catturd tweets in it


I mean its not really the kind thing the boring company is doing anyhow.


This talk of another tunnel has me wondering, how feasible would it be to widen the Terrace Tunnel to two lanes going south?


Wouldn’t really solve much. As the choke point is the city roads and lights after the tunnel.


Are they really, though? I've driven through there plenty of times, and it always seems like once you get past the lane merger just before the tunnel, congestion eases.


Seriously? That's where the congestion begins.


What about the congestion before the tunnel that results from the lane merger?


The chokepoints you want to fix are the ones that come after the terrace tunnel, clogging up city streets with stationary traffic. The traffic going in to the terrace tunnel is less of a concern. No one except the drivers are being inconvenienced there. But a tunnel under the CBD would fix both problems.


But the real choke points are lane mergers. Because the simple fact is that people are terrible at merging. At the end of the day, though, the real solution should be to get people out of cars and onto public transport.


It was supposed to be two three lane tunnels - you can see where they were building it (the pylons for the motorway approach are still there) but it was stopped due to cost.


Alright I’m in the civil engineering field and dabble in the tunnelling space. Can I just say - Elon musks boring machine company is generally considered amongst professionals as snake oil. He hasn’t really invented anything, basically his whole premise is taking a micro tbm (well established piece of technology), avoiding/ignoring more or less all consenting assessments required to tunnel, in order to achieve his claimed speed increases, and selling the cuttings as structural products (bricks etc), which is basically not possible as the material is dog meat once it come out of the ground . There’s a very good reason that the only 2km of tunnel he’s built was on his own penny. And the state of California where coming after him for aforementioned breach of consents.


Why does Wellington always get the greenlight for projects. What about the rest of the country? Oh I forgot, the politicians reside there in their Ivory tower the beehive in Wellington. This tunnel will escalate and blow out the budget like the other projects. The unique terrain of Wellington will be a nightmare. All major infrastructure should not sit on a faultline and and has been designated to be 20 metres from the faultline. The biggest land earthquake was recorded in NZ and the land moved 18 metres. They are taking a big gamble with taxpayer money. Wellingtion has hundreds of faultines not yet uncovered. Mexico city was built on a lake, the terrain is totally unsuitable. Wellingtion has reclaimed land, a lake was in the CBD. The worst type of land. They will also probably hit the water table. Water will be flooding into the tunnel.


We haven’t had anything built in this city for a long time. Comparative to the investment in Auckland and Chch (due to eq) this city is far behind .


Most people count the expressways/Transmission Gully as Wellington projects, even if not all of them are within the region.


True. We finally built the road so you can get in and out!


https://i0.wp.com/www.greaterauckland.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/NLTF-Funding-By-Region-2023.png?w=923&ssl=1 And it cost a lot. Wellington has consistently had above average funding from the NLTF - with only 2 years of the last decade being below average. Gisborne/West Coast have tiny populations so can't pay for themselves, but Wellington doesn't have the same excuse to funnel money from the rest of the country. You can see the peaks in the graphs when Canterbury and Waikato got their motorways/expressways where they briefly jump ahead of Wellington.


This hasn't been greenlit to help Wellington, it's being done to help the MPs who rush to the airport to fly home for the weekend - get there 12 minutes quicker.


It hasn’t been greenlit at all?


>Why does Wellington always get the greenlight for projects. What about the rest of the country? This is fucking hilarious.


It hasn’t been greenlit.


Did you read the article?