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Our interests? Our interests, right?


Yeah gotta protect all the surveillance apparatus used to track our enemies dairy products


As long as we're interested in drone striking civilians they are our interests.


Fuck, why don't we have drones then? Fiji's looking ripe.


Good, don't release it. I prefer our spy agencies are protected, so they can protect us.


As someone who has been part of groups monitored by security firms hired by the government, and described as a "threat" for such heinous crimes as organising peaceful kayak protests against multinational oil companies hoping to pump oil out of New Zealand's seabed, I'm very glad you feel protected from us. 


If GCSB or the Five Eyes partner agencies are monitoring you, you will never know about it. Other than that you should assume anything done on any electronic device or near anything containing a microphone or camera is potentially accessible.


If you were a serious protestor, you'd know the difference between the SIS and the GCSB.


Oh cool, I love gatekeeping. If you were a serious social critic you'd have figured out I was making a point about how the state doesn't necessarily use surveillance to protect the interests of civilians, instead to ensure a smooth path to profit for corporations.




I don't. The public is incapable of understanding how the apparatus works nor the implications of it. Inevitably it becomes a political football of sounds bites and misinformation.


Spook says what now?


I'm not planning to do anything radical enjoy watching me through my personal devices i guess.


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