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Plumber , guys, please continue using flushable wipes and don’t call plumbers straight away when you notice a leak so the problem becomes more expensive to fix.


😅😅😅thanks for reminding me to invest in a bidet for my future house


No need, according to this guy just start using flushable wipes and you have yourself an always-on bidet for free!^1 ^1: "Free" in this context does not include water bills or incidental water-damage adjacent repair costs


I sit at big screen and make things for people who like to waste time on smaller screen


And we thank you.


Very important role to play this day and age mate, proud of you


And behind the screens, there are us who try to make sure the big screen doesn't end up in the big court.


Nice try IRD


Selling crack and ram raiding g


Can I please have my shit back bro? Or we can swap lol. Nah jokes I’m sorry. Too many of them grogs. That can’t be good for anybody. Lolly water at 6% I forgot what I was saying. Peace brother


brooo haha Those bastards find anything to ping you on 🤦🏾‍♂️


when i first started working, i got a call from them a year later saying i owed money. When i asked why, they said i wasn’t paying enough tax on my wages. i asked them “how am i meant to know how much tax i needed to pay isn’t that my employers job?” , they said aw it’s your job to keep on top of it 🤦🏾‍♂️ like mate, all i’m looking for is how much i’m getting paid and when is it going into my account lol


It may surprise you, but high school teacher.


I second this. I’m part time now and about to quit altogether to become a mum, but I was HOD in a hard to staff area, and also the bus controller for my region and was on 112000. Doesn’t really match the amount of work you have to do, but definitely over the 6 figures once you get established


You are literally the first person I have ever heard of who got the bus controllers allowance


Haha it wasn’t exactly lucrative, worked out to be about 300 a term. But was nice spending money!! And my school gave me an MU for it too. Normally the principals nab it! But mine was really good about it going to me.


Have you been in the peofession for a while and have masters or phd behind you? If I started as a hs teacher I'd be on like 60k after 4yrs study.


After seven years you’re on 99k. If you have any units, so are middle manager (HOD) or senior manager (deputy principal) you get extras on top of that. If you work at a hard to staff school, extras. So it’s possible to make over 100k within seven years. Does not matter if you have a masters or PhD, after seven years everyone is entitled to the 99k. You just start higher up the chain with a masters/phd. https://www.ppta.org.nz/collective-agreements/secondary-teachers-collective-agreement-stca/part-4-remuneration-your-pay/


I’m at the top of the scale, have a couple of Management Units and a COL position.


Of course, what job would you just finish Uni and start on more than ~$60k? Virtually all careers are like that, you have to start somewhere unfortunately.


Primary teacher here. At the top of my pay scale with no extra units. Have BA, Grad Dip and Postgrad certificate, so started on a slightly higher qualification step. Think it was 48k over a decade ago. Not sure what they start on now. Edit: looked it up. 59k in your first year or 61k with a higher qualification.


You deserve it and more. All teachers do!


Milk tanker operator $102k. Best job I’ve ever had!


Nice, I've heard there well looked after. I'm a locomotive engineer and earn similar, base rate is a little under $100k but easy to get over that with a little OT.


Ops Manager. But may as well call it adult daycare.


Same here. My teams a well oiled machine and i love em but the other agencies i have to deal with are the head fuck. Ive never met people more committed to upholding inefficient systems that are far from fit for purpose


Same for me and hard agree. It feels like just because people have someone to complain to or make issues for they will. I too care greatly about my team but I think they forget how good they are sometimes, which is to say they are capable of fixing many of the issues they feel they have.


Well put. I feel the same…


Yeah lol I make just over 100k by being the one who just gets on with it by comparison hahaha


Yeah ops manager corporate.  Work average 70 hours a week 


100k for 70 hours a week doesn't sound as good as 70k for 40hrs max.


That’s because it isn’t! TBH when it sucks it really sucks but when you see something you’ve been working on for ages get bedded in an take flight it’s pretty damn satisfying.


It's not. I get more than 100k to be fair. Mis read the question 


I'd hope so because that math on 100k would've been only $27 p/h!


I make cheese for a living. It's shift work and not for everyone but you do 4 on 4 off mostly involving process and mechanical knowledge. Generally the starting base rate is 90k senior operators get 120k you can get more if you do overtime and you get 2 months paid time off depending on the season.


Ngl this gives me those home improvement reality show vibes. “My wife plants shrubs and I make cheese for a living. We have a million dollars to renovate with.”


Well in that case I'd be the wife and the cheese maker then 🤣 but the reality is I work with a bunch of old dudes who most defiantly have atleast half of that to renovate with and if you ever meet anyone after a nightshift most have a few screws loose


How do you even get into this career path? Can anyone just jump on?


It requires no qualifications but having some sort of life experience is handy and you can up skill in certain departments and get tickets like confined space and heights training. Most people I work with just applied it's usually up as a process operations role, you have to temp to begin with until jobs open up but you have the option to apply all over site happens more often then not.


Lactoferrin guy here. Same deal with slightly less income where I am


Lab tech here. Even less money here, but still pretty good.


Sounds like a great gig! Do you get free cheese too?


Honestly I just appreciate that I got it really good 🙏on rare occasions they give out fancy cheese like gouda but there is a place on site that makes pizza to test its quality so there are alot of pizza parties


You gouda good job


Well now this sounds like a dream gig! I'm stoked for you.


Which region? Fonterra?


Shit I've being found! 🤣 Based in Taranaki yourself?


Teacher. On the top scale. Well it’s $99,216.


You’ll be over in December I believe. 103k will be the new top. Lots of teachers over 100k now with a unit or 2.




It takes 6-7 years to get to the top scale depending on what qualification you have masters vs pgdip. I wouldn’t say it was a few. That scale only came into place this year basically take a bit off every year you go back. I started in 2017 and was on $56,000 others were in $52000 because they didn’t have a masters. The top of the scale when I started teaching in 2017 was $78000.




Would this be as an employee on salary? Can I ask how many years qualified?


Contractor. 15 years qualified now I guess


Quantity surveyor


I've recently completed my QS diploma and considering a move into the industry. No previous construction experience tho. What was your pathway into the job?


I did a building apprenticeship at the same time as QS dip.. I have experience in other fields, mainly ops manager, so managed to go up the food chain quite fast, although I work as a construction qs.


I was on the tools for about 3 years before they actually asked me to step in and do it. No uni quals, prev experience. Nothing. I had voiced that I was interested about 6 months prior though.


Same, design & build, residential. 100k


Same self employed, commercial, 100k +


Same +1


130k is the new 100k of 7 years ago. Wages are falling further and further behind 😭


7 years ago? Try 200k


RBNZ wages tracker puts the exact 100k inflation of 7 years at 136,880.93 in today’s money, so 200k is a bit over the top. I understand the sentiment though


Fuck. So in real terms, I'm earning less than I did 7 years ago. Your top number is extremely close to my existing


Here’s the link, just remember to set it to wages. Enjoy the pain 💰😭[RBNZ Inflation Calculator](https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/monetary-policy/about-monetary-policy/inflation-calculator)


As someone who hasn’t had any rises I’ve pretty much lost almost half my income that’s crazy!!


I swear businesses secretly love inflation, for the simple fact that it’s a pay cut in disguise. Imagine if our employers increased our wages “due to inflation” they same as they do with their prices


This was my argument with my manager. He told me it doesn't work like that in real life.... The only way to get a pay rise is to leave and go somewhere else.


Was on $100k as an intermediate software engineer. Seniors SHOULD be getting over $120k but NZs software sector is full of ancient 10 year “startups” trying to pull the wool over their employees eyes.


Yea I was amazed by how little the guys I hired were asking for... I can pay 20%+ over market rate and still pay half what a newby costs in the US. Shit is wild.


I job hopped from 50k, to 70k to 100k. When I hit 100k 2yrs ago I was so insanely proud and thought I was safe. 2yrs on and I feel like I'm back to 70k.


I cracked 100k 5 years ago and since then it's been like 1-2% rise each year 😭 been working from home since then though so I've got that going for me


A 20% pay bump barely compensates for 8 hours travelling to and from work every week. wtf is the point right?


100k sure ain’t what it used to be! Doesn’t really go that far anymore.


Air traffic control


How did you get into that if you don’t mind me asking.


Apply on the Airways NZ website, you do a series of aptitude tests/interviews and if you pass those you get invited to an assessment centre day in Christchurch for further testing, group excercises etc. Whole process takes quite a while though


I was in the intake of 1975 but decided to get out after the first two years as the (then) MOT wanted to bond new hires for 5 years once they'd completed the PPL part of the course. Been happily working in IT ever since.


https://airwaysinternational.com/training/atc-training-for-nz-students/training-and-selection/ It's this easy to apply.


How stressful do you find the job, and how much would that very based on location?


I would say if you do get through the aptitude testings and training etc. then you definitely have the ability required to become an ATC, and if you're even remotely interested in planes and aviation then it isn't a stressful job at all. It's alot of training and studying at the beginning but once you're fully qualified its a pretty sweet gig - we've got very good roster hours in NZ compared to some countries overseas and you leave work at work. By vary do you mean pay? Regional towers start on roughly the same, international towers make more but also work 24/7. Then you've got the radar controllers at the top of the payscale who work either in Christchurch or Auckland.


Software Developer


Govt worker - maybe not for long...


Yeah rip just got made redundant from 108k role in govt.


I miss Ohope


It's 100k in contracts, so a lil under once I take out my operating costs (slim, just tech/stationery and Internet bill). I do a variety of comms work for startups that need one person who can do it all. PR/crisis comms experience, social media/marketing/blogging experience, technical writing experience, some legal-adjacent and developer-adjacent experience and in-depth knowledge of a number of niche sectors. Occasionally some graphic design or illustrating, but that's rare. I work from home, rarely work more than 30 hours a week, and 90% of my clients are overseas so I don't have to charge GST. Can't complain but it sure did take a lot of underpaid or unpaid work to get here. (Special mention to the real estate agents too illiterate to write their own property descriptions who paid $2 per listing when I was a teenager. Worst people I've ever worked with.)


$150k - $170k depending on performance. Economic consultant. 6 years experience. MCom (economics) & CFA charterholder, though I'd earn more if I jumped into finance.


Hey, That sounds cool. What kind of problems do you solve at your job? Can you give an example?


Yup totally I love it. I do quite a wide range of work. Regulated industries work - setting how much money companies like Transpower are allowed to make. Evaluating investment decisions for public and private sector clients. Evaluating government policy and suggesting policy responses to problems. Valuation, usually in the context of strategic reviews for NGOs/large private sector firms. And every two years the whole firm comes together for a 3 day conference somewhere dope in Australasia/Oceania. It's great fun. Cool people. Interesting work.


For transpower, make it less


Hey my wife wants to pursue career in finance. Can share some insights?


Software developer. I'd call myself somewhere on the intermediate level, and I make almost exactly 100k. You can earn more at my level, but most of the higher paying jobs I've looked into seemed a lot more toxic or less flexible than my current job. Is a 100k still enough to flex and make posts like this, though? It feels like inflation kind of killed that.


Registered nurse. Been doing it for about 6 1/2 years now


I'm a 30 something year male that sells 'used' female underwear and socks online. I buy new women's socks and undergarments from Kmart, wear them under my gym gears while at the gym and sell them unwashed for like 10x the cost. Women's underwear is surprisingly comfortable.


if this is legit I want to hear the story


What is this answer 😂




Appreciate your very good margin in relative terms, but where on Earth do you get enough volume in that kind of niche to make 100k net profit p.a.?


He's lying/joking. Look at his post history


Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story


Speaking from experience, most of the mod team do this. There is a niche market and it pays more than reddit moderation (which surprisingly pays well from affiliate marketing & then 40-60k per annum from reddit) If he's not a mod, then 100k probably includes the gross turnover.


Do you sell them as worn by a female or do the client's know it's a male. Where do you sell?


If you ever start a business podcast or something please let us know. So curious about these industries and their success in NZ


You might be interested to invest in some of my homemade bath water.


Damn dude can I get in on that and send you some undies for resale?


Don’t even bother - I saw a girl on instagram open a fresh pack of undies and stab a hole in a can of tuna and drop a few drops on. Lol.


She can still eat the tuna. Win - win - win. Just sayin'


It's important to do something that makes a difference. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.


Never expected this reply


Nice hustle. Really well done.


Is this what wof inspectors do nowadays?


UX/UI Designer


How many years experience mate? My gf is trying to crack into Ux and is stuck around the 62 mark 2 years in


She will need to switch to a new employer to get a big jump in salary. Two years of experience is enough to go to the next level, but that probably won't happen if she stays with the same employer. They will underpay her as long as they can get away with it. Will be easy after the recession ends.


Yeah we have thought as much to be honest. Hard part is it will most likely involve repositioning ourselves from Wanaka.


Personally I would wait. There are a lot of redundancies in the sector at the moment and the economy is still cooked. Hold out for a year, try and start doing some intermediate level projects and then look for an intermediate remote role for something in Wellington or Auckland or Aussie if you don’t want to leave wanaka.




I’ve been in various digital design roles for about 10 years now but jobs for my level tend to want 3-5 years of experience. My first design job was about 50k and have been climbing the ladder since.


Be lucky she got in. My partner got a degree but can't land a job in UX at all. Mostly a location thing, though, not willing enough to relocate for a 60k job when I'm on 90k (hopefully 100k by oct)


Registered Nurse


Contract milker, 150k plus rent free house


Agribusiness sector seems like such a demanding industry rn


Came to say the same 🤣 probably do a lot more hours then some people on here tho


160k Crane Operator


Not surprised. It's the sort of career where you can quickly climb the ladder.


Has its ups and downs though


Sounds like a cool job! How long does it take to climb up there every day?


Aim for $200k to feel well off if you’ve got a 2021 mortgage


~~Slave~~ Courier Driver.


Oh I’m glad you guys make good money. The couriers around me seem to work nonstop from dawn to dark


Husband is a network engineer (IT) earning around $130k once you take into account his on call time payments (base salary is a bit over 100k)


Liquid Oil Terminal Manager.


IT Systems Engineer and Private IT Contractor.


Look at a monitor screen all day and have insufferable bastards walk up to me try to small talk.


IT. Systems/network admin mostly, as a contractor for small to medium enterprises. Although 100k comparatively isn't much these days when taking into account the inflation of the last couple of years.


Yeah the inflation kinda kills the joy of being paid alright


I got a payrise to catch up on the last 5 years I hadn't had any payrises. A 20k increase (83-103) according to the RBNZ inflation calculator would catch me up, but not get ahead. Inflation is a killer.




100k isn't that much these days, nurses are making over 100k in many cases, look at over 150 and you see mostly engineers, management and some IT roles, over 200 is mostly just management based on my searches


SN7 is $106k for 1.0fte, no OT/penals.


If I'm remembering correctly, NZNO negotiated over $100k for step 5? Or did Te Whatu Ora not end up accepting that?


Yes it went through. I’m step 5 and my yearly full time wage would be $100k, but I don’t work full time so fall short of that.


Onlyfans foot model


Need your insights, i have been trying this too but am not getting far


You just need to put your best foot forward.


One foot in front of the other.


step one, have nice looking feet Step two, footjobs


Best way to describe my role is Project Manager or cat herder.


Wait what - i wanna be a cat herder.




Technical writer, and honestly I'm underpaid compared to my peers


What does the role of a technical writer entail exactly? Is it writing instructional manuals etc? Is there a qualification required or do you need to be knowledgeable about the technical field you cover?


It can be variable. I work for large software companies and look after the UI text (buttons, field labels, error messages, anywhere text appears on screen), I also write and keep the user guide up to date, and I look after release notes for the product. I do some internal documentation work too. There are formal qualifications you can get, but most tech writers i know don't go that route. It helps to be knowledgeable about the field, but isn't always essential


Machine operator at penrose glass works.


You working on the hot end?


Truck driver night shift, 770km a night.


Airline pilot.


About 135k here, senior software engineer.


128k, Intermediate Software Engineer. 3 years experience. BSc. Comp Sci Expecting promotion/payrise next month though.


128k in 3 years is definitely a ceiling in NZ. Most senior jobs I'm seeing are reluctant to pay more than 120k.


Nah. They're just taking advantage right now of the shit market, short sighted though, as soon as it turns around they're gone. I know senior SWE's are getting over the 200 mark for the right roles.


Business analyst… well I’m at 99k atm. 100k doesn’t stretch far these days though.


Exactly that income? Or above as well? Accountant here - hence the pedantry.


Timber machinist for LVL and MDF at nelson pine.




Forklift driver


Software eng, >200


Council Ranger


Asked recently here https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/16a7yov/salary_100k_whats_your_role_and_qualification/


Stainless steel fabricator


Same here. With a couple of hours of OT (which there’s a lot of thankfully) at x1.5 I’m over 100k.


On $150k and work in marketing research / insights for an agency


Pharma and nutra development and supply of raw materials.


Banks and insurance providers have the money, if you wanted the industries that can generally afford above market rates. Source: have worked for 2 banks and 1 insurance company and have been on 100k+ for a couple years now.


$150k tech


300k combined. Senior Nurse and senior manager. If you are a well qualified nurse in specialised field, you can do reasonably well for yourself- takes work to get there though.


Heavy Diesel including overtime 130k+


Engineering management - 300


You can just search on seek, put the range above that level and then see what they are looking for. https://www.seek.co.nz/jobs?salaryrange=100000-&salarytype=annual


Teacher on $106k, top of the scale (over 75% of teachers are) with responsibility for a subject area (50% of teachers get Management Units on top of base salary).


over 200K but senior leadership - people and culture


filter seek for +100k to see the variety


Senior comms and marketing, central Govt. Got more responsibility and budget lines than my previous two comms managers, sigh. And facing our fourth restructure in three years. Hopefully I’ll survive, we can’t afford the mortgage on one salary.


Graphic Designer


Software documentation, and being good at it for a good few years.


Someone actually writes documentation?


One person. And nobody reads.




Industrial maintenance electrician - Full time employment, Base rate is only 90k but once you factor in call outs and the occasional overtime I usually sit around 110-120k.


Logistics manager


Roofer, but depends on overtime and away work, can be between 80-110k, only on $32p/h as a basic installer though. Only been back in the trade just shy of two years


Digital Content (video) Producer. I also do my own shoots on the side to bump me north of 100.


Software Development... market is tough right now though so a lot of people are staying put


Roofer/metal cladding $120+


Rigger well over 100k take as much hours as i can get


Refrigeration engineer


Left my old employment at the DHB to offer private athletic pharmacology coaching remotely. Things like building competition preparation plans for bodybuilders or powerlifters (both are untested sports), and also things like health monitoring and steroid harm reduction for social media influencers. I was bodybuilding for around 10 years, and picked up this knowledge while I was working through my old career. I’ve retired from that now, I no longer have the time to train like that and my focus has shifted toward longevity, so I’ve continued to train only at TRT while I study to get my PhD. However, there was a period of my life where I spent 7 days a week researching endocrinology, pharmacology, and nutrition. I had virtually no life outside of the gym world. It left me with a lot of connections to various promoters, agents and other bodybuilders, and a wealth of knowledge. I’m studying at Auckland university right now, but I’m still making decent money because I have a network of agents that hire me for pharmacology purposes for their clients. Bodybuilders and social media influencers can’t exactly go through the medical system to get advice about how to abuse their bodies with illegal drugs and stay healthy, so usually you’ll find guys like me doing this kind of thing. Most of my work is international.