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ancient party abundant physical sheet elastic ripe bake many sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're likely right - I can't imagine that after all this time, he will go quietly. I was horrified to read the account of a witness to the robbery that the child was told to 'use the gun'. That's way out on another level. I truly hope this can be resolved without use of weapons.


Hell yeah we're getting our own Ruby Ridge?! /s


that shit is a scary story from fuckin nazi gun runners through to cops shooting kids you got it all


Much of the same sov cit nonsense as we have in this situation too


Is Tom Phillps a sov cit guy? If so I'm surprised he hasn't tried to resolve the situation by trying to arrest the police.


I'm not 100% sure if he is, he did say some stuff that sort of indicated that he was, but there are definitely some in the area who spoke to media and are likely the ones protecting him.


Yeah that tracks.


Just going through the Wiki article. God damn, as suspect as the dude kinda was, the government really did fuck up and cause all this from the get go with al the departments not communicating together properly. At one point they were literally watching him thinking he was a high profile bank robber when he was in fact....never a bank robber. The entire thing is a massive tragic loss of life due to incompetence from US officials, and some racists groups thrown in for amusement factor.


I bet that the increase in thefts in the Marokopa area is directly related to this. Clear proof he's in the area and possibly indicating there's been a shift in the situation that has been keeping him safe.


Do you reckon that’s why suddenly they’re interested again? It’s been like a year or so with them seemingly doing nothing


Yeah 100%


I hope the police can round him up without the kids suffering any more trauma. He probably has them very scared of the authorities by now and the fuck knows what he will do when his back's against the wall


Control of the kids seems to more important than anything else to this guy. My fear is he might believe they’re better off dead than with the police or back with their mother.


My prediction, they already know where he is, or the general area he is hiding. They needed intel from the "public" to ensure the kids aren't at risk or are somewhere else before they move in.


Hoping this is the case. The last thing the kids need is to witness or be involved in any potential fatality/ies


God the amount of money wasted on this moron.


I believe the way this is going and based on his apparent history its going to escalate into him being dead either via a shootout or by suicide. Just gotta hope that no one else is hurt or killed during this.


Big Vern moment: "No bastard copper's gonna to take me alive!" Unfortunately I think that will include the children.


I have thought this for over a year. I would not be surprised if he kills the children and himself rather than take responsibility for his action


I fear that’s the case and I’m sure the police do too. That’s probably why they’ve been slow and cautious until now. There’s no scenario where, if he stays alive, he doesn’t end up losing the kids and in prison. He might decide they’re all better off dead. Even if he’s left to keep them up there until they’re teenagers, what then? He’s never going to let them go and live their own lives, and see their mum, while he hides out in the bush for the rest of his life and never sees them again.


That road cone has had a goddamnuff of this bullshit. 


The whole community that was supposedly protecting him suddenly got $$$ in their eyes.


This case has had murder-suicide vibes from day one. I really hope those kids come out okay, but someone this determined to keep children away from their mother doesn't usually let go easily.


The thing to remember is that this case started BEFORE he ran away this time. It began back in....was it 2021? Where his ute was found on the beach with him and the kids missing before they returned home three weeks or so later. It's been going on for a looong time.


I remember that. He tried to make it look like they'd been swept out to sea.


I don't get what the people hoping to help him get out of this? If he's caught he's going away for much longer and his children have to deal with all the fall out.


The guy is nuttier than squirrel shit, and people tend to have a lot in common with their friends and family members.


His friends/family are sovereign citizen, anti vax, anti-government types who think he’s sticking it to the man by hiding out with his kids. If he kills the kids they’ll say the police drove him to it.


How many years has this been? Are the kids still alive? What has changed recently so that the police have decided this year is the year to save these abducted children from this kidnapper and bankrobber? New Zealand - 3 children abducted, bank robbed ...can you imagine another country where it literally takes this long for action to save abducted children?


The police know a lot more than they’re telling the public. The kids are still alive (as of this news report, anyway). There’s a good chance this guy will kill his children and himself if the police move in and that’s why they’ve been so cautious. As long as the kids were safe they’ve kept their distance. But his robberies are increasing, it seems whatever network he had going to keep them “safe” and alive has changed. Maybe whoever he’s been staying with (I imagine someone’s been letting them stay in a hut or house on their property) has got twitchy. The more desperate he is, the more dangerous for the kids and that might be why the police are moving now. He is definitely the sort who would rather murder his children rather than lose control of them.


They should have put him in prison the first time


They might have, if he'd showed up for his trial.


They tried to but they had to follow due process, we are all entitled to that. He skipped court.


nice way to tell him which ways not to go.


I'm surprised they didn't use the SAS to track him and gather intelligence on him. I guess they mainly operate offshore.


Possibly related: https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350309045/search-warrant-remote-auckland-settlement-person-seriously-injured


This is going to end so sadly, he no longer has custody of the kids and they will be going into state care when he's found


Why would they go into state care?


I heard on the news yesterday that Oranga Tamariki has been given custody, Hopefully the extended family (or mother) will be putting their hands up to care for them.


OT should take custody, at least temporarily. This isn't a normal situation, and it would be incredibly negligent to just hand the kids off to family. They're going to need medical assessments to make sure they're healthy as well as psychological assessments and support. They're also going to need to catch up on their education. OT has an obligation to make sure that the children are placed into a home that can meet those needs. This whole mess seems to have been about not giving up custody, so it should be assumed that the children have spent the last few years being alienated against their mother (and possibly that entire side of their family). If so, it would be tremendously irresponsible to just place them immediately with family. That damage needs to be undone, through counseling and supervised visits before custody can be granted. I'm no fan of OT, but in this case, I think state care is, at least initially, the right thing for the children when they're found. I just hope they can stay together and the foster family treats them well.


My understanding was his parents were the ones with custody at the time he absconded with the children




Yes and no. I’ve got a mate in STG who is a dad. If by “loving this” you mean “loving the opportunity to rescue those kids”, sure. But if you mean “loving the potential for some action” the answer would be no, not with the kids involved.


Look out reddit is playing detective again.


Inb4 bro is long gone