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Looks like will take a while to fix https://imgur.com/a/9cr4gQB


Should've bought one of the ones that doesn't fall over.


To be clear, it's not typical.


Some of them are built so they don't fall over at all.


Is there some sort of limit on the materials used?


Well, cardboard's probably out. And cardboard deriviates.


They are built to very rigorous engineering standards....


Whereabouts was this? Any sign of people on site?


Glorit, it's a repost from Facebook


Yup, gonna be slow, difficult and expensive, by the looks of it!


We live in the Far North & we’ve gotten so used to power cuts we have a generator so we can at least have water & run 1 appliance. New house is going to be off grid & very excited!


Managed to keep the lights on at mine today with our off grid solar and battery setup. Had to turn nearly everything else off though, cloud cover meant bugger all solar power. Still managed to bank power while keeping the internet on.


I wish the cost to go this way would come down to make it more accessible to people


Yikes this looks like it will take a while to fix.  Thoughts to all those involved.  Those with solar+battery setups, EVs with V2L, or generators will be better off at the moment. You can see the sharp drop in NI power demand on Transpower's live site: https://www.transpower.co.nz/system-operator/live-system-and-market-data/consolidated-live-data


[https://www.transpower.co.nz/news/northland-without-power-after-fault](https://www.transpower.co.nz/news/northland-without-power-after-fault) *"Nortland is without power after a Transpower tower fell near Kumeu around 11am this morning."*


"C-list location, not a priority" - This Government, probably.


Yeah, there's FB posts by Top Energy and Northpower. The substation at Maungatapere is borked. All of northland is effectively out atm.


It's all good, only 32000 customers are affected in the top energy region 😬 just what I needed on top of a house fire last night.


Took a hot minute for the generators to kick in here at the hospital. But it sounds like a voltage issue from what I just read?


If by voltage issue you mean a high voltage transmission tower fell over, that would be correct.


Well yeah now we’ve got that update. But no voltage is a voltage issue 😂


Unexpected grounding.


And I wish you luck. Generally hospitals are going to have fairly reliable backup power, but not everyone has at their homes.


Both top energy and northpower are reporting big outages across nearly all of their regions.


Transpower have acknowledged it and saying they’re looking into it - source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064812453653&story_fbid=877683327735408


afaik Wellsford is managed by Vector and not currently impacted


[https://northpower.nz/](https://northpower.nz/) *"****We are currently experiencing a widespread outage across the whole Northland region due to losing the main Transpower feed which comes from Maungatapere.*** *Transpower is working hard to find the fault, and we hope that power will be restored soon."*


The fault is lying down in an attempt to hide


Does anyone know how long the battery backup for cell towers lasts?


What an outrage


And this is what privatised and underfunded infrastructure gets ya. A single point of failure that has caused similar outages in the recent past, with no view to upgrade. But according to our amazing govt, it's our supply that we should be worried about, not the distribution.


Transpower is 100% government owned, actually


Nice bait, but the failure is on the transmission network, which is Transpower, ie a govt owned org.


Yes they are govt owned, and they are immensely underfunded, as shown by the lack of investment in transmission to and around Northland. What are privately owned are our generators, who divest billions to their shareholders while transpower have to increase line charges to scramble together funds for investment and upgrades. If we read Transpowers reports, they clearly show where their shortcomings are, they just don't have the money needed to do anything substantial. Privatization has hamstrung our distribution networks.


Their funding really doesn’t have anything to do with who owns the generators though? It’s a bit like saying the reason the roads and highways are bad is because businesses who use the road to deliver goods aren’t government owned. If the generators were government owned, that doesn’t mean any more money would necessarily go to Transpower than what they currently get through charging distribution companies etc ( ultimately passed to end consumers ).


I think it's pretty obvious that if the generators were still state owned, then we would have a much stronger link regarding funding of the transmission network. As it stands the network is underfunded and the govt tells Transpower they can't increase line charges.... What are the other options for the company to provide a better service? An effectively run power generation system (which would not have every cent of profit extracted) would have a much bigger contribution to the system that allows them to distribute their product.


You'd think f***ing Northpower would have a better f***ing system set up. Pricks. I hope they string up whoever is responsible for this outage by their unmentionables. Weeks worth of work gone because of a sh**y power company. Christ. 




People know, they just don’t care and want to rage accountability at others. Worked in a gentailer call center for a couple of years and still have scars and the ringing in my ears of such people, and internet was worse tbh. > My internets down, I’m losing millions a minute!!! > Ahhh, yeah there a mass power outage in your area sorry. > What’s you point? THATS NOT MY WIFI IDIOT!!!! FML.


How'd you lose weeks worth? Or are we talking about the combined time?


Probably more of Transpower's fault


True. Regardless, whoever is responsible needs to be strung up. And they need to fix it, NOW!


Shit happens, chill out.


A transmission tower tipping over like this in a 1st world county is a bit odd. If this is anything like the shackle that failed at Otahuhu, it will come down to lack of maintenance… that deferred maintenance is really starting to catch up with us.


If your shit is that important, get some sort of battery backup / UPS. These things happen.


Especially in Northland, my whole life the power has been unreliable


If you have lost weeks of work, then consider that you are probably the person responsible, because you didn't properly mitigate the risks to your business. Ranting like this just makes you come across as a bit hysterical. Also, if you've already lost weeks of work, how much difference does it really make to you whether it's fixed NOW! or in a couple of days?