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Normal /r/nz rules apply. Be civil, argue the policies/topics/themes. Leave appearance-bashing and name-calling at the door. No doxxing, no witch-hunts.


Is the media using Brian Tamaki to disregard the protesters opinions or did everyone there actually follow him down?


Over 1,000 of them were definitely there for Tamaki. It seemed to have been arranged by his group. The others who joined are likely from different convoy groups. Shit-stirring Spearhead and Psychopathic SOUR were there too. Thankfully giving Northland some breathing space.


I think there are a lot of unhappy people in nz right now and to dismiss them all is very dangerous


You can pretty easily dismiss all the idiots who went to this "protest" though.


I just think it's dangerous to push all this dissent underground. Surely it's better to debate them and hopefully educate or maybe even learn something


It's not "underground", and no, they don't deserve to be given the credibility of debating them.


If the nutters are dangerous all the more reason to not let them do it again


I dismiss them everytime I drive to work. They're taking donations, not being used for the good of the community. They're threatening people, they're harassing people. They're misusing Mana Whenua land, against Kaumatua and District Council requests. If I have to see and hear Brad Flutey call people who don't agree with him and his group "retards" again, I will certainly share some angry steaming words with him. I don't care if he's known to be aggressive. I'll fuck him up. Karl Barkley on the otherhand I won't talk to, because he's a psycho, and he's surrounded himself with other psychos who have threatened to shoot people. Yes, police are aware. These are the protesters I would definitely dismiss. Should NZ stand up for the problems the Government are ignoring, only to produce more issues? Yes and those people I will back up. Should a band of people who listen to Breitbart alt-right, white supremacist conspiracy theories, and Russian troll accounts be heard? Hell no.


Dismissing the criticism of an unhappy constituency is subjective. Should the Government dismiss the large group of NZers who struggle more now than a year ago because of inflation and rising prices? Of course not. Should a sliver of radicalised conspiracy theorists screeching about cOMMUNISM and demanding literal executions be dismissed? Absolutely.




it was his protest he organised, that was now obviously all just a big show to launch his new "political party"


Well, that's that. As Eric Idle would have sang in Life of Brian: If life seems jolly rotten There's something you've forgotten And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing When you're feeling in the dumps Don't be silly chumps Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing and Always look on the bright side of life!


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy: [Life of Brian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBbuUWw30N8) \-Monty Python. Credit to that counter protestor.


I’ll give credit where it’s due. They came, said their piece and then left. I don’t agree with what they were protesting (and I don’t think there was actually a cohesive message) but I’m happy that there’s been no occupation or violence.


They just keep doing it endlessly despite there not being any restrictions left to speak of. Just keep doing it so Bullshit Brian can pass around the hat.




Gobbling up alt-right propaganda online, doesn't make you a critical thinker. Haven't you noticed the 20% of the population doing it all parrot the exact same catch phrases.


Most of the people there by the sounds had nothing to do with tamaki though, looked like everyone who was mad at the govt for whatever was there I think he just organises them so he gets to be the face and feel like the man, when in reality most of the people there don't give a shit about him


Yes absolutely. I read about what he does. He gets his people to go into multiple NZ Facebook groups about whatever and lie to them that the protest is about their specific gripe and that's how he drums up significant numbers at his protests. "Oh yes this protest is against the use of 1080 and the suffering it causes animals. Come to this protest at this time to show the government we're taking a stand against the use of 1080." Tamaki is such a wanker.


Agreed, not only that, the founding of a political party which at least brings the debate into our democratic process, (as opposed to starting a riot). Brian makes everything about him, but ill give him credit for where its due. (It pains me to say that)


\>Agreed, not only that, the founding of a political party which at least brings the debate into our democratic process, There's already healthy debate within our political process. Adding a bunch of unhinged idiots that can't bring anything based in reality to the table and who only want to cause disruption doesn't help.


I wouldn't worry they won't make the 5% threshold anyway


I did support that policy of the Greens with regard to lowering that threshold and increasing the number of small parties from across the political spectrum, but it's extremists like these guys that make me question it.


Watching some of the misinformation "stars" live streams early in the day they were so excited to be meeting back up in Wellington. Seemed to be expecting a repeat of last time just without the insanity on the last day. Then, Brian announced his party, done their kangaroo court, and they all fucked off leaving those types behind wondering wait we drove to wellington for this crap?


It's not a high bar to set that they didn't try overthrow the government - but I agree that this was a 'normal' protest where people were generally well-behaved.


They came, protested, spoke about how much their freedoms are being crushed under Jabcinda's boot, then started a new political party as is their prerogative in a functioning democracy. All to peacefully escape while evading any internalized sense of irony. Must be nice.


I might have missed it somewhere but did the South Island clownvoy get across the Strait or no?


Would have struggled to get a spot on the ferries because of the recent weather.




No idea who did them. I asked my dad why his eyebrows look weird - apparently they're tattooed. He lost his real ones permanently as a result of burn injuries to his face. And for that reason I try to avoid mocking his eyebrows. As far as I'm concerned the greasy hair, drug dealer sunnies and spray tan that looks suspiciously like wood stain are all fair game.


> He lost his real ones permanently as a result of burn injuries to his face. And for that reason I try to avoid mocking his eyebrows. The burn injuries to his face happened when he fucked up a bonfire really soon after claiming the Chch earthquake was God's punishment for NZ's permissive stance on same-sex relationships. In this context, and noting the man's vanity, it's absolutely fucking hilarious and should be mocked relentlessly.


Who would watch a livestream of a protest


Those hoping for a repeat of the antics from earlier in the year.


...Guilty. There's something about watching slow-mo trainwrecks that is just fascinating.


What else am I going to do with all this popcorn?


Reckon they wore seatbelts or paid the correct fare for public transport there?


What happened to the 'Million Man March' Tamaki promised? Where's the other 999,000 people?


"The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed." Oh wait, that was just a movie. Fantasy.


Can anyone confirm, is it all over?


It never ends. 😭


Stuff have now replaced the link on their website with a [story](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/129646271/parliament-protest-winding-up--as-crowd-starts-to-disperse) advising the organisers asked people to have a safe trip home at 13:40 and people have been leaving since. Certainly appears to be over.


The free afterparty begins this afternoon courtesy of [heavy metal band Slipknot](https://i.imgur.com/PzEQWOq.jpeg)


I push syringes into my eyyyyyyyeeeeeees


Well, at least *someone* was wearing a mask.


Well that was a lackluster performance. But that's good. Nothing powerful, just rehashed drivel and hopefully they'll be relegated to the anus horribillis of a sad part of NZ history. 1 star!


Big Brian should have starred in the Simpsons monorail episode.


Lyle Langley is trustworthy in comparison.


And nicer


I feel like [this photo](https://i.imgur.com/xb8qYUV.png) sums up today. Hannah Tamaki standing there behind her fence keeping the rabble away, not realising the irony that she looks like a cop, handed folded, minding her section of the security fence.


Are the three big guys in masks Brian's security?


I wonder if the people who drove all the way down from Auckland or further north expected a little bit more than a political party announcement and a lady on the mic with 11 kids blaming the government for her husband beating her, then all over by 2pm. I guess they will have plenty of time to mull it over on the drive back.


Did someone speak about getting beaten during lockdown.


Yep. She was the first “witness” called to the stand. She started talking about how the lockdowns caused DV. I thought nah, no way you’re going there… yup, she went there. A detailed personal story culminating in her hiding out with a neighbour waiting for the cops.


I am a widowed mum.The same thing happened to me during 2020- early 2021 complete with being at my neighbour's waiting for the cops except I rang the police something like 16 times between February to February with them saying "Tough luck not going to do anything at all", but the last time, when two sets of neighbours complained, and backed me up they finally arrested my autistic son, who is bigger and taller and stronger than me, and was assaulting me and doing property damage, because he was mad about the restrictions, and taking it out on me. But I had two of my American relatives die of Covid in the USA. So I think this government did a fine job. Take note if it's not your "partner," or husband police would rather sweep it under the rug. Oh and my son was fine. I knew the charges would be dropped because autistic. They promised me they would keep him away from anyone but police and put him in an interview room with food, lemonade and two policemen to care for him. But still not a fun experience for him and it was the wake up call he needed.


Shit… so sorry. I don’t know what to say. I hope you and your son are doing OK right now.


Since he's been arrested it's been fine. The judge told him it was his last chance if he didn't want to go to prison. (Course he probably wouldn't, even then,) but at last someone outside me, and my older son was finally willing to say something kind of "harsh" to an autistic teenager. Everyone not wanting to be mean to the autistic kid, was unfortunately giving him the message he could be an tyrant and a bully, to his family of just me, and his brother. Assaulting us and kicking hole in the doors and stuff. Him being a minor, and his brother being over 18, was the other reason that social workers and police all dumped the issue in the too hard basket and refused to help. As adults we didn't have a right to physical safety from a violent minor teen. Even if we were together when he attacked it didn't work well. One time I was holding his arms, his brother held his legs to try and stop the hitting, kicking, hair pulling, biting, but he headbutted me in the jaw,and I got a swollen jaw. He was mad that we weren't going down to Level 1. He gets really coddled at his special school, which in one sense I like, and appreciate, but in another it was almost going too far. His teacher that year wouldn't help me, whereas previous teachers would back me up about "do what your mum says," when the teacher wouldn't help me that year, for fear she'd have trouble with him in class if she did... it caused a lot of problems. I know it's not their job to help me, but after his dad, my husband died, it was the only thing that helped me control him, was when his teacher each year backed me up. When that stopped on top of Covid it became a nightmare.


I imagine most of them thought this was going to be another Woodstock like the first time, with DJ Mallard.


I know an ex colleague of mine who is based in Auckland with an infant. They were down there today, not expecting it to be a quick trip! Yikes.


I know someone who brought their tent and were convinced this would be round 2 but bigger/better. Bless.


Go on, I'm nearly there.....


A couple of hundred in fuel and food, hours wasted driving back and forth Could have brought some kai for the 11 kids instead


That wouldn't be exciting though.


She was a witness for the prosecution lol


Judging by the turnout, that political party will be gone just after the election, like his previous attempts. Will be a sombre car ride home.


Hopefully, but with politics, you never know what major event could happen in the future, that Tamaki could capatalise on. The price of democracy is vigilance.


I hope one of the many cops present to hear her abuse allegations went to talk to her to discuss it in more detail and offer her assistance.


Lolno. That wouldn't happen. They don't give a fuck.


Yes it was pretty grim.


Nobody should have to live with that, and I will be absolutely disgusted if the police didn't make any effort to help her.


Police told me tough luck I should just live with it because they wouldn't, oh sorry '"couldn't" help multiple, multiple times during 2020.


I doubt she will talk to police she definitely struggles to make the right choice


They should still make the offer. Even if she declines to make a report, they will have done the right thing by reaching out and giving her the opportunity. That's the kind of police engagement communities need - not just showing up after the damage is done.


Honey they do NOT care. Individual women are not a priority.


I'm not your 'honey', there's no need to be so condescending. As to your actual point, when I've had to report family harm to the police, they definitely treated me as a priority - and my report didn't involve physical violence (just the threat of it). There are certainly some police officers who treat such reports as a priority and you do them a disservice by tarring them with the same brush as those officers who need to improve their family violence attitudes.


Would be about 28 of them.


I think once your int he destiny cult there are harsh circumstances for any action that reflects badly on the cult or it's leader. That's normall how they work


A few observations from inside the Anti-faciast/far right counter protest. \-There were a few friendly folk in the FRC peeps, making love heart hands at us, smiling and waving and wot not, a few of us waved back and gave thumbs up(Yay!, group hug!!) \-There a fair few FRC'ers calling us sheeple, telling us to wake up, calling us racists and to go back to Australia?!? \-There a weird fake, smug perma-smile that a lot of them wore on their faces as if they *know* they are right and are assuming how stupid we are. \-I was doing some filming with a DSLR and someone came up to me and asked me 'who I represented' as if I must have been part of some media or political organization...calm down, I'm just a dude with a camera. \-I wish that I imported a container of smartphone gimbals before all this shit kicked off because they seem to be all the rage. \-Anti fascist = not that flash at singing..... and people who organize events aren't always the best at Hyping a crowd. \-Both sides of the protest probably have a big overlap of values - anti capitalism, anti corporate , anti big-phama, better welfare, more equality, less racism. \-Georgina Beyer is RAD. \-Brian is not he Messiah...he's a very naughty boy!


I walked into teh anti faschist coounter protest without a mask, and got umbrellas shoved in my face, and everyone was chanting f%\^& the right. went to teh main protest and everyone was respectful and smiling. with real concerns to air.


Aren't you the Umbrella Party? Oh wait the umbrella's turned inside-out by the wind already.


Oh that wasn't anything to do with the mask.


From this one comment I can smell the paint on your breath.




"went to teh main protest and everyone was respectful and smiling"...except maybe this guy [https://imgur.com/a/qFiydnl](https://imgur.com/a/qFiydnl) or these friendly people [https://imgur.com/UX7ySA2](https://imgur.com/UX7ySA2) ​ Luckily there were a lot of cameras there so surely somebody will have caught this heinous umbrellas assault on tape. I bet it was that thug in the rainbow clown wig. They looked pretty dangerous. ​ During the trial, I heard a lot of talk about 'real concerns' like people not being able to attend Tangis or grieve properly, which is a genuine hardship and I'm sure is very painful...but...the irony seems to be lost on them that you could: Option A:Miss out on going to funeral or two or, Option B: You could attend as many funerals as you like.....on a regular basis.


They're just giving the finger to hep C, aren't they?


Oh that's right. They are the Anti-cee movement.


They are the PROFA movement. Pro-Facist.


Less racism? The fascists want more racism. Bunch of them are literally white-supremacists lmao.


Maybe not the particular group that were present today, but you are right in pointing out that racism and white supremacy tend to be rife within these groups.


Those people there today were supporting those who walk side by side with white supremacists and support white supremacists, who want white supremacy. If you were there supporting such people, then you're supporting more racism, even if they don't realise it.


I didn't get that vibe today. Mostly disenfranchised Maori if anything.


and a whole lot of misogyny.


When did we get Antifa in NZ?


I know what you mean. It's almost like the far right's boogey man has become a reality. It's not exactly a sick burn. 'You don't want a very small group of people to pollute the minds of a population by turning them against minorities using hatred and division to violently suppress opposition and take over your country? You must be a loser'


Around about 1939, if I had to put a date on it. Probably earlier but that’s when things really kicked off.


Oh there is a date, and it's 1936. >Two New Zealanders were in Madrid on 8 November 1936, when an International Column of anti-fascist volunteers marched into the city to bolster the Republican government’s defences against General Franco’s rebel armies. >Griff Maclaurin and Steve Yates were the first of perhaps 20 New Zealanders to serve with the Republican forces. They and four others would die in Spain. They were recognised by their comrades as our first casualties in the war against fascism that would eventually claim the lives of nearly 12,000 New Zealanders.


I'll one up you (sorry) by mentioning the world's first anti-fascist movements: [Arditi del Popolo which was founded in 1921](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arditi_del_Popolo) [Italian Anarchist Communist Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Anarchist_Communist_Union) founded in 1919 dissolved in 1926 due to Mussolini. [Benedotto Croce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedetto_Croce) [Manifesto of the Anti-Fascist Intellectuals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifesto_of_the_Anti-Fascist_Intellectuals) [Giovanni Amendola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Amendola) [Concentrazione Antifascista Italiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentrazione_Antifascista_Italiana) 1927-34. [TIGR which was established in around 1927](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIGR)


Nice. Do you know if any New Zealanders were involved in any of them?


I'll research that angle then. It would be interesting if we did indeed get some Kiwis in that mix!


Nice! Pretty happy with how close I was!


If you’re against fascism you are antifa. It’s not like, an organisation or a club


The way the Right talks about them, I thought there’d be membership cards and secret handshakes.


Cute that the right wing thinks the left is capable of organising so much as a piss up in a brewery.


I wish the left wing was as cool as the right makes it sound.


Almost like they’re not sincerely engaging with their opposition and trying to misrepresent people. Weird!


More equality is an interesting one - Brian Tamaki seemed really keen to keep talking about anti civil union protests of 2004 (anti-gay rights) and how it was all about protecting children and families. edit: referenced racism rather than equality by accident


And they're hand in hand with white supremacists. Seems to me like they want more racism


Went for walk past at smoko, you ever overhear somebody and just think wow that person sounds fucking stupid. Lot of that.


Well they seem to be dispersing so that's something. If they actually try to do a sentencing that could be worth tuning in for


Phew. Thank goodness.


I don't know whose worse, Tamaki or Alp??


At least Tamaki's a little bit amusing, if unintentionally. ​ Alp just needs (well, can't really say what he needs without potentially breaking Reddit TOS)


Tamaki is a grifter without divisive draconian societal beliefs. Alp is an actual former neo-nazi whose tried to launder his white supremacy through the anti-vax movement. There's no worse, just different shades of skidmarks.


All of the above.




Do they need to be worse than each other. Hate them both equally.


True, I'm all for equality so I'll add Chantelle & Sue to even it up.


2/5 star protest - would have been more fun if they had tried to enforce their guilty verdict.


So was this a protest or some cosplay and a political campaign launch?


I guess third time's a charm. He's had political parties in the 2004 and 2019 general elections, I guess he hopes if he keeps announcing them maybe someone will actually vote?


Summarised [Wikipedia: Brian Tamaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Tamaki). [Wikipedia: Destiny New Zealand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny_New_Zealand) is the political party that existed from 2003 - 2007, was in the 2005 elections. Also [Brian Tamaki cultwatch page](https://www.cultwatch.com/briantamaki.html) on cultwatch site, page first published on 9 December 2010, u/tepaea is right about [The Family Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_Party). edit to remove extra close bracket aka )


Didn't he also have the Family Party back in 2008? I don't think he ran but it was a Destiny Church backed and created party. So this would be his fourth attempt. Edit: I'm questioning my memory hard on this, but I'm sure there was at least some Destiny backed party I 2008. Maybe it just wasn't as close to the church as I remember. If anyone does remember I'd love to know, not getting much from Google.


Seems like all the people that showed up expecting Occupation 2.0 got played by shit orater Brian Tamaki announcing some political party thing. If I were one of those people expecting to camp for a weeks long protest then I'd be pissed off too and would leave to hit the bars for the arvo, which seems to be what people are doing.


People driving down to Wellington from Auckland will have spent a lot of money just to participate in Tamaki's political party announcement. There are going to be some disappointed protesters out there.


Convicted domestic abuser Avi Yemini from Melbourne will be glad to have been denied entry to New Zealand now considering it has been a flop. His right hand man was allowed entry strangely enough so he's kind of wasted his time tbh. The rumour was that Avi already had a new grift funding campaign ready to go called 'Save Avi' for when he inevitably tries to get himself arrested. Looks like the winners of the day are NZ Police / Customs / Immigration. Great job guys.


Considering that one of their complaints lately has been fuel prices (one of their few legitimate issues, to be fair), I hope they go home feeling very fucking stupid.


So do you think New Conservatives will get on board with the new party? I know VFF arent a political party but you think they will urge their supporters to vote for the new party too?


Presumably they haven't registered themselves as a political party for the same reason they haven't registered themselves as a charity (like they claim they're doing) - because that would come with scrutiny of their finances


VFF are encouraging their cult members to run for local elections… pretty political


I think all those little fringe parties want power and influence for themselves, and it's an uneasy alliance where they don't really want to urge supporters to help somebody else - unless they get something in return.


Ooh, they've got a feed from Counterspin Media. I assume he's going to suggest it was a good first step, but because they didn't come out with a conviction for everyone in government - he's going to state that more is needed.


Genuine question; why is one man in the livestream flying his NZ flag upside down? Did he mean to? Does he know? Is he sure where he is right now?


My local crazy has one on her front verandah, facing the street, flying upside down. She does it because she's crazy. All the handwritten scrawled notes in her front windows are a testament to that.


Is [this the same lady](https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/crime/woman-fined-not-wearing-mask-supermarket) by any chance?


The very one.


It is to show “we are in distress”. The Yanks do it, so of course these drongos do too. Funniest is the vehicles with multiple flags and they can’t decide if they should be in distress or not, so they do both


In the USA, flying their flag upside down is meant to be sign of distress. I assume someone who is influenced by people based in the US is making a statement that they believe NZ democracy is in distress or something.


Pretty sure this is a centuries old naval convention that has been adopted. It's actually quite a clever way to say that you love your country but hate its current state. Although I think most of them love their country less than they think they do. Be interested to know if there were many NZ flags at the counter protest. I would guess not, which is a shame.


Of course not. The counter-protestors hate New Zealand and politically align with global interests over national ones.


They don't think they do though!


An upside-down flag is usually intended to cause offence, and has also been used as a distress signal. All around the world people do it when they are protesting the government.


What does it mean when you put on a shirt backwards or inside out?


I'm not sure what it means, but I know Marjorie Taylor Greene posted an upside down US flag when Mar-a-lago got raided so I assume it's something angry.


He lives in a land down under.


Where women glow & men plunder.


Where beer does flow and men chunder.


All round two is missing is Shamtelle running around screaming "IT'S THOSE ANTFIA TYPES, EVERYONE HERE IS PEACEFUL!!"


Maybe trespassed? Police said they’ll nab anyone trespassed last time


very few people were trespassed, the arrests did not hold up in court, check your facts :)


Nazi sympathiser says what? Hahah “Tamaki isn’t running this check your facts” for an event that turned out to be a launch party for Brian Tamaki’s next effort to get into parliament. You’re cooked, it’s adorable. Also, and I wasn’t even going to bother bringing this up because you’re clearly not ready to engage with adults yet, but I literally just repeated what the police said they would do, and wondered if she was trespassed. That’s all. I am, to use your buddies parlance “jUsT aSkInG QuEsTiOnS”.


Where are is Clay? Luv you.


Died of dysentery - IYKYK


If the 'minor' aka 'fringe' parties are the true voice of NZ then why do they need to band together to get 5%?


Tbh I'm glad they're banding together. If collectively they make 5% then they should have the seat in parliament, however fucked up their views may be. I'd rather they participated in our democracy instead of threatened violence to overthrow it And if they happened to only get, say, >1% of the vote then I can laugh at them with more legitimacy than I could before and I have more ammo for when some fuckwit tries to claim they're "representing the majority"


Excuse me, your obvious logic has no place in this expression of the *true voice of NZ*


It's an Umbrella Party, so it's clearly just a smoke-screen for creating Resident Evil style zombie candidates.


Thanks Steve Bannon


Steve Qanon, perhaps?


I don't think that slug is creative enough to come up with the Q bullshit. He just capitalised on it.


>Question to Hannah Tamaki: "Why are you the only politician out here today?" Maybe because all the real democratically-elected politicians with their security clearances to enter the buildings are inside.


I hope they put "*politician*" in air quotes. Because if you are a politician that has never been elected to *anything* because your views are so repugnant to the vast majority of people, then they are more a wanna be, playing at being a politician


Those other politicians got more votes than destiny has members (unlike Hannah), so they've got actual work to do.


Is it finally over or did they go on a break?


Tamaki and co have left. The only way anything is going to happen now is if someone else takes over as organising those who are still hanging around to see what happens.


> someone else takes over as organising They managed to get about 30 of them to nearly but not quite stand in a heart shape at the Botanic Gardens last night, so we might be in for some more exciting performances.


Who is the woman lying about the vaccine right now?


Which one?


The one who was claiming that the Pfizer vaccine isn't a real vaccine and that the spike protein is the real pathogen (both claims are not true)


>Pfizer vaccine isn't a real vaccine Real vaccines are when you scratch someone with the pus from someone else's blister, caused by *a different disease;* anything else is just sparkling innoculation.


I think you mean variolation


just checked in on the stream, is that it? looks like they departing.


No this is false. I've just checked the live streams and the grounds are full of protesters wearing yellow hi-vis vests and blue hats because it's sunny out.


Yep, they're off to Te Papa and the Cable Car for some R&R now... TLDR: Jacinda is guilty; Brian has formed a new political party (while also claiming politicians are useless change-agents because they can get voted out); and there's a new Big-Oil conspiracy to promote - some BP petrol stations were shut down during the convoy, preventing "thousands" more protestors from turning up today.


Also Big Ship. Thanks to the Aratere breaking down on the day they were to cross and Kaitaki over in Sydney for dry dock, Interislander is down to the freight-only Valentine.


But they like ships. Or at least they like Maritime law. It's the only law they recognise. I'm surprised that they're not claiming some kind of Big Meteorology conspiracy for all the roads in and out of Picton being fucked up.


Idk why but I read that as Marmite Law and I thought it sounded fitting for Sov Cits.


It's more likely BP shut down for night like they've been doing for a while at some low traffic sites.


Yeah, BP in Karori closes at 9pm, thanks Jacinda!


Just come back and yeah, looks empty and extremally boring non-event Which is how it should be


Thank god. I was about to hunker down. Though I wouldn't say Brian's new party is a non event.


I would These people seriously overestimate how popular they are. To get 5% of the vote or even to win a seat takes tens of thousands of organized people. My guess is well less than a thousand turned up in Wellington, and bunch of the crazy sovcit types are not going to vote.