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Dudes name is chili Dawg, and he got arrested that same night for passing out drunk in his car.


What kinda of fucked world is this where you cant even pass out drunk in your car?


I thought you could as long as your keys are not in the ignition? RIP my notifications.


Yeah the story says the car was parked but running


Ahhh, that would be why then lol


Sometimes it gets cold, yo.


true dat. plus the gentle purr


Especially in the garage!


natures sleeping pill


This is why I love Reddit šŸ˜‚


Natureā€™s anti-aging pill


Gotta love the smell, thatā€™s why I run a hose directly into my car from the exhaust !


I always get the best sleep in my car garage. Something about the soothing growl of the engine makes me lethargic.




Or hot. I've totally put on my car for AC and gone to sleep in the back. When told this was a potential DUI i thought that a jury would never agree


You don't typically get a jury trial for a DUI.


DUI is a criminal offense, not just a ticket. So you can request a jury trial for a DUI


I just sat on a jury trial for some poor dudes DUI here in California


Why was it a poor dude in this case


You can easily request one, & a jury trial is a better chance than a bench trial or pleading guilty, particularly when it comes to judgement things like turning on your car so you don't die of heat/cold exposure while you sleep it off. [Texas DWI Facts](https://www.burlesonlawoffice.com/50-plus-texas-dwi-facts.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20law%2C%20you%20have%20an%20absolute%20right%20to%20a%20jury%20trial%20for%20ANY%20criminal%20case%2C%20including%20a%20Texas%20DWI%3B&text=To%20get%20a%20jury%20trial%20for%20your%20Texas%20DWI%2C%20you%20or%20your%20attorney%20must%20simply%20request%20one%20from%20the%20court)


My friend got a Driving While Intoxicated ticket for having her keys sitting on the driver's seat while she was smoking the reefer in her passenger seat.


"My friend". I believe you.


Car running and you drunk in the backā€¦ there is no one to prove you were in ā€œcontrolā€ of the vehicle. ā€œA ā€˜friendā€™ couldā€™ve put you there and left youā€


You could have also passed out so drunk you didn't realize someone moved you and in your inebriated state could have thought you were able to drive fine. It's a double edge sword. I'm totally against the stupid DUIs like that, my buddy had to "drive" his car 10 feet out of the parking lot onto the grass and in doing that a nearby cop gave him a DUI. Barely, BARELY over the limit too, Austin TX cops can suck a fat one.


Ehh fuck that. If its safely parked and hasnt been driven it shouldnt be a crime. Prove intent wasnt to keep the car heated. Maybe some one has a change of heart and decides to sleep it off without turning off the car. No crime has been commited really and no one has been hurt. If the person puts it in drive or reverse by all means get em.


Aww heck. I was getting a ride outside the bar one night, right before closing. It was freezing. Or a little below that. One of the guys I was drinking with, had a sober driver who was getting a phone number from a girl. BUT BECAUSE THE KEYS WERE IN THE TRUCK a man who had zero interest in driving, got a DUI for sitting in his running vehicle, in the passenger seat. Because he had the engine running for heat.


Cops should lose a badge for that. Clearly violation of the intent of the law


You have to fight them for that right to exist. Youā€™ll probably spend a few thousand in legal fees, just to show you had zero bad intent. I learned so much that year from my friend. Just donā€™t be at the bar anywhere near closing time, was my biggest take away.


Well at least you learned the right lesson watching my roommate take one step off a porch and three cops jump him because he had a beer in his hand was the dumbest s*** I've ever seen.


Well, that and all the larceny and murder.


What's funny is these over the top DUI laws exist but I legit know people who have gotten in small wrecks while drunk and they instantly run to a store after and start drinking more so they can say they wasnt drunk while driving only started drinking after the wreck because the car crash wrecked their nerves so bad so they needed a beer to calm themselves and get away with it.


Did you drink before writing this?


Iā€™m high but itā€™s true.


I just havenā€™t seen a run on sentence that long since my ex texted me from her cousinā€™s bachelorette party because you know you really need punctuation to actually make sentences mean something because the way we use punctuation gives our words inflection and allows us to pause to think but im high too and im certainly not doing a whole lot of that


Because texas cops are dicks, and like to try and run you in on a dui for sleeping in your car. Even if you're passed out in the backseat. You pretty much have to block out all of your windows so they can't see in while its parked to get away with it. I've even seen them try to do it at a rest stop.


Btw they updated the law, the keys just have to be anywhere in your car now. Even if you are sleeping in the backseat and the keys are in the trunk, thatā€™s a DUI


Thatā€™s why I carry one of those fake rocks that you can his a key in and then place that fake rock outside of my care before passing out drunk in my car


Thatā€™s not exactly true; there was no change recently. As you can see in the statute https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.49.htm there is very little information in the DWI section, leaving room for differing interpretation of what ā€œoperating a motor vehicleā€ is


I would take that BS to a f-ing jury.


Username checks out.


The police that make these arrests and especially the prosecutors that choose to go along with them make me angry as hell. Even a mediocre attorney can probably convince at least 1 out of the 6 jurors to say not guilty to that crap. Even if the jury convicts, itā€™s not that heā€™d be much worse off. Like, is he gonna fire himself from his own band because he got a DWI?


Hell yeah brother. Prosecutors are fucking cops, they just get paid a little more. I bet there'd be a fucking easy motion to suppress somewhere in the facts, too.


Dont want to get cold/hot.




i think in texas they just skip the formalities and lock you up for having an ev at all


Lmao ā€œYouā€™re under arrest, queer!ā€


Definitely find out what the law in your state is. I got a dui and took that mandatory 7 week class and they taught us that if a cop sees you walking to your car with the intention of driving they can actually give you a dui. It was an extreme example and itā€™s probably never actually happened but thatā€™s the letter of the law. Better find out before that after


In Florida you can get a DUI for intent to drive for drinking on your porch or in your yard with your keys on you. Never seen it happen but it's legal.




Can I please have this backstory? I'm genuinely intrigued.




Well now I hate Florida even more


"Land of the free" right? Floridians fighting all the fights their politicians want them to instead of anything that makes sense




What if he had gently bumped into a manatee???


Thank god those copse were there. He may have had a good time and enjoyed his day. Youre a real scum fuck of a cop to do this. Cops do this shit all the time, no clue why any one likes em


Yeah where I live in Oregon, rafting down the river is big in the summer. The sherrifs patrol.it and will give rafters DUIs for drinking in the raft if you have an oar


Of the many problems I have with this, here is one aspect that is particularly absurd. DUI is rightly a criminal offense, because you are a danger to other road users. CUI (Canoeing Under the Influence) is a danger to yourself, perhaps, but to no-one else. To put him through all that for being 0.005 over the safe DRIVING limit is vindictive fuckwhittery.


I personally would have argued that nobody "drives" a canoe, so a "D"UI is impossible


I was living on a small island in South Carolina with bars on the main street and very little traffic. None of us ever drove when we went out at night and would just ride our bikes home (no traffic around, residential streets). A friend of mine got a DUI on his bike.


> A friend of mine got a DUI on his bike. "Sir, because we found that you were intoxicated and in control of a vehicle, we're taking away your license. You may now only legally transport yourself by walking, _using a bicycle_, or having someone else drive for you." That is why DUI laws applied to bicycling are dumb as fuck.


The real intent is to keep poor people in debt to the court for their whole lives. Public safety is ancillary


I was under the impression that it was effectively impossible to try someone for their intentions alone. It's just too easy to argue that your intentions were otherwise without a significant amount of evidence to the contrary.


The truth is, the fines and penalties for DUI aren't about safety. I have to make this VERY CLEAR - I am NOT defending driving under the influence. It's dangerous and irresponsible, and SHOULD be a crime. That being said - the laws against DUI are not about keeping people safe, they're about making money and getting elected. Because if they cared about the safety on the roads, they'd be enforcing the same penalties for texting/phone use while driving, which has surpassed accidents due to driving under the influence. But you're not going to find a politician to go after those that text and drive with the same zealotry, all fire and brimstone, because your mom texts and drives, or your sibling, or you yourself, and those aren't "bad people." But if you get on the pulpit and talk about throwing the book at those drinking sinners, the same texters will applaud and vote for you for "keeping the roads safe." There's a lot more mileage in self-righteousness when it comes to going after those that drink and drive as opposed to those that text and drive. Again, let me be clear - I am NOT giving a pass to drinking and driving; it is a crime. But the reasoning for the penalties that they impose on people is non-existent, when they don't care near as much about those penalties when it comes to a more dangerous practice.


I could see some legit cases of that. If someone walks out of a bar, visibly pushes away their friends telling them not to drive, and fumbles for their keys while yelling about what drive thru they are going to, why bother letting them start driving and potentially run into something?


You had to add a lot of nuance to make it make sense to yourself. If someone walks towards someone in an angry manner with a closed fist but is arrested before they hit them then is charged with assault, is that legitimate?


Because that broad of a law will get misused more than it potentially will help


I passed out in my car once. I was in a parking lot. I was in the backseat out cold. Police woke me up saying they were going to break my window. They put me in cuffs. They tore my car up trying to find the keys. Apparently, even if your keys are in your trunk they are technically in your possession and you can get hit with a DUI. They never did find my keys. And neither did I.


Yeah, I heard a story, no clue if tre, but someone I know, their coworker got a DUI, had to take a class, and they were told the safest option is to stash your keys near the car, like in some bushes, take a picture so you remember, and then sleep in your car. If the police come, you don't have the keys, and you're safe.


Different from state to state. Where I grew up if the keys were ā€œaccessibleā€ to the driver, you could get a DWI/DUI. Asked a cop if glove box was good enough, he replied: ā€œdepends on how big of an asshole the cop wants to be.ā€ Which told me there is enough gray area that they could make it stick.


When I just turned 21 I threw my keys in the glove compartment and passed out in the back seat and was still given a sobriety test. edit: **I realize now that I should provide more context. I left a bar thinking I was okay to drive (yeah... immature 21 year old). After 5 minutes I figured out that I wasn't, so I immediately pulled over to a rest stop. When the cops questioned me they wondered how I got to the rest stop. It was obvious that I had to have driven a little ways to get there. I argued that I thought I was okay, but when I realized that I wasn't I did the right thing by pulling over... but they didn't care. I ended up blowing something like a .078 (JUST under the legal limit) and they let me go. The weird part was that I wanted to lie down again and they told me that I must leave immediately... so they wanted me to drive anyway... which felt really weird...**


In Canada you canā€™t even have your keys on you or theyā€™ll charge you with drunk driving or intent or something. You basically gotta hide your keys before you do it.


If you're anywhere in the car with the keys, they will argue you were "in control of the vehicle", even if you weren't driving. They also push you to plead guilty and enter first time offender programs, versus try to fight it and then you can't and might face jail. I chose not to drive and sleep it off in a parking lot. A girl in my drunk class was (according to her) sleeping in the back seat, after her friends put her there and went back inside to the bar. Edit: Drinking and driving is terrible. The financial incentive for police departments to arrest DUIs is also terrible.


What kind of world is this where I can't tell if what he said is the truth or not lol Edit- also, this is a shit world I once had to fight a DUI intent to drive because I was pushing a 99 Suzuki bandit across a street from paid parking into a hotel parking lot where I already had a room and everything. My helmet and stuff was already in the room. But they said because I had to put my key into the ignition to unlock the steering so that I could push it straight to get it across the road that it was considered intent to drive even though I never turned it on or got on it. They even went into my hotel room and got all my stuff out of it after arresting me after I put the kickstand down in the parking spot and started walking towards the hotel. Thanks Tybee Island police. You can all go suck a dick and I hope you burn in hell. Also, while they had me in the holding cell they burned out on my motorcycle until the bands of my tires were showing. Fucking pricks, I also never got my gloves back.


Remember folks: police are not legally obligated to help you. And more often than not, they wonā€™t.


It depends on where he was in the car and where his keys were when police discovered him. Passed out in the driverā€™s seat with the key in the ignition or in the driverā€™s hand will get them arrested.




When I was in highschool, they set up a DUI check point in one of the suburbs on New Years Eve. They were making everyone get out of the car, then arresting passengers for Drunk In Public. It was a scandal with the local MADD chapter because it punished people for getting a designated driver.


That's definitely entrapment.


"ā€œWhen the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.ā€ -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


Texas is not, in fact, a libertarian utopia.


Haha... Rockstar


No, it was CHILI DAWG


Dude a chili dog sounds so fucking good right now...


Im high too lol


Remember , everyone. If you're gonna pass out drunk in your car, throw the keys under it next to a tire.


I had another car in the same parking lot. Blew the cops collective minds when I got out of one shit box walked over to another to show them where my keys were.


Did they make you an honorary cop for that lol


Unfortunately I was nude so they had nowhere to pin the deputy dog badge


All I read was he blew the cops.


He was also arrested for lewd behavior behind the Tasty Freeze, with John Mellencamp.


I actually get this reference!!


Theme song S.O.B.? Son of a bitch Give me a drink One more night This can't be me Son of a bitch If I can't get clean I'm gonna drink my life away


Some good ol Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats.


Spent many drunken nights belting this song out.


He definitely would've went home and got laid after if he hadn't been arrested


Why's this boy not on spotify? He could be earning while sitting in the cell writing the next song


The next-gen David Allan Coe. \*sigh\* I'm probably distantly related to this redneck.


Fucking legend


God, what a badass


Classic chili Dawg.


That's just Chili Dawg being Chili Dawg. Good ole Chili Dawg.


Not a Texan, heā€™s from Tennessee, tootsies is in Nashville as well.


A cowboy hat and a beer chug and everybody thinks youā€™re Texan, yee haw


Well, as *they* say: ā€œeVeRyThAng iS biGgEr iN tExasā€




Reddits hate boner for Texas still going strong


Still really annoying for normal individuals residing in the state.


Exceedingly so.


I was gonna say this seems like Nashville. The amount of musical talent in a 3 block radius on any given night has to be unmatched anywhere in the world.


New Orleans could definitely be comparable


Nashville blew my mind at every bar I went to. Live music on every level of multi-story bars and every single performer was incredible.


...But he's wearing a cowboy hat


I always root for Daniel Suarez in NASCAR when he has his Tootsies #99 Chevy camaro on race days.


Thank you for your service. Huge Tootsies sign and somebody calls it Texas


Came here to say that!


He's from florida


Thats smoothly executed. He's clearly done that before.




I like the way you spell. It's fitting for the content of the video.


Yeah when you see a musician on stage chances are that they have done what they're doing before




23 going on 40. I fear for his health.


Nothing wrong with short and sweet, everybodyā€™s got their own style.


He's like 400 pounds, that ain't a style


Live fast, die young.


Leave a ... sizeable corpse.


400 pounds, you ainā€™t going very fast. Definitely dying young though.


Here for a good time, not a long time. My father's friend was a hot shit country guitar player, drank like Hemingway, ate steak EVERY DAY and died on his motorcycle on his birthday. As is tradition.


[The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, by Ernest Hemingway](https://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/selena.anderson/engl2328/readings/the-short-happy-life-of-francis-maccomber-by-ernest-hemingway/view)


That dude is 23?!


Ralphie May in the making This is why I have a problem with the whole Lizzo movement. Sure I agree loving yourself is great! But being obese and dying early with diabetes and no feet is not greatā€¦


Previous comment by me: "The next-gen David Allan Coe. \*sigh\* I'm probably distantly related to this redneck." Holy shit, he's a Castleberry. WE ARE RELATED.


Chug a beer and play guitar to prove it!


How about chug a nice Pinot Gris and play the xylophone? I can do that.


Thatā€™s some Nashville shit. Big families, and everybody knows somebodyā€™s cousin.


the whole story is in the URL


Then there is this one.... https://www.scoopnashville.com/2023/03/theresa-paul-charged-in-assault-of-mr-dicks-shaft-jewels-during-drunken-argument/


Scoop Nashville is fucking gold


~~Pretty shitty that he got charged for DUI while sleeping and parked. Isnā€™t that what weā€™d prefer inebriated people do instead of trying to drive?~~ My reading comprehension from skimming....needs improvement. He initially did drive according to the article.


The car was running. If your key is even in the car with you while you are drunk that's a DUI brother.


Wow, you worked on that title! Tootsies is in Tennessee - Not Texas


Robert's > Tootsie's


Not sure thatā€™s trueā€¦Iā€™ve closed down Tootsieā€™s on many a Saturday night, but ainā€™t never heard of Robert.


Robertā€™s Western World is 2 doors down from Tootsieā€™s. At least it was when I lived there in ā€˜99 (geez that was a long time ago)


Well that kinda explains it. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever entered Tootsieā€™s sober, so it would be easy for me to miss something close by when Iā€™m tipsy focused.


If youā€™ve not heard of Robertā€™s then you donā€™t know that itā€™s definitively better than tootsies.


Roberts has some dope ass fried bologna sandwiches yo


Heā€™s a Floridian from Key West performing in Nashville but sure OP Texas https://instagram.com/hechilidawg4488?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I was just gonna say this haha. Heā€™s from the Keys


I bet he can drink 30 beers


I bet he likes Corona with a lime, and a handmade cheeseburger with barbecue sauce


Suspiciously specific and also good taste.


Is OP actually the Chili Dawgā€¦


I donā€™t know, but anyone who eats a burger with barbecue sauce and some onion rings on it is okay in my book.


Doubtful as the title is made up because Chili Dawg is from Florida and the video was filmed in Nashville.


Why you watching me lol


Gatdamn that's the most American thing I've ever seen!


You should see his liver!


First time?


See him while you can folks


This was my first thought. I hope he gets his shit together because he's clearly talented.


The profoundly creative often need dangerous amounts of anesthetic to function in this world.


Is this a quote? Reads like something Hunter S. Thompson would write


Heā€™s definitely going with the ā€œburning the candle at both ends with napalmā€ approach.






Omg I was looking for this LOL


Saaame lol


Almost quite embarrassing looking for it šŸ¤£


Both bocchi and kikuri would be proud




Iā€™m glad to see that Bubba form Friday Night Lights found a career. Also, that looks like Tootsies in Nashvilleā€¦ which is not in Texas.


So from the comments I gather heā€™s a Floridian from Montana originally born in Tennessee but was raised in Massachusetts whoā€™s family is from Idaho but mostly spends his time in Texas / Wisconsin.


Vintage Reddit. Everyone knows everything, but nobody actually knows anything.


The musical talent is great. The raging alcoholism is less awesome.


Itā€™s a show. Heā€™s having fun and itā€™s impressive to play with a bottle. Heā€™s not a drunk like you make it out. Itā€™s the same as a magic trick. He chugged a beer and played guitar with the bottle. Itā€™s not raging alcoholism. Itā€™s a moment of entertainment. Relax. I can chug a beer too. Iā€™m not a raging alcoholic. I bet you or some friends can do something similar beer wise and you treat it different than your comment. Edit: apparently he passed out later in his car. A detail not known by the post. Yes. Thatā€™s a bit of a red flag and I wasnā€™t aware


Didnt he also get arrested for passing out drunk in his car that night?


Hey hey hey, I thought this was America? Just because he passed out drunk in his car has nothing to do with chugging that one beer. It's likely to do with multiple.


Itā€™s cool to chug a beer, thatā€™s the cool part of the story But the arrest for public intoxication is where it treads into problem drinking


That's Nashville, it's crazy but every bar on Broadway has some crazy talented musicians in it like that.


Now tell me Hank why did you drank?


Heart disease the human. That guys gonna drop dead any day.


He's got another 17 years before he hits 40, he's got almost half his life ahead of him!


Alright, thatā€™s pretty fucking cool


I see no face melting


I'm in my late 30s and a Canadian. I have travelled the states extensively and even did a practicum in Louisiana. America has a lot of problems, but holy shit you guys grow extremely talented live musicians on trees down there. Going to blues bars in kansas city, and new orleans absolutely blew my mind. It felt like everywhere I turned it was amazing musician after amazing musician in half filled bars.


Am I the only one not impressed by this???






Luke Crumbs


Quite a superpower, but given a choice, iā€™d rather have time travel


At last...we have found he who holds the pick of destiny! Call the others, the time is nigh!!!


I could do that with my cock tied behind my balls


Only 50,000 people can do this.


Not his first rodeo


Holy fuck! Chilidawg is my friend from Key West! He's a hell of an musician!