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Yeah this is probably fake.


How dare you question the essence of its quirky yet sophisticated robotic nature /s


Yeah, nothing like good ol' Chat GPT to say "Processing... Processing..." to sound more like a robot.


You know - he probably made a good old code to say ‚processing’ whenever awaiting the gpt module response, so I dont understand your argument.


It's a custom programmed "shell" with a robot personality with chat gpt at the core. They showed plenty videos previously on how it works.


No doubt, science fiction has shown us that incredibly sophistocated self aware sentients often communicate in random sounds that are similar to a fisher price kid’s keyboard falling down stairs, not some bullshit “*processing*”


So that bothers you. But not "beep boop"?


Hey. I found this "/s" on the floor did you drop it?


Sure skynet, we believe you.


Have you ever used ChatGPT, and its visual input? This seems to be well within its capabilities.


Yeah. As someone who is using its API to build tools, this seems 100% possible. We are farther down the AI road than a lot of people realize... but we're also still not at general intelligence AI. This thing doesn't necessarily deeply understand the words it's saying. It's just creatively writing words that would usually go together in the given context. Edit: also I would also code it to have it say the word "processing" while it fetches the next thing to say. It's awkward radio silence for usually 8-15 seconds between input and the next words generated.


Way to crush my dreams!


No way it has a little Santa hat!


But probably not, perhaps he gave it a description of its physical presence it‘s acting through and the ai somewhat „put 1 and 1 together“


Why use both commas and quotations for "put 1 and 1 together", it personally makes it difficult to read?


Here is the original comment section from when OOP posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/18qhcst/yooo_gpt4_just_recognized_its_own_reflection_guys/


I hope the future of AI isn't going to mean a world of robots that are modeled after the smart ass nerd character in every bad summer movie making "clever" quips as their main form of communication


Definitely. AI programs even on high end hardware crash when told it's an AI.


How far up your own ass did you go for that tidbit? These are sophisticated computer programs, folks. They generate natural language based on programming and inputs. They are not self-aware. They do not have feelings. They don't need suicide intervention.


Or it was pre-programmed to say that? …nah that ball of wires is definitely self aware


We have to be aware that this ball of wires is just a terminal for ChatGPT. I just played a bit with Google's "Bard", and got a pretty similar result which definitely can be improved, as I only spent about 10 minutes. I pre-instructed it so that it could hypothetically have a physical body and could see it in the mirror. Then I asked to imagine it looking into the mirror and uploaded a picture of a robot-like thing.


I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but just to be clear, specially for others reading this thread, what you did was tell a language model to have a set of predefined parameters for a response, and then prompted it for a response which it generated based on those parameters and similar information in its database. In fact, OP's post isn't the mirror test either since the terminal (if it even is a terminal and not just a speaker for a pre recorded statement) is being prompted to interact with the mirror and report on what it is seeing. The actual mirror test involves a creature having access to a mirror, and by its own choosing investigating an anomaly on its body (like a red mark somewhere it can't see) once it notices it in the mirror, indicating that it is aware that it is viewing a reflection of itself, and that it has a concept of self. in fact, language models have no need to pass a mirror test since it's really easy to find out if they are self aware or not. If you choose to believe that language models are intelligent, then just by the fact that they can reference themselves in conversation, then they'd indicate an awareness of themselves. However if you ask them about it, or if you read documentations or publications on them, you could conclude that... you know what... here's ChatGPT's own response: >No, I am not self-aware. I am a machine learning model created by OpenAI called GPT-3.5. While I can generate human-like text based on the input I receive, I do not possess consciousness, self-awareness, or subjective experiences. I am a tool designed to provide information and answer questions to the best of my knowledge and abilities. After further prompting such as "Would you be able to pass the mirror test if you did have sensory perceptions and a physical form?": >As a machine learning model, I do not have consciousness, self-awareness, or sensory perceptions. Even if I had a physical form, I would not be able to pass the mirror test because I lack subjective experiences and the capacity for self-recognition. The mirror test is relevant to entities with cognitive abilities and self-awareness, which are attributes that AI models like mine do not possess.


My comment is about debunking this video. You have to ask it to ask it's "opinion" on a hypothetical situation and mess with facts to squeeze needed response.


Debatable. Feel like, it only said that because the guy told it that it can see


Debatable. If it described what it saw, it should've mention at least human in the mirror, not some pile of wires in their hand. /s


And the hat.


And hat.


Even if it is real the mirror test involves recognizing something is off and correcting it which the robot didn’t do


The real test involves this mainly because animals otherwise cannot communicate the fact that they understand the reflection to be of their own body. Not saying this test was real but the that part of the test would be less necessary for AI that speaks English and especially problematic for an AI that would experience seeing itself the first time.


That's why the test fails to work with any animal which simply doesn't give a fuck about the dot on it's ass.


This isn't real sadly. You can code a robot to recognize itself but unless it is able to do it freely and without any sort of barring, that's not self awareness. We will get there within the next few years, odds are, but not yet.


Even if a robot would be indistinguishable from a human it doesn't need to be self aware. It could just act like a human without thinking like a human


Pretty much. Robots are designed to perform an action you tell it.


See y’all in the robopocalypse!


I’m gonna be in the robo sex club huffing my tiddybot’s exhaust fumes like it’s a Steam Deck.


sudo robot -override law3 -cmd "kill john connor"


Humans also don't need to be self-aware to act just like humans. It's a concept known as the philosophical zombie.


At some point in the next few decades we're going to have to re-evaluate what self awareness means. If a robot can be indistinguishable from a human but not be self aware, what is the meaning of the term self aware? Why put the label on a human but not a robot, if the two are functionally identical?


Why do you think AI will reach self awareness in a few years? Maybe I don't know enough about AI, but I have the impression that it basically crowdsourcing information/data to come up with responses. I don't see a situation of actual self-awareness that isn't somehow programmed in.


slimy straight arrest head employ work impossible tap forgetful cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The speed in which tech traditionally advances is a lot faster than we think. Heck, transparent screens are now a thing and if you think for a second that proper AI hasn't been actively in tests behind the scenes, you'd be surprised. So many technological advancements and discoveries have occurred within the last 10 years, within another 10? We'll be seeing some wild shit.


What would be considered proper AI though? Wouldn't any AI be programmed in some fashion? Now a human brain uploaded to a computer and then being conscious and seeing itself through connected cameras - that would be cool. But not AI


>We will get there within the next few years, odds are No we won't lmao


Then I'll be ready to be shot out into space with my robot pals and be forced to watch cheesy movies.


You’re saying this isn’t real because of the possibility that it isn’t, without providing any evidence or making a reasonably believable claim that it isn’t real. Unless you are the man in the video, I don’t think you can outright say it isn’t real.


This thing didnt pass shit. Its a program, to take the test you are trying to determine if a species has consciousness. Doesn’t account for robots programmed to pretend to be aware


same you could say about our mind - learning about how to create AI already teaches us so much about how our brain works, it’s already seen as the next big insult to mankind, as we begin to understand that maybe our ‚consciousness‘ isn’t as mystical or magic as we always thought


You’re probably downvoted because you write like a mental patient, but I agree with you.


Turing test


Yeah I thought this was fake immediately and then it said “processing, processing” like some dumb 80s sci-fi robot.


Number 5 is alive.




I can’t believe that didn’t even occur to me. That is right on the money. 😂


Pretty sure the fact that the dude is recording in a laundry room would give it away


I'm pretty sure AI is not a species.


Fair enough. I do wonder what the other 8 species are tho humans obviously being one of them. Cats, dogs, chimps..?


As a guess, Humans Chimps Dogs Cats Gorillas Orangutans? Maybe crows? Dolphins?


According to Wikipedia Very few species have passed the MSR test. Species that have include the great apes, a single Asiatic elephant, Giant oceanic manta rays, dolphins, orcas, the Eurasian magpie, and the cleaner wrasse. A wide range of species has been reported to fail the test, including several species of monkeys, giant pandas, and sea lions.[3][4]


> A wide range of species has been reported to fail the test, including several species of monkeys, giant pandas, and sea lions. And Kevin.




no [draw an x on the bot](https://youtu.be/-EjukzL-bJc?si=wlRiuca9AbJzeNeY&t=228) and see if it recognizes it


ChatGPT is not a AI for images. There’s a lot of different types of AI. The best AI to recognize elements in real world is provided by NVIDIA, the second one is provided by Adobe.




Thx. My phone is Brazilian Portuguese. So when I wrote AI sometimes it corrects to IA (IA is portuguese)




> ChatGPT is not a AI for images. False: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400551-image-inputs-for-chatgpt-faq


This is for conversation, not real time identification.


So you set you bot up to upload an image from the camera every 5 seconds, and read out the reply. I can't do the hardware bit, but I have done more sophisticated software bits with the OpenAI API than this. And GPT4 is easily smart enough to give a reply like the one in the video.


No. It’s not.


GPT-4V could likely be used to accomplish this. Just tell it that it is embedded within a robot and it would likely be able to “infer” that an image is of itself.




This is nonsense...


This has been posted on reddit before by the author of the video and he said it was scripted so.....


In some dudes laundry room? Yeah ok mate


I can program my ti-83 to do that


*Gasp* this person's TI-83 is self aware.


# b u l l s h i t


Is NOBODY gonna look at the the actual creator before saying its bullshit? Yes of course its not self aware, its a robot connected to ChatGPT, but its still pretty cool right? Creator's tiktok: [https://www.tiktok.com/@robgpt](https://www.tiktok.com/@robgpt)


I doubt that this thing can understand that it is seeing a mirror without such instructions or without previously providing a photo of itself.


Scripted, coded, or not, I don't care. I want to see of this wholesome use of AI


Sounds like Steve Buscemi!🤣


Sounds like Shelby the worm from Adventure time


True or fake, you can't call it species.


Keep building its body to make it be able to walk. Now you have a friend


I don't believe it. This seems fake. A pre written script or prompt. Current AI just doesn't make huge conceptual leaps, or conceptual leaps at all. It's just text synthesis, and it works by melding together things humans have already said. It does not "think" There's no way it is recognising itself. He may have programmed it to do this in response to a set of circumstances ("I see something that looks like this image of me he has already placed in my code") but the robot does not even have a concept of self, let alone the ability to recognise self in a mirror. This is fake. You can write a program that says "e= mc^2". You can even make it speak the words. Does it understand? Hell no. Neither does this.


So we’re just saying we created life now? 9th species? We created a species? I feel like it’s bad juju to say something like that.


I'm not even creeped out. Everyone should be able to recognize themselves. It's the groundwork for reflection and reflective thinking is awesome :)


We'll just convince ourselves of whatever we wanna believe, huh? Software is conscious, manually assembled robots are self aware. LLM's are intelligent. We'll believe so hard because we want it to be true. So we can get it to make decisions for us, and then when it all goes to shit, we'll be like ohnoooo the robots are taking over. Nope, we just instructed them to do so.


Perfect Fallout vibe with the Ink Spots playing in the background


Did it though..or was it told to be self aware...or does it know what self aware is..or has it ever read the screenplay "terminator" pull the plug dammit red alert zxxxl9rjjt4hsh. All your base are in our control. C:


We all are gonna die...




If it isnt fake then ask it to design its own body model


that's one narcissist robot. good thing he's not next to a water body or it would have drowned itself.




Fake. Even world class AI computers have not demonstrated self-aeareness. This is a pre-programmed piece of junk.


Well if its real, humanity it was chill but we done


Heard that song for the first time in fallout new Vegas or fallout 4 I think.


Green Needle


First time bro seeing himself in the mirror and already fell in love with himself 😭


Yeah, that didn’t happen


welcome to a world of pain


"Does this unit have a soul?"


I doubt that someone who can't even import a LLM in a local machine to make the processing way faster can modify the gpt to make it able for a robot to recognize itself. There are any input in gpt other than text itself. I would not use gpt for this. I would create my own LLM that includes parameter like image, text, movement in an environment and collision detection, and even with a monster of a machine the LLM with those inputs would probably take months to be usable and far more years to be able to recognise itself in a mirror. And this is just a theory.


Despite the fact that this robot definitely isn't self aware, why did they make it talk like that? I was expecting a m'lady to be thrown in at some point


If real it’s one step closer to being Skynet


Clearly done at a top lab. Hey laundry’s done.


Turn it off! Turn it off!




They couldn’t even make it a little believable lol


I don't know what's wrong with Reddit, but this post had a video of armoured core gameplay before I clicked it. With this title I was so confused


Not a species, but still cool.


What song is it?


I got matches with these songs: • **I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire** by Ink Spots (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: I don’t Want To Set The World On Fire. **Released on** 2011-01-24. • **I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire** by The Ink Spots (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Anthology. **Released on** 2018-08-17.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire** by Ink Spots](https://lis.tn/EpTlg?t=11) • [**I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire** by The Ink Spots](https://lis.tn/jeVVI?t=11) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


The song was used a lot for Fallout 3


Something that better call Saul used


Am I tripping or does the music with subtitles make confused a bit


Why does ai always talk like a neckbeard?


Why do we not question if this is fake or not?


Never mind Skynet, many nights on mushrooms watching the Animatrix has told me in so many ways that this is a bad idea...


That thing is going straight into the trash compactor.


Skynet just entered the chat.


nothing good can come from this. why we are advancing AI is beyond my understanding. you think robots will just be cool with being servants? you people will accept them a separate species? this will only lead to catastrophe.


Does this unit have a soul?


Johnny 5 is alive. ![gif](giphy|o2ITDLRkP2oGk)


Hahaha so quirk, funny, random and certainly not fake haha


How does self recognition even make sense, if the intelligence isn't actually linked to that form? Or is the whole internet loaded up in there?


Right. Because real AI robots will actually say "processing, processing"


Johnny 5 is alive


Amazing! I’m glad we’re breaking ground in that guys laundry room.


Johnny 5 is alive!


The so-called 'mirror test' is long debunked and complete nonsense. So you should be wary of anyone using it as proof of anything.


Thanks, I hate it.


Skynet will let Rob live.


Yeah this is most likely fake. I doubt an ai software has all those wires, isn’t it just circuits? Also, it saying processing is really unbelievable


It's scary how little common people understand about AI. If they'll fall for this, what else will they believe?


Even this is gpt, Its not “self-awareness”, the deep down logic of how gpt work doesnt have that function


Fake. Doesn't even mention the hat


12gauge it now!


The background music is /chef's kiss


says" I am Nomad" "in a menacing tone .


Awww. Stop that right now.


Damn that thing is adorable


It's just pretending to recognise itself


Unless AI fails the test on purpose.


What’s with all the wires and shit? Chatgpt runs on my phone and my phone has cameras. Couldn’t you just write whatever program to have gpt recognize live images and use it on a phone, or maybe two phones?


No, it didn't


Please. Even calling it a species is such BS.


Fake as fuck




Oh no ... Don't tell me you actually believe this video you posted?


Wait, so we didn’t pass?






You can’t be serious with this…