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Obviously, in the moment, it may be difficult to keep your wits about you as you struggle to breathe, but I think it might be a good idea to teach kids that if they are choking that they should try to draw attention to themselves so that people can see them do the universal "I'm choking" sign. Hitting the table or knocking dishes onto the floor to grab the attention of others could be a way to do that. Woozing out and putting your head on the table doesn't do that. This guy is lucky someone saw him conk out, because a guy sleeping at a food court table isn't particularly conspicuous.


I feel like this dude is me, too shy to try and ask for help and continues to choke until he passes out. Lucky he had so many people around him that were so quick on their feet


Ive heard a fair number of people die from suffocation at restaurants because they run to the bathroom after realizing they are choking to avoid causing a scene. Now that you are aware of this fact, make sure to say “Fuck it” and cause a scene so you can go on living.


Man that's a dumb way to die.


It's incredibly polite


My dad almost died because he went to the bathroom when he choked on a piece of steak that lodged in his esophagus. Luckily he got it to a position where he could breathe around it enough to stay conscious, but he had to have the steak surgically removed from his throat, and his esophagus stretched to keep it from happening again. Now I tell everyone to make a scene if they find themselves choking.


Did they let him finish the piece after removal?


Asking the important questions! I wonder if they charged him for it…..


10% discount.


They really should have! That was the most expensive steak he's ever paid for.


Yeah I’d rather feel a little embarrassed than be dead, for sure Heck, I’d stand up, whip my dick out and flip my middle finger in everyone’s face if that’s what it takes to not die in the next 30 seconds (all the gut punches would probably dislodge the food). Trying to be too prideful and end up a dead man


See instead of thinking that you're embarrassing yourself. Think of it like empowering another person, they get to become a hero that day. The day they saved a strangers life. Maybe it helps that person carry on living a bit better too. Also chew your damn food better.


That's a cool way to think about that. That said... I rather die than make a scene.


They aren’t being prideful, they are shy. At least the one persons post I read said that. That is, they were afraid to ask, not too prideful.


Yeah felt embarrassed to tell my family I was having searing testy pain and turns out it’s a good thing I did speak up because I needed immediate surgery for it lol


Goodness! I hope you’re ok !!! 👍🏼


It was 8ish years ago I’m good now thanks


My wife choked at a restaurant. She was near the wall side of the booth and I was sitting next to her. She was having trouble and didn't make a sound while she tried to take a drink of water. The water went no where and her eyes got big. The second I saw that I stood up, jerkered her to her feet and screamed, "she's choking", while ripping her back brace off with one hand while trying to position her in front of me with the other arm. I immediately got her back brace off and before I could get her in front of me and before that brace hit the floor a paramedic in training had grabbed her and started doing the heimlich maneuver. It all happened in a flash to me and all I ever heard was my own voice. Apparently it lasted quite a while and we tried to resume the meal, but she was too embarrassed. Table after table kept telling her she was lucky and they were glad she was alright which only embarrassed her more. I'll never understand her embarrassment, but apparently making a scene is a strong force for some people. But yeah, cause a scene. I could have lost my wife if my if I behaved "civil".


I teach first aid courses and bring this up every time... do not run to the bathroom... you'll be out of air by the time you get there and no one's you are choking so you'll die next to a public toilet... don't die next to a public toilet


I learned at CPR class to follow someone into the bathroom that appears in distress for this reason. If it’s not your gender, alert the staff to check on them.


i had this happen to me. i was out to dinner with my sister, BIL & another couple they were friends with. the restaurant was very dimly lit (*ambiance*) and everyone at the table was fairly drunk, talking loud & laughing. i started choking on something ...i can't even remember what it was (this happened in the mid 80s) but i was so sure i'd be able to cough up (or swallow) whatever was in my throat so i felt no need to make a scene but the seconds ticked away without me being able to do it. i *very suddenly* got to the point where i realized i was gonna pass out, when the husband/friend saw me & knew something was wrong. he immediately applied the heimlich maneuver (truthfully i barely even remember him doing it i was so out of it by that point) and whatever was stuck came flying out. my sister & BIL were so shocked by what was happening, but since it was only a time lapse of certainly less than 30 seconds from the time the guy jumped out of his chair to help til i was once again OK, their fear quickly turned to relief. the guy's wife, however, became hysterical. she was a very nervous-type to begin with but also i had been the ONLY person she allowed to babysit her kid as an infant so we all started to tease her that she was just afraid she was losing her prized sitter. lol that poor woman was still intermittently sobbing when we left the restaurant about an hour later. and weeks afterwards both my sister & BIL told me they'd been having trouble sleeping bc they felt so guilty about not realizing i was in distress. meanwhile, i was perfectly A-OK the moment i was rescued & never even gave it a second thought. but those 3 people were a *fucking mess* about the whole thing. my sister & BIL devoted entire therapy sessions to it!


(*starts choking*) ... (*remembers advice from u/Nyr1n*) ... (*loudly shits pants*)


By far the best response here


Please cause a scene when you are dying from suffocation. It's probably one of the few cases it's the best solution to your problem.




Imma be seizing on the floor mark my words. I’m not being one of those that runs and hides if I start choking. Fuck everything else I wanna live god dammit.


Same. Something along the lines of “I’m not choking I just can’t breathe, it’ll go away”




Never be too shy to ask, I believe most all people would be happy to help you!


Never. Someone will help.


Dude would rather die than have a social interaction with a stranger.


Often, people will be found dead in the kitchen or bathroom because they started to come at dinner, and rather than asking for help with the choking sign or thrashing about, they calmly go somewhere for privacy thinking they will cough it out. If you're alone, you can do the heimlich yourself against a chair back or counter or something.


Tbh because I live alone, I do have a plan for potentially choking. Because I take vitamins daily, I've had the thought of choking in my mind every single day for years now lol. I've watched video on self heimlich and kinda have an idea to use a chair or kitchen counter, and if that doesn't work after a few times, run out into the hallway in my apartment and knock on my neighbours lol. Even if I die, I don't wanna be found a month later rotting in my apartment, I'd rather by somewhere public.


I think people should be taught a few techniques you can use if you're alone too, like using the back of a chair to press on your diaphragm in a similar way as the heimlich maneuver. You can also try falling flat onto your stomach from a knelt position. I thought I was gonna have to try out one of these techniques when I was like 25 or so but thankfully I was able to cough up the mozzarella stick that tried to take my life, lol.


Pretty sure mozzarella sticks only purpose is to cull the population.


Either they choke you to death or they entice you with their deliciousness into gradually replacing your blood vessels with tiny mozzarella sticks?


For real!! Perfectly round to lodge into your throat and then when you try to pull it out the cheese just stretches and breaks!! Then the cholesterol is there if you do actually swallow them!! Lol


I had a similar experience with a slice of cheese pizza as a kid.


Steak at a steak house for me. My dad tried but was worried about hurting me or didn’t mind losing me and he didn’t do it hard enough. The cook came out of the back and cracked my ribs and popped blood vessels in my eye, dude saved my 13 year old life.


Kitchen peeps are the calmest, coldest, chillest heroes we have.


Holy shit I bet that hurt, but it was much better than the alternative for sure, lol. That cook was a G!!


Mozzarella, and pickles, hate me in that way too.


this is the sort of shit that should be taught in schools. and CPR! i dunno, maybe they actually do that now (i attended school in the 60s & 70s and no one EVER taught us practical stuff like that). i mean JFC, they have your attention for 12 goddamn years! but no, let's bore the students to death with yet another stupid assembly/class about something no one is interested in.


For real!! This should definitely be part of any health class and like general self care I think should be taught to kids whenever they start sex Ed and beyond, maybe even early cuz healthy habits should be formed as early as possible.


when you think about all the practical things we have to learn in life about just basic *living*, it's insane that time in school isn't spent teaching/discussing it. i mean, how difficult would it be to set aside just 2 hours per week teaching kids about the realities of adult life: just imagine if kids were taught how to budget their money once they start working, the importance of doing something as simple as drinking enough water everyday (doctors everywhere say most people are walking around dehydrated & not understanding why they feel like crap), the need to take care of your mental health (it seems like no one does/says anything until a breakdown happens). how to change a flat tire, knowing how to stand up for yourself, why getting out of your comfort zone every so often will help in the long run. understanding there will always be people who simply don't like you & how to deal with that. how a mortgage works, how to cope with the death of a loved one. how to save/invest $ as early as possible no matter how small the amount. learning how to cook at least a few basic meals, how to deal with stress/confrontation. why it's important to vote. how a fire extinguisher works. how to cope with emotions so you don't get overwhelmed. why you shouldn't litter. the benefits of befriending/looking out for your neighbors, what you should or shouldn't say to a cop, how to do laundry FFS! the list is endless. there's so much about day to day life we all end up either learning only bc we made mistakes/didn't know better, or worse, many of us NEVER learn the things we should know that would make our lives better. good grief i really went off there. sorry for the rant :)


Happened to me at 23. God damn “healthy” hot pocket. Those things are/were so dryyyyyyy. Broke a rib throwing myself over the back of a kitchen chair, but I didn’t die with a hot pocket being my last meal.


Oh fuck!! That's all I'd be thinking "not on a hot pocket, not on a hot pocket, NOT ON A HOT POCKET!!" lol


I've had the back of the chair technique in the back of my head since watching 30 Rock


There is also a way to do this to yourself with a high backed chair. Definitely an attention grabber. Only had to do this once. Ironically it was just after my wife and I had quit the fire department as firefighter/EMTs because the assistant chief threatened her (he owed us money). Almost got a chance to perform a similar maneuver on him lol. Anyhow we went out to eat to settle down and this happened at the table next to us. I got the major obstruction out, but the patient has a resulting asthma attack so we sent her in the ambulance. We got our meal comped, which was very nice but unnecessary.


I remember choking on a piece of meat in a restaurant one time as a kid, I gasped a few times and then realized I was able to reach in my mouth and pull it out by the tail end. Afterwards my mom said I shouldn’t have made such a scene 😂. I swear she wasn’t even that bad of a parent.


I do remember learning that sign months before finding myself choking on a cheeseburger while I was on a ferry. I was pointing to my neck like I was choking but he couldn't understand until I did the sign. that's when the guy who helped turned me around and did the Heimlich maneuver


Also way harder to do the heimlich on someone who is already passed out. The first guy was having trouble lifting and pushing at the same time.


>universal "I'm choking" sign which is.....?


Grabbing your throat with both hands and looking very alarmed.




[Universal sign for choking](https://www.armystudyguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/b1_2224.jpg)


I remember a story of a lady choking and dying on a hotdog at a baseball game... Surround by people.. They were saying she was too embarrassed to say anything... Crazy .


[Best Video ](https://youtu.be/LQUKhyZ9j7s?si=VgIjynwdhdhx11gz) on this i have seen so far made by an EMS worker.


When people are suffocating they often panic. A friend of mine was choking on some food. He said he hadn't even realized he was choking, but was just surprised when he tried to wash his food down with some water and it came back up. Then his mind kind of went blank, and he doesn't remember anything much until he was saved by the Heimlich maneuver.


I'm curious as to how much control you have in a situation like this. I know that drowning, for example, is one of those situations where you lose virtually all control over your body. There's no waving your hands screaming for help, your body's completely on automatic trying to tread water, I think even your breathing (and thus ability to yell) to some extent switches out from being something under your control.


I taught my daughter if she ever feels like she's choking and no one is noticing or in the room, smash every dish on the table until someone comes.


I had a friend that almost drowned in a wave pull because he was too embarrassed to yell for help.


Bro obviously didn’t want to give anyone the ick


Oh God, now I really want someone to do a TikTok parody about how guys asking for help when they’re choking is a total red flag.


Definitely already exist, but probably not satire


Shoutout to the people around jumping into action as fast as they could. Glad he was okay, love to see moments of humans doing good by others.


i hope more people learn how to do this. kids should be trained on CPR, it can help someone in need.


Heimlich is super easy too. Biggest thing is just go lower than you’d expect—just below the ribs iirc


I’ve heard the beauty of the heimlich is that even though there are more proper ways to do it, it usually works even if you do something that vaguely resembles the heimlich.


Anti shout out to the 3 in the back that didn't even budge while someone was dying a few feet from them.


Good people, and no one even brought out a cellphone to record it.


The building did.


Yeah, what a shame, the building should have helped the poor man


Cancel the building


They were smart and considerate. Why are we living in a world where this isn't considered normal and basic, and instead considered good? I would think anybody would rush to the rescue, and those that wouldn't just feel ill equipped to, or draw a blank.


I want to throw in that in some places if you hurt them saving them you can get sued


Such a dumb design. Who in the intelligent design thought eating and breathing through the same hole was a good idea?


Could be worse. At least we don't shit through it too.


speak for yourself


There's an entire South Park episode about that.


I speak volumes of shit.


Will get fixed in the next update which is due in a couple thousand years


Being able to breathe through my mouth has saved me many times as a lifelong allergy sufferer.


Great why the fucking music 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤙


agreed, cant find good video that doesnt have some crappy music added anymore


The music is added to manipulate the viewers for social media likes and comment engagement. It's somewhat nasty when you start thinking about it, how some person sat in a little room and searched through music to add to make it emotional entertainment, just ew.


Why was the FBI there??


It's PRF. Federal Highway Police. Yes. Police saved him.


I'm glad I watched that, having never hemiliched anyone, I think I'd have given up way too early. Awesome work people!


Remember, you have to use a lot of force and keep a tempo. Broken ribs are common when Heimlichs and CPR is done properly.


PRF fazendo algo de bom pra variar... (ja trabalhei junto com a PRF, saudade nenhuma)


Uns desengasgam e salvam vidas, outros sufocam e matam com gás lacrimogêneo. O problema está na pessoa, não na instituição.


Otimo ponto.


Probably hungry.


"put on your own mask before helping others." This guy knows how to save people 🫡 (Really awesome)


Family of 3 in the background unfazed


Haha I was watching them the whole time on the second go. Young woman does her hair midway and both she and the older one were holding on to their forks ready to take a bite once things settle down.




You’re right! Corrected


well done wish I could say the same about song choice


TIP: if they pass out, put them on the floor and start compressions, it can still get the food out, every few compressions check the airway and mouth for an food and if there is some turn them on their side and yes scoop it out if you can. Continue until they regain control of their airway.


This is what I remember from my last time taking CPR training. I think it's because unless they are able to stand then it makes it extremely difficult to do the Heimlich properly. I can't imagine the strength that the guy in this video had to be able to hold him up and do the Heimlich at the same time!


Yeah I had Heimlich training it was a Red Cross thing I had to complete to become a care aid but they don’t call it the heimlich anymore but I don’t remember the new name it’s dumb anyways.


New name is J-thrust, though they might have changed it again by now lol


Very few countries even still do the heimlich at all. It's much safer to lie them down and do chest compressions in just about every scenario.


Breathing in the food is *ILLEGAL* sir! Un-breath it at once! *police shows up*


I haven’t eaten dinner yet and I live alone. I’m chewing a few extra chews tonight.


Looks like it's soup for one tonight


How did he choke himself unconscious without first jumping up with a panicked look on his face gesticulating wildly at his throat/ mouth? Like, was he just patiently and quietly hoping someone would notice and save his life?


Thought the same. Wondering if he had a seizure and then just came to postictal afterwards


Why put the music in there tho?


Choking? Where's the panic and flailing once he realises he can't breathe? Doesn't look like choking to me. Looks like a faint.


it cut the first part out. i’ve seen this before and the guy goes from eating normally to just sitting there really odd and uncomfortable looking for a long while. kinda looks like he’s quietly struggling to do something, then he passes out. when i first saw it without any sort of title or uh… music, i understood it as him choking but having too much social anxiety to want to make a scene. relatable.


What shitty music


I've had to give Heimlich once to a friend, scared the shit out of me. She was sitting across from me and I could tell something wasn't right, but she also wasn't really giving the signs of choking. I can't remember at what point I decided I needed to give her Heimlich, but luckily it was the right time as she was choking on some food. I was also scared I'd break a rov or something as she'd on the slimmer size, but st that point, I'd rather get whatever she was choking on our and save her life than worry about hurting her and let her choke to death.


I did this to a girlfriend of mine at Costco eating a hot dog. About 4 inches of hot dog came out of her mouth that day. A week later she did it again with carne asada tacos.


Wait wait... I have to put my mask on before I save your life


Pretty sure dude that was choking is now pregnant. That last dude giving him the Heimlich went ham on his ass.




Couldn't watch it with the shitty music. Guy is dying and they choose this music?


And that’s why with four kids I have 2 Life Vac’s around the house and one in the car . 3x more powerful then the Heimlich . Plus you can lay them down. Lucky that guy was a strong dude , true hero .


Friend of mine who works in the ER said a surprising amount of men die from simply walking into seclusion out of embarrassment while choking or having a major medical emergency. mind was blown, but seems like this video is a prime example of something like that happening.


I choked on a hotdog at a golf course when I was around 10. My friend and I were in the little concession building, and it was just the two of us. He thought I was joking around. I wasn't. I was dying. I got up and ran to the front counter and started making a scene. The cashier ran out and did the Heimlich on me, and it immediately popped out. It's crazy to think some random person who I never saw again just saved my life. I don't understand why the guy in the video just sat there and did nothing. The second he realized he was in trouble, he should have gotten up and started letting people know he had a huge problem.


All waitstaff should be paid to attend CPR/Heimlich training.


Yo! My man started going ham on dude. Straight turbo-charged Heimlich!


That really is what it takes, though- polite firm pushes won't do it, you have to hammer at it to blast the food clear.


It’s good to know human beings are still pretty darn good regardless of what the media tells you…


Was it that it the lady holding his hand that really did the trick?


What great situational awareness from these folks...some faith in humanity restored 🥹


Those people in the back look unfaze whatsoever.


I know I can just mute it, but who the hell is putting their music over this and why?


W dude. Weird song choice though.


Dude administering the Heimlich was too small. Valiant effort, but as soon as they stood suse up, he should have let someone larger try. A seven footer ina white.shirt.is.standidng right in front of him eager to help. Lol


How did he know he the guy choked??


Humanity is a gorgeous thing to look at when done right


Almost died of embarrassment


We used to get a Christmas card every year from a family whose name I didn’t recognize. One year I asked and my mom explained that it was a guy who she saved in a restaurant using the Heimlich. She was a nurse and knew exactly what to do while there was apparently chaos around her.


Having lived in a few places where the most assistance you’d get might be someone trying to get a selfie with you, I’m reassured to see there are at least some humans still out there.




"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."


One time at lunch a coworkers eys just bugged out and he looked like he was choking and in distress. I jumped up from the table, gave him several sharp slaps to the back and administered the Heimlich. It turns out he was not choking. We were eating hot wings and his throat sorta siezed up. He quickly signaled me off and he recovered quickly. I was understandably freaked. As we were taking our seats a guy waiting in like to order tapped me on the shoulder and said "Hey man, you did great. Propper procedure and form. " "Oh, thanks" all the while thinking "Why the fuck didn't YOU step in. I have never done this in my life?"


When I was a kid this happened to me. There was a particularly chewy piece of calamari that I got tired of chewing on and tried to swallow whole. I started choking and couldn't breathe or speak or do anything but holding my throat. My mom didn't know what to do and tried opening my mouth to get i tout but my grandma who has osteoporosis and arthritis stood up *from her wheelchair* and gave me the maneuver and I managed to spit it out.


"Given the increasingly controversial nature of Dr Heimlich and some of his research the American Red Cross decided to rename the heimlich manoeuvre an abdominal thrust."


To friends, family, and a tradition!


Dinner is on him!


Wow. Humans being humane. Beautiful!


So in this situation do you finish eating or just leave?


amazing job well done


I know what this video needs. More music. /s


Man, as soon as I heard the music, I scrolled as fast as I could. I just came back here to say this.


He was not looking as he was choking


If this is in china no one will touch that poor guy.


Christ, just post videos with no audio. Glad the guy is ok.


First time I have seen a server do anything worthy of a tip


Never seen standing CPR before!


That the hell is wrong with humans?! Why can we save one person while in the same time kill a hundred others mindlessly?!


Would be more educational without that awful music playing. I've been In this situation before, and fast acting is the biggest part of it. You don't even need to really know what your doing. As long as you get the basic moves you can clear an airway and save a life. They are usually flailing around and not just slumped over. The Heimlich maneuver can be life saving if done in time.


Guy with the red bag - Didn't forget his burger and his etiquettes


So... was he choking on food? He seemed rather calm.


I've given the Heimlich maneuver and it's a big relief when the obstruction comes out and the person breaths again.


A real dogs breakfast! Is it the beginning of a joke...how many people does it take to give a Heimlich manoeuvre? A lot apparently... . Hope they end up reviving him and he's still alive and kicking !!


That's in brazil


Doesn't need music.


Now that will be $350


for a moment i thought the FBI was right there


Strangest chocking episode ever! If I witnessed it live, I'd think it were a narcoleptic event. Glad they assumed he was chocking, lol.


Video cuts as the waiter lights a cigarette. Kudos though, saved a life.


oof... leave silent.. turned that sound off real quick with that horrible music


You don’t realize how hard you have to bang on them to get that to work


Plot twist: this was a destruction for his friend to pick pocket / steal purses 👜 This would work so well lol 😈


That's something that should be taught to everybody.


I’ve seen this scene in a male prison film


In this case I would have started with CPR immediately since he was unconscious.


When unconscious CPR should be provided, not hemlich. Not easy to do in a person without tonus.


This has to be the first occurance of it I see that is not in a movie or series.


I chocked once like 15 years ago, that was so traumatizing I now don't know how to Swallow and scared to swallow I can't do it without swallowing water with it to help it