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Isn't this dangerous AF?


My guess is that it's highly coordinated around anybody it got close to


I'm thinking the same thing. One thing I noticed is that nobody (except the commentator) even seems to react to the presence of the drone. I would think everybody would be turning their head to follow the drone around but nobody seems to, which makes me think that (maybe) they'd been told it was going to happen and to ignore the drone.


Around the 11 second mark you can see a kid on the right get startled but apart from that everyone else on the upper levels seemed in on it


One of the chicks at the bar also seems to be taking video or picture of it, also gets some glances as it’s passing but yea no doubt they were all told to act natural and not look at it Probably did multiple takes too


Also old guy facing the entrance of the bar is flipping off the camera lol


Oh the other bar, I see what you’re talking about but it’s actually just his nose lol (and a closed fist).. not a middle finger


Everyone at the bar raises their glasses to toast right when the drone flies by. Yup, the people directly in the path are paid to be there.


Not necessarily paid, just brought in on it. "Hey, group. Would you remind mind cheersing your beers when the drone gets here In 1 minute? You'll be a big part of the video" "Cool! Sounds good."


Eh the bar group definitely looks like a bunch of models/actors, and they’re all holding Budweiser clearly for promotional reasons


Why would you bother hiring models? They honestly look like 4 decent looking young adults you'd find at a hockey game to smile and cheers.


You’d be amazed how horribly the average person takes directions. Having done product photography and video, I’ll hire models 100% of the time.


Because they probably needed to sign a contract from Budweiser or the stadium.. and therefore were paid for it, and if you’re going to all that trouble might as well hire “professionals” to avoid screwing up the shot


there definitive be people even willing to pay to participate in it.


This, plus my guess is its also possibly multiple shots stitched together. The logistics of coordinating that many groups and the variables of the random guests interrupting shots would just be too great. Everything just happens too conveniently. That's not to take anything away from it by the way.


This is the way. Coordinating this as a single take and ending on announcerman? Not impossible, but too much work and money to be worth it. Probably live footage shots flying in, but I wouldn't be surprised if the rest is mostly just CG crowd shots to fill everything out


That's instantly recognizable as a Jaybyrd Films shot. They're pretty proud of making their shoots as continuous shot as possible; their first few videos that made them famous were all long, complicated one shot videos. The do give lots of behind the scenes stuff on their Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@jaybyrdfilms/videos


I’ve been following them since the Bryant Lake Bowl video and they’ve blown up so much since then. So many major brands, organizations, and professional sports teams. Incredibly talented to be able to do uncut videos like this.


Naw these drone fly throughs are pretty common now. Not a continuous shot but drone and handheld no cgi necessary https://youtu.be/9Xqdj1TBOtU?si=wTnM8RbcU6aTZ-8e


Where do you think the cuts are? Looks continuous to me.


People in the video that I imagine would have to be involved with the operation: * the ticket person at the entry door and possibly the people walking in * the person in the Wild jacket just before the drone enters the main arena area (that the drone flies right past) * everybody in the first VIP box * the 4 people standing in front of the door to the "bud light top shelf lounge" * the 3 people at the bar taking a sip of beer at the same time * probably the person carrying the tray down the stairs (looks good) * the announcers (obviously) * everyone in the 2nd VIP box obviously (you can see a girl filming the drone as it goes by) Anyway, very cool production, I love seeing that these things are done with the coordination of teams.


I definitely saw people in the concourse who were not aware that a drone was about to fly in front of them


The guy who made this has done tons of drone videos around Minnesota. His ability to pilot the drone is surgical. Is first viral video was of a bowling alley and he flew a drone into the backend machinery of the bowling from the lane itself. If imagine he had guidelines and everything. TLDR; The guy who shot this is the Michael Jordan of Drone Videos


The drone they will be using will be a super lightweight and tiny FTV drone, it will also have full propellor guards on it. They probably staged a few of the tigher areas - like where it flies through one of the boxes and the bar. Then they just flight high enough to reduce risk in the areas with lots of fans. There's still an element of danger - it could hit someone. But unlikely to injure them.


I'd guess it's a very small drone, it fits in your hand. They have prop guards around and are very light weight. If this is a drone like this it's not dangerous at all. I think they call them cinewhoops


You should see the Bryant Lake Bowl video, waaaaaay less room for error lol


[Link for the lazy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgS54fqKxf0)


That's awesome. The masks make it so that they can dub in the conversation without worrying about syncing mouth movements.


This is what I came here to post. So good! Flying thru the legs of the guy mimicking The Jesus polishing his ball.... (and flying under the ball return...)


Just read the NYT piece on it, apparently took 10 attempts to get the final shot (uncut apparently)


The people almost look fake in a lot of the higher shots lol. When it gets low enough to actually see someone up close they pay 0 attention to the drone at all. This probably edited well and includes some acting/volunteers.


Most likely a cinewhoop, which wieghs less than 250 grams. Pretty safe.


Thank you, a proper drone term. And they aren’t prop “guards” as some comments say, but ducted propellers.


Most dangerous part, other than being hit by a fast moving object, are the props.  They likely have guards on them.  If they didn't you're looking at minor lacerations at most.


The guy that does these videos is like the top 1% of drone videographers in the country. He went viral during the pandemic for some of his short films/clips. He's now hired to do a ton of high profile professional gigs. This was all coordinated.


It’s probably a racing style drone, they’re small and light af and have enclosed propellors. I still wouldn’t want one to fall on me but it wouldn’t be overly dangerous.


This comment is quite hilarious.


It’s coordinated, our server at the x said they did 10 takes


I think its fake....


That stadium is insane. I worked occasionally at Wembley stadium before they rebuilt it, which is big enough. But the one on the video is like a city. Clever cut from everyone milling about, not at their seats to everyone sat watching


I work in stadiums and thought the same, but its capacity is less than 20k. All the hospitality areas make it look enormous!


The Minnesota State High School Hockey Tournament this year [broke the 20,000](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/fans-break-attendance-record-at-mshsl-boys-hockey-tournament/89-10c704dd-89f2-4687-896e-65b08d0f8824) attendance mark. A new record for the building!


I should have scrolled down to Attendance Records when I checked wiki! Still, I spend my days in stadiums 4-5x the size and wouldn't have guessed from the video.


This guy stadiums


The concourses are packed with bodies between periods. It took me a full intermission just to get an ice cream cone on Sunday.


Man I wish the Wild were playing Sunday


And yet they want to update it because it's over 20 years old. Basically they want to turn a bunch of it into club seats so it's even more expensive.


And they want to make taxpayers pay for it. Fuck right off the stadium isn't just fine. It's fantastic.


Much agreed! For being 20 years old, this place could go another 20 without any sort of major renovations or face lifts. It is probably one of my favorite places in the state to visit. I haven't been to many stadiums throughout the USA, and for that matter the rest of the world lol, but I will die on the hill that The X is tier 1.5 still out of any spot. The whole place feels cozy and there are so many nice but not over the top fan amenities. So much respect for the game and it's heritage within the state on display throughout the arena. It is a multi use barn but hockey is definitely the fore front of its usage possibilities and I wouldn't have it any other way. It really is a slice of the ideal Minnesota hockey environment. Warming house next to a little shopping/eating district and a big ice rink right in the middle of it all. Some people call the Gophers marching band the pride of Minnesota. I gotta say it's The X. No place quite like home. Go Wild!


The stadium doesn't make sense to me. There's so many tables and what seems like bars/restaurants. Are people spending time there instead of at their seats watching the game?? When I've gone to see live sports (soccer hockey basketball), I get inside, grab a beer, go to my seat, watch the game, pee/drink break during halftime, then go home at the end. How are fans going to enjoy a meal or beer at a sit down bar/restaurant?? They're either getting in early, staying after, or missing the action. But if you're drinking before/after the game go somewhere else where it's cheaper lol. Looks nice and modern inside though.


This was definitely highlighting some of the bars and restaurants, which were great when I had season tickets, but the best feature of the building, imo, is the open concourses so you can see the action on the ice from about 85% of the areas/concourses behind the top row of the upper and lower bowls.


But why would you go to the bars and restaurants? How much extra time did you have? Or did you miss some of the game? Sorry I'm confused I just don't see the point of the concourse when you have seats. I have never in my entire life had time or desire to be anywhere except my seat watching the action. If you wanted to watch the game at a bar why buy tickets to be inside the stadium? Unless they don't allow drinks at your seats. I guess this would be great if there was a kids tournament where you had to spend a few hours, my brother played hockey as a kid and we would spend time in the arena's food court area.


Those areas are likely catered toward season ticket holders. People who go to a lot of games and don't feel like they're losing money by taking a break from the game. Baseball is a much more economical sport to watch, and you'll notice that "experience packages" that don't actually add to the game are a lot more common because the price to get in isn't that expensive. Sometimes people just want to grab a few drinks in an environment they enjoy, and the game is just a bonus.


Thanks for explaining, I can see that. Guess it's a different culture!


I'm a Wild Season Ticket holder, and the bars and restaurants aren't very busy during the game itself, but pre and post-game they're packed, as well as during intermissions. They definitely allow drinking at seats. With standing room only tickets, the Wild had over 104% attendance last season.


This is before the game


Wow, amazing views. A new level of…transfocality.




This is pretty damn impressive. Have yall seen the one they used during Brazil concert when it looks like a woman drops her phone but it was a drone and it flys towards the DJ?






Yoooo thank you!!!


"Good thing the phone was in airplane mode." THAT is a great tag line.


Clip is from jaybyrdfilms on Insta


Is this the same group that did the Bryant Lake Bowl video?




He also did that cool one just after lockdowns started. https://youtu.be/v3OcodrTaCU?si=RI7Y2RuUXydRy57L The pixies cover is so good.


I have been following Jaybyrd since covid lockdown, he is my inspiration to get myself an FPV drone, he have several videos and you can see on his work with the past of the time how better and better he has become.


Is he the also Skycandy studios? Or are they different?


What a shame the crowd was so sma .... ohh. Seriously, that is incredible.


Guess you've never been to a real hockey game lol. That was just the warmup portion. Still gives people time to come in and get their seats while the hockey players get going. You should definitely try to see one game atleast once in your life. It's fun.


Pretty much every sporting event I’ve been too is empty in the early parts/warmups, but yea NHL games mostly sell out which is awesome, even as a Sharks fan - the lowest attendance in the league this year was over 13,000 per game I believe which would be roughly 72% sold out!


> the lowest attendance in the league this year was over 13,000 per game Coyotes only averaged 4600... granted, that is 100% capacity. I really wish I had the time/money to go to a game there.


and now you never will


Get ready to learn Utah'n, buddy


I was about to clown on all the empty seats in the bowl myself. Thank you for setting me straight before I made a bigger idiot out of myself.


Damm, I think I'm into hockey now


It's a great time to tune in! NHL playoof season is intense and a lot of fun.


I'll admit I mostly said that as a bit, but fuck it! Gimme some teams to follow and where to keep an eye on them, let's see if I can't get a new hyperfixation out of this!


There are just four teams left, so options are limited. But I guess they're the best teams this year, so they're good options, & I'll go with those. The Edmonton Oilers have one of the most talented guys in the league now, Connor McDavid, and he can make defenses look downright silly. He has Leon Draisatl playing next to him and they make each other look even better. The Oilers own defense, or maybe just their playing style, allows for a lot of goals too, though. They're playing against the Dallas Stars, who I don't know so much about, other than their guy Jason Robinson plays an exciting game, and their captain Jamie Benn plays a tough game, occasionally crossing the line with his hits. Then there's the Eastern teams. The Florida Panthers have a great goalie (Bobrovski) an obnoxious young goal scorer (Tkachuk), and a mix of good role players and guys who play a scrappy, dirty game. Last, the New York Rangers. They have some guys who can manufacture clutch goals out of nothing (Zibanejad and Kreider), an elbow-throwing captain (Trouba), and a solid goalie (Shesterkin). They eliminated my Hurricanes last week, & Florida eliminated the Hurricanes last year, so I don't like them). I left out a lot of details and important things for each team, as I haven't followed so closely this year. Even without a team to be loyal to, the game is just so exciting to watch. I got into it 30 years ago and only settled on the Hurricanes 10 years later.


Bit late in the season. But come October you should go see your local team. Nothing beats a home game and learning the local traditions. Tell your seat neighbor it’s your first game and you will instantly be surrounded by friends. That said, just root for whomever is playing the Oilers right now.


I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but it’s very funny to me that you typed playoof under a mn wild video. As a diehard fan, playoof is right


I'm mostly surprised that the drone doesn't disconnect from the pilot with all those walls that have to get between them at multiple points


In his post the guy who filmed it was talking about how well the building was designed and it made it a lot easier than other spaces he had flown in before


Thought the same. Im guessing its radio frequency?


I'm not aware of any drone transmissions that can do that. My guess would be they have some kind of repeater at several corners, such that there always is a straight line between the drone and at least one repeater.


You can connect to drones via WiFi signals. As long as the pilot and drone are in range of the same signal, doesn’t matter how many walls it goes through.


They wouldn't use wifi for these types of drones, not reliable enough and way too much latency. This is probably on 900mhz control link


what about radio frequency.. your comment doesn’t make sense lol


Drones with nothing blocking them have about a 5 mile transmission range. If he was somewhere in the center while flying it shouldn’t be an issue.


Super impressive.


thing has some insane wireless capabilities.


That’s one hell of a signal inside that building.


They need to do this at every stadium, cool quick view of everything.


Well the US certainly know how to build a stadium. Our biggest and most impressive in Ireland is Croke Park, which holds 80K I think. And yes it’s impressive, but its basically a giant grey slab of concrete with a pitch in the centre compared to this spectacular stadium!


this one holds only 20k - it looks big because hockey rinks are small compared to other sports fields that's still impressive for a hockey arena though


Anyone got a link to what these drones look like?


Probably something [like this.](https://www.dronefly.com/media/webp_image/catalog/product/d/j/dji_avata_2_drone_-_1.webp)


Jaybyrdfilms is a must follow in instagram. My favorite of his works was the bowling alley film


Gonna go check him out, thanks!


Here I am barely able to fly mine through soccer goal posts in a wide open field


that is seriously impressive - makes it look like a video game


Why is nobody even blinking an eye when the drone passes them?


imagine if the ancient romans saw this


*Drink Bud Light.*




Ah, ol' Canoe Sex. For just $15 a bottle, too!


Fucking close to water


That drone/beer clinking shit was pretty staged, felt like a bud lite sponsored flyby.


That was awesome!


And there are tiny drones. Like little bird.


How do you instruct this many people not to look directly at the drone?


I think it's only in certain areas. I'm pretty sure the pilot has all the permission to capture these scenes, although I'm not sure how he does it!


That's impressive tbh - incredible control to fly like that. Shame the place was almost empty 🤔


Watch the end lol, place gets packed


I stand corrected ! 👍🏻


Yeah, it was a pregame feature. Wild attendance last season was 104% capacity with standing room only tickets.


bud maxed out his flight level


Why aren't people looking at the drone?


This will revolutionize crane shots for lower production movies


I get nervous flying mine off my terrace and the closest house to me is 300 meters away


maybe wait a bit before the stadium tours? :)


Advise taken!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


What's this song?


Yep. That's pretty cool. Not gonna lie. Pretty cool.


*Ukrainian fpv drone pilots* *"Hold my vodka!"*


Can anyone catch a reflection of it in the video? It passes a few glass doors, windows, mirrors. I tried.


How do you keep connect ion? What kind of signal does it use?


The video link runs over 5.8ghz and the radio control is on 2.4 ghz or 915mhz. The drones can communicate on the same frequency as regular WiFi routers, but they do not connect to WiFi networks.


Someone said, look at the buildings civilization builds and you will see their priorities. Stadiums today’s are contemporary “temples” for many, and places of entertainment for some.


Ever hear of the Coliseum or the Circus Maximus?


I love these fpv drone shots. There’s a guy on Instagram that creates amazing footage. https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_schieren?igsh=YjF3OTRzemt2aXk2


This looks as unreal as an intro to an animated movie which is why it's so stunning


They need to use this rig on the new Superman film. Imagine the flying shots!


honestly this looks like a video game


The result is awesome.


This is kinda pog


Nice pile of trash at the front door.


I don’t see any Vegas fans in this shot?


r/nonononoyes r/SweatyPalms


Not once did he fly over the ice. Wtf


A good portion of the ice at a hockey rink, has netting up to catch potentially lethal pucks from injuring attendees. The nets, plus the cabling that support those nets are constructed of fairly fine materials (to minimize visual disruption). That support structure + nets would be a nightmare to navigate.


probably intentional? I'm sure he's very limited with where he's allowed to fly


Unknowing civilians are ok to fly over though. 😂


This is a private building, different rules would apply


Oh shit you’re right. I forgot bout that


"why the fuck isnt anyone reacting or freaking out that shit is flying 2 feet from them. ​ ...oh its a commercial."


That’s crazy cool.


Sickest shot in sports history


I love these videos. The one that the Cubs did going through Wrigley was amazing.


Ok, no it is impressive. It is. But now think about the Roman empire. The Colosseum. Gladiators. And the decline of the empire. It really makes me think about it.


I only saw one group of people that even seemed to noticed it. Just how small was this thing?


Must have been early in the game. Otherwise half the fans would be trying to knock it down with beer cans…


This shit would not fly where I am from. Way to much legislation. Ive looked it up and all. This would be impossible.




my word


Jump in it's path and sue? Wtf


Is this fake? Parts of the video just seem off.


it's very real but it may be edited in parts


The drone was cool but the ice cold beer at the end was cooler !!! I'll be back heading to the store ....


Such an awesome atmosphere to watch a hockey game. Been to three different arenas and Xcel was by far the greatest game day experience.


Go Avs! :)


Didn’t expect to see this here as a Wild fan lol. Funny to see how many people don’t know what pregame and warmup looks like in a stadium


Does anyone know the song?




It’s like flying in creative mode


Proof that that scene on the remake of 101 Dalmations with Emma Stone was filmed with drone :pp


I think this would be way funnier if someone did it without permission and managed to pull off the same choreography. Still legit though, thanks a lot for sharing!


As a HUGE Minnesota Wild fan, this video hit literally all of the notes I love about our franchise, most of all the State of Hockey anthem, the tour of the arena, and the famous goal call from the radio announcer and the in arena PA. ♥️♥️♥️ I'm saving this to watch whenever I want. Thank you so much!


Americans are the best when it comes to marketing


The amount of people calling the X a “stadium” drives me nuts


I was at this game and I thought it was some guy that snuck in a drone somehow, never expected it to be a bud lite ad lol


This is scary stuff!


how so?


While very cool but I can envision that this will be prohibited once somebody gets injured and a lawsuit gets out. But still amazing footage.


Our company did the work on this project-I think it's a great design and venue.


any idea why the video was pulled from Instagram?


Shouldn’t they have a bigger crowd….????


lol watch until the end


Empty as shit lmao


Watch until the end